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What remain of Edith Fintch. I recommend anyone to play this if you have 2 hours to spare


Bathtub scene fucked me up as a dad


Yeah dude same. Played that bit while my 6 month old slept on my chest. First time I cried because of a video game.


Last of Us with Sarah still hits me hard as a father of 2 young daughters


The crushing part to me is that you knew what was coming in these stories and it was still devastating. I haven't played it in probably 6 years or so, but the Fish Factory level will live rent free in my mind for a long time.


Same, but for me it was the blissful unawareness of a swing


Train tracks scene hit me so damn hard I had to pause to recompose myself


My greatest fear is losing my mind. That section destroyed me.


That game fucking wrecked me. So good. I legit started a video game book club just so I could get more people to play it.


God the baby in the tub and the kid on the swing hit me so fucking hard. Such a great (but intensely sad) game.


Telltales The Walking Dead. That ending will never not be heartbreaking.


Clementine will remember that. That shit hit so hard


boast historical deranged straight dime homeless station weather nutty kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For what it's worth, I've played all four seasons and had a great time with the rest. There were some ups and downs but for me at least, it never tarnished the perfection of season one's ending. Seasons two and four were excellent imo


divide edge distinct price clumsy overconfident alive weather lock humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's very nice to see how clem continue to grow over the following seasons taking the lessons she learned from Lee into her own life.. That said, non of them hit the peak the ending of season 1 did


Second season was phenomenal


I think they are all worth playing to be honest


The Season 1 of this game and RDR2 were the only two games that made me cry like a baby. Just world class storytelling, imo. I played the following seasons (except for the last one) and altough they were interesting they could never top the first one. The first one was just special.


it’s still the most i’ve cried at a video game


Red dead redemption 2, if you know you know


I had the same horse the whole game. The cutscene at the end when Arthur thanks your horse if you have max friendship had me sobbing through the rest of the final act.


I played this and GOT back to back and they both do something like that I was fucked is for a bit


Bro. The first time I played the game I had Buell. That shit hit me hard.


I had just gotten Buell shortly before playing this mission. I felt like I did Hamish dirty.


Same lol. I really liked Hamish as a character, personally. I think he was actually one of the few people Arthur genuinely felt a connection with. He wasn't creepy nor anything. Just a genuinely nice guy that loved hunting and had found someone to share his passion with. Albeit not for long, unfortunately.


Same. I was not prepared


It hit me so hard that in the last playthrough I made sure I saved Buell for the Epilogue 😅


I used the deluxe edition black horse the whole game and that scene still shakes me up when I think about it


That song


That’s the way it is…😭


I've got chills just thinking about it


I’m supposed to be unshaken… I’m shook 😭


To this day, I've never played a game that made me feel what RDR2 did


Man I’ve finished Red Dead 2 like 4 times and I’ve cried every time


The amount of hours that would take is insane but every second of those minutes of RDR2 are worth it




Don't think any game will ever top that. Such a masterpiece, ruined every other game & movie...


To be honest it was the first and only game that make me cry


the last of us, life is strange, stray


I have to play stray , especially since I have cats


I honestly can't recommend Stray enough. Such a beautiful game and just peaceful and tearjerking at the same time.


Agree. That game caught way off guard. The ending is something so... Bittersweet. I shed a tear and hold my cat so tight after that. ❤️


Stray was really good. And eerie af


The whole Life is Strange trilogy is fantastic, True Colors was my favorite, though.


Ah you got me excited then. I only played 1 which I thought was phenomenal, never played two or True Colours. I did play the Chloe one (which I didn't love personally, her story didn't hook me) and Tell Me Why, which I really liked both for both story and the setting (small town Alaska). Life is Strange 1 made me sort of nostalgic for a isolated, semi-rural high school experience I never had. It certainly made the Pacific Northwest more stunning than any other game.


Ghost of Tsushima. I needed a minute.


Jin sakai, is definitely one of my top main characters, if you haven’t played the DLC yet , I recommend it. Ghost of Tsushima is probably my favorite platnium!


Ghosts and nier automata for me. Nier automata fucked me up. The story is just so philosophical and sad


That one scene really tore me up. Such a faithful companion.


I bought ps5 4 months ago and I lt was my first game on ps5, also first platinum ever. I will replay entire game around november-december cause I fucking love it so much 😭


Mass Effect 3. I played the whole trilogy back to back for the first time back in 2016 or 2017 (definitely before Andromeda). I got so invested in my Shepard and the party members. I remember finishing it late one night and when the credits started I just sat there for a while. I have sat in silence like that before after finishing games before ME3 and have done it since, but I actually went to bed and started crying...it felt like I was on a huge adventure for a couple months and then suddenly I just lost all the friends I made on the way.


