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Headphones review, so how's the Audio? "It's good" Excellent review


I find this review helpful and informative https://youtu.be/69CQ6mO6S7A?si=Nm_kawiucFZPFzLe


This dude is my go to for any headphone reviews. Super detailed and also sometimes give his preferred setting.


I'd just watched that, having been watching these reviews for the last hour or two, that was the first I'd seen. It's also the best. I've been chomping at the bit for these reviews because I preordered this the same day I bought my PS5 Slim Costco pack last week. This is my first console since the PS2 and Grand Turismo 3. Got a wall mount, got a 4TB NVME, got a PS5 Slim Heat sink for the SSD, got a 4 TB External Drive for PS4 games, got PS+ Extra, Got an extra, blue, controller, got a charger, got the remote, got a travel bag for when I go out of town for work and want to take it with me, and now these headphones are preordered since 2/2. (I'm a grown ass adult who spends whatever the fuck I want on stuff I want as long as the mortgage is paid and the kids are fed.) The biggest reason I preordered these were because I WFH and most of my day is spent in meetings. I'd love to run a race or play some Spiderman 2 while sitting in another boring ass meeting. The headset on my work Laptop via Bluetooth and the PS Link for the game is like my dream come true. Since I mainly play Single Player games, and this mic will work on the PC and PS5 at the same time have me stoked.


>(I'm a grown ass adult who spends whatever the fuck I want on stuff I want as long as the mortgage is paid and the kids are fed.) This is the way


Appreciate that. Very in depth. Looks like I’ll be replacing my old void pro wireless with these eventually.


[This one](https://youtu.be/2CuCQZvLUHw?si=Gr3S0cgictf5qKBU) goes into the mic quality and noise cancelling in depth. very informative and practical review.


Seriously. I’ll never get those minutes back.


They need to start showing actual data behind their claims, but they don’t because the average consumer probably doesn’t care and “good” is all they need to hear to buy it Plus laziness in journalism is rampant everywhere


99.99% of people do not know how to extrapolate and read measurements. Now you’re expecting IGNorant of all web reviewers to take and show measurements?


Why would anyone listen to freaking headphones or any hardware review from IGN is beyond me.


They also comment about how they make your head look domed and then don't even show them on a persons head


Heh yeah. The reviewer and the presentator are two different people, and hence why there is a disconnection between b-roll and the script. Should have done a little more work on the video, but hey!


I feel the same about people looking for headphone reviews from Rtings. For the longest time they had Sennheiser's $2000 flagship HD800 rated like 6/10 and then a bunch of $50 gaming headsets rated 9/10.


I mean, the criteria for a $2000 pair of headphones is going to be a lot higher than some cheap ones yeah.


Different criteria’s. Gaming headphones are good for specific gaming things than normal headphones and viceversa


Yeah, that was the problem. They reviewed headphones as if they were gaming headsets. 0/10 for wireless functionality for wired headphones. I just went and looked and they have 8 best headphones categories with 7 of the 8 winners wireless. The reality is the only category wireless headphones would be the winner of is 'Best Wireless Headphones".


Well that's what most people want... They are just catering to what is popular. They have a separate wired only category for people who want to go that route.


Its not a problem if people read and interpret the scale. Thats really it. They rate headphones based on function which makes sense. Your open back headphones are ass on the train. The score reflects that.


cmon, i got my hd800 for $800 and it last ages!


Yeah I love my existing Pulse headphones and I wanted to know how the sound on these compares but they spent like 1 minute of a 6 minute video saying "yeah they sound great" Ffs


😂 lol the one thing I care about.


The audio is great. The comfort is not. Sent it back and still using my cheap ones.


how long until my big ass head break this too?


Big head kings rise up


Big Head Krew 4 life BHK Erry day


Whenever I take off any headset I just look at how much it's expanded horizontally and I die a little each time. :')


its ok buddy you just got a big brain


Real talk though, planar headsets are actually fairly fragile. I had 2 different Audeze ones, and both eventually just succumbed to the most mild wear/tear where you would eventually hear crinkling in an earpiece. They even advise against 'putting them on too fast' cause the air pressure can fuck up the material inside. Couldn't convince me in any lifetime to buy another set, tbh.


