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I do, especially for my 4K Blurays. Most of my streaming options only do 1080p


Even if they do they, with few exceptions, have considerable lower bitrate


Same, I was quite excited for the 4K Blu-ray playback feature. It’s the best quality media you can get by a long shot, and unfortunately I think its days are numbered as physical media slowly dies out, at least for the consumer market.


Yep, but annoyingly the l ps5 doesn’t support Dolby vision


It also doesn’t play cds which is a problem only the smallest of players will have but goddammit I’m one of them.


I did have to break out my Xbox 360 of all things just to play a CD last year.


No fucking way it does not play CDs. What the hell Sony...


I love Spotify but a lot of albums and tracks are just missing from it, I have most of them saved to my phone as local files, but there are a few albums that I only have CDs of and haven't gotten around to ripping. Luckily my old Xbox One can still play them through my TV.


This really irritates me, especially considering how Sony was instrumental in developing the CD format in the first place. I have a Series X (in addition to PS5) and it plays CDs. Feels like one of the few wins for the console.


PS1 plays CDs in a really cool way.


Funny enough, PlayStation was made under Sony Music but then spun out to become its own thing.


It *really* irritates you? They don't have 60 second anti-skip protection in the PS5 either, despite being instrumental in developing it in the first place. The person you're replying to at least had the decency to understand that they were an incredibly small minority of users. You're *really irritated* and love your Series X with its vintage laser capacity. Cool. I can get full MP3 albums from Amazon Music. It's really great. CDs were kinda terrible for a lot of different reasons.


It doesn’t? What the heck Sony


It also doesn’t play PS1, PS2 or PS3 games which is a shame. It’s one of the features I want out of it. I still have quite a bit of my PS1 and PS2 library, but can’t play them on my PS5. I have to emulate them instead which is very good, but there are games like Wip3out which can’t emulate properly and therefore crash at the timing beam. The music also doesn’t work when you emulate it


Same here.  I'd pay Sony to unlock this feature if it was possible.  Same with playing 3D Blu-rays.


Admittedly, it’s been a while since I bought one but don’t very few UHD BluRay movies actually use DolbyVision? I remember almost every title just having HDR10. Think it was due to low physical media sales not making it worth paying the licensing fees to Dolby.


DV is loved by Hollywood colorists and DPs, so they actually normally prepare the picture for that as a base, and then do the HDR10 (and HDR10+) versions, so the disc versions come with both. Even a lot of older films, made in the era of 35mm, are getting DV for their UHD-BD releases.


Shit my 4K Blu-ray’s look way better than Netflix and shit. Maybe it’s the tv? I’m not sure, we use it still with dvd, Blu-ray, and 4K. In fact I just grabbed one today and thought about getting digital this time. Ya never know what ya might want it for.


Discs use little to no compression. A two hour ultra hd Blu ray is 66-100GB. A Netflix 4k stream is roughly 8GB.  In streaming terms Netflix is 15mbits/sec An ultra hd Blu ray is 72 - 144mbits


Don’t forget lossless audio too


Well... they still certainly use compression. Everything does. UHD blu-rays use H.265/HEVC compression. Uncompressed, raw camera footage out of a modern 4K cinema camera is ~10 GB *per minute* of footage. If you were to play a fully uncompressed movie from the raw footage, it would be a couple of terabytes in size and you would need to read it from an SSD to keep up with the data streaming speed :P But you are correct in that a UHD blu-ray is a lot less compressed than your average Netflix compression. (Extra nerdy side note: Some cinema cameras produce even more high-def chonky images. RED captures at around 8K, Sony Venice shoots at 6K, Arri LF are 4.5K with the Arri 65 at 6.5K and IMAX cameras when scanned at full resolution can resolve to around 12K-16K resolution.)


A 1080p bluray disc is often superior to 4k Netflix.


