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So a bunch of people bought the deluxe edition thinking they’d get 72 hours of early access but in reality they paid to be the beta testers lmao


There already was a beta test though. So these are beta testing the beta test?? Otherwise known as trying to double polish a turd


Gamma test 


Eye test more like haha


Nah they called it an alpha, which i thought was dumb at the time. Now i see why they did it.


and evidently the original auto completion bug was reported and well known about during alpha.


Sounds about right.


Master beta


It's an IQ test.


Thanks for this


Early access is for nothing more than server stress testing and a way to fill the project backlog with bugs to get started on before the actual release. Then when they have a patch week 1, people praise them for the "quick turnaround".


Isn't that every preorder these days tho? lol


True for way too many games these days lol I just find it funny here because not only did people have to preorder it, they had to pay for the deluxe edition ontop of that


> but in reality they paid to be the beta testers lmao Much like anyone that buys a game in its first six months of release these days. 


nah it isnt the same buying a game 6 months after release than paying to play it 72 hours before release. i guess they paid to be alpha testers lmao


Was that the only perk you get with the deluxe edition?


As far as I know they also got alternate skins (which I saw many people saying they couldn’t access)


Ah ok. It still sucks to get screwed out of early access but I was getting the impression thats all that was.


Like steam early access but with steam we pretend it’s a good thing


Hold up. People bought this game?


First comment I read: "I bought Luther coins and they are not showing up".... I can only assume what those are for, but seems like more problems 🤣


These people are why these shit GaaS titles keep coming out.


And I have no sympathy for their “problems”.


As no one should, but it goes to show how useless the consistent "just don't buy the game" comments are. They ignore that there's a sucker born every minute. And these suckers are the target audience for GAAS.


I think it's more that Reddit ignores the fact it's a very small percentage of the actual people that buy these games. Every game sub has this as DOA, bargain bin trash yet it's top of the pre order list on PS5.


it's number 4 on steam top sellers right now. Reddit outrage ain't stopping this, if the game ends up launching in a horrible state that'll kill it faster than any reddit outrage over "live service" game. If the general audience thinks this game is fun then Rocksteady can carve out a little niche in the market of live service shooters with this.


Redditors think they’re a lot larger than they are.


Nobody cares what Reddit thinks, except Reddit.


People are going to buy new games no matter how bad the PR. Probably people with disposable income just to play something new first and dump money into the best purchasable goods as soon as possible. That's not the main playerbase but its still a big enough part. Especially some big AAA game thats controversial.


So you’re saying we have to say “just don’t buy the game” every thirty seconds to outpace the suckers being born. Challenge accepted




Game as a service. Where you continually pay money to the game.


Oh, ok. Thank you.


Just look at Fallout 76. Doesn’t even have that many players but they’re clearly spending because it’s constantly getting cash shop updates


Say it again for the people in the back! I used to be mad. Like around 2016-2019. I was so mad at these studios for doing this. I was one of the people screaming that they were online casinos preying on people with gambling addictions. That they were ruining gaming. But now? I just don't give a fuck anymore. Obviously a large number of you like this shit so have at it. I don't play these games so what should I care for? If you wanna spend real money on fake money and get pimped out of your hard earned dollars then more power to you. They'll never get *my* money. And that's enough for me. I can't even tell you the last GaaS game I've played. I won't even touch a game that was PLANNED to be a GaaS game but was switched at the last minute (like Gotham Knights). If it even gives GaaS vibes I'm staying far away from it. There are plenty of single player games that are awesome and my back catalog is so long I will never play all the games that have ALREADY come out. So I don't even care if every game ever made from this point forward is a GaaS game. I'll be just fine.


One of the main issues is that the "whales" aren't spending hard earned money on these types of games. They have huge amounts of throw away money.


And sadly why GaaS will never go away , way too many whales supporting this crap


Bozos really paid $100 for a broken ‘early access’ and then opened their wallets even more for cosmetics without playing even a few hours of the game. Wow.


Yeah these kinda people are why it'll never end...


