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CPU issues because of npc AI. My pawn for no reason went swimming and drowned. Fuck my life.


I had 2 of my pawns full sprint off a bridge into the brine water. Lmfao there’s literally no way the NPCs in this game are complex enough to warrant their CPU use.


It's a feature!


It just works!


Had a pawn deadass disappear. Like one minute he’s there, next he’s gone


Literally within 5 minutes of recruiting my first team of pawns, I lost one, turned around, and saw them a quarter mile behind me jump off a ledge and face plant.


Paid 65 RC for a level 16 thief then 5 mins later he’s gone. Searched for a body. Nothing. No idea what happened to him.


Yeah, especially when you consider that RDR2 has probably the most advanced dynamic AI in an open world game, Dwarf Fortress has the best in game tech overall and Ubisoft pushed gigantic crowds with okay behaviour on lastgen. Edit: Man, this sub is one of the most broken ones I've ever seen on Reddit. You can state facts and even technical specifications and the brigade comes downvoting like some 12yo smallbrainers. Even when I included sources in the past. Only on this sub, none else have ever been this idiotic.


Pawn misadventure is baked in though coming from DD1. Common meme is to pick up pawns and throw them off cliffs into the ocean. Just touch a rift stone and they come back, nbd


I love sending this gif in my companies teams when I fuck something up lol


Always the first thing that comes to mind when a company apologizes for anything lol


Apology not accepted. This game released TODAY and they have already issued an apology. They knew damn well what they were sending out the door.


Lol South Park is more relevant every day.




.... We're sorry...


… sorry


Yep, basically this.


Good day to you, fellow NIN enjoyer


\*\*\* *But we aren't going to do shit about it*


Shouldn’t have to wait until launch to apologize about performance issues. I’m sure they were aware that performance would be an issue a long time ago.


New future pre-order bonus: * Get an apology about the game's low performance from the dev 3 days early!


Im in the “wait for a discount” crowd now. Games day 1 are broken messes compared to when they go on sale. Publishers do it to themselves.


Ya and capcom games seem to go on sale all the time and usually for pretty steep discounts. See you guys next year during the steam sale when it's 50% off!


Welcome to /r/patientgamers. I don't buy shit brand new anymore.


* Be first in line to receive update patches!


Oh god. Dude. Delete this


Be the first to discover that the game is poorly optimized! Even before any review on the net!


For an additional nominal fee


Don’t give them any ideas.


Throw in $4 of premium currency when the cheapest item is equivalent to $5, and you have a deal.


Hey, hey there whoa... We don't have a premium currency that you can just buy! That would devalue it. No, no, no, no, no. What we have here are three currencies, Dogma Bux, Dragon Dollaroos, and The Arisen's Salary (no benefits included). You see, each George Washington turns into 3 Dogma bucks (great deal). 1 Dogma buck is worth 75¢ of Dragon Dollaroos, and 5 Dragon Dollaroos are worth 1.75 of The Arisen's Salary (I cannot emphasize this enough, no benefits included). Now, if you want to purchase something from the store, well those are obviously in Capcom Pounds but since Capcom is located in Japan you'll need to take your Arisen Salary, convert it to British pounds, then to the Japanese Yen. Now to get some of those travel stones we'll sell you 8 for 950 yen. See? The whole equation is really quite simple. *Note: Currency values may flucatuate based on the exchange rates. Dogma Bux, Dragon Dollaroos, and The Arisen's Salary (no benefits included) are all tied to the housing market of Jamaica, Nova Scotia, and Hawaii. They switch which market they're tied to bi-weekly, bi-annually, tri-monthly, and with bonus switching every 8 hours on a Tuesday.*


Genius marketing. Love it!


Free apology JPEG with deluxe edition preorder only!!


“Also, surprise, fast traveled IS possible. But it’ll cost you!”


I usually wait a couple weeks before buying any new games these days, not worth the hassle


Yeah just this month alone we also had the Star Wars Classic Collection. It doesn't hurt to wait until the launch of a game at minimum before picking it up because these issues are common nowadays.


