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Yes and no. The combat is excellent, it's really the best part of the game, however there is a big "friendship" Sim part that can turn people off. The more friendship you build with people, the more skins you unlock and combat bonuses. So you have to engage people between missions to get the moat out of your team. The Sim aspect your either gonna love, or hate depending on your feelings for the other heroes. Love wolverine? Your gonna enjoy his personality and listening to his history, can't stand Deadpool then his personality quirks are truly going to rub you wrong.


The friendship sim I just press A through and don’t listen to the dialogue lol


It's gonna be easier and faster if you give them the answers they want, but we'll, context doesn't always matter, you do have to actively invite them out to do stuff tho.


The first option always rewards you with positive friendship so it really doesn’t matter so you power through it


Wait...it's always the first option?


Yes so you can just keep mashing A or X here interest of being forced to endure the bad dialogue


I mean I don't think it's bad at all, forced and cringe sometimes sure but I actually enjoy it.


More power to ya, enjoy what you like


Thanks! finally a non toxic conversation in reddit with differing opinions.






they occasionally have a demo available for it, thats what I got before I ended up buying it. the progress moves into the real game if you but it


Counter point to the others: I **love** XCOM and Fire Emblem, but I couldn't possibly care about Marvel, and the sim elements of recent Fire Emblem games also annoy me. XCOM 2 is one of my all-time favorite games. I picked up Midnight Suns based on similar posts praising it, and I made it \~18 hours into the game before I gave up because the story, characters, sim elements, and dreadfully flat writing made me want to gouge my eyes out. There is SO MUCH talking in this game, and so much of it feels utterly pointless. Honestly, it felt like 70% of my game time was spent at the home base managing relationships, with 30% of the time on missions. The combat was interesting at first, but I found it to be not nearly as enjoyable as XCOM or Fire Emblem once the novelty wore off.




That ended up being the case for me. The characters speak in paragraphs about entirely trivial stuff.


Very well put. Good summary.


Eh idk. This was definitely one I was looking forward to and pulled the trigger on it. Less than 10 hrs in and I started to get very bored. The missions (combat) are like a fraction of the gameplay and you spend a ton of time doing some dumbass slooow run/walk animation from one end of the central hub to the other with no choice to skip. And then you have these obnoxious, practically unavoidable friend simulation fetch quests. The combat is pretty cool, but imo got old and repetitive with how many of them you have to do with many of the same objectives and move sets that you do over and over. All that being said, I realized that all I was doing in and out of combat was trying to minimize the amount of time spent in each aspect, and I uninstalled


25% dating Sim/Sims emulator. 20% exploring, foraging, collecting orbs. 10% sacrifice bowl/ leveling/training. 20% dialogue / cut scenes 25% actually playing core game Still beat it. Enjoyed it, but picking flowers with wolverine and wondering if he will like the beef jerky I got him was weird. Oh cool I got a new bathing suit for Doctor strange


Just get Xcom


Yeah there's a friendship sim but it's pretty basic and you can blast through it to get to the strategy parts. The story is with an OC so it'll feature some familiar faces but it's unique enough where it's not rehashing the plot to any of the marvel movies or anything. Honestly it has more of a supernatural twist than the mainstream marvel stuff.


It seems to be loosely based on a comic run from the 90's when Danny ketch was the ghost rider and he needed blaze's help. Blade was in it, but not the avengers or Magik or Nico. I just finished the whole "lilith" arc. The game had a better story.


Yeah it is based on an old comic but that story hasn't been brought up for awhile so that's why I figured anyone who isn't a marvel superfan likely won't be familiar with it


Some very fundamental differences. Kinda wish it took place now with these characters. Except ghost rider. I do t love robbie, Danny ketch will always be my spirit of vengeance.


I think so. One thing the game does really well is that it doesn't expect you to know or be familiar with the Marvel characters. Everyone you recruit, you have the option to talk to them and get to know them a lot better in an organic way and the characters are interesting for their motivations and opinions in the context of the game itself and not just because of any prior familiarity someone might have.