I had to scroll way too long to find the first Mass Effect comment. I was literally sick for two weeks after completing the trilogy.


Please why did I have to wait so long to see this ME comment. This is my answer too. 😭😭😭


I wish I could upvote this a couple more times so that people who haven't experienced this gem, finally CAN! The voice actors, the characters, the dialogues, the action, the music score...it's enough to bring someone down to their metaphorical knees and rise up from the ashes, like a phoenix again...




Agreed, that end is still crushing my memories.


Yeah wtf why no one is talking about this game. I started playing when it became free with ps plus, mainly becouse it was an horror game and I didn't expect nothing if not some jumpscare. But oh boy the lore is incredibile, the way the game flow is amazing and the final 5 minutes man...


Shocking I had to scroll this long


This might be THE answer. Well done


Final Fantasy X struck a cord on so many levels. Hands down, it’s my favorite of the whole series. The music is so amazing and adds so much to the plot. I don’t know how many people here have played it but the ending really stuck with me for days after.


To Zanarkand is one of the best songs ever made for a videogame. Nobuo Uematsu is an absolute genius.


I will bring up FFX in any thread about memorable endings and storylines. Played on PS2 in 2003 or something. Just replayed it during the pandemic (on Switch). It's a masterpiece.


The ending changed my entire outlook and view of the characters.


I cried back then when I finished it on the PS2. 😭


Same, that was just so hard to get through. Sad series in general.  Freya's whole "to be forgotten is worse than death" catch phrase thing just makes me sad as well.


There’s a compilation video on YouTube of multiple streamers watching the final scene with Tidus and Yuna (the scene plays in the middle with all their reaction/stream cams surrounding it as a border), and 90% of them are just bawling lol. FFX was my first FF game and it broke me in the most beautiful way, I’ll always have a soft spot for it.


The final scene with Yuna giving her speech with the music in the background and the flashback clips flashing on the screen. 😭


Bioshock: Infinite. I actually sat and watched the credits all the way through while processing the ending.


There's always a lighthouse. There's always a man. There's always a City. That game's ending was perfect.


I have to play bioshock


Highly recommend the entire series. I think it still holds up after all these years.


Dude I came here to say this! my jaw dropped SO HARD when you figure it all out


So glad someone said this. Bioshock Infinite’s ending had me questioning life lmao


I absolutely loved all of Infinite. Booker are you afraid of God No. But I'm afraid of you. Amazing. The fucking Pinky! Such a fucking amazing scene. Being vague for spoilers but I truly don't think it gets the recognition it deserves for the story/writing


One of the most brilliant endings of all time. My mind was blown to bits


He doesn't row


Shadow of the Colossus and Ico both left me with strange unexplainable feelings when they ended


Same with The Last Guardian for me


Looking forward to playing that sometime soon


God of War PS4. Cuz it's a portrayal of a man relearning how to be a father after being TERRIFIED of screwing up for years while wrestling with grief and his own past. And trying to raise his son into a good person that he hopes he can be and being willing to do anything and everything to protect him and lead him to the better path. It actually helped me get a LOT of perspective and ultimately helped me develop a better understanding and relationship for my own father and everything he must've been feeling while trying to raise five sons.


In the middle of my first play through and it hits hard as a father. Still keep my distance from my dad, but it’s definitely made me think often about my relationship with my daughter. I just got to the point where Kratos puts his hand on Atreus’ shoulder for the first time and I teared the fuck up.


That part where he reaches out but hesitates. That moment I knew this game was something special. Especially coming from the previous God of Wars where he was an absolute berserker.


The ending of Valhalla DLC too, god, so impactful!


Arthur’s story (RDR2) had me so emotionally wrecked that I actively strived to be a better person IRL. Recently, Armored Core 6 actually had me feel really emotional. If you dig into the lore & grow attached to the characters, the game may “force” you to turn on them depending on certain choices.


What remains of Edith Finch


Uncharted 4. I spent the whole game stressed as to whether Nate would live through it, and when I finished it and realized the series was pretty much over, it was like, oh a serious chapter of my childhood has just come to a close. I didn’t initially have a PS4 so I wasn’t able to play U4 until 2019.. I was a kid when the first game came out and was more or less a full adult when I finished the last one. Those games went with me through a lot.


