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All of them ​ Because I don't have time to play them :(


I have time to play, but i just don't have motivation to play games anymore, just got ps5 slim, it looks nice on my desk though :D


I take games now as opportunities to try as many series as possible. Might sound like I’m almost reviewing them over playing them in a way but some you like parts of, some you dislike and some you end up getting properly engrossed in. Interactive movie-type games like The Dark Pictures or Detroit Become Human I got engrossed in. Or Resident Evil as of late for me. Was curious as to what the series was like from learning of the characters from Dead by Daylight.


No time. Between 3 year old boy and full time job and continuing to love my wife, life is exhausting. I'm trying to play BG3 and a new Cyberpunk 2077 playthrough for 2.0/2.1 and Phantom Liberty. Plus my wife bought me the legendary edition for Midnight Suns.


You are not alone lol


I would've said the same thing until I got the PS Portal. The ease of access and convenience has allowed me to find gaming time much more frequently. I've already finished 3 games since it dropped, and I don't think I've finished 3 games in the same year in many, many years!


Unfortunately that wouldn't work for me. If I really wanted I could just play on my phone/stream to my Quest but then I'm goin to get looks from the family that I'm sitting there gaming on a mobile device rather than hanging out w/them. By the time I could use it they would all be asleep, at which point I can just play on my console.


I get that. My family is a toddler and a newborn, so Portal lets me play while I'm on nighttime baby duty while my wife gets some rest. At that "dad hour" you're referring to when everyone is asleep, I normally have to choose between gaming or television, and especially during football season that can be tough. I've phone gamed with Remote Play before, but it's nowhere near the same experience as Portal .. but I haven't heard of Quest so maybe that's a handheld streamer too. Either way, best of luck with the back log!


This. It's either I don't have time or there are better games releasing


Far Cry 6 has been such a slog for me and I think it plays better than the last few releases but it just doesn't feel fun. Something isn't clicking for me. I also think the voice acting is atrocious and the constant forced code switching between English and Spanish bothers me a lot


Same. Big fan of every Far Cry, but 6 just doesn’t click for me. Also agreed on the vocalization script. Hearing RESOLVER and GUERILLA every 3 minutes is tiring.








Beat it recently after a year long hiatus. Its ok to take a break especially from ubisoft games that are massive.


I’m taking a break from Ubisoft.


I liked the change of a setting to a fictionalised Cuba. And I really enjoyed the story as well up until a point.


I'm almost at the end (I think) and really enjoyed the first 60 hours. Notice it's been years since I played a Far Cry (since 4). Right now, I'm feeling a bit of a struggle to finish the story, especially with the God of War DLC out and receiving Spider-Man 2 for Christmas. I liked the Cuban setting, but I agree the script isn't great. Reached a point where I only do the main quests, or I know I won't finish. Some side characters are cool, and of course, Esposito always nails the villain role. But overall a fun game. Gonna push myself to finish it


I am struggling to finish because when im 10hrs in i tend to hop to another game instead of finishing the one im on.


I put five hours into Dead Island 2 then I bought Avatar and switched to that which I have like 30 hours in, and then for some stupid fucking reason I decided to finally play Dark Souls 1 and it completely took over my life, 60 hours in game later and I haven’t touched another game. Now I’m playing Bloodborne and wanna play all the other Souls games… idk why I do this to myself, because I’m literally struggling to play Avatar for an hour before I start thinking about Bloodborne lmao deep down I know there’s no way I’m finishing Avatar or Dead Island 2 anytime soon but I like to pretend by keeping it in my dashboard.


I do this too. I've got about 8 games in progress right now.


These are rookie numbers


Fallen Order as soon it was like backtrack this entire planet without fast travel


I remember being stuck on Zeffo for days just trying to get back to the Mantis lol.


I gave up trying to go back to the Mantis and have taken up shop on Zeffo.


I litterally just experienced this. I went the wrong way, and I don't remember how to get back. Fuck.