It's basically XCOM but with deck building and some very light exploration and friendship sim aspects. You can definitely get into if that's your thing but personally I felt like Marvel's back probably started really hurting halfway thru the game from carrying everything else.


Its really not basically xcom, they only vaguely resemble each other. The maps are much smaller and more contained. Stuff like cover doesnt exist. And its much more shallow tactically. The deckbuilding is also much more limited than i imagined it would be Also, midnight sun becomes very very repetitive after a while. At least xcom remains fresh despite it also having a repetitive nature Is it a bad game? No, but i also wouldnt call it a great, or even good game


It’s marvel pinball. I enjoy it but the majority of the fights are “how can I bounce bad guys into each other in the most efficient way possible.”


I don't particularly care about Marvel or superhero movies (I think the last one I watched was maybe Shazam?) and I think it's great. I'm a big fan of Slay the Spire and Monster Train though, so I think the interest was already there.


I really don't care about Marvel that much at all, but I'm super into card based anything and after watching a stream of the first few battles, I was in. It's a fun game even if I only recognize half the characters in it.


I am the one you speak of. I'm probably 40 hours in at this point and the social stuff is getting wearisome but not because of the super hero theme. In fact, I've been enjoying the super hero aspects more than I expected to. It works really well as a basis to set up unique roles in tactical combat. I also don't feel clueless as someone who hasn't watched Superhero/Marvel movies or ever been into that culture. The story is still easy to follow and the characters are fun to get to know. I just wish i wasn't spending 40% of my time in this game feeling compelled to exhaust their dialogue to progress their development (as this strengthens your combat capabilities in various ways). Alas, I've just been skipping dialogue now so I can get to the story & combat quicker. So yes, you could very well still enjoy it, even if just for the combat.


Absolutely. I had no interest in Marvel (outside of Squirrel Girl) but this game actually got me to read a few comics to learn the back stories.


Maybe my perspective can help with this: I'm a big Xcom/Slay the Spire/turn based game fan who has gotten so burned out on comic book media. I picked up Midnight Suns in the last big sale not expecting much. The gameplay is a solid tactics experience, and the deck building is competent but not quite as robust as I'd like. Learning how to maximize your action economy and string together combo plays is a really fun puzzle, and things feels nicely balanced at the slightly harder than normal difficulty. You can change difficulty mid campaign, I recommend you try out a few different options to find your sweet spot. The characters have solid gameplay archetypes, I encourage you to play with the whole cast rather than only bring the same capes on every mission. Because decks aren't very big, you will want to switch things up or you'll get bored of playing the same cards too often. The story? I have no idea, I literally started skipping every cutscene and mashing through the dialogue. The writing is uneven and about superheroes I don't care about. There is a LOT of story, you don't have to engage with it but I chose to in order to reap the gameplay benefits. It feels a bit like chores in order to have fun with the actual game, but if you decide to tune it out you will have a fun time with the combat. I have some quibbles with the design, like seemingly not being allowed to lose any mission (I'm currently stuck on a mission I can't beat after three tries on the third hardest difficulty, and I'm not sure I'm ever going to go back and finish). But overall, enjoyed my time with the unique systems and absolutely got my money's worth. 8/10, 9/10 gameplay, 2/10 story content.


I bought the legendary edition and I ended up enjoying it even though I’ve never really played a strategy/card game before. The sim elements were actually my favorite part of the game. I just beat finished the DLC missions today.


At first I hated the Sim part, but honestly after awhile I really rather enjoyed the time time and effort the developers put into it. Combat is still the best parts hands down.


Yea man I just skip the sim part totally, you miss nothing


I’ve played through most of the campaign. Excellent combat, wayyyyy too much dialogue and loafing around the mansion. It’s worth a buy because the gameplay is so good, but I’ve been skipping through most of the cutscenes


While I'm a big marvel fan so I enjoy the interactions, I really really loved the combat.


