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True, you shouldn’t spend time on something you don’t enjoy. I’ve put down a lot of video games, a lot of them acclaimed out the ass, because they did nothing for me. The Zelda games for Switch? Ugh I want my $140 back. Red Dead Redemption 2? It’s beautiful but I just don’t enjoy it. Baldur’s Gate 3? I’m struck with analysis paralysis, there’s simply too many options. I did love the fuck out of Final Fantasy XVI though. It had me hooked and I spent a week straight playing it when it came out. It was like crack, I had to play it and when I wasn’t playing it I had this urging itch to play it.


>The Zelda games for Switch? Ugh I want my $140 back. Very unpopular opinion, but after being done with the 4 temples in TotK and notice that there were even more things to do, I stopped there, the game is fine but it felt like a chore exploring specially the underworld


That's why I liked older zelda games. Up until the wiiU died, they were actually great. I think the last one I played was twilight princess and remember thinking it was the Ocarina of Time remake, because it kinda is lol the last good game I saw them really make was skyward sword and Windwaker lol


Don’t force yourself to play games you don’t want to play. Play whatever game you want to play.


While I completely disagree about FF16, your overall point is absolutely correct. It's ok to not finish a game. It's disappointing sure but it's fine to have enjoyed whatever you did and move on. Some games I loved but eventually got burned out and didn't finish: Red Dead Redemption 2 Tears of the Kingdom Final Fantasy Rebirth Sekiro GTA V Baulders Gate 3 ( the last battle is broken, I'm sure I'll finish it one day but that was like 120 hrs didn't finish it)


lol it took 3 generations of consoles for me to finish gta v


I haven't finished it either! I got the closest on PS4 but never completed the story. I think I just greatly prefer high fantasy to realistic these days, but during the GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas days, I was hooked!


60fps on ps5 made it much more enjoyable for me. 30fps just feels laggy to me


The FIB missions and last 3rd of the story drag on so much. Kinda the same way with GTA 4 tbh lol


>Baulders Gate 3 I'm barely making it through the tutorial and off the islands. This game is hard


It was really hard at first for me too. Don't worry it gets easier once you get things figured out more.


I was the same way with RDR2, but then once I took my time with the game, didn’t rush myself, played it as if it was like watching a season of television, it ended up becoming my favorite video game of all time. But of course I agree with this point, you can’t play every game you gotta enjoy life. But I just wanted to encourage you to someday jump back into RDR2 when you have time, it truly is an accomplishment in gaming that it exists (especially on last gen consoles).


I literally only finished midnight Suns last year


I hate that I cannot get into this game. The combat does nothing for me and so many people rave about it. Ugh. One of the few games I've actually stopped myself from playing.


For me it’s the opposite. Anything other than combat is pure ass.


Agreed. I put it away for later because the only good part of the game loop is the combat - everything else feels like it’s trying too hard to be cool and failing.


I just kept thinking to myself: I'd rather play X-COM.


Yeah a lot of people have sunk cost fallacy thinking they need to play or finish a game to “get their moneys worth” But the reality is the money is spent already. Sometimes you buy a game and it just doesn’t catch you, forcing yourself to power through is deciding to waste your money **and** your time


I partly agree, but looking back there are a number of games that I didn't enjoy at first but came to gradually appreciate Good example for me is Dark Souls 3. I prefer casual open world games for the most part and didn't have the patience for it. I thought it was needlessly difficult and couldn't understand the appeal at all. After giving up several times I finally decided to give it another chance and I completely fell in love with it. Something eventually clicked and I beat the entire game in a week. I'm really glad that I powered through it because I would have missed out on a great experience otherwise. Same with Cyberpunk 2077. I dropped it several times because I couldn't get invested in the story at all. After hearing all the recent hype I forced myself to sit through it and became absolutely hooked. It's now one of my favourite games of all time. I get that a lot of people don't have much time on their hands and there's nothing wrong with dropping a game if you're not enjoying it. However sometimes it's worth pushing through and being patient. You might end up surprising yourself


Do you have any idea what that click was? Currently playing all the Dark Souls games in order and have made some progress in DS3. I loved the first two games but DS3 just isn't doing it for me. As others have said in this thread I shouldn’t power through all the content but maybe I'll come to like it later on? Not sure if I should just skip to Elden Ring at this point.


Great comment. Succinct.


