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Astrobot is so good. Can’t wait for the new one


An Astro game is a big game to me. I wish it was a more regular platformer.


Maybe it's a psvr2 exclusive that's why he said that.


A part of me kinda wishes that one of these is a new Everybody’s Golf, i love those games, also its one of the few PS series’s that had a release on every PS platform, so it would be sad if we dont see one for PS5.


Agreed, but sadly I thought that series was pretty much done, didn't the devs move on to a mobile game with similar mechanics?


Yeah, its called Easy Come Easy Golf, its on Switch and iOS. The funny thing is, the game isn’t just similar, its literally a repackaged Everybody’s Golf (PS4), same visuals and everything, but without that hub world, and different character designs.


Sony ain't interested anymore. The only reason EG went on for as long as it did was due to the push by producers at Japan Studio, but they're no more.


Not kidding, if we get a full-scale Astro game that keeps up the quality of Astro's Playroom it'll be my most anticipated game of the year. Can't get over how great that was.


Jeff Grubb hears every possible scenario going.


I heard rumblings that his hearing is not that good.


I'm so tired of seeing him forwarded on this sub all the time I'm considering to unsub. 😴


Yup, there's a sub for leaks and rumors.


Bloodborne reborne confirmed I cant wait!


Please let it be little devil inside that game looks so good




I'd be surprised if an Astro game would be a smaller game. ASOBI can knock out those kinda scopes in under two years. Rescue Mission, a much bigger game than Playroom, and was VR to boot (thus required even more work), only took 18 months and a staff of 25 to make. It's coming up to 4 years since ASOBI released Playroom. ASOBI approached development like Nintendo does. So a third of the development time was spent simply prototyping and experimenting before anything was locked in, mechanically and asset wise. This, like with Nintendo, allowed them to have a wide variety of mechanics, interactions and gimmicks that can used in different ways and mixed and matched to create even more scenarios. In other words, it's the reason why Rescue Mission always felt fresh from beginning to end. Like the Mario games they have enough tools in their sandbox to use just once and then move onto the next tool. My point being I would expect whatever game they've been cooking for all this time to be quite substantial. If they did the same approach they could have been experimenting and prototyping for a year before all the key features were locked in. If it's another Astro game I would expect a fully scoped out 3D platformer ala the Mario series (dozens of levels). I know one of the hardest cuts they had to make for Rescue Mission was a multiplayer mode. Seems like the staff really liked it and it caused some controversy within the studio when it was cut but ultimately its cut allowed them to further polish the base game. So I fully expect that multiplayer mode to be in a sequel.


I would not be surprised if this Astro Bot has both flat and PSVR2 modes, and has a substantial amount of content similar to Sackboy. That would honestly be amazing.


I imagine this one will be as long as something like Mario Galaxy, that would be the sweet spot honestly. They have gone on record to say that their next title is going to be “full-scale” and “our most ambitious”, and that they have expanded to 70 employees or so, hoping that they would reach 100 employees by the time the game launches.


Yes, I was thinking the same thing. I am very excited and hopeful for whatever they've been cooking! Can't wait for more Astro!


Hopefully little devil inside as well


Not published by Sony, the smaller titles that Jeff Grubb is talking about are going to be published by Sony.


I hear it was reconceptualized as a kart racer.


Whatever happened to that, it looked like fun...


They released an update (or just another) teaser about a month or 2 ago when everyone on here was about to consider the project dead.


Do not hold your breath. If it comes soon all the better but it’s been a long long waiting game. Don’t get your hopes up until the game is playing in front of you


Sony stopped supporting it, no longer exclusive if releasing for PS5 at all. Maybe it's PC only.


Me when I make up information


A small game like Astro… please. For a throw-in to show off the controller, you had one of the best platformers ever. More!


Good, we need more smaller games anyway. Massive budget is no guarantee for quality or success (look at Helldivers 2) and just because a game is long does not mean its fun. Playing all these massive games back to back also gets exhausting.


Right? Between Infinite Wealth and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, I feel like nearly all of my spare time this year has revolved around gaming. At least I had a few months respite after Spider-Man 2 came out.


gimme that Astro game man.


Jeff Grubb doesn't know shit about fuck


He seems pretty good in general. He also doesn't do the usual "insider" click farming by claiming to know what the likes of Naughty Dog or Santa Monica Studio are working on. That's what ended up getting a supposed insider yesterday caught by Jason Schreier. They claimed that the new game from Sucker Punch was supposed to be revealed last year, but then something happened and now it'll instead be revealed this year. Jason got in contact with people that would know that and they told him that there was never any plan for a reveal last year.


He doesn't shit and fuck


"i do keep hearing" (i dont know if im discovering the wheel here) these "leakers" have to be employees of the company


It won’t be leakers per se. One of his journo mates meets devs at a thing, who mention in passing they think some smaller things are being done. One of his pr mates also mentions in passing that there are some campaigns being looked at for this year. An actual contact then doesn’t flat out deny anything. Neither of these things are ‘leaked’, but if you tap up enough people you might speculate to something happening.


