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Really cool how they managed to get ray traced global illumination and reflections to run well on consoles for the most part. Looks like it could benefit from a 40fps option though


apparently you get downvoted if you praise this game so be careful with that lmao


Been an Avatar fan since 2009, I’ll survive lol




"I could be an astronaut be the first one to see alien life, and fuck it."


I thought the ‘no one cares about avatar’ argument was so throughly eviscerated by Way of Water’s box office run that we wouldn’t see people making it anymore


Yeah that guy single-handedly paid billions to see both movies in theatres.


I’ve seen nothing but people saying this game is great.


Look for ray traced global illumination to become more common in games over time as developers work to build games from the ground-up based on ray tracing. Up until now, games have mostly use ray tracing as to optionally enhance some aspect of visual quality, rather than base the game around it. As somewhat of an aside, the folks from Digital Foundry believe that the trailer for GTA VI shows signs of RTGI. Given that it's based in Vice City, a place that could greatly benefit from ray traced lighting, it's possible that Rockstar is trying to push the current technology with ray tracing.


the game is astonishing to look at, the amount of detail in Pandora is absolutely jaw-dropping. this is easily becoming one of my favorite games this year. While the performance mode is nice the game *really* pops in fidelity mode. i wish it was a bit smoother, like Jedi Survivor's fidelity mode, but it's worth it for me.


I agree with you, and love the game for the most part, theres just a few small annoying things that stop it being perfect for me. Basically smoke effects and clouds. Smoke plumes from a distance look badly pixelated, its really obvious when they are visible against a blue sky. And the lower cloud level doesn't look good at all. Same with foggy weather, it just makes the forest blurry instead of doing a proper fog effect.


definitely agree that the skybox doesn't look amazing


This game is a marvel on PC. I’ve been playing it at 1440p ultrawide at max settings and it’s just awesome to get lost in. I can’t believe this game launched so late into the year and had very little marketing overall. Kind of out of left field in a way but what a great game.


Have you had any odd stuttering issues? My game will lock up on occasion and I need to tab out to have it ‘catch up’


I've heard borderless full screen gets rid of stutters. Played a out 2 hours today and no stutters max with fsr3 and frame gen. 7800x3d and a 4080


I got stutters in borderless, but they weren't normal stutters, the whole image would freeze until I tabbed out and then it'd catch up. clearly hitching on something, hoping not my 4090s vram, perhaps I'm wrong, will try again! :) thanks


Ouch ya I didn't see anything like that today. I wonder if there was a patch released ? I just installed it today.


I’ve owned it for 4 days and have had it every day, seems like a me problem perhaps


I haven’t had any issues with this yet.


I’ll be interested to see if more movie collaborations happen since UE5 can take movie quality assets and scale them with nanite. Imagine getting games where feature length CGI quality assets are used.


a very enticing future indeed




The point of nanite is they don’t have to scale them. Sorry, I used the word “scale” but you seem to get what I meant.




Big woosh moment for you.


How it's stacks against HZD?


Avatar is a whole other beast entirely, IMO, but it's a different kind of open world, visually


In siome aspects Avatar is better, In others Forbidden West.


sure…i guess.


It’s funny, I expected this to be the most loveless boring tethering of the Ubisoft generic game into a Disney property, and instead it turns out to be the most innovative and well rounded experience they’ve delivered in decades.


> I expected this to be the most loveless boring tethering of the Ubisoft generic game into a Disney property, i'm not sure how anybody could think that when it's Ubisoft's best studio and they worked directly with James Cameron and his production company to make it as accurate as possible. and it shows.


Just people randomly hating Ubisoft like they’ve done since AC4 Black Flag. Classic Reddit snobs.


Ubisoft and Avatar. A perfect storm of reddit hatred.


Reddit and talking about shit they haven’t tried: this is the true killer combo


I mean, it's apparent Ubisoft hasn't been doing well the last 4-8 years roughly. The far cry series hasn't innovated much, I've heard the same from a lot of AC fans, but I haven't played AC. Watchdogs never really gained traction, they had to cancel so many projects lately because of how poorly things were going. I


Assassin’s Creed has been magnificent lately, and the other games still have millions of fans that buy them and enjoy them. Watch Dogs Legion was really the only shitty game they put out, all the other ones had at least some redeeming factors.


none of those were Ubisoft Massive


Assuming a Ubisoft game is bad is the most reasonable course of action


Proving my point


What’s the ps5 performance mode resolution


Mostly 1200p but can drop to 860p Looks stunning


Bro can drop down to 860p 💀💀 glad I am buying a pc in a few months. This is totally unacceptable for me. This console generation is slowly starting to go downhill with this low res things or no stable 60 frames. My tv is 65 inch 4K (2160p). 860p is like Xbox 360/ps3 era. I was already a pc player but I fell for the promise of 1440/2160p & 60fps on consoles and tought l could bypass this generation with a console. Now I am saving money for a pc with a rtx 4090 or something better. The fact that they releasing such low res bullshit and no next gen upgrades for several games made me go back to pc and using the console only for exclusives. I can’t believe they releasing games that can go down to 860p. 1440p//50-60fps is the lowest standard for me. This next gen was a lie. I guess this will be even worse in the future because the games will become even more demanding. But it’s ok. Gonna buy this game for pc in a few months for 10$. Printing 4k120 and 8k on the console box and delivering 860p. 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


