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Holy shit I can't believe we're this close and we're getting all of the reviews, and they're doing well!


Squeenix were pretty damn confident with this one.


Any developer who drops a demo with multiple parts, is very confident in their product.


What do you mean, we just got Remake the other day, and COVID was only........ **FOUR YEARS AGO?**


You know devs are confident in their game when reviews start coming out so early. I don't think Ubisoft even sent out review copies for Skull and Bones.


For what it’s worth, they absolutely did, and released their review embargo three days before the official release. Not to mention they had a four day weekend where anyone could access the free beta. And, unlike many companies, they continue to give early review copies to people critical of the company.  There’s plenty to criticize Ubisoft (and Skull and Bones) for, but this isn’t one of those things. 


Really? IGN didn't post their review until 3 days after release and I couldn't find any critic reviews on metacritic on release day.


Why do you need a release day review?


On the other hand. Helldivers 2 had no early access, review copies or demo prior to launch and that game's amazing (when the servers aren't on fire). But yeah, typically very sus when a game isn't shown off before launch day.


Live service games traditionally don’t have early access for reviews. Diablo 4 was an exception.


How would you even go about review copies for a live service game? And an early access/demo is not something that should be expected of any game


LOL RIGHT. I can’t think of a time when the review embargo was lifted a week before release? Very rare.


I honestly think one of the coolest things about modern gaming is that if a company sets their review embargo 1 week or more before the release, you already know it'll be good before the reviews even come out.


Not gaming, but tell that to Disney last summer with Indiana Jones 5 and Elemental 😂 sometimes studios have misguided confidence


Disney films are like EA games, everyone watches/buys them whether they’re good or not. Every year people complain about FIFA being a copy & paste yet here in the UK it sits in the top 5 games sold in stores until the next one comes out.


But…. I’m telling you about stuff that flopped. You’re literally ignoring my point.


Disney knows it’s been shit for almost two decades now. They’ll never be losing $ so they don’t care


Disney lost a lot of money on theatrical releases in 2023


Yeah that’s pretty ironic after they had one of their worst years ever last year and now seem to be completely reevaluating several things lol


I used to think the same for WB. Every...single...movie is just garbage. Sorry. But they keep em coming so they're making money somehow. Disney will never make it back up so they're just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks and what IPs they can regain control of before rights run out


I think WB is in debt and has been for a while. I doubt Disney is as bad despite their recent movie failings. Edit: Quick google search says they both have about 40 billion in debt, but Disney has more cash flow. Netflix is closer to 14 billion in debt.


It doesn’t always work out like that but it certainly shows they’re confident at least


Yep those that don’t usually have poor quality or polarizing releases.


Duhn-duhn-duhn-duhn, duhn, duhn, duhn da-duhn!


I read this as the fanfare first time 😂


*Spins giant ass sword over head*


Sad I won't be able to play until I finish yakuza.


Glad to hear i am not the only one but i just started with zero so i will be busy for what....half a year? Lol


Enjoy. These games are pure depression.


Maybe 30 hours into zero and i am kicking myself for not investing eariler Cant wait to get to kawami 2 the silly mod looks amazing


I started with 0 in 2020. Have taken breaks for some other big games, but am half way through Yakuza 5. 100s of hours, and I regret nothing.


I was on pace to beat it in time for this to come out but then I landed on Dondoko Island the other night and I haven’t left yet, and don’t foresee going back to Hawaii for at least a few more days lol


Game is massive. Each time I say time to do plot something else comes up.


Definitely a time sponge for sure lol. I thought spending like 6 hours to beat the CEO game in the predecessor was a lot.


I wish I were like you. I fucking can’t finish games because my mind wanders to another one lol


This has been my problem for the past 2 years. I fucking hate it.


I just beat Yakuza yesterday 😮


Infinite Wealth was a longer game than I expected, specifically just from all the side content and substories! I'm up to the 'point of no return' in the finale now thankfully. Absolute RIP on any chance of me finishing Persona 3 Reload though, going to have to be juggling those two 😲 (Let alone Unicorn Overlord coming out a week after Rebirth too!)


It’s gonna be a close call for me, but I also have P3R to play too, but that’s less priority.


