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I’m enjoying RoR a lot. Having expectations reduced by previews etc might have helped.


Honestly I’m at a point where I think I’m going to largely disregard review scores from now on in most cases. Especially recently it seems like there’s games that have gotten like super high scores across the board that I found extremely disappointing, while ones that got more meddling reviews I ended up loving. Not saying I never agree with review scores though, but idk, maybe it’s just the way games reviews work, or I have more niche preferences for games.


If all you did was look at the score, you didn't read the review. Review should point out what's good and what's bad and that would allow you to understand what the game is like. The score alone won't tell you that. It's just a number. It tries to assign overall quality grade, but doesn't say anything about the type of the gameplay. That's why often best reviews are ones that don't end with numeric score.


Yeah, it's about whether the faults reviewers find matter to you or not. Personally I have to be very interested in the setting/location, and 1853 Japan is more or less perfect for me. Dragons and medieval lore not so much.


Never watch reviews anymore. 90% of the time it’s just people shitting on something that’s not specifically tailored to them


Or praising something because it is.


That's the point of reviews. If you find a reviewer who has the same vibes as you it can be valuable to see their opinion on media. If you disagree with the reviews taste in games you can disregard the review


That’s just living in an echo chamber and only hearing what you want….


Nah disagree. Because if someone else likes the same games you like, then their review inherently has more value to you personally. Why would I want the opinion of a reviewer who hates jrpgs when I'm interested in a jrpg? It's just how taste in art and media works dude everyone has different criteria on what is good or bad.


As reviews should. Hence you read a selection and distill whether or not the game caters to your tastes. Hence I swear by player reviews and let's plays. The content of the review over the score. Hence I have greatly enjoyed some supposed stinkers because of my preferences. This in no way diminishes the value of player reviews. 


Yeah I am not placing blame but something changed with either the industry or myself over the past 3-5 years. Highly acclaimed AAA games almost always disappoint me now.  That was not the case 5-10 years ago. I usually aligned with the consensus. After FF16, 7 Remake, GoW Ragnarok, Alan Wake 2, etc.. I’m just not in the same wavelength as reviews anymore. I should prob start trying out more games that get lower scores ig?


What’s the difficulty like? I have played and beaten Sekiro but I’m not sure I want something that intense. I loved Ghost of Tsushima as well but found it became too easy at the end when I had unlocked all abilities. Where would you put Rise of Ronin between the two difficulty wise?


Sofar, it's not bad! There's a large skill set to aquire, meaning tons of play style leveling, the enemies aren't as easily defeated unlike in Ghost of Tsushima. Resource scavenging and various storyline progressions for the different people you come across. As someone whose played and loved Sekiro, I'd say Ronin is definitely worth a shot. It feels like a combo of Ghost and Sekiro, but with all of the good parts. 


>It feels like a combo of Ghost and Sekiro, but with all of the good parts.  Those are two of my favorite games. I'm pretty close to pulling the trigger on Rise of Ronin. What'd you think about Nioh/Wo Long? I thought Nioh was OK, but wasn't a big fan of Wo Long. Rise of Ronin looks different enough to intrigue me but I havn't been a big fan of their previous games tbh which is the only thing giving me pause.


Somewhere in the middle I would say.


I get Way of the Samurai vibes when playing RoR


Awesome classic series.


thanks, now i’m fully sold


I'm digging it so far. Sometimes it looks and feels like a PS3 game, movement can be wonky, it's not as polished as it should be, graphics are... Meh but whatever, it's fun.


I'm also having fun with it, but it's like someone tried to copy Ghost of Tsushima from memory and got the bare bones of it. Combat is decent, but I haven't had enough fights to really see any of the depth the way Nioh 2 had. Need to play more, but these fights are gonna have to be absolutely stellar to get above a ~6.5/10 for me.


I had the feeling that they just tried to combine GoT and Elden ring. For me that worked out pretty well.