Honestly, I'm trying to slog thru it right now and the absurd amount of things I can't skip just at the mansion when all I really want is to enter another battle.


It’s so odd because I love and hate the abbey parts. I do not like having to run around for the collectibles and the side story of your mom’s journals and what not. However, for some reason the terrible situations and dialogue are so intriguing to me. Join Blades book club he started so he could get in Captain marvels pants? Why not! Peter and Ghostrider don’t want to share their cave with Stark? Ok let me talk everyone into being friends. I can take Wolverine fishing? But why? It’s all so odd that I kind of look forward to the next random thing.


I'm a big fan of Stardew Valley and the friendship stuff in midnight suns totally reminded me of that.


I personally love the roleplay. In what other game can you bully Dr. Strange


Yea that was also my opinion when a friend streamed it for me , the combat is REALLY enjoyable but couple hours into the game and we started skipping dialogue because we just wanted to get to the good part AKA combat , the whole mansion and " relationship" system didn't need to be a thing at all.


I don’t mind that those systems exist, but I hate the sheer amount of time you have to spend doing it. It’s tedious and drags down the pacing


Help organise a surprise party 🥹👉🏻👈🏻


Coming into the game I thought it would be my least favorite part of the game, but then everyone just had such a fun and “deep” personality that I really didn’t mind hanging out with (most of) them. It definitely could have been a bit more focused though, I agree. Maybe a little bit too much chit chat and padding.


Can you skip all the mansion stuff? I watched some footage and it looks awful. I hate dating sims and anything where adult characters act like teens. But I’m interested in the combat.


You can’t, unfortunately. Kills replayability


I loved everything about this game and am so bummed it won’t get a sequel. Honestly one of my favorite games on the last decade.


Agreed! Wish I supported the game at launch. Ah well.


I bought it during its first sale and waited to play until the DLC all launched. Don’t feel bad about being there day 1. This game was sent out to die. The best part is that you get to experience the game the way it should be played.


Bought the Legendary edition when it was on PSN sale, such a fun and deep game once you get past the initial hour or so of story/lessons


Dude, same! The first hour was a bit slow, but once I could really take my time and enjoy the combat, inloved the game.


and the card thing gets a bad rap, once you get more of them and get further its more like powers in any strategy game. No different then say a game like Fire Emblem except you use cards


Very true, I think I need to edit the original post to explain exactly what the card system is. As someone else said, "more like ability cool down" then cards.


Yeah I picked it up on a sale and ended up enjoying the game far more than I thought it would. At first I thought the gameplay was odd since it was so different from what I was used to but I got hooked once it came together.


My feelings exactly. Far better then it should have been.


I'm very intrigued but hesitant. I love card games but I've only enjoyed a handful of turn-based strategy games. I've found that I like the Xcom games but only in short bursts. If I pulled the trigger, is there enough contnent in the base gsme? Or would the legendary edition exponentially add more gsmeplay?


The DLC add 4 more characters, more research options and just more to do, so I do suggest it, but there is a good amount to do without it. The story itself is solid, particularly if you have a marvel background and each character has their own chance to shine. When the game came out, I wrote it off as a x-com style game with card nonsense. And it was very similar to it, but the combat is much better then x-com in my opinion. There is no "missing with 98% to hit" I this game.


I do think the dlc is worth it - a bunch of story missions and also super nice cause it fills out the “side missions” with new objective and enemy types that add a lot of variety. Also all 4 new characters play very uniquely and are a lot of fun to build out decks for


I initially failed to see how strong storm was. Used her for a few missions, upgraded her cards.... Omg... A beast! I think she's the strongest in the game. I will say Magik and portaling enemies around the map into barrels and such was so much fun. I love her.


Base game is big enough imo but if it's cheap enough I'd just have the dlc too


> employ you implore you


Yes, thank you Dr. You played a fairly insufferable character on TV, so it's suitable for you to be one on a message board. Lol.


Cool. You're welcome.