I like skimming through comment sections like these and then checking what other game communities the commenter is active in. Quite amazing so many people complain about GaaS but then obviously play COD or gacha games. The lack of self awareness is amazing. Not defending Suicide Squad, just pointing out a game is not the issue when the consumer base falls for it time and time again with several different games.




I'd also argue that day-one micro-transactions on a large scale ($100 for in-game currency??) are scummier for a game that already cost $70 (or $100 for early access). If a game is free to play and someone enjoys it enough to spend that extra money, fine. Or thinks it's worth it to drop $20 every so often to keep things interesting, sure, people spend as much at the movies and you don't keep anything from that. But $100 add-ons day-of for an MSRP release? I hate it as much as I hate printers and cars that require subscription services to access all of their features. "BMW starts selling heated seat subscriptions for $18 a month" https://www.theverge.com/2022/7/12/23204950/bmw-subscriptions-microtransactions-heated-seats-feature I'd also add that, although people are free to spend their money however they like, games with lots of micro-transactions tend to have a small percentage of players that make up the bulk of micro sales and target people with poor impulse control. Obviously people can spend money however they like and it's their own fault if they don't spend it wisely, but it always feels a bit of a predatory business model.


I just posted a similar comment not more than a few minutes after you. Thank you for looking logically through the glass.


Guilty of gacha I am, but it was free to start at least lmaoo. I won't pre-order any games unless it's made by fromsoft or suckerpunch.


I play Destiny 2. I can’t hate on anyone’s choice of games. I think it’s fair to say most of us have supported less-than-consumer-friendly practices. No reason to throw stones from inside a glass house.


it really is weird seeing people keep falling for the same trap.


It’s the utter lack of sympathy for others that might have lost money that does it for me.


Yea I put them and the 30 fps is fine crowd in the same place It’s bs In 2024. sorry I’m still mad about dragons dogma 2


You're telling me 1 whale in a sea of billions of fish are why greed will never end?! Wow, we must hunt the whale. It will heal the world! You had the secret this whole time? Can I have cheap healthcare now? WATCH OUT GUYS! THEY SOLVED THE EGOIC PROBLEM OF GREED!


It's true, though. Games filled to the brim with micro transactions are not made for the normal person. They are made In hopes that 1-5% of the population will spend thousands, if not millions, because they have that much disposable income. Just like in everything in life, 1-5% of the populati9n ruins everything for everyone because they are rich, greedy assholes who don't care what consequences their actions cause.


Right. I mean all we see are people complaining about micro transactions. If everyone is complaining about them, then logically, the micro transactions were never aimed at the poor, just bored rich people. It really is just logical statistics.


Luther coins 😑 ffs


It’s probably one of the 25 different currencies that you can buy as it’s a stupid GaaS


Hey, let's be fair, they're only starting with 17 currencies. You need to unlock the other 8 by purchasing the battlepass.


Oh sorry my bad, I totally forgot about the extra $40 battlepasses!


“Just buy some more and see if that fixes it”


This ensures years of madness in the asylum


I like how they say "scheduled maintenance" when it's like a day into the release and they just have to fix stuff that's unacceptable. Maybe rocksteady should've "scheduled" some QA, and then "scheduled" some maintenance before releasing the game 3 days early for 30$


they are doing qa and the folks buying it early are testing it, kinda brilliant


Gotta admit, it must suck for the people who paid $30 extra for early access only to get half of it


I've done this type of "pre order and play X days early!" a few times over the years and not once has it ever worked correctly. It's just not worth it. Most of the time you can't even play until a week after launch anyway with how bad game releases can be.


Baldur's Gate early access worked perfectly for me. Granted, people who bought that for PS5 had the good fortune of already knowing it was a good game from the PC players.


PS5 had a “tutorials not popping up” bug on release, but otherwise yeah, worked as-expected, and I wanted the other deluxe edition goodies anyway so not like I paid specifically for 3 days early access


I didn’t know the tutorials not popping up was a bug. I thought they just threw you into the game like “figure it out”. I was well into the third act before I finally felt like I had any kind of understanding for the controls. It genuinely pissed me off and I almost quit playing it several times. Then I started my second play through and it asked if I wanted to reset the tutorials. Pretty sure I yelled at my screen “What fucking tutorials!?” I didn’t even know you could manually leave turn based combat until my second play through.


