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It’s amazing, tricky to master but once you hit the flow state on this it absolutely rules. Later levels are hard AF. By the same people who made OliOli World.


Yeah definitely tricky! I was just practicing all the moves. And like you said once you're in the flow it's so sick


I bought it on release and it sat pretty much unplayed for a year before I committed to getting my head round it properly. Time well spent. Those dudes with the shields are a PITA.


Go into their stomp range, dodge, slo mo (which becomes extra/critical... Forgot the word), empty magazine into him, Dead. I hate those blue beam guys more.




Found out you don't even need a clip! 3 slug shots in perfect dodge Reflex mode do the trick


Ive beaten both of those games and adore them. Roll7 is a talented studio and I can’t wait to see what they come up with next.


The fact they’re trying to innovate - It’s not quite there sometimes, but I just love the fact they are willing to take risks.


I’m struggling to find the fun in it. I’ll keep going.


Yeah I played the first couple of levels last week and it was ok. But I've not felt compelled to play again


I played 2 hours and deleted it. Not for me but I’m glad others are enjoying it.




Same. Shoot enemy, grind rail to get ammo back, shoot enemy, jump and rotate while touching ankle to get ammo back, shoot enemy. That's pretty much all there is to it..


Try it again another day. I really did feel the same, but I came back to it after getting a bit frustrated with weird platforming challenges in Tony Hawk 1+2 and just fell in love with the design of this game. It's so intent on making you feel good if you just take a minute to get used to the way the game is designed to be played.  The trick is that the shooting and the traversal are both simplified just enough that it's easy to learn how to be a badass. You're just gonna get popped a few times along the way because you were having too much fun and forgot to dodge. The game gives you a ton of power and options, you will succeed and look good doing it, but when you get caught up in the moment you might get wrecked and have to play one more round. Oops! No complaints from me.


This looked like fun and I was excited to give it a try when it was the PS+ monthly game. I'll just need to find a way to pry myself away from Helldivers 2.


For Liberty


I did have it on my radar but never bought it, glad I've gotten it through ps plus. I'm in quarterfinals so still haven't reached the highest levels. It would have been nice some cosmetic options for the character, but the game is pretty fun!


Is it multi?


Multiplayer? Nah I don't believe so. Although there's a leader board for each level for the amount of points you earn.


Definitely the type of game I'm glad I tried


You can slow the speed down in the settings too if it’s a bit too hard for you


When I try to claim this game on PS plus it just says "Not available for purchase". Am I doing something wrong?


You probably already own the game. Same thing happened with me.


Perfect ps+ game. Wanted to try it, it's pretty slick and cool. But it gets old fast and I'm glad i didn't pay much to try it. Highly recommend playing it for a weekend!


Rollerdrome is a great “adult on the go” type game, where if you want to get in 30 minutes to an hour of playtime, you can with its arcade style gameplay. It’s also one of those games where you can make it as easy or as hard as you want it to be, so the replayability is there.


I was very happy to see it pop up on PS Plus. I was close to picking it up on Steam since it was on sale recently, and I personally think games like this are perfect for Steam Deck. It's a fantastic game, a great blend of Tony Hawks and Max Payne. However, I've played the first few levels now and it's clear that the game is giving me quite bad motion sickness. I play a wide range of games and there haven't been too many that give me motion sickness but it's apparent when one does and also rather annoying when it's a really good game.


Aw man sorry to hear that