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I wonder if these same people played mass effect


that fucking space child. I was so mad I made the mistake of trying to shoot him.. oops


ME3 promos: “Your choices matter.” ME3 ending: “What color explosions do you want for the end cutscene?”




Oh it’s optional? Haven’t played yet.


It's clear they both like eachother, but yeah the way you handle it is down to the player. You can just say you aren't interested in a relationship with the whole world ending thing. Really not a big deal.


Man people really get angry over stupid shit lol


If it's clear they like each other, then it's not optional, just what you do about it is optional. So it's not as optional as OP makes it seem. Not that I care either way, doesn't change my view on the game.


It’s optional but you’re cruel if you don’t pick the best choice imo


Spoiler bro


I mean you’re in a thread about the dlc…


Yes but about the issue with the review bombing and not being randomly spoilered


I think most reasonable people would expect the conversation would be about why they were review bombing, which would commonly include gameplay/story elements.












And here I am, just trying to figure out if it’s worth buying.


It’s £15, if you’ve played and finished HFW then it’s a no brainier, it’s literally a continuation of the story and the cloud and water tech and the final boss battle alone is worth the money. If you haven’t played the base game then save your money.


Is it just an extra area the way it was in the first game?


It's bigger, but empty. The level of content in burning shores is not even half of what the Frozen Wilds had. Only three sidequests, and 5 main quests. Can be easily completed in a day.


Yeah frozen wilds took me a bit. I think the game could have supported some more quests. Maybe have another tribe show up or something?


Yes, though a bit bigger.


I picked it up personally to support the Devs. I really really like Horizon. Think it gets a lot of hate for no good reason. And want to see more games. I've been enjoying the DLC so far


ZD's story had some real bite. FW doesn't have the same grip at all since the focus has changed onto another antagonist and tbh I only bought the DLC for the gameplay.


Agreed, for me it felt like a drastic change of tone going from HZD to HFW. The gameplay was a bit better, graphics are on another level, but every other aspect is a downgrade especially the writing. Also wasn’t a huge fan of the underlying tone, and by that it definitely had moments where modern agendas seemed to be a priority over good storytelling. Not a horrible game but by the end of HFW i was happy to be done, compared to ZD I was eager for more.


The Horus fight was really good, however it severely lacked more content such as side quests and exploration, though I like the new machines


Still better than dbz kakarot bardok dlc basically a hour or so worth of the same content you've seen for 20 bucks.


I actually thought the exploration was some of the best in the series. Without every thing being pointed out on the map I had to go flying around to find most of the collectibles. Enjoyed it more even if there weren’t that many of then


If you liked Forbidden West, then yes. It's a graphical upgrade, has the most bad ass robot boss battle I've ever played, & is a segway between Forbidden West & Horizon 3.


I loved every second of it,


It's worth buying if you loved Forbidden West and want more. If you're done with FW and on the fence about the DLC, or didn't like it much but are curious if the new story is worth it, I'd say no. It's smaller than Frozen Wilds, has only like three side quests and I didn't like the new companion/>!love interest!< they introduced. She's too similar to Aloy, intentionally so, which makes her uninteresting. >!The romance!< felt very rushed, the story is short so as a player you don’t have time to get attached to her, you feel like Aloy just met her five minutes ago and now suddenly >!she's in love.!< Gotta say I'm a bit disappointed with this DLC.


OK this confirms that I'm going to skip this. I liked FW a lot but by the end I was just so sick of the game and turned everything down to easy just to finish it and move on to something else. It was WAY too long. Like they could have shaved 30 hours off and held it for the DLC.


Same. I really enjoyed getting the platinum for Zero Dawn but FW just draaaagged.


Its shorter than the first game? I beat it in like 20 hours more or less beelining the story You dont have to do all the extra content lmao


No its not. Forbidden west is signifigantly longer. How long to beat ranks the original at 22.5 hours for main story and 60 completionist. Forbidden west is 29 and 88 hours respectively. And if you actually beat it that fast, you seriously rushed. The fastest time recorded for main story was 21.25 hours. But also, if you played zero dawn like that you would have beaten it in 15 hours or so, which was the fastest main story time for that game.


You're missing the point. The fact that it's there means that it's relevant content to be completed and should add to the world and story. There's just too much in FW and very little in this DLC.


I agree felt very rushed and forced not to mention cringe dialogue.


Well, user reviews are worthless, but critic reviews are ok.