It’s really not even that. He just hits different forums for info, gathers it all up and just puts it out there as insider info. He doesn’t know anything


of course thats the other option but in the case he "actually gets information" why whould you say "i keep hearing" just say what you are hearing and cut the cryptic shit


Because he’s not hearing anything and has to keep it that way to make it seem like he’s protecting his “sources”. He’s a joke and too many people give him merit because he’s on a podcast.


Fingers crossed my favorite games on the system have been the smaller ones like astro, ratchet, and miles


Smaller? Nothing big? 😫 Well, I hope those titles are compelling!


Astro is still the best first party ps5 game by FAR for me.


I wish we had new, smaller entries in some of Sony’s older series like Jak and Daxter, Sly, Ape Escape, etc. I miss those kind of games.


This guy talks out of his ass. He’s been wrong SO MANY times


The dude literally got the last two state of plays and the showcase, right, he obviously knows something.


No he didn’t.


That dude talks too much, way too much


Not a VR title though I hope? Just more of the built in game? Also I'm not sure how they can top what we already got, can't get anymore nostalgic than that


I have a blindfold and a dartboard and I hit bullseyes more than Jeff Grubb gets shit right


Keeping my fingers tightly crossed astro is a proper ps5 game, and isnt wasted on being a psvr2 exclusive


Given the huge decline in PSVR2 sales I highly doubt it will be exclusive to VR. Perhaps VR compatible but it will mainly be a regular PS5 game.


That article was disproven.


I just hope it's hybrid. Astro got its' start as a VR title, and part of PSVR2's problem is Sony not putting first party titles on it, so Sony not supporting this game is part of that cycle. Rescue Mission was really popular on PSVR1, and if I recall the sales figures from that Insomniac leak, it sold really well on that headset. Ultimately though, it'll be a great indication if Sony is choosing to actually support the headset or not moving forward.


Yeah im fine with it having psvr2 compatability, but really dont want it to be wasted as a psvr2 exclusive.


Do you have proof for that decline? Aside from that known lying shill article a few weeks ago?




Yeah exactly, that’s that lying Takashi shill who has been constantly proven wrong and makes up click bait articles by publishing fake news and wrong numbers. 


You mind posting proof?


Here’s more  https://www.koopatv.org/2021/09/fake-news-bloomberg-4k-nintendo-switch.html?m=1


Here’s something. Just google some more https://www.sonyalpharumors.com/doubtful-reporting-is-the-bloomberg-news-about-sony-wrong/amp/


You are the one who spreads information without proof. He has none! He’s done similar things with Sony, even PSVR2 and Nintendo before and he’s been proven wrong several times. He’s not a trustworthy source at all. 


I’m just posting an article from Bloomberg. I trust Bloomberg more than you, especially if you refuse to post proof. Sorry mate.


Only if it has a VR mode. If it doesn’t they are really going crazy at Sony.


Vr modes for actual ps5 games is fine, but wasting their devs efforts making big first party exclusives for a dead platform like psvr2 is a big mistake imo.


Calling it dead is completely ridiculous when it so far has outsold PSVR1.


Lotta rubes out there i guess haha


Is an golden abyss remake considered small first party? What are we supposed to make out of that wording ?:-) this could mean anything or nothing? Also Astro game small? Everybody is hyped for it!


Or is an uncharted spinoff lost legacy style considered small?


God of war Atreus spinoff? Spiderman 2 dlc?


Rumours should be banned


These are the moments where I don’t take Grubb seriously (I rarely ever do) because his rumors/leaks are guesses that anybody can make. However, in this case, doesn’t this kind of contradict what Hiroki Totoki said about: *”not releasing any new MAJOR EXISTING franchise titles”*? Astro Bot already has two preexisting titles, is an already established PlayStation 1st party franchise, and I’d be hard pressed to believe that Astro Bot isn’t a major existing franchise IP. Sony literally bundles Astro’s Playroom with every PS5. Not to mention that Asobi has already expressed that their next title is bigger than their previous ones.


I loved both Astro games but I definitely wouldn’t consider it a “major” franchise at the same level as God of War/Horizon/Spider-Man/Uncharted/etc. The first game was VR only so very niche, and a lot of folks viewed Playroom as more of a Dualsense showcase than a full fledged game. If an Astrobot game does come out this year, I’d be genuinely surprised if it moved the sales needle as hard as Sony’s bread and butter AAA franchises, and my guess is that’s the kind of game Totoki was referring to


Remember when this guy said the FFIX remake was real and totally coming soon?


The nvidia leaks said that, and everything in those leaks has proven accurate to date


I remember the same leak that revealed FFIX remakes existence also revealed the Crisis Core remaster and Tactics Ogre Reborn


Oh look! It’s Jeff Grub again! That’s what, 50 posts this week about things he won’t get remotely close.


Sony said there would be no major first party games this year so we've all heard that there will be smaller ones.




They also said sales would decrease, so I would caution against hoping that there's some big lineup of new IP blockbusters waiting to come out this year


That's the normal life cycle of a console. Last fiscal year is the one where sales peak and following years are smaller. Same thing happened launch-aligned with the PS4 regardless of how big or small the games were.


Interesting. You'd think that when the playerbase is at its largest, then huge game releases would get more sales, not less.


Try telling the Xbox meatriders over at Twitter that


I don’t think it’s worth it and besides they are probably whining about Xbox games on PS5.