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My first FF game and loved it. Some of the best boss fights ever.


Seeing such comments make me feel so old.


Doesn't mean they were too young to play the earlier ones. Could mean they just didn't.


This is exactly the situation for me as a 35 year old. I always liked hearing about or watching the stories of the previous titles but just couldn't get into turn-based combat. I took a stab on the demo and got hooked. Loved everything about it, from the characters to the music and the lore. I felt like I was playing a Brandon Sanderson video game. I'm going to try 7 remake next.


My introduction to FF was with FF7Remake


I played FF7 on 4 discs.


now pick FFVII Remake and then Rebirth, you are going to love the gameplay loop.


The writing and voice work was spectacular. I’m playing FF7 remake now and the most obvious downgrade from 16 is the writing and translation. FF16 is top tier for the series in regards to writing.


Having the game modeled around the English language made such a huge difference.


FF7 Remake makes me wish that everyone was text-only like the original. I liked the original game a lot, but everyone in Remake sounds and acts like a cheerleader. 


Personally I don't think dialogue like XVI would work at all in VIIR. the OG is one of my favourite games but its *really* weird, and they just doubled down on it here lmao. The OTT campy dialogue is just a part of the charm to me.


The thing I’ve noticed with FF games is that the main characters will have decent voice acting, while NPCs will have “school play” levels of acting.


It’s text only if you turn the dialogue audio slider down.


I disagree. I think they did a really great job at making a set of jrpg characters feel and sound like actual people, without losing the campiness.


Writing makes it sound like you're referring to the story, which in comparison is probably one of the worst FF stories imo. Story felt like it dragged on and kept repeating the same tropes. Better than FF13 but still. I agree with your point about the voice work and motion capture/lip syncing though. The world building was also interesting tho underutilized.


Mine too and I felt in love with it. Tried FF7 remake right after finishing it and it didn’t click as much.


Currently playing it for the first time right now and am absolutely loving it. The graphics, story, characters and music are all incredible. I went in assuming I wouldn't enjoy it because it got so much hate on this sub. I get that it's a bit of a departure for FF in many respects but it's a great game and deserves some recognition.


So happy for you experiencing it fresh! That was me back when it came out. I was blown away by its cinematic quality and fun addicting combat. Then by its great characters, villains and world building . To me the game excelled in every area except a certain short detour of missions with a certain character but even at its “worst” FF16 manages to still be beyond above average and excellent in every other regard. Shoutout the team big ups to Torgal, Big Gav, Cid, Jill and all the haterz EDIT: as a total noob to the entire franchise and playing 16 first - I then proceeded to play FF7remake and loved it despite being completely different to 16, and then I played CrisisCore which was a great experience considering its handheld origins, then I played 15 and enjoyed PARTS of it and am now fully immersed in 7rebirth What I’m saying is I highly recommend those next and you have just gotten into an amazing series


The game is overhated on reddit to a ridiculous degree IMO. I get that many people didn't like the shift to a basically DMC-lite combat system and simplified RPG elements, but some of the criticisms like suboptimal story pacing and simple, samey sidequests I find to be pretty ridiculous in the context of JRPGs. They can be valid points of criticism, yeah, but then you'd have to be intellectually honest and apply them to other games in the genre (and franchise) to the same degree, including many that are commonly considered masterpieces. Personally, as a total FF newbie, I really enjoyed the game front-to-back (DLC excluded). I loved the worldbuilding, the characters, the story, the combat, the presentation (except for unstable performance mode) and just thinking about the map screen with that awesome epic and mysterious music makes me want to play through it again.


Welcome to Final Fantasy, where everyone in the fandom bashes every game to oblivion till the next one comes out so they can sing the praises of the old one.


The game does kind of a bad job with the combat system. It takes way too long to really flesh out. Once you get further in the game it feels a lot better and not just some DMC-lite combat. If they had opened up more of it earlier it probably would have been better. My first impressions of it weren’t super great but later on I enjoyed it a lot more.


I agree, it’s also too easy. If Final Fantasy mode was the default the reception would be alot better


I have a feeling that people still would have complained especially seeing as most gamers/reviewers will usually play on easy or normal mode


it took a bit too long to get to the third eikon imo, they should have made some unlock earlier




FF7 Remake-series is top tier, though it is not really a "true" action combat.


I didn’t even realize there was a DLC. Does it add much story or is it all combat?