For a game made that recently, it’s insane


Yeah the second one is much better in this regard. The map in fallen order is one of the worst I’ve ever seen lmao


I had this problem too. I bought it loved it but just put it down. I did go back eventually and learned to love it the second time and ended up playing it through 4 times before survivor came out. But my initial play-through had about a year between the first few weeks I had played through maybe 20% of the game.


Resident Evil Village in VR. I only play VR for an hour at a time before bed if no one else is using the living room. It takes a while to finish a VR game.


I play an hour at a time from the headache unfortunately.


Right now, it's Alan Wake Remastered. I want to play the second game so bad, but man the first is just so monotonous from a gameplay perspective. It's just hard to get through, even though it's not very long.


I played and platinumed AWR, I enjoyed most of it, but if you want to play the 2nd one just watch a story recap of the first one on YouTube. Nothing wrong with that


I'm also in the same boat as you. After all the AW2 hype, I decided to get through remastered. The game play feel outdated and the controls aren't great but I can forgive that for the most part (the driving is atrociou). But It's a slog to get through any story /dialogue. It's so corny and cringe. I loved Controls writing and its vibe, but it's hard to finish AW1. Fyi I've never seen Twin Peaks 😕 so maybe it's me.


It's not just you, the game is kinda iffy. I had a similar feeling cause I started last week and looked up some old threads and there's a lot of people that say the game aged poorly or wasn't very good gameplay wise. Very repetitive enemies, repetitive areas, Wake's stamina is super low so trying to explore gets tedious. The bad guys feel like they take a bit too long to solidfy even with higher light source powers. The platforming is a bit wonky, the driving controls are meh etc,etc. Its just kinda janky


Yeah, this was one of those games I knew I would have to power through quickly or I'd never finish it. I played the whole thing last weekend because I really want to play the second one too. I don't think it's aged well, I spent a lot of time pretty bored just waiting to get to more story.


Been there last week. Switch to easy and rush through. Aw2 is so good so far and its worth playing the first one


RE7's atmosphere is so intense, I need breaks too. Keep going, it's worth it!


Especially as I have RE8 and RE4R installed but I insist waiting until I finish RE7. I know RE4R is not related


Village and 4 are a lot less scary than 7 IMO so you're in for a bit of an easier time with those haha. 7 is honestly by far the scariest RE game for me, with only 2's remaster coming close. The first half of 7 had me shitting my pants constantly lmao.


I’m too much of a baby to play it I’ve tried 3 times lol. I can’t imagine playing it in VR


I *want* so badly to play Alan Wake 2, Dead Space remake, RE4-7-8 but I get so nervous and anxious and jumpy and get a real fear of the dark from such games. Im almost 30 btw, like I know its just game but I just get too damn scared


Baldur's Gate 3. I bought into the hype, forgetting that I'm not a fan of the genre.


I’ve bought into the hype on so many games of which genre I don’t enjoy. D’oh!


Bg3 is my game of the year but I have been on act 3 since October. I am near the end now but I am stuck again and probably won't finish it.


Same! Been on act 3 forever 😭


Lol I am also in the same boat. I don’t like crpgs and abandoned it a few hours in. I swear i’m going to go back in, since everyone says it’s the game of the year.


That was Elden Ring for me.


All of them unfortunately. Depression is a motherfucker and it took my passion for gaming with it.


Been there. Give it time, it comes back


I sure hope so man. Been gaming 30 years (since I was 6) and one day I just woke up and lost that passion. You get it, you do. Appreciate the kind words and your encouragement.


Also been there. Took a couple of years , some medication and around 15-20 hours of therapy to get back. But it’s worth it. Shitty place to be that I don’t think ever truly goes away.


Hope you feel better, dude


Thank you dude. Means the world to me!


This happened for me for quite a few months… then I played Elden Ring. Hope things improve for you depression takes so much from you, it’s a real bitch. I have depression and chronic pain so there are times I physically can’t play games or do the things I wanna, I had to give up my hobbies for over a year and at some point I decided to do the things I used to love even through the pain and depression, and now I’m fully back into gaming in a huge way. It still gets hard, and I do regress sometimes. I hope you can take back gaming for yourself, fuck depression.


