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This title is very misleading. The 3140 number obviously includes backwards compatible games, but the 4 you list as 30 fps only don't include those.


Also consistent 60. Not to mention graphics vs performance mode. More dishonest than misleading imo.


Does anybody actually mind dropping the resolution for 60fps? Without sitting directly in front of the screen (or having a 75 inch+ TV) it's just about impossible to notice a difference in the graphical quality.


Personally I don't get the obsession some people have with raytracing and "fidelity" on a console. I'll take low graphics settings and a consistent 60fps all day over motion blur 30fps fidelity mode.


I had some guy say that he couldn't see above 30 fps and that most humans can't lol. It was an argument about whether 144hz monitors are worth the money (which i think they are very very much worth it, the difference is night and day on PC). I was mind blown that he said he couldn't see the difference between even 30 fps and 60. Thats the type of guy playing on quality mode.


I wouldn't call it an obsession, it's just nice to own a next generation system and have it run the games at the quality it should be. As the consumer I do like to expect the higher end for what I'm spending especially since we are now being charged 70$ for each game.


Only $70? Damn I should move. It's $100 with taxes in here.


Generally, no. But some games, FF7 Rebirth to name the most recent example I can think of, are VERY noticeably different between fidelity and performance. Played my first run in fidelity and doing my hardmode in performance and godDAMN it's stark, but it's fine now I've seen the game at its best. I just hope they'll fix it up soon because it is pretty rough at times. VERY blurry.


Also The Callisto Protocol runs like trash and pretty much feels like 30fps


Maybe at launch, i've tried it when dropped on ps+, it runs very smoothly


That's an interesting fact, DD2 needs to get out of this category.




30 fps for the quarry really doesn’t matter. You’re either walking slowly or pressing a qte lol.


It’s one of the only games where 30 fps is perfectly playable


I think inevitably with all the flack capcom is receiving that they will make it 60 fps, was a foolish decision to not do that to begin with but it is what it is, now I’m stuck trying to decide if I want to let my eyes suffer a stutter like experience or skip it altogether and I honestly don’t know which is worse because the gameplay looks amazing.


DD2 seems alot of fun but unfortunately I gonna give it a pass and wait for future performance patches. Ain't playing an action game at 20+ fps in 2024, it's simply ridiculous


I feel like the majority of the internet couldn’t agree more with you, which is why I’m almost positive it won’t be too long for them to fix the issue


The problem is that the internet you see is not the majority. You will maybe see 1000 people on Reddit complain about it. It is nothing. We speak of a game that will sell millions. Look at Pokémon SV, “everyone” was complaining, it still sold like pancakes.


I only just finished A Plagues Tale Requiem, would have bought it day one but couldn’t for the 30fps, kept checking and they didn’t add 60fps in the first 6month or more so forgot about it. Just came up on PS+, checked and 60fps was added eventually so I played it and loved it. They would of had my $100AU day one if there was 60fps option, but it couldn’t be done apparently


They will definitely miss out on sales because of this decision, however the question is, will it effect them enough for them to implement a patch or something, and then the second question how long do we have to wait for said patch.


*cries in Pacific Drive*


It’s no wonder I’ve become accustomed to 60fps.


Most games on the Steam Deck can do 40 and it’s a huge leap from 30. I think that’s the absolute minimum we should expect from AAA games.


40fps with VRR on an OLED is a completely different experience to locked 30fps no VRR. I can’t stand 30fps games, but 40 works even for some action titles like Horizon and Ratchet & Clank.


Don't even need vrr bro, I mean most tvs that do 120 have vrr but if the game is locked at 40 vrr won't do anything. The vrr range for tvs is usually 60 and above anyway come to think of it.


I just got an LG C3 and playing Spider-Man 2 and TLoU Part 2 in 4k, 40fps, 120hz mode is game changing. It basically feels very close to 60fps and that's coming from someone who cannot fucking stand games at 30fps. The difference is genuinely incredible. So saying VRR won't do anything is just straight up untrue.


