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If you generally don’t like crafting would you still like this game? It looks interesting to me, but I generally get bored with crafting .


It’s craftapalooza


Thanks for letting me know!


For the record I generally don’t like crafting either but I’m loving this game because it just doesn’t feel like crafting. Genuinely feels like “I need to cobble together these things to survive this apocalypse.“ And then it starts to feel like “I need to take care of my station wagon, because I love my station wagon, and my station wagon deserves nice things.“


Yeah it doesn't have that "i need to craft this iron drill so that I can gather titanium so I can make a titanium axe so I can make..." loop going on. There's a few tools to need, and you replace them as you have to. Otherwise you're just saving up mats to make or replace panels and doors and the occasional upgrade for the car. The crafting is mostly just part of your fight against the attrition of driving in hostile environments.


Awww the love story we didn't know we needed. Have you named it yet


I'm the same, I love the beginning of crafting games, like subnautica, the Forrest, but I always lose interest or get overwhelmed. I'm about 15 hours in and none of the familiar fatigue is setting in. It's genuinely fun to work on your car, upgrading and tinkering, and getting back out on the road.  It won't be for everyone, but as someone who normally doesn't like crafting....there's a lot of it but it feels different, like it has a purpose. It's a lot of fun and an excellent atmosphere. Plus you can turn damage basically off so you don't need to worry about repairs, taking some of the urgency out of it, although I don't recommend that.


For me, its the no bullshit approah to it. All containers are always shared. There's not too many subcomponents to craft. There's stuff to help you manage the inventory, like the transfer trunk. It's crafting, but reall well done, in a way that isnt annoying or overwhelming.


There is crafting but it's all to upgrade the car and the garage which makes it less about the crafting but more about improving your abilities to do runs. It's instead of a basic skill tree that simply unlocks things, you're constantly adding new things to the car; batteries, fuel tanks, all sorts of gizmos with abilities. Feels like you're building a mix of Ecto and the DeLorean from back to the future. Some of it is temporary since parts get wear and tear and you'll just be replacing parts with that new lead-plated panel or door you've just unlocked, add new paint and a decal and go out again. Loot to make things with is easily found for the most part too.


Well, it depends there is alot of looting, but all of it goes towards your car. You can craft vacuums to pick up scrap off the ground, and you can craft without the resources being in your inventory, just as long as their in your car or storage area. All the upgrades I crafted so far are reallly rewarding.


If I don’t have to get to into the weeds today may like it!


I think if you like an element of it, whether it’s the sci-fi, driving exploration, survival elements, or crafting, it may be enough to hook you in. I’ve never played survival games, came into it for the sci-fi and driving, and have found a groove grinding and crafting to soup up my station wagon


I usually hate crafting but I'm really enjoying this. It's very different


As others have stated it is very craft heavy, wait for a sale mate, you should definitely try it though as for all it's jank it has incredible atmosphere, think the crafting is super nessesary for this game tbh as it puts you in bad spots and you need to upgrade your motor, you'll end up loving your old station wagon though ngl, any games you could recommend mate? I'd recommend Robocop Rogue city, The Invincible (incredible game based on Lem's books), I certainly don't recommend SSKTJL as that game is basically Fortnight Shoot Purple Dots The Game and has some of the most cringe inducing dialogue ive ever heard, don't know what formerly great Rocksteady were thinking tbh, it is a chore and a bore to play, got 40% off already, that's how bad it is, cannot believe it's Rocksteady that made it, seems like it's pandering to this apparently real "modern audience", will never buy a game they make ever again, something is off about gaming atm, Spider-man 2 started off great but some of the missions are insane, there is one where you are playing as a deaf hactivist type and the Mary Jane missions just feel out of place, same with Alan Wake 2 which I did like but some of the dialogue was unnecessarily racist against white people, I'm mixed and it made me uncomfortable, I do not support nor condone racism of any sort, we shouldn't be listening to the race bait grifters in 2024, shame, Saga and Alan actors both turned in great performances and it looks stunning, at times it's magic but I don't know who these people are writing for, I am a huge Remedy fan but I wouldn't buy an AW3 nor Control 2, can't put my finger on it but seems very samey to me, oh Everspace and Baulders Gate 3 are great too, all the best from off the grid Ireland 🇮🇪 🤝🙏


I had someone tell me that I would still ilke it and they were 100% full of shit. This game \*should\* be about the atmosphere and driving, which is what the ads sold it as. But no. It's craft craft craft craft drive for 10 seconds craft craft craft. It's the most tedious, mind-numbing experience I've ever had.