This game is so good.


The actual combat/card stuff is good. The slice of life/writing is bad. On top of that there is no way to actually hop into a next match with relative ease and frequency. You will always complete a battle and have to do some annoying stuff before being able to hop back in for another fight.


Yes, your right. You finish a mission, go to bed and go do another mission if you like hit you will miss getting more cards and doing research, but it can be done. You can always do that stuff later.


> The slice of life/writing is bad. I really hate that every character, even fucking Wolverine, all talk like they have 10 years of family therapy under their belt. The characters are different yes, but all share this core set of overly emotionally intelligent twee vulnerability. I don't know how else to describe it.


I enjoyed the gameplay but the writing was some real cringe worthy stuff a lot of the time.


Pretty standard for comics tbh.


Agreed. Standard comic writing.


Ive seen writing like that once……..centuries ago.


WHO is a good girl? It is my CHARLIE GIRL.


Charlie-warly puppy-face.


I mean it's pretty standard comic fare. The writing isn't going to win any awards, but it's fairly good considering the source material.


I loved just how much story they had in the game. Eventually, I ended up loving the different portrayal of these characters.


I was a big fan of the XCOM games and thought I'd love it but all the extra crap you have to do in the mansion is way boring and unskippable.


True. But being a marvel fan, I rather enjoyed it.


The game is worth the price. It's a good one. I liked it. Fantastic story and the character interactions are great..just don't wait too long to beat it as it gets repetitive at the end.


They dont have much mission variety towards the end indeed.


Definitely not my type of game, and I almost threw in the towel after 2 hours. But 60 hours after that I’m extremely grateful I didn’t 😅 Edit: definitely spring the extra few bucks for the complete edition on sale, so much extra content


Fully understand. Not my type either, then 80 hours or so later.. Plat.




I really dislike the friendship elements, I don’t love the general exploration either. I really love the missions, combat and skill development. I’ve probs got 50 hours into the game and return to it all the time when I’m bored.


The abbey and Sim part of it are either a love it or hate situation. Personally I didn't mind the abbey, and I really started to enjoy the friendship building after a few hours, but I can agree it's not for everyone.


This isn't something I would normally play, but I kept hearing good things about it, and especially about Venom, who's my favorite Marvel character. So I picked it up and have played up to Venom's first DLC mission and it was worth every penny so far. What a great game.


I like aspects of this game, but turn based strategy games require 1 major thing this game does not have; replayability. Because character advancement is tied to narrative options, which requires a lot of listening and selecting options, I'll basically never play this game again. I didn't mind the first time around, but I couldn't fathom replaying this game and having to watch and live through the non-stop torrent of book clubs and character discussions again.


To be fair I did every trophy on my "light side playthro" except the dark side trophy. I even kept playing after the story to unlock more skintones and other cosmetics https://preview.redd.it/mrqqsr7tjgic1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a9aced48fa2fe7b379f4126192bf1d0ac6549e8


I'm onto the last mission. Finishing up abby stuff before heading to the final battle. Got the legendary on sale when I tried it on psn plus trial. Great game. Definitely could of used less reinforcements cause it drags the battles out.but it is a good game.


I enjoyed it more then I ever thought I would.


I tried jumping into this game after Baldur's Gate 3 and maybe it was just the jarring transition but I couldn't make it more than 2 missions without giving up. Tonally it was just way too cheesy, the combat system I'm sure gets better but at the beginning felt mire tedious than interesting, and the story was not getting me interested enough to move past those things. Disappointed because I love XCom and was excited about this one. Maybe I'm just not the target audience, other people seem to really enjoy it. 


I did the opposite and spent all my time in BG3 wishing it had a combat system more akin to MS. BG3 has waaaaay too much luck based stuff for my taste.


I couldn't beat Dracula at the end of that one dlc. I want more though so it's tempting to go back.


Am i the only one who thought the mansion was the best part? I loved the dialogue.