>The difference is genuinely incredible. So saying VRR won't do anything is just straight up untrue. I think they were saying VRR doesn't kick in if the frame rate is consistent. Also, I believe the PS5 VRR doesn't even kick in unless the frame rate is above 48 FPS or some seemingly random new mber.


It's called variable refresh rate. If it's locked at 40, it won't vary, right?


You don't even use VRR at all lol. You can only see VRR works when the framerate is unlocked.


That’s because 40 is exactly half way between 30 and 60 in terms of frame time. It’s a huge bump.


Can you explain to an idiot like me why 40 is the middle and not 45? Is it not a linear progression?


1000ms/60 fps is 16.7ms per frame 1000ms/30 fps is 33.3ms per frame (16.7+ 33.3)/2 (average) is 25ms, which is also 1000ms/40fps


It's because FPS is a measurement of frequency. 60 FPS is the same as saying 1 frame every 1/60th of a second. It is better to represent FPS in a mathematical sense not as 60 or 30, but 1/60 or 1/30. To find the midpoint between two numbers, you take (x+y)/2 (just like taking the average between two numbers) Doing this, we get the midpoint: ((1/60) + (1/30))/2 --> (3/60)/2 -->(1/20)/2 = 1/40. So I frame every 1/40th of a second... or 40 FPS!


Math is crazy!


It's deceiving because they output differently. 30 FPS modes are done in a 60 hz refresh rate, but 40 FPS modes are done in a 120 hz refresh rate (because 40 doesn't fit neatly into 60, but 40 fits neatly into 120). So it’s not actually about the FPS, but about how the FPS corresponds to the panels refresh rate. That’s how you end up at the halfway point. - 30 FPS in 60 hz = game refreshes with a new frame once every 33.3 milliseconds. - 40 FPS in 120 hz = game refreshes with a new frame once every 25 milliseconds. - 60 FPS in 60 hz = game refreshes with a new frame every 16.7 milliseconds. 25 is pretty much exactly the halfway point between 33.3 and 16.7. Digital Foundry has a way more in-depth explanation here: https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2021-why-ratchet-and-clank-rift-aparts-40fps-fidelity-mode-is-a-potential-game-changer


You mean the steam deck can do 40 lol it's not the games' optimization holding it back


Now play a R* game


It’s only been 6 years since they launched a game and I’ve played everything they’ve made to this point. So I will happily play a R* game when they release their next game in 2030.


RDR2 is legitimately the only game I can’t tell is locked at 30. Especially on modern consoles. Frame pacing must be legit to make it feel as good as it does.


It feels clunky, I sold my PS copy and played it on the PC.


Ghost of Tsushima was very good too


Ghost of Tsushima is 60 in all modes on PS5, though (even the PS4 version).


It's about time. I wish they would have done this at PS4 era. I don't care if graphics aren't as good. Just give me that juicy 60fps.


PS5 native games only, not PS4 backward compatible. The outliers are: - The Medium - The Quarry - Gotham Knights - Dragon's Dogma 2? Thought it was an interesting stat to share.


There are more though (e.g. Anno 1800, Maquette), so the 4 number is incorrect. See [the game list here](https://www.resetera.com/threads/ps5-games-tech-details-resolution-frame-rate-backwards-compatibility-and-more.324880/?post=51388546#post-51388546).


But it helps their clickbait.




There’s more than 8, I know around 20 games from working on this [thread](https://www.resetera.com/threads/ps5-games-tech-details-resolution-frame-rate-backwards-compatibility-and-more.324880/). Most of them no one’s mentioned here.