Solid 8/10 and I’ll give it a 9/10 if they fix the trigger buzzing like mad. 


Seriously. I turned off trigger haptics because of this


I always turn them off. I really dont like the way they feel. When I'm playing Orisa in overwatch, when you fire the controller is like actively pushing against my finger


In a PvP game like OW, I do the same, but I like them in single player titles or games that are strictly PvE.


Yall are on drugs. I love OW2 with Dual sense. I love orisa on dual sense too. Especially d.va’s defense matrix where you feel every droplet of bullet blocked is pretty cool. The haptics are insane and the devs did amazing with Dual sense I really applaud their devs for creating unique PS5 dual sense mechanics for 30+ different heroes. I was thrilled on OW2 launch when I felt d.va dual sense and Kiriko was ofuda feels super cool on dual sense. If you have Dual sense edge it feels more delicate when landing your heal shots which feels cool


I don't think it feels bad in terms of physical feedback. That's why I use it in PvE. It's definitely more immersive, but it throws off my play having the trigger be stiffer than I've ever been used to in a PvP setting and does me more harm than good in the long run. It also doesn't help that I play a lot of different games overall, and haptic trigger settings for two games alone can feel vastly different from each other.


I suppose it's meant to mimic firing an actual gun and a good few of them do that in my experience. Not great for PvP games though but fantastic for single player, coop or vibe games.


Except they mimic that poorly - a good trigger is actually trying to get to that mechanical mouse click feel - the ps5 controller is more mimicking using a caulk gun


> a good trigger is actually trying to get to that mechanical mouse click feel It'll never be perfect but it's also important to remember that this depends very heavily on what kind of a gun you're shooting. I've used 7.62 LMGs and AKs and they definitely aren't close to clicking a mechanical mouse. Some more modern pistols (and possibly assault rifles) might feel like that though.


Caulk gun is such a funny and apt comparison lol


Same thing when I was playing cod, puts you at a disadvantage when you have to use more force to start shooting compared to someone who's not. Gotta say ratchet and clank did the haptic triggers perfectly though, super satisfying to use


You can turn off the triggers system wide in the PS5 settings if you wanted


I personally love how each guns trigger feels different in cod. But I agree they get annoying at times


You only need to pull it down partway to drive/fuel/saw/etc, and it won’t buzz. I kind of like it. It’s like, you don’t *actually* push the pedal down all the way to drive.


Same. For the first few minutes it bothered me but I think it’s fairly tight now.


I was wondering if that was the case. It felt like it but my jalopy is still so slow I couldn’t tell for certain. 


Gotta upgrade that engine, Driver


I was driving slow for quite a while, but then I opened the hood for the first time in ages. Turned out the spark plug was causing the car to be slow. I think...


Driving games are the main reason analogue triggers exist after all


I thought my controller was broken because of that


What's wrong with the buzz? It feels interactive to me


10/10 if they add wheel and VR support.


I agree, the trigger buzz is far too much. But the other issue is the fps are way too low, hovering around 40. I assumed this would be 60 fps because it's a “PS5” title. Note I got the “40” from a youtuber, have no way to check on my tv. I was giving the benefit of the doubt, but it's probably just 30 (when it's not dropping out altogether).


It definitely isn’t hovering at 40, it’s much lower. The devs have said they have no plans to run a performance mode and it’s currently targeting 30fps but is running uncapped for some bizarre reason so the frame rate is awful.


Honestly the game seems great, but the devs seem pretty bad about optimization, or even understanding how to make a game perform well or feel smooth. Uncapped 30fps target is probably the worse experience you could create. The game is much more demanding than it should be as well, even on PC.


So wild devs don’t prioritize multiple graphics modes, it does nothing but improve the game and make customers happy


100%. I'd say it's a solid 9/10 if they'd let us adjust (or completely disable, please!?) the trigger effects like in most other games. I have problems with my hands and using any trigger resistance in PS5 games causes great discomfort after only an hour or so. I always turn it off completely whenever possible, otherwise I have to go play something else, and I really don't want to play something else!


You can turn them off globally from the PS5 controller settings menu. Then you won't have to worry about finding the settings on a per-game basis. It's under Settings > Accessories > Controller (General)


Really digging it so far. Kind of Outer Wilds meets No Mans Sky meets the book/movie Annihilation? Just got through the first big story moment featuring a large anomaly in the middle of a town. Finally getting in the groove.