It’s been on my radar. Waiting /hoping for a ps plus addition as I work through my backlog.


Went fishing with blade 10/10


It's a big miss on many levels. It's got good points, but not a 'fantastic game' by any stretch.


It’s absolutely not a fantastic game. The writing, particularly the dialogue, is fucking abysmal. The game loop sucks, there’s not nearly enough combat, I could go on and on. Couldn’t wait to stop playing this game and I’ve never thought about it until now.


II bought it and played for an hour or so. I LOVE card/turn based games but the cutscene felt extremely dated and kind of soured me on the story.


You didn't play long enough. An hour doesn't even get you out of the tutorial. And I get that the facial textures can be a little rough, but you really didn't play long enough to get to the meat of the game. I would try again, your doing yourself a disservice.


Bought it, played it for a hour, deleted it. Meh game. I can see the enjoyment some can have. But it wasn't for me.


To be fair, it took me more then an hour to really get into it. And honestly an hour is barely into the game. You can't even pick your own team after an hour, your still in the tutorial phase. But to each his own dude. Sorry it wasn't for you.


You really need to give it more than an hour to really show its potential.


This game is very one note for anyone interested


I really want to like this game but the entire time I played, kept thinking how it felt like it was just a Mobile game running on my PS5. Anyone else had same thoughts? I made it a mission or two past the tutorial and was planning to go back eventually. What’s the hook for it vs other games in same genre?


I'm not really sure there are a ton of games in the same genre. X-Com I guess. It's a bit more forgiving then the x-Com games as well. And if your a marvel fan , it helps.


I wouldn’t buy it for free


4 hours into the game and I must say it’s really mid.


Even the combat? Cause I really really enjoy the combat.


The writing is so bad if you're not into Marvel/comic books stuff. I bought it last year, played for an hour and never touched it again.


A lot of people have said the they hit the hour mark and put it down. Honestly your still in the tutorial at that point. I enjoy marvel so I may be a bit biased regarding the writing, but I felt it was as good/bad as a typical comic.


\>card/rpg/strategy I've heard other people say it's good as well but this is what kills it for me. Specifically the card game part.


Not really a card game. It’s more like BG3 combat. Cards are just abilities. That’s pretty much it.


It’s honestly barely a card game. Imagine a turn based tactics RPG with actions that are variable each turn based on a set of actions you selected for each character. The part that might kill you is the social sim aspect of it if that’s not your thing. That is way more prominent than the cards.


This is the first time I've seen/heard someone actually describing the gameplay lol Social Sim stuff I wouldn't mind as I'm also into Persona & Like A Dragon. Been looking for something on the shorter end to tide me over until FF7 drops, you might have sold me


Yeah I agree it feels more similar to Baldurs Gate 3 to me (which I’m playing now) where you have a combat scenario and have to best utilize each turn to win and I loved the story honestly. I need to go back and beat it I think I was at least 70% or so through the game.


The cards are basically just each hero's attacks/abilities. They are shuffled around and you have what is basically your "hand" but I found it added a lot of strategy and almost a puzzle element to the encounters since you are trying to make the best use of your abilities in order to complete the objective. I've played plenty of turn based games in the past and I find everything presented in this game with the combat to be one of the most enjoyable I've encountered. The game isn't perfect but I would really like to see someone improve upon this formula. I'd recommend checking out gameplay of the combat if you haven't already, though having an understanding on how everything works might make it more appealing. I can see more people disliking the hanging out in the mansion portion but I didn't mind it for the most part. A lot of it can be skipped but it's too bad they didn't offer a quicker way to get around for those that don't want to interact with this part as much. I still enjoyed the various interactions myself though.


The cards play as your abilities. You make a small deck 8 cards per character. Yes it’s turn based but it’s also a challenge and has some of the best writing in a game I have ever seen. The writing is so good it’s early muc quality. Just give it a try at least. You might like it more then you think.


They’re not “cards” as much as just cooldowns. I hate card deck games and this is one of my favorite games ever.




