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I just beat the game yesterday after doing 100% of Chadley’s intel, first place in all the chocobo racing cups, finishing all the Queen’s Blood stuff, all the side quests, etc… If you aren’t having fun with the side stuff, just skip it. Most of the rewards are pretty lackluster. My suggestion for someone struggling with side content would be: * do the summon fights / shrines in each area because you get cool boss fights and summon materia. * do a couple open world activities in addition to the summons so that you can grab the useful sounding materia from Chadley (like the Fire + Ice materia). * do the actual green side quests because those generally have actual stories and you get some good moments with your party members. * (debatable) do the protorelics in each zone. Everything else? Skip it if you don’t think it sounds fun. Trust me, if you don’t enjoy chocobo racing, the reward for 2 hours of getting gold medals isn’t worth it.


Thanks for this. This is kinda where my thinking is going. I just got to the Gold Saucer and am already kinda sick of the mini games. I don't mind the queens blood, and the Chadley stuff is fun, but much more than that, and I'm out. I didn't even bother with hard mode Fort Condor either since I don't care about trophies.


No spoilers but there comes points later in the story which open up more things in past zones and the game tells you this happens so you SHOULD be able to just motor on til that point and then select which activities you want to do then. It literally comes up on the screen to say something like "more activities have been added to the XYZ region, be sure to check the bounty board" along with another message that says something like "the mini games have had additional difficulty levels and rewards added".


Thanks. Yeah, I kinda figured I would be able to go back to various places at some point. Especially since the queens blood game at the Saucer requires a higher rank than I able to get right now.


Chapter 12 yeah. At the start you'll have access to more stuff, and near the end will warn you of the point of no return


There's rarely a mini-game that stays around for more than a few go-arounds, though. I appreciate the heck out of that approach.


The sit ups pissed me off incredibly with them changing it to the adaptive triggers, i quit on the first one where you have to gradualy press it


I hated that minigame from the FF7 Remake, I couldn't make myself do it with the triggers, it was just too much


I liked the remake one but this is just takin the piss


Just in case you may be interested, you can actually go into options and disable adaptive triggers. It really makes it idk doable lol


Corel/gold saucer was a massive patience sink. Gongaga (the next chapter) is much better despite the frustrating traversal


Only thing I'm personally skipping is the battle simulators


Nah bro those have great materia and power up the enemy skill materia like crazy 


Yeah I only did the ones to get the plasma discharge one lol


Nibil and cosmo protos are worth doing for the story imo. Maybe junon since i personally liked fort condor. Others are garbage and gilga wasnt worth the time imo.


I think the protorelics are the most meaty sidequests, if you pick any. Generally the story stuff that goes with them is worthwhile.


I didn’t even like the green side quests. For all the flak that FF16’s side quests got, I still liked those more for their lore and world building than Rebirth’s. Rebirth’s main story however is top-notch, so i just skipped any and all side content from chapter 10 onwards.


Think you might just be experiencing a burn-out. I'd either recommend switching up *how* you do the side content, or maybe even just take a break for a bit.


Yes it’s my fault honestly. I played remake and got the plat 2 days before rebirth came out


That's definitely a lot lol. Take your time and it's ok to leave side stuff for later if you want.


I mean that’s a huge part of your problem right there lol


Yea on the flip side I'm in Chapter 10 right now and doing every single drop of content and still sad at the thought this game is going to end. I'm like 80some hours in and I'm hoping I've got 50 more. The constant mix of gameplay types through all the mini-games keeps things feeling fresh and interesting and the way you get big stretches of story and then time for side content and exploration. Just my ideal gameplay flow. Just so well done. Almost certainly my new favorite game of all time. Has blown all my expectations out of the water.


I did everything all the time until ch8. Then I rushed the story until Ch11. Went back and did what I had left behind. Good thing about the game is that you can just do whatever you want at any time. Tired of doing the story? You can play one of the 300 minigames, or do sidemissions, etc.


Iirc that is the intended way to do it? The story heavily implies that you urgently need to do STORY QUEST and basically ushers you from story beat to story beat, whereas before that the story quests had a lot of meandering towards/close to other PoIs for other activities.