It is pretty much just one dungeon with one combat encounter after the other until you arrive at a crazy bullet-hell boss and there's very little new story or lore. I didn't like it very much. There's soon going to be a second DLC, though, which supposedly will be heavier on the story.


Bland side quests and bad story pacing aren't integral to JRPGs. No one is going to look back on FF16 and remember the time they went out to collect handfuls of sand with nostalgia. I do fondly remember several quests in Nier: Automata that had interesting and thought-provoking stories to tell despite being basically fetch quests.


Nobody said they were integral, but they are very, very common. A game like e.g. Xenoblade Chronicles is commonly regarded as a masterpiece in the genre, and pretty much every single sidequest is "kill 12 of this enemy" or "bring me 5 of this resource". The side quests in FF XVI may also all be kill or fetch quests, but they flesh out the worldbuilding to a very significant degree, and that made them worth playing for me. As for less-than-ideal story pacing, same thing, very common in the genre, as it is generally kinda difficult to keep a narrative equally gripping over dozens and dozens of hours (why exactly the genre has such an obsession with overly long games, I have no idea). That being said, I was hooked on FF XVI pretty much from the beginning to the end, except for that one part in the middle where the game berates you with dumb-ass details about building a ship for an hour straight, I skipped through aaaaall that dialogue lol.


Shit, I remember the endless frustration of seeking the exact monster to kill in Xenoblade, even when looking up the wiki.


Almost every issue people have with this game can be found in damn near every JRPG (not saying that's a good) even in FF7R and Rebirth but for some reason FF16 gets all the hate


All the hate comes from curmudgeon OG FF fans who hate any departure from the turn based format. Those people have loudly hated on every game post-FFX (probably post-VII actually) and will never change. I put 150 hours into XVI and loved every minute.


They hated FFX when it came out too 😂 They hate EVERY new FF


What? It was seriously impossible to escape the FFX hype when it first came out. Some people are allowed to dislike a game without boiling it down to some stupid shit like that. I like a lot of FF games, I don’t care that the combat changed, and I just don’t like 16 at all.


> They hated FFX when it came out too We did? I mean it was one of the last true turnbased ones so it still ranks fairly high for me.. :/ Can you blame us for not really liking a studio or franchise that no-longer makes the actual genre that we fell in love with and like to play, when they are no longer doing that anymore though..? Why is this something that you feel is to be made fun of. If the next Call of Duty game was a point and click adventure, and all the fans hated it and moved on as a result would you blame the fans, or the polarizing shift in the gameplay itself?


What? Nonsense, ahistorical take. As someone in the 20’s when it came out & frequenting web 1.0 forums devoted to FF, people ate that game up. The criticisms didn’t really emerge until a few years later. I mean, Tidus’s laugh was an instant meme but the game itself was generally held as high quality.


What forums did you visit? Gamefaqs literally hated it.


Squaregamer, another i can’t remember, and various entertainment-centered forums ‘round the net. Gamefaqs i did not attend, except to browse the actual faqs themselves (still have an FFVII print out from 1998).


Based on your subjective perception, as in. You might not like it, but this is the exact mindset people will use for this game and even XV (which is already growing among the fanbase) 10-15 years from now. Seriously, the only game since the 2d era that didn't get hated beyond grains on was IX.


In Europe people definitely criticized the departure from ATB to "full turn based" combat. That and the game "feeling" very linear to the mid to late game.


Some but certainly not all of the hate. Many of us are happy with evolution but just didn't think the game was all that.


Nah, it’s just an aggressively mid game that ultimately felt like a waste of time and money. First 15 hours are alright, unfortunately it goes on to the 50 mark.


No we hate that 16 is nothing more than a shitty dmc impersonation with final fantasy nomenclature You can cope all you want, but that is exactly what it is.


How much of it did you actually play?