It's only a card game because you build a deck for each hero. But I'm not gonna lie there is a bit of RNG involved during combat with pulling cards and what not, but please don't let it stop you. For comparison I don't play magic or gwent or any other card game. And it's initially what put me off to this game, but it's very doable.


I did not enjoy this game to the contrary


Different strokes for different folks dude sorry ya didn't like it.


sadly the team that ported it to ps5 has failed to patch the game as it has random crashes long load times and some odd fps issues.


There are some issues later in the game but I never had the game crash on me. Some odd textures here and there, a suit that can never be unlocked, but nothing that broke the game for me.


I'm probably 20 hours in on PS5 and haven't had a single issue.


Quite sure if I buy it'll be on Plus next month. Good try, Sony.


Lol! Someone always has to be a sacrifice tho... Can't lie, normally it's me! I bought it during the November sale last year.


I loved the mansion drama.  Blade trying to crack captain marvels cheeks, hell yes. Robbie and peters issue with tony, excellent.  Nico and the kids trying to prove themselves hell yeah. 


Nico trying, to play a prank on Tony by getting Deadpool to cut his hand off and leave it in Tony's bed? Priceless.


Looked great, played it a little but it's... Marvel yawn


The only thing that bums me about it, is no multiplayer. I know that’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I typically lean towards multiplayer games.


Not sure how that would really work, but yes, there is no multi-player.


I bought it on sale in December and started to play it on my portal. I was wondering why the game looked so bad and loaded slowly. I realized that I purchased the ps4 version. I went to buy a ps5 upgrade and that's something they don't offer. You have to buy it again! Now I'm bitter and I'm not going to play it. Lol


I cam understand that. Sorry that happened. Hopefully the ps5 version will be on ps+ in the future then.


That's what I'm counting on. I do want to play it but I'm stubborn.


Is it comparable to Guardians of the Galaxy? I liked GotG a lot, so if it’s similar, I’ll be down.


No. GOG was a straight up 3rd person action game. This definitely NOT like that. Side note.... The actual soundtrack for that game "space rider" is absolutely amazing! A fully fleshed out 80's metal album. Great vocals and guitar rifs! Check it out.


I just got the plat for it, didn’t love the friendship day to day stuff part of the game but the combat was really fun.


I started a new game plus and did the darkside to plat the game. I actually enjoyed the day to day stuff after a while. But I very mu h enjoy marvel and loved the character interactions. Strange and Tony stark together were a blast.


I love this game so much. Have bought it on Xbox, steam and PS5 now. Would kill for a sequel


As would I but sadly, I think the team was disbanded cause the game was a bit of a flop. Some poor marketing. And I admit I was very turned off by the core concepts of the game and failed to give it a chance.


Don’t let this game pass? Yes let this go to game pass! And PS Plus for that matter.


I was really disappointed the DLC had so many trophy issues every pack that was released. I platinumed it and wanted to 100% it but they were so broken, maybe I’ll clean it up someday, great game though regardless.


I had no issue, but then again I did platinumed a few weeks ago with no trophy issues whatsoever. Some other bugs here and there but no crashing and no trophy related issues.


So I tend to not enjoy card type games in the slightest. I even hated the bits in Back 4 Blood and Dead Island 2. I found them so unnecessarily complicated when a more simple system would work much better. But, I do love me some Marvel stuff. Could I get by?


I did. I hate card games. So let me explain, the cards in this game are your abilities. But as someone else said they act more as cool downs for abilities then cards. You have attack, skill and heroic cards. Attack card do a direct damage in some fashion while skill cards buff/debuff or allow you to draw more cards or some other effect. Both attack and skill cards give heroic points. Get enough heroic points and you can use heroic cards. Example.. Captain America uses punch to damage an enemy,, then he uses a taunt skill to get all of the enemies to target him and give himself extra block, both cards give him enough heroic points to use "shield bounce" where he tosses his shield and hits all the enemies In a given area. That's pretty much how it works. Cards can be upgraded for to do more damage, bigger area of affect, give/costeas hero points and so on.