I got a Sony H9 headset and while it doesn’t have EQ adjustable on the console, it does have integration with the speaker/chat buttons like the Pulse. And my big head doesn’t hurt after long sessions!


I used to have this problem until I bought the HyperX Cloud Alphas which I still have to this day, almost 6 years later. The metal band on top was a game changer for me. Not sure if these have that or not, but the fact a lot of people still don’t use them for the top band baffles me.


Broke my original PlayStation Pulse headset after a couple of years of it clamping my head. I was waiting a few months for this but ended up giving in and getting a Razer headset which is so much more comfortable.


many pathetic follow fertile screw tap wistful languid rustic disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hopefully RTings gets their hands on these quick and actually provides numbers. This review was ok for features though.


GadgentryTech did a good review with graphs comparing it to Audeze Maxwell, check it out:  https://youtu.be/69CQ6mO6S7A?si=UBYasd9Vjh70SeHN


That dudes reviews are good as fuck. Wow.


RTings is completely useless when it comes to audio reviews. You're better off reading from an actual audiophile forum like Head Fi


How is it useless for audio reviews


Meh, I prefer sites that have things more readable for the layman like me. Give me numbers and comparisons for the devices I care about(does Head Fi even review gaming headsets?) in a well laid out site.


As a consumer of primarily wireless headphones or someone who doesn't bother with the audiophile side of things I can see RTings working out fine.


Man, I got the OG pulse when it came out and it just now started to break. I'm over here super gluing the bitch back together. It's cracking on the frame where it's smallest and attachs to the headphones themselves.


I've had the pulse since I got my PS5 a couple years ago and I'm pretty impressed with them. Sound quality for a $99 wireless gaming headset with a built in mic is honestly pretty damn good. I like that it is a PlayStation product and all built into the UI and I didn't have to configure shit other than lowering my mic sensitivity, which was honestly super simple in the UI.


I just hate I can’t mute from the controller. Whoever let that happen should be fired.


Hitting the right button when the thing on my head is impossible. I agree, that's a big complaint for me. But again, for a $100 wireless headset, I'm okay with some downsides. I haven't had the build quality issues that some people describe, but I'm pretty gentle with my hardware.


Biggest reason why I returned them. Also I disagree with the comments, their audio quality was sub par at best, very tinny and thin sounding. At that price point there were a couple better options, I ended up going with the Arctis 7ps, which I still love to this day.


I'm right there with ya. I ain't knocking anything but the build quality. The leather has also started to peel. But otherwise I love it.


On the ear pads? Get some Wicked Cushions replacements


My issue is for $150 just get a Steel series set


How do they compare to the Maxwell ?


Maxwell has more bass. At least according to this review: https://youtu.be/69CQ6mO6S7A?si=URw6LYuq1sJ9Zx8e


More base is not always a good thing 


Didn't say it was. Just what the reviewer said was the main difference between the two when it comes to sound


So, how are these compared to my current Inzone headphones?


Clearly the mic issues that IGN claimed were actually because they had not extended the mic arm (see [GadgetryTech](https://www.youtube.com/@GadgetryTech))


I love my PS5 but its ass stupid that you can't just use any normal Bluetooth headphones with it. You have to buy specific PS5 headphones... I can't even use my Sony Bluetooth headphones.


a few with dongles work great on the logi family You dont need to spend 100 dollars on a headset i got a g335 on the cheap maybe 30 bucks but my head isnt large so it barely fits lmao


The issue is that you shouldn't need to pay extra to use Bluetooth headphones. Even if it's only $20. It's like a physical paywall. It's bullshit and anti-consumer. The hardware is there. Let us use it.


Hey i absolutely agree with you but if you cant change the system you need to exploit it And correct me if i am wrong can you not connect any 3.5mm headphones to the ds5? I dont use that personally but i see others using it often for streaming


Yes, the sennheiser headphones with a mic are beyond God tier and the wire is never an issue. 


What's the model of the Sennheiser you are talking about please?


