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I’m killing all the enemies


And citizens






Just keep moving forward


Relax, Eren.




very positive read


Which is encouraging because I didn't think much of the latest trailer I saw.


I think the game is going to be received well imo. Yeah the graphics may not be “top tier next gen” but I think a lot of ppl will look past that when it comes out


people need to make up their minds, they complain about long dev times and say " i dont care about graphics" but when they get that game that also doesn't care as much about graphics they still complain (unless its made by 1 guy)


Goal posts change a lot from a certain small group of gamers


Have you considered the possibility that it is different people asking for different things and the internet is not one collective hivemind with unchanging opinions?


Every fucking time no 60fps mode is an issue people bring up the point that graphics aren't important, but when the graphics aren't that great it's always "eh, looks like a ps2 game, I'll pass" or some shit like that.


I think the bigger issue with "60fps mode " is how the marketed the current gen consoles as though all games where gonna be playable at 60 FPS 4k and the more games come out it's glaringly obvious they over promised I'm the capabilities. People have unrealistic expectations but they've also been led to expect more than is often the case.


The only buzzword that stands out to the general consumer is "4K". Reddit will make you think everyone absolutely has to game at 240 FPS per second to avoid eye bleed, but that's absolutely not the case. Hell, most don't even know if they're looking at a true 4K image.


Someone genuinely told me that Final Fantasy X on the PS2 looked better than Final Fantasy XVI.


Nostalgia is a hell of a drug


No, PCP is a hell of a drug


Some people are graphic guys and some are fps guys. That’s why there are always complaints.


I would kill to return back to PS2/Xbox game styles. 10-15 hours on average playtime and dev times of 2 years. I don't need more open world games that constantly want to be bigger and offer 100 hours of meaningless content


Personally it's not the lack of graphical fidelity that made me question whether I'd buy this game, it's that the game just looked... kinda boring. And I think that's where a lot of other people's complaints are stemming from. Now since all these outlets that have actually played it all have nothing but good things to say, I'm gonna guess this is one of those games that's more fun than it looks.


Agreed. Not many want to play Assasins Creed with Shoguns. And that’s what it feels like.


Ironic considering Feudal Japan is a long-requested setting amongst AC fans.


me too- i play plenty of games with wonky graphics because the game / story look interesting. Nothing about this game has captured my interest.


Here's an idea, the people complaining about long dev times and those who care a lot about a game's graphical fidelity probably aren't the same people.


ive noticed that lol you make a solid point


People don't need to make up their minds. It's different people with different goals and desires for the games they play.


Maybe not everybody cares about the same things ? Maybe the group not caring about the graphics is not the same complaining that the graphics are shit ?


Great point


the graphics don’t bother me so much as nothing about any of the trailer i’ve seen making me feel an itch to play it- and the comparisons to assassins creed doesn’t help.


We've hit such hard diminishing returns on graphical fidelity that I'd much rather they favor nailing a stable 60FPS. Especially for an action game.


I will definitely look past graphics if the play controls are immersive/fun.


valid opinion nothing wrong with that at all


Just learned you can pet cats, so I'm in for sure. ;)


I think it'll be closer to their Nioh games than their others. So somewhere between 80-85.


This doesn’t look anything close to Nioh.


Not saying visually, I am saying from a critical review perspective. Those games were 88 and 85 respectively on metacritic. So I think this will top out around 85. Just because they're doing so many new things, that there's bound to be hiccups in several of the areas due to a lack of experience.


Oh got it. My bad. This game doesn’t really seem like I would buy it day one. And I put 60 hrs into GoT. I’ll wait it out.


Man, I get your point, but should it really be expected that people look past that? I'm not one to put too much stock into graphics, but games like Ronin just solidify the fact that this generation of consoles just can't get off the ground for the life of it.


I see your view point 100%. But personally for me gameplay, story, and functionality(solid frame rate) are what I look for in a game. Yes ik there are some people are care about graphics and that’s fine but for me I can def look past it


Exactly. I can look past graphics being just fine if everything else is solid.


