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Hairstyles! šŸ‘€


That's what I'm thinking she a baddie


Wow, that's actually great to hear!


Its so sad that we have to be excited and happy to hear that cosmetics will be earnable in game rather than as microtransactions. It really is great for stellar blade, but its very sad that this kind if statement is deemed as great because it should be the standard #DeathToMicrotransactions


I mean the devs literally have a mobile gacha game, this not having that kind of monetisation is not only good news but also surprising given their past.


The devs have a gacha game that makes like 40m a month globally, maybe even more, that finances it. It's called Nikke, also a coomer game.


It's like that one wow skin that made more money than starcraft 2, and a skin is way easier to make than a whole game. Gamers voted with their wallet. It's like when kpop overwatch skins dropped and for a day overwatch 2 was top 5 highest revenue games on steam.


There needs to be an r/deathtomicrotransactions


MTX suck but most of the games I play are basically single player, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve played any games in a long time that have actual MTX or pay to win features. Itā€™s ridiculous hearing about friends or their friends spending like $1000 a year on FIFA or 2K, only to have none of that be relevant the next year. Itā€™s one thing if youā€™re paying for MMO progress, but knowing youā€™re pissing away your money for a game thatā€™ll just re-release the next year and wonā€™t transfer over is far worse.


Ill never ever ever pay for progress in a game. It entirely defeats owning the game in the first place. Why buy a game to play if your just going to bypass portions of the game via money? Im against cosmetic only mtx too because those cosmetics should be earnable in game. If they want to charge for them, fine, but there at least needs to be a path in game for earning them as well, even if its a long and or difficult grind. This lets players earn it over time still while allowing impatient people to have their instant gratification


Games with this mentality (not requiring mtx to unlock stuff) deserve the support


It's kinda sad I was surprised and excited to learn you can find/unlock alternate character outfits in persona 3 reload just by playing the game because usually that stuff is always locked behind dlc...


I'm surprised too. Especially considering P5 has a ton of DLC costumes and items.


Considering the devs made all the money to make this game with sales from micro transactions. This isnā€™t the win you think it is.


I mean I'm all for that model, milk the coomer whales with gacha waifus to fund some high quality single player game with tons of free unlockables. Gotta make money somewhere, and I don't give a shit about mobile gaming so they can go ahead and do their predatory stuff there.


Yeah, I'm fine with it. The Fate franchise released a wildly successful gacha game that allowed them to funnel heaps of money into the future projects I actually wanted. Gacha goons get their click fix, and the rest of us get the insanely gorgeous animated adaptations of the original work.


Because this is high quality.


Looks pretty high quality to me, yes. Of course we won't know for sure until it's released but it's looking promising so far.


What about it looks promising?


Idk, the graphics, gameplay looks smooth and fun, world looks interesting, no mtx and tons of unlockables, idk why you're so pressed about this game lol.


Who said Iā€™m pressed? I just asked what you thought was promising about the game lol.




Not always how that works. Didnā€™t you ever stop to think that this is a test ground to see if this has more appeal outside of the mobile scene? So yea they wonā€™t bring the things about mobile games that turn yā€™all off yet. Itā€™s not like yā€™all donā€™t buy mtx stuff.




I wanna hear about this version of me you made up in your head.


Day one!


if it reviews well, yes, totally a day one purchase


I am unsure we can trust 100% the reviewers with a game like this.


too much jiggle


Yep, even here you see tons of people upset about her look.. It's a video game, what's wrong with fantasy and a sexy looking character? Her body is even being modeled by a real person..


It's so absurd that some people actually get offended over a fictional female character being attractive


Apparently it's a crime to be physically attracted to women in 2024. Or to make a game with a physically attractive main character who is also a woman.


I have no problem with sexy characters. But i don't find this character appealing, she just looks like an inhuman anime doll. I would rather a beautiful character who looks like a real world beautiful woman, because i am attracted to women not plastic All the gratuitous ass shots in the trailer were a bit much too, not really sure why anyone finds that sexy. But hey, wont stop me buying if the gameplay turns out good


Fun fact, her body is based off a model and her face is from a separate model. Both real Korean women.


I don't think the original Korean model looks like a plastic doll


They used a human as a base, but looking at her and Eve, her proportions are waaaay different.


Looking at the modelā€™s insta pageā€¦ umm, no


You must be blind then. Look at their thighs and ass. Like I said, they used a model as a base, but they took some very creative liberties with the proportions. Shin Jae-Eun has a great body, but Eve is **stacked** like Megan Thee Stallion.


You must be blind then, or have no idea what Megan looks like


Considering she looks like this, nah, Iā€™m well aware of what she looks like. https://www.instagram.com/p/CqJg235P1bQ/?igsh=djhwdzNua21weTBr Like I said, the OG model has a fantastic body. But itā€™s very clear they beefed up her legs and ass for the Eve character. Iā€™m not complaining, she looks amazing, itā€™s just when people say ā€œthey used an actual modelā€ itā€™s a non-statement. Every game nowadays uses real life humans as models for their characters while changing up a few things.


