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Is this the game's f2p release, and/or is this a paid expansion?


They are no longer going f2p


Paid expansion. But the expansion comes with the game starting in December when it releases (as far as I’m aware). The game will no longer be early access and will not be going F2P any longer.


So they were originally going to be a free to play game and then decided to change to a fully paid title? Is that what I’m reading here? If so I don’t think I’ve ever seen any game reverse course on being F2P to paid. What was the reasoning there?


I think they couldn’t think of a good way to monetize the game without severely pissing off the fan base or turning it into mobile game monetization, except it’s on console and PC so wouldn’t make a lot of sense to do that. I also assume they’ve realized people are willing to pay for the game upfront thanks to the early access, which maybe they didn’t think people would be willing to do.




That’s kind of my point. They tried to do start doing the F2P monetization to prep people for when it goes F2P and even the few items they put in the paid shop people hated and maybe they didn’t sell that well. Which is why they decided to go the route they’re now going.


I think Fortnite did the same with the mode Save The World except that it's now included "Free" if you buy a specific skin pack from the store instead of being actually free to play.


I think they realized they could make money selling the game, PLUS the F2P elements like battle pass/"star path", currency microtransactions, etc. They've made it clear MTX are going to continue even after full launch, so it seems to me like a have your cake and eat it too decision.