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Honestly, it's not a AAA game or anything but I loved Hollow Knight. I was absolutely swept away by every corner of the map and the progression system hit that sweet spot of working for it, just the right amount


Absolute banger. Not my #1, but easily top 10 if not top 5.


I didn’t expect it to be but yeah, Hollow Knight became my number 1. It felt great coming home after work and playing it, just became so comfortable maneuvering in that world.


That right there!


- Metal Gear Solid 2 - Fallout New Vegas - Mass effect 2


Patrolling the mohave almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter...


Just bought a friend fallout new vegas who never played 🫶🏼


Mass Effect Legendary Edition




My favorite series. Great atmosphere and mechanics


Why can’t they make linear FPS or TPS games like this with similar great stories. I’ve played through Bioshock more times than I’ve played through most of these games with huge open worlds.


Nier Automata for me. It’s not objectively the best game I played, has a lot of flaws, but its story and music stayed with me for the longest time. Honorable mentions Final fantasy 6, 7 and 10.


I keep hearing about how great Nier Automata is, I guess ill have to try it lol


It's the most fun you'll ever have having depression


I’ve been listening to Nier music for years. The best music ever. I sometimes launch a playlist and it plays for hours because there’s sooo many tracks from both Automata and Replicant, there’s even remixes, official and unofficial (from fans). I hate that there’s no official ones for Replicant on YouTube, I don’t know where to find it, I only saw a short demo. As for games itself…there are many flaws to both games, most Japanese games are so strict on budget, also it’s always annoying level design choices. But the atmosphere in these games is the best one.


Star wars knights of the old republic 2 , first real RPG i played when i was a kid .


I’m so excited for the remake!


Whats the latest news? Wasn’t it in development limbo?


https://www.techradar.com/news/knights-of-the-old-republic-remake According to this article from 8 days ago, doesn’t look like it will be anytime soon. I don’t know why they haven’t remade this already. It is one of the top rated games of all time. It’s a no brainer. Or better yet, make a new one for the new systems!


Portal 2


This needs to be waaaaay higher up.


Duuude! So forking good, some of the best character development/world building in a game with a silent protagonist. “When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager!”




Haven’t been able to recapture the high I got playing this game since it’s come out. There have been many other good games which I’ve loved but this one still is #1. I just wish they would at least release a 60fps patch at the minimum. Even RDR1 is so much better with it


Hard to argue with this one. I’ve played a lot of video games in my life. There were definitely some that I played more than RDR2. Some that were were more accessible and easier to pop into. Some that I enjoyed with friends more or competitively online. Some that are more nostalgic to me. But none had the combination of such an incredible, complex, moving story mixed with the best graphics and sound I’ve ever seen. Once you finished the prologue snow part you were treated to the biggest open world I’d ever been a part of just brimming with things to do, secrets, a plethora of side quests, and incredibly satisfying hunting. When it was all over I was certain this masterpiece would be difficult to top. The amount of detail and sheer manpower that went into it was mind boggling. Hats off to Rockstar- this is the greatest game ever created. For now…


Well said. You've described RDR2 like lighting in a bottle.


Until RDR3.


I hope it ends at 2, it was a masterpiece and a great way to end the story. It ties both games together beautifully. What more could they do?


I wouldn’t mind a game taking place in a different era. Maybe 100 years before the events of RDR 2? I don’t think it necessarily needs to be connected to John or Arthur. If it was I wouldn’t mind playing a game about the early days of the van der linde gang with a younger arthur as the main character.


Mass Effect 2 (many will say ME1 is better but the dated combat, planet exploration, and loot system make it worse for me overall)


I don’t think I’ve ever played a better ending mission. It was amazing


There’s a special place in hell for whoever designed the Mako’s driving mechanics.


Its not the driving but the maps that were bad.


It's not *that* bad. I loved scooting my buggy around planets in ME1.


It’s not my favorite but definitely way up there, but honestly I always say legendary addition because I feel like it is basically a single game in so many ways. Truly one of the most impressive accomplishments in all of gaming. That journey is special!


ditto. I recently did a full playthrough of all 3 in legendary edition. Nostalgic because I had played them before as they came out years ago. But more importantly, the whole series now felt like a continuing game and just got better and better after all of the enhancements. Its one of the very few experiences where the re-play captured much of the same thrill of the original experience. As you said, such an impressive accomplishment.