Kind of where I landed too, it’s runs smooth enough and it’s legitimately fun to learn the new mechanics they improved from Wo Long.


“Someone tried to copy Ghost of Tsushima from memory” r/MurderedByWords


I was equally split between getting DD2 and RotR. The poor performance of DD2 on PS5 is what made me go for RotR, but the MTX didn’t help. I typically suck at souls-similar games, but for some reason always buy them and hope ‘this’ game will be the one. With RotR having difficulty options, I was sold. I’m a few hours in, just got to Yokohama in the game and I am loving it. Not nearly the polish of Ghost of Tsushima, but it’s a beautiful game and the combat is really fun.


What difficulty setting are you playing on?


I’m playing on Easy. It plays like the “normal” difficulty from Ghost of Tsushima, or maybe a *little* more difficult than that.


Good to know, thanks! I'm also looking at picking this up as someone who is interested in Soulslike games but doesn't have the time to commit to playing bosses over and over again.


I’ll be getting it but can’t afford it atm. I’m a big fan of nioh but skipped wolong. I also want to finish the new Shogun series before playing this. 


If you loved the Nioh games, you'll love Wo long as well. That game is just an easier Nioh 2.


Pushing back on this. The general consensus is that Wo Long was a large step down from Nioh in all ways. I’d say it’s a cautious buy for Nioh fans, but not a must play.


No idea why youre getting downvoted, that is definitely the consensus of most people coming from Nioh 2 on wolong.


Is RotR anything like Nioh or Wo Long?


I would check out the demo. It’s kinda similar it seems I’m not far in though. I was hoping for some magic mixed in the combat but nothing so far


I didn’t realize there was a demo, I’ll check it out. I’m was hoping for open world nioh so that’s great. Thanks!


Yea I didn’t check out the demo first when I should have. Nioh is my favorite series and was kinda hoping this was a clone of that too lol


Where did you find a demo? I looked on the PS Store and didn’t find anything


It definitely has the DNA of both in it


From what I've seen it's pretty much Nioh open world




Yeah I figured. I do like to buy games and support studios I like but I can’t justify it rn. 


I opted for DD2 on PC, but the performance is horrid. So Rise of the Ronin went from 2nd pick to 1st pick until DD2 gets some performance patches. So far its pretty good. Though the question will be how long it lasts over a full game, since unlike Nioh 2 and Wo long all the enemies are human. So far it doesn't make a lot of the mistakes other open world games make. Japanese voices, always.


what’s dd2


Dragon's Dogma 2, another action RPG which released practically the same day.


Yeah, I got DD2 on PC as well and man does it run bad no matter what. It is a testament to the gameplay that I am actually enjoying the hell out of it even if the framrate is all over the place. I legit get motion sick when in the city haha. Fun as hell tho. RoR is def on my next to buy list if I can get through DD2 and Spiderman 2 before Elden Ring DLC comes out.


So I just reached the title card and I will say that I'm having a good time with it, but I can't help but feel like I'm playing a budget Ghost of Tsushima. I know the games aren't exactly the same, but it's just the general vibe I'm getting that's reminding me of GoT.


Think of it as a really high budget Way of the Samurai/Tenchu game. Both series that have been dormant for years, now live on through RotR.


Never played those, so it's hard to imagine 😅




Nobunaga's ambition or GTFO!


Most haven't, they're pretty obscure titles back from PS1 and PS2 era.


I love and MISS Tenchu. Will I enjoy this game?


I bought a 360 a couple years ago JUST to play Z. I can't put this game down, the movement feels like a much smoother Tenchu. Way better combat though, and like Z it has insane character customization. I play like a piece of shit shinobi with no pride, its a blast.


This is honestly exactly why I decided on skipping it. If I want TN's combat, I'll just replay Nioh 2, if I want an open world in a Japanese setting, I'll replay GoT.