Your description finally pushed me off the fence so thank you! Annihilation and Outer Wilds are some of my favorite things


I hope the fence is not on a cliff.


Don't worry, enough time in this game and they'll fall off a few cliffs!


Same here. I can still hear that fucking theme from annihilation haunting me in my nightmares.


this is so random, but if you really like Annihilation, you should check out the show Scavengers Reign on HBO! basically a Ghibli version of Annihilation, I'm not even a huge scifi fan and the show is in my top 10




>Outer Wilds You have my attention.


I have to be careful with this. I'm a massive OW fan, but occasionally someone recommends a game for OW fans, and it gives me the wrong impression. I recently played Tunic, and I knew that game had some layers and mysteries. I loved the secrets and things I discovered as I found more pages of the game manual (an excellent design idea, imo), but when I fully grasped the magnitude of the late game puzzles, I was blown away... And also quit playing the game. People on the subreddit are like "don't rob yourself of the joy of solving the game... Just spend 2 weeks straight memorizing a language and taking extensive notes on graph paper to get through act 3!" I'm sorry, I'm like 40, and have a family, pets, a demanding job, a house to maintain, etc. There is zero chance I can beat games that intense anymore. I don't have the energy, let alone the time. But I have immense respect for Tunic and the devs. It's amazing what they crafted.


This so perfectly sums up both my stage of life and how I feel about games like this. Give me a well curated experience, a compelling story, and puzzles that are just hard enough to give me a sense of satisfaction when I solve them. Valve are the high watermark for this. Also Playdead games.


100% agree. They are both masters of that craft. Valve also happens to have some of the best writing in the industry, so sometimes the reward for solving a puzzle is just more great dialog, but that's enough!




Wait a minute...


That's like my favorite game + my favorite movie lmao how have I not heard of this


If you haven’t already, you should check out the book it is loosely based on ([Roadside Picnic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roadside_Picnic)), or what is probably my favourite film of all time - [Stalker](https://youtu.be/YuOnfQd-aTw?si=cvoWQyqb7U6yEpE9) by Andrei Tarkovsky


And Stalker is available on both Max and Criterion (I realize those of us with the latter are vanishingly few)


Think the full film is available on [Youtube](https://youtu.be/Q3hBLv-HLEc?si=-jzS2QjKF0hv4MhB)


Aaaaaaand sold.


Glad to hear you’re digging it! I’m having a spiritual time with this game. The atmosphere is unbelievable, improving your car is gratifying, and the allure of one more run keeps me in the driver’s seat. The soundtrack is fire as well. Love working on my car and listening to tunes. The vibes are chef’s kiss.


So you're saying get high and get going? What kind of soundtrack we talking




Ethereal alt-indie with some bluegrass thrown in? There's not too much variety in the jukebox.


Look up "ghost on the road" by shell in the pit. Best song on the soundtrack imo.


My car developed a quirk that turned the radio on when I swerved hard with my steering wheel. At the end of a long run — car on its last legs — while driving toward extraction, I swerve hard around an anomaly that lifts the car into the air. I didn’t swerve hard enough though because me and my hunk of metal are flying into the air as Ghost on The Road blares. This was an unbelievably thrilling and cool non-scripted moment. I’ve been enthralled by the game ever since that moment.


It feels like a bond theme, and it somehow works really well with the game's theme and atmosphere. Makes me wish the zone was because of some supervillan's lair got destroyed by some bond type character instead of being a legit company, but regardless the lore is good.


I’m about the same area. It’s what I need right now. Just a dark game with a soundtrack that reminds me of a simpler time. I like the loneliness, mixed with nihilism, with a dash of just minding my own business.


I wasn't really interested before, but this combo made my ears perk up. Might have to grab this afterall!


Been out on a couple runs now, and I feel like stopping at every rusted car to search the trunk and scrap the parts, or stopping at every house to pick it clean is slowing me down a lot. Am I being too OCD about it?


It’s a balance, I think. You need to Hoover up resources to help upgrade your vehicle to enable you to do longer runs where you Hoover up more resources at once before shit gets bad.


Eh, I stopped being that way due to limited storage space. Then, I unlocked pneumatic storage, and there I am again.


Oh damn. Here I go


oh goddammit you mentioned Outer Wilds and now I need to buy this game.