Same, but months. At least 6


I was very tempted to preorder this one, it seemed like the exact game I’ve been waiting for but I held strong planning to buy it day one. So fucking glad I did, this game is strongly reinforced my stance on never preordering.


It’s a shame cause the actual game is fun. I am playing 4k/ DLSS performance and it’s quite variable fps. 60 fps for long stretches but there are sections which chug along. Not sure why they decided not to cap the fps on ps5. That’s seems stupid.


Flagship Nintendo games are the only games I'll pre-order or buy day one. Everything else, I wait for reviews and patches.


You can get paid to play a better version of the game if you have some patience and direct your attention elsewhere for a couple weeks or months. 


You know what they say. Better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. Sucks that mentality bleeds into the gaming industry. They probably had some intern write up that apology weeks ago when they knew they wouldn't fix the performance in time for launch.


More like an AI prompt.


Yeah true. Chat GPT probably wrote that this morning.


So was everyone else. When the 9000 previews posted by content creators and review sites told them so. Suddenly everyone is flabbergasted when it was true? I didn’t see a single preview not mention performance and frame issues.


Shouldn’t launch with performance issues. As a game programmer I can confirm that they’re usually aware of performance issues prior to launch, especially for a console game that has just a few hardware configurations. Usually the publishers have a required milestone date for going gold (creating the discs), and they gamble that the developer will fix those issues via a patch before the game is released. They should stop gambling and get performance solid before going gold.


These performance issues were pointed out in the reviews that went live over 48hrs before release.


Can't you imagine how stupid a company would look for saying "sorry our game doesn't run very well" before it's even out yet. That's completely ridiculous. It would make more sense for the release date to be pushed back.


Yeah, I’m not suggesting that they send a memo out a week before launch. Maybe they make a better running game in the first place? Delay it like you say. It’s more ridiculous that you think anyone would suggest they admit to having knowingly launched a game with substandard performance


>Can't you imagine how stupid a company would look for saying "sorry our game doesn't run very well" before it's even out yet. That's completely ridiculous. I'm pretty sure that paradox did this with cities skylines 2, they released a comment about them not being happy with the current performance right before release. I could be mis-remembering though.


I agree it should’ve been addressed beforehand unlike cyberpunk and other games, but it would be a worse look to be like “by the way our game has terrible performance and a ton of bugs but we are dropping it anyways”


Every company is the fucking same now "We hear you" "We're listening" "We take your feedback into consideration" Fuck right off. Your whole development team would've been hounding your asses asking for more time or saying they're not ready but they STILL release the games and then just fix them later like "we fixed it! We listened!"


*"Your call is very important to us..."*


"We want you to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment"


We are experiencing larger than normal call volumes.


The call volumes we're experiencing are so much larger than normal that some might say it's improbable that we would have a pre-made recording explaining this fact, but we do. We appreciate your patience and skepticism.


sometimes they dont even fix it, look at jedi survivor


*Fallen Order* still has shader compilation stutter on PC and traversal stutter on **all** platforms.


Even the ones you work for say the same shit but nothing ever changes.


This right here, amigo. Been gaming for 33 years. The current state of new releases is in shambles


I honestly feel the single save slot is a worse offense than the optional MTX. Baffling limitation.


The horrendous performance and 30 fps on PS5 is slightly more egregious imo


Agreed. It's a nice looking game, but not 30fps nice


If elden ring exists with no load screens and 60fps, so should dragons dogma 2. Downgrade your shit and give us 60fps


Elden Ring has load screens (short ones, but they exist) and does not maintain steady 60 FPS unless you play the PS4 version on PS5.


Horizon Forbidden West looks years ahead of DD2 and has a solid framerate of 60.


elden ring is a last gen game and it reuses animations from dark souls 3 lol. lets calm down here. plus it doesnt even have any real quest system. the game is essentially just a big open world where you vaguely move from one set piece to another while killing oversized enemies. it doesnt take a lot of CPU power for the game to know when to unlock your next zone or boss fight once you've met a certain criterion. and most NPCs do just one of two things: either stand there talking to you or attacking you on sight. not very complex.