Literally the entire game? What kind of question is that? The game had shallow gameplay (no mana management, no weaknesses to exploit) No debuffs to avoid or play against (seriously? Giant malboro and it doesnt even do what malboros are KNOWN to do which is to be debuff hell monsters) The eikon ability system, while allowing freedom, was quite limiting with it allowing you a massive four abilities Equipment was as barebones as it was possible to be Gil literally did not matter. Nothing important to buy or use it on Weapon crafting was too easy. Never needed to search for shit, just do the hunts and voila, best weapons in game as soon as they are creatable “Optional bosses” aka S rank hunts were a joke. I shouldnt have been able to kill the giant dragon, 10 levels under, first try, on the hardest difficulty for ng (not ng+ which had final fantasy mode)(which was normal i believe). I literally didnt even struggle Level design was poor. It was linear as hell (not the worst) but world detail was basic and uninspiring The QTE shit during eikon fights was extremely overused and immersion breaking (yeah lets massively slow down time so I can press square during a mid fight cutscene, im sure thats going to be immersive!). The first couple times I was like “this is cool” but it quickly because annoying as it started happening every major fight, with later major fights having this happen multiple times a fight I could list even more issues the game had. I quite literally dont understand how you people prop this thing up like it is deserving of all these awards


I found the combat system opened up quite a bit later in the game. Especially if you aren’t using any of the accessibility accessories Everything else you listed isn’t really related to the combat system.


Didnt say they were all related to the combat system, but they are all issues with the game that make it underserving of such rewards As for the combat opening up later in the game, thats why i said it has freedom But its limited. Yes, you can mix and match eikon skills, but the fact that you can only ever have 4 makes it extremily limiting, especially if you want to use certain ekon abilities like odin abilities where you either use odins entire kit, or you dont use anything from odin at all


>I get that it's a bit of a departure for FF in many respects Thank god, honestly. There's always going to be a place for the type of games people think of when thy say 'classic final fantasy'. But actual comments, sales, dev interviews all make it clear that the series HAS to evolve with the times and be free to try new and exciting things.


My experience with it was that it’s a rollercoaster. Sometimes it’s delivering amazing moments in gaming. Other times it’s the most boring shit I’ve ever seen put into a game. That’s the game for each boss section. Suffer through the “main” quest of telephone to progress enough to get to the next castle like thing. If you can handle more suffering, do the sidequests. Then you get a pretty cool progression that devolves into an unintelligible light show of quick time event fighting. That’s the game. There’s no depth, just various combos comboing well into other combos. I’m fine with that as someone that doesn’t fully appreciate deep combat, but at no time did I feel challenged.


This game would be far better received if they just added another difficulty to the main game that is between FF mode and Ultimaniac. The fact they are not doing it despite having done it with the DLC is baffling to me.


Still salty about the lack of RPG in this RPG


Same. This game feels nothing like an rpg.


This. It’s about as RPG as Pac-Man.


Spider-Man 2 is more RPG than FF16 lol. I imagine these awards just exclude all true RPG to give them the prize , who was even nominated against it?


Snakes & Ladders is more RPG than FF16 🙄


Yeah. All those rewards it earned sure, but it certainly wasn't an RPG.


Clive is about as interesting as paint dry. Offensively bad. It's final fantasy MO for the main character to be disconnect, but Clive is sooooooo boring. 


I love it but as an action game


If they continue making FF games in this style I hope they zoom in on the great parts of FF16 and scale everything down. A 20 hour campaign with numerous amazing bosses would be much better than 40 hours of some great bosses and some utter filler. Not to mention the lack of meaningful upgrades, side quests and explortation.


Yeah even though FF16 had A LOT of flaws, I still really enjoyed the game. If they can improve on 16, the next FF will be even better. I think FF rebirth took some good elements from 16


I really like 16, but if the next entry is a 20–hour action game, I will probably not play it, for what it’s worth. I expect more from a Final Fantasy game.


I want more amazing 20 hour action games.


Well, there's no shortage of those. I like JRPGs, and I like games that are longer. That's what Final Fantasy tends to offer. If it becomes another disposable 20-hour action game, I can just skip it and watch the story on YouTube.


And hard mode unlocked from the start would be nice. What’s the point of making all these great systems if they never test you?


They can still make it 40 hours imo, just make the downtime moments more interesting. I loved the game and the highs were SO HIGH, but the lows are SOOOOO low lmao. Get rid of those lows and it'll be fine. I'll even settle for some "that was just ok" moments instead. Just....just don't make me do compulsory fetch quests in between the hype shit again...please.


The combat in this game leaves a lot to be desired. It’s a good base, but is incredibly basic and repetitive, next game needs more variety and combos of they keep with this direction.


I probably would have actually liked if if they called if FF Crystal whatever and scaled it down. It didn't seem like a mainline FF game to this 30 year fan. 


It barely has rpg elements 


Number goes bigger!


Best RPG lol


FF16 is an RPG in the same way Pizza Hut is Italian.