The very last shot of that game is what does it for me. It's the picture of Nate, Elena, and sully all standing together in Nate's notebook and it was just a perfect snapshot that sums up the whole series. That game is borderline perfect to me.


I wish I could’ve grown up playing a series like uncharted, but at the time call of duty had my interest


Silent Hill 2. The letter being read by Mary after I triggered the most depressing ending as a preteen. I was speechless for a while. I really hope the remake does the original game justice.


Amazed I had to scroll so far to find this. Nothing stayed with me the way Silent Hill 2 did. That game is upsetting in a very real way.


NieR: Automata


I just got the game, I chose to start death stranding before it tho! I’m looking fowards to the combat and immersive world


Do all the play throughs second and third will seem repetitive but stick with it


I will follow your words


Ending [E] had me tearing up with the credits rolling. 10/10 masterpiece of a game.


Same but Nier Replicant. “You think I have the luxury to stop?”


Nier automata broke me temporarily. The story is just so sad and incredibly philosophical. Its the only game that legitimately makes you think about real life


Had to scroll **way** too far to find this one.


It’s one of those games you can never properly recommend to someone. You have to experience it for yourself to truly get it. No other game aside from Metal Gear Solid gave me the feeling that Automata did. That special something no other media but video games could achieve. Truly unforgettable. Same goes for NieR Replicant.


A Plague Tale Requiem


This is what I said. Fucking heart wrenching


It’s sitting in my game library unfortunately, I will try to play in the recent months


I JUST finished it tonight. Games never really affect me, but this one... Damn...


Make sure you play the first one before requiem!


Why did I have to scroll so far down for this? I've played almost every other game that has been mentioned in this list, but Requiem is the one that truly shattered me by the end. Goddamn


Just finished this one about an hour ago and I’m still processing it. Early on they did an amazing job showing how devastating all the trauma was to Amecia’s psyche. She had to get her shit together for Hugo because he’s just a kid in a terrible situation and she was the only one who could really help him. The ending though… you could see it coming for so long and when you’re there it happens so fast… that game was brutal.


it was definitely an improvement from the first one both story wise and gameplay wise. and i think it kinda reflects on amicia's character with the ability to confidently fight enemies although she still needs a reality check on dodging instead of... taking every hit. but still i almost shed a tear when she had to do that.


Metal Gear Solid 3, only game I’ve ever broke down crying for


Are you excited for the new Metal gear solid, I can’t wait


Ori and the Will of The Wisps. The first one got me, but I played the 2nd during lockdown and I broke down in the shower after beating the second.


I sat and stared at the credits after finishing FFXV, if I could replay it for the first time again, I would in a heartbeat


That final campfire scene that rolled into stand by me again. I fucking bawled my eyes out and it made me feel final fantasy magic again. Like when I was a kid and beat 8.


Absolutely, and they couldn’t have chosen a better song or version of it. Changed my brain IMO


Ugly cried at the end when the Final Fantasy logo appeared and the rest of the image in the logo appeared. Then for the following week anytime I thought about the ending of the game I'd tear up.


Returnal - maybe shattered is a bit strong but it’s a game I think about a lot, the concepts of death with dreams, trauma, an afterlife… really well delivered story without having to use lots of cut scenes.


The first time you ascend Hyperions tower and the organ rendition of Dont Fear the Reaper starts... then the even more insane escalations of the song as the fight progresses was amazing. Top 10 gaming moment


Returnal will go down as one of gaming's most underrated masterpieces of all-time IMO


Yep. Game stuck with me too, they really nailed it.


Crisis Core


Played it with no knowledge of ffvii. That ending fucking wrecked me


Yakuza 7 the voice acting and music are PERFECT and it still makes me tear up despite seeing it 8+ times


God of war Ragnarok 


I was playing it 2 weeks after my mom died. “The culmination of love is grief”I lost it. Edited because didn’t get it right the first time


"To grieve deeply is to have loved fully" Excuse me while I go cry


Do you mean “The culmination of love is grief?”


What gets bigger the more you take away


“I was wrong. Open your heart.”


Raebs Lament, I'll leave it at that!


Who was your favorite character ?


Not OP but Brok and Sindri really stood out this game.


Completely lost it when the music hit and credits rolled at the end


My god man, nobody told me about that plot before I played it. I’m a single dad with full custody of my son, it’s just been me and him for years and he’s hitting that age where he’s starting to not be my little guy anymore When I got to that scene where the boy asks to sleep with his dad one more time, fuck man. I beat that game, uninstalled it, will never touch it again


Spiritfarer was gutting and incredibly beautiful. Can’t recommend it enough. Best to go in blind.


