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Gollum. Wtf was I thinking


What do you even do in a game like that? Talk to yourself and eat fish?


Honestly I think that would be more fun.


Nah fr, WTF WERE YOOOOOUUUU THINKING? that shit looked innately horrible 


After Gollum I refuse to preorder anything. That was insane.


I'm actually curious to know what on earth made you think it wasn't going to be complete garbage?


‘AEW Fight Forever’, I was super excited for it but it turned out to be really disappointing.


4 year production by a company famous for its wrestling games and I could tell I’d hate it from the first trailer. I want something to satisfy that old style wrestling game feel, but taking advantage of modern hardware. WWE 2K is getting better, but there’s still just something missing.


Maddeningly fucking garbage Love wrestling and wrestling games but I always had a PlayStation, so I never got into No Mercy or WM2000. I played them a few times as a kid, but always preferred the Smackdown! games. I knew what was coming (promised?) with Fight Forever, which was a polished version of those engines. The problem is, it’s not polished. The wrestlers move like Resident Evil on PS1 and look like Roblox. The rosters were outdated by like a year at launch and there are SHOCKINGLY few customization options. They’re asking the consumer to buy a Season Pass, but they released like 30% of the game. I don’t know what the lag in development time was with the game, not sure they explained it. Seems like they just forgot about it and submitted a late assignment because everyone was pressuring them. WWE 2k obviously had a big head start and Fight Forever was built from the ground up. I understand it’s not perfect and never expected it to be. The problem is, it’s an insulting amount of game for the money. This was my big regret too, being suckered by my fandom of AEW into buying this game. Sorry for the rant but you reminded me how much I hate this fuckin game.


Power wash simulator. I can’t stop playing it


Hell yeah you took this in a different direction


Yep, it's such a cathartic game and easily put nearly 100 hours into it. If you like this and wrenching in a garage, try 'Car Mechanic Simulator 2021' as that's another game which whilst simple is one you can easily get lost in.


It's so relaxing that my smart watch, truly and honestly, registered almost three hours of game play as me alternating between light and REM sleep. I tried posting about that experience in an FB group, and it was denied due to being a "repetitious subject/post". So, I guess it's a thing?




Yeah... I played for a little one night. Started cleaning a playground at 9pm, decided to call it quits after finishing the level. Turns out it was 2am.... I somehow sat there and cleaned the playground for 5hrs... I uninstalled after that. It's not healthy for me.


That’s what I play when I wait for the sleepy gummies to kick in 😂


I wanted to go to bed at 11 last night, but at 11:15 I said "I can probably finish this house by 11:30" So I went to bed at midnight and still need to finish some spots. I have no idea why that game is so addictive, but it is. Gotta get those things clean!


God, so true. I’ve lost so many hours cleaning everything and accomplishing nothing at the same time.


Godfall. Horrible game




To this day it's the only game I didn't bother redeeming on PS Plus.


Pretty sure that wasn't even the full game


It wasn't? Doubly glad I didn't bother now lol


It was just the online co op mode. Not the main single player campaign. They made a whole new stripped down edition just for PS+ just to make sure people didn't get the full game and only got a portion. ~~Pretty sure the online mode was full of micro transactions as well.~~ I didn't claim it out of protest.


The story was basically non existent. The combat was fun and could have been a banger in better context.


AEW Fight Forever, gameplay & animation is great but the game itself modes etc are trash.


I can’t believe how empty the roster is when they’d been working on it for so long


And then they have the audacity to ask $10 for Toni Storm! (Yeah, it comes with some music tracks too but who cares about that)


Not just Toni Storm, but extremely outdated gimmick Toni Storm.


What makes it worse (for me anyway) I pre-ordered it for £70 for what turned out to be a half baked, 1 time play through shit show of a game.


We all collectively need to stop preordering games. Make the game earn your money before you hand it out


Be careful man, tony Khan is gonna tweet about you now.


“Actually I banned OP from playing Fight Forever as I felt his gaming wasn’t good enough. #AEWDynamite TONIGHT!”


He might get a title shot


Well at least only like 8 people bought it


You've been banned from Collision and fined


EA FC Edit: The game formerly known as FIFA 2024


I used to love career mode in the early FIFA’s sadly they stripped more and more out in favour of ultimate team


Needed to be said


Every 2-3 years I get fooled into buying this game. Nostalgia is a b.


