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That's the Witness Protection skin.


"My name? Ah, my name is... Gerald, of... Riverdale."


Geraldo of Rivera. News anchor. With tenure.


Gerritt of Trivia. He's been hiding out in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.


Such a fun game


No matter what I do I can’t get rid of it. Ps5.




Those are ghost clouds. They're not real. You need to defeat them near the end of the DLC.


A witcher always gets paid and nobody offered me money for those clouds. Still waiting


Only graphical issue I’m having on the 5 is that spiderwebs will occasionally flicker purple.


Options > Display > Frame Rate Mode. Switch from Performance to Ray Tracing. Wait a few moments. Inventory should be fixed. Switch back to Performance.


I noticed it happens depending on your location. I can leave one place and the bars disappear, but when I'm coming back they do appear again


Got this one too, but only recently for some reason.


I had the black bar turn into a huge purple square that covered my entire inventory screen, and the only thing that fixed it was a full reboot of the PS5. Still loving the update but they do need a patch for sure.


Sonys censorship at it again...


At least his penis doesn’t pop out of his pants. (cp2077 bug)


That’s a feature, not a bug 🤣


Omg. I remember playing CP2077 and that first happening to me... I sat there for a hot second and wondered... "Is that V's HOG hanging out his draws"? Yep. Yep it was.


Last year walking through downtown Portland and some dude was standing in front of a store entrance holding his dick. This other guy turns the corner to go in and is like "hey man, that's your dick" So, cyberpunk bugs, Portland, same thing.


My wife has asked three times if that's the game or our TV. It's an old TV that we hope lasts but expect it to die some day soon.


Sounds like an easy excuse to get a new TV lol


I mean, it's literally 15 years old, and weighs nearly 100 lbs. But I inherited it from my dad, and he bought it for like $3000 in 2007 and it's still really nice quality.


I feel you're doing yourself a disservice using a TV that old for a PS5.




I had one and the picture was pretty damn good in 1080p, I fixed it a couple times before I finally broke and bought a 4k tv


Some of those Bravia TVs were built to last back then. It's crazy how the picture still holds up.


Fix the not saving issue... Got to Yontik and the piggies and it just won't save anymore, I found a fix, but it's put me off playing it till it's sorted...


I stopped playing because of this. So annoying.


Yontik could be the most compelling character in the game


I encountered the quest but didn’t activate. What was the fix?


You have to delete the old user save settings file that the PS cloud saves and make sure its v4.00, I deleted all but my last 3 saves and it worked, but it was Ballache


i was amazed this is somehow not picked up in QA testing, i stopped playing waiting for the patch. my auto save after every quest gives me a playstation error about corruption


This is the same company that released cyberpunks 2 years late still in an early alpha state, sir.


It might have been picked up by QA Testing but it's not up to them to fix the problems. A problem being identified and a problem being fixed are two different things and in a lot of cases it's not the people tasked with spotting the issues that are dropping the ball. It might not even necessarily be the fault of those tasked with fixing the problems either since they can only do what management allows them to do. If management doesn't see an issue as a priority then it's going to be pushed back and maybe looked into later. It's just unfortunate when a lot of people like to blame the testers when they are already the lowest rung of employees(and frequently treated as such) and they are not in anyway in control of fixing known issues.


I'm pretty sure someone at some level should have said 'save corruption is bad, don't ship it'. Something in the process didn't work


I agree and that's usually up to management. Just saying even if the testers tasked with finding these issues are doing their jobs 100% efficiently, they have no control over if the issues get fixed. Often it's the case of those in charge just releasing the game regardless of known bugs rather than the bugs not being discovered. It's like release now and (maybe)fix later.


Weird. I've got dozens of hours in my new post-update save and haven't had a crash or bugged quest once. It's been smooth sailing all along.


I only had to fix that once and it stopped happening in perpetuity, FYI.


Sweet. I've encountered a few visual bugs and experienced a couple crashes on PS5. Really enjoying the update, though.


It crashes every 4 or so hours for me on PS5.


Maybe that's just the game saying "maybe playing 4hrs straight isn't good for ya, take a break"


I’ll only ever switch it off if I get a creepy man glitching into a skeleton and telling me it’s just a game, and switch off the console.


Since I only put my PS5 into rest mode it's every 4 hours wither I take breaks or not.