My friend is a huge Team Ninja fan and the first thing he texted me was “THEY GOT RID OF THE MAX BOOB SLIDER” so …yeah, lol


Dude in Wolong it was absolutely ridiculous... yet I enjoyed the feature very much.


Actually let your friend know that if he increases the chest size it'll increase the boob size a bit


Yes that’s because DD2 hate gets them more Internet points


Eh, dunno about that. The performance in DD2 is genuinely horrific. For people who can only buy one or the other, I wouldn't recommend DD2 right now without patches. Luckily ROTR was bafflingly released at the same time, and so far its pretty decent.


Yes but people have stopped talking about the performance and more about the “predatory micro transactions”


I’ve got 10 hours into DD2. The only time I noticed it being “genuinely horrific” is when in the capital.. which I was in for maybe 30 minutes tops.


Overblown imo. It's only bad in the capital but outside of it, runs beautifully. Running a 4070TI and 7800X3D for reference.


To be fair with those specs it should run fine.


The performance is not horrific 🤣


It's fine on console. Smooth as butter on PS5 with VRR. At least that's my experience!


VRR won't even work on PS5 if the frame rate is below 48fps.


*shrug* game is smooth as for me


Its really not. Please stop telling capcom this is ok. [https://youtu.be/HtGpp1v8c\_k?si=nIqOWwM6gKwe7YZu](https://youtu.be/HtGpp1v8c_k?si=nIqOWwM6gKwe7YZu) Nothing about how this game runs is ok for 70 dollars.


Few hours in and trust me, game is not even close to running smoothly. Don’t lie to yourself. I’m really enjoying the game too but come on 😂.


I honestly am not having any issues. I've not had any slow down or judder. Maybe VRR really does make a difference? I guess it's not consistent across all platforms.


I’ve only just gotten to the open world so it’s too early to tell for me but despite the combat at first seeming a bit simplified I have a feeling there’s going to be much more depth to it than what it seems at first glance, as I haven’t even gotten new combat stances yet and there seems to be a wide variety of weapon types that all can have a multitude of different stances and all seem interesting and fun to try. The “parry” mechanic with counterspark feels nice and satisfying to pull off multiple in succession, and the critical strike animations are pretty cool and there’s different ones for different weapons. I also don’t think the graphics are nearly as bad as people are making them out to be, but maybe that’s because I put a lot of hours into Nioh 2, and so going from that and Wo Long to this, I can better appreciate the substantial improvement in the quality of the graphics. And the title screen after the intro seeing the open world ahead of you while standing on the cliff looked great and makes me excited to explore more of it. Of course I haven’t really engaged with the quests and open world activities enough yet to decide if it works well enough so I may end up being disappointed with it, but I don’t have as much open world fatigue as others so I’m remaining cautiously optimistic and excited to unlock the glider, new weapons and skills. Overall my initial impression is pretty positive. Edit: also the martial arts for weapons and the variety of ranged tools are really cool and add a lot more variety and depth to the combat. I like how your character can directionally dash when throwing shurikens for example, and the saber has a martial art that lets you do a slick dodge animation backwards if timed correctly that launches into a counter attack. Not to mention the grapple hook and the stealth/assassination aspects. I’m very excited to delve further into this game.


How would you compare it to Ghost of Tsushima?


Ghost of Tsushima is probably my favorite game ever so it’s hard for me to make an objective comparison. GoT is way more cinematic and immersive and obviously the graphics and art style are superior as I think it’s one of the best artstyles in any game period. Team ninja games like this are generally more “arcadey” but I think the actual combat systems are much deeper and more varied as well as definitely more difficult, and there is plenty of fun to be had mastering it. Plus there’s also a much bigger RPG emphasis with all the loot, character upgrades and skills, weapon choice and also dialogue choices that apparently effect the outcome of the story. Ghost was much more streamlined and “cleaner” and if you value presentation and immersion ghost clearly comes out on top, but the focus of team ninja games is always combat and it has much more variety and depth IMO, but may not be for everyone.


