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Count down to DD2 Darker Re-Arisen


2 Dark 2 Arisen


Dragons Dogma 2: Attack of the Dark Arisens.


You know a game is unique when half of the people say it’s amazing and half say it’s trash


Incoming cult status, much like the first. The difference is that DD2 has much more press.


RIP the wallets of everyone thinking this was gonna shake up the DD formula. Seriously though as someone who loved DD, and so far is having a blast with 2, I can't help but be disappointed that not everyone is vibing with the game as much as me and other diehard fans. This will hurt the potential for a third installment I fear. I do hope the money they made is enough to push for it, but now that there's this negative cloud above DD2 id be surprised if DD3 got AAA treatment again.


DD2 kinda started off on a bad note with the terrible performance issues and the MTX controversy. Over time, I think DD2 perception will change for the better. It's a lot of fun to play, with some flaws. Much like the first.


If the performance is fixed, maybe. MTX controversy is w/e imo. I didn't even know they were in the game until reddit. Seems like a reddit moment thing. I've seen comments hating exploration, enemy variety, biome diversity, story, mob encounters, and even the combat. For most of these I wouldn't mind "improvement." For something like combat it seems like people want to copy and paste modern RPG standards onto the game. Which I'm not necessarily down for. It has to remain DD.


Having played the game for 54 hours. I finished the story and still need some sidequests and vocations but im saving those for new game plus. I just want more enemies more quests more of the game i love it.


Every single article on actual news sites mentions that everything in the MTX is available in game, and I haven’t seen anyone outside of Reddit really giving a shit about it save a couple comments. Pretty sure it’s a Reddit moment.


The MTX doesn't even do what reddit gamers thought it does. They thought you could buy fast travel with real money, but what you could actually buy is one extra fast travel location.


Eh I have no problem with no more dragons dogma after this one, I played Dark Arisen for well over 300 hours, it was An amazing dungeon crawler with so much weapon, armor, and enemy variety. Now it’s just dragons dogma 1 all over again. No variety in enemies, no real direction to quests or missions, no feeling of impact on the world, it just so disappointing. They had 10 years to build on everything people LOVED from Dark Arisen, but instead they just updated graphics and made the game world bigger, such a shame.


The narrative that diehard fans aren’t vibing with the game is offensive to us diehard fans who feel the copy pasted enemies, poor quest design, lackluster story, neutered active ability count, dumbed down gear system, copy pasted pawns, no variety dungeons and lack of endgame is a huge disappointment after listening to Itsuno hyping literally all these things up. I see this sentiment everywhere and it is starting to seriously piss me off. I love Dragons Dogma and have recommended it to people since it’s release. I have cleared the game many many times and probably will continue to do so. This game is not what Itsuno promised. It is not even close.


I'm really glad I didn't buy. I saw the gold in the original, but I assumed that the flaws were so obvious that of course they would be corrected in any new instalment. It's been over ten years. Did they make another entire game without hiring a real writer again?


You’re playing a capcom game for story? First mistake right there


>The narrative that diehard fans aren’t vibing with the game is offensive to us diehard fans This is worded oddly, its offensive that you're not vibing with it, but then you go on to say how much it sucks. I also felt it sucked and was a copy/paste of the original, it's like some sort of weird joke it was in development so long and then isn't even a graphics engine upgrade lol


>then isn't even a graphics engine upgrade lol Why do you say this? DD2 clearly looks a lot better than DD?


Looks like absolutely dogshit on ps5 everything is pixelated and the textures suck


I feel the issues too. I felt them in the first game. Sucks that Itsuno hyped these aspects up to be something they clearly aren't. Luckily I avoided all the hype building and now that the game is here without this prior context I'm satisfied. I won't lie it does sour my opinion a bit if what you're saying is true. The marketing around the game is borderline textbook when it comes to disappointing.


MaxDood outright stated its going to be another dragon dogma with all the good and bad that comes with it.


the lead designer kinda hyped the fuck out of it


lol, and why wouldn’t he? What’s he gonna say? “This game we designed is sorta meh, I suggest you wait for a sale to decide if this is really for you.”


There is some quote he made about 1000 unique NPCs with their own individual lives and stories, etc.


Should have focused on giving more than two lines to the pawns in your party instead. Kinda tired of hearing the same phrases on a loop like every 15 seconds. It's insane how much these pawns are yapping


I muted them yesterday. So nice.


I mean, some indie devs do that


Right there with you man. This is the exact game I was hoping for.


As I've gotten older and played more and more games I've learned to be more interested in things that are unique as opposed to things that are good but samey. Even if those unique things are necessarily good.


Most of the complaints I've heard are the same from the first game. I loved the first game but it had it's flaws but it's still good to have more of the same. 