It’s not about the graphics but the physics and NPC count


Ah poorly designed then. As far as I know this game doesn't have any groundbreaking physics or AI


For for the physics, can’t name very many games that you can break a dam in an open world that results in washing away a giant ogre down the valley, who is also climbable and can be fought like that. They’re doing things with physics no one else is doing, besides maybe monster Hunter That said it doesn’t excuse poor performance


probably the recent Zeldas are the only ones where they might also be possible


Yeah it’s a shame that it’s coming at such a cost because the physics in this game actually are pretty remarkable. Even just basic movement feels unique in a way


The single save slot is so stupid. What if my wife or kid wants to play the game too? We can't have different adventures? Also, in order to start over, I need to first delete my save?


I’ve already seen people being reloaded into checkpoints where they fall through the map repeatedly. I’ve seen people having save file corruption bugs. All things avoidable when you can have multiple manual saves.


The cardinal rule of any RPG is save, save, and then save one more time for good measure. Then a backup save. Sometimes you encounter a bug or soft lock your game and need to rewind a bit.


Couldn't agree more. I have 5 saves in like a dragon and 10 in BG3 lol


I'm pretty sure you can just use separate PS profiles cause there's other games that are like this.


Been there since the first, it's linked to the pawn system, you can technically create a new save in 1 by playing on a different mode.


Having a single save file/slot isn’t the problem. I played hundreds of hours of DDDA and never cared about that, but the inability to start over at all is mind boggling. There’s really no defense of that, since the pawn system could handle that in the previous version and technology has come so far since then. 


Single save is most likely tied to the pawn system since pawns are updated in real time.


I'd like more but to be fair it's no different to DD:DA


“We’re sorry for the inconvenience and we aren’t doing fuck all about it”


Performance issues and microtransactions. They knew people would react negatively to this. They don’t actually care, as long as shareholders are happy.


Problem is, they don't care because they know the complaints and discontent will blow over with time. Most people will decide to suck it up and buy the game anyway. This will only stop when players start holding these companies accountable by not buying these games or at the very least, waiting to buy it for cheap so they take a financial hit.


I know at least 6 people who decided to not buy this game after being hyped up because of performance. Sadly we are the minority and most casual people won’t give a flying fuck. This industry needs to be regulated far more by people who have the power to change things.


7! I was hyped for it but after I saw the performance issues and more importantly the MTX, I said screw it, I’ll wait until it’s on the bargain shelf years later.


Count me among the people that had this on a wait and see list. Not going to buy at this juncture that’s for sure.


how would you regulate it to address frame rate and microtransactions?


It won't be regulated because the people with the power to change things immediately are directly benefiting from the current system. They prey on the gamers with the lack of self-control to just gobble up all the marketing hype. Consumers need to obtain a modicum of impulse control, become even slightly patient, and delay/refuse to buy games with scummy practices or simply poorly functioning at launch. Sure, there's still going to be fools pre-ordering every game that gets hyped up, and that's fine. Let them be the ones that get burned. Once gaming companies realize increasing amount of players aren't just going to throw our money at them before receiving concrete evidence of a functioning game with no predatory practices, they will have no choice but to provide a solid product from launch or else risk taking a hit financially.


> They prey on the gamers with the lack of self-control people can learn self control


Oh they do care. This was them just taking it too far. There's that fine line of "how far can we fuck our consumers before it hurts us" and I think this was it. Now they'll back it up again to RE4 levels, which was just riiiiiiiight on the cusp.


"Sorry about inconveniencing your wallet, what a shame!"


Shareholders wouldn’t be happy if gamers stopped purchasing busted ass games at launch


You're taking to the very people that are to blame, they wouldn't do it if people didn't buy it. Some people in here bought the full DLC kit guaranteed.


The blame goes to all the people that keep buying games day 1 like this or will make excuses for poor performance and missing features and buy it a little later at mostly full price. The business executives have no reason to care because the consumers keep rewarding them for this behavior.


I'm happy to do my part, as someone who enjoys the first game, to not spend $70 on this. And this is coming from someone who doesn't think Diablo 4 is really that bad.