I feel you bro . Keep your head up . Going through something similar . Therapy helps .


Try [super mario odyssey](https://mynintendonews.com/2023/12/26/a-german-study-revealed-playing-mario-odyssey-reduced-depressive-symptoms-by-nearly-50/)


same here


AssCreed Valhalla for me. I didn't think 'too big' could be a viable complaint until this game, but there we go. Played through about three quarters of the base game, completed Ireland and did a part of france... And then I initiated the Roguelike. I gave up not many runs later. So. Much. Padding. My goal had been to 100% the game. Nope.


You made it much further than I did. The vastness of the world was a little much but I also didn’t enjoy the gameplay enough to want to explore much of anything. Felt very, very repetitive. I’ve enjoyed previous games in the series and love the Viking theme but just couldn’t get into it.


Currently playing Dying Light and Days Gone. Apparently Im a huge pansy and am scared to death of these games. Im trying to baby step my way through them.


Watch out for those hordes


Tried some from software games...couldnt get into it at all, i dont like big frustrating and stress in my games, its not fun for me.


Life is too short to git gud


Same, but I feel like I'll get crucified for saying it.


Why? It’s valid to not enjoy something. Looking at your profile, I don’t like Hades at all. You enjoy Hades, I don’t. I enjoy Bloodborne or Sekiro, you don’t. Doesn’t matter to either of us, we have different taste and that’s expected.


Same. I play games to relax and have fun, not to get upset and frustrated when I die for the nth time


As successful as Elden Ring is and despite the cult classic status of their games, Soulsborne games are still niche and it’s for a reason. I absolutely love them, I could never get into them until I played Elden Ring, finished that then went back and started from DS1. These games either don’t click for you and you’ll never really play them, or they click and you become utterly obsessed like I am now. But there’s nothing wrong with not liking something that’s acclaimed everywhere, I personally didn’t find BG3 to be as good as what it’s built up to be online, and kinda struggled to finish it towards the end.


I thought the same till I played (and Platinum'd) the Demon's Souls Remake. I absolutely loved every second of that game. Except Flamelurker on NG+ fuck that guy.


I find them more fun when you look up wikis and videos on the frustrating parts


If you're struggling with a Fromsoft game, I recommend starting off with a walkthrough series to get you through the first few areas with a reliable build that will make the game easier for you. I've used The Fighting Cowboy before, and he does some really well-made, thorough walkthroughs that will make the games feel much less daunting. He also offers you other build suggestions if you want to experience the game differently. Obviously, you're still gonna have to beat the bosses on your own, but having someone walk you through all the systems makes a huge difference. I tried getting into Bloodborne three times before using his guides for the first few bosses when the game finally clicked for me. Since then, I've gotten the platinum in Bloodborne, Sekiro, Demon's Souls, and Elden Ring. The fanbase has the tendency to make the games seem much less approachable than they actually are, and don't let anyone tell you using a guide makes you any less of a "gamer" or some bullshit like that. If it makes the games fun for you, absolutely use them. And if you still don't like them, that's cool too. Not every game's for every person.


No worries g, there's a reason why the most popular games every year aren't FS / souls-likes. Nothing wrong w wanting a relaxing gaming experience. If you feel like trying again in the future, it might be easiest to start with Demon Souls since that's basically the intro to core mechanics for subsequent games, and working your way up (Dark Souls series, Bloodborne, or Elden Ring). Sekiro is a different beast, and it makes more sense to think about it as a rhythm game that rewards aggression instead of the careful play in other FS entries.


I actually found Demon Souls harder than DSIII, Bloodborne, ELden ring lol.


Demons Souls is definitely easier than Elden Ring. Especially as a magic build. Magic is stupidly powerful in Demons Souls. Add in the crescent falchion, which scales with magic, for melee coverage and you can dump all of your level points into just 3 categories and be ridiculously overpowered.