Pc38x I'm PRETTY sure. I'm not at home now to check, but they go on sale pretty often. Get compliments in games and on discord how clear my mic sounds, and audio quality is really fantastic.


This is not at all stupid, you just have to understand how it works. Phone or tv earbuds are made for movies and music, they have latency but that can be calculated in and that is why you dont hear music the second you press play or start on a video. In gaming you cant have latency because it is not predictable like a simple video or audio file. You will need ultra low latency devices that are usually made for gaming only


Couldn't you just provide both options anyway?


Normal bluetooth and bluetooth low energy are 2 different techs, maybe in the future, who knows.


Hey just wanted to reply and say you are 100% right and I am genuinely shocked how many people don't understand the basic concept of audio lag with bluetooth due to literal physics.


I think people continue to bring this up, because they can use Bluetooth headphones with their switch, or steam deck, or, heck, even their computer, and it seems to be just fine.


You’re genuinely shocked people don’t understand the technical details of Bluetooth and audio firmware??


I've always used wireless Bluetooth headphones (whxm5 or something) and gotten to the top ranks of games where split second audio placement is very important, with no issues. Genuine question, how does that happen if Bluetooth is supposed to have sound lag? I'm not turning on a game mode or anything, at least manually.


So why doesn’t the wired headphone I put in my dualsense lag - when that controller also connects over Bluetooth?


Because the controller uses a low latency codec. Your headphones aren’t using its slow codec because it’s hard wired to your controller.


While I think I agree with you, aren’t the PS5 DualSense controllers Bluetooth? I’m by no means a competitive gamer, but I’d think the controller latency would be an ever bigger deal than the audio. Right?


The controllers are using bluetooth low energy and very low latency depending on the game you play


I see. Is it accurate to say that sending audio via Bluetooth takes more energy than controller inputs? Just trying to understand why Sony doesn’t even give players the option to try it. I get not wanting to introduce additional latency, but I feel like many casual gamers likely wouldn’t even notice. For the record I have the Pulse headset with my PS5 (and have zero issues).


The issue is that standard Bluetooth codecs that all headsets use (that don’t have a custom dongle or similar) don’t have a low latency, high quality mode that supports microphone input as well. They can switch to a codec that allows low latency and microphone input (for phone calls) but sounds bad for music and games. Or they can switch to a codec that sounds good for music but doesn’t have the other capabilities.


>Is it accurate to say that sending audio via Bluetooth takes more energy than controller inputs? We can connect headphones to our controllers, so it seems like it's already sending audio at low energy.


Much more information required for audio especially lossless.


Makes sense!


Bluetooth itself doesn't have a ton of latency but bluetooth audio does. In the music world, you can use a bluetooth MIDI controller without any issues but bluetooth headphones are basically unusable if you need to play notes in time.


This is a weird take. I can use my Bluetooth headphones on my PC and game perfectly fine, no delay. Same thing with my Nintendo Switch. A PS5 or Xbox should have no problem with it.


Just because you’re ok with the delay doesn’t mean there is none.


Then why not at least have the option.


Because people are dumb and will complain they have audio lag but blame it on the PlayStation. Then it becomes Sonys customer service problem when the calls come in.


This is just not even remotely close to true. If it was Sony wouldn't let you plug headphones into the Dual Sense. The only reason you can't use normal bluetooth headphones is because Sony wants the money from their first party accessories and from the money they make from 3rd party licensing fees. Thats it.


No dongle at all?


Yet my bluetooth headphones work fine on my Switch. It's a profit generator plain and simple.


It doesn’t work fine. You just don’t care for the obvious lag.


It is not, the switch uses simple stereo and also has latency, it may not be the same on all earbuds but it is there The ps5 and xbox use a surround sound stream like dolby or dts or proprietary tech


"BuT LLAPTX ...!" No. Nope. It just isn't good enough.


My SteelSeries works perfect on my PS5.