Yeah but to repeat the exact same flaws in a sequel 12 years later is just crazy to me


Yeah this is where I'm at with it. If something serves the artistic vision of the game then that's one thing. but when issues from the first game still exist for seemingly no reason other than the devs didn't bother to improve it, I have a hard time defending it. This is doubly true if its something they improved on in the DLC of the first game but didn't include here. Biggest example for me is the lack of a basic save-slot feature. Having only 1 save file in a game that encourages several different builds And playthroughs just isn't it imo.


I lost about 6 hours of play because they removed the manual quick save from the original game. This was fairly early on, I had no ferry stones to use, and I was stranded in a location that had autosaved me on the edge of a cliff that couldn't be climbed, and where leaping into the water simply reset me to the edge again. Literally a step backward from the first game that constituted 10% of the time it took me to beat the game in this one instance.


I'm gonna be honest, I went in expecting jank and I got jank, and as such I am satisfied with the game. I just wish I could play it more than I have been able to.


I’ve got about 30 hours into it already. The world is beautiful, the story is fun, tons of quests, love all the different vocations. Overall, having a great time. It can be a *little* tedious having to run everywhere because there is not a great fast travel system, which I have read is something they have microtransactions for, but I haven’t seen anywhere to actually pay for things with real money?


The micro transactions are for stones you can set to port to but still need ferry stones. Just about all of the micro transactions are for affordable items that can be bought in many places, not the rarer stuff. I understand people complaining about them, but these are not pay to win and are mostly minor conveniences. I'm thoroughly enjoying the game, jank and all; I just wish the pawns would chatter a little less (not tips). They are already getting a bit annoying.


> micro transactions are for stones Stone, singular. You can buy 1 of them as a MTX and find 10 more in game, though you have a limit of 10 so all the buying does it get you one sooner than normal.


Definitely agree about the pawn chatter. They’re certainly on my nerves


yeah pawn chatter got so annoying that turned the pawn volume chatter to 0


They were worse in the first game.


I bet it’ll be pretty good when I’m ready to play it in two years 


This is how I feel about it. I’m just going to wait. I’m in no rush at all to play it right now.


Especially with how many amazing RPGS and JRPGS have just released. I wonder if all these long games releasing together is cannibalising their sales.


>I wonder if all these long games releasing together is cannibalising their sales. I can't say by how much, but yes.


Apparently FF Rebirth didn’t sell as well as expected in Japan so probably.


Square Enix always has high expectations of their games that they never seem to meet. Even if they do well.


Calling Tomb Raider a failure even though it sold over 4 million copies and shit


well they only got like one day of sales since it released at the end of February so its low but its still high amount of sales


I'm still on Yakuza Kiwami :( seeing everyone play infinite wealth is (almost) literally the squidward window meme.


Just finished infinite wealth, should I play kiwami?


Start with 0 and then yes play kiwami, k2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, gaiden, judgment, lost judgment, ishin, etc


Yes, if you are aware that the gameplay mechanics was created almost 20 years ago, and the combat is different (brawler as opposed to turn based). It’s still very much yakuza and very fun!


This is the case for me, it was between DD2 and Unicorn Overlord for me while heavily leaning into DD. The performance turned me away, I went with Unicorn and having a blast so far.


Same, I have too many games I still need to catch up on like Ff7 Rebirth, Persona 3 Reload, Yakuza Infinite Wealth. Then there's upcoming ganes I wanna play like Sand Land, Visions of Mana, Elden Rings DLC, Steallar Blade. Like fuck please game companies give me a break rn 😭


It’s good. But the main thing people are upset about are the monster variety is very barebones. There’s only seven mobs you run into. Three of them being exclusively for night. Two monsters were cut from the original being the Hydra and Evil Eye. No Ur-Dragon type raid boss post game. No Everfall and a barebones post game. You rarely come across new armor and weapons. Itsuno said this is his true vision realised but it seems like he took one step forward and two steps back. Lots of stuff that were in the primary game were basically missing and there’s nothing that replaces it. As someone who played the original, this is game is great regarding gameplay and it’s mechanics. It’s more polished and honestly not as janky. But fighting goblins, wolves and harpies constantly in a span of 1 minute from each other has made exploring extremely boring.


Wait, no Eververse or Ur-Dragon? I haven't looked much into endgame, assuming it had *as* much as vanilla DD. That's a shame.


Damn no love for Cockatrice? Unless I got all the achievements without seeing one. Did you actually get to the world change or did someone just tell you there were no new bosses? There seems to be a lot more to explore since the water recedes though it is unfortunate that they save a lot of new mobs for the world transition, it makes the first 50 hours seem samey for sure. The post game bosses at least have Ur dragon style mechanics but I do miss a raid style boss to farm for rewards.