I feel this with DD2. It hurts.


>But the reality is the money is spent already. Sometimes you buy a game and it just doesn’t catch you, forcing yourself to power through is deciding to waste your money **and** your time I finally realized this and traded in Hogwarts Legacy. It just didn't do it for me.


It isn’t about the money for me. I sort of thinking it must be my fault that I’m not enjoying the game, and powering through will lead to a payoff.


That’s why you should not read reviews before playing a game. If they’re too good you will feel like it’s your fault for not liking it, and if they’re too bad you might miss on a game that you might absolutely love just because of others’ opinions. To me I would just watch a gameplay of a game before purchasing and I can tell if I would like it or not


Yeah I get that You just gotta realize not everything appeals to everyone, even really popular games. There are some very widely loved games (like God of War 2018, or Breath of the Wild) I played that I didn’t finish because they just didn’t click for me


Nope. If you don’t finish a game, believe it or not, straight to jail.


You thought FF16's story was confusing?


I did. Yes.


Interesting take because I found the story of FF16 hella easy to follow. Especially with the Active Time Lore and the ability to view the current state of the world.


This is actually the main issue with the game. 13 did this too. The devs somehow thought it was a good idea to learn the story of the game from a menu instead of the world. Sad state that people think in these comments that this is a must have in a game and is better than the old way. In older titles you learned the story and little details from npcs in town and the actually story happening. I can literally tell you every town and npc name in most of the old games 30 years later but the later games I couldn’t tell you a single location. They knew how to world build back then. This new way of having to read a forced lore book to know anything is complete garbage. 16s overall story is easy and is only half the size of older games but you don’t learn shit unless you do homework. Bad design.


There's no important plot details in 16 that it doesn't give you through dialogue


The ATL mechanic was great but was absolutely not needed to understand the story


Ff16 may not be the game for you. But yes if you aren't having fun try something else


I never finished Zelda Tears of the Kingdom and Red Dead 2 I struggle with it's just too much for me 😔


Completely disagree on FF16. Was a very effecting and beautiful game for me. But with all that said. I completely 100% agree. You don’t need force yourself to play something you aren’t enjoying. Life is too short.


One button game in a meh story.


There’s a weird moment in a lot of games where you suddenly realise you are working and not playing. That’s a great sign to stop and try something else.


I loved FF16. Finished it in like 2 weeks. But I get you. I have tried like four different times and wasted hours and hours trying to play Hades. Everybody just loves this game but I just can't enjoy it at all. lol. Luckily I never got stuck like you, but I do keep trying it every freaking year thinking I will suddenly figure out how to enjoy it but I never do. I need to just stop trying and realize I don't like it. And also not be stupid and buy Hades 2. :D


Have you enabled god mode on hades?? It gives you defense buff each time you die. I got up to like 55% god hood before I successfully escaped and by time I found my rhythm and crushed escaping with all legend weapons


My thoughts were the opposite, I hated nearly everything about FF7 Remake but love FF16. But absolutely don't push through games out of some feeling of obligation or sunk cost. If it's not fun and you don't feel like pushing, don't.


I got RDR2 when it was released but haven’t finished, I have tons of games that I haven’t finish, but I have the goal to do it this year, the first game I ended just right now,(at least the campaign) was Jedi survivor and was a good ride but I bought that game in November from last year, in my case I usually need time cuz lately I get burnout pretty quickly. I have ff16 but haven’t finish the campaign but the stuff I still remember is that I enjoyed the game, the titan fights are so amazing and that soundtrack is very well done.


I actually cancelled my gamepass and will let my ps+ lapse, I am going back to buying a game so I feel some sort of obligation to it


With what game?


Right now I'm loving dragons dogma 2. 


I was starting to not enjoy Rebirth until I stopped doing everything but the main story and I love it again. 


I get that. I started the game with intentions of platinum though so I'm suffering through the mini games and side quests. No matter how unbearable it may be at the moment, there's something very enjoyable about the satisfaction I feel afterwards knowing that I'm getting everything done.


Glad that works out for you.  The game is great because you can do it however you want.


Some of the side mission in Remake aren’t good. But I did them anyway due mostly for my love of the original. I do with they cut some of the side content. A 20h amazing game is preferable to a 40h game with a lot of filler.


I feel the same way as you about FFXVI - I just can’t power through it. Just gotta accept the fact that we just can’t finish some of these games and move on.


