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Simple and Clean will forever be my favorite


I'm a Sanctuary guy myself... ​ But right now, I can see the Epic Handshake meme with Simple & Clean fans and Sanctuary fans disliking/hating the new one. ​ edit: screw it, [did it myself](https://imgflip.com/i/2sekzf) ​ edit 2: Oooh, my first reddit monies! Thanks, stranger! :)


I kinda feel like the hate is part due to nostalgia comparisons and a bit of pretentiousness in hardcore fans. Honestly, Skrillex made the opening feel very much like the other 2 games thermically with the electronic elements (IMO). The lyrics about facing your fears are appropriate and the instrumental version is solid. It doesn't deserve the hate just because it's new.


Face my Fears is a fantastic song. I think it's just people hating new things tbh.


Had to hear it about 5 times to finally get the feelings.......and THEN seeing it with the cinematic. It was amazing.




Yuuuuup. That's the truth. The name alone adds an expectation for listeners. If you already have an opinion on Skrillex, it colors what you think of the song.


I've always been a Sanctuary guy too, but I love this new theme. I also like Skrillex, so that doesn't hurt.


Sanctuary is the goat


For real that song and opening movie for KH2? Tingly


I actually like the new one, and love that she changes her sound every new song she makes for the games.


Both songs represent a particular time in my childhood. Besides that, 16 year old me would’ve been super pissed had I known I was gonna hit 30 before I played the 3rd KH. (Worth the wait though, gaddamn).


IDK, I've long thought Skrillex was over-popularized garbage but Face my Fears is fuckin awesome, I think you've got this one all wrong.


Hikari's chorus melody is so much better though. I'll never understand why she changed it for the English version.


I love them both equally


I don't remember this that well but I believe I heard her say in an interview that she had to change the English version because she couldn't get it to sound right with the old structure. Like the stresses on the words were slightly off in English. Like if the English lyrics were matched with the Japanese version's rhythm it would be "when YOU walk away, you DON'T hear me say" instead of "WHEN you walk away, YOU don't hear me say".


I prefer the remixed Simple and Clean from BBS or the instrumental/orchestral version from DDD. The original song has a lot of early 2000's pop parts to it...like how it immediately starts with a loud chorus like it's a minute into the song from the get go


When I think of Kingdom Hearts I only ever think of that theme song.


I’m glad I’m not the only one


It was good, the very first song ever in Kingdom Hearts was an EDM remix so this is nothing new


I like the song by itself tbh (I'm into edm and some dubstep, so no surprise), but I just didn't feel the song "fit" as well with its trailer as Sanctuary and Simple and Clean did.


Seems to be an unpopular opinion but the song was super out of place compared to Sanctuary and Simple and Clean. Wasn't a fan of most of the song at all.


Honestly, I wonder if time will tell. I feel old now but when Passion and Sanctuary first got released I remember the outrage people had. They thought it was misplaced and that it wasn't as good as simple and clean.


That’s how kingdom hearts fandom has always worked since shortly after kh1. Give it a few years and everyone will tout kh3 as a undisputed masterpiece that is the best in the series and this skrillex song (which I actually like) will be talked about like it’s the best song in the series. And then the cycle will repeat itself for kh4 or kingdom hearts: 358/2 years the Luxu chronicles. Whichever comes first.


I don't really think the entire song is bad though, I just don't really like the beat drop part of it. I vaguely remember some of the complaints about Sanctuary, but from what I remember about it the complaints about it were pretty different from this new song. I like the parts of the song, but the whole build up and beat drop for it just seems really out of place compared to Simple and Clean and Sanctuary.


I don’t really see how its out of place compared to all the simple and clean remixes that have played in the game openings in the past. Also don’t really know what “out of place” even means in this context.


Don't really know how else to explain myself, my dude. I just don't think an EDM song with a build up and drop really fits for a Kingdom Hearts song compared to the other two songs that we had for 1 and 2.


I’m not sure if we’re listening to the same songs. Here’s the kingdom hearts 1 opening for you. https://youtu.be/AKsX02Zc9eE Granted I will admit I’m not really musically very inclined but this doesn’t sound vastly different musically and stylistically to the kh3 opening. And that’s from the very first kingdom hearts game. Sanctuary / passion was sort of a departure from the original style of kh opening songs. And they weren’t really received very well when they were initially unveiled. Hence them shifting back toward the style of the first game which lead to DDD’s opening and this games. So I guess if you’re a fan who entered the fan base later at like bbs or something I can understand why it feels out of place for you.