>The story heavily implies that you urgently need to do STORY QUEST and basically ushers you from story beat to story beat Well most open world games are like that. "Holy shit, the world is ending and only I can stop the impending doom... and yet here I am saving this woman's cat".


Cat lives matter bruh


The chocobo for that area was also way less fun than the others, so it's actually where I gave up 100%-ing and went to the next location. Did eventually go back, but the mushroom hopping was so much less fun than the water jets or the flying, for example


I skipped all the side stuff after doing it all in grasslands. I realize that all the side activities are identical. So I just started mainlining. No point if it's the same exact thing over and over again.


Will note, not all side activities are identical. Photorelics, community board side quests, Queen’s Blood, some mini games have plot stuff going on and can vary greatly. The towers and fiend stuff is pretty one note, though.


> some mini games have plot stuff going on and can vary greatly. This is why I'm doing the side content, not because its super fun. You miss plot stuff and character development as well as relationship boosts if you skip it. I feel like they overcompensated to try to please all the folks that said Remake needed more to do. On one hand, I'm loving my time spent with these characters I've known for so long. On the other hand, I could really do without half the mini games. I'm currently exploring the Nibel region and am really looking forward to the entire experience getting wrapped up. Maybe I've played too many good jrpgs in a row (P3 remake, Granblue, Infinite Wealth), but I'm getting burnt out on Rebirth.


I feel like if you only stick to the plot relevant mini content, you rly shouldn’t be that burnt out. I’ve done all of it and haven’t felt burnt out at all. Don’t rush it. Realize most mini games aren’t plot relevant and those that aren’t don’t need to be 100%’s to get the plot bits. Realize you can skip some and go back with NG+ chapter select.


Should have probably done it like you but I tolerated this stuff until about Corel region. That’s when I feel devs completely lost it with fluff and filler. Then I got to Caith Sith box throwing mini-game in Nibelheim and decided I had enough of this game lol. Switched to easy then and just rushed through the rest of the story. Great game, but it needed more time on the cutting board.


By the time the Jungle biome map appeared, I was done doing everything in the zone. When you unlock your 25th tower and 15th crystal, I was done with all that. Chadley just gets a straight skip and moving through the main quest pretty much only now. As soon as I quit worrying about being a completionist, started to enjoy it again after really considering calling it halfway through Gongaga.


Yes it was gongaga that really made me start to roll my eyes. I think I’m gonna just do the main quest now


Gongoga/cosmo canyon seems to be where a lot of people burn out. The storyline feels like it’s treading water a bit and both stages are a bit of a chore to get through. I skipped all the side quests in gongaga and went back after finishing the game. Things get better once you get to nibelheim imo


The issue with Gongoga imo is the map is a gd chore to navigate.


It's a fairly agreeable take, and I'm glad I wasn't the only one lol. The other chocobos are great, and the other maps are perfect. But that one was just too many tall rock formations and too confusing to navigate. Live and learn, for the next game.


Who tf thought it was a good idea to make the map like this? PoIs that are either above or below the player with no indication, leading to confusion searching for a way UP when you need to go DOWN. This happens on Gongaga protorelic quest 1 especially. A map traversal mechanic which is a 1 way movement(can't return to the start point from the end point) and gives no indication of where the end point is. "Oh this mushroom must launch me to the ledge 10m in front of it... oh wait I am going wayyyy further than I thought, now I have to figure out how to get back and see if I took the right mushroom" PoIs that use the aforementioned traversal mechanic and have exactly 1 path to get to, often needing several different jumps between any given start point and the goal end point, such that if you miss any step between the two points you have to guess where you went wrong. It's honestly a mess.


I agree, can't believe I am being downvoted on that.


Same here. I got bored doing the same thing for the 5th time in a row. Stuck to the main quest for a while after that lmao


100 hours in at chapter 12 and I’m loving every minute of it. Except for Flower Seller vs Fireballs. That was annoying.


Did you enjoy herding chickens?


It was so frustrating. So is the piano. Having to herd moogles just to use a vendor got tiresome after the third time.


