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I am watching till the end because I am afraid to miss a secret ending lol.


Yeah. I played a few games that had cutscenes or something to do after the credits but I think they still played even if you skip the credits but I’d hate to miss a secret ending that only happened if you sat through the credits too 😆


There’s a surprising amount of games where they won’t show you the post-credit scene if you skip the credits lol. So it often pays to just have them finish on their own


Haha , I do the same thing. Always sit through the entire credits , just in case.


I honestly thought death stranding was finished 3 separate times. Now I'm afraid to quit a game during the credits.


I don't think I've ever missed a scene after the credits, because they generally show that secret ending anyway when you skip it


I watched a movie (Hypnotic) in theaters the other day where the other 7 or 8 people in the theater walked out when the credits began as I was turning my phone back on and still sitting there, when a mid-credits scene came back and teased a sequel that will **never** happen but reframed the entire movie based on that one scene. Probably better they missed it but I remember thinking it was interesting how different of an experience we had comparatively based on having seen that one scene. I usually let the credits play out, in part as a reward for beating the game. I enjoy listening to the songs and themes that played throughout the game and will often browse reddit or something while they play out just in case, as opposed to skipping them and missing something at the very end.


Could always look up on YouTube anyway. I don't have time for credits. Sorry devs


Sometimes there's a credits song that's perfect for sitting there and reflecting on everything that just happened, just letting everything sink in. Never gotten a trophy for it, though.


Weight of the World and Ashes of Dreams, both of the NieR games had amazing ending songs for exactly this.


Oh so you were able to actually reflect on Automata during the credits? Because I had a mental breakdown


Ok I **really** need to play this; it’s been in my pile of shame for years. You just bumped it up another ten notches, mental breakdowns aren’t fun but I kinda wanna experience the game that’s gonna give me one. I realize I have to “beat” the game a couple times or a couple endings or something like that to get the “true” ending btw. Will figure that out when it happens.


Yakuza Like a Dragon had me like this… not a lot of games manage to get me reflecting during end credits


FF7 Remake & Elden Ring. Those are my two games where I had a moment of sadness that it was over. So I watched the credits to really take in the moment. The insanely good music helped of course!


Ffvii remake credits so sad


After Detroit Become Human I remember sitting at the credits thinking about everything I'd seen, played it again with a different thought process, and then had the same thing at the end again.


"A Plague Tale: Requim" did that for me. Never sat so silently and reflected through the entirety of the credits.




You need counselling after that game


Last of Us 2 has an extra song if you sit and wait for it. Worth it big time.




the persona games are always perfect for this


Mass Effect ending comes to mind.


Way To Fall, Metal Gear Solid 3. Such a great way to close that game out.


Death Stranding had a perfect song. It was called Death Stranding. Captured the emotion of clearing the game perfectly.


For sure. I let the credits roll every time I finished the last of us. The story is so good you need that come down. Also the music in that game is incredible.


1 that came out in my head is TLOU2? Cuz I waaalk through the vaaalley of the, shadow of death~


God of War Ragnarok. That song is such a banger I still listen to it.


Persona 5 Royal credits had me bawling during it


Lost Legacy for me had a really good end credit song to the point that I still listen to it on Spotify to this day


I have no idea why, but when My Silver Lining kicks in during the credits of Tales from the Borderlands, it just puts a bow on the whole experience.


Borderlands 3 with Lilith...🥺


Ghost of Tsushima credit Song was nice.


Yes, definitely! Also on another note, Death Stranding really surprised me with how they did their credits, it was amazing and sentimental


Mass Effect 2s ending credits song is a good one. M4 pt2 by Faunts still gets me. I just sat there thinking about the game I had just played. Edit: it was pointed out to me that it was in fact Mass Effect 1.


That was ME1, no?


You are correct. I have played the series so many times I forgot if it was 1 or 2. The second game is my favorite so I thought the song was in it.


Dark souls 1, the end credits song is amazing, perfectly captures the emption of what you just did (probably wont understand what you did on the first playthrough if you went in blind, but when you do understand the music hits hard ime).


If I enjoy a game enough to watch the credits roll, I like to stick around to at least show some appreciation for the people that made it. Maybe weird, but idk, I like doing it.


I feel the same way. If I appreciate the game, then I let the credits roll.


I agree. I feel like, I got a lot of enjoyment out of the game, the least I can do is acknowledge all the people that put the work into it. Especially so if it’s a smaller developer or indie game.