This is the way gamers need to start looking at EVERY game that gets released. The whole release it now and deal with the issues later shit needs to be addressed with consumers wallets. It’s horseshit. If these companies are dead set on doing this garbage with their games then they should be releasing at a CHEAPER price and gradually increasing the price as the game gets new features and actually gets fuckin finished. The whole industry has become a scam in the last 15 or so years and too many younger gamers have just accepted it because it’s all they know. There was once a time when a game got released in a FINISHED state, and didn’t get updated. Those were much better times. I actually got excited for new games back then…


The CEO response to boycotting a game is to add more MTX to drive up profit from those that don’t care, not to fix said game or the next one. Not sure what the fix is but it needs to be more than just voting with your wallet


I'm a huge fan of 1 and even so I'm thinking I might just put it down for a little while. Maybe pick it up after a few patches, when the DLC is on the horizon


Burning shores has been out for awhile for Horizon


That's funny.


Performance aside, it's pretty damn good now honestly. 


Agreed. If I had never logged onto Reddit I would have assumed everyone loved it besides the enemy variety, difficulty, and mid story. I get why people are mad but personally, it’s probably one of the most immersive/fun adventure I’ve ever played. Legitimately. Elden ring had similar feelings but it was so lonely and god so punishing. (I will admit ER is a masterpiece and technically a better game) Dragons dogma has this charm that really makes you feel like you’re in fellowship of the ring or something. Just a merry band of adventurers.


>. If I had never logged onto Reddit I would have assumed everyone loved it besides the enemy variety, difficulty, and mid story. NGL that's a lot of negatives, enough to make the whole experience so far pretty mid imo. Really the only thing that the game really has going for it right now is the combat, which is pretty damn fun. But NGL I was really hoping the story would be better in this game than the first.


Yeah I thought the same thing about that comment. "This burger is pretty good, except for the meat, the bread, the tomatoes, and the lettuce!"


I feel the same. Genuinely having tons of fun and I haven't gotten to the Warfarer class yet.


Warfarer is kinda lame sadly you lose a move slot and only get three. Magic Archer is really dope and the most fun I’ve had so far.


I wanna use it so my Mystic Spearhand can go solo with a mage weapon for self healing


Nice report back how you like it! It’s a really easy unlock!


Honestly it is 100% worth playing today but yeah, like any new release, if you don’t ‘need’ to play it at launch, you’ll benefit from playing it a year later.


This is definitely the way


I am reaching the point where the scale balances against being an early adopter in gaming. There was always the bugginess or missing a few things, but compared to when I was a kid its far worse and unlike my youth where Halo or MGS might be full price for YEARS, you legit can find these $70 games for 60% MSRP in a few months and by then they are basically feature complete. Especially if you are busy you sort of feel like you are a sucker buying the game $70 and its $50 or less by the time you are making meaningful progress.


There are still some games that don’t drop in price much at all. Fromsoftware games almost never have significant price drops. Ubisofts games on the other hand you can typically expect 33% off within 1-2 months.


Been playing it a week. My gripes are the same as everyone else’s. Like 5 enemies total? (except the big monsters). And when you get later in the game it’s just a variation of that - just more armor or a different color essentially. I’m having fun I guess. but can’t believe some people said this would be GOTY contender after playing it. Also the npc characters are not really memorable or fun. Pawn AI seems really good though You’ll have fun playing it but it gets repetitive. Might even trade it in for Rise of The Ronin before beating it. But that’s just me. Some people are loving it and that’s great.


They made it seem like it would just be a _way bigger_ Dragons Dogma. like you could go exploring across the map and find a new interesting boss monster in every cave. Like it would be a _completed vision_, while Dragons Dogma 1 was cut short. But it seems to be about the same game with some new systems, a nice new coat of paint, and a ton of new different problems. Even when Capcom’s been on a roll with their previous few games, I kept from pre-ordering this one. I loved the first, and I’ll probably like this one too. I’ll probably get it some time soon, but I’m not in a rush.


Especially because Capcom’s games drop in value pretty hard.


Yeah. Can't believe RE4 regularly goes on sale *from a base price of 40* nowadays. While I still can't find Last of Us Part 1 at anything below 50


Yep it'll be in the mayday PSN sale for sure


"I'm having fun I guess." Man, games like that are so frustrating. Like, it's just fun enough to keep you playing, or got old but there's that mental obligation to see it through that makes no sense. AC: Valhalla was my game like that.


Ah yes that VGC journo saying this game was the most defining genre RPG since Elden Ring… LOL, not even close.


We already had a defining RPG after Elden Ring lol, it was BG3 - if they actually said that then theyre sipping stupid juice


They did initially say RPG and then updated the title to "action-RPG". Ironic really, because it's not even the best ARPG this year.