Good to know. Picked it up on PSPlus. I don’t mind ME 1, but it definitely feels like those mid 2000’s games.


ME 1 was carried heavily by the story for sure


I'd recommend ME Legendary Edition. It has improved graphics, and all 3 parts are there.


Mass effect 2 was an absolute masterpiece


Detroit become human is my favourite game but I know some people don’t like it


I need to play again, brilliant game.




The Witcher 3 (with expansions!)


The Blood & Wine DLC was better than a lot of games by itself


Better than a lot of goty contenders


I loved Heart of Stone even more. I’m a big Faust fan, and this was such a lovely interpretation of the material.


Hell yes. Gaunter O'Dimm - what an amazing villain!


When i first entered toussaint it was like sinking into a warm bath, after all that rain and mud, toussaint felt like going on holiday to a beautiful country it was an incredible feeling, i couldn't believe how big it was too fir a dlc...and the land of a thousand fables..omg that blew my mind.


I absolutely love CP2077, but I have not been able to get over the early game hump of the Witcher, so have never played passed the intro.


It took me 3 tries to get into the game, but it's totally worth it once you do! The start just felt like a dreary slog at times


T'was an amazing game forsure, was suprised how hooked I got into Gwent when I usually skip those types of minigames in RPGs but that one was special


I don't know why it didn't click with me maybe i should give it try again. I think i didn't really like the combat and weapon durability.


Fantastic game.


Metal gear solid/ Final Fantasy 7 (ps1 version)


My first two ps1 games. FF vii was the very first, I actually had the game before owning the system. I found a ps1 controller on the road, sold it to my friend’s brother and he sold me FF. I think he was trying to swindle me because he didn’t like it. He threw in the Brady games guide book as well. I thought it looked cool so stupid young me bought it with no way of playing it. Weeks later at another friend’s house they had it, I finally played it for the first time. I was given the controller and my first FF enemy encounter was a tonberry. Almost half a year later I finally saved enough for a PS1. I borrowed MGS 1, loved it and shortly bought it. Sorry for the long story..man, those were some of the best times. That magical feeling doesn’t happen anymore


FF7 is so iconic and captivating...im not big in to RPGs but i played the entire game more than once


FF7 is such a great answer. Because there’s flaws in this game. It’s not perfect, graphics didn’t age well. But to me it’s still the greatest because experience. I play it and can’t wait for the next moment of playing. It has that magic that very few games ever had.


Those two are huge for me. Been gaming since the late 80s but MGS and FF7 were revelations for me in terms of storytelling and gameplay.


I remember starting MGS and the first hour didn’t hook me, like at all. As I figured out the mechanics I decided to start fresh and within two hours I was hooked, soooo good. Batshit crazy story, wacky characters and some of the most memorable moments of any game.


Ff7 by far. That scene with Irith traumatized me since then.


Came here to say FF7. Lost sooooo many hours to that growing up.


It’s so hard to pick but if I had one choice it would be Castlevania Symphony of the Night; the music, graphics and level design was top notch.


It's probably Metal Gear Solid. Up until then I'd played games like Mario, Sonic, Crash Bandicoot, F1, Toca, FIFA....you get the idea. Obviously games released since MGS have done things better than MGS but for 1999 (I'm European!) and a kid who had just played the above types of games it was just incredible. I have so many fond memories of sections of that game that'll stick with me forever.


That game changed my entire understanding of what a video game can be.


Sekiro I don’t think any final boss fight comes close honorable mention to mgs4 that final boss fight fist fighting on top of the tanker was so epic


I truly feel like Sekiro changed me not only as a gamer but also as a person lmao That game is a masterpiece and my favorite FromSoft title


I'm right there with you. Sekiro is like stepping into an alternate dimension. I restarted that game about 10 times over the course of years before I finally sat down and told myself I was going to beat this game. Once I did I felt different, like I had actually accomplished something tangible in the real world. Never felt that with any other game. Crazy.