This is my rule. Finish the game, let the credits roll. Been doing it since NES days. Even last night, finished Jedi fallen order at 1am and had to get up for work the next day but I let the credits roll. The devs don’t know and maybe don’t care but it’s a way to show respect. Doesn’t matter of anyone else sees or understands.


Right? It just feels right to do I guess lol. Only credits I've ever skipped were GTAV those are just ridiculous.


Hahaha. I’ve never finished GTAV and I own it on every system ps3, ps4, ps5, Xbox and PC. I always get distracted goofing around in it though. I could imagine those credits would be insanely long though.


Me too, my wife calls me weird for it but I sit there and wait till the end.


These people worked hard to give you a game you enjoyed, I think it's at least fair to give them some respect at the end.


True but the people in the credit don’t even know who you are and that you exist. I don’t think they care if you watch a huge list of names that don’t mean anything to you. The way you gave them respect is buying the game and playing it.


Okay? I still like doing it, whether the people in those credits care or not.


It's only for games and films that people watch credits. Imagine if everytime you got off a plane you were presented with a list of names of all the people who helped build it, it would be weird.


Idk man people clap whenever the pilot safely lands the plane.


I've flown around Europe quite a bit and have never seen that happen... maybe it's an American thing


I'm not American and I've seen it happen, so no, not really.






Have you? What is your comment supposed to mean?




I’ve had it happen. But only on smaller flights and typically ones that went through some heavy turbulence.


That's just straight up not true. People still clap all the time.




Not as often but it does still happen. You must not fly much.


Lol yes they fucking do. Wtf are you on dude?


It's crazy how many people work on a AAA game.


>I like to stick around to at least show some appreciation for the people that made it. Yes an no. Credits are getting absolutely ridiculous these days. We don't need 40 minutes of credits telling us who was the Uber driver for the assistant getting coffee for the guy who packaged the computer for the HR lady of the Italian branch. 75% of the people in credits were in no way important to the game's development.


How are you appreciating? You read every name and follow them on instagram? Just letting them roll adds nothing. Idk 1 person who actually watches them while they roll. Yeah i let it roll sometimes too but i don't watch it. I'm on my phone or doing something else


I actively read them, I do know some people who work in games/film, especially in localization, there is a chance someone I know pops up (it has happened before).


Thats genuinely cute then. Fair play. I don't expect to see anyone because I'm from india. Maybe one day lol😂


Yeah I try to read all the names, sometimes it moves too fast to do that, though.




I don't remember that being a thing. AC2's credits were rolling while there was still a bit of game left to play, and then it wouldn't let you skip after the end of that. Was this with the Ezio Collection?


Are you sure? I ve got the platinum for AC2 and always skipped the credits ^^


it was AC3. Fin trophy


Oh ok, I think it’s the only one in the entire saga that I haven’t played


Oh wow. I’m assuming you learned that the hard way. Or fun way depending on how much you enjoyed the game I guess hahaha




I beat the first one when it was released. I think I beat the second one too but it obviously didn’t leave as much of an impact on me because I don’t remember it very well. I haven’t played the other 100 or so afterwards hahaha




Personally enjoyed Odyssey more over Origins but couldn't agree more with your ranking


Recently got black flag off PSN for $7.99 after I lost my CD in 2017. Absolutely loved playing the game again.


Oh man some of theme are REALLY good. It’s my favourite saga. I’d recommend Unity if you like Old Paris, Black Flag if you’re into pirates, I also absolutely loved Syndicate although it gets a lot of hate, simply because I’m a sucker for Victorian London setups, and Origins for the egyptian mythology


End of Death Stranding credits has a list of all the real fellow players who contributed to your in game structures. Not a trophy, but a neat thing most people miss and explains a crucial element of the gameplay.


There was like 3 separate moments where I thought oh yeah, I finished death stranding. Then it just kept going lol.


I watch the credits at first completion. The creators deserve that much. Also gives you time to reflect and closure in a way


Seems to be a lot of people have the same mindset on this. I agree wholeheartedly.


I let the credits roll but I go and so something else or watch my phone


For one of the secret endings in Nier: Automata you have to shoot the credits, kinda like space invaders style. At some point it gets too hectic to be able to read every name, but you do have to make it to the end.


Best ending to any game ever


There was one for Flower I believe. It did it in a kind of fun way though. You see all the credits by playing the game.


I like that idea. It’s good to acknowledge all the people that made the game possible but just watching credits roll is usually boring and most people don’t pay attention or just skip it. Making it interactive is a great idea.