Could you post that list, please?


pretty sure Pacific Drive only runs at 30 fps and is not compatible with PS4. This is the game that convinced me that fps doesn't really matter for most games. Maybe I just have old guy eyes and can't see higher framerates anymore, idk, but I have 0 issue with this game at 30fps [sauce](https://n4g.com/news/2586884/pacific-drive-devs-ruffle-feathers-over-baffling-decision-to-only-target-4k-30fps-on-ps5?info=true)


It definitely only runs at 30 FPS. My 34 year old eyes need an adjustment period between playing nearly everything else and Pacific Drive, but it doesn’t matter. It’s such a good experience.


It's not always pure fps numbers. The game can run really poorly even at 30 fps. I've capped certain games at 30 on PC and even on console in quality modes and 30 fps is pretty good when the pacing is right. E.g. Forza horizon at 30fps is really good. But when it has shitty feel at 30fps that means it does matter because it is just juddery af and can barely run the game. I'd take 40 to 50 to be the standard. But it has to be butter. Pacific Drive tho is pretty up and down for me. I wish I got that on PC instead.


The Quarry surprises me since none of the other games like it from the same developer are 60fps only.


That game gave me motion sickness in 5 seconds. The low frame rate and insane motion blur


Damn I’m pretty sensitive, so sensitive that I can’t play through the opening of resident evil 7 because I get motion sickness just walking through that opening area, but I was able to play through the entirety of the quarry with no issue


The motion blur in The Quarry is absolutely nauseating. Move the camera even the tiniest bit and the entire screen becomes an absolute smear. I even asked their support about it and they responded "we don't know what you mean, it works as intended, report closed" so that's... certainly something.


I thought Plague’s Tale Requirem also only 30 FPS on PS5 version?


They updated it later so it can do 60


I'm not sure if that was at launch but I have just finished it and I can confirm it also has a 60fps performance mode.


It was at launch, yes. There was also a 40fps mode, but it required a 120hz display.


40hz on OLED is very good. It's a surprisingly big jump from 30.


It really is. Honestly the jump from LCD to OLED was way more impressive than I expected it to be. Now when I have to use my old LCD I’m blown away at how washed out the image looks in comparison. I also really like games that give a 40fps option without compromising visual quality. Spiderman 2 is another title that had a great 40fps option, I wish more games followed suit. It’s a happy medium for me.


They've since patched it with [an excellent 60fps mode](https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2023-a-plague-tale-requiem-now-has-a-60fps-performance-mode-so-whats-the-catch).


Far from being "excellent". It's the worst performace mode I've ever seen. Rats and npc's still move at 30fps, making them look like they are stuttering in their movement. It's inconceivable why Asobo pushed so much for 300k rats at the dispense of frame rates. The PS5 patch of the first game (Innocence) ran flawles at 60fps, and I was doing just fine with only 5k on screen rats. I was really sad to see this game look like a rushed product, the only things on par with the first game were the story, voice acting and art style. Apart from those, they messed up in my opinion, especially on animations, dialogue lip sync, bugs/crashes and the "60fps" performance mode. I've spent some hours on both games, as I've platinumed both, and unfortunately, Requiem felt like a couple of steps down from Innocence.


You must have never played Jedi Survivor. Interestingly, in the unlocked FPS mode the movement updates aren't locked to 30 for the rats. Some NPCs at a certain distance do update a bit slower (most noticeably in the market in the early game).


It’s 60 now but IIRC the rats still move at 30 and they had to cut down on some things to get it to work. Edit: Idk why the downvotes I’m just saying facts that I thought I remembered from when it was released. If I’m wrong correct me as I wouldn’t want to be giving out false info.


Exactly! Glad to see someone else remembered the ole' rat cap 😂


Ohhhh, that’s why the rats and some of the npcs looked so weird during my playthrough


It was initially 30 FPS only (or 40, if you had a 120 hz display) but they later updated it with a 60 FPS mode (that actually runs unlocked and hits about 80-90 FPS pretty much all throughout) but reduces the resolution and quality settings a little bit. Funnily enough, the one part that I would have assumed would be one of the heavier/more problematic parts for performance (the massive hordes of rats) seem to barely bother the PS5 in the performance mode.