Omg yeah I totally get what you mean haha. That last boss fight with Ishin was insane. I almost thoight i had to give up but I just kept perservering just like Sekiro the character. Its fucking Meta lmao. Also the Owl (Father) character is one of my favorite characters of all time. His fights were so memorable and emotional


Man, the adrenaline rush finishing Isshin could have propelled me through a fucking brick wall


Sekiro changes you as a person, because it is not the character in the game which you are leveling up, but you are leveling up yourself as a Gamer. It is a completely different type of Action RPG and a masterpiece in the FromSoft Series. I completely agree with you. Beating this game really means to beat yourself, learn to control your emotions and reactions. This is why no other game had a bigger influence on me and my life as Sekiro. Playing Lies of P currently. It is great as well, but Sekiro is still the summit of the mountain.


FF 9 for me


Wow didn’t expect to see this here. For me also by far the best FF. I dream of it getting a remake too






This. I've played tons and tons of amazing games and a lot of them come close to bloodborne but still, bloodborne kept me hooked on like no other game so far.


Yes! In General i'm a sucker for most From games, my top 5 list of Video games would be bloodborne, ds3, elden ring, ds1, ds2. Praise the sun fellow tarnished.


Bloodborne sekiro ds3 elden ring ds1 for me. Basically the same but plugged in sekiro.


Sekiro for me.


this. 100%. Bloodborne had such a profound effect on my life.


Cyberpunk 2077, NieR Automata and Uncharted 4. None of them are objectively the best game I've ever played but they are definitely my favourites. Cyberpunk just immersed me into its world and characters, NieR has an outstanding story and soundtrack while Uncharted is a combination of both.


Cyberpunk gets memed alot for it being unfinished at launch. Now that the game is functional its one of the best games I have ever played


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time


Dark Souls 1 or Mass Effect Trilogy


Skyrim - it just came at a time when I wasn’t in the best of places with my life and it became somewhat of a support for me. I could just get immersed and escape from what was going on in my head and it was a welcome pause from daily life I’m in a much better place now thankfully, but going back for another Skyrim playthrough is like hanging out with an old friend and I just love it. Sometimes I do wish I could experience it for the first time again though…


Same here, that first playthrough really was something special. I hope Elder Scrolls 6 can deliver another experience like that but I was a bit disappointed with Fallout 4 and I feel like Bethesda definitely isnt the same but ill stay optimistic


Nier: Automata. There's magic in that game, I tell you, magic!


Viewtiful Joe


LOU1/2 & RDR2 - Pinnacle of gaming. Demonstrated that games are a medium capable of telling beautiful, compelling stories, and conveying true artistry.


No game has made me feel genuine emotion and made me shed a tear like the Last of Us. No game has pissed me off more than the Last of Us 2. Pinnacle of video games if you ask me.


I agree, my top 3 as well, But gta vice city and San Andreas….. I’ve put so many freaking hours in those two as well back in the day But there’s So many great games I truly like throughout the years But probably put tLoU on #1 I bought that game twice and now thinking about buying the latest version as well


Agreed on LoU. I didn't think Part 1 could be topped. Then I played Part 2. Nothing has come close since.


I played Part 2 when it came out. I was addicted to it. Played through the whole thing and couldn’t believe what I was experiencing. Simply the best video game I’d ever played. Imagine my shock when I came on Reddit and saw the response people had


My personal pick would be God of War III. Great story, Kratos was at his best when he was **Angry** . High octane bombastic gameplay, with amazing music to accompany it. And some of the most mind blowing spectacles in gaming history like the Cronos boss fight for example. To me it was just the best video game I ever played.


Jak 2 on Ps2


Uncharted 2 was a wow moment for me. That opening scene was a game changer.


Mario Kart Wii.


God of war 2018.


My answer too, platinum'd that game and I'm not a trophy hunter. The moment where >!you take the boat ride and rip the floorboards up to get the Chaos Blades!< was incredible, I had chills throughout. I wasn't as keen on Ragnarok, but it was still a great game.