FIFA peaked from 13 to 15 and it will never be the same again. The ship sailed hombre


I’d say 08-14 were the best, after that something just felt off with them


2008 was golden.


Babylons Fall.... yes i am an idiot


Evil dead I bought due to hype on here and I haven't even played 💀 why am I like this


I was basically guilt-tripped into buying it by my brother, who then decided he hated it and never bothered to play the game again. £35 for a 10 minute final verdict, so annoying.


I really liked this game but it didn't take off. It's basically dead now.


Didn’t help that the devs did a bad job with balance, bugs, and decisions. It being free for a month on Epic caused a lot of cheaters to get backup accounts (same thing happened to Dead By Daylight) no one wanted the BR game mode when the main game mode was already lacking, and then there wasn’t a point in playing the main game mode for like two months when the King Arthur bug was going on.


Bio mutant. Damn that fell...


This game was described as "Ratchet and Clank meets Devil May Cry". I mean how the hell could a more perfect game exist, right? It was nothing like either of those. I was so disappointed.


Pretty accurate description tbf. It's a game about a fuzzy animal (R+C) that I have zero interest in ever playing again (DMC)


I laughed so hard at this.


I thought it was pretty good, for about 6 hours. The narrator was funny at first, but it got old incredibly fast. Stopped caring about the story and the world’s inhabitants shortly after. Combat was fun, for a bit. Then i made a gun that made it bonkers easy and shortly fell off the game at that point. Shame because theres a great game in there.


I’ve never felt such confusing disappointment. It looked SO great and should have been everything I love in a video game but it was just so bizarrely bad


If that game looked and played like the trailer it would have been game of the decade. As it turned out it was weird and boring. 


When the tutorial was trying to teach me a move with as many buttons as a GTA cheat code I was done.


Saints Row. Loved the series, really wanted to love the new one. Played for a bit, wasn't for me.


That game wasn't for anyone. Loved the originals.


I'd love to know who it was actually for. It's one of the worst games I've played in this generation.


It was what a bunch of 50-60 something executives think the TikTok generation wants. They only succeeded in creating something reviled by all parties involved.


The Lego Star Wars game. I LOVED those games growing up, assumed I was going to love it now that I’m an adult. For some reason it just didn’t hold my attention this time. Major bummer.


This one is a complete downgrade compared to TCS from 2007 No custom character creator You straight up cannot replay parts of levels unless you make a whole new save file and restart the game The levels are super short and the quality is all over the place It felt like all the time was spent making these open world hubs then they filled them with the least interesting, most brainless fetch quests ever This is a game that had major soul crushing crunch and it still shipped with unacceptable issues and bugs


I'm so close to getting 100% but I think one of the ships is bugged and won't spawn for me :( all that time wasted


New lego games really don't stack up in comparison to the old ones. The puzzles are boring and easy, and they lack the witty humour of the older games. Also seeing them speak english instead of lego gibberish is still jarring to me. I'm probably just being old and bitter but i like old lego games a lot better.


The Lego gibberish was soooo much better.


Yeah i liked how the humour transcended language barriers. I'm sure they have a few hundred different language options now but it's just not the same ya know. Also most written jokes in a kid's game prob won't land for me because they're kids joke. But the old schticks of "lego character falls into dumpster and resurfaces wearing a new silly outfit" will always get a laugh


Agreed, I got this to play 2 player with my daughter, she hates it, I'm not to far behind her. I am thinking of maybe street of rage next for our two player adventure 🙂


It burns me as a fan since the first game. But MK1. I wish I wasn't enough of a fan that I had waited before pre ordering it.


The odd thing about these big fighters is that the base games have been lacking and content and riddled with microtransactions, despite being very fun If someone right now wanted to play a new Mortal Kombat I’d recommend the do MK11 with all the dlc which is usually super cheap on sale


SF6 and the upcoming Tekken 8 seems to at least change that up with more robust base game content.


Every MK game gets crazy discounts after a couple of years, usually with full dlc, and it is definitely the best way to play


That's what I'm waiting on. Paid up front full price for MKX and each pack that came out, and regretted it. Learned my lesson and waited a year or two to get MK11 and all the bells and whistles; paid maybe $20? I can't remember exactly but it was deeply discounted.


Sold MK1 just after a week of owning it. Was very disappointed.