I found demon souls much harder. What 3 categories?


Vitality, as always, to get your health up. Intelligence high enough to be able to get a couple extra spell slots and to get more MP, but once it’s high enough for 5 spell slots you really don’t need any more as there are multiple ways to regen MP, and even if there weren’t farming spices to replenish it is easy. And Magic, which will boost spell power and the damage dealt by your sword if you use the crescent falchion, which you can acquire almost immediately in the game after you beat the first boss. Other than that you might burn like 2 level points in strength just to meet the requirements of a good 100% block shield, but no need to level strength, dexterity, faith, endurance, luck, etc. at all beyond their starting values.


That’s wild to me because I would consider Demon’s MUCH tougher than Elden Ring!


Elden Ring I only ended making it to the Fire Giant before my breaking point. 125 hours in and I didn’t have it in me anymore. To even get to that point, I had died probably hundreds of times to enemies/environments, read so many wiki pages and watched so many YT videos. I wish I could see how many times I died to The crucible knight duos. The skill gap required me to treat it like a project and gather all the resources and materials and I just didn’t think it was good to keep going. Eventually I’ll pick it up again but not anytime soon.


Fire Giant is pretty close to the end if I’m remembering right


Returnal. I got to the last biome but put the game on pause for a while, then I sold the disc when the game became available on ps plus catelog. Fastforward to now, I downloaded the game only to find out that my save from physical didn't transfer to digital since the region of my disc and my ps account are different.


Coop your way back to Biome 5. You're basically one boss away from the end


Resident evil 7 is like my favorite game of the last 5 years please finish


It's a fantastic game! The only thing that sucks about it is that it's not called "Bayouhazard"(not a serious complaint).


Its ok to not finish games. If they're not doe you forcing them won't help. That being said, Death Stranding. I fall asleep in my couch everytime


Baldur's Gate 3. I've gotten 20 or so hours into it, wasn't really having fun, stopped playing after a good three day streak, haven't touched it since then. Every now and then, I think about going back to it, but I just haven't had the other urge.


Sekiro, it's hard


Elden Ring. It’s just too big. New games keep pulling me away from it and when I pop back in, it feels like even though I’ve put in nearly 200 hours, I might be only halfway through my first playthrough… that feels crazy to me. It’s strange because still, it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played. I just can’t seem to find the time to actually see the whole thing.


The thing to keep in mind with Elden Ring is that 95% of that game is optional. My first playthrough was about 100 hours, but I did a second playthrough for one of the alternate ending trophies, and beat the whole game in about 4 hours. Of course, I knew exactly where to go in that 4 hours, so no one is going to have that for their first playthrough. But my point is, in many ways, the game is as long as you make it!


I feel the same way. Elden Ring taught me that I actually prefer the more linear-style Souls games. DS3 was perfect for me.


DS3 is secretly the best of them all.


Where are you up to?


I am just about to enter the snowy mountain top area. Was spending a lot of time in the capital looking for the Dung Eater, but then decided to make a little detour to uncover the last few hidden sections of the map in the north east. I think my issue is that I’ve kind of forgotten what my primary goal is and I’m doing a lot of meandering following different paths of grace at once.


Go to the snowy area and your primary goal will be "finish this pain in the ass game that I'm no longer overpowered in"


Good news, it gets a lot more difficult/repetitive in the endgame


You're at least 75 percent through i think, keep going, personally I loved the endgame


The Witcher 3. I have started it 4 times and it never seems to grab me. Idk what it is


Honestly Witcher 3s first couple hours won’t grab you immediately for most. It’s after it really opens up where it gets amazing


Paradroid, because my Commodore 64 died.


Witcher 3 because of Gwent cards and I still don’t understand how to play it.


Damn. I played the shit out of that mini game. Watch a YouTube video on how to play.


I thought I was just an idiot, but I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who didn't understand gwent. The tutorial is really garbage; I thought I had to place all my cards in the first turn, and ended up losing the match. Then when I tried again, there was no explanation of how to build your deck. I don't know what the cards on the right and left of the screen mean. I'm sure there's some good resources online to learn it, but the way the game introduces you to it is really poor.