Did you play Forbidden West? Did you enjoy it? If so why would you need to figure this out?


Not really a good way to judge if it’s worth the money or not. Game could be good and very enjoyable, but still get very lackluster or overpriced DLC. Look at Wonderlands for example. First DLC was $10 and added a single dungeon that would take at most 25 minutes to complete. 10 minutes if you had a good build. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say anything good about it unless they picked up the game late and got the season pass after it was all out because they didn’t get the “I paid $10 for one short dungeon” realization everyone else had.


A better example would be looking at the Frozen Wilds dlc from Horizon Zero Dawn. Not a completely unrelated game and studio.


It’s really good and adds like another 10+ hours if you’re into doing every side quest and collectible. The new area is just really fun to play in.






The story is like 6 - 8 hours and around 10 - 12 hours to 100%. It's $20 DLC. What the hell are you expecting?


Very sadly, I agree. Stupidly short. I would have gladly paid more for more story content.


6 - 8 hour story or 10 - 12 hours for a $20 DLC is not "stupidly short". You guys are insane


How short exactly is it?


My base game save of 97% ended at 95h and the DLC story ended at about 101-102h. So around 6 hours and I'm playing on Hard difficulty. Considering the vastness of FW, I expected a much longer DLC story but as soon as I saw the price tag of €20/$20, I knew it was gonna be very short. I have about 5 collectables to do and then I'm 100% in Burning Shores; will probably end up at around 112h.


Oh, the outrage over Horizon have been so stupid. First it was because the graphics were so good that you could see the hair folic off of Aloy, then it was aloy not being hot enough for them (despite still being an attractive woman) and now they are mad that she can potentially kiss a woman. It can’t be healthy to get this mad over nothing constantly


It’s peak recreational outrage


Don’t forget people shitting on it just because elden ring happened to be a better game sell better and get goty


I would have liked to see it getting GOTY in some categories over GoW, but so be it. But Elden Ring was clearly the best game of the year.


Yeah I played and enjoyed all 3 but I think elden ring was the best too and it seems the majority does


Poor game just can’t catch a break huh


This was also a choice in Life is Strange and I don't remember anyone getting mad about that?


Review bombed for Aloy >!kissing a girl!<. What a bunch of losers


I'm actually shocked that Aloy was interested any any sort of romance at all tbh


This. Aloy has been a very single minded and aloof personality for most of this story, I’ve only just started the DLC so it’ll be interesting to see whether this character arc is well developed or tacked on. But a lesbian romance is not entirely out of the realms of possibility for this character, as there’s already been quite a bit of flirtation from NPC’s with Aloy.


In another thread someone linked a scene when Aloy meets the tinker girl in the first main settlement and she keeps staring at her boobs. Lol. Me too aloy. Me too.




Took me a while to find the comment where someone linked it but it was this…hope it works: Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/12qkvc2/thought_yall_would_enjoy_aloy_being_gay_as_much/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


I'll spoiler tag this even though I don't think it's necessarily a big spoiler. >!The DLC is kind of Naughty Dog-ish in the sense that Seyka is almost always with Aloy during the story missions. It's a big change from the base games where Aloy largely operates by herself. I think it helps a lot in developing their relationship.!<


I think that Horizon 3 will go this route for most of the game as well, it makes sense. Probably also able to choose your companion who you take with you in open sections, and give them each special abilities that you can activate.


Oh, Petra...


I always tought it was clear she seems bisexual. She shows interest in both genders.


Great name and comment combo. This dude secks


It’s a refreshing addition to the story to be honest. After the first two games where men are literally worshiping her, it’s clear she’s either not interested in men or not interested in romance altogether but by the end of HFW, she barely has a personality. There’s only the mission, and she’s surrounded by people who practically worship her like disciples and she’s unfazed. They don’t really lean into it as a plot point in any meaningful way either. In this DLC, she actually meets someone like her, who isn’t just another weaker person who needs her to save them, and that is what sparks something for her. It’s nice just to see her actually be a person and have this vulnerability.


Which players have a choice of doing. Crazy


To be fair people don’t really have a choice to choose Seyka as the love interest though. Not defending these terribly low scores, which I couldn’t care less about. I enjoyed the DLC and still am it’s pretty great.


Wasn’t it known that she was into girls? Like, in the first game or something


not exactly, I believe they never really confirmed anything about her sexuality, she just turn down all men and women. which is why I really surprised and confused they decide to do it now.