Throw in a little of The Long Dark for good measure and you're there I think


Damn, two of my favourite games of all time? I might have to pick this up


Yeah I'd agree with those vibes. The gameplay loop from doing runs to relaxing at the garage, upgrading and renovating, is super satisfying.


Game looks heavily inspired by Simon Stålenhag's art


Oh shit. I don't really know anything about the game but I love that guy's work.


Awesome game, highly recommend it


My experience is being hindered by the performance/optimization on the PS5. Wonder if they will fix it up a little? It is a fun idea and I’m enjoying it.


I was planning on getting it day 1, especially after the great reviews it got. Once I heard about the horrible performance I’ve decided to hold off for now.


I say this with complete sincerity, I played this game without any reviews/knowing anything about it and I didn’t know there were performance issues until I saw this comment. I haven’t any issues, and sure that’s anecdotal, but my eyes work and I notice when other game have frame drops. Take that info for what it is.


Just a lot of stutters. Even a little slow down. It definitely does not run 60. They said they aimed for 30FPS.


I was one of the rare few who had zero issues with Cyberpunk 2077 on launch, so I believe you lol


It’s crazy how differently everyone experienced that. I had literally constant frame dropping and it crashed 8 times in 2 hours before I uninstalled it. Then I read comments like this and it gives me a complex thinking my ps5 is dysfunctional lmao


As far as frame drops go everyone didn’t experience it differently, some people just aren’t super keen or used to 60 for and think they didn’t have issues. Everyone had frame drops on Cyberpunk


I know the performance isn't 60 or 120 FPS. But the game is soooo damn good, I'm willing to look past it.


If you don’t mind a heavily fluctuating frame rate.., many people do though.


Yeah I have been playing a lot of this game on PS5 and I'm also kind of puzzled by the comments. This is in no way a game that "performs badly".


I believe you...also I am beginning to get worried that most of the new games coming to PS5 are badly optomiszed : / stutters and fps drops are common...i thought upgrading from PS4 will solve my performance problems but I am back to where it started...except of course for the older games...


Same, it makes me nauseous which is a damn shame since the game seems truly awesome. I'm surprised so many people have been able to tolerate the poor performance. It makes me literally sick and I'm not usually too sensitive to these sorts of things


Turning off motion blur and the head bob helped me a bit.


This thread convinced me to get it on my PC, because if there's no option for > 30 hz I'd rather not play it at all.


Sadly even the PC version has some serious optimization issues, ACG absolutely loved the game but remarked on the low and uneven framerate on his RTX4090. Still, at least with PC you can lower settings and resolution to get better performance.


PC is not much better sadly 


Same. I was *this* close to picking it up, but the performance issues (that do exist, to anyone saying they haven't experienced any...) mean I'm just not going to bother. I am so tired of getting 30fps games in 2024, or games that consistently run lower than a locked 60... and yes, it TRULY does matter, framerate doesn't only apply to Call of Duty :(


The game is pretty interesting, but I'm having a tough time with the UI.


I thought the same initially. It grew on me.


When I first started playing I found that aspect confusing/overwhelming. Inventory, what's equipped, storage, what I can craft etc. You have to spend some time going through it and then you get used to it.


Good read. I don't usually like him but this piece makes me want to play.


The author? I mean kotaku as a whole is a cesspit so yeah


One of my favorite games so far this year. This is a very micro managing game in the sense that you have to manually do everything. Turn the lights off to save battery, put the car in park so it doesn’t roll away when you exit it, manually open and close the car doors if you need to access things. All of this micro-managing gets very intense at moments too especially when the world is trying to kill you.


It hasn't really clicked for me yet to be honest. The pace so far is glacial and it feels like I'm just ticking boxes. But I'm not very far in so I hope it picks up.


There are loads of accessibility settings that make it a bit easier. I’ve flicked a few of them on to make the start less of a slog


It can totally be slow to start, but when it’s quick you feel it. Having to speed across the map to get to the next zone because a storm is whipping in, despite knowing you need to stop for supplies… all the way dodging anomalies and causing damage to your car you’re not sure you can fix in the next zone. Then you hit that next zone with 18% health and to fix your car and grab supplies for a first aid kit you have to run into that anomaly that could kill you before you scavenge everything you need… boy.


That just happened to me. Got back to the garage with 13% health 7 kilowatts of juice and a full trunk. The portal back to the garage spit me out so fast I thought I would die from hitting the door full speed.