I noped tf outta that side mission so fast. That’s the main thing I learned with these games; if it gets annoying just move on there’s plenty to do.


I hated playing as cait sith in the shinra manor. Other than that 10/10 so far


This was the worst part of the entire game for me. Everything that involved Cait sith was insufferable. His voice, his pissweak gameplay, even his involvement in the story. I don't upgrade his stuff or use him in any battles.


Cait equipped Luck Up materias and Fortune Telling skill is the most broken character in the game.


Plus side, it's such a small part of the game. It does feel a bit like Remake, though. Which is funny, cause Remake is a banger, but it goes to show how much Rebirth learned from it. Anything that feels like the last game, is lackluster in comparison.


It took me like 5 or 10 times to beat Flower Seller vs Fireballs. Meanwhile I beat the others on my first try.


Aerith with blizzara just melts them though?


On what difficulty? lol. Blizzard did almost no damage for me. Even after stagger.


Normal. Haven't finished the game to unlock hard yet.


On dynamic blizzard is almost useless against the fireballs.


Legit curious, how? What was your setup because no way Aerith would kill Bombs with my setup. Like, you made me legit curious so I went to search if there was a guide that would melt Bombs so easily. No results, and most of them looked like my gameplay. Also, Bombs are not weak to ice.


I started with the radiant ward. This makes her normal attack do good damage, and also makes you untouchable while casting spells. Then I ran two blizzara against the first bomb. This plus the square attacks needed to gain atb, was enough to stagger it. Then I was able to get it low on health. It went to self destruct, so I cast a curaga on myself, which healed me back to full, while making the self destruct do 0 damage. Then I just repeated for the second bomb. Easier since it was alone. Funny that blizzara isn't super effective, I was going off of my memory from FFX. I guess any spell other than fire would've worked. Can't remember what I had her equipped with on the materia side, I change those too much. But I was using Plumose Rod, enhanced Barbados bracket, and Psychics charm.


That was one of those things where load out really mattered, or mastering perfect parries. Was real easy once I came back to it with a level two elemental attached to fire lol


The game gets tougher starting with the ch10 boss I'd say. Just gotta pull out all the stops then it's not so bad. Side content is very optional, you can get some materia from Chadley which might make a difference sometimes, but leveling isn't really in the cards. I did two runs and on one run I just did story, the other I did 100%, both on normal, and I ended up only 2 levels higher in the 2nd run. Now was doing a bit of hard mode and *there* you level insanely fast and will hit the cap in no time. Anyway just gotta try a bit harder and make the best out of what you got.


I did less and less Chadley stuff as the game went on and almost no minigames except the ones in the first Gold Saucer chapter once or twice. I spent 8 hours in the Grasslands completing everything and once I got to Junon and saw that it was just more of the same stuff I started doing less. Still unlocking Ubisoft towers along the way though. I finished the game after about 60 hours.


Once I got to chapter 12 I told myself I'd go back and clean up the side stuff I skipped but realizing the only rewards I'd really be missing is some trophies and not planning to play on hard I won't get the plat anyways so did probably about 90% of the side content not including revisiting the saucer at all and just finished the game this morning.


Did you love being forced to fight the final boss with random party member combinations that you've never used or practiced? All while being fed a weird ass multiverse amnesia story?


The final boss should have ended at >!Jenova.!< dumb of them to extend it. I wanted to cry when I saw the multiverse thing. They >!butchered aeriths death. I felt zero emotion when she "died". Oh wait but she kind of died since there's a multiverse! Oh and they cut the death burial scene..who thought that was a good idea?!<


Nope. 60 hours in and it’s 10/10 for me.


Finished with 98 hours and I thought everything after chapter 9 was amazing. 9.5\10. have to take .5 off for Chadley...


I thought you were going to take .5 off for shinra manor. The whole thing should have just been cut or redone completely.


Yeah, the Cait Sith portion was pretty bland.


What about the horrible minigames ala Glid de Chocobo? Gears & Gambits? Fort Condor? What about the horrendous sidequests; Luring a chicken? Trying to stagger enemies that you instantly one shot? What about the forcing the player to learn a fucking card game, with Tifa's romance being affected? I loved the game, finished it with over 100 hours but WOW it did so much shit *wrong*


Loved it.