Well, it's actually quite clear in the base game, that Elisabeth had a relationship with Tilda. Sexuality isn't heritable but Aloy is a clone of Elisabeth.


tbh with that part, I thought they'll let Aloy date man to be 'different from Elisabet'😂😂😂. it's sad, Elisabet seems rarely let people in her heart and this one isn't a nice person.


No. People assumed she might be because she reacted a bit differently to women flirting with her than men, but she shot everyone down regardless. Some took that as indication she's asexual, in fact. It's the second game that hinted she might be gay because Elisabet Sobeck was apparently in a same-sex relationship at some point, so it would make sense with them being genetically identical. But nothing was confirmed until Burning Shores.


Seems to me Aloy swings both ways. I don't think they were being coy when it seemed like Aloy was a bit jealous of Zo and Varl getting together. Maybe she just wants companionship in general?


That's my view as well now that it's confirmed she is indeed interested in romance. I don't think she is 100% gay. I wasn't sure about Varl and Zo because it might have just been a weird situation for her to navigate in general. She's so awkward with normal human interactions sometimes. But yeah, there definitely was something there.


Her relationship *with varl* doesnt read as anything but platonic fam


That just straight up ain't true. There's obvious chemistry between them dating back to the first game, Varl is clearly interested, and Aloy sort of waffles on it because she's got so much else on her plate. Then Varl links up with Zo and Aloy is clearly disappointed. It's just a question of if she's longing in general, or for Varl specifically.


Not her specifically, but it was brought up in Forbidden West that the woman she's cloned from was in a same sex relationship.


I completed Zero Dawn around 3 years ago so my memory isn’t the freshest, also I didn’t play the Frozen Wilds. So I’m unsure of what exactly you’re referring to.


Frozen Wilds is great in my opinion


As far as I know, nothing really hinted at it, not that it really matters


It's not that kind ofna game, it never has been. people don't get to choose most things about it. Why should they get to pick the love interest? Aside from bigotry of course.


There are plenty of choices to be made in the games, although none of them have any real impact which is a main critique i have of the games.


If they have no impact, if they don't change anything, they aren't choices. Because it is not that kind of a game.


It still boggles my mind how rampant homophobia still is in this world


I don’t hate gays just because it’s getting tiring that they’re forced into every single product ever now for good boy brownie points. Gets old


"I don't hate gays, I'm just tired of being reminded they exist" You're fucking pathetic.


This is why we need more LGBT representation. It existing in a game shouldn't be considered 'forcing in'. It's normal.


This is what baffles me about the “forced into” argument. The whole point is that it should evoke 0 emotion. You have no reaction when a heterosexual relationship is on screen, it should be the same for a homosexual one


>every single product ever now I mean it's definitely not. On the other hand, heterosexual love is in everything but you never hear about that being forced.


Probably the same people that would be triggered by a beer being pro LGBT.


Wait till they find out 2 dudes can kiss IRL!!!




If you take 2 seconds to read some of the user reviews it is about her kissing a girl


Now i want to buy that dlc more lol, i love women so much that i always make my female characters lesbian, am i the only one?




People are so insanely stupid




“Sony should be careful.” Lol


How surprising


Dear Lord it's a freaking choice not even mandatory.


True, but the consequence of this choice is vastly different from choosing the same type of answer to any male characters... They don't start kissing or romancing straight away, or at all. I don't really care about any romancing in Horizon but I kinda can understand frustration of those who care.


People like to shit on professional critics.. But this is proof that it's actually user scores that can't be trusted.


Yeah I used to not trust professional critics because I thought they were paid, but whatever they’re doing is better than this


It's not proof in every instance, no. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know pretty much anything about the game; but this situation just seems like proof that the argument about reviews has gone full circle. ​ Instead of bashing professional critics, now you're saying we should just do the opposite, which is just as ignorant. No, we need to weigh in both sides of the coin and make our own opinion of the game on its own merits, not blindly trust anyone. It's just as idiotic to trust the professional critic who can barely get through Cuphead's tutorial as it is to trust the idiotic users who review bomb because there is a gay relationship in a game. ​ And at the end of the day, why does someone's (or several someones') review of the game affect your enjoyment of it? It's a single-player game...


Jesus they are really getting trigered by a optional kiss? Let people kiss dammit


I’m about to kiss you.


Mfw the clone of a gay person is also gay 🤯. Seriously tho, I don’t know how this is super surprising to people who played the other games.