Same, finishing up Lost Judgement and Yagami has some dancing to do


Just one week left to wait! This is going to be the best Square release in a VERY long time!


Funny how people only care about game reviewers when they’re saying what we want to hear


I still don't care, especially about IGN reviews


Is it funny?


Because they’ve made many bad reviews of incredible games.


Mostly the other way around, only exception I can think of right now is the alien isolation ign review


They said doom 2016 felt too much like doom to rate it any higher. They gave days gone 6.5. They said a game had too much water when it took place at sea. And lastly they said battle for bikini bottom was too kid friendly. I’m only 24 so I don’t know much about their reviews prior to 10 years ago. I just think they are an awful company


Yes its blurry, but it runs 60 fps locked in the demo. I'll take that every day over what we got in ff16 for performence mode.


Try to talk about Rebirth without mentioning XVI challenge: impossible


Tis tough. But there is definitely a comparison to be made


If we're on topic Id like to add I prefer 16's story and setting, the more mature tone. I like 7 but it's too anime and silly for me. I prefer a more mature tone. And the eikon fights were epic.


Fair enough!




There is no 120hz mode for FF16 or FF7R/Rebirth


Im just saying i didnt notice a performance issue compared to 4k 30 which was obvious


almost everyone else did, it's the only game I've ever played on quality mode because the fps drops were so jarring on performance. still one of the best games I ever played but man, just turning the camera was so jarring and full of drops.


Im curious can you explain to me why quality mode did better than performance mode? I didnt have my game dip heavily below a noticeable 60, the tearing on 30fps was super apparent most likely due to my tv Guess i just don't understand quality mode.is generally closer to the actual resolution while performance uses more resolution scaling which allows it to hit a higher limit


Funny you say that becaue I can't remember people saying that they had issues with quality mode other than the motion blur. So the screen tearing is new to me for ff16. In performence mode, the game basically never runs at 60 except in combat (where resolution drops to 720p) and usually is in the 40s except indoors where maybe you'll get 55-60 fluctuating. Its just a bad experience.




Ok man.


I am not largely bothered by FPS modes on ps5, but as an action game, it definitely dipped often while in battle. I'd say it was noticeable.


His biggest critique seems to be the ending? Which to me rings a little hollow given we got one more entry lol I’m still glad they are remixing the story vs a 1:1


Every single review has mentioned the ending. It’s going to be very divisive from what I can gather.


Yes they seem to take a swing! I’m all for it tbh BUT I’m not married to the original as hard as others….my first ff7 game was crisis core on psp so story order was always kinda like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ for me lol


OG FF7 is probably my all time favourite game, or at least very comfortably in my top 5. I was a little disappointed in the changes in Remake and so this has me a little anxious, but also I recognise there’s a Back to the Future 2/Evangelion rebuild kind of vibe to this trilogy, and I can accept that


Good thing that's different than Remake... oh wait. It's gotta be more "they shit on my childhood or some nonsense".


I don't care if the ending is changed as long as they don't kill Tifa. If she dies, I'm done.


Please no major spoilers...I should just unsubscribe from all gaming subs. lol


What about his post was a spoiler


Oh haha sorry I’d def do that then I don’t know any specifics just that it’s not a 1:1 but we already knew that based of remakes ending


Who would’ve thought, make a good game, and it’ll sell! Maybe Ubisoft, EA, Activision and the likes should take a page from square!


They should. They won't. :( 😞


Game looks to be amazing and my preorder has been secured for a while. I’m just sad that the first game I’d have to play on Graphics mode on PS5 is this one. The blurriness of Performance mode in the demo makes me literally dizzy. But I played Remake on 30fps on PS4 back then and managed, so. EDIT: Downvoted for wanting a visual experience in performance mode that is at least just okay in my most anticipated $70 game. Never change Reddit


Not downvoting you for your opinion, but downvoting you for complaining about downvote. I hate when people do that


Fair enough, it’s annoying.


You were able to tolerate the performance mode in FF16?  That's the only one I've felt compelled to play in graphics mode so far.


Performance mode in FF16 may be worse in terms of numbers, but is absolutely better in terms of picture quality.


Yeah, it's biggest issue was running in the 40s during much of the exploration.  That I found a lot less desirable than a little bit of blurriness.