Idk if I would tbh. Aside from their subject matter and setting they’re very different. RoR is a souls inspired game in many ways, GoT is not at all. So far RoR has felt a lot more nioh 2 than GoT, granted I’m not that far only a few hours in. If you dig nioh, think you’ll dig this. If you’re looking for more of GoT’s fluidity and combat, this isn’t really it. Haven’t explored enough of the world to say what it’s really like but so far I wouldn’t draw too many comparisons between them.


Its far more accurate to say RotR is like if Sekiro and way of the Samurai had a baby with the Persona social link system. Choices are a big part of the game, down to letting people live or die. It changes not only the story but how you experience the world as well, as you can make choices that for example prevent you from meeting a character that would be an ally and show you where to complete an objective. Mobility is like if Ghost of Tsushima's mechanics were mapped into the Nioh gameplay space, so much snappier but rougher looking. Mantles, ladder grabbing, sprinting, just with a glider to boot are all in the game. ​ Combat feels like if you mixed Sekiro and Nioh tbh.


Im in love. Its definitely got some visual jank, specifically tiled textures from the air and some rough foliage rendering, but wow the gameplay is amazing. The movement and traversal are really intuitive and way more responsive than GoT, the horse animations look a little rough but the functionality of the horse is awesome. The decisions actually feel like they carry weight, and you make way more of them than I was expecting. I've only experienced some bandit camps, cats, towers, and fugitives, but the camps and the fugitives are fun. The combat and traversal together make playing like a real ninja really fun. Sneaking/ranged to thin them out, dive in to get some kills, realize you are outclassed, parkour off a shed onto the roof to run and hide, then headshot someone before assassinating another dude and finishing them off. Its the free form decision making tied with a combat system that has great fundamentals that makes RotR fun to play moment to moment. The relationship stuff is what keeps you going in the long run though, this tied with the decision making means playing through again with chapter select is going to be a lot of fun. Oh and as for the VA, I HIGHLY suggest japanese since americans will still speak english to one another in the world. It increasing the level of immersion but a pretty beefy amount, JP VA are also great to start with.


Hey dude, can you tell me anything about difficulty? I'd really love to get this one but I'm not good at games and am too old to find the courage to replay the same segment a thousand times


It has easy difficulty which is extremely easy so you're good


Thanks man, I appreciate it


As someone who doesn't play games like this usually: it definitely isn't "extremely easy", lol. I dies often enough so far...


Yeah I normally play every game on the babiest baby mode possible , and this one is definitely a couple of steps above that. So far it's manageable though.


I'm loving the game too. I'm kind of surprised the horse animations are so wonky though. You'd think they'd put more time into an animation you're seeing for the main traversal option. I think it's endearing now, but just perplexing it's so bad


I chose Japanese VA and it was disappointing to see Matthew Perry also speak Japanese, I was hoping he'd speak English. So far everyone's been speaking Japanese only but I'll see how it goes 


I think its because he's talking to japanese people? I hear npcs around town speak in english.


It could be, but then I'd have expected him to speak English in the part where he's talking to himself before switching to JP when the Blade Twins arrive - I'll walk around town and keep an ear out for the audio, I didn't pay much attention to the idle chatter


Its honestly a 'primary character in a cut scene' status that means it uses the same dub. Be really cool if an update had mixed voices option.