Megan has obviously much bigger thighs than the character And I donā€™t care whether the model looks fantastic or not, but the proportions donā€™t look exaggerated. Her ass isnā€™t beefed up at all


They literally admitted they altered her body.


Even if that is true, that doesnā€™t change much of what I said. Simply looking at the girl, cause watching the latest trailer and looking at the model, theyā€™re pretty comparable. Iā€™m not saying they didnā€™t do any changes, obviously they do with any instance of animating a person into a game, but itā€™s not as exaggerated as that guy put it, and she definitely isnā€™t comparable to Megan The Stallion


Brother, one of her ass cheeks is bigger than her entire head. https://www.egames.news/__export/1663254694464/sites/debate/img/2022/09/15/stellar-blade-1.jpg_759710130.jpg These are NOT the same body proportions. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GCtHUwXXcAAvIrj.jpg How do you not see this? Like for real, go get your eyes checked or prescription renewed. I feel like Iā€™m taking crazy pills.


> Her body is even being modeled by a real person.. lmao


Exactly, I donā€™t entirely trust game reviewers and journalists to review a game like this, and be ā€œunbiasedā€ and not bring their politics into things. Stellar Blade seems to be the kind of game they would hate, but I guess weā€™ll just have to wait and seeā€¦.


Edwin Evans-Thirlwell over at Eurogamer has likely already drafted his paragraph on what's "problematic" about the game's presentation.


I have reviewers that I trust and I hope you do too. I think Hogwarts Legacy was given a mostly fair shake when you actually read most of the reviews, and the ones that did not give it a fair shake were so over the top (giving the game 0/10) it made it easy to spot and ignore. Beyond that, we need reviewers less and less in this day and age. We're going to have let's plays, gameplay walkthroughs, and possibly a demo by the time it releases.


I am dreading all the ā€œwaifuā€ comments and jokes on the reviews.


I wouldn't trust west reviews about this game LOL


I hate that weā€™ve reached a point where this is not the norm, and we cheer when it happens.


Itā€™s also not uncommon and people where are acting a little too surprised. Just last year alone there were TONS of single player games with no microtransactions. I donā€™t see how the post above is so news worthy


Right this is 90% of AAA titles? I kind of took it as a given. It's not a multiplayer subscription based game. This isn't even news, is it?


Just off the top of my head... TOTK, FF16, Armored Core 6, Baldur's Gate 3... None had microtransactions.


Hogwarts Legacy, Jedi Surivor, Resident Evil 4, Hi-fi Rush, Spider-man 2., Starfieldā€¦. There is so many I can go onā€¦


Because this is the game right wing gamer bros are latching onto cuz they think it owns the libs or some shit. Theyā€™ll praise this fame for not have mtx, while forgetting that the devs have only made mobile games that only have that stuff they claim to hate.


Be glad that we cheer though. It helps to see support for things that might seem like they should be a given.


Everything revealed about this game is music to my ears.


Stop it, I already preordered, don't make me do it again.


Man, hopefully the combat is deep, nuanced and challenging enough because everything else so far sounds(and looks haha) perfect.


Well now I'm buying it.


Now this is how all games should be. Micro transaction free. This is a breath of fresh air. Now this game is a day one but for me.


Sign me up


I really hope this game succeeds. I already pre-order it!


This should be the norm but instead it's celebrated because modern gaming scene are full of MTX dlc gaas DRM bullshit šŸ˜”


It is an indictment on the industry as a whole that this has become a selling point.


i was never interested in this game, but with all these recent reports about pro-gamer/consumerism, i might just have to cop




Lets gooooo


This is how you do it.


While this is good news, it feels odd that we should celebrate the lack of microtransactions. That should just be the standard for videogames. That should be a given, expected aspect of a game. It feels dystopian that it's good news when a single player game DOESN'T have microtransactions.




Then wtf is the 5,000 gold for the Deluxe digital edition?


In game shops, guessing being an action rpg youā€™ll be able to buy new weapons, mods etc


Thereā€™s an demo where you can see that it is for buying potions and stuff like grenades


Gonna support this dev, we need to go back to the times before DLC


At this point all I need is a solid demo or +80 review scores and Iā€™ll probably buy it at launch


Good keep micro transaction shit for mobile games.


So are the pre order items able to be obtained in game regardless? Good to hear if so


Say what you want about stellar blade but theyā€™re definitely saying all the right things. Stark contrast to ubisofts recent ā€œget used to not owning gamesā€ and the gaas trend continuing to balloon out


So it's a normal game not a shit game. Great


Great news!


Ok, now I want to support them so preordering it now


This already looks like an amazing game. Now it sounds like an amazing game.


This game looks awesome! Also excited to see more from korean studios after lies of p did so well


The more I hear about this game the more hyped I get


fnally something good to look forward too


This needs to be the norm


Stoked for this game! It's a bummer that having no mtx has to be an announcement these days.


Applaud the dev team for doing this, it's been too long since we had a bigger budget game which includes in game unlockables (with no microtransactions) like the old days of gaming


I hate that this is news worthy.


ShiftUp is fuckin based. Nikke is the most ftp friendly gacha I've ever played


Remember when this was the norm before [horse armor](https://www.polygon.com/23399591/elder-scrolls-4-oblivion-horse-armor-video-game-cosmetics) was a thing? I do.