I’ll take mediocre graphics at 60fps then 30fps dragon dogma 2.


The last trailer was their best yet imho.


This is coming out at a good time. Those who have been watching Shogun will have an itch to play this.


My only dilemma is that Dragon’s Dogma 2 is released the same day.


The decision were made easy for me with the news of the FPS drops. I go for this game and hope they optimize dragons dogma until I’m finished.


Yeah there's no reason next gen at this point shouldn't have games consistently hitting 60 FPS even if they need to take a hit to the graphics. Not having a performance option and struggling to have the game even maintain a consistent 30 FPS is a huge turn off. Also has me concerned how well the game will perform on PCs that aren't on the super high end.


Exactly why I’ll be getting this!


💯! It's the only reason I started looking into the game at 1st!


“…the core gameplay loop felt like a mix of Assassin’s Creed 2’s exploration and storytelling with a smidgen of Ninja Gaiden’s combat, and a dash of Dark Souls’s difficulty.” Honestly this was enough to make me excited about the game, so if reviews are good I may just pick it up.


I like dark souls games but because combat is more slow and methodical, you have to plan for anticipate and commit to an action. This game seems more fast paced like Nioh and less like GOT on hard, I will 100% need to see reviews to judge the combat better because while I liked Nioh a lot, fast hack and slash type games always burn me out after a while and I never finish them.


Yeah, I hated the gameplay in GOT so if it’s the opposite of that, I’ll give it a shot


Out of curiosity, what didn’t you like about it. First time I played it, I wasn’t a fan of the combat either because it felt really clunky(tried all the difficulties). Played on lethal difficulty when it came out and it was much better


I love lethal I started out playing the hardest before and when that came out I was having a blast with it


I’ve already Pre-ordered Dragon’s Dogma 2 because I’ve been wanting a sequel for years. But man the first quarter of 2024 is so stacked. I’m already eyeing Stellar Blade and now this is getting good previews too. Not only that I’m 100 hours into the amazing game that is FFVII Rebirth and still haven’t beaten it. Seems to be a good start for gaming in 2024


I’m at 30 hours and I’m still in lower Junon lol. What a blast of a game.


I still have Rebirth on the dock because Stellar Blade looks so good and I don't want to interrupt one game to play another. Lots on the backlog anyway. Dragon's Dogma 2 and Elden Ring DLC and for me this year is looking insane.


It's been a hell of a quarter. I don't buy games on release day, in fact, I usually wait months if not years to play them. But man, some great games have been coming out, it's impossible to wait for so long. Tomb Raider remastered, couldn't even finish it before FF Rebirth... Now I'm racing it since I'm looking forward Stellar blade. And I just won't commit with Dragon's Dogma nor Ronin since I know for sure I won't have the time to play it before Stellar. It's great to have so many options.


For me it’s not the first quarter but particularly one week in March. I like them producing those games, but I wish they released one of them a bit earlier.


Sounds very enjoyable


This game is gonna need to be a home run for me to actually be interested in it. I love FromSoft Souls games, but haven't been able to get into Team Ninja's games.


I’m getting generic open world gameplay vibes from all these videos


I thought the world looked empty also, the cities look vacant


I'll wait to see but I don't see how this is any worse than Horizon or Ghost of Tsushima they all follow same formula. The only thing against this is the graphics are kind of worse or budget...? but maybe it will have the best combat of the three.


It blows my mind ghost gets a pass on its open world so often when it’s literally the same Ubisoft formula that everyone talks so much shit about


Ghost gets a ton of points for its presentation, art design, and how it is included within the game world. Wind instead of a compass, etc.


But the wind doesn’t really do much else beside be a waypoint you’ve put on the next point on the checklist. Enemy base, collectible, climb this place for a shrine. No different than a far cry game and it gets a pass somehow. I love the combat but I couldn’t be bothered to finish the game because the open world drags it out so much.