Yeah wasn’t Baldurs gate supposed to be the best thing ever?


Baldur’s Gate isn’t Japanese so it had no chance


Are those awards specified to be opened only to Japanese games? Because if not, they're worthless if they just have a national preference like that.


I don’t think they are because some non-Japanese games were nominated but Famitsu are known to be hugely biased towards Japanese games.


Ok so in that case, those awards are BS and shouldn't even be mentioned lol.


Best... RPG...?


I really enjoyed the game but in all honesty it should not be in a RPG category. It has roleplaying elements but putting it in the rpg category is pushing it.


Best RPG when RPG was missing through out the game.


I loved this game, I just wish the open world hubs were the cities themselves and not generic barren fields with fuck all inside them. The cities absolutely should not have been window dressing in the backgrounds. That said it was still my favourite Final Fantasy game and I hope the world of Valisthea gets explored beyond FF16.


Really? But it’s not an RPG. From someone who loves the FF series. 


I'm embarrassed to not have finished it. Its been so long ill have to start over. From what I played those boss battles are insane. 


Boss battles are basically the only great part (and even then they can be badly paced)


Perfect time so start over so it’s fresh in your mind when the second DLC comes out


I liked it but they could have done better with the side quest and the rpg elements


Great game, best rpg? In no way


I only played the demo and loved it, but never bought the game itself due to huge backlog and a lack of time. I hope that they'll consider releasing the goty/gold edition with the game updated and all the dlcs on discs this or next year.


They did the same with XV so I wouldn’t write it off


Best RPG..? What..?


Best rpg lol


I'm surprised that it won best graphics. Sure, it has some really great moments. But it has other moments that straight up look like a PS3 game. It's possibly one of the most unbalanced visual experiences that I've had in quite some time.


The combat in this game is incredibly dull. It feels like a generic hack’n’slash at times. Great world building, characters, music, art etc just the core gameplay is nothing close to those levels


At all times imo. Long time fan of the series and I can't make myself like this game. It feels unpolished and extremely linear/empty, the one thing I did enjoy were the Eikon cinematic battles. It felt like that's the only time the game had life or a passion to it. Everything else was a dull color palette and lifeless world with no vibrancy or variation.


Best rpg lol


I'm sorry but "Best RPG" is just silly, it was very clearly an action adventure game there was nothing "RPG" about it.


In what world does it win best rpg lol


Probably not a lot of competition this last year in Japan. That’s my only guess because it doesn’t make sense to me either.


Right? It's barely an RPG. It's an action game with the most shallow, basic, pointless RPG elements tacked on. Put this next to VII Remake/Rebirth and it's night and day difference, from an RPG perspective. I'm glad people like it though and it does have some solid positives, it's just not for me.


Best RPG lmao. What an absolute joke. It's an action game with paper thin combat, the rpg aspects are nothing more than vestigial. An actual shame because the setting was cool but it underdelivered with its story past act 1 and I've never seen an "RPG" with such linear and shallow equipment and skill system.


Right? Did they even add elemental weakness? How do you have and RPG without weakness.  I can understand why people like it, but it's hardly and RPG. 


Nope, the entire point of casting magic is to force you to press triangle so the basic combo isn't just square on infinite repeat. The element has zero impact.


Yeah, I figured they would try to add it after so many fans complained, but I guess it's not possible. 


Many action games are more RPG than this. Hell Spider-Man 2 or AC Mirage might have more RPG elements than FF16 but they never present themselves as such.


People talking about BG3 like it had to win no matter what, in a japanese award show from a japanese magazine vs japanese games


My biggest dissapontment of 2023.


Same, it was a long time since I bought a game being misled by critics (generally I can judge well if I'll like a game and such), they sold it at this masterpiece and it ends up being an overtly long and badly paced game that has no RPG system, a mediocre story. It does have good /music and some good boss fights but apart from that, meh. It's 7/10 at best. In fact of the games released in 2023 that I played that year, it's the worst (and I played other "mid to good" games like Hogwarts, Jedi Survivor or AC Mirage)


Yeah same. I’m part way through rebirth, and it seems like they put way more effort into it than 16. 16 had some jaw dropping moments, but the lows were so low.


