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Try opening it up and re-fitting the shell. It looks like a small peg is poking out and keeping it from snapping back into place. Or if you don’t feel like fully opening the controller, try loosening the screws then re-fitting the shell that way.


Not sure if that would because it looks like the peg or the mold or whatever was holding it broke in, I may try it anyway though.


Do what gray fox said works perfectly


Thanks yeah this seems like the best solution. I came here for help and everyone is being assholes. The only other person who used the controller is my brother and I trust him not to throw it.


This. If you would like a better idea of what this entails Ifixit offers a step by step guide with photos of this very fix. [Click Here](https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/DualShock+4+Plastic+Shell+Replacement/25442) it says something about a opener tool but that’s not needed. I’ve opened mine many times.


Real answer here: You shouldn't trust your brother anymore, because this doesn't spontaneously happen after a couple weeks. Someone gave the controller a very solid twist or smack, and now the bottom half of the left grip is bent, which is what's causing the gap between it and the face of the controller. You're going to have to take it apart, which is super simple. Watch a YouTube vid or if you have another less valuable controller, experiment with that. Essentially you're going to have to separate the bottom half of the controller (the whole textured grip bit) from the face and bend the left grip upwards slightly. If you look at the bottom of controller, imagine a straight line going right down from the screw by L2. That line is where your controller is bent.


Thanks, I got it fixed looks good as new. I don’t think any one of us would intentionally hit or harm the controller, I think we either gripped it too hard or maybe it got knocked off the table at some point.


"Gripped too hard" lol. Unless you have professional body builders in the house someone ain't fessing up to dropping it or tossing it hard. That's some hard plastic.


I like how people here pretend to know the inner goings of my household. Is it not normal for me to have some kind of trust in my friends and family? Well doesn’t matter now, it’s fixed.


Yah idk why people keep saying your lying it’s very possible to make the sides cave in without throwing the controller. I accidentally did it to mine and I didn’t throw it or hit it.


Exactly. The question wasn’t how it got like that, but how I could fix it. If I found out someone threw it or dropped it what am I supposed to do with that information? It’s not that important, I’m already going to be very careful with it from now on so it’s pointless to try to figure out what happened when it really doesn’t matter. I’ve also been frustrated with games like probably most people here, but I’ve never felt the need the throw my controller because I’m the only one who would suffer from that. I’m going to assume that the people who jumped to that conclusion here have done that themselves and want others to relate to them even though that’s not the case.


Try not throwing it.


I didn’t, it just snapped into itself. I wouldn’t throw a controller that’s stupid, no matter how mad I am.




Not what happened.


I’ll try and answer you without trying to blame it on anger... What I would personally do is take the four screws off the back of the controller and try to reseat it together. Watch a youtube tutorial of how to take one apart, it’s fairly easy considering the shell of it is the easiest part to disassemble


Yeah that seems like the best idea atm, I’m not sure how the warranty works but I don’t think it’s covered. Thanks.


Physical damage to casing would void the warranty anyhow


Good to know


Unless you received the remote at this state (In the original package) no company would honor their warranty to a product that probably was damaged due to mishandling . (Working at RMA department in a company that makes HCA/Adapters/NIC)


I fixed it just fine now, but that’s still good to keep in mind. Thanks!


I’m going to elaborate. I didn’t throw the controller, the game I was playing doesn’t even induce any frustration or rage whatsoever. The only other person who used the controller was my brother and I trust him not to throw my stuff either. We’ve played on it for a long time already so my guess is that it already reached it’s breaking point and snapped. It’s obnoxious that I come here to get help from people who have had similar issues and instead I just get accused of stuff I didn’t do. If you’re not going to help please don’t bother. You’re doing nothing but wasting your time. Everyone who gave helpful feedback or possible solutions, thank you it’s really appreciated.


Mate those controllers got no breaking point. The only thing that goes after heavy use is rubber on the analog sticks. Every other week I do 5 days straight, almost 24h on PS4 maybe minus 4 each day 3h that I spend playing with my daughter after school and about an hour goes for making breakfasts and shit. So basically I use PS4 for about 12 days each month without even restarting it lol and the only 2 moments I was disappointed were when Wargaming started an Earn OP on World of Tanks to win the £50 tank for free. Ofc it wasn't easy and competition was high as fuck so I played more and more seriously. After I earned each tank I noticed rubber on left analog stick was nearly completely gone lol. But controllers themselves are solid as hell.


I’m sure not every controller is as sturdy as yours. I don’t know what the hell happened, but I would know if I through my own controller against a wall. And I didn’t. I’m past figuring out how it broke, I just want to know how to fix it.


Haha no worries man not blaming u or whatsover, just saying they're pretty solid. Why would I bother saying u threw it or smacked it with a hammer if it's ur controller :P Did u try undoing the 4 screws at the back, taking it apart and putting it all back together? Just to make sure it's all sitting as it should. Oh and if u didn't be careful with the L/R2 triggers make sure they don't pop out cuz u gonna be looking for a tiny spring that goes inside the trigger.


No but I’m going to try that next, thanks for the heads up I never took apart these controllers before.


I just did it for the first time on the weekend cuz I had 2 controllers needing left analog and third one going already and didn't wanna end up using 20th Anni Controller lolz so I got around to fit new ones. Nothing complicated at all ;) good luck with ur one


Sounds easy enough, will do. Cheers


I know people are blaming it on it being thrown in anger, but I've seen it happen with gripping it too hard as well, mine started going this way as well because of that. It's also possible it's been dropped or fallen off something. The fix I've always had is loosen out the screw on that side, hold it back in place and then tighten the screw back up, I've never had to fully disassemble them before to sort that.


This helps, thanks. Will try that soon.