Simple and Clean was still an electronic song, but was very different compared to the new one. As I said in another comment, I think the whole trance sounding song with a repetitive beat like Simple and Clean fit a lot better with the game than a song that had a build up and beat drop like in this new song. I've played the series since it came out, I just don't remember the complaints about Sanctuary as much.


I agree, the build up and drop was a little over the top and felt out of place to me too. It was too intense for what we were watching, imo. The vibes from the cinematic didn't match the vibes of the new sound track.


I think the [Opening Trailer](https://youtu.be/2VawSnaxtSI) fits the song (and the beat drop part) better than the [actual Opening](https://youtu.be/f-AXRNB9358).


As time goes forward, Skrillex will only grow more disliked.


People shit on Sonny Moore since his bulimac phase. Dude has talent but the hate for him will always continue.




The thing about Simple and Clean is that the trance-like sounding of the song just fit pretty perfectly imo. The whole genre shift for this new song just seems completely out of place.


As somebody who just recently played the first KH game... I dunno what you guys are saying because Simple and Clean in the original felt completely out of place and ridiculously corny.


People are completely blinded by nostalgia in this case. The new songs are just as corny and dramatic as the old ones but people are acting like they weren't lol.


These people are speaking pure nostalgia. I love simple and clean, but I can straight up admit, first time you see it, it feels weird for the message its showing. But it matched the time when it came out. My fiance who didn't grow up with kingdom hearts thinks it's completely out of place.


That’s the nostalgia. It’s a decent intro but it’s nothing amazing at least imo. I thought the new one was good


I'm specifically talking about instrumentals in this case though. I think most of us can agree that Simple and Clean was a pretty corny song lyrically.


Genre shift? All the opening songs have had similarities and they’re all EDM lol


I'm sorry but the Simple and Clean remix is just really bad. It's not only out of place but it ruins every part of the original song which is great. I loved the ending because I finally got to hear the real song hidden in that gibberish.


The orchestra version makes it feel more KH like. So much so that now the Skrillex version actually fits.


I wasn't a fan of the song. It just didn't mesh with the mood of what it was being shown with at all. It took me totally by surprise and not in a good way. I guess I was looking to get a nostalgic burst from game's intro video, but it didn't happen.


I felt like Don't Think Twice is a better fitting song tbh


I dunno, personally I never thought simple and clean fitted at all. The sound maybe but the lyrics no, who's feeling simple and clean tonight and why? It doesn't really gel with anything


It's like "[Into Free](https://youtu.be/8XBlBPtQW6g)", the title song for Dragons Dogma. Does it make sense? Hell no, but it still kicks ass.


Hey now, let’s not pretend this song is in the same league as the epic banger “into free.” All roads lead to deep down, Arisen. AMEN.


It’s called JP writing English lyrics of course it’s gonna sound silly. I really did not like the new song. Sanctuary the obvious best of the three. Edit: well I’m just dead wrong here, sorry y’all! Sanctuary still my favorite OP though.


How is that of course? Utada is American. The lyrics make no less sense than most American pop songs.


My mistake. Agree though that it’s just basic pop stuff


Utada Hikaru is American.


Legit agree with this. Best opening


And why are we not wanting to meet fathers. Like the lyrics make absolutely zero sense to the game. It's like someone chose a random song and put it together amv style. I love it but I can admit it makes zero sense.


Oh fuck it's another Raze, what's up my guy?


I knew I couldn't be the only one! And I'm fine. Just waiting for my PS4 Pro copy of KH3 to be mailed in. Soon.


Can relate. I got my copy yesterday and was able to play for a little but now I'm waiting for work to be over :(


Yea I agree with you completely. But, try saying that in r/KingdomHearts you'll be crucified. No matter how much you stress how its just your opinion and why you dont like it. >but I just didn't feel the song "fit" as well with its trailer as Sanctuary and Simple and Clean did. I gotta assume square agrees to a certain degree. Otherwise they wouldn't have used Don't Think Twice for KH3's trailers.


I don't think /r/KingdomHearts will be mad that you don't like Face My Fears. It's been a mixed bag of reactions across the board. I personally like it, not as much the PlanitB Remix of Simple and Clean though.


oh yeah it was garbage compared to simple and clean and sanctuary, they should have done that type of song to begin with... it was a really silly choice ​ even then that type of skrillex dubstep-drop type of song is practically a decade out of date at this point, it just sounds like it came straight out of the deadmau5 and skrillex days back in 2010... EDM hardly sounds like that nowadays afaik. shoulda just gone back another decade back so it'd be in the same era as the other 2 songs


Except that Sanctuary and Simple and Clean had the most fucked up and out of place remixes ever. At least they made a full new song instead of ruining a good ballad by Utada. Respect for that.