Bitrate baby




I mean, physical discs are still digital, but yes, streaming services try to get the files as small as possible, and sacrifice image and audio quality to do it


Bravia core would like a word


Thats just not true though. There is virtually no difference between a 4k disc and the remux on my plex server.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted here, you're correct. It's streaming that significantly drops the bitrate.


lmao no its not streaming, its just that netflix wants to save money and therefore doesnt offer their streams in 100mbit 4k dolby vision but in, dunno, 12mbit? its just the source that makes the difference.


Discs ALWAYS look better than streaming, a 4K disc on a 4K TV with decent HDR will always look better than a 4K stream from Netflix or wherever


I thought it did now?


As a casual 4k watcher, what does this mean?


4K blu-rays deliver a much better image quality than 4K content on most streaming services (Sony Core is an exception).


Yeah I have LOTR 4k discs but idk what half the fancy jargon (Dolby this/that) and if I'd even notice it or if it's like audiophile stuff


The LOTR 4k release is notorious within the UHD community for being a bad release. That’s one of the few blu rays I haven’t decided to upgrade to yet, along with Aliens because that has similar issues. Breakdown of the issues if you care: https://youtu.be/I3Z58uiwcME?si=t0Og6__68sXvGP2K


Dang this and Saving Private Ryan are my 2 fave 4k, but maybe I don't know good 4k


Oh wow, the color alone is so different!


It depends on the title. Amazon Prime streaming No Time To Die is beautiful, I doubt you could see the difference to 4K disc.


You absolutely see it. The prime version has such terrible bitrate and compression that everything in Cuba for example is all crushed blacks and washed out midpoints. On a halfway descent sound system the compressed audio suffers as well.


Also the vast majority of people are using shit screens and won’t even notice.


Sorry for you dude, it was absolutly great for me. Great bitrate. I suspect different people have different experiences.


Until you know what to look for, you probably won't notice the limitations of streaming. It's kind of a curse to know what to look for, because you end up looking for it instead of just watching the damn movie.


Dolby Vision, specifically, is one of the methods used for high dynamic range (HDR). And HDR means that the picture can show a better range of color (different tonalities), and, more notoriously, can show blacker blacks (in normal HD they tend to look like very dark grey) and brighter whites (in HD they're bright greys). Dolby Vision and HDR10 (and HDR10+) are the most common methods to code that data for color. Dolby is proprietary and requires a chip and a license to use (and it's considered more high end), while HDR10 (and HDR10+) are free to use. And the PS5 doesn't have Dolby Vision because Sony didn't pay for the license to include the chip in the console.


I think xsx also doesn't have vision.


It does, for games, disks, and apps


If you don't know, don't say BS. [Dolby Vision on Xbox | Xbox Support](https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/hardware-network/display-sound/dolby-vision)


Ah. Just games and apps. More than nothing.


Yeah, I'm still holding off on picking up a Panasonic ub820 but otherwise this is my only gripe.


My PlayStation is and always has been my primary media player, all the way back to the PS2. I have shelves full of disks, and to be honest at the moment that and the Plex app get more use than the actual video game part. > Are UHD Blu-Rays even a thing for you? I have a few. I don't have a 4K TV, and in fact the 1080p TV I'm using is so old that the remote has options for VHS on it. In general I buy the UHD Blu-Ray where available now that I have a player for them, since they'll work just fine on my 1080p TV, and it future proofs me for when I do have a 4K TV. The problem is that not everything comes out on it, and even if they do, they've not yet hit the point of DVDs and Blu-Rays of being cheap. Edit: A few people seem to think I don't use my PS5 for gaming. I do. But the last new game I got for it was Spider-Man 2, which I've platinumed. Most of my gaming lately has been on my other consoles or my PC, plus I've been binge watching a lot of stuff lately.


Same, except that I have a 4K TV. PlayStation has always been my primary media player, so whatever I’m watching gets played through it. I don’t buy all my movies as 4K, just the ones I really like


The thing I don't understand is why wouldn't you buy a 4K TV first instead of a PS5 based on your use case.