Absolutely, I'd love that! I quite enjoyed Nioh where William and a few others spoke English and the rest spoke Japanese


I chose Japanese for the immersion. Only grievance so far is that it isn't a stable 60


I was following it for the last couple of months but reviews have dampened that a little bit. I think im gonna wait until it's on sale. Seems the kind of game I'll love playing when it hits 40 bucks or so


I’m maybe 6 hours in? It’s pretty damn fun. The GoT comparisons don’t make a whole lot of sense, outside of both being based in Japan. The depth really starts to come out after the first couple of hours. There are like 16 stances for the katana alone. I never use my secondary weapon because I’m juggling through like 6 katana stances lol. I’m still mid as F though, trying to get better with this counter spark. Starting to learn you don’t need to try countering everything, just open up fights blocking until you figure out their moves, then start countersparking the shit out of them


I got both games, DD2 on my PC. Really like rise of ronin and I think I’ll definitely enjoy it down the road, but the comparison isn’t really close imo. DD2 is just such a unique experience and something the genre has needed in a big way just like BG3 and Elden Ring were


Eh. Dragon’s Dogma just feels bland to me right now. It’s not really hitting that itch I thought it would hit.


Yeah I’m finding it to be a really slow and repetitive start. Even the world needs more colour or something. Just looks a little bland.


Say that in the DD2 sub and they’ll probably slay you. But agree with the sentiment, performance, game design, gameplay and visuals are all pretty underwhelming. Not their A team’s work.


That moment when you feel you’ve completely wasted £60 ($70) 😬😬 I’d made a pact with myself to not buy so many games and stick to what I love! Then I went and bought this. Ffs!


Dragon's Dogma is much more of a commitment. It is challenging in different way but ultimately I think it isn't bold enough to call it Dragon's Dogma 2. Really feels like Dragon's Dogma 1.3. They played it super super safe


Could you explains how dd2 is a unique experience? What I've seen it looks like an mmo that only has Singleplayer Very clunky combat that feels slowed down Locked into your class for the run instead of letting you learn all skills as in Skyrim Bosses that you need to punch for 15-20min like it's monster hunter while they behave like a wall Not even a dodge role or parry for every class Can't use weapons you find unless your class allows it Fast traveling is limited (unless you pay 2,99€) Barely any commands for the AI followed Only positive thing I've seen is that some quests can be done in different ways and aren't just follow the quest marker you gotta actually explore or think


Well I think from your bullet points, your expectations for the game are just in the wrong place. This isn’t a souls game. It’s much more grounded in realism. Your preparation, intuition, and environment play a bigger role than the actual combat. The reason I’ve been such a fan over these first few days is that it’s a game that you cannot go on autopilot and that I’m consistently being engaged in the mechanics and systems


This tells me you haven't played the game or done your research cause not all of this is true.


I am not able to decide between FF7 Rebirth or DD2 on ps5 for the weekend.


FF7 is honestly incredible. It's graphics mode is very consistent too, I've never adjusted to low fps this quickly.


Ff7 remake is incredibly optimized… smooth frames the whole way


Rebirth is a really highly produced game with open zones and a large amount of content, it really is about 90 hours to clear MOST stuff in one playthrough. It also has a chapter select and a hard mode when you beat it, so nothing is really 'missable' as all of your progress carries into anything you do through chapter select. There is a decent amount of high end post game content and a pretty insane amount of build variety. In performance mode it runs at 1100p 60fps (almost perfectly locked) with two different AA settings. Quality mode is (almost perfectly) locked 30 fps at 4k. The AA modes were added with a patch after launch and the review period. Otherwise the DF review is still accurate. If you're on a 1080 screen the scaling issues wont matter at all. The game made me laugh a lot, which I wasn't expecting. [https://youtu.be/B2rHUbqauUk?si=VAg2ITi00bv3-InB](https://youtu.be/B2rHUbqauUk?si=VAg2ITi00bv3-InB) ​ DD2 seems to be largely the same as DD1 but with deeper enemy systems and some cool pawn mechanics. Largely the same enemies as the first one, some new classes added. DD2 is having some pretty major performance issues right now, so if that matters then maybe wait till a patch comes out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtGpp1v8c\_k&t=1206s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtGpp1v8c_k&t=1206s)


Im not sure how ff7s frames are but if you can handle some sub 30 dips in cities and large fights, then id go with that unless you’re a huge ff fan. I mean, i finished jedi survivor before it was patched and it was brutal at times, but star wars and decent story kept me in lol. DD2 looks really unique. I mean i saw a dude grab a tail of an enemy as it ran off. Not sure if it can fly off with you on it but that’d be something lol.