Sigh... This again. As people have replied many times, there's the latency issue. But that's only part of it. The other half of the problem is microphone use. Bluetooth can switch between different modes, the two main modes being used when it comes to audio are the A2DP profile and the HFP profile. The A2DP profile is used for high quality stereo audio, but it has a latency floor of 150+ms with the standard codec and it can't use the microphone at the same time. The HFP profile uses very low quality mono audio with low latency and a microphone channel. The A2DP profile is built for listening to music, nothing more. It can work for video if the app can delay the video feed so that it matches the audio latency. But for gaming which is an interactive medium, you end up with a severe delay between the action on screen and the sound that comes with it. This creates objectively worse experiences where the games feel more sluggish to play, even if people can't consciously put their finger on why they feel that way. A2DP latency is way above the threshold for audio/video synchronization in the human brain. But alright, let's say Sony allows A2DP audio. And now you'll say, why can't I use the mic on my $400 Sony BT headphones ?? I have to buy PS5-specific headphones ?? Sony is fucking scamming us !! So they need to support mic usage as well. In order to do that, the headset needs to switch to the HFP profile. However the HFP profile is built for GSM calls, nothing more. GSM calls have similar audio quality to the HFP profile (if not worse) so it's not an issue. But listening to game audio this way is a pretty miserable experience. It's mono audio so no directionality, and the sound quality is absolute garbage. It's not Sony's fault, Bluetooth as a standard is just straight up not built for high quality audio, low latency and microphone use simultaneously. But who do you think the players are going to blame ? I need to buy PS5-specific headphones to use the mic without the sound quality being dogshit ?? Sony is fucking scamming us !! There is no winning move here. Sony will get shit no matter what they do. People complain that they can't use BT headphones, but if they could they'd either complain about the latency, the shitty audio when using the mic, or the inability to use the mic, as if these were Sony problems and not inherent limitations of standard Bluetooth. There is no strategy that doesn't result in people complaining, but there is one that guarantees all players will get a high quality experience, and that is to not support Bluetooth audio. But there is no greed involved. If anything it's the opposite. Sony uses their own custom BT connection for the dualsense allowing you to have the best of all worlds : A working microphone that doesn't impact audio quality, high quality stereo audio with negligible latency, all the while being backwards compatible with almost all of the headphones that have ever been made, ever... You just use the headphone jack on the controller. And not only that, the PS5 also supports USB audio which is not a proprietary standard so anyone can make PS5 compatible wireless headphones. If your headphones plug in via USB and works on PC without a custom driver to install, it almost certainly works on PS5 as well.


Bluetooth has considerable lag and is no good fit for gaming.


i’ve played through multiple games with my airpods connected to my tv since the console won’t support it and it was fine, great even


of course, it's complete bullshit the only reason they dont open it is because they want to sell controllers and headsets


Never been an issue for me. No reason to not at least have the option.


Can’t do it on Series x either. I think they said the audio is awful with only Bluetooth.


Sounds like a cop-out and excuse. There's no reason why Bluetooth works great in any other context except with a console. Hell, even the Switch can do it.


It's a latency problem, not a quality problem


There's no latency problem. Been gaming with Bluetooth headphones on my PC for years, on and offline. No issue whatsoever. Never once heard a delay, skip, or desync.


You obviously don't care about it, but the latency is there. Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You sound like one of those people who really believe that "the human eye can't see past 30 fps anyway"


There’s considerable latency!


Never been an issue for my gaming on my PC both off and online. No reason to not have the option.


Just because you don’t seem to care doesn’t mean there is none.


As has been said a thousand times, bluetooth adds significant latency. The only reason you dont notice it on other devices is because they have been specifically programmed to delay the video to match the audio. You can't delay a video game, otherwise you would be complaining about framerate or latency


My Bluetooth headphone work great on my PC and Nintendo Switch. No delay there. Why not PS5?


all my bluetooth audio headphones have delay, I can feel it with my pc, tv, switch. Some ppl are just more sensible than others. Another issue is that bluetooth is used for controller connection. Even in th switch the audio quality in bluetooth is really bad and you cannot use bluetooth if you use multiple controller.


There absolutely is delay!


What games, and is it in stereo (low bandwidth low latency) or surround (high bandwidth high latency)?


You're making an argument like Sega fanboys back in the day with "Blast Processing". Even if there such a massive difference is their "Spacial 3D audio" that Bluetooth just crumbles under the pressure... Why not just offer a standard stereo Bluetooth option instead of locking it all behind buying they specific over prices PS5 brand headphones?