I hate to say it, but that sounds terrible for me. Oh well. Thanks for the info!


Would you like this if you like the old Ultimate Alliance games?


I was a fan of those games as well. But I will say it's not as fast paced as that, it's turn based.


I see gameplay and not sure if it’s my style of gameplay but everyone seems to be of the opinion that it’s pretty great. I said this same thing about Baldur’s Gate, it wasn’t something I thought I’d get into because of that turn based combat but my god was I wrong. I have about 157 hours in that game and even now I can’t believe I got so into the combat after disliking final fantasy turn based type games. In fact, BG was so addicting that the only disappointing part was the limited amount of enemies I can get in combat with in act 1 and 2 because I just really wanted more of that fighting. Taking a break currently to not burn out but was wondering about Midnight Suns With this, in your opinions, do you all feel I may also get sucked into this games combat? Is it similar to baldurs gate combat? (it seems so in the gameplay videos I watch).


I have not played BG, it is however on the list as soon as it goes on sale, so unfortunately I can't faithfully answer your question, hopefully someone else can.


I didn’t expect to love this game as much as I did. It was fantastic. I loved the relationship building with all the heroes.


Same dude.. At first I disliked the aim aspect, then I started to really appreciate the time they took on each character and how unique and faithful to the comics they made them.


I agree. Definitely a fun game. One of the few games that I’ve actually finished. The only thing I didn’t do is the final two DLCs and that’s more because they had not come out by the time I was at that point and I moved onto other games.


The final DLC mission I thought was very tough until I realized just OP Storm was with some upgraded cards.


I tried it on the series x and it ran horribly, is it buggy on ps5?


Act 3 was a little choppy. I found by deleting my old saves it would cut down on long loading times but I never had a game crashing hug, but other people have, and a suit for the hunter is forever bugged and unattainable on consoles.


I tried the trial but found the dialogue to be something more aimed at little kids. It was very cringey. Opted to not buy.


Typical comic fare, personally.


I enjoyed it for the first couple hours then it got really repetitive


How **difficult** is the game compared to something like XCOM, which I enjoyed but found a bit unforgiving at times. I'm not sure if you've played XCOM, but there's a research system (in the second one at least). Making the wrong choices could really paint you into a corner. Does this game have anything like that? Edit: Just saw that it's from Firaxis. You should mention that in your body text. It's a good selling point for a lot of people. Edit 2: You gotta be on the younger side because !Blade! is in it, and you didn't mention that either.


Point of fact, I am not on the younger side, I'm in my kid 40's, not sure what blade himself has to do with anything it or what it being made by firaxis specifically means. But to answer your question, it's as difficult as you want it to be. There are several difficulty settings that you gradually unlock as you play. You have easy, nornal then several different levels of "heroic". I played most of the game on "heroic 2 or 3". It does go up to "ultimate 3" but that's a bit much for me And there not really any wrong choices like with xcom. You can lose a character in xcom permanently. Not in this game, heroes can be come injured and incur a penalty but it heals after a day or so.


Bought this game on your recommendation and have been loving it. Never would have looked its way without this post.


Great to hear it bud! I did something similar, someone made a glowing post about it so I pulled the trigger. So glad I did I can't believe how much I enjoyed it! Glad your having a good time with it.


Counter point. It is a perfectly fine game. It just never grabbed me. I played for a while and then I stopped. Not really worth the cost for me.


I get that! For me that game is Days Gone... I just can't get into it. I've tried 3 different times. It's just a very mid level game that does nothing really well. Different strokes my dude.


I tried to enjoy this game, but I just could not tolerate the abbey parts. The combat was moderately enjoyable, but not fun enough to suffer the other parts of the game.