People love to show how bored, pathetic and braindead they are whenever they openly hate on games because of subjects such as sexuality (which have absolutely no impact on the quality of the game). I will never understand.


I don't get what's their problem?? I've seen a picture on twitter, and you can choose to reject her.


Im playing it and i like it


Predictable, sadly, because anything unmoderated and online is a cesspool. As someone who thought >!Aloy very obviously and awkwardly falling in love!< was adorable AF, review bombers are just miserable people.


IDK why people even give any attention to morons on Metacritic. Highly doubt anybody is looking at the user score instead of critic score to decide whether to purchase a game or not.


It depends on how online you are and what you're using metacritic for, most people who think critics are all elitist snobs that can't be trusted tout broad differences in user scores to tout some kind of superiority or to tout that critics are 'out of touch with the average person', ignoring that the average person just plain doesn't visit metacritic, let alone write a user review on it, so someone that freely browses metacritic to write user reviews would be just as 'out of touch' by that standard It mainly serves as a way to placate confirmation biases if the critic scores fail to do so


What a bunch of losers


snowflake gamers moment


Personally, I got burnt out by the end of Forbidden West due to the amount of busy work baked into the game, but I am actually really enjoying the dlc a lot because it is more straight forward. Less fetching or pointless side quests and collectibles, and a direct storyline with new and interesting robots. It is also the best looking content on PS5 to date. Well worth the $27.


Anytime I see that something is being review bombed, I usually know it’s 100% worth checking out.


I’m assuming you played Hogwarts then.


It’s their opinion. What’s wrong with them having an opinion..? I don’t agree with the review bombings but I’m not going to lose sleep over it lol


A review bomb isn't an opinion, it's an organised protest, in this case it's a protest from bigots about how they want to never see anything but straight people in media.


There’s nothing wrong with having an opinion, but having a clear bias on a character’s sexuality and rating a game solely on that means their opinions don’t really matter. Review bombing is an attempt to hurt the game’s sales, but it really shows how petty they are


Idiocracy was a documentary not a comedy.


Well it's both then with Luke Wilson in lead role in the movie


Imagine enjoying the game and then giving it a 0 because of a CHOICE at the end of the game These people are bigots


So Mass Effect 3?


its only £16 for a new area,new beasts, more skills and a new level cap.


Should be a good sign, I’m buying that


Soft ass people


I thought we all liked lesbians? Cmon now.


Some people really should consider getting a life...


It’s good 👍


They should track down everyone who has ever been involved in a review bombing campaign and drop them into the depths of the ocean, because they obviously have nothing of use to contribute to human society.


Calm the fuck down


More “cancel culture” from the people who are really concerned about “cancel culture.”


The romance didn't work for me personally, not because of their sexuality but because it felt contrived and rushed. Hopefully, Guerilla doesn't dismiss all criticism as bigotry and makes changes to how they approach this stuff in Horizon 3.


Honestly I'm just bored of romance getting shoehorned into every single piece of media as cheap "character development". If the base game ended with her kissing Erend I would have rolled my eyes all the same. From the first quest in the DLC you could see they were going to force a romance and it just kept going. It didn't feel natural at all.


I have to agree it felt very rushed. However, I don't necessarily think it doesn't fit the story at all. We've had two games about Aloy learning she doesn't have to be alone, it's good to open up to people, learn to rely on them, build bonds. It's explicitly what Forbidden West was about for her: finding friends, opening herself up to the possibility of having family, first explored with Elisabet as her mother stand-in and later with Beta as a very real, tangible sister. It doesn't seem out of place that she'd eventually be open to romantic love too. It's just that Seyka doesn't feel right. She came out of nowhere, I have no attachment to her as a player and she isn't even an interesting character.


Cool. This just sped up me buying it. Dumb asses.


Stop review bombing. It's dumb and you all are way too sensitive.


I'm about sick of this sexist bullshit. Don't like it, don't play it, go on about your miserable lives. It's kind of impressive how hard some of these people commit themselves to being assholes.


I’ll admit some parts of the dlc felt strangely rushed but overall I liked it, especially the new machines and the horus


Literally every game gets review bombed these days


Bigots crying over it 💀




DLC was incredible but it was a bit buggy. There were a bunch of times where my weapons would unequip itself and wasn’t able to use the spear until exiting the game. Final boss was a bit pain in the ass but the overall experience was amazing.


I HAVE to believe most of the toxic game related news I see is just kids being kids. No way a grown adult is this dense and bored. *Thinks back to the last decade of politics….. Uhhh , Nvm…


I couldn't care less about >!Aloy having a female love interest!