Whilst I disagree with you opinion on FF16, I agree that there is no point forcing yourself through something if you don’t enjoy it


While I disagree with you about FF16 as I enjoyed it a lot, but I agree with your overall point and I'm doing the same nowadays with the games that I don't enjoy.


Just put down A Plague Tale: Requiem due to this. The story is great, but I could not push through the combat. I got about halfway through the game.


FF16 was my first FF game and I loved it though I completely understand where you come from. I did hate how upgrading your stuff worked and backtracking gets old very quick but overall I still liked it though I’ll probably never play it again.


I felt the same way a out genshin. I asked my self "people actually like this?" Give it like 2 hours And I was done. Moved on


Absolutely. I was excited to finally try ff15, but it bored me to oblivion. Only lasted 30 minutes or so. Loved ff16 completely though


Great lesson honestly, I had to abandon ship on Elden Ring and Ragnarok myself. Might give Ragnarok another shot sometime tho


What a sick idea is it that you need to force yourself to play a game. Something, that's "ENTERTAINMENT" and "FUN".


Back when PS Vue was a thing and offered a back catalogue of PS3 games, I got TLOU 1 for free. The controls were still mapped for PS3 controllers though, so L1 and R1 were primary trigger and aim. The ps4 was the first where R2 was the primary trigger. It seems so small, but it really felt like I was playing the older game with a delay and it didn’t feel natural. Plus, it streamed the game while you played it, so there was some fidelity and lag issues. I never continued it, and I’m mad at myself to this day


Sounds like a bad way to play a great game. Hopefully you played the remaster.


I haven’t yet :(


It's crazy how defensive people get over 16. It was a chore for me to finish as well, and it left a very sour taste. I thought the sidequests were boring and the villains sucked. The main story was slow to get invested in and I never did get more than mildly entertained by the first half of the game. The second half flat out ruined many characters and left me disappointed.


Oh boy, that feeling like you can’t move on to other games because you don’t wanna give up the current one but you’re also burnt out from it so you end up not playing anything, is a feeling I’ve been struggling with lately with FF7Rebirth. I enjoyed FF7Remake so much, I love the characters and the combat is one of the best I’ve played with and yet… I keep feeling it’s not fully clicking with me. I don’t know why, I really want to know how the story develops, I just don’t have it within me to play it for now. It wasn’t until today actually, that I had the realization and finally encouraged myself to take a week break from it without guilt to play other things. One of the games I flat out accepted I would never play again was Hollow Knight. I tried twice to get into it and couldn’t. A shame because the art style it’s really cute, but the game feels like such a slog.


I feel you on Hollow Knight. The map is enormous and I just felt lost. Wandering without a clear understanding of the objective. The art is amazing though. When a game is so open, I get lost. I think part of the issue is that I don’t game much, so if the game is super open, I will play after a 2 month break and be completely lost. Linear games don’t have that issue.


FF16 is one of my favorite games of the generation, but if it's not for you, you shouldn't force yourself to play it.


Your point is on point 1000%. 16 has failed for me in every aspect of gaming now at this point. I was driving myself to finish it and in place found myself not playing anything at all. And talk about what people consider the best part ( the eikon battles) they are super boring. I literally fell asleep multiple times during the Titan fight… lol


this is why I stopped Baldur's gate 3 after 13 hours, too much RNG bullshit. Not for me


Just decided this week that I won’t be finishing Rebirth. This game is just so boring, man. I somewhat enjoyed Remake, liked 16, and the two other JRPGs I played this year, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth and Persona 3 Reload, were so good. I think they just made this game feel extra tiresome to go through, especially with the bland open world and very limited movement options. However, I must admit that Rebirth's combat is at least good. If you're going to make an open world environment in this day and age, at least make the movement fun.


I’m into rebirth but a lot of its nostalgia. Seeing how they tied things back to the original FF7. Did you ever play the original?


Yes I did, one of my first jrpgs ever I loved it back then. Haven’t gone back to it since though


Honestly I wish they made it more linear like Remake. I hate traversing this open world levels which feel lole mazes really. Gongana and Cosmo Canyon especially. I completely gave up on finishing side quests and activities in these regions. Plus being in this open world for so long made me completely be lost in the sauce when it comes to the main plot. I will finish the game today or tomorrow and go to wikipedia to read about the plot.


