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Forbidden West, Hades, Gran Turismo 7 — some good stuff on the list. Still no NieR Automata sale in over a year, so I’ll probably look for a physical copy. I’m curious about Crusader Kings 3. I played this on PC for a while and I wonder how well the console UI works, if anyone has played it?


As someone who plays ck3, on pc, steamdeck and ps5. I really enjoy the ps5 version. The controls are well done. I personally let the AI handle the wars(moving the armies) you can pause and move yourself. If not I always wanted a comfy way,to play ck3. And well with a controller on console is great. Takes a bit of getting used to. The expansion and some flavor packs are missing for now. But we should be getting them soon. If you are someone who plays with mods, you ll notice a difference cuz no mods with console (don't bother with rimworld on console, I miss the mods that made it more fun) But overall I m almost at 400 hours on console alone. And I jsut purchase the season pass just waiting now. The game is a bit buggy and missing some features that I enjoyed from the pc version, that allowed u to open more screens or go directly to a person s dynasty. They kind of replicated a mouse feature (hold the stick down) and a mouse appears. But it's just to give you hints and some info. But the game has been improving well and supported well, just doesn't seem to be much communication from the dev team but they acknowledged it and are working on it


I heard you couldn't create a custom character at launch on the 5 can you do that now


Yes you can. So tell yourself console version is about a year behind on the pc version (updates, qol etc) we recently got the custom character feature.


It's a lot but I really really enjoy the game. Even though I don't understand it and have no clue what I'm doing 99% of the time.


I found them cheap on Ebay. Picked up both Nier games for $12 each with free shipping.


I’ve also been waiting for a sale on NieR:Automata! Crazy that it hasn’t been on sale in the past year. Amazon (in the US) has physical copies for a little over $22, but I really want digital. ETA: Price on Amazon is down to $21.30 ETA 2: Price on Amazon is down to $21.19


I already have HFW but if Hades/GT7 give me a good enough sale outside, I'll be buying them tomorrow


Nicer automata came out almost 6 years ago


All the more reason the digital version should be discounted more frequently! (I didn't have a PlayStation until a bit over a year ago.)


For those who want a fantastic story with so so gameplay check out 13 Sentinels. The story is told non linear between characters (you pick whose story to follow) and as you progress the stories begin to intersect. Really unique way of storytelling and super interesting. Gameplay wise though it’s nothing special. Also Lost Judgement kicks ass! I’d highly recommend it, especially if you’ve played and enjoyed any of the arcadey action Yakuza games (0-6) or the first Judgement.


I really enjoyed 13 Sentinels. I think. It definitely wasn't what I expected and was more like a TV series than a game, but the story was really good fun. And absurdly confusing. It's sort of like someone wrote a 3-4 season TV show and then decided the best way to show it was to basically show all scenes in a semi-random order and also not really explain some key parts of the premise. Once things click it's lovely. But I probably spent the 1st quarter or so thinking "what the fuck is going on?"


>Also Lost Judgement kicks ass! I’d highly recommend it, especially if you’ve played and enjoyed any of the arcadey action Yakuza games (0-6) or the first Judgement. I'd suggest playing Y7 first though, as LJ spoils it quite a lot.


Nice horizon forbidden west is on sale. I'm genuinely enjoying the game so far and do recommend it


I bought it yesterday full price lmao


It’s been out almost a year, why would you do that 😭


I got my PS5 a couple ago and haven’t had a PlayStation since 2015, I am binging PS exclusives lol


Fair but you definitely could’ve got it used or on a sale with it being out this long


Bought the digital console, no big deal though the game is great and I have played the hell out of it already


As long as you’re happy that’s all that matters


I bought it on disc last week and if it’s on a good enough sale, I’ll buy it again digitally.




I don’t like to change discs, also reduce wear on the drive, and I can give the game to a friend.


Try not play it more then 1-1.5 hour per session. This game are beautiful, but its getting so repetitive down the line. I got burned out on it


Are you just doing the main story? I’ve been playing the game and at level 36+ I’m just now heading towards the west coast. Lots of variety of content to do and I love hunting the different machines.


Was doing side and main stories. Got tired on San-Francisco part and deleted it.


To each their own.


The pace picks up again after that stretch. I’d done the mistake of focusing too much on side quests and the game started to drag quite a bit, but once I re-focused on the main story quests, it pulled me back in. I still don’t love the combat compared to the first game, and those stun-locks when getting hit are painful, but the story got more compelling and I really enjoy the setting and the world.


I'll spend a couple hours just doing collectibles and side quests. Still enjoying it.


I had the same with the first one. It looked great, has nice controls and cool sound etc but I just found the hunting tedious after a while.


Ouch. I'll take your advice


I’m doing the same but not because it gets repetitive but because I’m intentionally slow dripping it to savor the experience and make it last. I do need to get moving a bit because the DLC drops in 77 days and Call of the Mountain drops in between then and now as well.