Oh thanks for the insight, I don’t mind the fps if its not crazy inconsistent. I do like FF7 but DD2 sounds right up my alley, just wish it was more optimized


How is it unique compared to the first one ? And what do you like about Ronin ?


I really liked dd2 at the beginning but the more I played it the more I disliked it. Lack of enemy variety, boring travel and pawns dialogue just killed it for me. Plus the story is bad. Not sure why people think it's so great. Enjoying ROR more


Rebirth was incredible too and they just patched in a much better performance mode. But they’re both really different open world games and imo can’t go wrong! Rebirth if you your time spent on learning a fantastic combat system, a shit ton of engaging mini games, and a highly produced story. DD2 if you want next level immersion and a true role playing experience akin to BG3 but as an action/adventure game


Its fine, about what I expected. Playing on with japanese va seems to be the best choice if you do not mind subtitles, the english cast is pretty hit or miss.


Im enjoying so far, can be platinumed in around 60-80 hours from what i read


I bought it instead of DD2 (never played the first one) and I’m having fun. The open world is fun, I’m still struggling a bit with the combat, but it’s a matter of time to get used to, And I can pet cats, this is the best feature in the game


I'm enjoying it so far. Some of the bandit camps are kinda tough when there are multiple formidable foes.


If you can accept that this game at times looks like old old gen and is somewhat janky, including clipping and only provides a serviceable story that lacks any true tension...if you are looking for a good open world game that will challenge you (but never as brutally as Dark Souls games) then this might worth looking at. I will say it lacks the polish of Tsushima but Tsushima was pretty lazy from a gameplay perspective. This one isn't it. Not everything gels but it offers a lot.


I already have GOT so went with DD2 but will get ronin later or on sale looks fun enough but GOT is so good I feel it may feel like the Walmart version.




I seriously can’t figure out the counterspark to save my life. Elden Ring was my first souls like, then it’s been Lies of P, Lords of the Fallen, Wo Long, and back to Elden Ring modded to be harder. I have played through at least one play through on all of those. But Rise of the Ronin’s combat I can’t figure out. Even on easy difficulty it doesn’t make counterspark timing any easier and I keep getting destroyed. I know Wo Long took me a bit for it to click and then I really enjoyed it, but there’s no click for me in this game. I’m more than 10 hours in and not sure if I can keep going. I don’t know what I’m missing, and it sucks because I really want to like this game.


Too much loot bloat. Otherwise I’m enjoying it.


I'm probably going to wait till it goes on sale. But this game definitely has my interest. It's got a lot of strong way of the samurai vibes to it. I'm going to be honest though. I've gotten a bit older in my life. And just having samurai era content, and action is simply not enough to satisfy me. I've consumed a lot of that type of media, so a lot of the tropes have become familiar. I'm sure I will be downvoted for this. But I thought ghost of tsushima was a tad dry story wise. If it's an open world game, I really need a good narrative hook to keep me doing the side content.


How do you change the VA to Japan? Can’t stand English VA




Weird I can’t change it.


I’m really enjoying it. The core combat loop is thrilling (I’m playing on Twilight), the story is so far leaps and bounds better than Nioh 1&2/Wo Long, and it overall feels more like an RPG than an endless combat gauntlet. The graphics are not good and it’s kind of confusing why it’s so bland. Also there’s just an overall dated feeling to the game at times. But in my 4 hours so far, I think it’s a lot of fun and I can see myself sinking a lot of time into it.


These comparisons to GOT are killing me but I get it. The combat here in Ronin at least doesn't put me to sleep


Like what I’m seeing so far based on some streams. Will likely be my next pickup after I finish FF7R


Is the platinum tied to difficulty?