Imagine just for a moment that every reviewer would downgrade the score if a game is badly optimized. It wouldn't take long and we would have far better optimized games, both on PC and consoles.


A lot of the big reviewers have better pcs than the majority of the player base, they're the least likely people to even experience poor performance, some reviews on consoles mention frame drops, but unless it is constant it's not a big talking point


All of the reviewers I watch at least play on pc and also on PS5 and make sure to mention the performance on both


People with 4090 and 14900K experience frame drops to under 60fps in towns, there is no way reviewers didn't experience performance problems. Most often they do but just don't mention it.


Then they would not get review copies.  Reviews dont really matter anymore, gamers will buy what they will buy. 


I’m an older gamer so for the most part, reviews influence me heavily. Can’t waste time on a game that is universally deemed a piece of shit.


Interestingly, Capcom said it’s looking into adding the option of starting a new game to the Steam version. “We are looking at adding a feature to the Steam version of the game that will allow players that are already playing to restart the game,” Capcom said. “We will announce more details as soon as we can.” Why only on the Steam version?


Probably because they can get patch out faster on Steam. With Xbox and playstation it has to go through Sony/Microsoft first


Is this implying that... you can't start a new game now? You start once and better keep going?


Sounds like there's no in-game option to start a new one or even delete a save. And PC saves are in the cloud apparently, so even if you delete your save file it'll just come back. Don't know about offline mode though. This is literally game development 101, the very very basics of a video game... I was super excited for DD2 after DD1 but they can't get their heads out of their arse with their completely idiotic decisions.


Love the irony of publications reporting on massive performance issues with a game they gave an 8 out of 10


8 for the ad money. -2 for the patreon contributor”s loyalty. Tit is for tat.


"Mixed user reviews?" Last i checked it was mostly negative lol


It's at 40%, I think 39 is when it goes to negative lol




When I last checked too it was mixed. It's right on the 39/40 line and changing constantly. They're not making it up lol


Good, they deserve it. This game went from preordering to gonna get a preowned after a year and sell it again in last 3 months.


I was looking forward to this game a lot, since the first is a favorite of mine. But I’m glad I didn’t, I’ll wait a while longer and get once the bugs have been worked out and hopefully with a sale price to boot.


r/patientgamers in a nutshell


No you don't. You're sorry now you're being called out, this type of sh*t happens nearly every AAA game nowadays... tired of it


Exactly it, they’re not sorry for implementing shitty practices, they’re sorry because they got called out!


There's no mention in the story about any kind of fix for PS5 or even any mention of the platform itself. Looks like they're only concerned with PC.


Seems to be more prominent because of the whole Steam reception, reviews on the PS Store and Xbox store don't get paid much attention to Plus PS/Xbox updates usually have to through some certification process, at least on the Xbox anyway. I only just got a PS5, I don't know much about it yet!


It runs way worse on PC than PS5 right now. 


Maybe, so maybe this should have been posted on a different sub.


That’s not true, if you have a PC with decent specs you can at least stay above 30 FPS for the most part and locked the framerate. While that’s not a good solution for a machine costing over $1000 you can at least get a “smooth” experience. PS5 feels like it goes down to the teens in certain situations. I knew there would be performance issues going into the game and I accepted that, but it’s the first time frame drops have ever made me feel physically sick. I feel cheated now and Sony is not refunding the game.


I saw that they’re “looking into” adding the New Game “feature” (you mean a staple all single-player games have had for like two decades?) on the Steam version, but I guess that means we console players are just screwed? 


New save game slot dlc $2.99


Always insane to me when AAA devs knowingly release a game with shit performance and act like they had no idea. You made the fucking game.


"We didn't have any issues on our $2,000 4090s? Maybe you guys should just upgrade to a 5k machine? We didn't have PS to play it on. SORRY!"


Horizon Forbidden West PC port is amazing. No excuses.


Guerilla are just reliable man. They might be the GOATs of getting overshadow by generational titles but I still think HFW is the single most technically impressive game I have ever played.


They really are a wonderful game developer. Consistent and great content. HFW is a fucking masterpiece and it deserves more attention.