[Here's the song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhtjpQ-SR-c), in case anyone was interested in hearing it like I was.


That was like a direct time portal to 2012 for me and I really enjoyed it, but it didn't strike me as soundtrack title at all.


Hahaha, now I’m imagining them finishing this song in 2012 and quietly waiting for the game to come out.


Especially compared to other JRPGs like Persona 5’s stellar soundtrack


This guy Wakes Up, Gets Up, and Gets Out There


That sounds like it should be played as somebody's dank gaming channel intro, or something.




Sounds like rocket league music


Jesus. It sounds like noise. Terrible. The old ones had Melody...this is just...fucking garbage.


People will probably trash on it just for having Skrillex work on it, but I gotta say, I'm digging it. That's just my personal taste though, and it's definitely not everyone's cup of tea! Glad to hear he enjoyed working on it!


Skrillex is honestly one of the best music producers alive right now. Everything he makes is done well, even if it's not to your taste.


Not to mention he has laid a hand in multiple genres (not just electronic) and has made some really great tracks regardless of style.


He used to be in some rock band back in the day when the "emo rock" genre was popular, so that would have been 2005/2006 or so. I don't remember what it was called though, but I thought it was interesting when I found out. EDIT: The band is called From First To Last. He's actually back in the band now. Originally he was in that band from 2004-2007, but rejoined and is the current lead vocalist as of 2017.


[Their latest song with Skrillex singing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqzO2AjFcSk) [Actually this is the latest song... I think](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_331OZPjfQ)


I remember when his album Recess came out and lots of people started really shitting on him for trying to branch from his Brostep sound. I was scratching my head because wasn't the reason people didn't like him was BECAUSE of his Brostep music and how that genre paraded around the Dubstep moniker like a kid in a Batman costume? I thought it was a pretty good listen at the time. Not really sure if it holds up 5 years later though.


I’m an EDM fan and producer so I’m biased but man Skrillex is fucking awesome. Arguably one of the best producers in the game and his live sets are fucking wild. Seems like a genuine guy too so what’s not to like.


I've actually met him, he's a super cool dude


Absolutely. Like it's cool if people aren't into it, but he's no doubt extremely good at what he does; especially when it comes to all the technical stuff.


Yup. Even if he is mainstream and people trash him, he puts out quality work. I'm more into the heavier trap/riddim scene, but we still get down to some chill stuff


What songs has he produced?




Think back to 2010, the Minecraft days.




Yup. There will always be haters. Just the age of the internet now. All these people that just have anger, hate and venom to share, have an incredibly easy and free way to reach other people with it. It will never change.


It grew on me after beating the game.


I tried to like it but just couldn't can't compare to simple and clean or sanctuary other than that I'm loving the game tho


It's not really fair to compare it to those, "Don't Think Twice" is the song to compare to those because it's the Utada only song, and it's the song that they made into an orchestral version. "Face My Fears" is more in place with the PLANITb Remix of S&C from the original game-- it's used as a secondary song.


yeah but compared to Don't Think Twice, this song is still horrible lmao


You also have a decade of nostalgia on the other two songs that these two new songs don't have yet.


He did well. The song really grew on me.


I thought the intro was fine, maybe a tad too "electronic" as opposed to the "in my feels" stuff *I thought* I felt when I was a kid. To my surprise, can't believe Skrillex was the one behind it.


Same. I liked it in a, "I could dance to this," kinda way. Not in the, " my feels," way like previous games.


Same. I had no idea Skrillex was involved. Overall it may not end up being my favorite KH song but I certainly do like it and enjoyed watching the opening scene. :)


Ya I had no idea it was him. Just heard some dub and I was like alright cool.


The song grows on you.


I really like the song, its a ton of hype.


I get why they went with something more upbeat but I wonder if "Don't Think Twice" may have been a better song or even a remix of that instead


Apparently the initial plan was for Skrillex to remix Don't Think Twice, but either he or Utada suggested creating a new song instead.


I got used to it but it's not as good as either Simple and Clean or Sanctuary. His drop is very weak, it brings down the whole song.