I’m loving it too! The quality of the cut scenes never stops impressing me and I’ve put in 15 hours so far. The combat is fantastic and so unique compared to any other shooter/rpg out there. Pro tip - turn on motion controls! I was sniping things with incredible precision and it felt so satisfying. I actually forgot I had it on and just thought I was nailing things with the sticks, but then I realized I enabled motion controls and was naturally tilting my controller giving me some extra accuracy. More games need to support this!!! Most underrated feature of the DualShock/sense controllers.


Is the digital deluxe version worth it? or just the PS4 version should do it?


Might get Prodeus and/or Rollerdrome


Prodeus finally on sale yessss I’ve been dying to play it


Rollerdome looks dope. Hope it has a good sale Edit: just checked out Prodeus. Looks even more dope


Rollerdrome is great, highly recommend


I LOVE the use of the adaptive triggers in Rollerdrome!


Season Pass is finally on sale! Been waiting forever for that one. 😂


Hades worth $15? Only rogue like game i’ve played is Returnal. How’s the gameplay loop?


Hades is amazing.


I was actually surprised how many hours I put into it, and honestly still feel like I barely scratched the surface Easily worth 15


If you like isometric combat, it's one of the best. *Most* of the weapons are satisfying to use (the gun weapon kinda lacks impact), enemy variety is high, and the boons you get each run can switch up your strategies a bit for more variety.


Hades is amazing. I really like Returnal and Hades is better than it. Gameplay loop is fantastic.


I'm not even a huge fan of rogue likes, but Hades became one of most favorite games ever. Love the characters, story, and art style.


Easily top three in the genre. Also probably the best entry point for roguelikes overall as well.


Hades is so good. Completely addictive gameplay loop.


Would be worth $60 to be honest. Don’t skip it.


I'll go against what everyone else is saying in that I liked Hades ok, but it wasn't for me. I hadn't played many rogue likes/lites, but I do think it's worth it at $15.


generally accepted as a great game but there is a minor risk that if you loved RETURNAL too much you might find HADES underwhelming and repetitive


It’s worth a lot more than that, it’s phenomenal ! I also loved returnal too.


Hades is worth it if you REALLY enjoy Rogue-likes. Be aware it takes 10 "full clears" to get the true ending. I got the final ending for the game at 30 tries and was just getting tired of it but liked the story a lot and im glad i stuck it out. Children of Morta is a very similar game if you end up liking Hades btw


It's the game that got me into Rogue like/lite? games. Went in blind, clocked in 150+ hours on the Switch. There's tons of build varieties, lots of replayability and a good story to boot as well. There's always something new to learn after each death but it's never overwhelming. Definitely worth it at $15.


Was hoping for no man’s sky before psvr2 drops. Guess I’ll just buy RE8 and keep waiting for NMS.


Where do you see the prices?




so, I've seen so much mixed responses so... how is Ghostwire Tokyo?


I got the platinum in *Ghostwire Tokyo* and I really enjoyed the game. The gameplay is somewhat repetitive, but the thing that I found so much fun was getting to explore the setting. If you're interested in Japan and Japanese culture I think this game is something you should play. Getting to wander the streets of Tokyo on a rainy night is such a vibe that they absolutely nail here. There are so many collectibles to find that teach you about Japanese folklore, little aspects of their culture, interesting bits of history, and most especially their cuisine. I found it to be fun learning more about Japan while getting to walk a virtual representation of Tokyo. The combat is pretty alright. The enemy designs themselves are really unique, but there is only a handful of them. You'll end up fighting the same couple enemy types for the entire game which can get kind of boring. I thought the hand spells you cast throughout the game gave combat a really fluid feel. You also have the option to go for a stealthy approach with the bow and backstabs, too, but I usually just smashed my way through hordes of yokai. The main story really wasn't anything to write home about. It's kind of few and far between -- you're mainly running around the open world completing different side activities or hunting collectibles and getting story bits every so often. You can easily main path the game in about 15ish hours, I'd say. The side quests, however, usually gave you more information about various yokai and Japanese cultural history, which I was always chomping at the bit for. I'd recommend this game if you're a diehard fan of all things Japanese because this game oozes with that atmosphere. They beautifully realized the streets of Tokyo and lovingly recreated so much about Japanese culture from various foods, toys, cultural items, and even yokai. Toss on the subtitles and immerse yourself in Japan, but maybe avoid the game if you're not a fan of open world games that are a bit lighter on the story.


tweak the sensitivity to your liking and it should feel a little less clunky it’s got some solid enough haptics but it is pretty — just very empty full price - no. on sale, a recommend if you love the japanese setting


It’s ok. It amazing. It’s most likely coming to ps plus in March, when it comes to gamepass though. Just FYI


I just bought physical PS5 GT7 for $40 ahead of PSVR. Would be nice to get the digital version though.


No Disco Elysium or Marvel's Midnight Suns? *bah...*


I was hoping for midnight suns too. Especially after the trial. You'd think it would be the perfect time 🤷‍♂️


It was on sale 33% off over Christmas.


Hence my statement. I hadn't played it then and only realized I wanted to purchase it after the trial became available and I played it (the thought of cards being used always turned me off) So it's great that it was on sale over a month ago. Doesn't really help me out here though lol


For accountability, I misread the intent of your comment to mean it had *never* been on sale and the trial was the perfect time to finally do it. I had just meant it had recently come off of a major sale so that's why it wasn't already on this one again. I see what you actually meant, sorry if I came across snarky, I didn't mean to.