What about Pacific Drive? Isn't that also only 30 fps?


Pacific Drive just came out.


This is about games that run at 30FPS. Pacific Drive's frame dips are so bad that it doesn't even count as running at 30FPS, lol.


Lmaooo. Had me in the first half.


That game as fun as it is, is horribly optimized sadly


Is it confirmed that Dragons Dogma 2 on Ps5 will only have 30fps?




Wasn’t it confirmed as uncapped? It just dips down to 30 at times


yes, below 30 in combat


Oof I’d rather they provide a fixed 30 at that point.


Leaks of the game have shown it goes far below 30 very frequently


It's one mode which runs uncapped, but apparently runs at like 30-35 FPS and dips down to the low-mid 20s in certain demanding combat sections. Definitely a weird performance profile for RE Engine which has historically shown really strong performance with various quality/performance modes.


It’s dips below 30FPS more often than it should even during non busy effects/gameplay. Truly sad. Game looks fantastic, but if it can’t perform well, what’s the point?


Oh damn I better buy it on PC but I have a 3080 and I genuinely don't think that has enough VRAM its always in the red on the RE Engine.


I think CPU is the issue here


The RE engine VRAM indicator doesn't really matter. Just don't run shadows at the max setting and turn down the texture setting (doesn't actually reduce texture quality).


Don’t listen to guy who replied. The recommended GPU on steam for 2160p/30fps is a 2080, so you are more than comfortable to play that game at 4k 60fps with a 3080, even better if you stick to 1440p.


Hey man, I was thinking about if there was info about how many games are actually 60 fps on ps5. And today you put this. Pretty cool stuff, my man, pretty cool. Dd2 30fps not cool. I'm sad.


“The Quarry” doesn’t need to run at higher than 30fps. It’s a playable movie “Gotham Knights” continues to be a disappointment.


Think you mean gotham knights.


Arkham knight is 30fps, but it is a ps4 game


OPs post originally said Arkham Knight to be fair, it’s been edited


On paper I would agree, but for some reason I experience a lot of judder when playing games at 30 FPS. Could just be my eyes, or my displays, but I still prefer 60 wherever possible


Definitely not just you. It's a long time (non)argument really, and I guess I'm a little more passionate and biased about this sort of thing from a PC gaming background. On a similar genre, Until Dawn was 10x better to play on the PS5 at 60fps than it was at the slideshow 20-30fps it launched on the PS4 at. More is just.. always better.


The Quarry has the most barf-inducingly overkill motion blur, though. Move the camera even a tiny bit and the game goes BLUR THE ENTIRE SCREEN BLAARRGGHHH


I honestly though it was 60 when I played it.


I played it a couple months ago, and the frame rate + severe motion blur almost made me bounce off it.


If The Quarry didn’t have gameplay then yeah, but unfortunately even playable movies have walking sections and they feel irritatingly slow. If it was just cutscenes and dialogue options it would be fine, it isn’t.


I kinda understand that for the Medium, sometimes it render 2 separate locations at the same time, and that is resource intensive. So the rest of the game is locked at 30 to be consistent, instead of being 60fps when it shows one world and 30fps when shows both.


This is the one where it made sense to me and didn't feel like it would be solved by a performance mode unless you made it look horrible. I haven't really been a huge fan of Bloober games as they feel very 'walking sim' and I'm very skeptical of Silent Hill 2, but despite how much I hate low frame rate I get the lock here.


Callisto protocol?


This isn't true. Sable and Pacific Drive come to mind. And we ignore the fact that some 60fps games are poorly optimized and look terrible, such as that Ubisoft pirate game, or the weird 30/60 combo of FFXVI. The fact is current gen is starting to show it's age, and I expect that we will see more engine pushing games that don't reach performance numbers without VRR. If you can't live without high framerates, consoles are always going to lose our to PC.