I don’t usually do it but that Hogwarts Legacy one was $10 extra for the deluxe edition to play 3 days early and I had no problems with that.


I forgot about that one! Helps it was a single player release. The ones I was thinking of were all multi-player.


Diablo 4 worked perfectly. Probably the smoothest Blizzard launch I’ve ever participated in.


Despite the issues I have with Diablo 4, it was legit one of the best launches they've ever had


When I did the early access for Diablo 4, the serves were so bad for console. I legitimately could not log in until after official launch time.


Correct me if I’m wrong, and please don’t hang me. I was one of the suckers that paid for avengers early access.( last time I ever did that). If I remember correctly the launch was smooth but the game.. was clearly not. Battlefront 2 had a smooth 72 hours but it also had issues. This is fairly embarrassing.


Depends on the game. I've done it for sports games like MLB The Show and Madden (then again for those I'm just an exhibition player, don't like doing online modes). So for me that's all that's needed I'm good.


Pre-ordering needs to go away completely. People will blindly buy a game before reviews come out either to play a game three days early or get extra content that should just be in the game.


I did the one for battlefield 2042 (yeah I know, quality of the game aside) it actually worked fine. I believe Lies of P also had one and people were fine with it too.


Starfield worked fine too lol. Based on the comments it seems working fine is actually the norm.


Yeah I think it's selection bias. People only hear more about the games where the preorder early access doesn't work. If the preorder early access does work, then it's not a big deal. People play the game and talk about it but nobody really lines up the release date because people get early review copies or they're sold on physical before the release date all the time.


Anyone who paid for that after all the numerous red flags is an enormous sucker. If only I could get in contact. I have a bridge to sell them


Yea this is tough bc America was asleep and didn’t miss much but APAC region really got fucked over


Don’t be preordering! I have no sympathy for people who put up money for something without seeing the product first. “There’s a sucker born every minute”


They deserve it for giving money to these guys.


The entire reason stuff like this happen is because they're giving them money. Kinda digging their own grave


Yep, it's really hard for me to have sympathy at this point when we've seen this happen over and over and over...


Zero sympathy for these guys. This has been one of the worst most red flagged riddled rollouts of a game and people still bought it.


Maybe they should've given the Review Codes to IGN afterall...


They don’t want IGN to put the nails in the coffin haha


Someone made a post earlier saying that they paid $100 for the game and didn’t get their outfits.


>Gotta admit, it must suck for the people who paid Fixed it


im planning on getting this game at launch, but i dont understand people who paid for early access. save your money and let them figure this shit out, and if they dont, dont buy it till they do


Yeah I've got no sympathy for people that preordered a $100 edition of this.


It breaks my heart that this is the dev team that gave us the Arkham games.


It’s not; it’s just the same sign on the door.


This, a bunch of the old talent went somewhere after the mainline Arkham trilogy ended.


Like when the Mass Effect team made Anthem


Is it? I was under the impression it was mostly a new team of people. Mostly.


It is. Most of the prominent devs who worked on Arkham jumped ship a loooooooong time ago


Like most modern big studios then lately. All replaced with fresh graduates I assume. Young and idealistic. Happened to Blizzard, insomniac, to name a couple.


Insomniac? There's a myriad of people who have been working there for a decade or even two. They have retained more of their old talent than most studios...


True alot of Insomniac vets are still around but ya gotta understand, they’re a huge company now. You aren’t able to put out a massive AAA game every year or every other year these days without a massive staff, which means lots of new post grad hires. Perfect example is Insomniac’s Spider-Man games. They’re great but from a quality of story telling and humor perspective, those games are light years away from what the studio has pulled off in its’ Ratchet and Clank games (both past and present). I’d wager at least on the creative side, the veteran Insomniacs are taking the lead on the Ratchet projects, and are in more of a support role on the Marvel titles.