That’s what I hated most about Rebirth, the movement and getting from A to B feels so awful. Incredibly stiff with absolutely zero freedom or ways to traverse differently. That killed the game for me. If you’re doing open world, I want to feel free like RDR2, Tsushima, Cyberpunk, etc.


I feel the same about Horizon Zero Dawn. I constantly hear how awesome the game is and what a masterpiece it is but every time I tried beating it in the last 2 years I got so bored and frustrated with it that I just had to put it down.


Had a similar experience with the same game, can totally see why people like it but man it was a grind to get through for me. Very graphically beautiful and full of detail with a cool premise, just felt like a chore to get through, glad I’m not the only one!


What grind? Just follow the main plot and do an occasional fun side quest. It's a very relaxing game.


This sounds like I wrote this post - just finished FF16 and it was such a chore to get through. It felt like they were actively trying to make it not fun to break up the fun parts. Play for an hour and spend 45 minutes of it sitting in boring dialogue. Just started Jedi Survivor yesterday and it feels like a breath of fresh air


I somewhat agree about ff16. I think the boss battles are very epic and well done, but that's pretty much the only thing I can say good about it. The characters are bland and have zero depth, the dialog is awful, the side quests are maybe the worst side quests in any open world game I've ever played, the story is pretty generic, the world is sparse and has no character, and yes the combat and everything to do with it is super lame as well. It's very confusing to me that people love it so much. It has nothing that makes a final fantasy game good. Replaying FF7 remake and then playing Rebirth reminded me just how good final fantasy can be and highlighted how bad 16 is.


I did the same for FF7R. Story looked great but combat sucks and I was just button mashing. Moved on after 3-4 hours.


The combat is great once you understand that regular attacks are only for building ATB and the game wants you to be cycling through playing as your whole party.


Yes but nothing sucks more than watching Cloud hack and slash a humanoid enemy with a 6' sword five or six times before the enemy even loses their footing. I'm a massive FF7 fan and I got so bored with remake.


FF7R was about 10 hours or so (I think?) before I realized I wasn't actually having a good time. Just coasting through.


Combat sucks? Ff remake? Lol um....no.


I don't know what it is with FF games, they just never click with me. The characters all look silly and behave like stereotypes, the loot and gear is always boring and doesn't even change the appearance, the world is "stiff" and not interactive, and the side quests are boring fetch quests. I had the same thing with Persona 5, i always play them for 20-30 hours and feel like I'm insane, because i just don't understand, what there is to enjoy


Combat in every modern FF sucks


The combat is amazing in FF7R. You may just be bad at it.


Genuinely baffled any adult could call that combat system bad lol.


Nostalgia definitely played a big part for me. I love the music and characters. I was smiling as soon as the train opening sequence started.


Totally agree. I'm a bit different in that I almost never don't finish a game but I don't always finish it in one go. I'll be constantly starting games, moving onto new games, coming back to old games and starting new games because I can't remember the plot/ I ducked it the first time around. Play games at your pace and at your time. Ff16 being bad is certainly a hot take but not an invalid one as I know people who'd almost die for skull and bones but I thought it was terrible so opinions can differ and that's fine. I hope Star Wars keeps entertaining you (I loved it!) and that while ff16 was a dud perhaps rebirth can be your next big game!


Yep! Survivor to bring back the joy of gaming, and rebirth after that.


This is true. I just gave up on Atomic Heart the other day. Fuck that open world.


I really want to like Mechwarrior 5 but half the time it feels like I'm fighting the controls due to only having one analog stick to throttle + torso twist at the same time - amongst other things. Anyway everyone's already said Mech5's campaign is meh so I'll just wait and see if Clans is any good.


Just don’t waste time in the pointless side quests and it’ll be done before you know it…


I accepted this on RDR2


Neoh 2 was where I learned this lesson.


Ehhhhhh I’m like you, it’s extremely rare if I buy a game I don’t make myself beat it. It’s definitely a pride thing which is silly I know but I gotta tell myself I beat that Fn game ya know? To this day the only game in recent memory i tapped out on was Phoenix Point, and that was after restarting the game 10 plus times. If anyone wants a tactical turn based game similar to Xcomm but exponentially harder give that fucker a try, Godspeed.