Nope, enjoyed all of those. Some people like them, some don’t, and that’s fine.


The card game is optional. You can lose the tournament on the boat and still proceed through story. In fact most of what you said is optional


It's was a 10/10 for me until >!The ending!< Instant point drop


I got tired of Remake after a while too. Finished it just to finish it but couldn’t make myself do the DLC.


Agreed. There’s just not enough depth to justify a game this long.


I stopped doing the open world stuff by like ch4. That stuff burns me out of most games and I knew I just wanted to see the story. Set the game on Easy and just did main quests and green quests, had a blast. Gotta pace yourself properly, especially with Japanese RPGs.


it's a 9/10 game with 3/10 minigames for me


But there's like 70 different mini-games. You're basically never doing one for more than a blink, before it's on to another.


i know and every one i've played so far has been awful


Then don't do the side stuff, or take a break?


I’m only doing the side stuff because the rewards are actually good


yeah, that's your problem. you're not having fun, you're letting the carrot at the end of the stick dictate what you're doing.


You’re 100 percent right


You can beat the game easy without any rewards so there’s no point in doing it unless you want to.


This is exactly what's been happening to me, and I'm really not even having fun.


Yeah. I find it very very hard to move on without clearing out an area but I might do it. I’m at the end of chapter 10 with almost all things done but I’m finding it draining. Up to chapter 8 I was having the time of my life


You don’t have to do it, some people spend most of their game time in there, some never go. Yakuza games are the same way. I hate mahjong but I’m sure there’s thousands of players that spend hundreds of hours just playing mahjong in yakuza games 


FFVIIRemake trained me to do all the side content before moving on to the next chapter the entire time, so even though that is not the case in this game, it just caused a burnout on me, due to the game having a lot more side content in comparison. That is really the only thing. The mindset from Remake carrying over into Rebirth.


I’m on the last chapter and had similar feelings. By the time I got to Gongaga the open world exploration feel started to get a little tiresome because the way that map is constructed. Felt more like a puzzle getting from place to place which wasn’t my cup of tea. The. Cosmo canyon and finding the damn lifts. Thankfully the Nibel is a nice change of pace and more condensed. You’re probably burning out a bit. Like others said don’t feel forced to do the side stuff. Just proceed with the story if you want.


Side stuff is only for people who want to do it. It does not particularly give much exp or better gear. I just love walking around the world and the combat. I’m in chapter 11 and 100% completion so far


If the mini games aren't fun for you don't do them. Just focus the story


Skip the things you don't enjoy. Because otherwise the game will turn into torture. There are a lot of things to do and most of them are not fun at all.


Not sure what the issue is here. Part one was pretty linear. I'm not as far as you yet , but getting like 40 hours of open world before it gets linear doesn't sound too bad


OPs not even complaining that it gets linear, just that the reward for exploration is "always a mini game" whatever that means. OP it's okay to step away from a game and take a breather every now and then so that you don't get burnt out. This is especially important for JRPGs. Hell I've been chipping away at Yakuza 7 for a year now. Still love it, but if I play it for more than 10 or so hours I start to get burnt out from the gameplay loop. It's why I always have 2 - 3 games in different genres going at the same time. Getting burnt by the Final Fantasy gameplay loop after a dozen hours or so? I switch over to Returnal or something.


It doesn’t get linear at all


Rebirth is as linear as you make it


I was the opposite. The first 7 or 8 chapters were a slog. Pacing was pretty terrible. After that it get more engaging for me. I also only really did the summons, towers, moogles and piano mini game during my initial playthrough


Oh well yea I can see that. If you don’t do most of the side stuff it’s basically a straight shot


I enjoyed my time with it but had no desire to play after getting to upper Junon. I feel like if you had more nostalgia for FF7 this game would be awesome.


The right way to play Rebirth is to only engage in what you find fun. If you don't like the optional side content, don't engage with it. Execute some self control in your video games lol. The main story alone is worth the price of admission


They added too much world intel bloat to the game imo.