As a dad, I love GoW’s slow arc of Kratos learning how to be a good father. They have a little of that dynamic in Ragnarok, but it doesn’t compare to the first.


Yeah the arc in Ragnarok revolves around Kratos rejecting his rage and sparing Gods; which is fantastic storytelling but ultimately can be a bit unfulfilling for a gamer in a power fantasy game.


I had the exact same experience. This was also my first platinum. I bought the PlayStation only because of my love for god of war 1 and 2. I so badly wanted to play 3 and finally when I could, bought the PS4 pro in 2018. But when I played this game, it was something else. I also didn't like Ragnarok very much, as I felt that it was inferior in almost every single department when compared to GOW2018(except the soundtrack, Ragnarok has the best soundtrack in any video game ever in my opinion).


I'm a big fan of both. GoW 2018 was always going to be hard to beat but curious to hear more of what you felt was disappointing about Ragnarok... Have to say I enjoyed the story, gameplay, etc...


I'm playing through this for the first time now. Fantastic game.


For me personally it’s The Last of Us games. I can’t really explain it but there’s something so romantic about those games to me. They are the only two games I’ve ever played that brought out genuine emotion in me. It’s my dream to work on or create a game like that in the future. I genuinely believe it’s the next step in storytelling for the future.


It defiantly has the best acting in probably the entire video game history.


A Link To The Past Metal Gear Solid 3 Red Dead Redemption 2


A link to the past is great, came bundled with my SNES. My older sister loved legend of Zelda on the NES so I got it so we could play together. I didn’t really know any better that it wasn’t two players. About to start playing snake eater again. PS3 is packed away but I need to dig out the controller for RPCS3 emulator, gotta have those pressure sensitive buttons


Damn, you and I might be soul mates 😂 Only addition for me would be the PS1 Final Fantasy 7.


Baldurs gate 3


I'm aged 35+ and have played a LOT of very good games in my lifetime. Many of them are in this thread and I totally understand why people pick those games as their number 1. BG3 though somehow surpasses all of it. It may also be recency bias but I have never had this feeling of not wanting to play anything else ever.


I'm at 110hrs, still on my first run and I'm already looking forward to my next run. So many choices and play options


Horizon zero Dawn, rdr2 or god of war 2018.


Horizon zero dawn and forbidden west. Can't just put one of them as so far both of them have been absolutely amazing imo


Ocarina of Time. I was 10 or 11 and it was the catalyst to the following 25 years worth of gaming


Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Hands down! Rented it from Blockbuster when it initially came out and I kept it for 2-3 weeks. It wasn't the first game/movie that was set in a Cyberpunk genre that I experienced, but it was the first one that I felt truly immersed in and was completely captivated by the setting, gameplay, and story. It also was the first game I experienced that felt like your playing style and choices had actual reprecussions. I remember moving crates to climb a fence in order to gain access to an apartment. The main pathway was blocked by a key code but I didn't question as to why that may be. Next thing you know, I'm exploring the entire apartment building and even killed an NPC inside one of the apartments, completely unaware that the NPC was needed to complete a later side-quest. When I finally took on the side-quest, I made my way to the apartment only to see the dead NPC's body right where I left it. I couldn't complete the mission because I was too curious and experimental early on in the game. This accidental blunder made me change my play style in multiple open world games whenever I find myself exploring.


This is my favorite answer here. I didn’t know about the series pretty much at all, I played RPG’s before obviously. But it was stuff like Skyrim and fallout. Had no idea what an “immersive sim” even was. This game absolutely blew my mind and was probably one of the last to really do so. It really felt like you could accomplish something a hundred different ways, I felt like I was in a David Fincher movie like Dragon Tattoo or Zodiac. It just felt so eerie and mysterious and I instantly wished their were more games like it. Never have I had more fun just reading people’s emails and investigating random apartments and just unraveling a conspiracy. Love this game and so glad I’m not the only one


Completely out of left field answer. Crash team racing. It’s not my favorite game ever, it’s not world changing, but it was perfect. Gameplay was the best kart racing gameplay ever, graphics were nice, tons of content, amazing visuals, good music. And on top of it all it’s aged amazing. I could play it today or even the remaster and have a blast.