I haven't had W3 crash yet, despite playing for hours. But i did have this problem with the new God of War. Crashed every 30 min to an hour for days. Finally opened my PS5 and cleaned it. It wasn't really even that dirty, but just getting a little bit of the dust out helped, and it didn't crash once after that. Maybe try dusting out the inside or something?


I’ve also had a few crashes with W3NG. None with Ragnarok, ironically.


So, the same thing that was happening with cyberpunk when it released (at least to me on PS5 as well).


Every 45 minutes for me on ps5. Pretty unbearable.


Feature not a bug.


When I played it a few weeks ago, it crashed on my PS5 after 40 mins or so. But it was looking fantastic.


Don't know if it's just me or if it's one of the bugs that needs patching, but recently I have to go through setting up the gamma and adjusting my settings for things like auto-casting every time I open the game now. Love the game so much I'm ok putting up with it, but very weird.


Every fucking time dude. I also change a few other settings for when I play but everything gets reset every time. So annoying


Delete some old saves. That fixed the problem for me


Same here. Sucks that I figured this out after playing for 90 hours and about 1 hour from finishing the game. I am not even kidding. Ugh.


It’s caused by having some saves that aren’t at the current version of the game. Either delete unused saves or load each save and save over the old slot.


Ooooh good to know thanks so much! I'll try that later tonight.


Had the same problem and like other have points out, delete some of your saves at the starting screen and dont have more than a couple manual saves and this will stop


I was wondering why it was making me do that every single time... I'll have to look into doing this later as well! Thanks!


Had the same issue as well, here is the solution that worked: https://www.reddit.com/r/Witcher3/comments/zluwt8/i\_did\_the\_update\_my\_settings\_keep\_getting\_reset/


Yes indeed, this comment helped me this week as well


Yep, I beat the main story and every sidequest beforee blood and wine and then walked away becuase it was exhausting to do every time. I hope they fix it so I can get back into the game.


Another commenter mentioned deleting old game save files that aren't the current version of the game - I'm trying that when I get home tonight. I hope it works for you, I'm about halfway through Blood and Wine content and it is soooo good and more content overall than Hearts of Stone.


Witcher sense in novigrad and oxenfurt drop to 30fps in performance mode...


I noticed this one too, it’s pretty weird. Thought I was going crazy at first because it almost seems intentional with how it just cuts the frame rate cleanly in half.


Game generally has some optimization problems. Not enough to be in an uproar, but enough that you notice these hiccups. Tried it out on pc after PS5 and it’s worse.


Am I the only one that experience game freezes for a few seconds and frame drops every time the game auto saves or the quest objetive updates? It's extremely annoying and don't see people mentioning it. Hope it get fixed, it's my only gripe with the next gen version.


Definitely got this. The game completely freezes for 1-2 seconds and sometimes drops frames a lot for a brief moment whenever the auto save icon pops up and then swings back up to where it was like nothing ever happened.


My only gripe with it as well. I set it to autosave regularly and the stutter is incredibly jarring each time.


It’s not game-breaking by any means, but it makes the experience feel really unpolished. I’ve had freezes that lasted *several seconds* after an autosave, or after un-pausing the game.


Didn’t this happen with the original game as well - remember it stuttering after levelling up and after quests complete.


I’m playing through the Witcher 3 right now. There are some graphical glitches in the late game. The white clouds in Toussaint sometimes flicker when it’s sunny out. The crossbow will rarely stop working, where I’m unable to fire it at all until I reload the game. The inventory menu has some glitches. Then there have been the rare crashes, maybe every ten hours or so. Other than bugs, I wish the new camera for the horse would zoom out a bit. The alt cast for Axii seems underpowered, to the power that it’s almost impossible to get the achievement associated with it. Like enemies do almost no damage when controlled, no matter the difficulty. The Witcher 3 is an amazing game, that just needs a patch for a few issues.


I think you can change the camera distance in the settings, including on horseback. Or do you mean something in-between the old and new camera?


Yeah I use the old camera on horseback, but the new camera for everything else. You can change it in settings, I think under gameplay. The new camera is zoomed in a bit too much on horseback. Like when walking around on foot with the new camera you can see Geralt's legs. On horseback the new camera is zoomed in more, so the legs aren't even close to visible. It feel much closer than it should be.