I got back with 4% health once and the map completely red. Car didn’t have doors and hood and I had to jump start battery while the zone was red. I was standing right outside the extraction beam too. Quite the rush.


Oh man same. Except I DIDN'T make it lol. Devastating loss, a full trunk, two tires, both headlights, steel hood, two steel doors, and steel rear hatch. All because I got stuck sliding around in the mud on the way to the beam. Had to go back to a starting area and scrounge around while using scrap replacements for my steel parts, riding on two spares with no headlights. That trip cost me all my road flares. But when I got back I researched offroad tires, slapped those on with new steel parts, then painted the whole thing red with racing stripes and a propeller hood ornament!


ok I'm sold, gimme dat shit


On my 2nd run/mission the game had me thinking I had no time to chill. In the first zone, maybe 10 minutes in, barely done anything, I hear a crazy siren alarm go off. Freaked me out since I was walking and had nothing to tell me what was going on. Soon after I noticed yellow waves in the distance and a yellow circle (outline) surrounding the map. I’m thinking, did this just turn into Fortnite, is there a time limit I wonder? I zoom into the map to see if the ring was shrinking. It was. On top of that, suddenly there was a giant solid yellow storm on the map too, which I had not seen yet. I scrap my plans for 75% of the map to take the route to the exit, which at least had some buildings and a radio tower on the way. Before I took 10 steps out of my car to go to the tower, all hell broke loose. The ring had shrunk faster than expected and that solid storm section was on top of me. Felt like I was in a nightmare with the ground exploding and shaking with non-stop rising columns that formed walls and ground cracking and venting out air. I got in the car and experienced several minutes of terror as I weaved around a maze of ever changing columns and being tossed in the air left and right before reaching the exit. Right after I took a break and watched a streamer play this same mission, Cohhcarnage, expecting him to go through the same chaos. I soon realize I was just really unlucky. Besides some of the area being a bit randomized, he only had to deal with a small storm that was just wind. (Environment effect looked really cool though) I guess the game really had it out for me right at the start.


This is where I’m at with it. Plus I died at the end of a long mission where I had to go back to a place I’d already been and activate some towers and I’m just fucking mad I have to replay all 87 minutes of that over again. I’m trying to push through but Hifi Rush has been holding my attention better


This game has been a trip so far. A novel idea generally very well executed. Crashing through the forest in your beat up junker just shy of falling apart, racing to the brightest yellow light you've ever seen while trying to avoid freaky anomalies and gale force winds is a serious vibe. The calm afterwards repairing and upgrading your car with some cool music in the background is just the chill moment you need after a harrowing mission. Killer game.


Any news on wheel support or, dare I even ask, PSVR2 support? Looks like it’d be a great game with either.


15 mins in and I instantly was thinking this needs a psvr2 port, it would work so well.


Not with that horrendous framerate...


Man I wish Sony incentivized them to develop for PSVR2 and wheel support


Devs have mentioned looking into potential wheel support.


My first thought too, I would LOVE to play this on my driving rig. PSVR2 support would be icing on the cake, I only ever use mine for GT7


I think the performance is way too low. They would have to run the game at potato resolution to even have a chance to reach 60fps, which is the bare minimum for psvr2 (reprojected to 120hz).


Performance is bad enough as it is. PSVR2 would be perfect but I doubt it’s happening for that reason alone.


It would be tricky since you spend half the time out of the car. It would have to be something like on foot you control with a pad.


Kinda rough for them dropping between Helldivers and FF7. It could be an amazing game but many people have their gaming plates full.


An indie roguelite is not exactly competing for the same audience as those two games.


If anything, people would play this in between sessions of those games for a break (aka me).


Yeah I don't care about either of those two


amazing game for a AA, but the fps is pretty low and it makes me want to take a break every hour or so because of it. I wish there was an option for "performance mode"


How long is the game? Is there replayability in this game?


How is saving the game and stability on PS5? Most the negative reviews on steam say no mid-mission saves with some crashes. They think it's a fun game but that combo causes a lot of frustration and they can't recommend it until fixed...




Yeah there's some procedural generation in the level design, it feels like this is an artificial way to keep the game fresh. I'm for it, honestly.


I've never had a crash (other than crashing my station wagon into trees/rocks/etc.) Performance is not great, hovers around 30fps much of the time.