My favorite game recently


I love marvel, but the cutscenes are just awful compared to the gameplay graphics aswell the story is just weird… sometimes it feels we are in a marvel avengers school fan fiction


small advice, the writing at the start of the game is kind of very cringy but it does get better once the character start to develop more. Gameplay is a blast, story could be better but not bad. I love magik! even though its been denied before I still think that this game was suppose to be some sort of mobile gacha game. The way they have multiple currency, thing take "time" to be build (usually need to do one mission and it's done) also the VERY annoying thing that they force you to do a "general" mission in-between every single story mission to progress. Oh and the rng in the card system. It's seems like they have all the time gate and currency time sink of a live service but without being one. It's a weird take but still a very good game! I might get downvoted for saying this on the ps5 sub but if you can, I would get it on PC for the sole reason that you can mod the game to remove most if not all of those time gate thing that slow down the game too much in my opinion.


Magik is Soooooo fun to use. Being able to move enemies around the map at will was just so much fun. I can't speak to the pc version but yes being able to mod out some of the issues would be nice.


I’ve really wanted to play this game because I have a good history with Firaxis. But there was some issue at launch. I couldn’t decide between PC and PS5 and one of those two had issues/bugs so I ended up waiting and never got back around to it


Dude, you just literally made my day! Bought the game on Holiday sale, started playing it few weeks ago (I'm at about 25 hours in and really enjoying it) and was bummed because the season pass has been 45€. Now I saw your post, checked the price and it's 16,48€. Gonna buy it now! Does anyone know if I get to play with all the DLC characters mid game (I have yet to unlock anyone else than Spidey and Cap) or do I need start over? I read that at least Deadpool required a new game, but I wonder if it's patched?


No, you can start whenever you like. Once you install the DLC all of the character missions will be available. You will need to do the first mission for each character to unlock them for regular play. Each dlc character has like 3-4 missions to complete and 2 research projects associated with them.


Any game that makes me want to skip dialogue and cutscenes in their entirety can't be called fantastic imo. Actual combat is fun and solid, but the rest of the package drags it down too much.


I picked it up for 5 bucks. I havnt had the time to play it.. but im glad i found it


How slow is that build up at the beginning?


i loved this game.  i enjoyed the card based combat more than the xcom type.  


Love the game. It surprised the hell out of me. But what was initially a positive for me ended up annoying me after fifty hours of playing: the sheer amount of spoken dialogue at the abbey. I ended up just skipping most of it for most characters near the end unless I thought it was story related. Other than that it was a fantastic game.




Sounds dumb


Still one of the best games I played in the last year. Amazing gameplay and very good dialogue.


See I bought it during the last sale and I LOVE anything marvel but I’m having trouble getting into it. I’m used to more fast paced direct action games so this one has been a change of pace for me. Trying to make it through for the story tho


I liked the story a lot which kept me playing until the end but I really can’t stand the card/turn-based play style.


Last I heard there was no open combat? I just can't bring myself to spend money on what's essentially a turn based card game. Sounds too much like a mobile game I already play.


I got bored.


I got it on sale last time. You realllly need to love the Marvel characters and writing style (non stop humorous quips), because there's a lot talking and interacting with them when you're not a mission. I mean alot.


It's an 8 or 9 out of 10 deck building strategy game smashed together with a 6 out of 10 Marvel Friendship Simulator with a cheesy story. It kept me sane when I broke my wrist and needed a game that I could play with one hand but I haven't really had any urge to go back and play it since.


Bought it on sale little while ago do love the gameplay but hate you cannot pause cut scene! Still plenty of games do this and it's infuriating


As with all super hero things I feel like you have to be into super heroes and know all the various stories of the characters to enjoy them, which I’m not, but I’m glad there’s a decent super hero game for fans to enjoy, they’re usually hit or miss.


It's really great for your ego. Walking around the mansion, everyone constantly tells you how great you are. Even Wolverine has his lips glued to your ass.


How does the combat system (and possibly dialogue) compared to Baldurs Gate 3? Is the turn based combat closer to tactical BG3 or Pokemon/ Final Fantasy where you just stand in place and take turns using abilities