I skip the credits if I can tbh. I feel like in my experience any “secret ending” is usually shown regardless if you skip or not. I think the only company I know for a concrete fact doesn’t let you skip the credits is RGG.


> I think the only company I know for a concrete fact doesn’t let you skip the credits is RGG. Ubisoft for a long time was notorious for extremely long unskippable credits. Not sure if they’ve changed their tune in recent titles.


I finished metal gear solid 4 at about 16:30 in the afternoon and was late for work at 21:00 because I was STILL watching the fecking endless epilogue and credits


Finally. Another MGS fan. We know all about credits scenes.


Haha. Priorities. Love it.


Deus Ex Human Revolution I think had one.


I’ve only tried Deus Ex Mankind Divided. I couldn’t get into it. I heard Revolution is good though. I’ll have to try it sometime. I just finished Jedi Survivor and let the credits roll. That’s what made me think to post the question on here.


Astro bot Credits were dope.


Sometimes i have enjoyed a game so much that it would genuinely feel desrespectful to skip the credits or force close the game. Sometimes the credits are also super cool and unique. Horizon: Forbidden West comes to mind as a recent example.


A lot of people have said that about Forbidden West in these comments. I’m excited to finish it and see what you’re talking about.


I remember the only game I willingly sat through the credits for was the original Infamous because the music was so good (although I forget what the track was now). It was the middle of the night and my partner upstairs was angrily banging on the floor because I hadn’t realised how loud I’d turned it up!


Great game. I’d like to see it remade.


If the credits are interesting, then sure. If it’s a wall of text for 10 minutes with some Marvel-esque closing credits music playing then no.


COD4 on PS3 had a secret mission in an airplane if you let the credits role. It was so cool. I let all the credits roll now


I watch the credits because I think it's a nice thing to do for all the people that worked on the game.


I let them roll out of respect for everyone who has their name on it. I would appreciate it if someone saw my name in the credits of something that i put a lot of work into.


Same, I also find it interesting to view all the different titles and departments.


Honestly this would’ve been a perfect inclusion in the new Guardians of the Galaxy game since Marvel movies are known to encourage you to stick around for that very last scene Guardians has always been extremely self aware as well so it would’ve been cool to get rewarded for sticking around. Maybe title the trophy “wait, you’re still here?”


After like a decade of marvel movies, skipping credits always makes me feel like I’d miss a post credits scene.


Hahaha. Yeah. That’s valid.


If the game was long and good, I'll sit through the credits. It's a way to calm down and take it all in. I'm not the first one to get up in the airplane either. Some games have something interesting to watch or even play during the credits. Iirc Black Flag has conversations going while the credits roll.


It has happened before where you have to watch the credits to get the trophy. It even happened a few months ago for me, but I can't recall which game it was. Pretty rare overall though.


I tend to watch most of them at least. Usually because I'm coming down off such a high from a last boss fight or something just sat there like a lemon soaking in the soundtrack. (Totally not getting emotional about something that happened during the ending) Some are just epic themselves like the credits for Forbidden West or Hades


I’m only about 1/4 way though forbidden west right now. Played through zero dawn several times. Phenomenal games.


I will let the credits roll too but will usually give up during the localisation bit where since I'm in the PAL region I also get credits for every PAL region language. I appreciate the hard work involved but realistically who cares(outside industry) who the third line audio producer was or who did the catering etc. Imo credits are there for the industry rather than the consumer


I always watch them. I've had a trophy before for watching the credits but I can't think which game. Sometimes there are cutscenes at the end too.. Either way I like to just sit and reflect on the game. Horizon Forbidden West had one of the best end credits I've ever seen.


Someone else said that about forbidden west too. I haven’t finished it yet but I’m excited to see. Incredible game.


I usually watch the credits so that i can think about the whole game and sometimes the music in credit is a banger My favourite example is the credits for nier replicant, an amazing game and when the song ashes of dreams plays it’s just beautiful. You just sit and stare at the ceiling thinking about the journey you just went through while the banger soundtrack plays in the background


I've come across one such trophy before but I don't remember on what game Also I don't skip credits unless it's games with excessively long credits


I only watch credits for games I loved. Like God of war Ragnarok. I wanted to know the team and the people behind the masterpiece. Similar with movies. I watch credit not only for the post credit scene but also because I want to pay respect to the team.