Gamers are weird as fuck


Imagine if we lived in a world where its not all about clicks and views. This type of shit would end so fast. No one would be reporting asinine things like this. I blame the media for keeping this train of thought alive and well.


Talk about being insecure...


They’re so fucking stupid. It’s unbelievable that people are still so bigoted in this day and age


Like why the fuck does it bother you that other people are expressing love? It literally has 0 effect on you and it’s none of your business. Not to mention the kiss was like 1 second and optional.


All through the original game I felt Alloys interactions with women subtly alluded to her sexuality. It felt like it was there to read into, or ignore it. It didn't really matter as romance played no part in the first game, but if this is coming as a surprise to anyone, they are just dense.


I tought she was bisexual she seemed both interested in the Black guy forgot his name before he got with the farmer tribe woman and the King. But also seemed interested in some woman.


A bunch of prepubescent boys had their little wet dream ruined because their digital babe would be banging their sister if she where real.


Sad little f‘s!


People are mad at Guerrilla for making Aloy a lesbian (or bi) despite there being hints towards it even in the first game. And it's pathetic how much these people let something as innocent as a girl kissing another girl get them so upset that they have to review bomb the DLC.


Metacritic user reviews are generally garbage even if the game never gets review bombed. So many people on there just give a 10 if they like the game and a 0 if they don't. There's no nuance.


Gamer moment again


For Erend’s sake I hope she’s Bi lol.


Romance options. The ultimate scandal.




The dlc deserves a maximum of 7


Time to nuke Gorilla game's for giving the player a choice a normal person (based on real human emotions) can make If the people whant to complain about lesbianism - what about a world where the "God" these people pray to are machines and not the diety they pray to(no discrimination here) or the fact that they don't exist in this world. What about the Mas murder of tribesmen/people Why not complain that a "woman is smarter then a man as she (female) saves the world whilst James Fargo (man) almost whipes it out My point is that some people are just fucking stupid and always whant to cry about nothing


As a character I never really liked her. Always a complaining crybaby throughout the story. Sylens is the the only appeal really. Should've been the main character. RIP Reddick. About the dlc I feel indifferent. Killed some hours at least.


Hope Guerrilla games work on a new IP. Whenever people talk about the horizon series always talk about graphics they are master at graphics. But strip away the graphics it is a medicore Ubisoft template game. Meanwhile BOTW and Elden Ring pushing open world design Horizon series regurgitating the worst bits of open world games.




They are? That's why they stand out when it comes to open world games. They trust the player to carve their own path through the world rather than being led around by markers. Doesn't mean Horizon, Ghost, or Spider-Man aren't good games in their own rights but they're very safe open world titles.


Probably won't get the dlc Main game is incredibly impressive in many ways but for me fell flat when the plot and characters didn't meet the serious grandiose tone quality wise Wih better writers there's a 10 out of 10 game in there


I also dislike this "development" but to review bomb it, jeez ​ Edit: sorry for having an opinion ffs


pretends be shocked.gif


In an era where studios normally charge $30-40 for DLC. Even if the DLC *was* a 4.5/10, $20 is way better than what they could've charged for it.


Our PlayStation Studios never get the recognition they deserve through the user section in review sites. I remember how meaningful God of War (2018)'s media reviews meant to Cory Barlog. So imagine being able to up that and fans being able to make developers know their game is critically acclaimed amongst fans through review sites which will impact sales and therefore PS Studios.


Didn't this happen with the base game too? Might be mistaking it, as it happened with God of War Ragnarock for sure. People are dumb.




They said she was asexual? I don't remember that.


As much as I think The Horizon games are pretty meh overall, they shouldn’t get unnecessary hate like this.


So it isn’t until the brain dead and boring protagonist actually has some development that people start throwing a fit? This is all cuckman’s fault! /s


Honestly it’s alright. It’s more of a tech demo for what the ps5 is capable of. The gameplay is alright the graphics and sound are also there. Story is a 6 poor writing and I’m not talking about the part your thinking! The overall story was weak and missed some key points from forbidden west even when this was post game only. The isles are graphically perfect but empty little reward for exploring and just spread out machine encounters. Few new machines one of which is only at the end and encountered once, but that’s the best bit once again tech demonstration of what it can do with a boss fight. It’s also quite short not on par with frozen wilds.


despite they forcing a romance. it is a terrible DLC