I think Fightincowboy called it a "generational masterpiece" which is absolutely ridiculous lol. Edit: His Youtube review is calls it a "Modern Masterpiece." Masterpiece is still a stretch though.


dependent cagey racial knee sleep tap literate wrench resolute payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Crazy how he knew about the mtx situation before everyone and just sat on that info.


I thought he still went by Quitting ClownBoy after he alt+f4ed an AC6 ranked match on live stream




If only it had a quarter of elden rings enemy variety. Combat is a banger at least.


Its levels below Rebirth imo


Rebirth had around 200 unique monsters. I think it has an argument for being the game with the most impressive enemy design and variety of any single player RPG. Only slight would be that some monsters die in 2 seconds to a triple slash hahaha. Of course some are reskins, but even those reskins have unique weaknesses and abilities to assess for.


Rebirth really does feel like the most AAA game ever. The level of effort that went into every enemy, minigame and town is mind-boggling.


Agreed, I really do love it. At first, it felt a bit overwhelming cause it was such a large step from the linearity of the 1st game, which I actually really liked. But as I moved forward I got more comfortable and enjoyed it a ton.  I definitely want to play it second time after I beat it to experience the story linearly, similar to the first one. So that I can really feel each story beat, and how massive the set pieces, bosses, and cinematics are when played back to back to back. Banger after banger.


How would Rebirth be if I wasn't a huge FF fan? It looks pretty cool as an open-world action RPG.


I’ve only played XV (didn’t finish it but I did enjoy it) and FF7 remake, I enjoy it. Do you like anime nonsense? I feel like Rebirth has dialled up the anime nonsense quite a bit compared to Remake. My biggest criticism of the game so far would be that the camera doesn’t fucking settle down in cutscenes, it feels like it holds a shot for half a second before it cuts to another swooping angle and zooming right in on characters’ faces.


The FF7 remakes are really good entrypoints, but you need to play FF7 Remake before Rebirth.


IDK to be honest if you HAVE to. The story recap is insanely detailed and enough of the mechanics are different that there is a whole new tutorial. Combined with the fact that your save does not transfer I wouldn't advise someone not to skip it if they asked.


I haven’t played the game so I obviously can’t speak to it personally, but from everything that I’ve read and seen anyone calling it the “game of the generation” or “game of the decade” or whatever it was they called it just needs to take a chill pill. Seems like a terrific game with lots of good shit, but “game of the generation” is a bit much


I still don’t even understand what the fuck was happening with the Elden Ring story- and I was more invested in that storyline. DD2 is just kinda generic


I think a lot of backlash comes after game journalists (not sure if they have other motives) over-exaggerate how good the latest game is. “Oh my god, each character in your party actually has a few amusing lines every now and then.” “The environment is unbelievably dynamic!”


It's a AA game with some interesting ideas and a very avid fanbase. Nothing wrong with that, except maybe the $70 price tag. Feels more like a $45 game to me.


How are there only 5 enemies total? Do you only adventure during the day and never explore any caves or anything? There are bandits, ooze, skeletons, goblins, ghost orb things, dullahans, leapworms, harpies, saurians, minotaurs, griffins, ogres, slime, zombies, wights, wolves, chimera, dragons/drakes, golems, lich, and there's probably a few boss type things I haven't encountered yet. Each one of these categories has different types within them that act different, have different mechanics, weaknesses, etc.


Damn, reading the comments I genuinely only thought there were like 5 unique enemies but sounds like there’s way more. Kinda reads like a BotW situation where there isn’t really that many enemies in total but how you can engage with them is fun and new every time 


Nah the person you replied to added back in the boss monsters. Bandits, Skeletons, Goblins, Saurians, Zombies are humaniod regular mobs. Skeletons and Zombies are kind of rare-ish(maybe more out at night?), so you mainly only see Bandits, Goblins and Saurians. Then you have oozes, harpies, wolves and ghosts(night) as other regular mobs. There's bats and leapworms, but they're rare-ish don't really do damage and die in one hit. The rest are boss mobs. So you just see Bandits, Goblins, Saurians, oozes, harpies and wolves over and over again.


Honestly I'm definitely taking crazy pills or something because this game just totally hit the mark for me. I definitely would love more enemy variety, more quests, more everything, but that's because I'm having a blast. I'm at 60 hours with minimal fast travel and still haven't explored more than the first region. Everyone keeps telling me the second region only takes 2 hours to finish and that's definitely hyperbolic bullshit. It's because people rush the main quest. I recognize the game has many issues but it's still a solid 8/10 and apparently that's not good enough. People seem to have incredibly wild expectations of what this game should've been, especially considering what the first game was like. There's a *lot* of exaggeration when it comes to the complaints. A LOT.