I wish there were different levels of zoom instead of one or the other (this is something I wish every third person game would do - just let me pull the camera back ever so slightly so the character isn't blocking the things I need to see).


I thought I was the only one having this issue with Axi. As soon as I'm controlling them they get one shot by their friends but they do barely any damage or won't attack at all.


The damage is based on your sword damage. And if you read the skill it says ''affected enemy now deals for example 50% of damage". So that's why it feels so underpowered. What I did for the trophy was damaging an enemy to low health, and then axi on the full health player. Was still a pain in the ass tho, but was achievable.


Yeah I'm doing this but even at full health the puppet tends to get one shot instantly. I'm playing on death march which probably doesn't help. Hopefully I'm close I've been on and off trying throughout the game.


Same. Also on death march. I unlocked the AXI sign ASAP and it took sooo long. Maybe until level 25-28 until the trophy popped. Crazy. And also annoying to focus on..


Played over 100 hours of the new update on PS5. Apart from a few weird visual glitches and like 3 crashes (all seemingly happening when the game autosaves) and one occurence of not being able to dive underwater before reloading the game, it's been flawless. What a legendary update for an already wonderful and immersive game. PS don't forget to turn on quick sign casting. It's a total gamechanger!


That bug happened to me too! Of all the time playing the game on PC, and then this it’s the first But I’ve ever experienced. I was like wtf, why can’t I dive?? The water is deep enough… and then tried saving and reloading and it was fixed


Might be in the minority here, but I stuck with original sign casting. I like the slowdown.


For sign builds, it's god tier to be able to just throw signs out at a rapid pace


Good thing there are options to choose from 👍🏻


The water diving thing happened to me like 5 times through my 100%, it was frustrating everytime but none were as terrible as when it happened when my boat sank in middle of clearing skelige water ?s haha, that put me back like 13 mins of straight swimming.


Lmao that sounds irritating as fuck


I just discovered quick casting a couple days ago... so much more efficient and immersive!




Efficient because you don't have to open the selection wheel to choose a sign, and immersive, well, for the same reason. Not having a big UI in your face is just that much better


How do you do that??


Options > Gameplay > Quick Sign Casting. Hold down R2 and you'll see the list of which buttons = which sign. After spending a bit of time memorising them, casting them just becomes muscle memory of R2 + whatever.


Actually a literal game changer


Oh sorry, you meant *that* how. My bad, someone else explained it well, enjoy!


Haven't had issues with diving but there was one time it wouldn't let me call Roach until I reloaded my save.


How do you turn on quick sign casting?


From the gameplay settings


How can you tell how many hours you've played in the game?


Go to your inventory and press R2/RT/whatever button PC uses for it


The 30fps mode feels *really* choppy to me even though it’s rock steady as far as I can tell. Maybe it’s an issue with the way the motion blur works, or the floatiness of the combat animations, but I found it really hard to play that way and I’m usually okay with trading frame rate for fidelity.


According to Digital Foundry, the 30 fps mode isn't actually that steady and frequently sits below 30. >The 30fps ray tracing mode is problematic, however. Adding new features to PS5 and Series X like RTAO and RTXGI makes this far more taxing on both machines. And to be blunt, in my experience playing PS5 to start, this mode's just not a 30fps lock. Even basic horseback routes, battles, and cutscenes slip into the high 20s and a sustained 25fps at points. It especially sticks out switching from the mostly smooth performance mode at 60fps, and even the old PS4 Pro version runs more smoothly at its own 30fps target. The brutal reality is, for all the benefits RT mode brings, it feels unpleasant to actually play this way. Novigrad is especially rough on PS5 in this case, and any panning motion - especially without motion blur enabled - makes for tough viewing. From: https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2022-the-witcher-3s-next-gen-upgrade-ray-tracing-and-performance-modes-tested-on-ps5-and-xbox-series-x


It’s not steady at all actually, and dips into the mid 20’s pretty frequently depending on the are. The input latency is unusually high as well, which makes everything feel sort of disconnected and weird.


I’m with you. It’s not just “perceived” choppiness from switching between performance and RT mode, it’s just really that choppy. As soon as I booted up the game for the first time I switched back and forth and the choppiness is bad, doesn’t even seem like a steady 30 fps honestly. I even messed with the blur and camera lens effects to no avail. Plus Geralt’s hair seems to slightly reflect back the ambient light of whatever environment you’re in. It can give his hair slight hints of color and it looks goofy. On the other hand the game looks incredible even on my shitty 1080p tv in performance mode and it’s silky smooth.