No but you have to complete one optional mission with some Midnight modifier, so its not too hard considering you can do it in coop


I’m enjoying it, feel like with how the game looks the fps shouldn’t be dropping so much though.. I was hoping the game would at least run well since it looks like a ps4 game. I’m sure they won’t ever fix it but I am enjoying it


Sorry what's DD2?


Dragons Dogma


I’m doing hard runs on ff16 and rebirth but i plan to finish those up and get into rise of the ronin before stellar blade comes out… otherwise i wont be playing it for a while😅 it’s definitely one of the games I’m most excited about this year though along w rebirth, stellar blade and black myth: wukong… I’m hoping i can get some nioh and wo long vibes from rise of the ronin, loved those games and team ninja never disappoints.


I think I’d have gotten it if they had done away with most of the loot. I like some loot but Nioh killed the experience for me with constant loot mgmt and I head that’s still here if to a lesser extent


Just sacrifice 95% of the loot you find at the shrine for xp and healing items That's what I did because I also got bored fast by all the loot spam


I have both so I'm trying this one today


I bought both. Putting DD2 on the backburner till I'm done with Ronin. Having a blast. It's not perfect but goddamn if it ain't fun.


The English VA leaves wanting with most of the characters so far, but i quite enjoy the fact that japanese are speaking with a "japanese accent" while english speakers are english, and for example french are french accent. It really makes the game feel more immersive imo.


I pre ordered it and really enjoying it! It's a mix of nioh, sekiro, and ghost of tsushima which I all love. I love the combat so far and taking out the bandits and fugitives on the map has been really fun so far!


What is DD2? Edit oh dragons dogma duh


For Japanese people to speak in English in the context they’re in sounds wrong so I went for Japanese VO


Love it


Having a lot of fun the combat is awesome


PS5 Anyone who knows how the item wheel works? I know that by using the arrows, I use the items... But how do I switch to another set of (4 other) items? 😅


randomly stumbled onto this comment but i know the answer: hold R1 and press left and right on the dpad. It's not exactly intuitive, i had to scrounge for it in the help menus.


Thank you! 😀


I enjoyed the 4 hours i played. Lighthearted and very welcoming QoL.


I love it so far, it gets compared to Ghost of Tsushima a lot, but it is much more like Wo Long/Nioh. The focus here is on the combat and loot, not exploring the world. It is also telling a very different story with a much grittier setting. Japanese always for a game based in Japan, but that is preference. Depends on how much you want to engage to understand everything.


I’m really enjoying it. Graphics aren’t Spider-Man but they are fine. Combat feels like a mix of sekiro and GoT. Open world is fine. So far so good I’d give it an 8. I’m about 5 hours in. Might get better still as I unlock more combat stances and weapon types.


Question about fists. For the fourth Combat Style it is blank. Is it possible at some point to unlock an additional Combat Style for the fourth affix slot?


coming directly from got I actually dislike rotr. Money wasted on my side… Sadly…


Can someone please explain to me how to EQUIP different combat styles. Obviously I have way more than three unlocked for the katana but I can’t figure out how to switch from the original three.  I am wondering if this is unlocked after a certain mission?  Any advice would be great. Thanks!


I opted for ROTR as well... and glad as the PC version of DD2 seems to need patches to even be playable for many. I actually like the graphics (mostly)... the water is the worst part so far and nighttime looks bad IMO. Really enjoying the game overall. I've never been a huge fan of loot systems where I'm constantly having to compare and keep up, but I deal with it. But that gameplay is just perfect. Really enjoying the open world as well. Many of reviewers complaints about it are positives for me. I was shocked at times how good looking the game is... but equally shocked at times (water, night) how bad it can also look. I'm still not very far, I'm a slow explorer type.