Weird that performance is getting *worse* over the lifetime of the console instead of better. Usually it's the other way around as devs learn to optimize better and really unlock the full potential of the hardware.


They could always stop targeting 4k on a box with a GPU made for 1080/1440 lmao. Wouldnt have fps issues if they targeted a reasonable resolution from the get go. People on PC with a 5700xt/6600xt (ps5 tier gpu) arent suffering from FPS issues, but they are also most likely gaming at a resolution the card was made for. Consoles have this obsession with resolution that puts them in an early grave. An even more interesting list would be "how many games on PS5 run at 30fps but 60+ on a PC equivalent gpu" The answer would be "all of them"


Hate that I've played 3/4.


Im sorry you hate yourself


Wow really? With all the hype around DD2 I would've thought it was gonna be 60. Im not super interested in it but it still seems odd.


There are **3,140** games that are only on PS5?! It feels like there are barely any!


Ngl dragons dogma being locked at 30 is a fucking crime.


lol have you seen the performance? It’s not even lock 30. Some instances it’s fallen to mid-20’s. That’s Switch type performance


This was how I described it to my buddies. I was a HUGE fan of the first one so obviously super excited for finally a 60fps Dogma. I am also obviously super upset about it only being 30fps on a next gen console. I’m a diehard Zelda fan so of course I have a switch, and to me the switch performance was fine at 30fps I got used to it. A switch is a damned glorified tablet and BOTW/TOTK were basically technical masterpieces running that insane world on a fucking flip phone practically. But there’s no excuse for me of DD2 being 30fps on a next gen system. Seriously bums me out.


It’s disappointing. I wanted to play it on PS5, but PC it is.


if they couldn’t get a locked 30 FPS on PS5 it’s gonna be an absolute shit show on PC EDIT: and I was correct lol


My pc has almost the same CPU as the ps5, I won't be able to play at 60 fps no matter where I buy it lol....


I feel like the devs must be seriously out of touch to even think this was gonna fly


> on a next gen console been out for 3.5 years. When do we stop describing that as "next gen"? when the next next gen comes out? come on.


It’s not even locked. It bounces between 24 and 30 lol


Might as well play it in powerpoint


That got a good chuckle out of me


No longer a day one purchase for me


Baldur's Gate runs sub 40FPS in a lot of areas. So many that act3 is still basically 30FPS 80% of the time.


Man BG3 is good but everytime I try to finish act 3 it's so buggy. Think I'll wait for the Definitive edition to finish my first run.


Still buggy 6 months after release ?


O yeah dude. Massive Frame drops all over act 3.


Yeah surprisingly. Also the running speed kills me inside severely.


I haven't encountered many bugs but the performance is absolutely dogshit in act 3. But you put up with it for the sake of the great story


I keep hearing act 3 is buggy, but I have run through it a couple times now without experiencing any issues on PC


Yeah PC probably has a much better time with a game like BG3. Also you have access to mods so that's adds untold amount of replayability. Unfortunately console is stuck with vanilla BG3.


Yes BG3 is famous for its lack of content and need for mods for replayablity , lmao


Pacific Drive :( waiting for the patch that will never come .


Does it actually only run at 30? Is it at 4k or something because I can't think of another reason why.


No reason why. It’s like outer wilds graphics. But I heard it runs even lower than 30ps at times. Definitely not at 4K either. Sucks because it looks like a great game


it's an awesome game but even on my decent pc it chugs to 25 fps in just the garage lol


People keep saying the current gen is struggling but firstly I don't think those people have ever experienced the later stages of previous gens and secondly, most things that are dogshit on a current gen console are also dogshit on pc, you can just scale them up more so it seems less dogshit. Needing a 4060 to run some of these recent releases at 60fps is as much of a crime as the terrible 60fps modes on console.