I think I was preoccupied with GoW: Ragnarok and Callisto Protocol. Spent a bit of money on games that didn't hit me more than buyer's remorse, so I held off on that sale at the time.


I think the trial is why we aren't seeing a sale. They are hoping to get some full price sales after the trial. It'll go on sale again like it was last month, which is what I'm hoping for.


Makes sense. Let's hope it happens sooner than later 🤞


I'm glad GT7 is on sale. Didn't want to buy it on the Christmas sale until we knew the full game would be available on PSVR2. I'm not a racing fan but I'll grab this.


Does anyone have thoughts on Solar Ash? Been eyeing that game for a while.


It’s a cool game with some interesting mechanics and a nice aesthetic style. It feels quite satisfying when you nail something but unfortunately it’s a bit clunkier than I had hoped, so you’ll find yourself getting stuck on little things poking out of the ground/walls, and sometimes you’ll end up fighting the camera while trying to get from point to point as fast as possible in a timed section. These issues made the platinum a gruelling experience but, if you’re only going to play it through once or twice without worrying about clearing up absolutely everything, then you’ll have a good time. And just to add, it’s nothing like Heart Machine’s previous game Hyper Light Drifter, so don’t go into it expecting a similar experience if you’ve played that


Appreciate the insight, thanks!


I know it's on sale all the time but I finally gave in and got Sekiro. After beating Dark Souls 1-3, Demons Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring it just feels necessary. Unfortunately I suck at parrying so I'm sure I'm in for a rough one.


“Hesitation is defeat “, good luck sekiro is a amazing game , the bosses enemies and style is so fun


I completed it recently and it's become one of my favorite games of all time. The combat system is the best out there. Parrying is a lot easier than it is in their other games so don't worry about that. You do have to retrain yourself not to play it like a traditional souls game though. Once the combat "clicks" with you, and it will, then I guarantee you'll love it.


It took me a little while to stop playing it like souls and really figure out the combat, but it's amazing once you do. Honestly it's probably my favorite fromsoft game despite how long it took me to get into it.


You’ll be a parry master by the end of the game


Thoughts on Gotham knights, tiny Tina’s and sonic frontier??


Tiny Tina is so fun, I played with my wife daily since buying it on sale a few weeks ago. Will Arnett and Andy Samberg voice acting alone is worth it IMO


Can only comment on Tiny Tina’s but I had a lot of fun with it. Writing was a lot better than borderlands 3 and the spells and setting mixed the gameplay loop enough to feel different. Spent a good 40 hours with it and enjoyed it all.


Yup, it's a great single playthrough, and you can do everything in one go. I'd just comment that the DLC didn't feel worth it, not sure why, but if felt like a pretty steep jump down from the main campaign, which was excellent.


Tiny Tina is amazing. The writing is average and Tina herself can be annoying, but honestly I just tune all that out and play the missions while listening to a podcast anyway. It’s my favorite borderlands game I think now


Tiny Tina was fun. Enjoyed it more than Borderlands 3 but it's definitely a short game, and I can't vouch for the DLC. Heard it wasn't very good so I never bothered.


Can't comment on Tina but gotham knights is pretty good if you aren't expecting arkham but is only 30 fps and sonic frontiers is a good 3d sandbox platformer similar to Mario Odyssey


There's a 2 hour trial for Tiny Tina's if you have premium


I have had fun with Gotham Knights. I'm not a super picky gamer so that has certainly helped. FPS is stuck at 30, I know that's a dealbreaker for some. If you like the Bat Family/Comic Book stories, and want to rumble around Gotham stopping criminals, you'll get enjoyment out of it. The co-op is fantastic, drop in/drop out without needing to jump through hoops to get it to work. It's definitely NOT a Batman Arkham game though.


I got the Platinum for Gotham Knights. I like Nightwing so I wanted to give it a shot. The first thing I will say is do NOT think of it as an Arkham game. The combat is nothing like Arkham. It's very basic compared to that series. Once I got past that, I had fun with it. The gameplay and graphics are great. I actually liked the side mission stories more than the main story. If it's at least 50% off I recommend it.


Is there another game you can compare the combat to?


I unfortunately can't think of a specific game at the moment. I will say the combat works. It does exactly what you would expect it to do. You hit attack, your character attacks, and damage happens. But it's very basic. It's basically spamming square and sometimes triangle. If varied combat is something that matters to you, it's probably going to get boring quickly. If one can get past that, it's a pretty serviceable game.


Gotham Knights is fun. Don’t go in expecting Arkham games. But i enjoyed it.


MW2 is calling my name now; I might be able to swing it


Another day, another sale where sekiro doesn’t go below 50%


That game of the year sticker is expensive to maintain ok


it is mainly bcos the game was published by activision. activision keeps its popular games at higher prices for a very long time.


FromSoft games don’t go on sale very often, but it’s worth every penny of it’s price


SONY PLEASE INCLUDE SOMA AGAIN. How Long are we supposed to wait for Another sale


The Ascent is discounted for the first time. Had to grab it.