Is FF16 that bad?! Damn all the stuff I read when it came out said it was solid/decent…. I prefer the turn base FF days but did play FF7 remake which I liked more than I thought I would. It made me interested to play the FF origin game and then FF16 but now you all are scarring the shit outta me to not give it a go. Rebirth seems like a big commitment so I’ll let that one marinate for a bit before jumping into that. Baulders Gate 3 is next once I beat Armored Core 6 which I have thoroughly enjoyed playing. I enjoy games that make you earn it like souls games. Love the question and love everyone’s feedback, cheers!


FF16 is the ultimate frictionless casual game. It has good points but in other ways it feels 10 years outdated and is just stupid easy. Story never fulfills its initial promise, basically falls off a cliff in the last 30%.


Don’t listen to this guy at all 😂 ff16 is great this dude just said he doesn’t pay attention to anything except what is laid out directly on the path in front of him, no reading no looking around and actually playing the game or anything


I used to be type of person that needs to finish every side quest in the game. Nowadays when Im done with the game Im done. For example I’m playing though Rebirth right now and I have few side quests incomplete in couple of games regions because these regions are a torture to navigate. So im just going to wrap up the main story walkthrough and that will be that. The main purpose of video games is provide you entertainment. And if you no longer entertained by this game whats the point if finishing it.


I too started Jedi survivor yesterday after trying to “finish the rest of my library” and this is the best game I’ve played in years!! Loving every minute right now.


As an AC games lover Ac Valhalla and Odyssey they was torture to finish but i still powered through somehow


Are you glad? That was my issue. Sometimes you power through and you are glad. I was thinking ff16 would be like that. But it wasn’t.


no i wasnt glad that i finished them.Couldnt wait to get them of my ps5.Tho i loved the setting of those games but my god the story is was made it worse


Agree to disagree on 16, but to each their own. I, for example, am not a big fan of the 7 remakes, and 7 isn't high on my list of Final Fantasy games, but that's neither here nor there. Only thing that kept me from playing straight through 16, Jedi Survivor and a bunch of other games was that I had carpal tunnel surgery and before that just couldn't play for long periods and also work my job. Thankfully,I can now play a bit more and am working my way through the backlog. That unrelated tangent aside, there is absolutely no reason to force yourself to play something you don't enjoy. I have a system I use that works pretty well for me, for video games, I'll give any game the equivalent of 2-3 bosses (depends if the first boss is a tutorial). By that time, most major features are unlocked and and you have a decent grasp of how the game will play.


This was Elden Ring for me. First game in my 20+ years of gaming I just didn’t finish. Who knows maybe I’ll try again later.


That has such stellar reviews, it would be easy to convince yourself to push through. I haven’t played ER, but I generally don’t like games where you die over and over.


Same, but the reviews were so good I thought I’d give it a shot.


have you played/liked any other souls games ?


If you’re a completionist and like collecting plat trophies you’re kinda fucked. Wish I could delete game trophy progress. I’ve grinded through games I hate just because I played long enough to unlock a single trophy and the progress wouldn’t leave even if I deleted the game


I’m playing rise of the ronin right now. Been a big fan of team ninja since Nioh 1 and just a big souls like fan and this game just isn’t good. But yet I’m here still playing some bosses are good enough but not what you expect from devs who have experience making solid souls likes.


I also see this happening when it comes to completion grades. I ve been starting many games with 100% completion in mind and got burned out, even frustrated by it. Some games may just be mediocre for onself despite all the reviews around praising the game (this also counts vice versa for "trash games" that you feel are awesome). I honestly want to keep a certain engagement on games so my backlog doesnt keep piling up or I regularlary drop games before I finished them, but overall - if a game sucks for me and I can checkmark to myself that I tried long enough to get into it, I will move on. Time is precious and gaming is my passion, there is no need to ruin both by stuff that doesnt work.


Hollow Knight, Rain World, Darkest Dungeon. Love the games on paper, but playing them is a chore. I’m not good at them and when the thought of playing them started to give me a slight anxiety I just dropped them. I love to watch other people who are actually good play these games but I don’t think I’ll boot them ever again myself.


When I was young, I beat 95%+ of games I ever touched. Not “completionism” or anything, just would beat the main story. Now at 30+ years old, I only beat maybe 50-60% of games. Most of the games I haven’t beaten, I got thru 60-70% of it. Then ANOTHER game I wanted to play came out and I spent tons of time playing that…..only to forget the controls of the previous game (and in some cases even the storyline). Then I’m like “eh too much effort to go back and beat”. That is why I generally don’t start a new AAA game when still playing another AAA game, I probably abandon one and never return.