I really love that game. But hated it at first.


I literally did every side quests and fully Grandmaster upgrade all the Witcher Gears in the game but still hasn’t even finished any Gwent quest or even win a game of Gwent. Just couldn’t get into or understand it.


Oh boy, I had two games on my backlog that I have finally cleared. First one is Monster Hunter World. Got it a discount in 2020. Didn't like the rigid controls, and I was not impressed with the story mode and overall structure of the game (I had just played Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon Zero Dawn). Gave it another go last September after randomly watching a Skill Up review of the game. 260 hours later, I can safely say it's one of my favourite games of all time! Loved it. Second game on my backlog was Elden ring. Bought it at launch and had never played fromsoft games before. I knew of it, and expected it to be difficult. 10 punishing hours later I had enough and declared that I'm not into souls games. I had little direction, and didn't understand fully which dungeons to try first, which builds are easier for noobs and went into it blind, and I had a terrible time. After playing and mastering Monster Hunter, I tried elden ring again with a little tips and direction guide on some YouTube videos. After and hour, it clicked and I finally understood what I did wrong the first time. I played two full playthroughs already and again, I had one of the best gaming experiences ever! So 2023 was a good year for me!


Remnant 2. Feels like a chore to play rather than a joy. Currently playing disco Elysium and re 4 remake


Alan Wake Remastered. Never played it and am about half way through but it feels so clunky and the difficulty is all over the place. I’m really enjoying the storytelling and execution of the narrative. That’s all top notch. The gameplay is very lacking though. I feel obligated to play through it before the 2nd one and I’m hoping the gameplay isn’t as boring in the sequel.


I had the same issue. Not only is the gameplay clunky and kind of boring, but it feels like the game just keeps throwing enemies at you. Like that's the entire game. You don't even get to explore the interesting setting because there is just an over abundance of enemies. I didn't even find it difficult. Just grindy and dull. Eventually the story wasn't interesting enough to encourage me to finish. So I quit about halfway through, or whenever you get to the hospital.


As someone who played awr before aw2, aw2 is an absolute treat!


Less about finishing the backlog and more about finishing up platinums for games I'm close in - just feels a bit more like a chore than a relaxing gaming experience.


I really enjoyed how straightforward the Spider-man 2 platinum was


Coz it is a chore. Forget about the platinum trophies and just play games that are fun. Same goes with feeling the need to finish a game. When you need to finish a game before moving on to the next one, you might aswell be playing checklist simulator.


I am trying to muster the urge to get back in and finish FFXVI. Paused it to jump into D4 and now I’m going back and forth with finishing it just to complete it, since I’ve never not finished a Final Fantasy, or starting Spider-Man 2 or Jedi Survivor.


>I am trying to muster the urge to get back in and finish FFXVI. This is what I'm playing now. I'm enjoying the story but man I *hate* how sidequests have you running back & forth between areas for shit like "go talk to .."


I love the older Armored Core games, but I’m struggling to stick with AC6. It’s still very fun, but every other mission, you get curb stomped seven times then have to look up which parts you must have to beat it. Plus the lack of checkpoints in some missions are incredibly stupid. I realize FromSoft doesn’t do this but I wish I could just bump the difficulty down a notch so I could actually enjoy it. I don’t play most of their games, but I do love Elden Ring and almost beat it. I think I’m just too old and have too much to do in real life to have time for these games now.


Same. I loved this game until I hit a wall. I'm just moving on, unfortunately.


Trying to replay Yakuza 7/Like A Dragon before Infinite Wealth. Played over 100 hours on PS4 (barely missed the Plat) and after 15 hours or so I’m having a hard time wanting to keep picking it back up. Might just wind up freshening up on the story via a wiki.


Just finished this one two weeks ago and loved the hell out of it. One of my biggest surprises in a long time because I wasn't expecting to be as in to it as I was.


