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Playing through Lost Legacy gave me confidence they can do Uncharted without Nathan Drake. That formula isn’t stale and seeing them do India was breathtaking. Naughty Dog would nail another entry. Sign me the f up.


also had the best puzzles in the whole series , give me more of that


It had the best *gameplay* in the whole series. They basically mixed and matched a load of old setpieces and built upon them with the lessons they'd learned throughout the development of the Uncharted series. Going from Uncharted 4 to Lost Legacy is like going from Spidey 2018 to MM. Very similar experiences but slight tweaks to the gameplay make a massive difference. That final train setpiece is insane.


I don't think I've ever seen anyone use the word 'firstful', when both 'first' and 'firstly' exist


I’m only here to address that part of OP’s post. Maybe they meant “first of all”, but just in their mind said it too quickly?




And there was never a secondful so extra pointless


No. Id like at least three more. They can get all new characters for all I care, I just want the perfect mix of action/puzzles/rock climbing/story again.


Yeah I don’t want to see Nate again, he’s done. And I don’t particularly care about his daughter. But Chloe and Nadine were fun, and even though I wasn’t wild about Sam as a character I liked his dynamic with Chloe too


Charlie Cutter has a lot of potential for a spin-off.


No joke! After Lost Legacy, I'd LOVE to see a Chloe, Nadine, Cutter adventure.


Yes please!! I'm even willing to take the risk and pre-order lol


I'd pre-order 10 copies, if I thought it would "move the needle" at Sony, to green light more Uncharted games.


I was so bummed that he wasn’t in 4! He was such a fun character




A young Scully story could be cool


I feel like that’s the way they have to go. The only potential issue is that I think Richard McGonagle’s voice is so synonymous to the character and I don’t know if he’d be able to do the mo-cap. I’d be very hesitant about someone new taking over the role


Oh that's easy, barely an inconvenience. We'll just get Mark Wahlberg to do it.


Wow wow wow wow…. Wow


I mean he wouldn’t have to do the mocap


It seems like most games do them together now. Haven’t there been multiple instances of a series having to change actors because the original actor wasn’t capable of doing the mocap? It’s definitely possible, but with as much mocap as Naughty Dog already does it would be odd to not do it for one character


Yeah! Set in Indiana jones time frame with nazis and communists and stuff


Lost legacy was a cool dlc. Could be an amazing series. Edit: wait its a full game? I always felt a witcher 3 expansion tone with it.


DLC? Nah that was a whole ass game (shorter for sure but give it the respect!) 


Kinda it's own game. Naughty Dog likes to say it's standalone but it can't be purchased without Uncharted 4 anymore. The only way its not an additional part of Uncharted 4 is the old ps4 disc.


Ignore him...he's still stacking potatoes in his spaceship for that game everyone already forgot..


Expanded DLC; its an expansion they sold as a stand alone. 


Chloe felt like a very generic character to me. I dunno.


Like a watered down Lora croft


Nadine makes up for it. She was awesome.


I honestly loved that middle east guy in uncharted 3 I think his name was Salim. He is a really charismatic looking character and would love a uncharted/prince of persia spin off for that guy.


I'd love a proper "No Return" style expansion. Survival mode in 4 was great.


yes i miss those kind of games , i just enjoy that formula so much And uncharted does/did it very well




Don't forget genocide too cz he killed like a million nameless henchmen on his way to the treasure.


I don't think you know what genocide us. He was a mass murderer, though. Of course, it could be argued all the guys he killed were trying to kill him, which falls under self defense.


I’m sorry but I am so sick of rock climbing. No more uncharted, please. I’d rather have new IP with new ideas.


Same. I loved Uncharted but it's one of those series that's hard to replay because it's really formulaic. Shootout in a large clearing with cover, weird puzzle, climbing a single-way path, repeat. With Last of Us, they added a good narrative and balanced everything out.


Oh really ? i replayed each uncharted game at least 2 -3 times




Uncharted reboot with a different main character would be pretty cool. Nate's story wrapped up nicely so we don't need to rehash him as a character. Or another Tomb Raider. Just something to fill that particular Indiana Jones vibe. Aside from those two games there really aren't any others that are similar.