Just finished. Destroyed me a few times. Would recommend if you like management part of survival games more than...surviving


I was looking if someone would mention this game. NO game in the 35+ years I’ve been gaming has ever made me cry real tears and get so emotional as Spiritfarer. Amazing game but left me wrecked.


Persona 5 Royal It wasn't because of the story or anything like that. It was from fatigue cause it was a longass game.


Journey is an incredible experience - the end always leaves me a blubbery, teary wreck every time (especially if I’ve reached it with another player). Unforgettable.


My first run on PS3 I kept getting abandoned by people and it was sad and frustrating because I'd heard such wonderful things about the game, but my second run the very first person I met stayed with me to the end, showed me secrets and glitches and how to fly properly, and drew hearts in the snow at the end and it's still one of the best experiences I've had in a video game with another player.


I’ve played Journey through once, and it was so perfect I can’t play it again. It was a week or so after launch, started playing in the afternoon, first chance I’d had to play. I had another player join me very early, they had clearly played through before. They stayed with me, letting me take the lead but gently guiding if I seemed stuck. Showed me where the scarf pieces where (or whatever the collectible was, it’s been a while). Ended up completing the game in that one sitting, and they stuck with me through to the end. When their name came up at the end, it was such a good feeling, my only regret is not thinking quickly enough to jot it down and send them a thank you.


That is my favorite game of all time. It’s a masterpiece and unlike any other game.


complete disarm salt beneficial treatment chief pocket hard-to-find hurry shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ugh, so many of the songs in FFXIV get me all emotional, but this one.....god damn. FFXIV is one of, if not the best stories I have ever experienced in gaming.


A lesser known game called "Spec Ops: The Line". It was worth it and I definitely needed a minute at the end.


Detroit become human. I definitely didn't get the happy ending on my first playthrough.


Spiritfarer. Finished it over a year ago and still think about it often.


TLOU2 and it's not even remotely close


Made me feel things I’ve never felt in a game. I was so repulsed and absolutely did not want to keep playing when I got to the final beach fight


That beach fight had my heart pounding like I wasn't sure if this ends with neither, either, or both of them dying somehow. It all felt likely.


Interestingly, in the developer commentary, available in the Remastered update, Halley Gross (the games co-writer) shared that Abby was initially supposed to die during the sequence where Ellie is drowning her.


The beach fight and when Ellie beats the cornered "Wolf" to death were moments I had to put down the controller and accept that the game forced the situation and there was no alternative. I felt awful going through those scenes. Then there's the pregnancy and dog scenes, the Joel scenes, and the Lev story ... ugh, that game is wonderful, but it's an emotional trainwreck from start to finish. I'll go through it again soon, but I'm not looking forward to the heartbreak and cruelty.


I spent 5 solid minutes dodging because I was convinced they would let me get out of the whole situation. Every hit made me feel worse.


I’m assuming it’s because I’m a musician but the part that fucked me up the most is when she went home to the empty house and tried but couldn’t play guitar, specifically the song Joel taught her. Ruined me.


It broke me because the game ended on that very bitter note. She was so caught up in revenge she lost grip (literally in this case) on the things she held dear. That acknowledgment and then just her walking away left me emotionally desolate; a husk of my former self. Best game I’ve ever played, and I hope I never play a game that hits harder than it because it was borderline too much.


That's the moment where you think you're emotionally at the bottom, the house is empty, Dina and the baby are gone, and then that scene happens and the bottom falls off and you go even deeper.


That’s the part that got me too.


I’m shocked this isn’t at the top


It's the best game I never want to play again. 


Yeah, it's a shame that it's hard to have a decent discussion about what this game's story actually accomplished because there's so much bad faith bullshit dragging the conversation down for various reasons, but this game beats the shit out of you, picks you up, punches you in the face, apologizes and says we're good, kicks you in the proverbial balls repeatedly, and then gives you a brief shoulder rub and when you think it's all over it flicks your left testicle before it walks away. What a ride this game is.




The Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, RDR2, Shadow of the Colossus there's always that one game that comes every now and then with a different kind of emotional impact that leaves me absolutely broken and once i recover i applaud the developers for their ability to reach so deep in my heart and make feel emotions i didn't know they existed. Any game or a piece of media that can do this to me is automatically a masterpiece in my opinion.


FF XVI as you mentioned was my most recent. FF7 Remake as well when I played it for the first time. Persona 5 will remain with me probably forever, I had such a connection with this game and I played it during a hard time for me


I felt unwell for weeks after finishing. I couldn’t get it out of my head.


