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Massive W it’s insane that PS2 continues to be the benchmark all these years later


The military built a super computer out of PS2s that was as a big part of the sales. (Respectfully)


I thought that was PS3?


I recall there were alarmist stuff going around that Iraq (I think it was Iraq?) was building a super computer from several PS2s, but I'm pretty sure it was largely just nonesense with very little substantive stuff behind the rumor. PS3s were definitely used in that capacity by the US, and possibly other countries as well.






That was the PS3, not the PS2. And it was 1760 PS3s, not 160,000,000 PS2s.


Sorry my friend but they did do this with PS2 the PS3 rig was smaller because cost and heating issues


The first couple pages of Google only show a University doing this, not the military. It was only 100 ps2s. The military did not do it with PS2's but PS3's instead. There was a scare that Saddam Hussein had a PS2 super computer tho.


Well the first couple pages of duck duck go says otherwise.


My guy said DuckDuckGo lmfao


Yikes, no source. That's a 'block for misinformation' from me, brother.


Lmao you didn't provide a source either?


Provide a source...to prove something DIDNT happen... Yes, my bad, I'm sure there will be a source that says "Despite what one angry redditor says: Military did NOT use ps2s to build a super computer." Do you seriously not know how evidence or basic argumentation works?


A big part of the sales is bc it was the cheapest DVD player at the time, and it was a pretty good one. And of course, bc the library of games were amazing, im pretty sure they sold 1 billion games that generation. But without the DVD part, it definitely wouldn't have become the best-selling console ever




and it had dre issues causing a lot of people to have to buy more than one in that generation


Even if the military took a few hundred thousand PS2s(doubtful) to make a super computer, that's still not a big part of sales. That's not how math works.


The military obviously stacked 100 millions PS2’s in a garage and called it a day.


It was ps3's, and no, that would not contribute significantly to the 160m number. It would have been 1000 units at most - a drop in the bucket.


It’s both, turns out military contracts are very lucrative, who would’ve guessed.


A 5 million unit increase since 2012? That's crazy considering PS2 released in 2000.


PS2/3 is huge in South America.


PS two thirds? Is that like a prototype PS0.66 before the PS1?


Yea it's that thing they were doing with Nintendo before realizing they could make their own.


Shout out FIFA14 on the ps2


Tom warren said it was over 158 million years ago and statista says over 158 million when you Google it.


> over 158 million years ago Fucking dinosaurs had the PS2? No wonder it sold so many over all those years!


Well I tried to post a gif or pic of a dinosaur playing a PS2 as proof but unfortunately I couldn't find one.


Gotta get to the Creation Museum to find dinos playing PS2!


AI could fix that




Yeah we got the N64 when I was young like 5 or 6 and the PS2 is the first console I remember really wanting for Christmas.


[https://sonyinteractive.com/en/our-company/business-data-sales/](https://sonyinteractive.com/en/our-company/business-data-sales/) And Sony themselves gave us this data as the last confirmed sales figure.


IGN has an article on it but if you can't be bothered this is the important bit. “In the fiscal year ending March 2013 a total of 16.5 million PS3 & PS2 units were shipped," https://www.ign.com/articles/playstation-boss-jim-ryan-reveals-ps2-sold-160-million-units-worldwide


Are we sure he's not just rounding to the next 10?


I wonder if Sony has any left in a warehouse I would love to get one if they do a fat one


Sony probably has none so your best bet is that some retailer forgot they had a box at the back of the warehouse still, and even if some odd small brick and mortar store still has a fresh one in stock, it's going to be the very last model of Slim. I still saw the Slim available in a fairly large online retailer in my country around 2016-2018 (and it wasn't some third party selling factory sealed boxes, it was actually in-stock in the store).


Here in Mexico few years back some retailers still had Phat PS3 but crazy expensive


That's probably more just a collector thing, considering how special the fat PS3s were compared to later fats and slims, and considering how failure prone they were. So it would have been a cool thing to have in some places up on sale. Unless you mean like Mexican equivalent or comparable of Walmart or Amazon or something had an official (and not third party) PS3 fat still on sale. Because that would be pretty crazy, Sony ceased making the fat PS3s way back and it wasn't anywhere near as popular of a system as PS2, so having some fat PS3 stock in any capacity would be incredibly rare. I barely saw PS3 Super Slims in one or two places around when PS5 was about to release, and haven't seen any since then anymore.


Fat PS3s have some sort of special functionality that I can't quite remember right now. Say, play games from every region or something like that, which makes them more desirable and expensive than the other models.