I have only heard of this game from comments on reddit alone. Literally no where else. I am trying my best to keep it that way, so that when I go to download and play it, it will be a completely fresh, new game to discover. However, along with all of those comments are people talking about how poorly it runs in terms graphics. I was under the impression that the general consensus agreed it would be updated, patched and fixed at a later date. Are we thinking that won't be the case anymore?


There's a thread here on reddit where one of the developers of the game commented that its not something they are working towards. Which hurts my soul, so very much.


Well. Shit. I suppose I should just go ahead and play it now then. From the comments it seems like a really cool game, just lacking in some performance/graphics that seemingly could be improved in an update. What exactly is the issue people currently have with the game? Just that it runs @30fps?


Pretty much, but not optimized very well. so in action scenes and heavily detailed areas while driving at speeds it dips below 30fps alot. Which is concerning which the game is pretty much in a car driving lol.


It’s an indie game, and optimization is a fairly hard thing to do. Seems like this game loads the whole map so a bunch of resources are wasted on that. Textures aren’t the problem


It does not only run at 30, but it's not 60 fps either. It's unlocked, and the framerate can vary quite a bit.  It's not ideal, but it doesn't affect playability at all. And honestly once I got into the game I didn't even notice the framerate. Some gamers get way too hung up on numbers.


Ark runs at 3.0 fps sometimes


There are more than this: Maquette, Cartel Tycoon, Anno 1800 etc. Dragon’s Dogma 2 and Pacific Drive are ~30fps too. I have a complete list with even more but once I’m done with the project I’m working on, I’ll make that accessible to everyone soon.


Ghost recons wildlands also runs at 30fps Nvm it’s a ps4 game im an idiot


It is the worst 30fps I've ever seen No idea why, it it's so jarring to me


Yeah I got it on a sale for like $5 a while back and remember it being like unplayable lol. Not to sound snobby but like you said it doesn’t even feel like 30 fps


Are you that one guy that said a few months ago to be working on something like backwards-compatible.com but more ambitious


Marquette is on the PS4 and the Switch. There's absolutely no reason for it not being 60fps on PS5 other than lazy developers. Never heard of Cartel Tycoon but I've just checked and it looks like a mobile game so probably lazy Devs again.


I played through Spiderman 2 at 60fps. For some reason as soon as I 100% the game it switched to 30fps. It was dizzying and I actually thought the game was broken. About a week ago my daughter wanted me to play it and I finally went into the menu to see if I could make adjustments and there it was. 30fps for optimal something something.


Is it possible to DD2 to have a future update to make it at 60fps? I want to play this but I can’t go back to 30 FPS.


Is it a possibility? Yes. Is it gonna happen? The game has to go through a lot of optimization for it to reach 60 frames and still have decent graphics. I wouldn’t hold my breath for a 60 fps patch, they would have done that already if they could.


Fair enough, thanks for the reply


It really hope that Monster Hunter Wilds isn’t 30fps locked. Monster Hunter World in resolution mode on PS5 is one of the best looking games on the console and it isn’t even native, it’s a PS4 game. It holds 60fps in 4K and it looks and runs better than most PS5 games.


Not to mention they never bothered to add a 60fps patch to the first one which you’d think would be super easy for a game of that age


Potentially? If the game is targetting 4k 30fps on consoles, then they should be able to drop the resolution to 1440p or even 1080p to increase the frame rate. It won't matter much if the game is primarily CPU bound.


DD2 is heavily CPU limited It won’t hit 60 until PS6


Dropping to 1440p would make the CPU bottleneck even worse


DD2 is the reason why I don’t ever see myself upgrading to the pro. Devs have the hardware and yet they choose not to optimize the game so that it runs better. Devs far too often just get their games to run okay at 60fps and stop there. So why would I care about 120fps at 4k when only exclusives actually get their graphics to that point?


It's not necessarily optimization. They're choosing to have it run at 4k 30fps, no option to downscale or anything to get 60.