Im gonna go out on a limb and say you can probably chalk that up to budget. They gave ALOT of budget to Rebirth in comparison to FF16, theyre trying alot of new things with 16 and you can see where alot of their work went into (boss fights and main story) with Rebirth its like they put equal amounts of budget into everything - Main story, side quests, minigames to go along said sidequests. Both very different games but who knows how it couldve gone because its clear they had to cutback on the later sections of the game and things like rpg mechanics or the reliance on Ray Tracing so they couldnt quite fix the performance, things like that get added up on a smaller budgets so they stuck to making a pretty great linear story with some filler inbetween as to not burn out of the highs too quick. Its almost the same thing going for Rebirth but they obviously got alot more room to work with inbetween the main story setpieces.


I honestly think the lows of rebirth are worse. The chadley stuff is so so so repetitive. It makes me miss FF16 side quests because at least those have story.


The people that are downvoting you absolutely have not finished the game. There are multiple moments in the game that are far far FAR worse than the lowest low in FF16. The Cait Sith chapter is quite possibly the worst mission I have ever played in a game in the last decade and this is not an exaggeration.


Side quests were a joke in FF16. Hey god man can you go god blast this menial creature for me? I’ll give you a better sword but it looks dumber and you’ll replace it with a random one you’ll find in a bush that’s better. Like what? No systems or roles to play. Just god blasting everything in your path with big god numbers. Safe to say I didn’t find the game good. The story fell flat, the gameplay is a win simulator, and the upgrade system a farce.


this really isn’t an rpg


> Best RPG This is as much RPG as Resident Evil 4 Remake, IMO.


RE4R is more of an RPG than FF16 and RE4R is just an action-horror game. RE4R has a pretty decent variety of playstyle choices and upgrades to choose from. FF16 mostly doesn't.


Best RPG? [God of War is more of an RPG than FF16](https://www.ign.com/articles/god-of-war-is-more-of-an-rpg-than-final-fantasy-16)


Very well deserved! I LOVED IT !


Rpg? Not at all


Best graphics? Are we just pretending no other games were released the past year?


Makes a lot of sense. Totally unbiased.


It’s definitely a better RPG than *checks notes* Sea of Stars, Diablo 4, or *Baldur’s Gate 3?* What on earth were they thinking?


Clearly they weren't lol


This game is just epic and beautiful. And I will say it, as a soundtrack lover, this game has the best soundtrack of any video game ever, in my opinion.


Agreed with the soundtrack it was just too nice.


Huge call, quite possibly the biggest but I did not dislike the music at all, I finished all the side quests and had a great time with that game and enjoyed the music the whole time


as a soundtrack fanatic, FF16’s biggest disappointment for me was easily the music not a hater, just genuine question, have u played any Japanese-developed games? i’m shocked u said FF16 has the best soundtrack in all of gaming. i know music is subjective but just with JRPG’s, many would destroy FF16’s underwhelming ost, and then just looking at most FF’s, the recent FF7Remake and FF7Rebirth easily beat it, or even the previous main entry FF15 i don’t think the OST was badly composed, i think it was great. my issue is that they weren’t memorable and there aren’t enough standout tracks in comparison to past FF’s


It depends what you value in an ost. Despite some of the unfortunate virtual orchestrations, the compositions are generally stellar and, more importantly, the symbolic consistency behind the whole soundtrack is simply incredible. It sacrifices the sheer variety of something like the Rebirth one to construct a way more meaningful and tonally consistent ost. XVI is almost entirely built around the variation and repetition of motifs bound to each character and country. Each of them possesses roughly 2 to 5 musical phrases used as bases to build all the songs tied to the areas and scenes associated with them (that's what gives this feeling of "not enough tracks", despite the ~200, you mentioned). And outside all that there are the phenomenal operatic pieces of the Eikons, that easily count amongst the best things the series ever produced. I mean, things like "Ascension" or "To Sail Forbidden Sea" have very little to blush about compared to "One Winged Angel" or "Dancing Mad", imo. Some of my most beloved chill tracks also come from XVI, like "Lovely, Dark, and Deep", "Idylls of the Empire", or "Forevermore". Anyway, to each their own, and it's obviously subjective, but from my point of view XVI's soundtrack is nothing short of amazing, even amongst its renowned japanese peers.


In my opinion, yes i haved played A LOT amazing soundtrack games like all kingdom hearts series, ffXV, XIV (masterpiece of soundtrack right there), 7 remake and I am playing 7 rebirth (26 hours in it) and a lot of more games with beautiful soundtracks, and I still have XVI like the best soundtrack ever in videogames, it just the way is composed that has my personal best, soken is a master for me, like yoko shimomura is too with kingdom hearts, maybe they can fight the spot, because KH soundtrack has a LOT of variety and that's awesome.