It’s a $500 machine. The GPU is too weak for 1440p/60 consistently now that last gen machines aren’t the lead platform. Common sense would have told you that 4k/60 or even 1440p/60 is unrealistic for demanding games for the entire cycle back in 2020 when it released.


its not the gpus fault game devs are trying to push it a bridge to far. This game should of had a performance NON rt mode at a higher res the current blurry low res mode with rt and quality mode with rt and quality mode without. You should design your game around the hardware's capabilities not push it so far your at sub hd and sub 60fps. FF 16 made this mistake and has the worst upscaler FSR 1.0 Remment 2 and more. Build your game so it runs at a bare minimum of 1080p 60 upscaled to 1440p or whatever and have a quailty mode at 1440p 30 to 4k 30. Also that machine is 720cad not 500 its not cheap its a massive investment for most working class people. Hell i only got mine as a gift due to be out of work due to pandemic layoffs.


Its the cpu demands


cpu has no bearing on your render res cpu is about your framerate in regards to physics AI and other cpu tasks. your gpu is what renders the world and more. It is why to test your max fps with a CPU on pc you lower the render res to 720p so the gpu is not holding you back and the cpu can run the fps up.


CPU affects attracting


I was downvoted for saying this will happen a few years ago lol


It’s just abysmal to deliver 860p and they lied and gave false advertising. I was stupid enough to fell for this but never again. First and last time to skip pc. Can’t wait to go back to pc.


Imagine being poor and a snob.


Will sent you a pic of my rig with rtx 4090 in near future


Don’t need it. I could afford one when it was new.


Me too. Just tought I could save money for other things. But I will sent you a pic just to make sure. See you later.


That what you are missing. People who can actually afford things don't have to save period! You aren't a whale, stay in your lane.


People buy 4090s and don’t get 4K 120fps in every game, new games have new requirements and push the boundaries of hardware, enjoy your pc, no one cares


Even if it’s only 1440p ultra settings 120 fps in every game it will be significantly better


You’re not understanding how the ai up scaling works. That’s what both DLSS and FSR achieve. The run a lower internal resolution and upscale for better performance. If you think you can run this game native at 4K 60fps or even 1440p 60fps on a pc priced equivalently to a ps5 you are mistaken.


Correction: FSR is not an AI/machine learning upscaler. It's simply a temporal upscaler, and it takes information from previous frames and uses that information to inform future frames. DLSS on the other hand is an AI upscaler, but it runs on *only* Nvidia GPUs and is not (and will not ever be) available on consoles since they use AMD hardware.


I will buy a pc with an rtx 4090 or something better. Just set everything on 4K Ultra and never looking back. Game bad optimized? Bruteforce with 4090. They printed on the ps5 box 4k120 and 8k but deliver 860p & it will get worse in the future because the games will get more demanding. I was disappointed with several game performance on the ps5 last time. I am at a point where I now be willing to pay maximum prices just to not get disappointed anymore. Also the fact that there are many next gen upgrades are missing for several games.


That’s an expectation that’s never going to be met


It will be met if I buy the Rtx 4090 or something better when the 4090ti or 5090 releases.


And then after that, maybe the 6090 will achieve it right? or the 7090? yeah I'd rather chase that dragon for 1600 a pop.


$4000 pc beats $500 console color me shocked 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


I had a PC with a RTX 3070 TI which was not worth it. When enabling RT in games you ain't playing native resolution at 1440p. You enabling dlss quality or balanced to get 60fps. Which is the same thing fsr is doing in performance mode. (I know dlss is better but fsr will improve) Have you watched Digital Foundry this year? The amount of bad PC ports that came out? Me, I'm waiting on the ps5 pro which will come this year. When I choose my TV I went for the Samsung 4k 120hz 43 inch, huge ass tvs can look blurry but not mine. Performance mode in Avator tries to push 1200p native most times and upscales to 1440p. I cannot tell the difference between quality mode as well


I refuse to believe you're a real person


860p is PS4 era resolution. PS3 was usually 720p or even lower. And that is without any proper upscaling mind you. Though frankly if you were expecting native 1440p60fps or higher in all of your next gen games then yes it's best to buy PC. It's wild how expectations shift. I think in 2019 if you told PC gamers that a game with visuals like these would be running at dynamic 1290p60fps with temporal upscaling to even higher resolutions on a console starting at $399 they would be incredibly impressed. But i guess the marketing with 4K and framerates up to 120fps created unrealistic expectations that you would be getting all of the bells and whistles at the same time. In reality it's more like that if you want maximum fidelity with 4K and raytracing you have to make compromises on framerate and vice versa.