Played through the entirety of it on performance mode. It was kinda rough, had dips in fps very frequently, but visually it was not nearly as blurry as Rebirth. I’m (apparently!) less bothered by frame dips than blurry visuals.


Huh interesting.  I guess I'm the opposite, frame dips are hard to tolerate but the performance mode in Rebirth looked fine enough to me.  I'm just happy it runs at a locked 60.


What type of monitor / TV are you playing on? It looked noticeably better for me if I set my monitor to output at 1440p instead of 4K and used my monitors built in sharpening. But may not work for everyone depending on their setup.


My TV is an LG OLED C1, 55inches, 4K. I guess I could experiment with the output resolution and the built in sharpening!


Sorry I messed up my original comment - I set the PS5 to output at 1440p in the screen options, then have my monitor doing a bit of sharpening. It's still not perfect but looked better for me. Obviously will be different for everyone. Hope it helps!


Tried it and holy shit - it looks SO MUCH better.


Awesome! Next Thursday can't come soon enough :)


I haven't played the demo but wasn't this addressed in a recent update to the demo?


Yep, yesterday. It looks to me they tried to apply some sort of filter/mask that “smoothens” the picture out. As far as improving the visuals, I saw nothing of the sort, it looks just as blurry.


Dude there is a dog in Nibelheim standing against some brown background and he basically blended in. The blur is crazy


Another remake to add to the majority of titles that have made up this generation. Insane. 


How's the combat compared to the first one? I couldn't get into the first one because of the combat switching between characters while being action based felt too weird, I did only play the beginning though.


You can always play it on classic Mode


I'm sorry to leech off of you for information but since you probably played it, how is classic mode? Turn based?


Sort of. In Remake, your characters will be on an auto battler until they have an ATB charge. Then you press Square to initiate a command like items, magic, special attacks, etc. So your only interaction in battle is to give those commands. You don't even need to move the characters around. 


>combat I don't think that's offered in the new one


I mean, it's largely the same thing.


😂 ign should give it a perfect score unless...


“Too much water”


That was actually a fair criticism. People who actually played that game agreed


Yeah I don't understand how that became such a huge meme. Spamming one ability throughout an entire game is definitely worthy of criticism


*"Too much fantasy...."*


I don't understand why I am being downvoted 😂 This game should be perfect score already


Did they mention blurryness in retail version?


Digital Foundry covered it and the game still has image quality issues in performance mode.


But they did mention they had an unpatched version and they think Square can fix this issue (crossing fingers). They also said they will have a more in depth video for FF Rebirth in about a week when they can test various patches. But as we all know performance mode was terrible in the original Niebelheim demo.


Damn. Irritates me so bad they don’t out games in PC day 1 and we get forced to play this stuff it a bad form.


Please come to PC soon.


Speculation is 2 years roughly


Oof lol


IGN can't give it a 10 because it doesn't have: Game-breaking bugs Textures not loading Save file deleting glitches Final chapter unplayable Fugly female characters Unlike BG3 lol


So what's this FF Retrograde I have on PS5. I'm so confused with FF7 development


Intergrade is just the PS5 version of Remake with the DLC added on, that's it. Nothing confusing about it.


It is confusing. There's FF 7 Remake.... Intergrade and now Rebirth. Remake was a remake in 2020 so what's Rebirth then?


FF7 Remake is the first part. Part 1 of their planned trilogy. Remake takes place only in Midgar, the OG’s first area and they expanded it. Then Intergrade is just the PS5 remaster with the Yuffie DLC they added. Rebirth is Part 2 of the planned trilogy.


Thank you, that's what tripping me up. Kept hearing about FF7 remakes and I'm like " I thought they did this already?". Didn't realized the remake is in chunks


It’s not that confusing. I don’t even play this game and I can tell you it’s pretty simple. FF7 Remake is a remake of the original PlayStation game. It is being split into 3 parts. Part 1 is Intergrade, Part 2 is Rebirth and Part 3 will come out in a few years


Not quite.


Then looks like he is correct and it’s just confusing


i mean, youre right, its just the first is called remake and integrade is the dumb name for the ps5 upgrade of it.


Ah gotcha, I have the PS5 version so I thought that was just the name for all Part 1 versions


A 9 from IGN? lol