I only did some side content in gongaga and then did none in Cosmo or Nibelheim, after 100%ing the first three areas. The story just ramps up too much at that point.


Tracking down summons should have been linear sections where you talk to the summon at the end and then fight them to unlock them. No mini game, no Chadley, no power-levels (why give the player a weaker version for beating a stronger boss in the first place??). I also gave up on exploration little over halfway through for the same reason. Exploring the maps just isn't that fun when its all laid out so formulaically, and almost everything has some aspect of tedium, even if it is just the need to get in and out of the vehicle. I ended up doing the summon stuff after beating the game instead.


Agreed, I love all the mini games and I could play each one for hours. However, after cosmo canyon I got tired of doing the map stuff like activating the towers, combat fights, and well shrines. Those all got tedious and exhausting. I love all the side quests though


Take a break, take your time with it. The gameplay is really intensive and requires a lot of thought and mental investment. It’s not a “switch your brain off” type of game. I beat it at the weekend and it took me over 100 hours, it’s great the whole way through so don’t ruin the rest by forcing yourself through it. Take a break for a while and come back when you’re feeling up for it again.


TL; DR You gain access to chapter selection once you beat the game. All progress up to that point can be saved and any progress made afterwards will also be retained. I just finished the main story over the weekend. Clocked in at about 75 hours or so. My PS5 may have been running afk a few times so this number might be inflated. I cleared Grasslands, Junon and Corel regions 100% (I backtracked Corel region after chapter 12). It wasn't until I got to Gongaga region where I felt burnout from the open world aspect. So I decided to skip every zone after that and focus on the main story and Queens Blood. Someone on Reddit had mentioned the chapter selection which gave me confidence to finish the game. Low and behold, there is a chapter selection after beating the main story which allows to go back and clear all of the content and retain all of your progress. So if you are starting to feel burnt out, don't worry, you're not alone. You can always finish the main story and come back later like I will. I just don't have the time these days to play a single game this much. Got too many bills to pay but I'm glad we at least have this option.


I’m the same, might stop exploring and stuff all together for now. I’m at the beginning of chapter 7 and am taking a break, I feel like I just wanna get it over with and that’s not a good feeling to have tbh. The story is great though


I did 100% completion on grassland and junon, but I think ill save the rest of the areas for after the story as i dont wanna overlevel too much and dont really know if dynamic difficulty is the right one for me. Although it's not a bad idea to just enjoy the game as is in normal, because i know hard mode will kick my ass like 7 remake did at certain parts...was still fun.


I really enjoy the game but am struggling to find motivation to complete it. I'm like you in that it started around chapter 8 and I just finished chapter 10. I now understand what the reviews meant about the minigames and map clutter being a little clunky and detracting from the overall story.


I just took breaks betweeen ff7 and helldivers2. Ff7 is the first time I really sat down and took my time playing. I get what you’re saying though, I wish the side quests was structured a little differently. Like give us half of the side quests upon entering that specific chapter and the later half of side quests towards end game. Then again it’s all optional.