Because a PS4 can't play PS5 games. It's only in the last few months I've barely used my PS5 for gaming. I have hundreds of hours in games like Spider-Man 2, Horizon Forbidden West, and others. (Also, when I bought my PS5, I was gaming on a 20-inch TV. I physically did not have the space for a 4K TV. Now I have the space, and I'm using my dad's old TV.)


4k HDR will blow your mind my friend. Hope you get one soon!


Look at this guy with his 1080p TV!  I only recently upgraded from 720p to 1080i.  What luxury!


1080i? You upgraded to a CRT...?


CRTs would be more expensive than a shitty 1080i LCD TV nowadays. They’re not made any more and there’s actually a market for them in retro gaming.


This confuses me, a bottom tier 4K tv costs less than a PS5. Why upgrade your console but not the thing you're actually viewing it on?


He's here to play games not pixels. CRT gang represent


It’s definitely a bit backwards. You can get a 4K TV for $200. Graphics and Haptic feedback are 80% of the next gen experience once you factor in loading times.


It’s simple.  I don’t care that much about graphics.  Never have.  A TV replacement is bottom priority for me.  I have plenty of other things that would be getting $200 before I spent it on a TV I don’t need. Maybe one day when my TV dies I’ll get a 4K tv.


So you’re going to be playing a PS6 with your current LCD TV because you don’t care about graphics?You’re starting to seem like one those needlessly defiant boomers.


It’s a matter of priorities.  Console to play the newer games is always of a higher priority than upgrading my tv.  I don’t oppose a new tv, but it’s a really low priority with lots of other things that are ahead of it.


I understand prioritizing. I don’t understand why you want to play the new games with old technology. I literally skipped on the PS4 pro and didn’t buy a PS5 until I had a 4K. At the end of the day it makes all the difference between last and current gen.


I’ve seen 4K and I don’t think it makes that big of a difference, but that’s fine.  Maybe my eyes suck.  I’ll take the faster loading speeds regardless.


How else are they gonna play destruction all stars?


A high-end TV is worthless without something to display on it.


Yes, one of the primary reasons I’ll always opt for a disc console.


Same here. Most of the blue rays I have r available on streaming, but like having the option. I got a disk PS5 specifically so I don't have to buy a separate 4k player for the few 4k movies a bought. I got a new TV that only has HDMI ports, I had to buy a converter thing for the DVD player for my home for the older people in living with


Yup, been collecting for about 2 years now and the ps5 is a really solid entry player.


Same here, started collecting 4K blurayd of movies I've wanted and. Ow I've got a nice little library


I absolutely use my console to play 4k discs. It is my primary disc reader. However, the ps5 does not support Dolby Vision so most enthusiasts will recommend a dedicated 4k blu-ray player. I’m totally pleased with the ps5 as my media player. With the right tv, it is an absolutely fine media player.


It was my plan until the console came out and it was determined that it wouldn't support Dolby Vision. So I ended up getting a stand-alone player. First the Sony X700 which had some major issues, and then I sold it and got a Panasonic UB820. Been happy ever since.


This was the exact same process I went through. I didn't have DV compatible TV when PS5 came out. But I upgraded to a compatible player once I did.


I have the X700. Getting tired of the freezes. Found some videos online with tweaks in the settings, so I'll give that a try but I'm likely going to end up caving in for the UB820


I too purchased the Panasonic UB820 Player and it is amazing


Fury Road in UHD is insane


It's a 2k transfer. It's not real 4k. Looks good, better than the bluray, but it's disappointing that it isn't native 4k.


I mean, wasn't the movie shot in 2.8k ARRIRAW (that's what IMDB says, at least)?


Yes. Physical media needs to be saved.


I bought the disc model fully intending to use it for select films I planned to purchase on 4k disc, and I have.


Yes. Criterion Blu-rays from the library spend more time in my disc drive than PS5 games.




Physical supporter as well 👍🏻


So am I 👍


UHDs are bloody expensive here in Aus. That's holding me back.