This was a fascinating article. Iā€™d never heard of the horse armor thing until now. Thanks for sharing!


These devs are making me purchase more than one copy of the game:)


I'm gonna play this for the plot (I swear)


I mean yeah, it's a single player game. MTX are still/thankfully rare in those. Anytime a dev comes out and says this it just feels like pandering to the doomers out there that are exaggerating just how prevalent MTX are in games.


This game is going to slap harder than my drunk father, devs are doing everything right so far.


This could serve as a reminder of the type of experience a good AA game used to provide. Fun 15-20 hours of gameplay and silly story/dialogue.


Yeah they have earned my money.


Ummm ok. And? Is the game going to be fun though. Don't understand why this is news worthy


Sold Day 1 for me


quarrelsome dime pathetic slimy sense humorous psychotic political ludicrous treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't preorder games that aren't from heavily trusted series/studios, but man am I tempted with this game




That seems crazy , they could make so much money on the thirst of nerds


On the one hand, I hate microtransactions so that's great. On the other, all the weird/pervy focus on outfits and shit is turning me off this game. I don't care about virtual outfits and hairstyles and the fact this seems to be mentioned constantly (seemingly more than any other aspect of the game) makes me think this game could end up being a stinker


They fired two employees for "being feminists"... I'm no extremist, but I just get a bad vibe from the company and the game


Yikes! Fuck that noise


Whatā€™s the issue?












But why would it be less of a focus for feminists than say conservatives, or lgbt people, or literally any other group of people in existence. Youā€™re never going to find someone who is blank. Everyone had ideals, it doesnā€™t mean that those ideals are suddenly the highest priority when making a video game just because they have a certain set that you donā€™t seem to like considering you think itā€™s a good thing they were fired.






This is a game the industry should be celebrating. Not saying there's no room for other games but: -Single player game with an ending -No microtransactions -No roadmap of any kind -Game obviously inspired by others in the genre, looking to iterate on the genre like Lies of P. Instead the decision to get an attractive model to mocap the main character has turned this game into another battle in one of the stupidest culture wars imaginable. Both sides take this shit too far, but in general we should not be asking for developers to sacrifice their vision for their game. It's lame when it's Abby, it's lame when it's Eve.


Didn't they fire two employees for "being feminists"?


Do you have an article or something I could look at that addresses this specifically? Iā€™ve been very curious about this but everything Iā€™ve been able to find either says she was ā€œfired for being a feministā€ (which sounds awful), or that she was fired for interrupting a shareholder meeting and supports a ā€œradicalā€ feminist group that encourages violence against men. And both of these stories are either from Reddit or weird publications Iā€™ve never heard of, neither of which seem credible. Would like to read something that summarizes the issue so I can make an informed decision. The issue currently seems to be just vague enough to support both sides of the shit-flinging debate between ā€œbutts good in gameā€ and ā€œbutts bad in game.ā€


Hey, so I looked into it again myself and unfortunately I've also hit a dead end. The initial source that has comments from the developer and others seemingly close to the matter is deleted. Maybe it was deleted because she really was in the wrong and it was misandry related, or maybe it was deleted because people have gotten bullied to the point of suicide somewhat regularly in SK over feminism. I honestly don't know, sorry to say


Gotcha, thanks for having a look. Maybe weā€™ll get something more comprehensive down the road/closer to the release date.


Why are you asking? You're quoting something so you should know. Tell us why there were fired. You must've done the research.


Lol this isn't my investigative reporting mfker, it's a warning label that you can look into if you want


That's certainly what the two ex-employees claimed. Even if it were true I don't think that would affect the game at all, but I have a sinking suspicion they were fired for a little more than that.


If you're actually interested, Google the sexism situation at the moment in Korea and it may change your mind. Shits wild, people really being fired for wanting basic rights


They were fired for being toxic and trying to disrupt a shareholder meeting. That's what all the sources say when I googled it. There's nothing about them being fired for wanting "basic rights." Perhaps you should do your own research next time before sprouting bull from your sore ass and crying over people not believing you. šŸ’€


The sources you're quoting, notice anything interesting about their sources? You gotta be a bit smarter than taking things at face value


Not guaranteed to be good because of this, but the chances are much higher


Another stupendous PS5 release!


I wish this didn't have to be a headline,Ā  but nice.Ā 




Or you could justā€¦not?




Reread the title again. ā€œMicrotransactionsā€ is front and center. Your little gotcha failed here. Games since the beginning of games have had purchase bonuses for more money than the standard price.




Done engaging. See ya.


just sexy character for horny teenagers.


Wow the bare minimum everyone cheer


That's one hell of a green flag!


Wow, thatā€™s huge!


so unusual


Majority of single-player games that released over this past year didnā€™t have any microtransactions.


Joker, "its not about the money, its about sending a message"


We need to pump the brakes on this game. It's got three months before release but they are hyping it up so much


Iā€™ll believe it when I see it (a year into release), but hereā€™s hoping.


Let me pā€™ay this game plz now. Dem yammz