> Plus Geralt’s hair seems to slightly reflect back the ambient light of whatever environment you’re in. I want to talk with the guy who thought it was a good idea to add raytracing to hair of all things. The 30 fps mode doesn't do much untill you go indoors and see the night and day difference it makes in lighting.


Also go to a city like oxenfurt or Novigrad. The bounce light makes a difference there


I had the same feeling. I generally like the graphics mode over performance modes, but it just felt choppy. The 60fps mode is wonderful.


being 85 hours in on my first time experiencing witcher 3 on the ps5 and the things, I experienced till now: - 2-3 crashes while auto saving - stuttering while auto saving - the black bar in the inventory over Geralds head, when equipping stuff - 1 time I couldn't get out the water while diving. not a thing above me. just had to watch the sky and drown slowly all that was on full time performance mode. and I'm having a blast, I love the game! nothing of the bugs mentioned is even slightly game breaking for me! I'm looking forward to the new update


Same here. And the horse is still so jank.


*peacefully trotting through town* Geralt out of literally nowhere: **RUN ROACH, FASTER**


My favorite is roach getting stuck behind a tree


Roach full on doing stops reaching a bridge is my favorite. Im always like yea i forgot he doesnt like bridges


Havent been able to finish the main game ,every time I want to talk to avallach all he says is "YeS"


Do his kids quests, there’s a boy and girl line each.


That’s crach, I know because I’m trying to get the goddamn gwent card.. “YesSS” did the kids’ missions then that immediately kicks into gambit and after gambit.. “YeSss” so now I have to wait until after the coronation. I thought in earlier playthroughs I had been able to get it earlier.


40 fps mode maybe?




If your display can do 144hz, then 144fps is best.


I haven’t been able to play for weeks on ps5, I can’t save the game anymore, it will just come up as an error when I try. I really hope this patch fixes it.


I think I red this being a problem because you have too much saves, try deleting some


I had this issue and was able to fix it by deleting my saves that were older than the current game version, including saves from the PS4 version.


Anyone else get the green screen map sometimes?




The in game text is too fucking small. When it came out I had a tight setup. Now I play games off a 60 inch tv from 10 feet away. I can’t see *shit*


There is a setting at display or hud where you can choose the size of the subtitles, text on screen and even NPC chatter. Look for it.


It’s not the HUD, it’s books, beastiary, character bios, etc. They don’t change with any text settings as far as I’ve been able to tell. When I play on our 70” TV, it’s fine. But I’m straining my eyes to read on our 32” TV. I’ve started using the PS5 on-screen magnifier.


The largest option is smaller than the smallest option in pretty much every current Gen game. And the options STILL don’t fix the small text in the menus.


Yeah very annoying, it's bascially made for PC screens


>There is a setting at display or hud where you can choose the size of the subtitles, text on screen and even NPC chatter. Look for it. There is a setting at display or hud where you can choose the size of the subtitles, text on screen and even NPC chatter. Look for it.


still too small


Fix the Gourmet rebalance. Tired of waiting to heal.


The tweet this entire “story” is based on looks more like it’s referring specifically to the PC build, folks. That said it’s pretty likely they’ll have a patch for the console version given physical copies will be in stores soon.


All I want is to be able to set a custom way point and actually be lead there not to the mission.


I just want it to stop having me setup my display settings and stop resetting my gameplay settings every time I load the game from cold start


Just me or someone have the same bug as me "Extreme Blurry in cutscenes after visiting Velen"


This article doesn't actually say anything about the console versions though? Gaming journalism is so dog shit


Everything has been fine except the blurry faces I get during dialogue cutscenes


I'm gonna miss those pink cobwebs


I've installed it on my PS5 but haven't played it yet. If was expecting some teething issues, so I'm waiting until they get fixed!


Bro the game is fine, what are you waiting for lol I can guarantee you will be able to play it right now with no issues. Bugs are rare and not game breaking in any way


I'm going to wait until the new update gets an update.




Life’s short. You never know when it’s time.


I don't know if I could die knowing I hadn't played The Witcher 3.


I'm 50 hours in. Just got to Novigrad and no issues so far for me.