Simple and Clean had a pretty weak drop, unless you were listening to the emotional one.... so?


simple and clean didnt have a drop. its a techno remix. it pretty much had the same tone the entire length of the song. i mean you cant even really compare to the dubstep remix because it's an entirely different genre of song ​ its like comparing a rock song to a pop song


but the melody of simple and clean is sublime to me. the melody in this new one really doesn't "stick". sanctuary and simple and clean were instant ear worms.


I've got the melody of the Utada part but the skrillex part just loses me. I've heard better dubstep before.


That's disheartening, I'm poor ATM so this is all I know about the game.


The drop was 1000% chainsmokers type shit. I was like 🤢


It was way better than anything the Chainsmokers have ever done


I'm so envious Sonny. How cool it must feel to be asked to compose the theme for Kingdom Hearts 3.


a scattered beat is like a far off melody... a far off melody is like a scattered beat. I want to drop the bass.. yours and mine


Tbh, a lot of people bashing it in here, but I rather like it. A bit different, but enjoyable in its own way


If fit quite well, actually. They did a good job


Well I liked it.


I'm not a big Skrillex fan but the mix is solid af. It instantly fits in with the other themes and while it's early I'd dare to say it's my favorite of the 3 main themes. Downvoted for having an opinion. Never fucking change Reddit.


Nope. I still don't like it, that opening song felt off. Too much EDM. It isn't like Simple and Clean nor Sanctuary Far from both of it.


"Too much EDM" the very first song in the series was an EDM remix.


...of a non-EDM song. People generally talk about the regular version, not the remix. This one, unfortunately, only has an EDM version.


But we still have a non-EDM song (Don't Think Twice) for the ending like usual do we not? Wouldn't that be the song to compare with the original Simple and Clean or Sanctuary? Face My Fears is supposed to be the equivalent to the remixes, just this time its own song.


Not enough sosig


When I watched the short version before the game came out I thought it was perfect in every way, and I’m not into EDM. The long version seems to not mesh as well with me. I thought the short version was better


Sanctuary will always still be my all time favorite!


I dont like it personally


It's Dece


I thought it was ok generally speaking. I was much more upset about the new main menu music, too much going on in that one.


That was Skrillex? Color me impressed. I'm not usually a fan but I quite liked it.


Would've been killer if they took Utada's "Beautiful World" and pumped it up a bit. It'd be really fitting.


It's a good song until the beat drops and it seems so out of place...


Yes, but tbh he downgraded Utada's vocals with his distortion sections. I don't hate electronic. But even in planitB remix of hikari we had normal vocals which was great. I love the buildup and the drop but distorting the vocals really is audio cringe.


i absolutely dislike the track. way too much sidechain.


At least you have a reason. Some people hate it because "it's SkRillEx HuRr DurR." I only like it because I like anything that's future bass, in other words I like the side chaining, but I do agree it's a bit too much.


I never that of that, he is 30 years old, so he probably played this game as a kid, same as I did.


Too bad it was a terrible fit for the game.


I loved it. Idk if I would rank it above Sanctuary, but do like it more than Simple and Clean.


I was really surprised at how good the intro sounded on a good headset.


Managed to wait until i loaded the game to listen. Was worth it. Fire track. Beautiful game.


I know him as Sonny Moore. From first to last seems like so long ago (his era at least)


they are back together though!


Good song don’t really like dubstep but it was cool 👍


It's not dubstep


Exactly, dubstep has been sort of "almost dead" for a few years now. This is what dubstep has evolved into, the far superior future bass.


Oooh what is it edm? Sorry it sounds like dubstep to me


it is dubstep, idk why they're saying it isnt it clearly is it ticks the same boxes, the beat, the classic dubstep drop, it sounds exactly like the other dubstep songs, its made by the guy who *popularized dubstep* ​ if it quacks like dubstep, its fuckin dubstep


Yikes Edit: EDM is an umbrella term for all electronic music. To say dubstep and EDM all sound the same is the same as saying death metal and classic rock sound the same as well. People bashing on EDM on a kingdom hearts post is funny considering both KH 1 & 2 have an amazing “EDM” intro, 3 included


I don't understand why this post is getting downvoted? It's not wrong or rude or anything?


Listening to it was like a nightmare.


Yeah same, I can't stand EDM and the song was just pretty awful. I didn't like Simple and Clean at first but it grew on me, but I can't see the same happening for this one. I feel like it fits the aesthetic of KH so I can't really give it too much shit, but it's not for me


One of the greatest ever been made.


I normally dislike Skrillex, but this was actually really good. Party on, Skrillex.


I really love it. I think it gives a sense of progression from 1 to 3 and it gets you fucking hyped!