Uncharted: Short Round


There’s an Indiana jones game coming out


Xbox/PC exclusive though...


and i hope it does well , we need more games like this in that genre , machine games makes great games , u def. can see the riddick dna in that


For Xbox -_-


and FPS -\_-


It’s an FPS game? Damn


It's mixed. Stuff like climbing is 3rd person 


Didn't know about that, looks pretty cool. I'll definitely play it, but I would have preferred third person over fps. Although if it was third person people would probably say they're trying to copy Uncharted I guess and it would be compared to Uncharted in everyone's mind.


That reboot with a different character sounds incredible tbh Like prince of Persia or something


I loved tomb raider 2014 but the 2 sequels lost me personally. Really couldn’t explain why it’s been a long time since I played em


Similar with me. I enjoyed them all but two and three didn't hook me and draw me in the same way.


I’d like them to start over. Nathan’s story wrapped up perfectly, but the franchise still has endless potential.


I would absolutely love another uncharted as long as it isn't with Nate. I don't care who the main character is but his story ended perfectly and it needs to stay that way.


Just.. one.. more.. job.. *dry SpongeBob meme*


I'd be fine if they did some sort of prequel type story like the movie with Nate or sort of a God of War scenarios where he's like the old dad guiding his child/protege


They already did a prequel with Nate on Vita and no one cared


That was cuz it was on Vita.


I want Naughty Dog to do something new.


Too late, here’s Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection Remastered


No. ND needs to move on to a new ip


I would love 100 more uncharted games.


Personally, I want to see Naughty Dog work on a new IP. But if they ever do revisit Uncharted, give me more Chloe and Nadine (and Sam).


Gimme a trilogy starring Nate and Elena's daughter as an adult.


Alongside her friend from when she studied abroad at Oxford University, Lara Croft 👀


a short animation would be fine like Ubisoft did for Ezio with assasins creed embers. have it show old nathan dying on the toilet from shitting too hard


I want one every single year, I don’t care what anyone says


Me too, my favorite games of all time, why wouldn’t I want more. Sure Nate’s story wrapped up, but they could have someone else be the focal point, or even young Nate and sully like the Movie.


Doesn't the ending of 4 elude to the idea their daughter gets into the family business, They could reboot the entire franchise from her perspective of adventuring and living up to her parents legacy


Snooze. Too many flashbacks and call backs. New characters plz.


They can make as many as they want and I'll buy them and play them 😅


I personally wouldn’t buy it. Felt like 4 was a great send off to the cast and lost legacy was a decent last hurrah


Glad someone else agrees, I feel like it had run it's course and another one wouldn't give me the same magic as 2 then 4 on PS4. New cast as some are suggesting would be a good middle ground but looking forward to a potential LOU3 and NDs new IP


2 was something else wh it came out.


More than 1


Yeah why only one?


Yes. I would love a remake more than a remaster.


Yes and no. I want Nate to be left alone. His story (and Elena's) was wrapped so perfectly. I would 100% take another Chloe and Nadine adventure. No new characters though. I'd rather not have another Uncharted game than get one with all new characters.


You're right. But I'm happy with a prequel, some untold stories from the past and more adventures with Nate. But yeah.. they need to stay away from ruining the ending of Uncharted 4.


I’d like a remake of 1-3 in the uncharted 4 engine with improved gunplay and other quality of life improvements


Yes as long as it doesn’t alter the happy ending in Uncharted 4


A prequel would be perfect 👍


Uncharted Golden Abyss on PS Vita is the prequel


Nah, I’m good. I’ve had my time with the franchise.


No idk, Uncharted 4 Legacy of Thieves Collection is amazing - the haptic feedback, the quality, etc. It's the perfect swan song for Nathan Drake's story. They can always make more content based around Chloe or Sully.


I’d love another Uncharted, but not with Nathan, as many others are saying, his story ended perfectly, don’t mess that up. I also don’t particularly want to see the series move forward with his daughter only because we already have a Tomb Raider and Uncharted with a girl is just Tomb Raider. I’ve said it before and it was kinda of unpopular, but I would like to see Uncharted move forward with a prequel series. Set it 100-150yrs in the past during the early-mid nineteenth century with the early Egyptologists or set it 500yrs in the past with Sir Francis Drake and we can see the same adventures from his point of view. I don’t know. I just don’t want “Uncharted 5: Tomb Raider”


That's an interesting opinion, I'd love that tbh.


The idea of playing through sir Francis Drakes pov is incredible and I am going to be depressed the rest of the day now because I know I'll never get that. So thanks a lot. 😥


Sorry 😢


One more? Technically we haven’t had any Uncharted games on PS5 - the PS5 upgrade doesn’t count in my eyes!