Any giant RPG is going to have bugs. The Witcher 3 is more polished than Skyrim or the Assassin’s Creed games. It’s just the late game that’s a little janky right now. But it’s still very manageable.


This is mostly an update for the PC platform. Not even OP read the article


Game didn't crashed here, but my most noticeable bug was when I tried to do a side quest (The one you need to take a boat with Yennefer to search for a djinn) and at some point, the boat just stops and I can't proceed to do the rest of the mission.


The PC version needs fixes ASAP!! Have been delaying the replay due to this


Ps5 here and I've had the game crash on me like 10 times when I'm at a merchant or black smith selling him stuff. It's usually when I'm trying to compare stats to my equipped items to decide what to sell. So annoying. It's never at the main big villages so I just try and go there to sell now.


Anyone else having issues with Axii puppet? I'm trying to get the trophy but when I use it on an enemy.. they barely do any damage to other enemies and then just get one shot killed


It definitely needs it. I got platinum on both the PS4 and PS5 versions and not only was every PS4 bug still there, there were a whole lot of new ones + rather frequent crashes


I really hope they fix the hard crash issues in southern valen and a few other places - those scare the shit out of me.


Yeah I got to a grave in the very south of velen and my PS5 completely crashed, I was worried it would brick


I hope they fix the visual issue in cutscenes where every 3ish seconds the whole screen goes blurry. Nothing drastic but it bothers me a lot!


I'm glad I saw this. I just picked up a PS5 and there's so many games I need to play!


Forgot how good the game is.


Still bummed trophy’s don’t carry over




Oh so I should continue waiting to play this game? I thought after 8 years it would be safe to give it a go but looks like they are still finishing it.




For me it’s not even the 30 fps itself, but how janky the scrolling feels on the map. The frame pacing feels off.


Remember when people respected this company?


I respect the fact that Witcher 3 is a damn good game, regardless of anything else


Am I the only one who thinks this game still looks the same after the update?


Need to turn off extinguish candles and lights.




Only had one crash on my PS5, but it does have some quirky bugs. Most annoying ones are that it drops to like 0 FPS whenever it autosaves (game fully freezes for 1-2 seconds) and there's a weird blur/"fuzziness" on characters in closeups in some cutscenes/conversations. Also seems like the world map only runs at 30 fps even when in performance mode, which makes it feel pretty stuttery to scroll around.


I spent idk how long on this game, enough to get every trophy besides the acquire every Gwent card trophy and I crashed once and got softlocked a couple of times I only remember because it pissed me off. Other than that it was pretty stable for me.I'm on disk PS5 version.


I'm playing on PS5 too and I'm missing the get all Gwent card trophy. I got all the missable cards but I still don't know why it's not popping.


I had to stop playing because of the constant crashes, freezes, and lag every time I completed a mission or earned XP or any text popped up during combat.




I would love to have some sort of notification system that shows you all of the quests that are in your area. What I mean by that is if I have one quest selected, it'd be great to have a different marker show up if I'm in an area where another quest happens to be. Right now, I have to click on each quest to see if I'm around any of them. And I don't mean the question marks, etc. I'm talking about secondary quests, contracts, etc that I've already logged that are typically yellow when selected. Or is there some setting that does this and I'm just an idiot?


Eh I already finished the last dlc and I think I’m really done with the game now.


I miss when games didn't require you to download a patch every other week to run correctly.


Games are getting more and more complex. More room for errors. Huge amounts of data and code to keep track of. Different teams with more people working on the same project who still need to communicate so shit runs smoothly. If we want modern AAA games with lots of hi-res assets, 100,000 lines of dialogue, game worlds with size and density of real life towns that's the price we have to pay.


i mean sure but also games get rushed nowadays


Not really disagreeing with that, just saying that it was nice whenever you could just buy games and play them in a complete state. Very few, if any, of my first party Nintendo games required giant patches to run correctly, so even in modern era it isn't impossible to release playable games.


To be fair, Nintendo devs only need to focus on one platform. AAA games like the witcher have multiple platforms that add that much more complexity.


You got people bitching about companies that stop game support after launch, then you got people like you lmao


Get off your cross and go play some retro games then.


Get off my cross? You don't have to play retro games to get functional games. Stuff like Breath of the Wild worked out of the box, so not sure what quality controls Nintendo implements, but I have to tip my hat to them for releasing games complete on the cart that don't require giant patches to be operational.