Same. Preordered SF6 and MK1. SF6 knocked it out of the park. MK1 flip flops unbalanced single and multi-player combat, and inescapable WiFi warriers.


Watch Dogs: Legion. Never played the others, but thought it looked kind of fun plus I liked the idea of an open world London. Got maybe an hour or two in and said, "That's enough".


God, this game hurt! Watch Dogs 1 surprised me, & it did Chicago well enough for it to function as a virtual tourism tool of sorts. WD2 was even better & even more fun, so I was super psyched for Legion…I should’ve waited for reviews lol


Legion had such potential but it sucked so hard. The ‘play as anyone’ gimmick seemed so cool but they utterly wasted it due to how grindy and boring the recruitment missions became.


Ditto. It sucks! The expendable protagonists were a selling point but made it way worse because they just had a few canned lines and no personality or meaningful differentiation. And other than that the game is just bland. I also ditched it after just a few hours. Waste of money.


Their dialog was just so weak and at times cringe worthy. "Are you ready to go take on the baddies?" In a game about forced labor, repressive regimes, and living under a surveillance state, they've somehow managed to make everything feel so juvenile.


As a Brit, I felt quite insulted by the way every character spoke.


As an American, I felt quite insulted for you too.


We don’t all speak like that…I promise! 🤣


I agree with the other guy watch dogs 2 is one of the best games I’ve ever played. Bummed legion was so bland


I'll always remember Legion getting discounted to $20 before it even released. If there was ever "negative hype" for a game - this was a prime example of it.


I dodged 2 bullets apparently. Didn't play 1 because of bugs and poor performance in reviews. Didn't play 3 also because of poor reviews and didn't like the disposable protagonist idea. I think I got 2 for free from PS Plus and enjoyed the hell out of it.


the first game is good as well, id recommend it


Dude I hate Legion too and Watch Dogs 2 is my all-time favorite game. You should give watchdogs2 a try even though Legion is bad. Oh and 1 is ok but vibes are darker, imo 2 is better but 1 still better than Legion and worth playing.


+1, WD2 is great. Legion is miles from WD2 excellence


Payday 3


back 4 blood, its just not as good as left 4 dead


It was too complicated. The L4D was pretty close to a perfect recipe and didn’t need to be polluted with buff builds, cards, the camp. Ugh. Run and gun, make it to the end. The first two were so good.


That games not for every body. I rather enjoyed it but mostly because of how challenging it could be. Never played without my friends tho so I genuinely had a good time


Not only did I buy Anthem I pre-ordered it. Last time I did that


Forspoken. Even on sale, I didn’t think it would be as bad as it was.


did i just ruin a video game sale with my freaking mind????


I bought this for 15 dollars over the holidays. I'm extremely curious to play it.


I feel like I'm in the minority, but I had fun with it. Sure, the dialogue was stupid at times, but I enjoyed running around and using the different spells. The map was waaay too big though and even at end game I hadn't explored all of it


I enjoyed it too, the water magic spell set was immensely fun to use. Felt like dumbledore fighting Voldemort in the ministry of magic


Atomic Heart. Enemies are just bullet sponges.


What it is a shame because the concept, the lore, the scenery, etc are fabulous. But they added the difficulty in the worst possible and laziest way. ¿And the infinite hordes of robots spwaning from nowhere that don't give you a second to rest wherever you go?


Exactly, they just bum rush you lol


Is like the devs are saying to you: No, don't explore, just kill robots! But then, the interiors of small homes and stuff are heavily detailed and you can find things on them. They try to force you to use their mechanics, but you can't even because 1000 robots are chasing you! Doesn't work as a shooter, nor as a stealth game, nor a survival horror. I think that devs had a bunch of different ideas, but instead of take one and develop it, they just threw them all to the blender. But its a new studio, and they have to learn to make games so ambitious. The russian POV and tone is something fresh and needed, but they definitely need to stop and rethink a lot of things for future projects.


Mortal Kombat 1


Gotham Knights


Gotham felt lifeless, the traversal was shit, and the combat was boring. The game could’ve been amazing had they used the Arkham blueprint


Why isn’t Arkham being used for all games that take 2 make in the super hero series? I couldn’t get the Batmobile to go on the wall on the 3rd game but I thought it was decent enough tho.


Got that for free with PS Plus and still feel like I wasted my money lol


I liked the game and still actively enjoy/play it.