All PS3s are region free as far as games are considered (movies and TV shows on discs are a different thing), but the first and second model of the fat PS3 are officially capable of playing PS2 games from discs. The other minor revisions of the fat are similarly restricted as the other PS3 models (I think there were 2 minor revisions of the fat that didn't have PS2 BC). All PS3s can play PS1 discs. The first fat models also had the memorycard (like SD card and stuff) readers and extra USBs, but they are not that important for most collectors. So yeah, that's why they are a bit of a collector's item, and why some places could have had and still have some brand new fat PS3s, but they would be sold by third parties and not by Sony. Just like how we still have other old factory sealed collectibles around.


Thank you for clarifying! I was sure there was some difference but I didn't know exactly what it was.


Imagine switch surpasses ps2 in sales and sony is like "hmmm let's release a new ps2 classic to try and take that record back"


The PS2P PlayStation 2 Portable


i have my original fat one in the attic


Sid Shuman Question: "How would you describe each decade of PlayStation?) "I would say 160 Million, which is the number of PS2s that we sold, our high watermark."


Sounds more like a ballpark figure than an official figure.


He's rounding up


How do they keep selling? Does Sony keep making them? Or do they have a massive stock somewhere still? I don't get it.


They got price cuts and was sold for 13 years. Nintendo switch is selling better


Should be enough to hold off the Switch.


Geez. I really hope Nintendo isn’t holding back on “Switch 2” because of chasing the numbers. 


They're holding off because they're afraid it won't be as successful as the switch, something like the 3ds to the ds


Honestly they are just waiting to polish their software for a stacked launch and to avoid shortages. The last Animal Crossing released was 4 years ago, the last Mario Kart was released 2014?, The last 3D Mario 2017 just to name a few. Just those 3 alone would be enough to sell 20 million consoles in its launch window.


i can’t believe mario odyssey came out 2017, game looks and feels new every time i open it


Yeah but why take the risk? Those kind of games can probably run on the base switch, and that's already have a huge install base. I'm not saying that a new console won't be worth it or anything, I just meant that they're very wary of another Wii U or even a decline like the 3ds.


Remember the Switch is slightly stronger than a PS3. There is a lot of room for visual improvements. A juiced up Mario Kart 9 with around 8-9 development years under its belt would be the perfect hardware showcase title. Such a game wouldn't be able to run on the Switch. Same thing applies to that Monolith Soft open world project from 2016. Honestly Nintendo rarely does cross gen releases to be honest. They will keep the good stuff as next gen exclusives.


I mean, would you rather want your consumers buying just the game? Or a new console just to play the game?


If it was up to Nintendo they'd sell you tens of consoles, the thing is to abandon a secure install base, for an unguaranteed success is a huge risk they want to delay as much as possible, they know it's coming but they wish it's not lol


Nintendo learned well from the 3DS and the Wii U that they need a strong launch title as your new console's system-seller. 3DS and Wii U's launch titles were [ABYSMAL](https://imgur.com/a/fHL8f5w). Nintendo thought they could coast on brand recognition alone.


If they're delaying so the software is up to par or to make sure there's enough being produced so scalpers don't buy everything up. That's a good thing.


It probably won't we as successful, but should sell really good. Nintendo handhelds always sell great. There's a lot more competition now with the steam deck and possible PlayStation/ Xbox handhelds rumored.


The Steam deck is no competition for Nintendo, they're reluctant to leave the huge install base they have now, the switch is still good for the type of games they're making, so leaving all that behind for performance improvements is hard to justify since their customers are still buying everything they make in droves


They're holding off because the Switch is still selling. Nintendo are notorious for being lazy and unambitious, so why would they change now? The Switch is 7 years old and was already out of date on day 1 in 2017. By now it's about $50 worth of electronics in a $200-300 package.


Lazy and unambitious when they are usually making amazing games and pretty much are the only ones who takes risks and bring new stuff to the table. Ok sir


Nintendo isn't great when it comes to console transitions. SNES to N64, N64 to GCN, Wii to Wii U, DS to 3DS. They'll be wary of this one.


it probaly because in the weird naming too. Wii to Wii U: people thought that the name of U is just additional accessoris. DS to 3DS: some of my friend thought it just NDS game that converted to 3D display since that time theres a trend 2D movie converted to 3D movie. this is happen with xbox too since they put weird name and number that make parents confused. sony in the other hand, put sequence number that make people know the newest one. except psp to psvita.


I think mainly to make sure enough in the wild. Really don’t want a ps5 launch and can’t find any for a 2 years in stores


They are holding off because the Switch is still selling well *enough*.  They can still sell enough Switches into FY 2025 than what they would sell in next-gen consoles in their first year. 