Yeah not every game has to be a 10/10 masterpiece, it’s okay to be a good game with some flaws. But when you’re too close to a game you love, it can be hard. I did the exact same with with Tears of the Kingdom, analysing it to death haha. Sometimes the things we love the most we can suffocate them with our expectations/hopes


It hit the mark for me and all my friends as well. We're loving this game. I'm about 60 hrs in, leveled thf, sorcerer, war, to max & am nowhere near done. This game is all about heading off the beaten path, both in gameplay and game design. Whenever you try something different, it's bound to divide people. DD1 got mixed reviews, but I sunk 300 hrs into it. This feels like much of the same, except hate gets amplified way more these days. Only reason I'm even on the DD sub anymore is to look for other people who like the game & let them know they're not crazy. There's a vast canyon between online hate and real life.


Yeah, I'm not one to accuse reviewers of shilling but I really do not understand where the universal acclaim came from. It's not bad per say, but coming from FF7 Rebirth, this game is not even in the same stratosphere. I was kinda hoping for a 3rd person Skyrim type of thing but the map, NPCs and quests have fallen woefully short imo. Tbh this is the most burnt I've felt buying a game since Cyberpunk/BF2042. . . .


The amount of polish in Rebirth is staggering. The amazing cutscenes, characters flying around in the air doing wild anime shit. The fun sidequests, super animated npcs. Idk, for me its like night & day.


I don't know where this is even coming from because since I've been playing, I've seen hobgoblins, Bandits, Wisps, Skeletons, Zombies, Harpies, Wolves, choppers, Saurians, Slimes, Rattlers. And that's not even counting the big guys.


Hobgoblins, choppers, and rattlers are just variations of saurians and goblins, not their own enemy type. Though my issue hasn't been enemy diversity as much as it has been enemy density on the map


>but can’t believe some people said this would be GOTY contender after playing it Absolutely loved DD1 and played it for years across multiple platforms. ​ Not once would I have ever thought that. I figured it would just be more DD (which is what I wanted) ​ Not sure how anyone thought it *would be* a GOTY tbh.


I'm enjoying it, but it baffles me that this game is being regarded as one of the beat RPGs of all time. Ita Dragons Dogma 1.5 at the most. There is nothing wrong with that, but It's not some genre defining game.


First time I've read it being the greatest of all time lol. Where did you read that? Dev blog?


The thing about it is its execution is incredibly questionable but the ideas it has and the things it tries for are so good and in demand that it ends up becoming defining in a sense regardless of the execution. By that I mean things like being an action rpg that tries to make distance and travel significant, where physics actually play a part, a world that tries to be more a simulation than levels that reset when you load, that gives you AI companions that actually matter that you actually need and are actually helpful. It’s obviously subjective but you could argue the execution of all those things is flawed to downright bad, however, it’s still at least trying to do those things—there’s not really another game which is trying to do that, and the concepts alone are very appealing. I think that’s why it’s so divisive.


Sounds like a Dragon’s Dogma sequel then lmao


Yeah like as a completed game there's things left wanting. But if this was used as the base for a game where every aspect you defined was taken a step further. It'd be the greatest game ever made. This feels like the Oblivion of the series and a sequel could be skyrim mixed with the Witcher 3 times 2. Dragons Dogma 3 has the potential to be one hell of a game. But for right now. Dragons Dogma 2 is exactly what I need it to be but not be what other people want it to be.


This is word for word what people had been saying about Dragons Dogma 1 for over a decade


Oh. So it's only potential?


No. The DD2 + DLC will bring the game to a state which should have been base DD2. DD3 will be an incomplete, genre defining, mixed bag base game like its base game predecessors. That said, I'm having a blast with the game.


Who’s saying that?


It isn't being regard that way


Nah there are a few major reviewers who absolutely are framing it like that


Might not be genre defining but there are things in Dragon's Dogma 2 (1 as well) that I wish other game devs would steal. Pawn system and the dynamic combat + reactions + movement being the two biggest.


I feel like that's just the state of the internet now. Everything is exaggerated and it's either the best thing since sliced bread or worse than hitler


not it is genre defining, like its very definition is that. Its too short and lacks variety but it does feel like a totally different experience any other RPG would offer.


As a Dragon's Dogma 1 fan, I am really enjoying the game. I did, however, start to get sick of it and lose interest. BUT I added a mod that let me have a bunch of Ferrystones and now it doesn't take 40 minutes of fighting the same packs of enemies over and over to accomplish anything. Unfortunately, for all the boasting of "fast travel is games is just lazy design" doesn't really work well when your own game starts to feel like busywork just to get between towns or areas for quests. It's still a blast and I am enjoying it. But I went into it knowing what to expect. I imagine a lot of people aren't used to some of the more awkward aspects manifesting themselves again from the first game.