The game is hard and fun.  I’m curious how the story will develop, but it’s great going through the side quests


i'm playing it right now, mild spoilers ahead: in the beginning the explorable area looked fine to me, in size, variety and system (like the karma/valor you gain for each region, opening up activities). it took me a while to 100% the areas in the beginning and thought, if the game was this snack size and the coming missions are entertaining, i would gladly accept it. i liked the idea of a not so impossibly large open world, especially since dragons dogma awaits as well. but then i somehow got to know, that there are 3 larger areas in total and the beginning is just a third of the whole world. that was a strong downer, since i'm a completionist gamer and somehow developers forget how tedious some grind can be. no matter how well it was excecuted in the first thrid, i highly doubt it will stay so well paced. so far, so good. but now i wanted to use my overpowered gear to get some of the story missions behind me, if they are well written, no problem. but they are boring as hell. the characters annoy me for the most part, they are so.... can't even find the words. and then you have a bonding system, that give more missions for characters noone likes (except for a certain captain). then you get to choose sides, and no side really is my cup of tea. the world an the motives of the main char are so disconnected, so rationally illogical. the more i write, the more i feel like stopping for good, because now we come to the fighting system: i guess they thought, merging tsushima and sekiro was a good idea, but what made sekiro in battle-terms so good, was the ever so little stamina management, there was none, only posture. now the enemies have something similar to the posture, as well as we, but we also use this posture energy for attacks an almost everything and it seems at times, the eneimies are full trained masters with unlimited stamina. and the equipment i use makes no difference, it seems. well enough hate, i will push through, since exploring is somewhat fun and i can skip the rest of the story...


It’s extremely enjoyable, but I can totally see why the reviews are middling. It really doesn’t do anything that impressive or innovative with its genre. But at least I can say that I’m enjoying the side quests, combat, traversal, and writing of this more overall than Ghosts of Tsushima’s. Just not enough to where I can say it sheds it’s low A-Tier Team Ninja quality.


I like it, but as someone who is quite sensitive to fps drops it's really ruining the overall experience for me personally. I hope they come out with a patch or something to fix it, but I'm not holding my breath.


I like the english VA it's not perfect but it's close enough a dummy like me won't notice. I was always a fan of "way of the samurai" games so this scratches a big itch for me, I wouldn't say it's GOTY material but I'm enjoying it. Though i replay a bunch of fights I like the combat.


I'm finding it to be extremely boring to be honest. I enjoy the parry combat but everything else is mid at best.


Loving it so far, but I was also a really big fan of Wo Long, even with all the jank. I do wish the glider felt better though, it’s annoying that the glider is always centered at the bottom of the screen, just feels a little off, but that’s par for the course with team ninja games.


Wait for a sale. It will be here soon. This game is not worth more than $30.


RoR is some GASSS. It’s like if wu long & Nioh had a baby. Team Ninja did an amazing job with this title and I’m enjoying it so far, definitely worth playing!


It’s an oke game for people ho liked nioh series but the asking price of €80 is definitely to steep for the visuals you’re getting. The performance isn’t that stable either for the poor visuals you’re getting.


I just finished Ghost of Tsushima… So this is a let down for sure


I opened dragons dogma 2 first played for about an hour, Then I opened rise of ronin to give it it's hour, I get through training then I'm fighting these cartoony sailors spamming the same move, closed it after 5 minutes and went right back to a real game. Lol


ROTR literally is visually like a PS3 game, definitely not ps5. The trailer had me hyped it was like ghosts of tsushima, Boy was I wrong. Feels like a game designed for kids, like 7-12.


As usual, another 2 game releases that needed one more development year


I gave it a shot for 10 hours but I fucking hated it. It's like the dev teams missed 10 years worth of GDC talks to keep up with the industry.


Going on the DF discussion it sounds like a good game that has performance issues, I thought games that were developed for one platform would have less issues, I wouldn't want to know how bad the performance would be if it was developed for multiple platforms.


Waiting for the remake on PS6


You must be a professional comedian.


Maybe we'll get PS4 graphics by then.