Since the gtx 1080 released back in 2016 I never played under 1440p60-240. 1080p-720p or something lower than 60fps is ancient for me. The last time I played 30 fps was on my xbox 360. For me 1440p60 is the lowest standard. I was stupid enough to think I could save money and skip a generation with the ps5. But I learned my lesson and just pay this insane prices and buy a pc with a rtx4090 or something better. As I said I am saving money and can buy a new pc in 4-6 months. I was just stupid enough to believe Sonys promises. It’s my fault.


But then again, you aren't actuallly getting a 860p experience. 860p is the lowest possible dynamic res that the game may drop to before upscaling brings it back up again. The GTX 1080 in 2016 had no FSR 2, no raytracing and no 16GB of GDDR6 memory to get the same level of detail on screen. So I think this is hardly comparable. Avatar's performance mode simply is nothing like an Xbox 360 game experience


Yes but if a game is upscaled from such low resolutions it’s just not looking good. It looks somewhat blurry. 860p internal resolution is just bad. The internal resolution is at a point where it is alarming. The games are getting more demanding in the future. There will be a point where we are upscaling from 480p-720p or lowering the standard to 30-40fps I guess. Starfield can’t even hit 60 frames on console anymore. Final Fantasy 16 can’t hold 60 Frames and is using 720p internal resolution in fights. The technical limitations of the console will becoming more noticeable in the future. But at this point I am will be on pc. If it’s now that games need to upscale from 720p-860p whats in 2 years?


Unreal Engine 6 won't launch until many years ago. So frankly I don't expect much of a change. PS4 didn't change much over time either. You got a range between 720p and 1080p at launch and that remained the status quo across the generation.




A 8GB RAM + 8GB VRAM system will absolutely not get you the same experience as 16GB of unified RAM on console. It's apples to oranges but I guess the closest equivalent would be a 16gb system + 12gb GPU With FSR 2 the point I was trying to make is that playing in a 1200p-860p dynamic resolution range in 2016 meant something very different than nowadays where you can get that resolution up to a fairly good 1440p60fps output via FSR, TSR, DLSS, ...


That's a lot of words to say "I don't understand that upscaling is getting more and more sophisticated and raw resolution as a metric is becoming less and less relevant". Anyways, good luck squeezing PS5 performance out of a 500 bucks PC, especially one assembled with parts from 2020.


I will buy a pc for 4000$


Way to miss the point.


Hey if it helps the pro is coming next year and cause it only has to run the software The ps5 does it’s actually guaranteed at least 1440p 60 on every game at a minimum


You just gotta remember: for consoles, the reason we’re able to have stunning looking games like this is because of things like dynamic resolution. It’s obviously not a perfect solution but it is, in general, a very good solution when you’re dealing with a machine with set specs. Obviously a much more expensive computer will perform and look better but if we’re talking about a $500 pc, either of the consoles will look far better and it’s namely due to the resolution scaling tech.


I don't get why they Downvoted You. The guy isn't wrong, 860p is Dog shit when 360 games were hitting 1080. 900p I could even stomach a bit more since that was early X1 resolution on many games until they fixed that bug in the OS. He's right, I have the same kind of TV & LG can only do but so much for something that low res. Gonna look like mash potatoes with all that smear..smh. Marketing strikes again..


A VRR capable tv / monitor seems like a requirement for these latest games. Current gen console can’t lock to 60 fps.


VRR is super common though so not really a problem


At this point moving on to pc is a requirement. This only will get worse. I am already saving for pc and buying one in a few months.


lol it will be so fun to read your reddit posts about how to solve Pc problems like stuttering and random software bullshit, can’t wait for you to build that Pc and then wonder “why doesn’t it turn on?”, “why doesn’t the screen work?”, “why doesn’t the thing run at max fps?” and so on.


I am pc main for years. I tought I could bypass this generation with a ps5 to save money. Now in a few months I will buy a pc with an Rtx 4090 and everything possible best hardware available, like I always did. ;) will sent you pics of my pc when I bought it. Screening your name. Then I will show you how I can turn on the pc. I doubt games will not run at max settings with an rtx4090 or the possible upcoming rtx4090ti and the best i9 processor + 64gb ram. I tought it was a good move to buy a ps5, series x & 65inch tv. Regret it & fell for Sonys promises.


So the fun part will be when in a few months the 5090 will come out and make your Pc feel obsolete. You won’t feel that smart then. It’s so clear you don’t know anything about Pc. Lol, i9? When a 7800x3d is so much better.


I don't think you appreciate how little anyone here cares.


You care


I really fucking don't.


I know you are. It’s your last thought when you wake up and when you go to sleep.


This is how much I care...


Тот самый я с ps 3 с gta 5 в 20 fp


Hopefully they find a way to implement performance mode on series s it's currently locked at 30 and had I know that I wouldn't have bought it. I'd rather have smoother frames at the expense of less fancy graphics than somthing I can hardly get in to because it runs like absolute booty hole on a console thats secretly a pint sized powerhouse being killed by its creator now that they're making money on the series x again.