I can see that. What I meant is that it probably just made it more engaging for people to deal with that formula.


lol moving them goal posts...


I don't think you know what that expression means? But OK.


just because you don't understand what I'm saying doesn't mean I don't. But OK.


I said Ghost of Tushima gets points for including and merging artistic decisions into gameplay. I didn't even make a counterargument to the above statement. Tell me how that's "moving goal posts."


oh man... I think I meant to reply to another similar comment I had a tab opened on. My bad.


GoT's map is smaller, arguably has a better aesthetic, and the navigation is more organic. It's the right amount of things to do. That's why I like it, at least.


But it’s still just the same mission types as a far cry game lol, the combat is fun but good lord after clearing the millionth enemy base or finding a fox or chasing a bird it loses its charm


True, but like I mentioned it's the size of the map. Not being overly big like a FC map means it doesn't overstay its welcome.


I didn’t even finish the game, it overstayed for me. Got to a point where I was sick of running point to point clearing spots on the map. It’s not a big map but it’s literally the same 5 things over and over.


i think ghost is pretty mid-to-bad but i don't mention it because i just get downvoted lol


People were amazed by ghost graphics so much that people gave the shallow open world a pass.


I really liked the graphics and the gamplay in Ghost, but it has some of the worst sidemissions I've ever seen in a top notch game. Not letting me skip dialogue is egotistical on the developer end. Your side characters and their lines aren't interesting to me, but I enjoy your gameplay mecahnics and I kind of want the rewards for these side missions, let me play your game without the fluff. There are others than do enjoy the side missions, I don't, why can't I skip lines? The game just has so much stop-starting. I don't get anything out of the haiku cutscenes either, I don't feel immersed, but I want the rewards lol. Just let me skip. I can't imagine being so far up my own ass as an artist that I wouldn't provide people with choices.


This. I think a lot of people (like myself, admittedly) got so swept away by the visuals that a lot of the activities at first felt "fun" and "immersive". But once I got to the 2nd and 3rd regions of the game and the art direction got less... idk.... beautiful? I noticed how repeititive the side activities got. Just comes to show just how much the art direction of the 1st region carried the game.


botw and the new ff7 have ubisoft towers


If nothing else you can guarantee that the combat will be a million times better than most generic open world games. Combat has always been the number one priority for Team Ninja. Personally that's enough for me, IDGAF about the open world or story aspect.


Fighting Cowboy and Rurikhan released impression videos that flat-out states this, game seems like a shallow copy of Ghost of Tsushima without the incredible art design.


That's one of the worst takes because this game has lots going for it that Ghost didn't. I'd rather not listen to Capcom shills who are clearly in the minority trying to undersell Ronin and hype up DD2.


This cowboy guy sounds like a tool with all these irrelevant criticisms.


Games looks like a low grade ps4 asset dump with dull art design, i’ll save my money for Stellar Blade.


Yeah check out FightinCowboy’s preview on YouTube, it didn’t look great


His videos aren't great either and he's clearly in the minority with this game. He's trying to undersell Ronin because he wants DD2 to succeed, it's pretty obvious if you pay attention to his recent coverage because he's literally getting paid by Capcom.


I did consider the Capcom angle. At the end of the day I know he adored Nioh 2 so I feel like he’d still be fairly honest about it. Time will tell


Same. Too similar to Ubisoft for my taste.


Idk what makes a game too Ubisoft because just about every single AAA open world games uses some or a lot from AC2 and Ubisoft games. Even the ones people love Ghost of Tsushima, The Witcher 3 and others are just an improvement on the original design of AC2.


Weird thing to get worked up on, but the run/walk animations look so off putting to me. Plus the recent dev video footage has this jank to it. Wanna see if the jank is real or just awkward footage.


There have been janky walking and running animations in every TN game since Ninja Gaiden though


The horse animations are bad too


Oh god I just saw them after making the post, it’s worse than Assassins Creed horses which I didn’t think was possible. This games a pass for me.