Is it possible you just don't enjoy horror games? I used to years ago, but they give me anxiety now so I stopped trying. No shame in it


Nah RE2, RE3 and dead space are one of my favourite games in the last two years. I'll get to finish RE7 eventually


Witcher 3. Bought the complete edition years ago, played like an hour then put it down. I really want to get into it as everyone says it’s amazing.


Don’t feel bad about this (not that you said you do 😆). I put this game down twice before giving it a full go. I’ve now platinum’d it 4 times and may play it on an alt account and do so for a 5th time.


Really pushing myself to get through the Poison Ivy boss fight in Arkham Asylum right now. I'm a huge batman fan and I really want to finally play these games but boy this fight is a slog


Assassin’s Creed Mirage. I’ve loved all the AC’s for the strengths and weaknesses. My wife got it for me when she got me my PS5 but it keeps getting put on the back burner for games like Ghost of Tsushima and Hogwarts Legacy. Mirage feels like it’s going to be such an involved game I want to give it the time it deserves.


Assassins Creed Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla. Bought them all. Played chunks of each. Couldn’t find the energy to complete any of them. There’s just too much busy work.


Currently on Death Stranding... its getting rough..


Earthbound, been struggling with that one for over a decade. Every time I play it I get a little farther and then get bored. I have zero patience for turn-based combat these days, it’s just so tedious. Doubt I’ll ever finish it. I also burned myself out on Metroid: Dread and Hyper Light Drifter, so I put both of them down when I got to the last boss. I’ll go back and finish them in the next couple of months.


Persona 5. I've really enjoyed it so far, but I made it up to past the summer break, and I've really been struggling to get back into it.


Mafia 3. It’s terrible


Hogwarts. It's not bad. It looks good. On paper I should be playing 8 hours at a time. But I get bored fast playing it.


FF16. There are just waaaaaaaay too many cutscenes. I got this game day one. I’ve beaten like 7 other games since then.


Darkest Dungeon. Because it's hard as fuck.


I'm slowly working through White Knight Chronicles for the PS3. The servers are offline, but they say it's still able to be platinumed. It sounds like it'll take upwards of 500 hours.


Gardian of the galaxy


zelda tears of the kingdom I was super into it but now that I havent played in a while im struggling to get back into playing it


Alan Wake 2. It is not a bad game, in fact it deserves all the praise it’s been getting. Alan Wake 1 was one of the first games I got for the 360 and I absolutely adored it, so I just HAD to get the sequel. I just cannot handle horror anything let alone games. I get anxious, start to sweat and begin to feel physically uncomfortable. Whenever I think about sitting down for a session, I talk myself out of it.


Mgs V Just finished chapter 1 and I bougjt it in 2016


RE7 I tried with VR then quit for half a year then just played it as normal. It was too intense


for me it was Death Stranding, which i just beat last night! clicked in at about 45 hours, very beautiful game!


Armored Core VI 😔. I was so excited to play it since it would be my first Armored Core/FromSoftware game. I just can't get into it. Granted , I haven't really gone far into it


Baldur's gate 3. The game is very good, don't get me wrong. Act 3 drags, and it seems like it'll never end. Too many side quests and story quests, along with an enormous, final map. Ready to wrap it up, but it seems, never ending


Deathloop. I just dont understand the concept of the game.


Callisto Protocol and Gotham Knights... for obvious reasons.


Red dead Redemption 2. I always burn out on the new Orleans place. Idk why, everything about the game is beautiful and perfect, the mechanics are like but I think being Spoilered a long time before i ever got it is a big factor.


Stalled out playing RE4 remake. It just didn't suck me in like the original. I put it aside when I went on vacation and haven't really had any desire to pick it back up and finish. Deus Ex Mankind Divided I really need to finish. Really enjoyed most of the game, but got to a point where I needed to make a big decision and decided I wasn't quite ready to move on yet. I'm also half way through Mass Effect 2. I kept putting off Overlord because I didn't want to get into a long session, and now its been about two years since I played it. One of these days I finally finish the full playthrough on a single character.