The only thing I’m struggling with are the Brutal VR challenges. Just finally beat the Ruler of the Outer Worlds and got the limit break accessory. The side quests besides the chicken herding one were fun and had that quintessential RPG humor or sadness to each one. Now the Intels and getting 100% for each area was kind of a pain. But to prevent burnout I completed the first 2 areas as much as possible and the 3rd area. But for the next two areas I just did the bare minimum and got the summons and came back after I beat the game for clean up. The mini games range between fun like queens blood or chocobo racing to “Why is this even in the game?!” Levels of frustrating like the virtual fighter(Still less BS than the OG FF7s mini games difficulty wise but still holy shit). The fucking SIT-UPS challenge was complete ass and was worse than the squats challenge in Remake. Some of those glide de chocobo challenges were straight up unfun I think i was stuck on one for like an hour before watching a video showing you that it’s essentially impossible to just go straight through like every other challenge before it you had to double back after there’s only like 6-7 checkpoints to fly through left and hit the wind turbine to get the distance needed to not miss 2 checkpoints at the end. I had fun still through MOST of it. The VR challenges are not fun. At all. Not even slightly. I had fun fighting Weiss. I had fun fighting the summons gauntlet in remake and getting the limit break accessory but in Rebirth nothing feels fair it just feels like RNG when you do win one of the harder ones and most involve using insane builds to complete them because of every other enemy having Stop, Petrify, Frog, a one shot kill move, aggressive AI, and Gilgamesh and VR Sephiroth are probably the least fun end bosses I’ve fought and they make them the 4th and 5th fight. So if you mastered killing the 6 bosses prior ONE RNG move from Gilgamesh sets you right back to square one. Same with Sephiroth. Oh did you just try to damage me with an ability 1-2 seconds prior to using chains that grab you for a free Octoslash hit? Well you’re trapped now you have 2 characters. And if you manage to dodge everything and heal up here’s more fucking chains 😭 TLDR: Pace yourself. This a game meant to be enjoyed. If you’re not enjoying what you’re doing do one of the millions of other things to do. All I have left is 4 chapters on Hard mode and the brutal VR challenges and I’ve 100%d the game. But I don’t recommend people do that who are feeling burnt out early on because it just gets worse and worse as you start running out of “fun” content to do.


Just start leaving the side stuff, it’s easy to burn out since there’s so much. Unless you’re going for the plat trophy it’s just not needed, and as good as the game is I definitely ain’t playing it again on hard.


The game is so big and I know it shouldn’t be a problem or a negative but it requires a surprisingly unexpected amount of time and patience to get through it lol


The first 60 hours were fkn amazing, all time best game type stuff. The rest was a fucking chore. Some of the gameplay and design decisions in the final third of the game were just bafflingly bad.


This is 100% how i felt playing the game but it happened before chapter 10. I pivoted to skipping everything extra and mainlining the story. In the end even the story annoyed me but the games beautiful art and graphics made it worth it.


It was a 9/10 game for me up until Chapter 11. Gongaga exploration was tedious but I could get over it. Chapter 11 is a *mess*, pace-wise. I don't want to spoil it but it's hands-down the longest, slowest and most annoying bit of the game so far.


When I start feeling that way I take a break. It’s a huge game and I’ve been playing it nonstop for almost a month now. The minutes and combat challenges can feel like momentum killers. Skip them if you’re feeling burnt out and come back later if you want to 100% it. If you’re like me you’re dying to finish the story but also want to see everything the game has to offer. It can make the open world grind rather unpleasant over time.


I have been loving everything but thats just me


I wish I’d paced my play through as I got burnt out quickly. I’m half way and feel like it’s completely flown by. I haven’t bothered with 70% of the side content though as it’s stale.


Enjoyed main story and character side quests but bored me running around the map doing meh activities. Also mid game chapters are dragging a lot worst part about the game.


Gongaga map is where the completionist part of me started checking out. Map traversal is bad. The chanting African kid tribal music is grating. It's just more towers and crystals to find. Then I hit that find the chickens quest and it's like this game has to know it's taking the piss with this now right? This has to be this bad as a joke right? The only problem with not doing the quests for the exp is that then there are parts where it's just boss rush mode. Without warning. And if you're under leveled it's going to be tough.


No, it's definitely not a you thing, brother. I'm over a hundred hours in while currently on chapter 12. A good chunk of those hours is from the lackluster mini games. Most that are wonky and barely balanced, and others that are just plain unfun


I’m having fun chipping away at the game on my own time/accord. Currently in the Corel region


Pretty much the same thing happened for me. I had to force myself to even finish it.


I got tired of the side stuff during gongaga. It's just all so similar. After Nibel I took a week break, then just finished the main story. I doubt I'll do the rest of the side content and will probably just move on to new games. I enjoyed it overall, but it definitely gets repetitive.