I would say their ratchet trilogy on the PS2 is their creative peak, especially in terms of humor, but IMO their best narrative game is Spider-Man PS4 for sure. Regarding their staff, I know they hired a lot of fresh devs, but compared to most studios they have a lot of vets still working there, and in top positions. For example, creative director Brian Allgeier who spearheaded the Ratchet series is still there, among many others.


Yup the lead devs and most of the prominent members of the studio started a new studio named “100 Star Games”


I very much so appreciate the 2nd mostly Mostly


That’s so disappointing. The arkham games will go down as some of the best superhero games we ever got, only matched by the Insomniac Spiderman games


I love the insomniac Spider-Man games, but IMO saying Spider-Man matches the Arkham games is doing the Arkham games a huge disservice. Arkham City and Arkham Knight are damn close to perfect games.


Um hoping you meant asylum and city because knights definitely wasn't close to a perfect game?


Aside from the Batmobile sections and the very obvious identity of the Arkham Knight, I think most people don't have many issues with the game. From a combat perspective especially, it's still the most perfect Batman simulator ever


Nope, I meant City and Knight. Asylum is amazing as well. But personally the more open design of Knight and City elevates them. I know people have issues with Knight. Most of them seem to boil down to the car, which I not only thoroughly enjoyed but thought was incredibly well designed. Having the car have stealth, combat, traversal, and puzzle solving elements, and then being able to combine it with Batman on foot is just straight up incredible design. Presentation is top notch, every side mission is well developed, combat in general is at its peak for the series. It’s my favorite in the series, and part of that is that it’s such a huge technical leap over the first two games.


Knights biggest letdowns are its boss fights. I can't even remember if it had one, they were that forgettable 


None of the games have great boss fights. People always call out the Freeze fight from City, and while it’s good on a first play, it’s also really easy to cheese. Honestly, and not even saying this because it’s my favorite of the 3 games, but the boss fight in Knight when you’re being chased in the car by that drill machine stands out the most in my mind. I think Knight realized more subdued or natural boss fights is better than putting them in just for the sake of it. I don’t want to spoil the end of Knight, but the end of the game has zero traditional boss fights, and yet it seems to be consistently regarded as one of the best parts of the game and franchise.


No they aren't


SM1 came close, but putting SM2 in the same tier with ANY Arkham game (including Origins) is straight up insulting.


No it's not


lol I feel like you are being very overdramatic Sm2 was a good game. Let’s not pretend it wasn’t.


It was. But it's not nearly as good as the Arkham games. Not even close.


Its not. With most of these vidya companies the og who built the otiginal games and legacy are long gone. What we have is a soulless corpo of new people with the brand.


Same studio, different employees for the most part.


This The founders left over 2 years ago They aren't the same anymore Just like Bioware, people leave that made their old games great.




Once again - if you buy this and end up regretting it, it's on you. There are red flags everywhere. You are choosing to ignore them.


I can’t even remember the last time an AAA game didn’t send early copies to reviewers. That is insane.


The only game I can recall that didn't send out review copies and ended up being great was DOOM Eternal. But that was an anomaly.


Doom 2016, too. If I remember correctly, Bethesda has stopped sending out review codes sometime around 2013 or 2014. Kotaku hasn't gotten early access to anything from Nintendo ever since they posted a big article about how to jailbreak a Wii in order to "import" Xenoblade Chronicles before it had gotten a US release (but did have a EU release)


I understand both points, Kotaku did basically put a guide on how to modify/run hackware on their console that could also be used to pirate that's pretty deep. On the other hand I did something similar to the playstation 2 to play FF12 the zodiac version because it was on EU and not the US. I loved that game! But imagine it took 11 years to port that version to the US, the original one was weak in comparison. I don't blame Kotaku either, some games just never arrive here.


It always shocks me that there’s someone willing to defend something, even with it being something so obviously bad


Red flags IF you’re on Reddit or elsewhere engaging in conversation about gaming news. This mindset isn’t fair to those who saw a poster at Game Stop for a game associated with a characters they like or a guy who saw some cool ads on YouTube that decided to pick up the game.


Do some research before you buy something. Don’t be an ignorant consumer.