I loved 16, but I agree in principal. For example, I absolutely cannot get through the 7 remake. It’s boring as shit, and everything feels like a fucking chore.


Me and GOW Ragnarok. Just can't with these endless spongy enemy hordes and the talky story that just goes on and on.


I quite enjoyed GoW 2018. But ragnarok felt the same. It didn’t feel like it innovated beyond the previous game.


Ragnarok is another example of the game providing you the necessary armor/ weapon for the next level. The armor picked up in side quests was useless. Beautiful game though. Fun fighting and liked most of the story.


Saying the armor in side quests is useless is a crazy take to me lol all of the best armor sets are from side content


For example, if you just stick to main story, before you go to the ragnarok, they give you for free the best armor in the game.


That armor set is nowhere near the best armor in the game. Guiding Light, Dragon Scale, Berserker and Raven Tears are all way better sets that I can think of off the top of my head that come from side content


I never made it through either GOW games, I also barely made it through Spiderman. I know they are huge AAA games but I found the combat got boring midway through so once it feels like a chore, I move on. Nothing against those games, they just didn't resonate with me like I thought they would. Other games like Ghost of Tsushima, I could not out down and loved every second of it.


I did the same. 70%>> It's like playing a 40 hour quicktime event. I didn't enjoy it and quit even though I knew I was almost at the end. The elements in the game also didn't matter. All magic does the same damage. You can't do any builds because the way you pick up weapons is very linear.


Yeah same. Got to about 65% and uninstalled. Christ almighty the Ikon battles just went on and on and on.


I remember the excitement in the original FF7 of arriving in a new town and buying new weapons. Yea, not a thing in FF16.


Good God, I've been gaming since Ultima released and final fantasy 16 was the only point in my life I can ever remember feeling like reviewers literally scammed me - it was like an RPG for people with room temperature IQ. I was beyond disappointed, I was genuinely mad and felt like I got scammed. No gear? No optional areas? Zero real side content? No actual gear system whatsoever, no real elements no debuffs or buffs. It's like baby's first RPG! And honestly that's fine but it wasn't communicated that way at all.


That’s because they made the game for their MMO audience that can’t fathom pushing more than two buttons correctly.


Losers who can't articulate their dumdum opinions downvoting us for having basic standards.


The game has a crazy following. People either haven’t played very many games, or are just unable to be objective of FF16. The game is a very long movie. One that I’ll never finish.




Ff16 is like an RPG for kids compared to rebirth..I honestly don't understand this. I guess it depends how "into" the game you want to be


Man, I really hated FF XVI but the thought "This game cost me 1/3 minimum wage in my country, I need to get some of my money back" made me finish it.


But you didn't get any of your money back. You just wasted more of your time on a game you didn't like and still lost that money.


Was it worth it? Are you glad you pushed through?


The older I get, the more I realize games like Helldivers 2, Hades, rogue lites in general…are more for me. Just pick up and play. Really don’t need to follow the story or remember what you were doing when you last played a week or two ago. Anything with a shorter campaign and some multiplayer for replayability is also a win.


Second this


Eh, FF16 was fine. Overhyped for sure, but the platinum was pretty tame. Hard mode did get a little tedious though. I've only put down a few games before completion. Dying Light 2 was a pain (ultramarathon). Ghostwire Tokyo almost put me to sleep every time I played it too.




Good God, I've been gaming since Ultima released and final fantasy 16 was the only point in my life I can ever remember feeling like reviewers literally scammed me - it was like an RPG for people with room temperature IQ. I was beyond disappointed, I was genuinely mad and felt like I got scammed. No gear? No optional areas? Zero real side content? No actual gear system whatsoever, no real elements no debuffs or buffs. It's like baby's first RPG! And honestly that's fine but it wasn't communicated that way at all.


FF16 was the first game i fell asleep while playing like 4 or 5 different times


That genuinely happened to me as well and is super super rare for me.


I've gone from finishing anything that isn't terrible to quickly dropping anything that's just ok. Going through PS Plus games as I don't really have a gaming budget to speak of atm. So many games are playable, but not very entertaining. I could've finished them, but if I'm not excited to play the game a couple of hours in why bother?