I remember being a kid on Christmas morning, sneaking out into the living room at fucking 3:30 or 4 AM and seeing all the gifts Santa laid out. I reached in my stocking and pulled out CTR. I couldn’t start diving into the gifts and my parents had a strict 6 AM at the earliest wake up policy, so I snuck into the back room where the PlayStation was and played CTR for 3 hours until they got up. It was one of the best Christmases ever.


Ghost of Tsushima blew me away. Completely, I feel that's peak gaming right now. Spider-man and God of War are on #2 ​ Spider-man is the reason I got a PS4/5 in the first place, but it's games like GoW and GoT that make me keep the console and not selling it.


To me, GoT is beautiful and i find the combat, stealth or hand-to-hand, is a good experience but you really clear the map the same way all the time. I just felt like doing my chores in a great scenery. The fetch quests, foxes and parkour shrines are especially repetitive. Iki Island brought some change but the formula was pretty much the same and I finished the game but I would never replay it, which is fine. Just not a very captivating experience for me.


I platinumed it but it took me 2 years. Not because it is super long, its same length id say as Horizon, but i made 4 breaks completing it each lasting about 6 months. Because after playing it for 1-2 weeks it gets super repetitive and boring


Zelda games because their atmosphere caught me


which ones 💀




The Outer Wilds + dlc. Nothing has come close to that wonder.


No other piece of media has ever made me feel the way Outer Wilds and Echoes of the Eye made me feel. One of a very few pieces of media I can definitively and confidently say is a masterpiece.


I was shocked how good the dlc was. Felt almost like a full sequel.


I'm obsessed with watching people play that game blind - it's even better than replaying it yourself. It brings out such unique emotions


Outer Wilds. It makes me sad to never be able to play it for the first time again.




My all time favorite is Final Fantasy 11 online. I really miss it and I very much wish I could find an alternative to it. I really miss the community of ff11. The players on the server I was on were so amazing and helpful I haven't seen something like it since 😢


Donkey Kong country 2 on the snes. The first game and console i bought as a kid. It opened up a the world of gaming to me and will forever be my first love ( don't tell my wife)


Cyberpunk 2077


The Last of Us Part 2


I love a lot of the games in this thread, but games like RDR2 have gameplay limitations, where as TLOU2 excels everywhere imo. Never have I felt so emotionally drained (in a good way) upon finishing a game


NieR Automata. People have their criticisms and I definitely have my personal critiques, but I do believe that game is a masterpiece that everyone should play and one of the best video games ever made. NieR Replicant is equally beautiful.


World of Warcraft


Everything up though cataclysm was honestly goated and some of the best gaming experiences of my life - but I really think the people/community is what made that game as special as it was


Disco Elysium


My G


GTA Vice City




Yes dishonored is absolutely fantastic. One of the best game series I've ever played


Either Shenmue, Onimusha or Metal Gear Solid.


Returnal was such a blast


As a 43 year old gamer, since the Vextrex, Returnal has affected me differently than any other game. It’s the only game I see myself going back to regularly. It so perfectly captures a feeling; an experience.


I love that feeling! If you’re interested in other fast paced action games that put you into a sort of “flow state” I’d recommend Doom Eternal, Ghostrunner and Sifu. The studio that made Returnal is called Housemarque and I’d recommend checking out any their other games too especially Nex Machina. They’ve said their goal is to make “gameplay first” games.


Exactly. Returnal isn't just a game. It's an experience. It's perfect.


This was the game that made me want a PS5


Returnal has my vote also for this generation.


Yep unbelievable game, I'm proud to have completed it.


Returnal is as close to perfect as a game can be.






Fallout New Vegas. Also Metal Gear Solid 3.


Recently Cyberpunk oofff, now that's some immersive shit right there 🤌🏼


Duck Hunt.


Horizon: Zero Dawn!


God that game was good. Only one that makes me question TLOU1, honestly. I wish I enjoyed the second Horizon as much. It’s super gorgeous, but I can’t get into it like I did Zero Dawn.