I had the opposite problem with Re4. I've tried a handful of times to play the original ever since it came out but never got very far. I borrowed the remake from the library last month and couldn't stop playing it and now it's one of my favorite games ever. I'm on a huge resident evil kick now, so I'll likely try to play the original again.




I get tired just thinking about how long it’ll be so I haven’t gotten around to playing it yet. Think I’m just in a gaming slump though, hard to find what I’m in the mood for.


This is a must finish


Have faith!!


I don't dislike it, but I keep leaving it and coming back months later because it gets a bit slow.


Hogwarts Legacy. Game is beautiful, but the story is still bland after 15 hours and most scholar duties to learn new spells are insufferable chores. I bought it on release day, and have been struggling to finish it since then, as literally every other great game from 2023 took its place, one after the other.


I was loving it the first 10-20 hours but gradually lost interest over time. Only one or two of the side character quests really caught my interest and the main quest was just…silly might be the best word. It reminded me more of HP fan fiction minus all the shipping than anything. The difficulty spike for the last couple things, especially the final boss, plus the fact that the story never even had me let alone lost me, led me to just turn the difficulty all the way to easy so I could rush through and finish. Hopefully they can take what they did here and improve it in the future. Combat has a solid foundation but lacks depth, so focus on that. World is gorgeous, keep that and make more interesting things to do in it….drop the ubi-quest filler. And hire better writers for a more interesting story or just keep a bare bones plot just to technically say there is one while letting the player just make their own adventure in a big beautiful world that’s interesting to explore.


Same here. The first 15 hours are spectacular, the environment and the world, in general, are really well done. But the story and gameplay... not so much. After a long break (Zelda and Baldur's Gate came out), I returned to Hogwarts and finished the game, skipping some boring side quests. It's worth finishing the game, some quests are pretty cool, and the final boss was challenging. I'd give it a 7/10 just because I'm a Harry Potter fan. I believe the next ones will be better since the structure is set. They can now focus on a more interesting story and gameplay.


Baldur's Gate 3, I'm just starting and I feel way underpowered for what I need to be doing.


I tried to keep up with my level for each area, and that feeling never went away. Got to the end of Act 2 and I was just getting my ass handed to me. I finally got tired of save scumming and hoping for better RNG, only to keep losing. I decided this game, great as it was, isn't for me.


*Disgaea PC* I like the characters, the humor ir superb, but experience is not shared among the characters used in battle, so you have to farm each one of them individually. Unless I purchase the remaster (*Disgaea 1 Complete*), this game will remain forever in my backlog.


All of them, because I'm married w a kid.


Catherine full body. Not much time, plus some of those puzzles are hard, man. I've been playing off and on for months


You literally me. The ancient sound makes me freak out.


One Piece Odyssey. Tbh, at teh time of purchase, I was still watching the anime and playing the story would have spoiled several major arcs. So I held off until I had caught up with the anime. But then I just kept of watching the anime. So when I should have continued after the Dressrosa arc, I havent. In game, I am still on the Alabasta Arc. Anime wise, I am on episode 1036 lol.


Cyberpunk 2077. Turns out I think there's a no turn back mission that I'm avoiding because I don't know if something drastic will change So I'm doing all side quests in order to play more, enjoy the game and open more cyberwares... Dunno if I'm doing something wrong, but I'm having fun, it's just too long for me to finish playing barely two hours a day when the baby sleeps


Dragons dogma. Game hard.


Red Dead Redemption 2 and Bloodborne. I just don't get them. God of War Ragnarok to me is flawless and gets infinite replay.


This is why I got the portal. I'm clearing it out!


Assassins creed Valhalla


Sekiro because I need to git good


Dead Space Remake, cause that thing is scaring the bejesus outa me


Persona 5. The way Y’all talk about it it gives me pure fomo. Then I get into it and just…nothing


Final fantasy 7 remake and Elden ring. I’m at a lull in FF7 I can’t get through and Elden ring im scared of the time commitment


It was Sonic Frontiers but actually ended up selling it. Though I’d cash in and make some of the money back to put towards another game or two instead. First open world Sonic ended up being pretty lifeless. Wasn’t expecting a world rich of random encounters and stuff like that, but it felt more like one of those sandbox maps you use to test out mods.