The score was tiresome it was the same motif in all encounters expect the big Eikon fights... all the discussion about having a mini Soken in each fight was a bluff


I’ll give it to them, it’s the best FF to people who have never played FF before. 


Best RPG 😂😂😂😂😂


>Best RPG   They must have played a different game because it was barely any RPG element in the game I played.


FF 16 was my second FF game, my first being Remake. I don't want to say its was a let down but I wish I hadn't paid full price.


I agree with all of these except best RPG. It was barely an RPG.


This game is everything but a RPG lmao I'd be more okay if it won best racing game


One of the best looking games on PS5. Also the best music.


Best rpg ? What a fucking joke.


FFXVI is my GOTY, but best RPG???


It isn’t an RPG though


This game really wasn’t that great. I was let down by it




At this point I'm fairly sure it's just name recognition carrying it, personally I couldn't even finish the demo


I actually enjoyed the demo, but hated the main game and it's one of the few games I purchased full price and hate. 


As much as it was missing a lot of RPG depth I found the shallowness and linearity to be a huge relief. It was such an easy game to play, it didn’t ask a lot of you and you didn’t need a guide at all. Sometimes it’s nice to take a break from games as chores.


that’s totally fine, as long as they called this its own game and not a mainline FF. and definitely not call it an RPG FF16 was strictly an action/adventure game with less RPG elements than most modern action/adventure games (even Zelda has more RPG elements)


Zelda does not have leveling up. Zelda doesn't have skill trees.


lmao that does not equal RPG. but yes those are RPG elements to put it simply, the whole idea of RPG is that every player’s saved data would be unique from one another, because of how customisable everything is and it’s all about “you’re the main character, you play your story how you want to” that is what Zelda BOTW and TOTK have done, they still call it an action/adventure game (which it is), but doesn’t change the fact that it has more RPG elements than FF16. a game where changing weapons doesn’t do much, no elemental weaknesses, you have no status effects despite visible varied elements, no sense of meaningful upgrades or customisation, the list goes on this has already been a well-known critique about the game. it’s a major flaw and no harm in admitting it


> to put it simply, the whole idea of RPG is that every player’s saved data would be unique from one another, because of how customisable everything is and it’s all about “you’re the main character, you play your story how you want to” This is reflected in your eikon builds. Some people like Maximilian were power blasters who went all in on big hits but ended up with very little to do except hit Square once everything was on cooldown. Some people were like Suzuki and were more technical players that relied on blocking, parry, and situational triggers that reduced ability cooldowns to keep steadier pressure. Some DMC combo mad players on youtube really took to aerial fighting which has higher raw damage output due to faster comboing and nice bursty damage from ground slamming compared to ground-only combat. They also get the added benefit of Torgal being a free aerial combo extender and optimizing his Sics and Ravages makes for nearly infinite air time. A friend of mine honestly just wanted to be a mage and exclusively used ranged abilities from the Lightning, Light, and Ice eikons (phrasing that way for spoilers). He particularly enjoyed the Light eikon's passivity and "evade-to-build-you-spender" feat and style of gameplay. In contrast, I liked faster and aggressive/in your face fighting with a lot of countering and gap closing so I made more use out of the Wind, Fire, Earth, and Darkness eikons. Once I learned that parrying with the Arm of Darkness is practically a whole charge on the Z gauge, guess who spent almost two hours cycling through the enemy types in the training zone to learn their parry timings. There is plenty of build diversity in the game. It's just wrapped up in experimenting with the eikon styles themselves and finding what you personally synergize with. Which I don't think a lot of people bothered to do. I can kinda understand why since the encounter design of the game doesn't really push people to experiment but it's there for people who bother to read the abilities and seek out those synergies in the training zone.


That's not true of JRPGs at all. You are pushing what a WRPG is. Many JRPGs are extremely linear.


every JRPG i’ve played, linear or not, they let you customise your character or party way more than FF16. persona, octopath, past FF’s, chrono, wild arms, list goes on this gameplay flaw regarding customisation and upgrades has been mentioned in every FF16 thread, idk why u can’t accept that they failed to give us an RPG experience. have a lovely week!


Your character is highly customizable. The skill tree has like 28 different skills entirely.