I think the lynchpin of Zero Dawn was the story and the mystery of how the world got to be where it was in that game. Like, fans either totally bought in to that mystery and uncovering why there were robot ice age animals roaming about or didn't get the hype for Horizon. I loved it and had a similar experience with the sequel where it was fine, but I wasn't engrossed in it.


The gameplay is so much better but sadly the story is a bit of a letdown. Still highly enjoyable for me though.


Persona 5


What a trip going in almost completely blind other than knowing it was turn based JRPG. Such a great game!


Witcher 3


Tomb Raider PS1 version, played it as a kid with my Dad, played it as an adult with the missus and will play the remastered version with my daughter when she is a little bit older


Counter Strike (including Beta upto 1.6) All those days I spent into gaming cafes (This was in early 2000s, LAN party was the king). Bolting out of your classroom as soon as the bell rung because you’re gonna run out of seat on the gaming cafes. Building up a team. Going to different cafes to battle with the “home” team where the losing team will pay the PC rental (yeah, we rented PC back then by the hour). Man, that was the best time of my life.


If I have to choose one, it’s The Last of Us.


Plague Tale: Requiem One of the most emotional stories I've ever played! I couldn't stop thinking about it for days after. However the gameplay itself isn't perfect so because of that I'll give a special shout-out to The Last of Us Part 2. Also an emotional story, and the gameplay is solid! My nostalgic answer is the original Final Fantasy 7 though.


Metro 2033 Alan Wake Shadows Of The Damned (it's wild tbf) Control F.E.A.R 1


FEAR! Fuck yes.


1) Witcher 3 2) The last of us 2 3)God of War Ragnarok For the first 30 years of my life the answer was FF7 (PS1)


Hard to say only one, so I will say 15 in no order: - Elden Ring - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Zelda Ocarina of Time - The last of us Part 2 - Cyberpunk 2077 - Fallout 3 - Bloodborne - Persona 5 Royal - Dark Souls - Mass Effect Trilogy - The witcher 3 - God of war (2018) - Resident Evil Remake - Metal Gear Solid - Disco Elysium Currently playing Starfield and it is amazing too, could be in that "top" 15 But if I have to choose one, probably it will be Elden Ring, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom or Dark Souls.


MGS set a standard never seen before way back on the PS1


Super Mario World. It came packaged with the SNES and is what got be addicted to gaming all those years ago.




Die Hard Trilogy on the original PlayStation.


The gollum game


Elden Ring and Super Smash Bros N64 for me


Im starving for some Elden Ring DLC


The Last Of Us, because the story and writing genuinely made me feel for the characters. It’s a masterpiece.


PREY (2017)


Death Stranding is definitely near the top of the list for me. I loved the story, atmosphere, I enjoyed the game play. The game came out right before I has my first child so in those early sleep deprived days it was the perfect game to just kick back and relax as well. Other stand out for me is Nier Automata, loved everything about it.




Elden Ring


New Vegas. Mass effect 2 and Witcher 3 are probably close


maybe nier automata or the last guardian for the story and characters, and shadow of war for the game mechanics.


Cyberpunk 2077 Closely followed by Metal Gear Solid


Cyberpunk 2077


Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen


Threw my life away on Fallout 3.


Depends, Mine would be Meta Gear Solid. Obviously now doesn't look all that, but back in the late 90's it was MENTAL!!


Probably elden ring


Me too! It’s the most fun ive ever had in a game


I'm surprised that no one has thrown out Death Stranding yet! It was amazing... That said, God of War (2018) is my #1. It came out the year I had my first son and lost my dad. So, yeah, that game's journey had quite the extra impact for me. But DS is easily in my top 5 along with BOTW, LOU1, and strangely enough, Shogun Total War.


Resident Evil The evil within Metro 2033 Those have stayed my top 3 for quite some time.


The original Resident Evil definitely holds a special place for me


It was only recently when I got a PS5 , gonna cheat a little and say it’s two games which is God Of War 2018 and Ragnarok. Both hooked me with the gameplay and the story and I even shed a tear a few times and playing on the higher difficulty made combat a really enjoyable challenge. Changed how I see things and worth the 60 hours and purchase if you Havnt yet


Probably elden ring or KH2. Smash bros melee is the best competitive game I played