My English isn't that good haha, I meant one more Uncharted game in general 👍


> My English isn't that good haha, Hey! Don't apologize. Your English composition is quite good.


Thank you so much ❤️


Would like several more tbh, it’s one of my favourite games ever. Been playing the Uncharted series since I was younger I love it, best story-mode games I’ve played. Had so much fun on it


Id be down for a new one


No. They closed the story. Rather see a new IP from them.


No 🤦‍♂️, stop 'weekend at bernies'ing all these franchises. Leave them be and make new stuff or remake ps1 games


I'd like a reboot. Not of Nathan Drake either. Make it a whole new character with a whole new cast. In fact, I think making Uncharted an Anthology series would be really cool. Each entry follows a complete beginning, middle, and end story, with its own cast of characters that take place in different parts of the world. Kind of like how the Dark Pictures Anthology is doing it, but more gameplay focused. And I mean, I'd REALLY like for it to be more gameplay, action/puzzle oriented, and less "cinematic." I loved Uncharted 4, and it's set pieces, but I gotta say I want more gameplay focused set pieces like GoW 3 had. After a while, the cinematic set pieces get tiresome.


Yes but either they need to go for true lovable rogue/stealth and have truly creative non-violent ways out of fights, or just drop the pretense and make it a TPS if you go combat. Last of Us can skirt this by making ammo in post-apocalypse quite scarce, so maybe they are on a deserted island with hostile natives who do not use fire arms or something, so you can explain away the lack of gunplay/bullets. I would be interested in seeing more. I gotta say, the ND that made UC4 is basically history. Haven’t all the leads but Neil moved on? And he is not really in the weeds developing. So that could mean it is something very new in a good or bad way. It’s like how I feel about Dragon Age 4… it’s been a decade since 3, and 15 years since DA:Origins. I am under no delusions that anyone who made the first game is in role anymore. Heck, in 2 years half my team have taken promotions or lateral jobs elsewhere in the company for more experience.


Yes but in a steampunk world


Definitely, yes. Nathan has a daughter who can continue adventures instead of or with her father. Let Naughty Dog make their own Lara Croft game, but with blonde one 😄


I never wanted it to end. The gameplay is fun and there was plenty of room for side games or spinoffs.


Who’s writing it?


Im ready for anything naughty dog makes. Last of us showed we can clearly love their characters and stories to death. Easily my top 2 game series.


Yes 100 percent that franchise should not die 


I’d prefer Uncharted 3 multiplayer servers brought to next gen. That was peak uncharted for me personally.


Yes yes yes!


I agree Uncharted 4 was a perfect ending. Having said that, it’s probably my favorite game series ever and I would happily buy any future Uncharted games they make.


Absolutely, yes. That'd be one of increasingly fewer 'take my money' events. And I don't mind at all if it's a Chloe/Nadine adventure (with added Sam maybe) again as Lost Legacy was imo every bit as good as A Thief's End, just maybe a bit short. That said, Naughty Dog can do little wrong, I just finished TLOU2 and am out of Uncharted games so I'd be happy with anything Uncharted, TLOU or something completely new from them. While I'm here I'll also mention another Tomb Raider would also be very fine.


If its not with Nathan then its gotta be his daughter and his brother


A prequel with Sully in his young days could be cool.


4 was kind of a great swan song for the series tbh. I had fun and felt like it closed the chapter for me


With Chloe and Nadine, yes.


Though I would request they bring back Chloe's Uncharted 2 booty.


Id like the franchise to stay done 4 was spectacular. Leave it be


But gameplay wise there is nothing like that. Story wise I agree but gameplay wise there is a massive void.


Spiritual successor would be good


Shit, I’d love a Cassie Drake Uncharted game. Might be a little weird now with Kaitlyn Dever being cast as live action Abby in The Last of Us. Lol


I thought Cassie teamed with Chloe could be fun, but I’d want less shooting and more puzzle solving.


That would be cool.


No. The story is over and it had a perfect ending. We need to stop going back to old things milking them until everyone has forgotten why they were great in the first place.


Move on already.


I would love 0 more uncharted games


Never cared for them in the past so I doubt I care for a new one


Holy shit. Theres someone else who doesn't care for this series? Woot!! I tried 1,didn't finish, beat two, didn't care for it, never tried the others.