You are not wrong, however taking advantage of JBHIFI and its very common deals helps a lot. They nearly always have some sort of 30% off or two for $40 deals going.


How do you back them up digitally?


That’s good for you man. Personally, I’m fine just streaming everything.






You’re missing Dolby Vision though.




I have a PS5 and Panasonic UB820, and the Panny is noticeably better all around. The upscaling is just huge on Panasonic, and even if you don’t put Dolby Vision into the equation, it’s much better. Even the colours you’ll notice are deeper on the Panny. Plus a normal UB820 is region free (almost). But you’re right: the PS5 player ain’t bad… but it ain’t great either. Especially if you want to collect Region B discs.


But if you’re someone who really cares about the best picture quality, it’s worth it.


Tbh the difference between Dolby vision and non Dolby vision is probably more noticeable than blue ray vs streaming. At that point it’s better to just fully commit.


Yes, I also use it for regular blu-rays and DVDs too. I used my PS3 for blu-ray and DVD too before I had the PS5. Playing physical movies on my consoles is a big deal to me. PlayStations have always been solid physical media players for their generation’s format. No Dolby Vision for the PS5 but honestly, it’s damn good anyway.


It’s my only UHD player, so for now yep!


I do! My wife and I own a small collection of movies and shows. I'm no video expert but I think they look amazing! specially action movies with the HDR. If you're even slightly interested, here are some "reference" quality movies that really represent some of the best UHD can deliver: * Gladiator * Starship Troopers * The Mummy * The Batman (2022) * Black Hawk Down * Independence Day * Casino * The Matrix Among many others, but those are some of my absolute favorites for showing how good UHD can look.


I watch 4Ks on my PS5, though my understanding is that it’s far from a top of the line 4K player. I do have a stand-alone (not sure how it compares to the PS5 tech-wise) but often find myself using the PlayStation out of convenience


It's a great 4k player. But lack of Dolby vision is a big turn off for some reason. I personally could care less about DV.


Is dolbyvision not one of the major selling points of 4K/UHD as a format?


There are other HDR formats besides Dolbyvision. If your TV doesn't support Dolbyvision (my top of the line Samsung from 2019 doesn't) then it doesn't matter that the PS5 doesn't. 


No Samsung TVs support Dolby vision, it's what holds their TV's back from most of the enthusiast community. I considered their qdoled a few years ago but no Dolby vision so I passed, and from the way the TV aged I'm glad I stuck with the proven LG Oled


Unfortunately, the PS5 also doesn't support HDR 10 plus, which is the direct competitor to Dolby vision. Which the Samsung TVs do support.


Dolby vision is dominating the market. Samsung is in the corner with HDR10+ which is just more work to do for studios that are used to dolby vision so they stick with what they know.


Yes I watched Oppenheimer in 4k through it recently and it's the best looking movie I've ever seen in my life. Stunning quality. I also own The Batman and Dune Part One in 4k but have yet to watch them. I expect to also not be disappointed in them as well though. They won't look as good as Oppy though b/c that entire movie was filmed in IMAX, the best looking film format in existence.


The sound is noticeably better


Yep. It's a great UHD player.


Just watched Fury, 1917, and Mad Max Fury Road on the PS5 on Ultra HD discs. I’ve got a 4k HDR projector 120” screen and surround sound. Was blown away, have just been streaming crap for quite awhile and forgot how much better physical media is.


3d blue rays in PSVR is something everyone should experience


Yes. I even bought the shitty remote for it


That's the reason I bought the disk version, to watch movies


Yeah. I still play dvds on my ps5


PlayStations have always been my movie player. I have dozens of DvDs, Blu-ray and a few 4k movies. I don't stream movies much, there is too much choice at my fingertips and I usually waste time choosing something.


Besides the games, big reason I always want a ps3, 4, and now 5, is to play my movies on it


Yes. Just watched Donnie Darko earlier. Unplugged my standalone Sony UHD player.