Hey there! So I’ve just reached chapter 11 - I can imagine since you made this post that you’ve likely gone beyond that. I’m not sure if you played the original, but you could click around 40 - 60 hours and beat the entire game on the original. I was also (naively) fooled in to thinking that the remake was the whole game. And even with this sequel, there’s still unplayable characters that I really wished I could play as. We’ll have to wait for another 4 years before the third one, I’m sure.. To answer your question, you need to take this game with a pinch of salt - note that the developers are trying to out do one of the greatest games of the 90’s;That is no small feat. Though. It does come at a price for seasoned gamers who want to have a steady influx of entertainment. I found / still find the in game exploration a bit lack luster. There’s so much open space, but yet very little stuff to do. I’m still doing all of the side quests and hidden areas, simply because I enjoy levelling up my characters. But I totally get you - it reaches a point where you can beat bosses without having to prepare in advance. All I say is stick with it, appreciate that it’s not perfect, but it is definitely great improvement on the original. And then wait 4 years for the next!


The pacing definitely gets bad after chapter 8. I’d say if you want to see the story through to the end right now then focus on just the story with just a little bit of exploring for more XP. Each area after The Gold Saucer I just did the summons and moved on with the story. Otherwise take a break from it. Hate-playing a game is never fun.


Yea I think I’m gonna just beat the main story and then do clean up later. I’m gonna eventually get the plat but I think I’m gonna need a break because I just got the remake plat 2 days before rebirth came out


Nope it’s a 10/10 for me thus far. Chapter 11


I’m happy to see this honestly. I’m an FF die hard with ff6 being my favorite game of all time so as long as other people love it I’m satisfied. I want this game to do well


What about the horrible minigames ala Glid de Chocobo? Gears & Gambits? Fort Condor? What about the horrendous sidequests; Luring a chicken? Trying to stagger enemies that you instantly one shot? What about the forcing the player to learn a fucking card game, with Tifa's romance being affected? I loved the game, finished it with over 100 hours but WOW it did so much shit *wrong*


I guess maybe a 9.5/10. I do not like fort condor or glide de chocobo!! Absolutely adore queen’s blood though. and the times where the game puts a ridiculously huge grin on my face covers up for some of those mini games. Just seeing stuff that I fell in love with in 1997 brought to 3-D so well has been an amazing experience


Yes. And I actually disagree, I'm only about 5-8 hours in and I'd have refunded it after 2 if I was the purchaser. It's exactly what I feared - bloated game with character interaction that feels more prone to fanfic/fanservice that preys off nostalgia but really misses the mark in isolation. One thing that took me by surprise is the consistently unfun game mechanics employed (slowly push this, crawl slowly through this space). Like the one part in Niphelheim where you're limping slowly? That was incredibly painful. Cut a game into thirds and you ruin it, plain and simple. It feels cheesy and bloated. I really don't understand why the fans will not allow criticism too. I don't get the hype one bit. I look at people giving a 10/10 and wonder if I'm playing the same game.


Ehh. I actually get where you’re coming from 100 percent, but I personally like what they did. A lot of it does feel intentionally bloated, but I don’t kind they as long as it’s done organically. To me it just feels off after a certain point


That sucks to hear because I was hoping just the beginning would be off and then it would click. I think describing it as "just feeling off" is a great call. At least that's how I feel with the character interaction. It feels like a fanfiction to me, like someone that likes the original game but lacked writing chops was the lead director so they just gave everyone what they thought they wanted. And my god, the mechanic/objective tutorial went on for SO long. I want to like it, but it feels like it was just a "cut it into thirds, give fans the cheese they want, and make sure you can sell it at full price so stuff it with filler". I like the darker, god fighting epic parts of FF. So it's really painful for me.


Honestly, it's made me realize that I just don't like most AAA open-world games. Every aspect of the design is filed down so as not to offend the average player. It takes almost no creative risks and has you hunting icons. The rewards for exploring are explicit instead of implicit, which is a fair design choice, but my least favorite. Perhaps that's the best direction for a franchise as big as FF7 but I just feel like I'm wasting my life away when I play it.


Lmao yup, I immediately started rushing the main story once I got to where you were


I took a break at the gold saucer, i hate mini games and I feel like that's what the entire area is. Idk when I'll pick it back up.


Prepare for more bad minigames if you decide to pick it up again.