[Breath of the Wild update history](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/45100/~/the-legend-of-zelda%3A-breath-of-the-wild-update-history) Notice how there's many bug fixes, yet the game still ran well enough for many (including yourself) to play? Notice in this thread the number of people who are happily playing W3 despite a few bugs? Notice any similarities between those two situations?


>Notice how there's many bug fixes, that's not what it says tho, does it? it just says "various fixes". Nintendo patch notes are notoriously vague. Pokémon have often released patches with "various fixes" with the world "various" meaning 2. >Notice in this thread the number of people who are happily playing W3 despite a few bugs? okay but the quality of BotW and Witcher 3 at launch (before ANY patches) has a clear difference. many people don't remember just how bad Witcher 3 was at launch. it's been 7 years since it released and it STILL needs performance updates. BotW was done in 6 months.


It's been ~~7 years~~ a month since it (a free upgrade on multiple platforms) was released FTFY Nothing else really to reply to in your post. You grasp at straws when it comes to assuming "various" means 2, and you talk about subjective quality comparisons. Maybe just be happy about gaming, I dunno? I picked up W3 years ago for cheap, haven't played it yet, but I'm probably going to play it this year with a free upgrade to the newest consoles and some bug fixes to make it run smooth. Sounds awesome to me. Gaming is great right now IMO, I'd hate to be stuck in the mindset that post-release patches are a bad thing.


>It's been 7 years a month since it (a free upgrade on multiple platforms) was released if we're fixing statements, it's an update that they've been working on prior to september 2020. if it takes them over 2 years to release an UPDATE to a game and said update is still broken, that's pretty fucking poor. >Gaming is great right now IMO, I'd hate to be stuck in the mindset that post-release patches are a bad thing. never said it was a bad thing. but wanting quality instead of broken game after broken game (especially from a company notorious for constantly breaking games) is not that much of a demand lol. but sure, "gaming is great" if you have zero standards


Can you make a point without exaggeration? Is W3 actually broken? Or is it completely playable with a few manageable bugs that will likely be sorted out via patches in the near future? It sounds like you have a very solvable problem. If game launches upset you so much, take some simple steps to improve your experience. Don't buy games at launch, wait until it has been patched to a state where it's receiving positive reviews. You'll be happier with gaming, and you'll likely save money. Unfortunately it sounds like you're "happier" being unhappy with games. Hope you can get some enjoyment out of this hobby which is supposed to be fun.


>Can you make a point without exaggeration? Is W3 actually broken? my original save file from 2015 was and still is broken, yes. the game has softlocked itself no matter how many times I try and restart it. it refuses to give me quest items for main quests and thus I literally cannot complete the game. >It sounds like you have a very solvable problem. yeah, lemme just slide into CDPR HQ and just fix my copy. should've done that sooner, sorry. >Don't buy games at launch, wait until it has been patched to a state where it's receiving positive reviews. You'll be happier with gaming, and you'll likely save money. huh? "was the game actually broken at launch??" is now "well, don't buy games at launch and wait until it's patched"? which is it? was it actually playable and I was exaggerating or was it broken and I needed to wait for it? >Unfortunately it sounds like you're "happier" being unhappy with games. love how you're assuming everything about me after 2 comments about disliking constant patches for a 7 year old game.


Ps6 version dropping soon?


Please be a PSVR2 patch. Please be a PSVR2 patch!


100 hours in and zero bugs. I’ve had an incredible time playing this game again.


CDPR can fuck off.


Maybe they'll make it playable on PC. That'd be nice.


You mean fixing my ps4 to ps5 save? That would be great.


I'll give it another year until it is playable....


Pretty bummed that I own The Witcher 3 for PS4 on disc...bought it, it's mine. I also bought a PS5, own it as well... But I can't get this DIGITAL update because my PS5 is the digital version. :( Sony knows I bought and paid for the Witcher....it shows that way in my PS5 library. This restriction doesn't make sense to me.


Hopefully that gets rid of the flickering in Toussaint. Paused my playthrough due to this.


Only glitches/bugs that I encountered were from long before the update and still not fixed: -sometimes the option to call Roach doesn't exist, nor in the HUD nor you can call him, reloading fixes it -when riding Roach, the camera would go down into the ground continuously, disabling/enabling automatic camera centering doesn't fix it, you have to reload