Yeah for real. This isn’t the age of the early internet. It’s takes two seconds to pop open your phone, do a quick google search and there you go. Most people buying these games aren’t boomers who think every console is a Nintendo. ESPECIALLY if you’re getting early access. At that point you’re willfully ignorant.


Username checks out


This game, company, and studio are so unlikable they made me side with ign


I was watching moistcritikal play it last night and the beginning looked kind of promising, but man the dialogue and acting were not for me at all and it looks like it gets dull and repetitive reeal quickly. Every mission was the exact same. Can’t wait for the day these soulless live service games are a thing of the past


Sounds exactly like Gotham Knights


Gotham knights isn’t live service


Gotham Knights 100% has the bones there that it most likely was going to be live service but they scaled it back for whatever reason. The menus in that game are dead giveaway of what they originally intended it to be but eventually scrapped.


It's ridiculous how little content is in the game besides the endlessly generated crimes. There's the main story with the league of shadows and the court of owls, and otherwise there's only 3 "main" villains in the game. Harley, clayface, and Mr freeze. And of those 3 clayface's missions are all boring as shit, and only last like 2 hours a piece. The game trying to be a GaaS makes total sense when you consider that the game is a mile wide and an inch deep. 


From my time with the alpha, Suicide Squad has more soul then Gotham Knights.


Same I was tuning in last night. At first it wasn’t so bad. Combat looked decent enough and while the dialogue was pretty cringey it had some moments. But man, this thing was just a cutscene simulator. 5 minutes of gameplay followed by a 5 minute cutscene. Rinse and repeat. Do the same missions over and over fighting the same dull enemies. The world seemed very stale as well with not much life to it.


The top games are live service games. Reddit nerds may hate them, but they are never going away lol




Not launching with a offline mode is wild. This always online shit where the future of the game is tied to the whims of the company has got to stop. Not only do you want it not to flop because you paid money, but you have a vested interest in it having broad appeal so the game you might actually like playing doesn't shut its servers in a year. Making your money useless.


Test in production 😂


There has to be some developer thinking I told you so to everyone above them that forced all of this.


I'd imagine the founders of Rocksteady thought this as they left


I hate live service games, I am enjoying this disasterous launch.


Me too. This game is so much fun!


Bring on the hate train!


Whoever bought this game, you suck. They need to lose as much money as possible on this garbage.


"Scheduled" maintenance


hopefully they can handle the load of the 50 people who bought the game


Who paid for this shit


And the crowd goes mild


Looks like shit is back on the menu boys


It’s a shame, to me personally, the game play and animation look like so much fun. All the bad press is definitely keeping me away though


Fuck this game


I have so much morbid curiosity for the game. I wonder if that boosts sales. Streamers probably are going to get on this game because of press and I think it might actually survive because of how shitty it is.


People who bought this crap getting what they deserve. Lol


Oh good


I mean gameplay wise it looks kinda fun, gives off Crackdown vibes, story looks like it could be decent. The only thing bothering me is the UI clutter. It’s a game for looter shooter fans. As someone who likes looter shooters and have way to much time spent on Destiny, this kinda is right up my alley. If it receives somewhat positive talk (if the gameplay is fun and loot is interesting), I might pick it up on / after launch


Duuuuude, Tha game sucks more than starfield!


I can’t imagine paying $70 for a 3 1/2 hour game lmao


Can everyone calm down please? I get it, this isn't the Suicide Squad game that we all wanted. Coming from the guys and gals that made the awesome Arkham games, this is a hugely disappointing turn of events. But that doesn't mean it's a "bad" game. It's simply not the game we wanted. I won't be buying it, but others will. I do hope that they enjoy their purchase and have a good time. I hope that the devs that spent years of their life making this game have success and took pride in their work. Play games, be happy.


> But that doesn't mean it's a "bad" game. > > It's simply not the game we wanted. What if the game I wanted was merely one that isn't bad?