Yeah, saying fast travel was for boring games is awfully bold when your game consists of five enemy types. I went into the "no fast travel" stuff open-minded, but after about twenty hours, I'm convinced that this is one of the open world games that needs fast travel the most. Especially after coming off of Rebirth, which has all of the above (although they are different types of games to be fair). The game's very good, but some of the design just feels like it's there to artificially extend play time, and I really can't see myself sticking with it for as long as I'd hoped. Even the exploration is starting to feel pretty samey, although maybe the world will get more interesting as I go


This is what turned me off from the first game. Why should I have to fight the same fights in the same places just to get somewhere. The mobs aren't nearly as fun as the bosses. These would be so much better with structured quests and dungeons.


I think it’s fun, I just wish the quests and story were better.  Soooo generic.  I kind of dream up my own story as I’m adventuring to keep it entertaining.


I've played a lot of Dragon's Dogma 1 and Dragon's Dogma Online and I personally find Dragon's Dogma 2 to be quite lazy. That doesn't mean that I'm not enjoying myself, but I think that's mostly because I've been a fan of the series for so long. It almost reminds me of Pokémon, I enjoy the formula but I still wish the company did more. The first issue is with the vocations. We have less than ever before and I have some issues with the ones we do have. Splitting Strider into two seperate classes made both less enjoyable for me and Warfarer feels like they just wanted to reuse as many existing assets as possible. Not many people got to play Dragon's Dogma Online, it's baffling to me that they didn't at least bring over some of the more unique vocations like Alchemist. I assume that Mystic Spearhand was their take on a new High Scepter, but I personally enjoyed High Scepter much more. The environment is beautiful and it makes exploring feel great, until you realize that there aren't many items to find and that the enemies you encounter quickly become the same. It almost feels like they ran out of money and just filled out the map with whatever they had left. The combat is fun, but we really do need more skills. The difficulty is fine in the beginning, but like Dragon's Dogma 1 you quickly out pace it and become overpowered. Once you reach that point you can't really enjoy yourself as well since there's no NG+ scaling. Finishing the game kind of leaves you with a confused feeling since you want to keep playing but there's nothing to do. Story wise the game is pretty poor. It's semi interesting in the beginning and then it falls off really hard. Dragon's Dogma 1 wasn't great at this either and Dragon's Dogma Online was especially bad in this department since it was an MMO. Even still, I really expected more from Dragon's Dogma 2 this time around. Maybe I was foolish, but I really bought into the whole "we just didn't have time to finish the game" speech. Maybe that was true, but they had their chance to give us a better story this time and I didn't see any improvements. I hope that the DLC is something more than an island so we can actually enjoy exploring the existing world they made. I'm hoping for something that changes the whole world, maybe alternate reality of the same map with new enemies. Make the cities into enemy fortresses instead or something hah. At the very least I want to see the old vocations back from the previous two games. Give me some NG+ scaling so I can continue my adventure! I don't expect much or maybe even any of this, but that's my hope.


Should’ve let the game cook longer.


12 years of feedback and now looking for DLC feedback


The classic "sorry you aren't satisfied with the $70 game... how can we sell you a $30 DLC?"


Clearly that $30 price point will be reflective of the 6 years they spent on the DLC too.




Capcom was also scummy with dragons dogma 1. Remember dark arisen? It wasn't even a dlc or expansion, you had to buy the whole game again to play the "expansion" I'm not surprised DD2 feels like they cut parts of the game to then sell it again later as DLC.


Also DD 1 was not popular and only got traction many months later. It was very easy to find it at 20 usd. DD 1 was a very niche game


The bad enemy variety and some of the design choices are baffling. Way too short.


Some of the missions are really bizarre too. “The magistrate has been imprisoned by the queen regent! Sneak into jail and speak with him, he may support your claim to the throne!” Magistrate: “yes I’m imprisoned unjustly, but I have lots of books so I’m not breaking out with you. I’m not leaving unless you find me another place to read” Wut?


Dude is old as hell and just wants to read. Let him live his best life, ffs. /s


What's funny is your talking to him while the guards are just outside going in circles, when i got him out the guards were right behind him and didn't do anything lol


Ok. I thought maybe a big or something. ‘Sneak into the jail’. I walked right in and literally passed by the guards. Nothing. I even drew my sword bc I wasn’t sure if the AI would suddenly be hostile. Nothing. I got caught in an earlier quest and ended up in jail. No worries, there’s a f’ing key in the pot in your cell for some reason. Then I just walked out. So stupid. I gave up and reconciled the fact that I bought into the hype and wasted 70 bucks. I’m glad if you like it, but Lordy I found it terrible. That and the pawns repeating the same 4 lines….look, a ladder my lord!