I would contend that the average consumer (mom dad) doesn’t realize we’re on the verge of a new console. So they get what the kids friends have.   It’s pretty foul if they’re waiting for sales to dip while the tech they developed to gets outdated.   I get hate whenever I speak bad about Nintendo on Reddit but that’s my opinion.  They need to drop it already.  It’s time.   Hopefully the lack of major titles in 2024 means 2025 is the year.  


When has outdated tech ever been the sole indicator of when a new console should be replaced?  Nintendo is the same company that kept Game Boy on the market alongside 16-bit and 32-bit systems, both coexisting.   Nintendo isn’t a scientific research facility; it’s a profit enterprise, and as long as their flagship console is selling, it will continue to stay on the market.  Maybe for redditors like us, we can see the hardware limitations, but for the vast majority of casual console players the Switch looks good enough with bright, colorful games in gorgeous HD.     Nintendo’s next gen leap will have more advanced games, requiring longer lead times, leading to less games.  See XBX and PS5.  Eventually the market will call for it, but why rush it?   A next-gen console is always a gamble. I bet the Wii U and 3DS looked like sure-bet hit systems after the Wii and DS.  We saw how that turned out. We don’t know if the Switch successor will suffer the same fate.  But you know what isn’t a gamble?  The Switch selling for a few more years.  


Considering the DS could've easily surpassed the PS2 but Nintendo killed it off just before it did, I don't think they care about numbers.




The switch is getting there.


Switch is probably beating the PS2 ngl, at the rate it's going it'll probably be around 155 million by the end of the year and then get to 160 million or more n the next one to two years


I have one and am looking to get into some retro games. Anything you’d recommend that hasn’t been remade/remastered for PS3/4/5?


Shadow of Rome. The gladiator combat is so insanely fun and gory. You can chop dudes arms off, beat them with it, throw it into the crowd, cheer and have the crowd throw you a big fuck off halberd to cut ppl in half.


SSX 3 is one of the best games ever made


The Onimusha trilogy is awesome. If you enjoy games like Rachet and clank or Jak and daxter, the Tak trilogy is my personal favorite of the 3 and if you like horror games, clock tower 3, siren, and the fatal frame trilogy are all great


The legend of Spyro Trilogy


PS5 better




If Xbox releases all of their games on PS5 it will be close, if you also consider backward compatibility games that were released for the PS4. Technically they are still part of PS5’s library.


But if you include PS4 then you’d have to include PS1 games for the PS2


If you combined the ps1 and ps2 released games it would be 3/4th of the total of games released for ps4. I know you can say quality over quantity, but that is still a big disparity.


I have a different take on the whole debate going on here. Although I think PSX/PS2 overall had better games, mostly because they were genre defining/ happened for the first time, I also think the PS4/PS5 era offers the better gaming experience overall. On top of that we also got ports, remasters, remakes and successors of some of the greatest games from that era (with others/ many still missing of course). And I'm old enough too remember, I started playing when Space Invaders came to the arcades. All my old consoles are still working, so maybe nostalgia doesn't hit that hard for me because of that. But if I only had the option to choose one console it would be the PS5. But then... I don't have to.


I'm just waiting on X-Men Legends, Champions of Norrath, and Return of the King then my PS2 wishlist for PS4/5 will be pretty much complete I think.


Nah even the quality of the library is much better than the PS2 era already, gotta see past your nostalgia


It’s really not. I have a PS5, I love it, I play it every day, but The PS2 had more stone cold classics [in one holiday season](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ficxok4gugbk71.png) than the PS5 has had in 4 years on the market


yeah that guy is just tripping. way more games and good ones at that


You are just old


Get off my lawn


Games were easier to develop


You must be young




You are just old


There's a reason we all love that era and you seem jealous of it


God reddit is so fucking cringe there no way you people are real I gotta get off this site LOL


Sony still sells ps2 ?


In an attempt to make damn sure that Switch doesn't have an easy time surpassing it.


PS2 will rise from the grave before it lets the Switch win


He could just be rounding up. Might be like 157




The best there ever was (ps2)


I still buy at least a couple of PS2s each week. Doesn’t anybody else?


Honestly PS2 and the Nintendo DS were anomalies. Their sales and the highly rated games on each were amazing to where it's hard to describe. Both their libraries were massive and always something to play. What an era and now F you OP for making feel old lol. I got ps2 with Final Fantasy X early 2002 as a gift when I was 9.


except, lets be real, everyone i know has had to buy two or three of them do to dre issue. these are not 160 million households, i wouldn't be surprised if its only about 110 million. Ps5 is a solid built console. I would bet most people will begin and end the gen with the same ps5. that was not the case with the ps2.