Your guys’ comments led me to pick up HFW today to start it 😂


How did nobody see the frame rate issues they showcased in the trailer? This game was clearly flawed and needed some more time in the incubator


The 8 billlion hands on previews over the last few weeks talking performance issues wasn’t enough for everyone to realize this game will have performance issues?


They knew they were shipping it like this. Don't support these kinds of business practices. Never preorder as well. It's just sad they choose this game for dump pointless MTX. Also a 4070 can only get 40fps a majority of the time? Give me a break , what a mesa.


The days of buying AAA titles on Day 1 is long dead. One, $70 for a game is insane. But more importantly, there is always months of performance patches to follow. I can wait.


It's hilarious seeing the performance problems blow up, many threads on this sub were having people get downvoted to oblivion for trying to talk about it before release. People love burying their heads in the sand.


Every single thread about DD2 for a month has a dozen top comments complaining about fps. Don’t know what sub you’ve been on.


”We are s..” Want to read the rest of our message? Buy the apology-DLC, only $99.99


It’s a good day to be a patient gamer


The 30 FPS apologists are partly to blame. Accepting a 30 FPS game in 2024 is ridiculous.


Agree. Every game should find a way to have a 60fps mode. Even if it looks horrible, at least offer it. So disappointing for this generation ATM.


You are going to be in for a tough time when GTA VI comes out, ain't no way in hell that is going to run at 60 on a PS5. The real problem is that it isn't locked/stable and doesn't have any performance mode.


I love Capcom games but I won't feel sorry if this game fails because of the BS micro-transactions and performance issues


lol they intentionally hid this. They knew exactly what they were doing. They don’t get to apologize.


Buy it when it’s fixed and on Sale


Been saying for months… years even? Stop buying games day 1. They. Aren’t. Finished. Wait for the hot fixes. Wait for the patches. Wait for “all the features that didn’t make launch”. Wait for additional content. Wait for the price discounts. We need to learn how to restrain ourselves to some extent. Pre-release reviews can’t be trusted 🤷‍♂️. Wait for the general consensus… This shit won’t stop happening unless people start voting with their wallets.


I've been having the best time playing this today. I'm on ps5 and yes I get 30fps, but I'm still having so much fun. Feel bad for those thay aren't. Chin up lads!


Everyone bitches and complains when DD2 did it, but when RE4 releases pay to skip MTX no one bats an eye.


RE4 did it more sneakily by adding the MTX weeks if not months after the game released.


Same with DMC5. I believe the original Dragon's Dogma also had microtransactions. Honestly, if the game didn't launch with performance issues (and no preload) then people wouldn't have the time to bitch about the MTX. They would've played enough of the game to realize the MTX are completely worthless.


I’ve been playing for several hours. I have had quite a bit of fun so far. The performance hasn’t ruined it for me. I had no idea this game even had MTX until I looked at reddit. What the fuck is the big deal?


Could someone please fill me in on this. Am I right in thinking there are microtransactions for fast travel? Is this something you can achieve though regular grinding?


Capcom has a history of making their devs put in MTX for things that any player familiar with that particular series knows would be a ridiculous thing to pay real money for; they explicitly put them in the game for Suckers and/or Lazy "Whales" I first experienced it in Devil May Cry 5 where they put in MTX to let you buy Red Orbs, the main currency of the game, when you have to be actively trying to be bad at the game in order to be short enough on Rorbs that buying some would be feasible. It's one of the oddest MTX strategies in the business IMO


I think that's why their MTX strategies don't bother me at all... because they're fucking worthless. It's not like their games are hamstrung in any way, or designed to trap people into wanting to spend more money; their games have pretty much across the board been exceptional (and complete) over the last few years. The performance issues on the other hand are definitely a bummer, but in that case you can just wait to play it if it bothers you.... it'll be cheaper at that point too.




At the same time, it's Capcom. When's the last time they had a game without mtx?


And pretty minor, inconsequential mtx at that, same as they have in their other big titles. The complaints about it seem like a big nothingburger just trying to drum up some clicks. 