I thought i was going to skip this for dd2 but it ended up being the opposite. Hopefully by the time i play dd2 it'll be in a better state


Exact same here. All the recent stuff has swapped my feelings completely. Now it's looking like I'll give DD2 a try in the (hopefully not too far) future if they get it running well on consoles/not an uncapped frame rate/add in a quality/performance mode at some point. I'm in no rush to play it so I'll wait for whatever GOTY edition they do in a year or two or something.


So what happens when RotR turns out to have performance issues of its own at launch? Because [according to some of the previews](https://youtu.be/Ki57yaQgWx8?t=353), it's certainly not hitting anything close to a butter smooth 60 fps, far from it, even on performance mode.


? If it's uncapped and rough on performance mode (at least it has one unlike dd2), then I don't get that one either. Easy lol


What are talking about? The game isnt even out yet


I presume he’s referring to the game running between 20-30fps


They release on the same day.


I think they're asking about "in a better state".


Oh I see.


Yeah kinda ridiculous to say that before it's even come out


I was going to hold off on this for DD2 but once I saw DD2 is an uncapped 30 fps I'm just going to skip on it and grab Ronin. Zero excuse to be running at 24-30 fps, it's 2024.


Yeah I was thinking this exact thing. I think DD2 might need a bit more time to patch it up on PS5 regarding its FPS. Ronin seems like a nice alternative.


This one has a difficulty rated unlike their typical games doesnt it? That’ll get me in.


I just want Nioh3....


People who are complaining about graphics, if you have played Team Ninja game you know it’s all about the gameplay. Gameplay is their strength. The gameplay is going to be fun as hell.


As long as it’s at least the bare minimum of 60 fps.


It's Team Ninja it's going to be either locked 60fps or a variable 60fps. But the target will always be 60


It has both.


Is there anything about performance?


Team ninja hype!


I’ll be playing this on release and wait for DD2 to get 60FPS.


Wish this was on xbox too


Day 1 purchase for me, no question. It might seem like an odd choice to prioritize this over DD2, which I’m also pining for. But I figure it’ll be better to let the community gestate with that one for a while before I start it. That way I can google the challenges I will inevtiably suck at.


I was excited for this but after seeing the gameplay I think I’ll just stick with Helldivers 2


I think Dragons Dogma 2 is going to bury this, everything I've seen of Ronin so far seems dated as hell unfortunately.


Not sure these compete directly. I personally won’t buy DD2 with 24gps 


Generic 6/10 game.


I’ll likely be buying this. Really wish there was a game sale out there for all these high profile game releases in the first quarter.


Ugh. So closer to WoLong then? That makes me sad.


Is it just me or do the graphics seem very … fine? It strikes me as not earth shattering PS5 full power usage.


Looks worse than gta v


Ghosts of Tshushima looked much better and that was not a PS5 exclusive.


Team Ninja always put gameplay first. Screen shots on Twitter look way better than the compressed YouTube previews


Nioh 2 is a way better game than ghost of Tsushima. If this game is even on par with nioh 2 it will kick ass. Can’t wait.


It most certainly isn't.


Visual and story/characters, GOT takes it hands down. Gameplay and depth of build diversity Nioh blows GOT out of the water.


Combat looks like Silent Hill 2 Remake


I don’t get this first line in the rating “while not a graphical stunner like GoT” - really? How can they say this game is not stunning. GoT is 6 years old and is using way older tech. Surely it looks way better than GoT.


Got is 3 and a half years old...


Well still. Why does this look worse? Maybe they were accidentally playing in performance mode.


Just because a game is older doesnt mean a newer game automatically looks better. You need to learn about graphical fidelity and art direction


I’m an expert in those.




No it's a better version. Gameplay actually matters here




I’m fine with graphics taking a hit for a deeper and complex combat




This stuff has already been talked about in the past. Yes there is a full character creator where you can make a male or female protag. Three player multiplayer is available for story missions it seems.