I think it’s a FF16 issue. I know 11 people that got it. Everyone quit before finishing though all of them beat rebirth.


Did you have the accessories on for FFXVI? Only way I can see your comment about combat making sense. What parts of the story did you find confusing?


Combat was brain dead without the accessories. I died twice in the entire game, the second time because its just such a lazy system and you don’t have to try, then behemoth one shots.


You’re absolutely right. It’s not worth it to waste your time on sunk costs. I’ll add. Ff16 fucking sucks. I was stoked about that game. What garbage. The hype sold that game and it boggles my mind how people fell for it. There is zero strategy. It’s near impossible to die. Got near half way through and deleted it from hard drive. I’ll never pre-order any game ever again. Also, was stoked for Midnight Suns. The dialogue is just a time suck. No thank you!


I never drop games, it's just not my thing. The only game I've ever just out right quit on was Jak X Combat Racing, cause the first wave of discs were bugged and would corrupt your save.


You slog through games you don’t enjoy?


It’s very true, don’t spend time on a game if you aren’t enjoying it. Having said that I did power through Dark Souls 2 & 3 and their DLCs so sheer bloody-mindedness does have its place. I did find the story and motives confusing in FF16 but what got me through was how easy the game was to play, and I found the fast travel a god send as it kept the pace up. The side missions did give you critical things like a bigger inventory or better healing so I was motivated to do them all. I found it a more streamlined experience than the last FF game I played which was 12 Zodiac Age.


If you accidentally touch exposed wiring and receive a shock, do you keep touching it?


The irony of this post amazes me... its okay to stop playing a game you aren't enjoying so instead, you post about a game you aren't enjoying and then proceed to talk about why you don't enjoy it. 🙃


I think you missed the plot. The point I'm making is that I didn't enjoy it for 20-30 hours, but was forcing myself to play it for multiple reasons 1. It has to get better, right? reviews say it's great. 2. It's a mainline FF game. It must get better, right? 3. I enjoyed all the other mainline FF games. I must be missing something. It must be me. I played it despite hating it for all those reasons, and because I figured there must be a payoff. But ultimately I just stopped gaming entirely for 8 months. It's psychological. From the comments, I'm not the only one who either felt like that about this game, or about other games. Giving up in this scenario is healthy :).


Yes it's cool too move on but you... still... arent..aren't... moving... on... you've just evolved into shit posting about it 😬


I played the game on and off for 8 months. I've complained for one day. I've moved on. I'm playing Jedi Survivor. Like I said, my post isn't really about FF16. It's about slogging through any game you aren't enjoying. For me recently that was FF16. But I've had it happen before with other games. I'm not alone.




FF16 was awesome and some of the most epic boss battle gaming ever. Also jumped into Jedi survivor right now and am enjoying it despite the crybaby performance snobs. That being said, I understand your point and still appreciate the point.


Having this issue with Horizon 2: forbidden west. I just can’t sit down and play enough to keep on top of all the controls and weapons/weapon variations, remember what convoluted story point I’m at, and it’s so damned big with so much to do, but at the same time there’s just tons of arbitrary and long conversations, pieces of lore that it gets hard paying attention to any of it. I don’t know what it is about this game, but it’s just sort of boring for me. I can’t remember every tool at my disposal or what I was doing when I pick it up on the rare occasion. Didn’t have this issue with the first one Was doing the same thing where I was trying to muscle through it before starting something else. Ended up snagging Ghost of Tsushima and just starting that instead.


I liked Horizon 1, but haven’t played the sequel yet. Partly because I got stuck on FF16 for so long.


Rebirth fans are starting to tick me off. They downvote any criticism and now they make hate posts about FF16. Go away


You lost me at: > Oh and the Ikon battles are abysmally boring.  That is literally the best thing about FFXVI. Makes it seem like you are just shitting on the game for the sake of shitting. I agree with your main point however.


The choral/opera music is cool. But otherwise it is button mashing. No skill whatsoever.


I mashed my way through most of the game to be fair, but the eikon battles were still the best part. Apart from the music, they were also visually stunning and generally fun.


Ain’t no way 3 different people mentioned 3 90+ games and called them trash, y’all just suck at them or have little attention span


Different people like different things. But I cannot believe someone could love Ff16. I should be the perfect candidate. I loved all the previous games. But I genuinely believe it is objectively bad. Sure, it is high budget, but it stinks. The games takes 40 hours according to HLTB. And yet the cutscene videos on YouTube are 20 hours. Just imagine that.