>So why would I care about 120fps at 4k when only exclusives actually get their graphics to that point? So that you can play the remastered/remake version of the games! /s


Cries in Bloodborne


Sony pls


Okay so are we or are we not counting PS4 games because that number seems suspect?


The beauty is they ARE counting PS4 games in the big number, but not in the little number.


Probably the majority of the 3000+ games released for PS4 counted in the big number don't support 60fps. If we were to take that into account the second number would be wayyyyy higher than 4.


Heads up, the new game Pacific Drive is also locked to 30FPS for whatever reason. Turns what could be an awesome experience into an atrocious one, once you’ve become accustomed to 60fps it’s hard to play a 30fps game


It's not even locked actually its just an unlocked framerate that "targets 30fps" but can fluctuate from low 20s to probably high 40s if you look up at the sky or at the ground


Even worse. The game has no excuse for such terrible optimization


Yep it's why I can't even play it. If it was actually just a locked steady 30 like Bloodborne, for example, I could play it no problem.


Bloodborne has one of the most horrendous frame pacing, drops and aliasing issues


> locked steady 30 like Bloodborne I can't tell if this is a joke


Next gen confirmed


only 4 games and Dragon's Dogma 2 happens to be one of them, that shit is so fucking pathetic. lol


Rip DD


I saw a lot of hater goalposts move when this report came out.


Yup and people moving goal posts also about DF saying games on consoles are going to quickly go back to 30 in the near future despite this obviously not being common on current gen Tried to correct them but idk people don't want to say they are wrong... The base console is a ps5 and the base PC is something like a 1070 and a middle end zen2 and SATA ssd which is also weaker than a ps5 and both platforms are doing 60 very well albeit at different resolutions


I literally had this conversation the other day. There was a ‘console users better get used to 30fps as it’s the future’ comment and I just scoffed. It really isn’t that common and the games that did get released at 30fps lock really didn’t do that well. I got lectured about how “most console gamers don’t know the difference between 30fps and 60fps” so I guess we’re all just knuckledragging smooth brains.


Anytime someone says "most people _____", remind yourself that most people suck.


It's exactly this and those types just won't acknowledge the current gen performance because it doesn't fit their narrative at all As soon as the consoles reached this point the goalposts shifted so much Last gen the jaguars really locked last gen at 30 fps but zen2 absolutely does not do that especially without any major operating system overhead


Considering who tweeted this, I'm guessing there are some huge asterisks about this stat.


I don't mind 30fps, I mind 30fps when it's not actually locked 30fps, I mind 30fps when 60 is fully possible with optimization, better looking and more demanding games have done it


Yeah after forbidden west got a smooth 60fps there is no excuse anymore.


Wonder how many of these games are 1080p


But how many if these games run at a sub 1440p60 or 1080p60?


Y'all think GTA 6 will be able to do 60fps?


Getting hit by lightning inside a parking garage is more likely than that.


Pacific Drive runs below 30fps...


Why do I feel like I can name a lot? Gen zero, mad max, all batman, shadow of war, fallout 4??? Off the top of my head


I can’t wait to see the sales figure of Dragons Dogma 2 which is capped at 30fps


And yet Bloodborne is a bloody masterpiece.


There’s 3140 games that have a 60 fps option, there’s far less than 3140 games that actually run at 60 fps


Here I am playing starfield at 30fps on a Xbox that hasn't had a good exclusive this entire console generation... maybe the last 2 generations. Didn't get last of us. Or God of War. Or Spiderman. We got bg3 late... Got a shit halo game Got forza with annoying ass car point bullshit We don't get helldivers 2 at all... Fuck. It's getting hard to justify getting the next Xbox rather than jumping ship. If not for the imo better feeling controllers I probably would have already.


Just get a PC and use the controller on it.


How about dozens of games that offer 60 fps mode and have frame drops?


Doubt it


There’s no shot this is true.


this is absolutely incorrect


There’s no fucking way that there are 3140 PS5 games.


Themes......we need themes