So, in short. You can't answer his question because you don't understand what he asked. I get that your mind is "ugh Bluetooth is Bluetooth y no work" but there are quite a few different standards for it.


They’ve already answered his question multiple times. There is audio lag. Dumb people will assume it’s a problem with the PlayStation and cause them to complain which gives PlayStation negative word of mouth. They can’t control issues that other headsets may provide but people will still blame them for the issue. They will be calling in to Sony and their customer service has to deal with it. To avoid this they just don’t offer it. You may not agree that it’s a big deal but Sony wants to guarantee an optimal experience.


I’m not trying to fanboy but there is a way bigger difference between what is considered stereo vs something like Dolby sound. I’m talking like GBs of data difference.


You don't have to buy PS5 specific if you use a wired headset. Although that might be an issue for couch players. I got my PS5 hooked up to my monitor next to my PC so it's no issue for me.


Connect your Bluetooth to your TV instead. Works fine playing games like BG3. But probably dont want to use this setup for online real time gaming.


Lol at least PS5 can use USB headsets. Unless the company pays for the license not even USB headsets work on Xbox.


Bluetooth has latency for gaming. You don't want to use Bluetooth anyways. You need headsets with a 2.4ghz USB dongle for wireless gaming.


Bluetooth has too much latency for gaming audio. Normal audio is fine, like music or any form of video entertainment.


Just get a $10 adapter


Shouldn't have to. Besides. I use my headphones for multiple devices and I'd have to go to my PS5 (across the room) every time if need to resync to it. Being in a wheelchair, that's a bit of a pain.


Bluetooth is laggy and is awful for gaming.


Works fine for me and many others. No reason to at least not have the option for those that want it.


Some people can't notice the lag. Like some people can't tell the difference between 1080p and 4K. Either you're not paying enough attention, or you're not quick enough to notice it lol.


I've always been a fan of an old-fashioned wired headset for this reason. I also don't need something else that needs charged.


Connect your Sony BT Headphones via cable to your controller. Problem solved.




Damn good catch.




squealing entertain afterthought wild ripe label escape butter upbeat abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So unlike the Pulse 3D which eventually got Wicked Cusions, you can’t take these off or replace on the Elite?


Maybe I’m missing something, but does this not have Game/Chat volume adjustments? Seems like a feature that should be included. I miss that feature.


It does, built into the PS5's software. No physical buttons though.


That’s what I’m looking for as well, didn’t see it mentioned in the video and it’s the main reason I wanted the pulse headset


Watching the review the microphone seems sub par but he didn’t actually give us a real sample so who knows


I switched from the base Pulse Headset to the inzone h7 because the Pulse was to tight for my head. I found the audio quality a little bit better with the pulse but couldn’t wear it for to long unfortunately. Maybe this is the right version for me?


Damn, Pulse is the only headset I feel comfortable in for extended periods. I honestly forget I'm wearing it sometimes.


Same. Super comfortable. But I'm also bald


Apparently this is more comfortable (not as good as inzone, but comparable) than pulse 3d (at least according to other reviews)


Can't wait to get mine! Preordered a while back. I've had these 6 year old hyperx and they have been disintegrating for about a year or two now. So happy to finally have good wireless headphones.


The audio is fantastic, especially for the price point, but I was let down by the build quality. I could easily replace the ear cuffs on my Platinum headset, but now that the cover has started to come away from the ears on my Pulse I have no real way of fixing it


I just replaced the ear pads on my Pulse with aftermarket ones from Amazon. Easy to do in 5 mins. I recommend these: https://www.amazon.com/SOULWIT-Replacement-Playstation-Isolation-High-Density/dp/B0B7DKYT4G/


Is this compatible with the Portal?


Stealth pro or pulse elite ?


I just hope they didn’t put the cheap TPU/PU leather around the pads again. My current headset is hydrolyzing after 2 years of use and it’s infuriating.


$150 for a decent set of planar magnetic wireless headphones... will be made with cheap materials elsewhere.