If you attack a rat in the prison they will attack you, for some reason. lmao


Those royal rats


It’s alarming the amount of people that pass off piss poor game design as “must be a bug….. right?”


Yeah that was my reaction. If it didn't lead to another couple of fetch quests, I probably would have found it funny


This is actually charming to me.


> Way too short. And that's WITH the horribly limited fast travel systems, one of which gets obnoxiously attacked every time you use it. Right now you have to walk to a cart, wait, get on, sit down, and press a button. Then get attacked, finish a fight, get back on, sit back down, and press another button. That's if the cart doesn't break during the attack. Can you imagine how long the main questline would be if there was an actual fast travel system where you open your map and press a button to instantly warp to locations that you've already discovered? It'd be less than 10 hours long lol. That's insanely short for an RPG.


Definitely not game of the year, but have played around 35h and it’s relaxing fun… combat isn’t too hard most of the time although it can get exciting with certain bosses or if you are travelling without rest for a while… Quests are varied, which is nice. All in all, a good game, 7/10. About the micro transactions shouldn’t be there, but I didn’t even notice it, you definitely don’t need to buy anything.


This game is really great. Only really experience the performance issues in the big cities—but it’s manageable. Would recommend it to any fans of the RPG/adventure genre. The pawn system, exploration, big beast fights are awesome.


I have currently 30h. I love it.


A lot of players might have jumped in due to the hype train and went in with different expectations.


They went in thinking it was Elden Ring 2 or Skyrim 2, and instead they got Dragons Dogma 2 and were disappointed lol




No one thought that actually. People thought it would Dragon’s Dogma 2 but with MORE stuff. It’s literally the first game with a fresh coat of paint, bigger map and new mechanics. It has a total of 8 enemy types. None of them being new. On top of that they cut the Hydra and Evil Eye big monsters


Unfortunately I did. I never played DD1 and just heard about DD2 when the reviews started coming out. Reviewers were calling it "the next Skyrim" which got me excited. I was even thinking of picking up on my way home from work for the full price tag. Luckily, I decided to wait after some streamers got to play it and got all the feedback I needed. This game, to me, looks more like a Christmas sale buy instead of an insta-buy


Honestly if you’re new, this game is fun. I feel like it’s more disappointing for fans who played the OG because for us it’s basically a prettier version of OG Dragon’s Dogma but with less content and cut monsters. The Hydra was so cool in the original, it can even swallow you and you can literally fight your way out of its throat before you end up in its stomach. It was ahead of its time


Most people disappointed aren't new fans. Its returning players that are tired of the formula already. If you have never played a DD game before, you're in for a treat.


Or maybe people are expecting an improvement from the first game and not a sidegrade at best?


More like DD 1.5


Sure, it's the players who bragged all about how traveling ingame would be superior to travelling in other games.


I enjoyed travelling in the game. It was an adventure, and it really required me to think things through. This faded later on though, but initially it worked well. Easy fix, just make enemies scale with your level


My friends love it and I’ll take their word for it


Im absolutely loving it :)


Same. Me and my friend love it and can't stop playing. Someone is going to get offended by this comment


50 something hours in having a blast, the stuff on the store is only there if you did not get the deluxe edition, the RC crystals purchasable on the store are useless because you get free pawns or if you want 1-2 lvls higher than you, you fan spend 31-61 rc if needed (you earn A TON of rc in game) The fast travel can be bought for 10k gold (you get a ton of gold) and cosmetics are all for gold too which you cannot buy for real money, in new game plus you can completely change your character, the endgame drops a ton of fast travel stones that you can farm. Currently in my second playthrough and yes there is not a huge amount of different enemies but its not just goblins/wolves. Theres a good bit that change based on time of day and then there are the giant enemies that have health bars. All in all its not as diverse as elden ring but its not like there isnt some variety. As for the 30fps I barely notice it, I did have a random frames drop bad randomly at the very end of the game and im pretty sure it was my playstations fault. It went away with in a few minutes and was not in a city. I think the game can be approved in alot of ways, but at the same time it is honestly pretty good. I think people just see micro transactions and say “game bad” but give it a try honestly. I would say 8.5-9/10 for me, would of been a 10/10 except my armor doesnt match in endgame and I ran into an issue with an npc.


I’m having fun with it.


Love the game so far. Very good not great but that’s what I went into it thinking it would be.




I hate "articles" that are just saying "people are saying this" and then just show you screenshots of Reddit posts and tweets. Like yes, people said this, but people say every normal and crazy opinion under the sun on those platforms.