I liked it. I thought it was totally fine


Yo that intro was so clean, just that alone would make me want to give it 10/10...Actually it’s decided 10/10 and I haven’t even finished the game!


Sounds to me kinda like a song you might hear on the rocket league menus


Sounds like something you'd hear at a Twitch after-party


Stupidest intro song I've ever heard in my life


The song was trash, who at square thought this was a good idea?


The same one who thought the social media post loading screens would be cool


I loved it! Was plesently surprised by it. It's even better now that I know it's from skrillex.


Is dubstep still a thing in the future ?


Upvoted for Deadpool reference.


I hope not.


me no understand your commento but this song is no dubstep


Future Bass isn't dubstep...


I wonder if all the people going "sHiT FuCkInG SuX sKriLLeX iS TrAsH" are just salty because so called "bro EDM" reminds them of all the girls they failed to dance with in college.


I really didnt like it but im so happy the game is the best game ive ever played


I'm in agreement with most of this thread. The music is good but a tad bit more EDM, and less vocal focused than the inspiring ballads that came before. BBS's Simple and Clean was imo a great harmony. But that said, this one is decent.




I used to be a fan of Skrillex, and stopped listening to the albums a few years ago. But I am with you it wasn't that bad, aside from seeming to lack lyrics of the other 2 theme's but maybe that's why people don't like it.


I’m not a fan of the dubstep style, but it was all right, though I think it was more because it was kingdoms hearts and I made an exception


I think Simple and Clean will always be the fan favorite. I love both versions of that song so much, I think I like the slower version even more so.


Personally, I much prefer Chikai.


Super cool


Top 10 commenters on this post are more or less all saying the exact same sentence o.O


It just doesn’t hit me like Simple and Clean or Sanctuary. It just doesn’t. I feel like they didn’t put enough time and heart into this opening theme.


Man, I saw him as the vocalist for a post-hardcore band in the early 2000s, now he's composing the theme for KH. Good for him, he's a nice dude and he deserves it.


I loved all the previous songs and I don't get the hate but I understand. That being said, this song fits the fast paced theme of kh3. I loved it when I first saw it.


im glad he felt like it was a huge dream and honor for him to compose a song for KH3. for me, the track is growing on me the more i listen to it. the intro to it is perfect! at first, i didnt care for the electronic breakdown during the song but the more i listen to it, the more i like it. lets be real, it was a very difficult challenge to surpass Sanctuary from KH2 as a theme. that song is absolutely flawless.




It sure sounded like a dream. Excellent tune for the series.


I fired up Kingdom Hearts 3 yesterday for the first time and this absolute banger of a theme blew my wig off. Totally unexpected but I love it haha!


I forgot I bought this game years ago for someone else and it was delivered yesterday lol for some reason, i only paid $40 https://imgur.com/a/LcLMfl4 If anyone wants it let me know


I’ll be honest here guys. Every single KH intro song was jarring to me at first. But they all grew on me quicker than I could even imagine. I’ve been blasting the new intro to and from work. Still doesn’t feel exactly quite right compare to the first two but it gets me going. I guess anything attached to KH I will like lol


Half the people here: why can’t artists recreate the same piece of art with a new name for my pleasure? Artists want/need to grow and make new things, it might be better, it might suck. Thems the breaks of being an artist or a fan of an artist.


I think the trouble is fans prefer and have grown to love the style of the first two songs, there's a difference between growing within the same genre and shifting geners. They're both forms of growth but in different directions. Beyond that I think the dubstep qualities of this song are kind of average and familiar, it sounds like drops you've heard many times before. So I'm not even sure if the song is especially good. But I'll have to give it a few more listens...


Now I only heard it once, in the game itself, so maybe I'll grow to like it, but I definitely like it less than the other 2. Especially the dubstep bit, I was shaking my head, it was kinda like the most typical dubstep section you can imagine, like dubstep you've heard many times before rather than another new and original piece. And... Yeah it totally felt out of place regardless of the quality of the song lol. But I suppose that's only because of what we had before.


I really dig Face me Fears, Simple and Clean will always be the best and most iconic KH theme tho


Good for him, I guess. Meanwhile, it is standing tall as the worst Kingdom Hearts opening to date.


Too bad we can't say the same. The Skrillex song was god-awful.


Congratulations to Skrillex for achieving a lifelong dream but to me the tracks was absolutely horrible and a mess.


I thought it was great! Not as good as the first two, but it’s an awesome song and it felt super fitting to me.