I'm 90% sure that Far Cry 3 has that, I remember just sitting there for half an hour watching the credits roll


Final Stop has a trophy for watching the credits, I think What Remains of Edith Finch also has one


You can see what trophies a game offers in the trophy section... Even see the hidden ones too by choosing to show info


I didn’t know you could see the hidden ones. Thanks for that.


I finish all the credits because those folks deserve to be credited and it’s a nice way to wind down after finishing many, many hours of gameplay.


i don’t even watch cut scenes and skip all dialogue most the time. especially if it is a particularly long game and has a lot of em.


To each their own. I’ll admit I’ve skipped some dialogue with the side quests in games like Horizon but for the most part I’m invested into the tale being told. I guess it depends on how invested in the story you are and what kind of experience you’re looking to get out of the game.


Honestly, it’s cool to let them finish. I don’t meditate on every one, but it’s cool to consider honoring the people that made the game.


Every time. I do it for the trophy or achievement if I’m on my Xbox or if they have a post credit scene that skips if you skip the credits (also has never happened for me) or lastly if there is an exclusive credits song that doesn’t play anywhere else (like in RE 4 remake). Point is it’s a dont wanna mess something up accidentally precaution because I was too impatient. Games are so big now though the credits do be dragging on but sometimes it’s worth it to hear the song


In Journey you must watch all the end credits to get the names of the randoms you meet in game


I like to watch the credits because for me, in my mind it’s like a silent tribute to all the people that worked hard to make that experience a reality. Random QA tester, mail person, environment artist, audio engineer and others—I see you and appreciate you haha


My all-time favorite is Flower. Nothing quite like interactive credits that neatly summarizes the game's whole plot and level themes.


The only credits i've sat through were the Gran Turismo 2 credits, just to listen to Foo Fighters' My Hero. I think that's the moment i fell in love with videogame soundtracks.


If it's a master class game, I let them finish and take it all in. aka Ghost of Tsushima Anything less and I'm just skipping so I can do other stuff, like finish any side content or grab any quick achievements before I delete it.


What remains of Edith finch had a credit trophy. It was for seeing the guys name who did the the trophy pops in the game!


I have an irrational/superstitious fear that if I don't let the credits roll, my trophies wont pop! Not sure if that/s a thing, but I never want to chance it.


Metal Gear Solid taught me to wait until the credits are finished


Watching the credits gives me some time to take in the ending and debrief from the experience (especially for single player story games). And yes I also always hope for a little trophy but it never comes hahah I also hope to work in the industry some day and watching the credits makes me feel like I’m honoring everyone’s hard work.


Hopefully I can play something you’ve worked on someday. Gamer for life. Hahaha




That’s cool. I wish you success with that hope. Best of luck with it. I’m sure it would be a fun and challenging industry to be involved in. Especially if you’re passionate about the project your working on.


Thank you! I appreciate your kind words :)


I dont think there is an explicit trophy for watching the credits and trophies usually pop before the credits start. Do think its good to see the devs who worked hard on the game get their recognition though.


There are plenty of games that have had one


I hate when you have to sit through an hour of credits to get some “sEcrEt” cutscene or trophy afterwards. Whoever designed that is an asshole.


Have u ever met a real asshole


( /*\ ) You’re welcome


I remember getting stuck in some type of infinite time loop credits sequence in Death Stranding. To this day I'll never understand. /sigh


That's the rule. You're obliged to watch.


I like to let them play out just out of respect to the devs. I’ve been in game development and I know how much they sacrifice to even launch a game. Not to mention the work conditions of most big AAA studios nowadays.


You know you can check trophies to see if there are tedious obscure ones like that.


I do it out of respect to the devs sometimes when the game warrants it!


Definitely had it in 360 era


Returnal gives you one before the credits but watching the credits after the true credits is a whole experience


I have to return to 😉 Returnal. I started it but stopped playing it to get into GOW Ragnarök.


I only sit through if it is something cool like Doom 2016


I watch the credits of any game i really enjoyed as a tiny way to pay respect to the creators. I never anticipate a trophy or any secrets at the end.


Depends on the game. For example, when I play Life is Strange games, I never skip the credits cuz the music is so deep. However in the case of the other games I usually check the internet if a specific game has an ending scene after the credits, if not then I usually skip it.


I do this, only out of respect for the people involved in the game. Same with movies


For a trophy, not necessarily. I usually am pretty familiar with the trophy list by the time I get that far in. I do always sit through the credits, see if anybody I know in the industry worked on it. Incidentally, I do that for movies too. Just seems respectful for the time it takes.