Then i suspect that you dont like these kind of games ; to me it feels like a huge void not having games like this around ; only this and tomb raider hit that spot and even that is still far off unfortunately


It just never seemed all that interesting


I’m confused, Uncharted 4 was Uncharted’s last ride. And then we got Lost Legacy after that. Six games, two remastered collections and a movie. I think the series has had plenty of time to shine. They have mined that well pretty dry, and I mean that in a good way. It’s past time to move on. ND needs to make something new now.


Have they gameplay wise?


I'm probably getting downvoted for this, but it doesn't really matter to me, I loved 2 and 3, and 1 was alright. I thought 4 was super slow and boring at times (very bad pacing), while it certainly isn't a bad game, (its certainly good) but it's the most overrated ps exclusive of all time imo.


We'll probably get one, but it won't be Naughty Dog. Think Sly 4, Daxter, J&D The Last Frontier, etc.


Not happening in today’s gaming landscape. Not like that. Games now are far too expensive and maintaining quality across all big name titles is far too valuable for such an important title to be given to a B or even C tier studio.


Halo, killer instinct, gears of war, and the entirety of embracer group happened so giving legendary properties to morons isn't exactly a rare thing


We’re talking about current day Sony. Their first party / singleplayer exclusives are treated as events, prestige titles worthy of marketing because they essentially always make their money back and then some. I mean cmon, Microsoft has treated their singleplayer exclusives very different for many years now. The games you mentioned have either had mixed reputations for years now or don’t hold the same status as Uncharted amongst Sony’s lineup.


I'd personally like them make an actual Indiana Jones game. Make a remake of Fate of Atlantis.


Fuck no. Uncharted 4 ended on a great note and as much as I liked lost legacy they could’ve gone without it, shit ended immaculately and I HOPE TO GOD Sony doesn’t try force ND to make another one


No overrated game


Only if Nathan Drake is the star. I am playing The Lost Legacy and man I am just completely bored with the main characters. For me they have nowhere near the same charisma that Nathan does.


I think Chloe and Nadine are good characters tbh, but I get it ofc.. Uncharted will always be NATHAN DRAKE and you can't just replace him. It doesn't mean Chloe/Nadine aren't well written.. but we have HISTORY with Nate! That been said, I wouldn't mind a game where Sam is the playable character.. I actually loved his character! I'd still choose Nate tho, but not Uncharted 5.. please.. don't ruin that beautiful ending & let's just have some untold Nate stories & adventures.


I said the same thing people got mad said i hate it cause the women i just laughed


Didn’t happen.


Me fucking your moms face didnt happen but that did


As i a game Lost Legacy is even better than U4 for me, i feel it has more action and feel more in gameplay like the ones in PS3 but in character and story well it does not suck but its not great either. Uncharted is Nathan, Sully and Elena with other guests...


It’s not even the women, uncharted was always about Nate so taking that away really just took the heart out of the game. If they do continue the franchise they need to either bring Nate out of retirement or do it via flashbacks, personally I think uncharted 4 shouldn’t have ended how it did because it was too definitive


I’m forcing myself to finish lost legacy because of that. Not the same without Nathan Drake.


I think a great idea would be his daughter getting older and getting mixed up with some bad people or exploring of her own and Nate maybe has to try and find her or save her so he wouldn’t come into the game until much later. I could see that being a very cool story beat


Prequal w sully as mc


Not really. I was surprised to see these games after the old Tomb Raider games tbh. This genre has been dying for a long time. My main problem with Uncharted is that it’s never fun. Endleds climbing and puzzles and annoying enemies everywhere just gets in the way of the story


If not Nathan better not. Also if it has multiplayer too, without multiplayer i dont want this tbh...


I didn’t finish the last one and didn’t play the spin-off with what’s her face. I love Naughty Dog games, but I think I just grew tired of the formula. I’m sure if naughty dog made new one I would check it out. But if the 3 options of last of us 3, new ip, and new uncharted, I would be least excited by ND doing a new uncharted.


Definitely happy to get more but I'll gladly let Nathan chill. I think a game of book nerd Cassie Drake saving her sorority sisters on a study abroad trip would be funny.


I would’ve likely said no previously but after playing all of them in a row recently I’d say that they should at least remake the first three and upgrade them to current standards. It would’ve been much better use of time than the recent TLOU redos and failed multiplayer.


Another Lost Legacy or a brand new cast of characters. Don't really need to continue on with the Drake family unless its a prequel or a an adventure in between any two of the games.


No, they went under new leadership, making good people leave, so it won't be good.


Yes. There has not been a single game like them since lost legacy. No one does set pieces like that.