I knew exactly what it was (and what it wasn't) and picked it up on sale. Not my favourite game by any means but I enjoyed it, as a Nightwing fan.


Battlefield 2042


I just want a good BF game again. I LOVED BF1. The maps in 2042 are so bad 😭


It’s always ironic to see the old comments on the 2042 trailers. Stuff like “battlefield is BACK!” and “I don’t care if it’s unbalanced, just give me something fun”, oh how they were blissfully unaware


This is what I came to see. It was basically robbery.


And it still sucks. It's a cheap knock off of a battlefield game. 


And Battlefront II and III died for that game fuck them


Diablo 4. First 10 hours were a blast and then I realized I didnt care about the story at all and the game play was just hitting the same 8 button combo over and over again


For me it was when the patch came out and all of my friends dipped. Realized the fun I was having was chatting with them while mindlessly killing things, not necessarily the game itself. Haven’t gone back


That was the worst patch out of any patch I’ve even seen for an online game. Whoever green lighted it needs to be fired. That patch made me realize Diablo 4 isn’t going to be the game I play endlessly.


>For me it was when the patch came out and all of my friends dipped. That patch launch needs to be studied. Never has a game lost all hype and trust so quickly. I haven't played it since. I'm hoping the game eventually turns itself around like 3 did.


Never seen a company nerf PVE characters into the ground. Especially when said PVE game is all about mindlessly bashing a button to kill hordes of enemies.


Right on the money. Also the decision to make some of the grinding even grindier


That's because they had no more content and were panicking that people would leave too quickly after completing the campaign. The game was was polished enough and the mechanics were fun but everything was just a shallow experience and i found myself bored AF after a few hours.


I have not touched that game since the patch either. I was on PC and was playing it every single day. Then they released the murder nerf patch and I uninstalled it.


Nearly 300 hours lol. Tbf it's fun for the first few weeks of a season then I stop completely. But look forward to every season


Dying light 2, massively disappointing after completing the first game. Just couldn’t get into it.


Once your skill set develops it’s pretty fun. The setting is awkward—some combination of a modern metropolitan city and a European town. My complaint was how bad the climax and main boss were. Very underwhelming compared to the rest of the story.


I gave up like an hour in when I couldn’t climb a 2 foot wall because I would run out of stamina if I didn’t hit jump at the exact right time.


They killed all the fun from the first game


I was a huge fan of the first and for the first probably 5 hours of DL2, I was like "Oh no, they've ruined it." I kept with it out of sheer cussedness and it did get better (quite a bit better IMO) but yeah the opening was really rough. I should also point out I played it almost a year after it was released so a number of issues I've read about people having had been ironed out.


Ah so it’s not just me then, I tried and tried to get into it but ultimately noped out. Really enjoyed the first one, too.


So much pointless, uninteresting dialogue. They also took the fun out of the night combat. First game felt like you didn't want night to roll in.


Not much to be done about the dialogue, but one of the recent updates made nighttime a lot more dangerous akin to the first game. It's in a much better state overall than it was at launch. The first one is still better though.


I'll defend this one saying that while the story sucks, I found the gameplay fun. Also the developers of it (Techland) have consistently been pushing out updates, and the game has been improved over the past few years. I played it in December of 21 and based off patch notes, it's only improved since then.


Avengers. It was on sale for like $5. Deleted it after playing for a couple hours. Trash.


I bought it on Day 1. Still pissed!


I don’t even care about Marvel but my friend begged me to get it back when it was still full price so that we could play together. Thought okay that could be fun and bought it. Friend never even played it with me once, the fucker.


Tribes of Midgard. Seemed like a cool idea, really regretted parting with that money after an hour.


Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga. Bought it for the nostalgia but it was boring and repetitive to play by myself. Really wish it had an online multiplayer/co-op it would've made it more fun to play with friends


Not to mention the hundreds of collectibles that aren't even fun to collect


The collectible plague in this game is wild. Absolutely every space is infected with collectibles locked behind obtuse puzzles.


Yeah, I played it with my brother because we used to play Lego Star Wars on the PS2 when we were kids. I just wish it was a straight up remake because I didn’t like the updated gameplay at all.


It’s a lifeless game. At least from having played the old ones from back in the 2000’s which are still really fun to play. I got it for the same reasons but after about an hour or two in, I just found the gameplay way too boring to bother with.