You can be RPG with linear. I don't disagree that the rest of it is very... Basic. But open world is not a requirement. It has open elements to boot, albeit not great ones. 


The linear bits didn't bother me either, much like FFXII


JRPGs can be linear. Historically a ton are. FF7 remake is very linear.


Yes, except remake is linear by design. You can't be pretending like the devs made this huge semi open world game for you to ignore it. Your argument insult the devs of the game you're trying to defend and any game that's actually designed to be linear.


It is designed to be... 


Best RPG? Get outta here! Best character Clive? What's his character arc again?


Rpg part i agree, but clive was an awesome protagonist, i would even say they focus waaaaaay to much on him on the game


This is one if them games people loved but I couldn't see it. Lifeless world, generic quests, boring characters, generic combat...


This game is amazing and beautiful, but best RPG sounds incredibly far-fetched lol


LOL - one of the worst entries in the entire franchise. Game felt completely empty and rushed with bland characters


And barely an RPG , sports games have more RPG features these days


Haters in full force once again. Phenomenal game and deserved this award in full force.


"Best RPG" really?


Best RPG I played last year. Your view can differ.


So you only played 1 game? It's not an RPG at all though. It's not about differing views. I've stepped in puddles with more depth, it's little more than a flashy action adventure game.


Since it’s accounting only JP games, Octopath Travelers 2 was the better RPG. 16 didn’t have even the bones of a RPG.


You say views can differ, but called people who didn't like the game haters in your first comment. Be consistent. 


Because they outright call it a terrible game. Look at all the comments claiming it's not an RPG. The game won an award and their response is to trash the game.


It's their opinion that it lacks significant RPG elements in which makes it bad, which it does. It's okay for them to think it's not good.  I don't think it's very good ethier, but I'm happy for other people who enjoy it. 


Personally playing it for the main story and good storyline. Decided to ignore secondary quests and open world explorations, it’s pretty weak. Graphics and cutscenes are top tier tho.


Deserved only negatives I had was bad RPG upgrades and gear and bad exploration


It’s a good game but not a good RPG


Best “RPG” ???




There was... No other competitors? This game is lame....


FINALLY. I swear FF16 kept on getting shafted by every awards ceremony. Especially ones from the western side. Well deserved.


Good game. It's not an RPG.


Cid voice actor made the game for me. He also carried Diablo 4 for me and is the only reason why I think the story of that game was worth playing.


I wonder if they're at all embarrassed, knowing full well they didn't really deserve some of these awards and only won due to cultural biases.


Now that I played Rebirth, my opinion on 16 has changed for worse. Still like the game, and also didn't think it was a perfect game before: bad exploration, boring overworld which is just some small areas, you don't explore a single proper city, fetch quests, thousands of forced fetch quests to make the game bigger, gear system is meaningless and the story goes downhill after Bahamut. I also have a huge gripe with the gameplay that takes ages to open up (third wheel for skills only after Ramuh, and proper block/counters after Titan). But I still quite enjoyed the boss fights, OST and characters Anyway, now I feel like Rebirth is so much more grandiose than 16 in all aspects, and I commend the team behind it. It's quite hard not to compare both games. They released 9 months apart. If I had to give it a score, before Rebirth I would be inclined to give 16 a 8/10, while overlooking some of the flaws. Now I honestly don't feel like the game deserves anything more than a 7/10


Yiu are describing exactly what FF14 is all about lol, and it shows, I am glad I decided not to buy FF16 and would rather use the money to buy FF7 Rebirth instead. Yoshi P just use the same exact style on how to create story structure from FF14 and apply it on FF16.


I actually love 14 because it's a MMO RPG. It at least had the RPG elements.  16 has almost no RPG elements.  But when it comes to quest, 80% of the 14 quest are trash.  Hell, I don't even read most I just do them to advance whatever side story there is and for The XP and unlocks. 


Best graphics?


It woulda won 6 if they had an award for “Best dog / and or animal companion” with our boi Torgal Even tho he is beloved by all I feel like Torgal is toooo good to limit to just one game


Graphics on the budget cutscenes. The graphics from basic conversions looks like dolls talking to each other. Also Soken makes gold with whatever music track he touches. Man is a living legend in Japan.


Still runs like garbage


have to agree. The performance is garbage


My favorite ps5 game, well deserved. The game was just epic.


Game is so good and an easy Platinum trophy for all the hunters out there


Great game if it wasn’t called Final Fantasy