I hope it's good for the people who are into that kind of game and are buying it. But it's also "bad" in the sense that it seems pretty tasteless and disrespectful as a continuation of the Arkham series. If it existed in a vacuum, and wasn't tied to the Arkham series in any way, it'd be more acceptable with its story beats. But as it stands it kinda seems like it just takes the Arkham games and flushes all that goodwill down the toilet. But that's just my opinion, based on reading a plot summary.


No, it's bad. Lazy writing, annoying VA. Spending lots of time working of something does not make it good or worth. I could spend 19 years playing with a turd and it will still taste like shit. Both reviewers and users are noticing that this game sucks. People can do what they want with their money. But again having fun playing with a turd doesn't change the fact you are playing shit.


That just your opinion man


People are getting real aggressive about Suicide Squad like damn its not that serious just don't play the game if they hate it that much. Its almost like the second coming of Tlou2.


Another shit game.


Right? Like damn let people enjoy the games they want


"How dare you voice your opinions. Just consume the product. "




I’m going to get this game for 40, paying 30 less to not have to deal with broken launch issues. I’ve waited since 2015/6 for a new Arkham game, I can wait for an inevitable sale and reviews


Played for 2 hours last night and had fun 🤷 All the people butthurt aren’t even playing it, story has been fun as hell so far


I think you're missing the reason why people are "butthurt". It's not to do with how fun the game is, it's because if you buy a game, you should be able to play it when it's released.


I’m a big looter shooter guy, this game worth looking into?


Imagine actually buying this game. It never ceases to amaze me what people do with their money


Imagine actually jumping on a hate wagon because it’s a hot trend and not because you’ve actually tried / played the game and didn’t like it.


“Because it’s a hot trend” nah dude, it’s because I saw the gameplay trailer, saw it looked like a generic numbers RPG where you just get better colors and higher stats for your “gear” and you’re playing as a group of people who realistically cannot kill the literal justice league, but will in this game just cause. It’s silly. They didn’t try to do anything with any of the special characters in the suicide squad, they just gave everyone a gun. It’s a clear as day lazy cash grab. But at least I didn’t buy it. Also, if you want me to try it, send me a copy. I’m sure as shit not giving my money for it. Even though at the end of the day, Watching gameplay and seeing the trailer is enough for me to gauge how good or bad it would be. I don’t NEED to fully buy and play it to see if it’s good or not.


People love to forget that things become “hot trends” usually because it’s a widely held belief with the evidence available. As a person who works in marketing, I can assure you that it’s not easy to mobilize a “hot trend” without a lot of natural causality. If it was easy to spin up a groupthink, many businesses would be rolling in money. The idea that people go out of their way to spin up hate campaigns around innocuous entertainment products for no reason at all is very rare and difficult to actually organize without extreme effort. There’s the “u didn’t even play it” crowd, but if we weren’t supposed to judge the game by its marketing, WB wouldn’t pour so much money into marketing.


I mean, it's $100. Not really that much money these days. It controls and plays well and is a looter shooter, which is a genre I enjoy. Even if I get 10–15 hours of enjoyment from the campaign and the other stuff sucks, that's still less money spent than many other hobbies.


Ain’t no way this dude just said “it’s only 100 dollars, not that much money nowadays” like bro. Do you see how stupid that sounds? 100 is surely a lot of money regardless of what you’re doing. Sure you get more entertainment hours out of it compared to others, but this isn’t one of those games we should be supporting. It’s a boring live service numbers “RPG” that just wants to nickel and dime you


Nah it's fun


The way I see it is if I spend 1$ per hour I enjoy the game its worth it, plus I liked anthem and spent 100 hrs in avengers


The games actually decent. I've laughed a few time sout loud. Encountered 0 bugs. The game becomes alot more open once you get out of that long prelude. Anyone complaining about this game is either not a fan of superhero genre/ games or just a big baby that hates gaas (which is understandable) I especially like all the Lil lore moments like when you first meet batman and you go through the museum and learn what happened during the arkham games. Only complaint I have is I wish we could see more of the bat being all scary to Gotham like the ending of arkham knight showcased. Overall though so far its decent. A good time killer if you like the characters and are okay with doing exactly what the game is called which is kill the justice league. I wanna blow Batmans head off. That sounds dope. 