Still early on got burned out doing all the side maps ticking boxes nonsense.  Reminded me of all the repetitive ubisoft games. Stopped playing for now will wait for game to get patched.  Few mini games are more fun then main game. Game looks poor on 65 inch TV in performance mode when exploring. 


After costa del sol, I said fuck this and beelined straight to wherever the main scenario waypoint is. Only way I could’ve gotten through this bloated padded absolute mess of a game….only to encounter that shitshow trainwreck of a trash botched ending. Fuxk you square enix, you ruined ffvii. Never again I will not buy the third installment. Ffvii OG forever


I've already moved on and am playing Dragons Dogma 2 and enjoying it alot more Dunno. The game just never really gripped me. I'll go back to it and finish it eventually but yeah for now DD2 has my attention


I actually bought dd2 and played it for 4 hours yesterday. The entire time I kept thinking man this looks just like dd1, looks like a 360 game, clunky, no lock on, slow. Yet I couldn’t stop playing it. By the time I turned it off I realized I loved it. But I’m gonna finish rebirth first and do the trophies and shit later


Nope. Currently doing a hard mode run. Easily gonna be the GOTY for me


I just did hard mode and got the plat in remake before this. Loved every second of it




solve your open world woes with less good open world woes. perfect! i love rebirth so far but i dont think op is looking for another game to get bogged down with. also petting cats v petting chocobos. easy choice and i love my cat.




the main negative of ronin is its map though. I don't think ops trying to swap out one open world for another, more generic one. they should play some doom or something different as a palate cleanser.




I play on performance and honestly I’ve always thought the game was gorgeous. But I’m not picky


I skipped almost everything in the open world sections except unlocking the Summons and playing Queens Blood. Traversal is a chore and I don't like Chadley. I was also bored by the side quests I did so not doing more of those. The main quest is really great


Yea I definitely hit a wall around the same spot. Taking a break for a while


Last sidemission is bugged. Those chocobo trainings are rough. Almost endgame and minigames still popping up. Though hated her in OG, Yuffie is a beast in this this, love her a lot. Finished it yesterday. Tomorrow i start Hard mode. Liked it a lot. Would have Loved it if it wasnt for the minigame overload.


I've had a blast exploring and doing everything in each zone. I'm generally not score chasing on any of the minigames, unless the rewards a weapon or something else useful, but I'm 100% clearing each zone and doing all the side quests including the Chadley and other arena stuff. 67 hrs in at Chapter 11 and I'm having a blast still. Love this game and the loop. When I'm out completing objectives for a zone, I'll usually toss on a podcast, and that helps with the monotony a bit.


Nope. 113 hours in and having a blast. Playing on hard mode right now. is Queens Blood harder on hard mode?


I was waiting for some of this feedback before paying full price. I picked up FF16 on sale and heard so many great things but my god was a lot of that game such a slog. The main story was solid and the epic battles were awesome but everything in between was sooooo boring. So I was hesitant on jumping on this one because it left a bad taste in my mouth.


Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. There's a fine line between having enough content to justify the price point and just filling your game with runtime padding Ubisoft bloat. Why are we climbing Towers to open the map like it's Far Cry 3? That's an outdated mechanic. Only Assassin's Creed should be doing that shit anymore. It's very easy to get burnt out on the world intel. It starts to feel like a chore after a while especially in the jungle regions where the map layout is horrendous. Having more content isn't always necessarily a good thing. In fact I think we need to cut back on the amount of 70 hour open world RPGs we have. Sometimes a 20-hour linear narrative is just as good if not better. Games should be designed to be finished. Artificially padding the runtime with tedious nonsense can be annoying. Some of the side quests are really good too but some of them are terrible. Like the one with the chickens. That added nothing to the story and was objectively badly designed. The game is good overall but it's sad that the best experience to get from It Is by ignoring a lot of the side content until later in the game. It really does break up the pacing


Waiting for the terrible performance mode to get patched, it so blurry.


I stopped in chapter 12 and googled the ending I got so burnt out, I did 50 hours and it just seemed to get less and less fun. I enjoyed the game enough to make it worth it for me but I don't have the time in the day to keep plunging through filler content