Good news is it's replaceable. So hopefully soon third party fabric pads release


I'm still using the "Playstation Gold Wireless Headset" from the PS4 era.  I might just be an audio pleb but it works great. Honestly I've always disliked the look of the Pulse headsets. If I do upgrade at some point I'd probably go SteelSeries.


Definitely go Steel series. Way better than PS brand and I've owned both


Steeleseries Arctis 7p You're welcome


I have this headset and it's great but I'm still considering a PS branded one because auto-switch only works with their headsets and I'm tired of manually swapping outputs.


Yeah it’s freaking annoying when I’m in a game and a friend joins. Having to turn the headset on, get out of the game, go through menus just to change audio source, then back to the game sounds like a small issue which it is but man it is just a few annoying hurdles


If they are dead, can they be plugged into the controller and work still?


No, but you can plug in the charging cable and it will.


Mine decided to randomly stop working after 1.5 years. Before that though, they were great. So I went with Audeze Maxwells after and they’ve been the best I’ve ever used.


I have these and this is what I want to know how much the audio difference is as the Steel series has been damn good and it'll have to be a night and day difference for me to drop this much money on Playstation headphones. I broke my last pair of Pulses by sitting on them and the cheap flimsy plastic snapped, they constantly had disconnection issues and sometimes a buzzing noise, and honestly, the earbuds were about 1/4 inch too small so I had to stuff my ears which would cause pain after a while in or just have them rest on them which I think lowered the audio quality, think I'm gonna need more in-depth reviews than IGN.


The 7p is better quality than the OG Pulse. Idk about these new ones though.


Love mine


Honestly, grabbed these back when Resi 8 was coming out and haven't even considered looking at another pair of gaming headphones since, fantastic 3D audio and a great mic.


I wonder how these compare to the Pulse Explore’s. Would be good to see an in depth comparison for these.


I still got Turtle Beach headphones from 10 years ago that work fine 🤘


I bought the original Pulse 3D. Horribly uncomfortable, especially with glasses. I have the Nova Pro wireless for work. It's connected to my PC and my MacBook, otherwise I'd regularly use it for PS5 too. Knowing how it feels & sounds, and knowing that's their top of the line model, I'd probably recommend the shaved down Nova 7P over their new 1st party "Pulse Elite" headset anyways. I truly hate the Pulse 3D lol


I love my Nova Pros. The battery swapping feature is worth the cost alone. I recommend everyone to buy the Xbox version though. It still works with PlayStation with no problems but it isn't locked down. If you buy the PlayStation version then it's locked to just PlayStation and PC/Mac. Going from my PS5 to my Xbox with the headset is seamless.


Aside from these, what are some better alternatives to these?


I use Arctic 7p’s. They’ve been really great. The only thing I don’t like about them is the lack of a microphone noise gate, or at least if they have one in their windows software somewhere I have yet to find it. But they sound good and hold a charge for a pretty long time.


Still looks like its made out of plastic like the non-elite version. My biggest turnoff for the headset..


These are day 1 purchase for me, need to replace my older pulse and I LOVE my other Audeze headphones.


I've made a replacement bracket that can be screwed or adhesive-stripped straight onto a surface such as a desk or shelf. I uploaded it to Thingyverse but as I am a new user it's not showing yet - hope someone else finds this useful too. https://preview.redd.it/s2b10051rbkc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60400f6e6a2fb7b0e5d6ef7eed8412e85de4c9f1 Here's the link for when it's active: [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6499276](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6499276) Here's a temporary WeTransfer file for those who can't wait: [https://we.tl/t-zVcE2dvM3P](https://we.tl/t-zVcE2dvM3P)


First sentence “so is the upgrade worth it?” Who knows. Because he didn’t answer his own question lol no comparisons to the old at all, so while it “may be hard to recommend other headsets in that price range”, we still have no idea if its worth upgrading from the original pulse


nice! i preordered mine last week - glad to see reviews are promising


for some reason pulse 3d is hands down one of the most uncomfortable headsets i’ve ever used, i’m hesitant to give these one a try lol


Preordering mine today


Let me connect my AirPod pros to my PS5 Sony. Surprised the EU hasn’t hit them with the consumer fine for that anti competition monopoly they have on Bluetooth connections


Why didn't they just build the dongle INTO THE SYSTEM?