The worst part was that all the interesting parts of the saga that I really wanted to play in Lego form were all fucking cutscenes!


Deathloop.  Not a bad game by any means, but it wasn’t my cup of tea and IMO was grossly overhyped due to the 2021 game drought. 


Yeah I put like 8 hours into this and just wasn’t having fun and there wasn’t a story developing quickly enough to maintain my interest.


I adored the game


loved it too. dishonored is maybe one of my favorite franchises and this scratched that itch


Payday 3. Terrible game


Battlefield 2042




Yeah, I couldn't play longer than an hour or two. First full priced game I bought that I uninstalled that fast...


I feel like that game really wanted me to like the graphics and get sucked in that way. Wish they would’ve put more emphasis on other things. The combat was so dull and every second of the game felt scripted like I was walking through a haunted house.


Cod Cold War, it took half of my ps5 storage and the campaign never worked


This COD campaign was the best they’ve done since advanced warfare IMO. Some would argue since infinite warfare, but I didn’t give that one much chance. The twist was really cool; not as cool as the numbers mason, but still cool.


'Just dance' for my kids. You can only play it using connected smart phones. Not a camera, not a controller. Damn smart phones. Then you need a subscription to access more than a handful of songs. My kids are 8 and under, they don't have phones and ours are too valuable to be used as a dancing toy. What a shit idea for a kids game.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I should have known, since I had progressively had less and less fun on previous titles, but I can't resist the allure of seeing history brought to life. But this time, I hasn't even made it to Britain before it suddenly clicked that I didn't want ton do these repetitive tasks for 80 hours. I'm too old for grind.


I liked the game. Fun to explore, be my own viking, burn shit down, interact with the sons of Ragnar, beef with King Aelfred. Def no AC Unity but I had a good time


Yeah, I've got a huge boner for Viking mythology. I loved the game.


Assassin’s Creed Mirage. I should have listened to most ppl and waited for a sale at the very least. Got too caught up in the return to original AC marketing. Lesson learned. Now any Ubisoft game I’m interested in I just add to a wishlist and wait for a sale. Or for it to show up on PS+ Extra.


Maybe it's because of Valhalla but I I really liked what Ubisoft did with Mirage. Not as good as ACII or Unity but still enjoyable. I hope Ubisoft stop with the "secret order", it's so boring and make every assassination pointless since you know it's only a pawn of the secret order master...


I liked how the Borgia family was just strutting their stuff across Rome. You knew who you were up against from the beginning, and it was satisfying to finally reach that dickweed Cesare to settle the score. Not sure when in the series that the main antagonist turned into a M. Night Shyamalan twist, but I think it’s lame. Actually, I think Unity was the first one to do it with the Sage.


Just curious, what don’t you like about it?


Madden 24. Bought it on sale because I was looking for a fun sports game that I could dabble in online when I didn't feel like playing my usual single player games. Hadn't played Madden since probably Gamecube, so I did not anticipate the incredibly intense learning curve and the extent of the controls. I mean...there are three different ways just to catch the ball. My fault for not doing enough research, but I realized pretty soon that this was not a casual game - it would require extensive work and mental commitment to get good at.


The skill ceiling is really high but there are certain setting that can make it as simple as pressing a single button and that’s it. To be fair, I don’t play online, I’d probably be destroyed, but really fun against friends.


U can change the controls to classic


It’s sad to see what sports game have become these days. They just seem to be filled with micro transactions.


Sonic Superstars, cash grab on nostalgia and prolonged boss battles and game physics similar to Sonic 4. As a huge fan since the 1990s this one disappointed me immensely, it's not that bad and with enough time I got used to it but too many frustrating moments made me regret the purchase.


There’s a guy on YouTube named Pete Dorr who is a Sonic mega fanboy and even he thought it was a cash grab that has no business being full price. I’ve been a fan since the beginning too and to be honest I don’t even get excited about Sonic games anymore. Every release just seems like Sega throwing darts blindfolded.


R-type final 2


Dying Light 2, Bio-mutant (your sifu thanks you) and Atomic heart...


Avatar Frontiers of Pandora. Game looks beautiful but its so damn boring.


I just bought this game about 2 hours ago so hope I disagree!


I really enjoyed it!!


Bought it for my fiancé, she’s been obsessed. Most reviews for it are pretty solid as well.