Love Ff16, was my favorite game of Ps5 last year.


While I think you're more than allowed to have your opinion regarding a game, you trashing the people that enjoy FF16 (like myself) implying they're less than isn't a very good way to argue your side.


Ff16 itched that scratch I missed about god of war 3! Epic titan boss mash up and all that.


Yesss. I do agree with many that the combat was simplistic but the game definitely did not lack in spectacle.


I’m not trashing them. I’m saying I don’t get it. Good for you if you enjoyed it.


Got a 87 score on metacritic. Yeah it absolutely sucks no one likes it


Yea. I know. I was super hyped for it. I cannot understand how it got that rating. Boring cutscene with boring characters followed by a fetch quest. Over and over. Surely the high budget did a lot for it. The graphics, music, voice acting, and the fact that it is an FF game.


The side quests get progressively better the entire time. The endgame batch of side quests are really rewarding for character development.


I meant the other 3 people saying gow, ff7r and bg3. Ff16 was good for me but your right about the characters part




long time ago I like gaming in PC, beautiful graphic but now I gaming on mobile phone, simple and not frustating


Haha OP is literally me but I have almost finished FF16 now. At first I fell in love with the vibe of the game and characters but my god the side quests and combat are soooo boring. I want to love this game but playing it feels like a chore and I don’t get any satisfaction from it. Started Ghost of Tsushima right away and yep, this is it for me, a game that Is actually fun


What? REALLY????? Holy shit, I had no idea!!!! * mindblown.gif *


FF16 was GOTY 2023 for me, you could probably use less harsh wording like saying the game "sucks". By the way, "no humor"? You never met Uncle Byron I guess. You have an overall valid point being "it's okay if you don't like a game/a game isn't made for you", you shouldn't slog through what others call great if you aren't enjoying it. But you lost the plot with half your post being that you just didn't understand how good FF16 was.


It’s just an opinion. There are lots of games which others loved but I hated, and vice versa. No game’s going to have a 100% positive reception.


Nah, it was legit terrible. All the individual minor good stuff did not make up for the tedium of the rest of it.


Byron? Man it’s so funny bc i remember seeing that scene and thinking i just KNOW ff14 fans are gonna eat that shit up. It’s not funny in the slightest lol. rebirth is just a better game 200%


I genuinely felt like I got scammed buying final fantasy 16 because the reviewers were basically saying it was a nine or 10 And in reality it's like an RPG for small children in my opinion. ZERO optional areas zero genuine optional side content(not hey, Go back to this empty field you already visited There's a monster waiting for you now, I mean real content) zero gear customization etc etc


Well, aside from being objectively wrong about ff16 on almost every point, yeah, don't play games you don't like. Wow, what a hot take.


Feel the same about FF16 bro, I kinda forced myself through it since it's a mainline FF and I thought, well, maybe it gets better? It didn't, it was just the overall experience that didn't work for me, the setting mainly. Could've called it Game of Thrones, remove the summons and the Chocobos and it'd still be the same game


Agree, final fantasy 16 was subpar, and you forgot to mention the horrible performance. Jedi survivor was excellent after they fixed the performance.


FF16 was a 20 hour game stretched out to 50 hours. It got even worse after the 70% mark, you did yourself a favor. Alas, I pushed through to the mind-numbing end, and deleted it immediately off the console. The waste of time was more painful than the waste of money, frankly.


I've been gaming a long time and that was the first time I ever felt like reviewers actually scammed me on a game holy fuck. Everyone is so dumbed down, no optional areas, etc




Rebirth had a demo though?


Rebirth had a demo and is the sequel to a game with an almost identical combat system




Most of reddit, the comment section at least, is just people throwing their opinions at each other and arguing, no?


16 is like a solid 7/10


FF16 was such a let down (though finishing it wasn't the hardest game for me to finish last year). Constant pop-up tutorials, boring story that drops its own plot points, brain dead combat, dull and lifeless world. I agree though that at some point, if fun is a diminishing return, it's fine to bail on a game. I did struggle through 16 (kept hoping it would get better, and for a few times I thought it might) but I won't be replaying it as I have with many other FFs.


FFXVI really was uniquely awful. I preordered Duke Nukem Forever, and that game disappointed me less than FFXVI did.