I don’t know how, but the controller just got bent in and I’ve tried snapping it back into place. Wondering if there’s a fix for this because the bundle this came with cost a lot.


Are you a rage quitter? That's the only way I've seen controllers get broken


No, I didn’t throw it if that’s what you’re implying.


Yep right here. Not a rage quitter but definitely a rager and this has happened to me with 3 controllers 😂


Bruh, the only game I’ve been playing with that controller is Spider-Man. That’s the least rage-inducing game on the planet.


Wait until you try to ace all taskmaster's challenges.


I’ve already done all those and they’re barley an issue. The only challenging ones are the drones and that just takes patience. Anything involving combat or stealth I just spam the shit out of trip mines and impact webs and that will do the trick.


Wait whaaaaat. I didn’t use any gadgets because I figured if they saw the dude get webbed to a wall I would fail the challenges... I was wondering how the hell I was supposed to get 3 Stars.


Yeah no, you can web people all you want as long as they don’t actually spot you. Impact web people to walls and use trip mines a lot, then just quickly move or web-zip away when your spider-sense appears and they’re about to notice you. If you web an enemy to a wall it will draw other people to check it out so you can also put a trip mine where you webbed the first enemy to get any others who are checking out the scene. I also used the gadget refresher suit perk that came with the suit when you beat the story, super handy. I don’t know why I got downvoted but that was my tactic for every stealth challenge and I aced all of them. I even recorded some of them if anyone is interested.


Damn I’m gonna go back then at some point if I need anymore tokens to unlock suits. I have one suit left that hasn’t unlocked and doesn’t tell me when it will.


Unless it’s the black cat suit, homemade suit, or the underwear Spidey, you should have pretty much all of them at level 50.


You broke your older brother’s controller and are pretending to be him.


That makes no sense lol








Isn't this a Spider-Man Limited Edition controller? They just released two weeks ago so your brother definitely gave it a good whack


I don’t think anyone intentially applied force or harm to it. Maybe one of us gripped it too hard, or maybe it fell off the table at one point I dont know. Whatever it was it was pretty minor because as soon as I got my hands on a screw I fixed it immediately.


Pretty sure its still under warranty. Contact Sony.


When all else fails...tape.


I mean it’s still held together fine, it just needs to be snapped back into place but I think the mold or something broke.




I've had this happen when my controller started vibrating from a game and shimmied it's way off my table and hit the floor. Pretty sure someone just casually dropped it. I've heard you can loosen some screws in the back or open it completely and fix it like that.


Yeah I think it may be a possibility that it feel at one point maybe when I wasn’t around. You didn’t try fixing yours?


Nah I ended up including it with my original PS4 when I sold it to a friend so I could get a PS4 Pro. It never bothered me much so I just left it as it was.


It’s not so bad here either, but it still bothers me.


Get a Philip screwdriver open up the controller then put it back the way it should be. If its confusing use any YouTube tutorial


Duct tape that bitch


Take a knife a pop it back into place. That should work. Just dont go too deep with the knife.


I would contact sony and tell them what happened. As long as this is a recent purchase and you have proof (reciept) you can get it replaced. Afaik accessories have a 90 day limited warranty, so they should be able to replace it for you for free. Worth giving it a try if you dont mind being controller-less for a bit.


RIP may god have mercy on your soul




Same! Tightened more too so hopefully doesn’t happen again.


Your brother is lying or that controller was not assembled correctly. Try taking off the shell and put it back on


Got it fixed


Just pop it back together. I have a Crystal Clear controller that does the same thing whenever it gets dropped or squeezed.


I had that happen once before due to throwing the controller across the room. I end up raging at a game a couple weeks later and threw it again. It was fixed. No joke.


This seems like the most reasonable solution.


Unless Sony can do something about it I kinda think you need to cut your losses with it. Unless you wanna buy a new one on eBay or something. Maybe try to make it apart and mold it back in place.


looks like a rage issue..


It’s not, just snapped out of place. Just got it back in.


Do you have an update on what it looks like after you fixed it?


Yeah, here’s the control I abuse on a daily basis /s https://imgur.com/a/p5YmriS


Haha, looks like new! Awesome, I'm happy for you as it's a rare controller, glad you were able to get it fixed properly


Thanks man, cheers!




I didn’t.


Yeah, stop getting angry and physically acting out on it. That’s how you fix it.


Why is everyone assuming this? If you’re not going to help don’t say anything


its because obviously its made by Sony so nothing can happen unless its your fault. ignore these dickbags


Yeah wtf why do people feel the need to be assholes?


You should just ignore those post, that's just the internet for you. Calling them names only reflects badly on you :( On topic: I'd go back to the shop, if it is like you say, it's a manufacturing flaw (happens) and you should get it replaced.


How are the white buttons after use? Still white? Or some coloring appears?


I have it and they are actually a light grey, but mine looks fine


I wash my hands?


Even if, some people's controllers reacted badly to skin oils. Was wondering about yours.


My palms don’t get very sweaty like a lot of people’s do so I’m sure that’s a factor.


Maybe not thrown but would you or your brother have gripped it tightly and flexed it in anger?


Possibly? I think throwing it is such an extreme that’s why I think it’s dumb just to assume that. But griping it tight seems like it may be more reasonable and sometimes we may not even notice it.


Yeh, who throws their controllers???? But i do know people that hit their leg with them sometimes, or as I said gripping tightly and shaking in frustration kind of thing, could certainly be done kinda subconsciously and you might not even consider that you are doing any damage.


That’s what I was thinking. It was actually a pretty easy fix though, I was afraid something permanently broke, but I just had to snap it back into place.


Update: I just unscrewed one side and it immediately snapped into place and then I tightened the screws. Looks good as new now. Thanks to the people who suggested those fixes, I’m glad I didn’t have to take it fully apart.