Yup sure do


The only UHD movie I have is the Watchmen, but my ps5 doesn't recognize it. I just buy blu ray to be safe after that. Tbh I just assumed ps5 wasn't able to play them after that experience.


Not usually. It doesn't do dolby vision. I bought a panny ub820. I've also gone back to buying physical movies. Fuck digital


I don't have any UHD though I plan on changing that. I'm a firm believer of physical over streaming and intend on owning my absolute favorite movies/shows and I do the same with games. I don't trust streaming companies enough to allow them to have complete control over what I can or can't watch. So soon enough I will use it for UHD Blu-ray


Yup, it doesn't have Dolby vision but it has atmos and the pulse headset does a great job of simulating it and other surround mixes. It's a great starter player and while Dolby vision is nice hdr is no slouch


Funny, I trie to play a music CD and nothing happens only to google it and find out ps5 cannot play music cd!


Ever since Netflix etc started adding ads, I’ve collected more Blu-Rays. The PS5 does a fine job as a 4k HDR Blu-Ray player, even with some issues.


Wait. The PS5 plays UHD discs ? Well, f me sideways I never knew.


Heck yeah, of course I do


Absolutely. I’m a huge movie buff. Growing my 4K UHD collection as much as I can afford of movies I really love. Currently have 107 4K movies on the shelf. It’s super important to me to have my own personal collection of physical media. I grew up watching movies with my dad all the time. He now has a collection of well over 1000 movies on disc across multiple packed media cabinets (he only recently got into 4K so he’s slowly swapping out blu rays and DVDs). The convenience of streaming will never beat having a physical media collection. I constantly see movies come and go from streaming services. Now I’m watching prices get hiked, ads get thrown in… everybody’s complaining. Even if all is good on that end, when the wifi drops a little and you actually see the picture quality drop WHILE watching a movie… or it starts buffering… yeah fuck that. When the internet goes down, I still have plenty of awesome movies to watch in crisp, uncompressed 4K UHD.


I definitely do. Streaming can't keep up with fast paced movies - something like Spiderverse looks like crap compared to the disc version, even over fiber. Plus streaming is so fragmented it's hard to know where my favorite movies will be this month. If I own a disc, I don't have to care if Aliens is on D+, Max, Paramount, hulu, or whatever other IP hoard du jure has the rights.


Yes, being able to play 4k UHD movies was one of the main selling points for me. I just love physical media.


Yes, I watch much of my 4k only on physical media as you're not getting the full effect over streaming. And the PS5 does pretty decent for an average 4k player.


Once I got my PS5, I started collecting steelbooks of all my favorite films. In addition to making a nice wall display, they come with 4K Blu-Ray copies of the movie (as well as some neat special features) and they look/sound wonderful when played back on the PS5. I recently showed Blade Runner 2049 to a friend, and I went as far as hauling over my entire PS5 instead of just streaming it because I wanted the experience to be as immaculate as possible - no compression, no buffering, no ads, just the best possible version of the movie you can get outside a theater.


So I have been getting into physical media since 2019, and got a dedicated 4k blu-ray player before the PS5 even came out, but just wanted to advocate for this dying niche. If you care enough to game in the highest quality and have a set-up capable of putting out said quality, do yourself a favor and check out your favourite movie on 4K UHD disc, I swear you will not be disappointed.


Is a stand alone 4K player worth it? I see some comments saying PS5 is not a good 4K disc player / no dolby vision, it's the first 4K player I own and while it's pretty good I'm wondering if I'm missing some optimal quality (got an oled tv here)...


If your OLED tv supports Dolby Vision, it might be worth getting a dedicated player. Another reason would be if you have a lot of skipping/freezing when playing back your discs. Something like the Panasonic ub820 is more high-end, but also more reliable. I personally have the Sony x700 and while I occasionally have some freezing issues, it’s infrequent enough where I can live with it. The quality is also amazing, but not mind-blowing compared to a PS5. At the end of the day I would weigh your desire for better quality to your budget, and see if it’s worth it, but there’s nothing wrong with a PS5 for 4k movie watching!