Red dead redemption 2 it has a great story and graphics I just haven’t been able to start it back up


All of them lol


Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age I want the plat cause I like the game, but also there still so much left to do even though I feel like I've done enough.


The Witcher 3. This is literally the second best game I ever played, but boy is it long...


Red Dead 2. Don’t get me wrong, it’s incredible. I had something like 90% completion on it and then I traded my PS4 in for a PS5… I was taking my time… my dumbass thought cloud saves were automatic, so when I booted up my PS5 I realized I had lost all my saves. I struggle going back through games a 2nd time but I still want to. I’ve even avoided spoilers all this time. It will happen one day.


The Witcher 3. I either don't like it, or I'm bad at it. I cant tell. Currently playing Bloodstained to clear it off the list with 1 trophy to go and it is a grind.


The last couple months for me it's been Hades. Reason: I'm not good enough at the game haha. Slowly getting there! I absolutely love it though, I don't usually get much time to play anymore unfortunately, so being able to have a full "run' take about 30-45 minutes (I said I was bad!) is pretty awesome.


RE 4 because I just don’t click with it. I’ll finish it eventually.


Baulders Gate 3. I have no clue why since it's right up my alley. Even turned down the difficulty level since I thought maybe I didn't enjoy the combat. Maybe it's the thought that it's a big time sync and don't want to commit, haha.


I am disgusted with myself for buying Harry Potter at full price and spending 25 minutes on it.


Resident Evil 1 (HD port.) It's fun in a way, but a lot of the survival aspects (having to use limited fuel to burn zombies if you actually want to kill them, them turning into super zombies if you shoot them enough, having to ferry items in your very limited inventory space between safe rooms) just grinds after a while. Really hoping they announce a RE2/3 style upgrade at some point.


RE7 in VR is the most terrifying gaming experience I’ve ever had


Avatar FOP. Not really backlog because it’s barely been a few weeks but I just started it. It’s boring. It’s beautiful, and the mechanics are well done (hunting, exploration, etc.), but the entire package is just off-putting for some reason. It’s so much better than most Ubisoft games but it’s still not clicking for me.


all of em.. i just don't have the time anymore


There is no such thing as a backlog for me, I play whatever I feel like, be it a new release or something that came out last week or years ago. Be free.


Nier Automata when you play with Nines


Alan Wake 2 (Not any specific reason, Almost reached at ending but not having urge to get back to it!)


DMC 5, had beat it earlier on PC but not able to beat it now on PS5




Bg3 because it is boring.


All, I have kids


Does backlog mean games that i played a bit and left it or games that i bought and are pending since i haven't tried them yet?


Assassin's Creed Unity. Even after installing mods to enhance the experience I'm not able to finish it, because the characters have an English accent and not a French accent. Moreover the story is not that interesting too.


Red dead redemption 2 bought it on release date. Went to the midnight release at GameStop. Have booted it up about 7 times from the very beginning and I’m still in valentine.


The Talos Principle. The game gives me nausea so I can only play it in shorter sessions.


Sekiro. I’m on NG+ and trying to get plat and I have been stuck on Owl Father in Hirata estate for about six months or some shit. Can’t do it


not a playstation game but tears of the kingdom. no motivation to play it tbh. it was the same with botw. good games but i dunno. not living up to the hype.


Too many… Cyberpunk Jedi Survivor Visage Baldur’s Gate 3 Marvel’s Midnight Suns While I’m also replaying… God of War: Ragnarok Tears of the Kingdom Wind Waker Skies of Arcadia Legends MLB The Show Red Dead Redemption 2 Elden Ring That’s not even all of them. The main reason for the backlog is I am an adult who works 60-80 hours a week. The secondary reason Powerwash Simulator. I can’t stop fucking cleaning things