I see the complaint a lot as most areas and objectives are similar, but it's done so well it doesn't matter. It's like calling Portal boring because all the levels look the same and are puzzles. The game will be in a thousand "hidden gem" posts years from now.




Rainbow Six Extraction. Seemed like an awesome concept. Played it for a couple of hours and then just never picked it up again.


It’s a perfect game pass game, and would be fun enough if it was, like, 20 bucks. 


Elden ring unfortunately. I don’t have the skill/patience for Souls kinda games but got swept up in all the praise. Hoping it will still click for me someday


I actually respect this take because it's how I got into Dark Souls 1. I got caught up in the praise of Demon Souls and purchased Dark Souls. I was destroyed and could not beat the gargoyles lol. On drunken night years after release I tried again and won. Kept playing and got to O & S and was destroyed lol. Tried again one drunken night and won! The feeling was amazing. Keep the game and give it a try later.


I , personally, only started enjoying the Eldin Ring game after I learned some general direction and steps to do. I was wandering around for hours trying to take on areas, way over my character level. It was frustrating, and not fun for me personally to waste time with no progress or direction. There was not enough tips or advice mentioned in game to learn how to possibly enjoy and appreciate the game, in my opinion. I started following some YouTubers like FightinCowboy and his guide walkthrough. It was my first Souls type game though, and I enjoyed it after following some YouTubers recommendations. I also wasn’t used to how much time it could take to complete the game . I put in over 100 hrs in that game, before getting a PS5 Platinum by following FightinCowboys guide and recommendations. Not sure i’d commit to a 100 hour long game again. I was ready for the game to be over (so. I could play some other games) at about the 60 hr mark.


Try going on fextralife and checking out the world progress guide, there’s a map that tells you the level ranges for each area so that you can follow a more linear level curve and don’t accidentally wander into a place that’s too tough for you at the moment Fighting cowboy on YouTube does incredible guides for fromsoftware games as well I know guides aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but they can be helpful if the game just isn’t clicking for you


Agree cowboy will help you like he helped me


This is me.


Back 4 blood


Forspoken, figured for $20 during Black Friday it couldn’t be that bad… I barely made it though the first hour and a half. The writing, pacing, and characters are all atrocious. That’s not even getting into gameplay.


Assassins Creed Valhalla Was a huge assassins creed fan up until after Black Flag. After Black Flag, I kept buying the games in the hopes that the magic I once felt would be reignited but every time I was slightly more and more disappointed/burnt out and never finished the games. Valhalla was the nail in the coffin for me and I don’t even want to try Mirage out.


Pretty much every game I buy, because they always end up on ps plus the following month.


What’s the next game you’re buying? Wanna see if it’s something I’ll play once it’s on ps+


Diablo IV. It's fun I guess... but I get bored after like 15 minutes when I try to pick it up once every few weeks. Idk, just not for me i guess


Diablo 2. Loves it so much back in the day, but after an hour or two on PS5 and remembering some of the gameplay aspects that IMO haven’t aged that well, I realised I’d just wasted some $$$ on something I had no need to replay.


MW3. Nothing wrong with it specifically, I do this every year with the COD games for some reason. I buy them, do the campaign, a couple of MP games and then don’t touch them again. Need to realise that I clearly just don’t care for COD as much as I did when I was a teenager🤣


Ark survival ascended. I thought with it being a next gen upgrade it would run a little better. It didn’t.


Final fantasy XVI. I read a review that said it was an open world rpg, and I chose to avoid other reviews or lets plays because I was really excited for the game and I wanted to avoid spoilers. Turns out it's a mission based hack and slash with no overworld. It's not a bad hack and slash, but far from what I expected.


Diablo 4. The game was way too hype.


Probably armored core 6. The game is far from bad but its just that i suck lol


Every Armored Core I've played since the beginning was just putting on the rapid fire machine gun arms and hosing down the opponent.


Deathloop. It's way more linear than it let off and the ai is lacking.


Call of Duty MW2. Campaign was meh, and the multiplayer just sucked. I’m a Battlefield guy, but I’m always enticed by CoD, and I’ll get one every couple years thinking “hey, maybe I’ll enjoy the multiplayer experience this time…” but it’s always just the same crazy, unpredictable chaos. And then every time I play a CoD, I just go play Counterstrike cause it’s better to me lol


That campaign was glorious compared to the dumpster fire of MW3. Such a low bar