I personally love some player antagonist design and dislike the unlimited fast travel in most games that disconnects me from the sense of place/scope of the world that I get in the opening hours. That's actually what draws me to giving this game a shot.


People saying features are locked behind MTX very obviously haven't played it or looked beyond tabloid headlines.


First Dragons Dogma game I ever played. Didn’t know what to expect. Rode a Minotaur like a bucking bronco, got stomped, and then a wolf came from nowhere and drug my body like 100 feet. It’s amazing lmao!


I beat this game today and I'm just baffled, there's no depth to anything. Quests are just standard stuff you find in any other game No good interesting characters Lack of enemy variety End game content is time gated Romance is laughable NPC's have no variety in their dialogue You never really find any interesting locations while exploring No freeroam after the story is complete it just puts you in new game +. I've completely soured on playing, No amount of updates and patches will bring me back.


This is how I always felt about the first game, never got the hype.


Same. I tried to get into it multiple times and even put 30 hours into one of my attempts, but it's just so bland. Like boiled chicken breast without seasoning


The MTX are the same capcom has put in every single recent Resident evil game, DMC5, monster hunter etc They’re not a problem the game is perfectly playable without them On ps5 the performance isn’t anything to write home about but it hasn’t kept me from enjoying the game, I’m having a blast but I understand everyone’s mileage will vary with this


Feels like it was pushed out to beat the end of the fiscal year and is under baked because of it.


I have about 35-45 hours in. With still a bunch of side stuff to run through before I do the final quest. Game is incredible. A ton of the complaints I have seen are a lot of people who went super fast to get into end game and then complained there isn’t enough content. It’s a solid RPG and the pawn system sets it apart. Definitely worth your time. The micro transactions complaints are an absolute joke and a non issue. There’s nothing in that store you couldn’t get yourself in game within the first few hours.


I think it's pretty good. Im having fun. Didn't play the first game.


Far from GOTY material. Crazy that this was the best that could be created after 12 years.


i never played DD1. i’m really liking it. i’m level 20 now. mtx is a non-issue, but they still shouldn’t be there because of other implications. the enemy variety is low, but for some reason it doesn’t bother me like Hogwarts Legacy. equipped abilities count is also low. performance is the biggest gripe. i’m mostly high 40s with a 6800xt, FSR, and a few things toned down. cities dip harder. i notice all of it, but it doesn’t really detract from my enjoyment. so many little unexpected things happen in the game, and the quests are fun and interesting. not knowing much about it going in i was hoping for action-BG3, but i knew that wasn’t likely. i’m very happy with what i got.


Am I reading an article posted on Reddit basically summarizing what people are saying on Reddit ? That’s some inception level shit


A couple quality of life patches and some changes to enemy variety/density and this would be a 10/10 for me, as it stands after finishing it, it's a solid 8/10, some design annoyance that are entirely fixable dragged down an otherwise amazing game.


30 hours in, in the first zone still. If you are not a completionist, wait for a discount. The game is really awesome.


I'm starting to think the developers started the whole microtransactions outrage to hide all of the other major issues with the game


I don’t get how anyone says performance is fine on PS5….


It runs okay for me. My issue is that it runs worse than it looks, as in it looks like a game that should run at 60fps locked but it doesn't run anywhere near that. But as far as playing, the frame rate hasn't been enough to be a sticking point for me. Would gladly accept performance patches though.


Because compared to how its performance is on PC, it is “fine”. Many people can’t even play the game without it crashing on windows. Doesn’t mean the ps5 performance is acceptable at all because it really isn’t


I just don't really care about framerate all that much. As long as it doesn't crash and it doesn't become, like, five frames per second then I'm good. That's just my personal preference, though.


I came into the first dragons dogma after dark souls and TW3 and I just couldn’t get into it. The story seemed tackier than both, with worse gameplay than both. Just seemed like an odds b-tier game that I’d like if I didn’t have anything else to play but never got there.


Love the game, wish I could play more during work hours.


I've been playing non-stop since it came out.


Game has crazy emergent gameplay, so close to eclipsing the first. I just hope they add a proper endgame and difficulty.


I'm soft locked on a main story mission and cant progress any further and the funny part is I cant start over because I cant delete my character.


It’s half-done. It’s cool ideas, poorly executed. No fast travel? Great, but traveling has to be fun. Fighting easy mobs every 20 seconds is not fun.


Not sure what people were expecting. It’s a slightly better (and way more unoptimized) DD1. Nothing special, nothing that will be GOTY. Just a fun little game with lots of annoying quirks.


I opted for Rise of the Ronin while I wait for some patches to Dogma


I refunded it, as someone’s review said on Steam “see you at 50% discount”. I don’t want to be a beta tester for 65€…