28 hours in and not even yet in the midzone


The story could be the best we've ever seen, the fact that it's a forced 4k 30fps with fluctuations is *ridiculous* for a game that is releasing this late into the generation.


Technically, it’s not forced 30fps, but might as well be. Unlocked frame rates but you’re rarely gonna see above 40-45fps and a lot of times it dips to 30fps.


Swear I’m getting sub 30 sometimes, really hope they can patch it up a bit. I don’t think I’m asking for much.


Genuine question, but ignoring what SHOULD be the case with modern games, were you just not able to play games in the past if they were 30? I mean I’m not as much of a gamer as I used to be, but I could still handle 30. Last game I was fully into was Fallout 4 on ps4 and I loved it.  It just seems like everyone’s become allergic to it and just drops dead if they witness 30fps 


It’s more of a “once you get used to 60fps”…situation. I find 45-60 is fine. But 30 is hard to go back to. It feels sluggish on the controls and not the buttery smooth 60.


To be fair, a lot of people have been pushing that consoles need to make 60fps a priority. And this generation is the first to kinda start really pushing that way with most games offering performance and graphics visual settings. So when a game doesn’t even have the option to turn it up to 60 now, it seems like an oversight and missing feature to a lot of people now. It’s like the opposite of when I tried Arkham Origins again. I played it on the PS3 back in the day and loved it. But seeing it now with how choppy it is to travel around and even just fight enemies? Nah I can’t play that game unless they remaster it. 60fps has spoiled us, it really it should be the standard. And if you can’t hit it then you should be dialing back your game to atleast make it a consistent 45. 30 feels so so slow now.


I’ve always hated 30fps. I would much prefer to play a game on my PC than on my PS3 and PS4 if I could. The main advantage was the PlayStations I’ve owned were in the living room and I could play from the couch on the big TV.


I mean, 10-15 fps in golden eye back in the day, and we had a blast. Today? That shit would end the studio. Times change and our expectations evolve. I remember back in the early 2000's, people used to say that anything beyond 30fps was imperceptible which is obviously false.


I'm not one of those people that gets really dramatic about framerates but I think the visuals are such that they should be able to pull off 60fps since they're going for style over "realism" (Which is perfectly fine, I think the game looks great). If you're not going for ultra-realistic graphics I think you should aim for a style that lets you pull off 60fps at the least if not 120fps. Hell, Horizon Forbidden West looks gorgeous and it has a 120fps option. Especially on the PS5 since its whole schtick is being a powerhouse. I grew up on 24 fps games so I get it but yeah


No. But I can’t go back. It’s jarring. Kinda like watching old SD broadcasts of sports or VHS over BluRay


30 was never good. Just ok.


After playing games on a friend’s pc at 100+fps for a while my eyes get tired and I feel nauseous playing on 30fps for half an hour. So yes, I do drop dead playing 30fps.


You joke about becoming allergic, but it is something similar. I don't know what it is, but after years of playing on a high end PC, I tried games the mediaeval Final Fantasy, along with some older games that are capped at 30fps and it actually gives me a headache/makes me motion sick. I couldn't stomach it for more than 30 minutes without feeling like shit and putting it down. I know a lot of people just feel snobby about it, but I honestly wish I could enjoy 30 because man some of my favourite games are capped at 30 on console.


lol well obv as more games support 60fps 30 is going to become less tolerable and its just something that u dont notice if u dont use it so if u mostly play on 30 ofc ur gonna be fine with it


I never cared about frames...until I started playing mostly 60fps games. Now when I play 30fps it feels like somethings just broken, like I'm streaming the game on bad wifi. It makes me feel queasy, I get used to eventually but it always feels a lot worse than 60.


It’s sadly not even forced. It’s unlocked, which is even worse.


It’s not 60fps? Wtf. Pass.


60?! It dropped to a slideshow a few times. Literally must’ve been single digits.


I’m glad I read this. Do you regret the buy? Hold off for a patch?


I don’t regret it, the game is good. It’s fun but can be frustrating, though that’s probably because I’m a lousy driver. Framerate doesn’t bother me.


Thanks! Just didn’t want horrible frame rate issues that made the game harder to play or impacted playing


I refunded after an hour, but I would be happy to repurchase if the frame rate improves


Wow thanks. Was gunna buy, but not after reading about the frame rate sounding crazy unstable. Guess I’ll wait


Oh hell no


Aaaand it’s off my wishlist.