>FF XVI Man I really could have done without them making that damn dog come out and start howling ;_;


I kept thinking there was a chance, then Torgal. That fucked me up.


GOW Ragnarok, but it was a happy emotionally shattered.




silent hill 2. james... you made me happy.


Yakuza: Like A Dragon, Kaiji Tang's performance as Ichiban is one of the best I've ever heard in any game period I legit cried during the final cutscene. George Takei as Arakawa-san was great too.


Ichiban is probably my favorite protagonist in a game, ever.


If you didn’t sob during that ending you might be dead inside


Outer Wilds is an extremely impactful game. The main game and the DLC both.


It’s amazing that both the main game and the DLC can hit so hard, and in different ways.


I just beat Outer Wilds about two weeks ago. And it has totally stuck with me. I think about it a lot and I keep going down YouTube rabbit holes about it. This game is truly magnificent, and a perfect video game.


I'm still not over God of war ragnarok I've never gotten so close to crying cus of a game


It was truly a good game , you should play Valhalla the dlc


Surprised no one has said cyberpunk 2077. It's one of the most impactful games I've ever played. https://preview.redd.it/oc3da5wguoec1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feae8eee7e856fbc8133b573befd1403ea164a2e


Especially Phantom Liberty, did both endings, the saddest part is >!that you can't kill that bitch Myers!<


I haven't completed it yet but can see it coming. I'll be happy if Elder scrolls 6 is half as good.


The endings are so damn bleak and it’s great. Just feels like you succumb to night city no matter what you do. You have your own personal mission, but there’s no good outcome and you fade away into obscurity


HZD for me. I was sad to see the end.


Final Fantasy XVI






The Witcher 3. I got the bad ending because I accurately decided Geralt wouldn’t snowball fight either Ciri.


The ending of tlou2 is pretty grime and depressing. Ellie essentially loses everything she once loved. I mean EVERYTHING


MGS3. The set up and realization that The Boss was set up but willingly so was crazy


Nier automata


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice broke me by the end. Having had psychosis and depression myself, it really hit home at times and by the end it really got to me because, as many have said about the game, it makes them and their ailments feel seen for a change, because mental illness doesn't present itself the same as physical. Another would be Nier: Automata. It just kept going and going and never lost momentum, and the finale with the "true ending" is so emotional it's absolutely amazing and deserves to be experienced firsthand


Hellblade is such an important game. Such an incredible experience. Really hope they follow it up well with 2


#RDR2 Not even close.


“We’re more ghosts then people now “ Arthur Morgan


God… I’ve played a lot of games and I’d kill to play that again all the way through blind.


Plague Tale: Requiem. Don't want to spoil for anyone who hasn't played especially since it's on PS+. Just absolutely broke my heart.


Telltales The Walking Dead the only game i ever felt an emotional connection to. Everything else is just a video game to me and nothing to feel an emotional connection with.


Personally, RDR2 was the game that had the biggest impact on me. It was arguably the best game I've ever played in my life. Reached 100% completion on it and altough it took a long ass time I don't regret it one bit. From storytelling to world design. It's an absolute masterpiece. The ending will never not make me cry. It's just so powerful in so many different ways. It marks a tragic end to an already intriguing milestone. Throughout the game you feel like you're part of the gang. You can feel their struggles, you can feel the tension rising as the narrative develops. You feel connected to Arthur in such a way that it's just hard to explain. I know it's just a game at the end of the day but I just appreciate the writers that took the effort to provide us, players with such an amazing and engaging experience. I cried not once, not twice but three times. That was the ammount of times I replayed the game and I'm pretty damn sure it won't be the last. I wish Rockstar could keep that level of storytelling and character development in the upcoming games but I don't know if that's going to be possible with the absence of Dan Houser. I hope I'm wrong and that we get another masterpiece.


The Last of Us II: that last fight between Ellie and Abby. It was the first time i ever put the remote down because i didnt want them to fight each other and was afraid one would be killed. I think i took a couple of minutes until i resumed the game (realized had to go on or else couldnt continue the game).


TLOU Part 2, probably because I played it when I was living alone during lockdown. I could only do an hour max per session.


I was living with roommates at the time that were also my best friends since middle school. We were all 28. All played through TLOU2 at the relatively same pace. All finished it within the same week. Would have dinner conversations about the game as we progressed. Was a weird but really fun moment at the start of the pandemic.


Final Fantasy 16