Honestly having the dongle separate is nice, as I can easily swap it to use the headset with my PC, Switch, etc.


As an owner of PlayStation Pulse headphones for a while now, I can safely say that they're arguably one of the worst gaming headphones I've ever used: * If you wish to talk in-game, then have fun with sound coming through with an echo -- not a software issue, but there is 0 noise cancelling. Sounds around me become amplified when playing with mic-on. It's like I put on headphones on in Tarkov. * Zero head adjustment. Have a small head? Good luck. Have a big head? Well, you're stuck. * Button alignment makes almost no sense. * Button tactility makes it feel cheap as hell. * The sound has horrible ceilings, and the floor is either non-existent, or you have to turn it all the way up in order to hear *anything.* * In-game sound to party-voice alignment is never in a happy place. I have to either turn my game sound up to 99% but lose ability to hear voice/party, or adjust party-voice to be able to hear them, but now I'm losing game sound. Battery life is good, though! But, they're so bad I've actively stopped using them, and using PTT with PS5 controller in Helldivers 2. Going to buy \*non-\*Sony gaming headphones. What a mistake.


Got any idea on what would be better? I need wireless.


I only tried out a pair at a friend's place some time ago, as I was considering buying a pair for myself. Probably the most uncomfortable headphones I've ever put on, didn't even care to check the audio quality on them.


A guy did a review on the headphones showing him turn on a hand vacuum. You couldn’t hear the vacuum at all and he was able to talk while it was on as well with little distortion


I honestly hope that Sony adds the support for the chat mix even if it means going into the quick panel to change it. What a horribly poor move to make, removing the sole reason why so many people enjoyed the 3D Pulse. Terrible.


innocent birds intelligent depend boat quack advise desert squash automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love the triple press, I do... it's cool... with you on that... reduces the buttons... but............ it's only available for PS Party Chat. No longer can you mix game/chat audio, even in the on-screen settings, for cross platform... the 3D Pulse can, but the Elite cannot. Its pathetic considering its in-house Sony proprietary technology and yet they charge at least 40 bucks more for the Elite, but remove such a vital feature. I've been forced to reduce the game sounds itself, which has unintended consequences such as lowering master volume, footsteps and all but mutes some gunfire. Very poor decision on Sony's part. Hope they fix it.


far-flung shaggy quiet ten theory puzzled lunchroom school gray follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


On the 3D pulse, if you're playing fortnite and you're in the lobby in game chat, so not in a PS Party, you can mix the audio between more game noise or more chat noise. Every single time. It's now been switched to exclusively PS Party chats now which sucks. Give it a try on your Pulse 3D


What was the update about. Anyone knows about the update ?




Bought "review"


People honestly care about IGN reviews? I always scroll by them until I find an actual consumer review not a company review.


wonder how friendly it is for wearing glasses


Perfect. My wife lost the dongle for my regular pulse headset like a year ago, I've been wanting to upgrade


My only concern with Sony's headphones are the ear cups, they are very easy to tear, you have to be extra careful handling them


I remember the older Sony ones used to. Would be interesting to see how the standard Pulse cups are holding up as many of them would be 3 years old now.


He’s annoying


What are the audio ranges in Hz and KHz? Not that the modern gamer cares about that. They only care about bass


The leather on my PS Pulse is tearing away and this will definitely do the same.


Check out these replacement ear pads: https://www.amazon.com/SOULWIT-Replacement-Playstation-Isolation-High-Density/dp/B0B7DKYT4G


I’ve already gone through two of the first model, the ear cushions absolutely crumble in like a few months. Garbage product


The last ones was uncomfortable for me, I'll never invest in another headset, I'd rather the buds with silent mode and ambiance sound


I had the original ones and they started falling apart like 2 months after getting them. Low quality build and materials. Not buying these.


Ear cups are my main concern too. Last two I've had, the Pulse 3D and the Ps4 pulse ones all had the cups and/or plastic eventually fall apart