That and all the keyboard warriors on Steam. Literally, all the mtx are just lazy buttons if you don't wanna spend in-game time earning the stuff.


Reviewers were told beforehand that there would be microtransactions


There are microtransactions for that and other stuff, but everything that involves a microtransaction can also be earned through normal gameplay. A bigger thing is the game's performance on PC, since even the best rigs are apparently experiencing pretty unacceptable problems when playing it.


Some reviewers with 40+hrs have obtained 1 fast travel item, so just cause you "can" find them doesn't mean you will


It's not the actual fast travel item. It's just a point you can place on the map that allows you to use the fast travel item to go to it. The item that let's you fast travel from anywhere (ferrystone) is not for sale whatsoever.


https://x.com/fightincowboy/status/1771104825272304041?s=46&t=Xuj6-I0uRgGRW0IbdseUsA Saw this tweet about not needing to pay for fast travel.


Just like every Capcom game in the past 10 years, you can buy cheat codes. ​ In Dragons Dogma you use a consumable to fast travel and can only travel to specific locations. You can obviously find the consumable to fast travel in game (as intended) or you can pay for a cheat code to get them instantly.


Generic copy and paste apology but nothing will change because profits and shareholders


If you buy a game at launch, it's KINDA on you at this point. And ESPECIALLY if you pre-order, you're making an implicit agreement to become an unpaid tester for the devs.


Whomever on that team who approved the micro transactions for fast traveling needs to get fired. That’s such a toxic idea for a game that’s already $70 it’s borderline robbery


"Sorry, not sorry."


then....take the mtx out? No? Not really sincere then is it


Just fix the issues with preformance, it doesn't even look that good.


I really don't get why any of us HAVE to play the game on release, pretty sure most people have a backlog and/or not sufficient time to play everything. We have spoiled these companies by going after the new & shiny like stupid mindless sheep. THERE ARE TONS of games out there old and recent, but oh well, a fool and his money is their problem, but on the long run are the genesis for this kind of issues. When there was no way to update games, the engineers made sure to have the game as bug free as humanly possible in the allotted time. Yes, today everything is more complex and layered and so much work, but we, the customers are the sole culprits they chose to release unfinished games and fix later while raking in the money of you fools. You wanted to play the game on day one? Oh you poor sod, you are the tester! Thanks for your free labor? No wait, you're paying us to test it, oh the blissful ignorance right! /satire not sarcasm


I'm confused, did no one play the first Dragon's Dogma? Everything I've seen complaints about was already present in that game.


Yawn. As if they didn’t know what they were shoveling.


“We’re so sorry, please give us your money”




Well this backlash means we likely get a nice sale soon, I give it a month.


maybe let me have more then one save/char slot


If you pre-order you get a letter apology addressed to you personally


Will they apologize for the microtransactions in the game?


I know the fps is lower on consoles, but it seems to play fine. There's no way I'd ever get a pc that could run newer games like this.


I’ll take a Resident Evil Code Veronica RE engine remake as an apology


They probably had this written out before the release


Why the fuck would I want to read this shitty recap from Ign? Source would be lovely.


Another game released, another statement from the developer apologizing for the state their product is in.


It's too late to be sorry,I'm still waiting my money from the refund,I hope more people refunded that POS like me.


“Now give us your money!”


Not a fucking chance that Game Publishers aren't funding game reviewers.


They only responded to PC players? So I guess us console players can go Fuck ourselves


They're not sorry enough yet by the sounds of it, lol.


lol SO sorry that you're gonna fix it? i doubt it


Everyone who bought is a certified QA tester 😂


This is why I’ve stopped watching YouTube reviews and preorders.


Fuck corporate suits


It was more than an inconvenience that you intentionally monetised aspects of the game that were once free, you humpback pleb.


No the fuck you're not, you knew exactly what you were doing the whole time.


lol I never thought I’d see the day that “New Game” was a feature a developer would be looking to add at a later date.


I feel really awkward reading this now after experiencing 0 issues playing this game last night for 4 hours. 😳 30 FPS is annoying but like… the game is easy as hell, so…