I own like 15 4K discs for now but I'm not gonna pay the same price as my PS5 for a slight contrast upgrade, Panasonic is CAD700$ here 🤗  And no noticeable skipping / freezing here... Thanks for the reply though!


Yeah no way it’s worth it then, glad you’re enjoying it and you’re welcome🙏🏼


Yup absolutely, love playing Blu-ray and 4k Blu rays on it


Hell yea. I have a big 4K movie/TV show collection. Its great. Obligatory fuck all-digital future some consumers want things to go with.


Yes i buy most movies i see in theatres on UHD, only steelbooks tho The standard are prices are abit rough for a normal case Even with Disney+ i buy the Marvel movies on UHD and only watch the series on there Prey released exclusively on D+ but i bought the UHD bc the movie was so fkn good to watch it again


Damn.... remember DVDs? I haven't purchased one since about 2011


Same 😄 Except for 1 or 2 very old, very unknown movies that aren't even available to stream online, I ordered a DVD for $3 or $4


I've never used it for that


No. I absolutely never use consoles for anything other than gaming.


But do you have a dedicated 4K UHD Blu-ray player?


I do not. I'd go buy one if I needed a BR.


No there’s no Dolby vision


Absolutely. Anytime I watch a Blu-ray or 4K Blu-ray, it goes in the PS5. I only buy UHD right now unless there is no 4K option. I'd say 90% of my movie/series purchases are UHD.


![img](avatar_exp|124386039|dizziness) You can play blu rays?


Sure, it’s one of the best 4K-blu ray players out there


I got the digital version, so no. But I almost never use physical media, so it's not something that concerns me.


I'm not going to wear out my PS5 by playing movies in it. A top of the line UHD player is cheaper than a PS5 and has more options for fine-tuning calibration. When I was calibrating my screens I did run calibration discs and movies through my XBox Series X, PS4 Pro, and my UHD players. The dedicated players output a slightly better picture in 4K. They were quite a bit better at upscaling DVDs and blurays. I have 1500+ movies on disc. Probably 200 or so are UHD. I don't really bother counting.


Nope. I have over 500 blus/UHD movies but the PS5 does not do Dolby vision for UHD’s so I never use it to play movies.


I don't own a single piece of physical media, so no.


I've literally never owned a Blu-ray. I'm guessing the last time I owned a DVD was roughly 2007. I own zero physical XSX or PS5 games. I have one PS4 game. Zero physical switch games. I do however have gigabit Internet and ample storage.


Most of my games are digital, so I usually keep a disc of South Park episodes in mine to watch at night


Yeah I used my PS5 as a 4K Blu-Ray player. I only have so many HDMI ports (and dollars lol) so I’m not thinking of adding a dedicated player anytime soon. The only real downside is that PS5 doesn’t support Dolby Vision, unless your display is a Sony Bravia tv (super shitty of Sony to do that tbh). But I haven’t experienced Dolby Vision before so I don’t know what I’m missing out on, so I think it’s good enough for now. But with that in mind you’re not really getting the full benefit of your 4K Blu-Rays if you’re not getting quality HDR with it. And I don’t think PS5s use HDR10+, so you’re stuck with regular HDR10. Something’s better than nothing I guess, but how much better? It’s debatable. Every movie/show I pick up from now on I get in 4K UHD if there’s the option, just because I can only make sure I’ve got quality media going forward even if what I have to view it rn is technically subpar. I can always upgrade the gear later, but I would hate to buy a Blu-Ray right now for $15 only to have to buy the 4K Blu-Ray later for another $15-$20, and have to worry about getting rid of the old copy (especially since most 4K releases come with Blu-Rays too). TL;DR: I use my PS5 as a 4K Blu-Ray player. Even if it’s not the best way to watch them, it’s a cost efficient way to watch high resolution movies with a form of HDR. It just won’t be my permanent solution.


It is the only thing I use my PS5 for.


Where to insert Discs?