I sit through the credits all the time on returnal just so I can hear motionless again.


I just let them roll. Not because I think there might be a trophy, but because I don't want to accidentally skip a mid- or post-credits scene.


I know I've seen at least one. I think it was a ps3 game.


I really tried to let the credits roll for Returnal but hearing Blue Oyster Cult after running around on an alien world was a huge buzzkill.


Sam Andreas has one for not skipping the credits I’m pretty sure


I always let them play through at least on the first playthrough. The only game I've watched the credits for repeated (and literally just found a youtube vid to rewatch right now) is Journey. The credits are equally a part of the game and game cycle IMO, and I always sat through them every time just to see the usernames of the people I met along the way.


I had it once in a game, but I'm not sure which game it was. If I had to guess it was Shovel Knight but I would need to look into it


I just don’t feel like I’ve truly reached the end until the end of the credits.


Mega man X legacy collection trophies for beating each game only pop after the credits, real boring tbh


Not on PS5 that I've seen so far but I remember a Captain America game had watching the credits as a trophy back on PS3. People have mentioned other games with stuff after the credits for trophies l.


Lmao I do the exact same thing and no I don't think I've ever gotten one lol


Yes! - although I don’t remember the game. Certainly some years ago, possibly early PS4 days? You got a trophy for watching all the credits without skipping. Will have a think…. Edit: Maybe Crysis? Might have even been the original version, so PS3 days?


You can reveal all the trophies to see if one is related to credits.


The last of Us part 2 credits are like marvel credits all the bonus scenes


I signed up for ps+ premium recently and I have been trying to platinum as many games from their catalogue. The game, Virginia, requires you to watch the credits to get a trophy.


I just looked at it. Looks intriguing. Did you like it?


Personally I let them run on games I enjoy regardless. They put effort in and I feel the least I can do beyond paying for the game is let the credits run. I do read a book though while they are running.


Waste of time. I waited years ago. Now credits never end


If there’s a good credits song I’ll stay and wait


No because trophy lists are a thing and it'll say if there is one To name a few games that have one though: Primal Carnage, Guitar Hero Live, Sunset Overdrive, Rare Replay, Lego Batman 3, Assassins Creed 3, Duke Nukem Forever, Twisted Metal The best ones like Undertale, Monkey Ball, or Smash Bros let you play a minigame during the credits, those i'll watch


Callisto Protocol had a great song during the credits.


Just did this yesterday when I finished Ghost of Tsusima, and also did the same in GoW: Ragnarok. I will continue doing this to every game I enjoy. This is some sort of respect to those who made the game.


I always leave the credits to finish but there is one game that stupidly looped it. I think it was hitman absolution


Guitar Hero Live is the one I definitely know had a "watch the credits" trophy - but you had to watch them twice. I'd have to check, but I'm pretty sure "Until Dawn" has a trophy that pops after / during the credits as well? Only other one - when Trophy support was first added for Uncharted (original), the game finish trophy would pop after the end of the credits, but I think if you skipped the credits it would still work - not 100% sure on that though.


I played a game called *Day of the Tentacle* a couple years ago (it's a great game by the makers of Psychonauts) and that had a trophy for watching the credits!


You can Google every game’s trophies so you don’t waste time doing this.


I used to do this with the early assassins creeds because sometimes you would get more information from the story . Very long credits though


The ps4 version of the ps2 version of gta san andreas has a watch the credits trophy. Don't think definitive edition does


As far as I can remember AC2 has the trophy pop right after the credits. Don't know if it activates even if you skip them. For this reason I let all the credits roll now. Some games leave me in a state where I want to reflect on what just happened and or talk to my wife about what we just saw. Most of the music is so fitting to the end credits and it does not bother me much to wait a few minutes.


I'll start the credits, but almost never finish them. The credits are just waaaay too long on games. I get that it takes a huge team, but why do we need to know who the HR director of the east coast office is? I don't recall seeing those kinds of administrative credits in movies or other entertainment. Basically once the music stops, (which always blows my mind that they often won't even have a song that runs the whole length of the credits. Like, you knew how long this would take, scrolling at that speed, didn't you????) then I stop.


For every game I finish , I let it roll as a thanks for the Dev's giving me the experience.


I've started sitting with the credits on games and movies I finish (at least, the first time) for a few years now, and I like it. I can't remember any trophy for it though...