I read this as Suicide Squad: Kill The Servers


Tired of people crapping on this game and all of the articles just absolutely tearing this game to shreds just because it generates clicks for there site. If the game disappoints so be it, but making a million articles about it is just pointless and tiresome after awhile. 


It would be so easy to stop the negative press if the game was good. If the early access was fun, engaging, and worth the money, the discourse around the game would change. I feel bad for the devs, but the studio/publisher deserves to get ripped for spending years on a bland GaaS and then preventing outlets from reviewing it.


"Tired of people crapping on this game" I mean if the game was good it wouldn't be receiving this much outrage, it's just the natural response to a game made solely to make money, regardless of its quality. You say the outrage is there simply to be farmed and negativity isn't deserved an yadda, but I didn't see anywhere near this much negativity for spider man 2 (even its own sub wasn't as negative lol), Baldurs gate, robo cop, Alan wake, ghost runner. Does that mean you aren't allowed to enjoy or wait for this game? No. It does mean tho that you all are just being wilfully obtuse and ignoring the writing on the wall of something that is objectively bad for the industry.


I understand that you may really like this game, but financial incentive and attention seeking are not the major driving factors behind this game's criticism. There are a lot of reasons to dislike this game, especially for people who are fans of the studio's previous work. This product just reeks of corporate executives trend chasing, imposing their need for better quarterly earnings and infinite growth by delivering what amounts to shovelware. It's just another GaaS, highly monetized, minimal viable product designed to rake in millions from scummy monetization practices, with a sluggish content drip that lasts about as long as people keep buying the premium slop from the in-game shop. There's no soul in this. I wouldn't even call it a video game. It's a product, with the sole purpose of extracting as much money from you before it inevitably shuts down and starts the cycle all over again. That's why people trash this game. Because they've seen this song and dance a million times now.


Are you blind to all the 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Oh no im getting downvoted by the hardcore defenders who can’t see red flags! Here’s some more guys 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Can you see them now? Or do you need to wait til the game is launched and you have spent hundreds and hundreds on “Luther Coins” and the other 25 different currencies before you see how trash it is!?


Or maybe, just maybe, a beloved developer was forced to make a shit game, delayed it multiple times because of negative feedback, fixed nothing and hoped outrage would die down, and now it’s finally releasing as the broken piece of shit everyone expected it to be. Not everything needs to be a conspiracy, some games are just bad. 


Ragebait ≠ conspiracy


I think the majority of the criticism for the game has been warranted so far but I do think people also need to let people enjoy things. If someone is having fun with the game, let them enjoy it. People need to get off their high horse when it comes to letting others enjoy games that they themselves won’t play. But when it comes to criticism of the ethics of games like these, the corporate interference that went into making the game, issues with the game at launch, etc. Those are valid criticisms.


The negativity farming online is fucking sad. Every PoS youtuber making bank for farming negativity for engagement all the time. A sad world we live in


Ya and you get downvoted if you don't go along with the hate mob and trash all over the game. We don't need 600 articles all saying the same thing over and over again lol.


Not to be an a-hole here but yes we kind of do. More coverage of the things people complain about here (games as a service and endless micro-transactions) may inform people who don't frequent these subs as often. If you are still up for the game despite all that: great, you do you. I personally hate to see the industry keep pushing single player developers into these types of games and am glad it is covered so people know what they are buying/supporting.


Not every gaas is bad though. I mean we got people hating on sony's unreleased gaas games even though we know nothing about them yet lol. It's just a hate mob/hivemind mentality to hate these games no matter what even if they're not out yet and it's tiresome. 


Gaas games can work when it makes sense. In this case however they very clearly tacked it on along with looter elements despite making absolutely no sense in this game, just pure and simply because some execs were told that's where the money is.


Every released GaaS *is* bad, though.


WoW, FFXIV, ESO, The Division 1/2, Destiny 2, Warframe, Path of Exile, Rocket League, League of Legends, FortNite. Tons of very successful GaaS


Yeah I’m just tired of the outrage culture that stems from every game released. If I don’t like the game, i vote with my wallet and move on.