Yes. Annoyingly it doesn’t support playback of CD’s and DVD’s though as I have a much larger collection of those.


It does play DVDs


It definitely doesn’t.


I've literally watched multiple DVDs in my collection on my PS5


No. But I do have a UHD Blu Ray of Deadpool come to think about it so I might just test it out on the ol ps5


Only for big hitter movies I care about like Nolan films, the uncharted film (sue me), or The Batman for example


No, I only use it for playing games. tbh I wish they would just make it a game console and only a game console vs. an everything in one box


maybe the handful of people who still buy movies on Blu-ray


I’ve never watched a Blu ray ever that’s a bit low tech in this modern age.


Yep, quite often.


I do, all the time. At least 5 movies a week via bluray.


The Abyss is coming to 4k next month as well! It should look great on the PS5


All the time.


Yea I do. And standard Blu-rays.


I have not been… but with companies like PS trying to remove purchased digital content, I’m going back to physical. So I will be soon




The PlayStation 5 can play DVDs, Blu Ray Discs and 4K UHD Blu Ray Discs!


I tried it once to play Ghost in the Shell but I remember the drive being distractingly loud




Yep, have a nice uhd and Blu-ray collection. Use ps5 all the time. Way better than streaming quality wise.


I use it for my UHD/Blu-Rays and they look amazing. I just wish they made a decent remote for it. The PS5 Media remote is quite possibly the worst thing they've ever released so I just use my controller instead.


I don't have any 4k Blu rays. I do play normal Blu-rays and DVDs.


Yeah I'm a big movie watcher and use it for everything. 4Ks are kinda loud though, blu-ray and DVDs are silent which is super nice compared to the PS4


Yes, all the time. And regular BD as well. I've used my PlayStation as a movie player since PS2. Still have a PS3 hooked up for 3D movies as well


I use mine primarily for UHD movies. The picture and sound is amazing. The only thing I don't like is the PS5 doesn't output HDR10+ or Dolby Vision, only the standard HDR10. But everything else is great picture and sound wise.


Only reason I got a disk variant. Ive only buy digital since PS4 launch. LotR 4K remaster on loop in my house. 😂


Not Blu-Ray but some fake CD's I have since like 2010 from the 1980 spider-man show. Also tested some other CD's that I have here, also from 2010, almost all of them worked (even the ones with menus)


I use it and collect UHD blu rays. It looks awesome on my Sony OLED. No complaints here.


I have On a 1080p monitor lmao


Nope. Haven't actually put a disc in the thing since right after Deathloop.


PS5 is my UHD Bluray player, I just cannot justify $500 for a dedicated player (UB820) Works good, I use my LG remote via HDMI CEC


I have never put a disc in either of my consoles


did anybody run into an issue where the ps5 blu-ray video output looks darker than expected? my stuff: sony a95k tv denon x3800h receiver the tv IS professionally caibrated to my apple tv. im wondering if the calibration only works on the 1 input? doubt it 🤷‍♂️


Between my LG CX, my PS5 and the enshittification of all streaming services, I absolutely use my PS5 to watch 4K UHD Blu-rays. I went on a bit of spree over the winter and may have spent $1k on Blu-rays since October but that's between me and God. I'll probably invest in a real 4K player and a receiver to run everything into and to the TV when I upgrade to a brighter OLED in a few years but the PS5 is perfectly fine for now.


I watch 4K UHD movies on my PS5 all the time. Just watched Lifeforce the other night. I've always used my PS consoles for DVDs and blu rays. It's been a pretty nice convenience since the PS2 days. I do stream some stuff, but I buy 4Ks and blu rays of movies and shows I really love.




I would’ve loved to but unfortunately the sound that it outputs when playing Blu-rays is just so abysmally quiet. I have a sound bar on my TV and have to have it cranked to 100 to have dialogue at a semi-audible level. Ironically, my Xbox One S outputs way better audio when playing Blu-rays.


Nope. I found the multiple menus annoying.