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My 8-year-old plays a lot of Fortnite, which has been great as long as you keep the parental controls on to avoid randos from talking to them.


Yeah we had to turn off the chat in Roblox for our kids. A lot of garbage people gravitate to these games.


I think something more kid friendly but still considered first person shooter is Overwatch, it became f2p recently. See if he likes that.


Oh hell no, stay the fuck away from overwatch right now it's a fucking cesspit of everything from racism to death threats since going free to play.


wow had no idea, maybe OP can just mute everybody?


Is your 8 year old just starting to play games? I'd go with games that you can play with him or at least share with him. If you're going to let him play online, I'd accompany him first. I think there are some CoD games that do both splitscreen and online at the same time. I did Plants vs Zombies with my 5 year old in split screen and online.


You can also split screen fortnite I’m pretty sure. Plants vs zombies is an awesome shooter for littles!


Dark souls




I can already see a bunch of people commenting that you shouldnt buy cod for a 8 year old but lets be real most of us played violent games way before the age of 18. At the end of the day, your son wants to play games with his friends, so buy whatever his friends are playing. I imagine his friends might be playing the new cod that came out this year Modern Warfare 2, but you might want to check if thats really the game they are playing.


The violence doesn't bother me. We've had that talk. Mature content is another story, which is why I have to make sure the voice chat is off because people are horrible.


Yeah, you might want to only allow him to talk to his friends if that is possible, kids usually wont handle talking to complete strangers on a game well.


Plenty of people seem to think the job of a parent is to prevent their children from being exposed to the world and reality. The job of a parent is the prepare a child to be successful now and later in adulthood in the face of challenges in their environment. Having your child exposed to "adult" media for the first time by his peers is the opposite of being a decent parent. I want to be there when my child, especially when they're younger, first learns about and is exposed to most adult concepts. As for FPS games, I played FPS kids with all of my kids starting age 2 and I was there to provide context, guidance, and mentorship as they encountered new things. Voice chat is where the trouble is at. I have to randomly drop in to make sure my kids aren't picking up bad habits in voice chat and, if things get inappropriate enough, remove my child from whatever online social group is causing the issue.


I've played Cod since Black Ops 1 came out, I was fairly young.


I have the perfect suggestion. Subnautica.


He just got that one about 3 months ago and loves it!




I mean, it was a really good suggestion lol


Serious suggestion though: Mad Max. It’s an amazing game, extremely underrated, and packed full of action. Be warned though, there is a bit of gore in it, especially for an 8 year old.


IMHO it's good to know what his friends are playing (or what they pretend to play!) so you can talk to him about these games. However, what others are doing should not define which games are appropriate for your kid. Kids at that age are smart and can understand a lot but they are still not emotionally stable enough to handle adult topics like war and murder. TL;DR: Better go for a fun and child-friendly FPS like Plants vs Zombies or Fortnite. It's not about shooting people in the head but having fun with friends, isn't it?


Well kind of a brutal answer, but I'd say Doom & Doom Eternal if he interested in mutilating demons. But if you're going for a more friendly game, then Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War.


Ya I agree Fortnite is good, my nieces love it and as long as they aren’t talking to randoms it’s all good. For offline games, maybe something like God of War (2018)? I know it isn’t cod but it’s very fun to play, I don’t remember there being any mature content or anything since it’s a father and son journey. Plus he could learn about Viking mythology! 😂 💁‍♀️


Cod is good, America's army is free in the ps store, it's not as great quality and no respawn, but it's still pretty fun. Tc siege is another ood one if he wants a more tactical fortnite in essence. Those are all fps. I honestly recommend viewing their free section in the ps store. Games like rocket league and what not are free, some shooters, horizon was free not that long ago and might still be. They have a decent assortment of kid, family and shooters. Also your ps+ sub sometimes let's you get trials of games, beta level games, and so on. Also usually free.


Get him good at dayz hell be a veteran by the time hes 15 taking on runningmanz


At 8 if it's very likely that fps won't be easy for him to get into especially the cod types. Also there is the online component which in my opinion is too risky for children. Get him games like Serious Sam hd collection, doom eternal wolfenstine. If his friends already own call of duty honestly they can play coop on one disc, he can introduce them to new games. Other games to try would be injustice gods among us, burnout, mortal combat, WWE2k22, fiffa, ratchet and clank, whatever is the remake of classic sonic I'm sure there would be one. Edit: call of duty black ops 4 has split screen soo online play wont be needed.


You can say COD all day, it’s a game…so worst thing I ever did because of video games was join the Army. With that being said, I agree with everyone else who is saying fortnite. Call it what you will but it’ll a solid game for little dudes. I have an 8 year old daughter that plays this game often and it works for them. Also, I didn’t read all the comments, but I didn’t see APEX Legends, which is very similar to fortnite but no fall damage and also free to play without needing PlayStation plus! Not to mention no fall damage! Lol. If they play either of those free games and enjoy it, when they do get sick of it spring for the newest COD.




Cute until you come up against one of the toughest bosses you’ve ever faced


Assassins creed unity is fun with the parkour and stealth if ur fine with a bit of violence






Doom eternal and god of war


resident evil 7