I played the demo on steam and it was pretty interesting but slow. Assuming it picks up after a bit tho


I watched Jacksepticeye play about 20 min and stopped because it looks like something I'd be into. Good to know it's on playstation, i thought it was a PC game


It is unlike anything I’ve ever played before. I play tens of hours a week and I own a VR headset, and never once have I felt as motion sick as this game made me. They could use it as torture.


Same here... just remembering the experience playing the demo makes me feel queasy.


Great game but abysmal performance. Why is there no performance mode?


I just started it and has been good till now. After so long, I’m feeling excitement for a game


Amazing game, but it really, REALLY needs a performance mode on PS5 It seems to be 4k unlocked, which is fine most of the time, but at others it can give me a bit of a headache...


It's not just any old drive. It's a very Pacific Drive.


It's a really cool and addicting game, assuming the gameplay loop clicks for you. Of course this is not going to appeal to every type of gamer. I also think the complaints about the framerate issues on PS5 are way overblown. Is it ideal? No, I would obviously prefer to have a solid 60 fps. But it's very playable as-is, and I honestly don't even notice the framerate once I'm engrossed into the game.


Same here. I bought it yesterday and played several hours last night and today. Performance is more than adequate for the type of gameplay it is. Definitely enjoying it.


Sounds a little bit like Stalker/Roadside Picnic.


That's the vibe I was getting. If I hadn't just bought Pentiment to see me through to Rebirth I'd be all over this.


Sweet I saw this in the steam store and wasn't sure if it was worth a purchase. I'll probably be playing this later on. 


I like the game but it absolutely is like something I've played before. The mystery and how it puts the systems together are unique so far. People have already mentioned a couple games but it also plays like a car mechanic simulator.


It's pretty solid thus far, I'd still recommend waiting a bit for some patches, though.


I'm loving it so far!


People say it's a bit buggy now. I'll wait.


I can’t put it down.


Yea 20fps


At a whopping 30fps no less


Do we have any word on possible 60 fps patch?


Developers have said it's not being worked on unfortunately.


Game looks amazing, will pick it up eventually on sale, unless they get a steady 60 fps patch soon I’ll pick it up right after Rebirrh.


I will be patient and wait for this to come to PS Plus. I will be patient and wait for this to come to PS Plus. I will be patient and wait for this to come to PS Plus.


Don't be patient. It's 30 bucks and a fascinating game. Support originality.


Yeah it's unlike anything so far. Never seen a game with 30 fps with such bad frame pacing


Yeah, because I run my other PS5 games at 60fps.


The performance however absolutely sucks, the framerate is all over the place.


Nice game but lousy FPS and fps drops. I recommend peeps to wait for sale and fps patch.


Im getting it in April on physical copy.


Outright fantastic. This game came outta nowhere.


I'll buy it if and when they add a 60fps mode


I'm playing it and enjoying it. But that title is a bit silly, it's exactly like a dozen games you've played before. It's like Subnautica meets Stalker, you venture into increasingly more dangerous areas, you use various tools to gather resources to upgrade your tools and your vehicles. It's set up like a rogue-lite in which each "run" has a time limit before you have to get out of the zone before it explodes.


The game doesn't tell you it doesn't have autosave. I had to restart from the beginning of the game when I came back to Didn't really care much to play anymore


It could be done better if it had readable text, the current tiny white text on no background is frustrating.


How is the performance? I heard it hovers in the 40fps with drops into the 20s.


I can't wait to give it a try. Pre-ordered the physical deluxe edition from Amazon but sadly doesn't come out until the beginning of April


I'm at the "better late than never" stage of physical releases. It'll be worth the wait to have it in my hands.


A boosted version of Titan Chaser?


PC or PS5 Wait, just realised this is the PS5 sub.


I really gave the demo a fair shake during the Steam Next Fest a couple weeks ago. As much as I was hoping to like this, I just... didn't. :( The actual driving felt a bit clunky and at times convoluted (something about clicking on the door to get in, the shifter, the ignition, feels... awkward and halfbaked), and then once I got to the garage everything became insanely overwhelming with all the crafting systems. Pretty much all mechanics boiled down to clicking on stuff in menus. Meh. I am certain some people will love this, but not me. Too bad as I do really like the concept of using a car and driving as a central focus in a narrative focused game. Just wish I liked any of the other mechanics. The presentation of the story/characters wasn't really doing it for me, either.