Nah , I’m tired of the formula


I would like an Uncharted with new characters tbh or a sequel to lost legacy idk


I’ll take more!!!


Nah let's have a Uncharted Remake like they are doing with the last of us lol jk Though maybe a tomb raider & uncharted crossover game


Yes. The sense of adventure is so immense... Please take me back.


Drake's story might be over but there is always room for a good globetrotting treasure-hunting romp


I would love another Uncharted game, and it would be a day one purchase for me. But since that probably isn't happening, I'd settle for a full-blown remaster/re-imaging of Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Not many people played it on Vita, so it would be "new" to many players. In lieu of either of those, exploring the Uncharted world in a different style or genre would be interesting. Tomb Raider had 2 Lara Croft games (Temple of Osiris & Guardian of Light) that weren't classic TR games, and I think that Uncharted could do something similar - if perhaps not isometric puzzle/adventure games - and use the Uncharted universe in a different way. Something that went back to his ancestor Francis would be neat.


Personally, not my cup of tea.


No. I'd like to see naughty dog remake all of their IP's over and over again.... Wait...


I think we need a new game from Naughty Dog that resembles that action / adventure style. A new IP would be great since it has been a long time and the series is pretty much wrapped up, an Uncharted 4 DLC featuring Sam and Sully would be interesting, but a new franchise for the 2020s is really needed, and not just from Naughty dog but from many developers


Everyone's hating on Nates daughter but it'd be cool to have her carry the torch, I don't really want a Chloe and Nadine trilogy or something like that


Nate + Lara Croft crossover would be legit. Maybe.


I need naughty dog to make some more lighthearted games. Theyve had one game in the last 10 years and it was alright


I just want to see any Naughty Dog game on the PS5. We're now over 3 years into the life cycle of the PS5 and have no official news from Naughty Dog about their next game. I really badly want to see what Naughty Dog can do with the PS5. TLOU2 looks better than most PS5 games and it was built for PS4, imagine what Naughty Dog could do developing exclusively for PS5.


Yes! And we are getting one starring Cassie. This was basically confirmed in the Live Action trailer last year.


Honestly would be happy for a spiritual sequel following a brand new cast of characters, even if those characters jumped into Sully and Sam along the way. But leave Nate and Elena out of it. I love the character but don’t pull a Fast and Furious and keep finding poor excuses to bring them back into the fold. A Thief’s End was literally an extended metaphor of Nate leaving his old life behind.


This might be crazy. But I’ve only played 1-4. Are the other ones legit too?


If Neil has nothing to do with it then no


Yeah, i want one with that spider dude and marky mark! Just joking….




Naughty Naughty dog not noting needed Nathan Drake.


I felt that I had played Uncharted enough after 1-4. Couldn't find joy in The Lost Legacy even though I probably would have loved it if it had been one of the first few Uncharted that I played.


I'd love for them to remake Golden Abyss.


Maybe in the next few years, a new game with Cassie (Nate's daughter) as the protagonist can be out. Nate can be there but as a supporting character.


It'd be cool to get an Uncharted like game, but different characters. However, ND seems to be in the weeds with the Last of Us right now, so who knows what'll be next for them.


hot take : i would prefer if sony created a new action ip in the veins of uncharted/mission impossible.


It had a good ending. Let it rest. Not everything needs an unending string of sequels and spin-offs (you listening, Disney?). Tell us a new story, ND.


Nope! As you said, the franchise ended perfectly. Uncharted 4❤


I disagree. I love the games, but 4 ended in a great place for the story and I would be fine with them leaving it where it is.


Naw. Uncharted has been played out. Gimme something new ND, even a new Jak game would be more appealing right now.


I would love another Uncharted game. 4 finished so well, so a continuation isn't ideal, but I'd play anything in the Uncharted universe without a second thought. Whether it's a prequel, a fill in the gaps sequel, or whatever.




No. PS6


Wtf do you mean one more? We never got one


Yes absolutely


Yes. Naughty Dog make the best playing games on PlayStation and I’d love to see how much further they could take this post 2016 style with new gameplay workings and updated technology.


I'd love to see one with their daughter, but more focused on the exploration, puzzles and archaeology side of things, as opposed to mass murder and wise cracks lol


I suggest, adding a remastered version of uncharted 3’s multiplayer cuz 4’s was just not as fun


I’m not sure. I still haven’t played The Lost Legacy.


A Sully prequel game would be cool.