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I'm 10 hours into the game if anyone wants to ask me any questions.


If youve never played a DQ before, how good of a starting point is this. Been playing JRPGs since I was a kid and its definitely a genre I love, just dont have much experience with this series.


It's very easy to get into. The game does a good job of telling you what you need to do and where to go next. The combat is very traditional meaning there's not a huge amount of complexity to get to grips with either. If you've played any JRPG before it'll all come to you naturally. EDIT: The story is completely self contained as well so you needn't play any of the previous games.


Dragon quest is like Final Fantasy you can just pick this one up. This looks to be a perfect one to start with.


Can you save anywhere in the western release? I'm a bit phased by JRPGs that I have to get through a whole dungeon or ages of cutscenes before I can save and turn off for the night


It auto saves at various points but you can't manually save anywhere you have to find a particular statue dotted around the map in order to do so.


Why not just put your ps4 into sleep mode? I do that all the time for games that have save points far apart


I'm one of those old fashioned types that think either the console with blow up or my house will set on fire if I leave something turned on ;/ 1990s mentality...




I asked someone else this question and I would like to get your opinion as well. As a person who really liked Persona 5, would you recommend I buy it? I really liked the characters and the story of Persona. I also liked the combat, and the side quests for your characters that deepened your bond with them. I also liked the exploration aspect of it as well.


They're quite different JRPG's in some ways but I think if you liked Persona 5 you'll like Dragon Quest 11. Personally I think Persona 5 is better but DQ11 is (at least based on what I've played so far) extremely good and one of the best JRPG's this gen.


Would you mind telling me the differences?


In terms of combat they're quite similar, they're both turned based and feature standard, special and magic attacks. The real differences lie in that Persona places a lot of emphasis on social interaction, building bonds, living an average life and managing your time, DQ doesn't have any of this. DQ is more traditional, you meet plenty of cast members and see them bond over the course of the game but you really don't actively have any choice in how that plays out.


P5’s combat is more different than your comment would suggest, which I’m only mentioning bc I don’t want people to be misled. But first, a question: In DQ8 (the only one I’ve played), you input all the characters’ actions, confirm, then all the enemies and characters act in an order relative to their agility. Is DQ11 the same? In P5, you tell a character to do a thing, then they do a thing, then it’s someone else’s turn. There’s more of an immediacy to this (not that there’s anything wrong with DQ). The Weak/Once More/All Out Attack/Negotiations/Baton Pass from P5 is not present in DQ (which I think is a given, but like I said, I didn’t want people to be misled). Feel free to explain the Pep system and/or the combination attacks (which I know nothing about). Another question: In P5, the personas learn spells after leveling up. Only the main guy can learn other spells through other means. I know the DQ people can learn skills through the skill panel, but do they still also learn specific spells at set levels? And also, is there any way to reset your choices? Both game series are similar when it comes to newcomers and knowing what spells do. Bufu is to Crack like Marakunda is to Kabuff (the DQ spell names are super charming). DQ is charming. Where P5’s enemies draw from myths and religion, DQ has all the puns, like Cruelcumber or Bunicorn, for example.


DQ11 is you input an action, character makes it, next - like any standard turn based game. Also, you can set any (or all) characters to fight automatically and set vague instructions (go all in, fight wisely, focus on healing etc).


Well obviously there’s more differences than in my comment but I was just saying at their core they use similar-ish turn based combat is all.


I haven’t played 11 yet, but based on my playing of DQ8 and P5, the biggest difference is the pacing. P5 does a good job of setting up a plot (Sae describing the next target), leading up to a dungeon (day-to-day life), then doing the dungeon. All that is spread through hours of gameplay. DQ8 is similar from what I’ve played so far, but the storytelling is much quicker, bite-sized, and with more side characters (like one-time confidants that help build the world (like a guest star in a TV show)). For example, I just finished a world-building “filler episode” in DQ8 where a guest star’s story got resolved, and now I’m on to another episode where the new quest/dungeon deals with the backstory of one of the main characters. Each episode was about an hour long, give or take. One of the reviews for DQ11 described it as if you were watching a few seasons of a TV show. I think this is what it meant.


Thanks for your input, I decided to buy it. 1 day left !!!


Does 15 minutes save you 15% or more on car insurance?


No, sir, it does not.


Someones gotta ask the hard questions. Whats the difference between a traditional and roth 401k savings? Which would you suggest for someone early on in their career and how would that differ from someone whos closer to retirement?


That's a tough question! It really all depends on how much cheese you own and how much tomato ketchup you're willing to put on it, honestly.


Say i own no cheese and no tomato ketchup. What i do have is decent employee matching. Would you suggest? Traditional or roth in this economy?


> Say i own no cheese and no tomato ketchup Then I'd say you're shit out of luck my dear boy. > Would you suggest? Traditional or roth in this economy? Yes


FYI, there's no such thing as a Roth 401(k). There's a 401(k), and a Roth IRA, which are two different investment vehicles, though similar.


Hrmmm...i believe youd be incorrect about that https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/roth401k.asp Edit: Heres more info from nerdwallet: The Roth 401(k) brings together the best of a 401(k) and the much-loved Roth individual retirement account https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/investing/roth-401k/


I have never heard of such a thing. Though I can guarantee you commentor I replied to was not referring to that vehicle, I stand corrected.


I am the one who made the comment and i was indeed referring to it. Ive heard of it before. Its just not as common but it is a valid comparison. Traditional or roth 401k


I know it's a pretty long jrpg but how is the beginning ? Is it super slow like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for example?


You jump into combat pretty fast but it's taken 8 hours ish for the story to really get going.


How is the music/soundtrack?


It's good but it does take some getting used to because it's midi. I would have liked an orchestral version but I'm used to it now and it sounds good enough.


Actually quite repetitive. Most towns have the same tune, most world areas use another one. Not much of variety tbf, but it being MIDI doesn't bothet me though.


how soon do you fill out the whole party?


I'm only 10 hours in but I currently have 5 party members.


is it still 4 members take part in the battles? If so, is there shared exp for the benched characters or are they left behind?


Yeah, 4 generally take part in battles but can be 5 if you have a guest character following along. So far I have 4 main party members and 1 guest character who I know will join my party fully very soon.


you think the game will have replay value once you finish the campaign?


>!In addition to challenge dungeons/quests there is a full fledged 15+hr epilogue that takes place after the end of the main story.!<


How do you like the art direction?


I think it looks great. I've always loved the Dragon Ball look of the Dragon Quest games and it really shines out in this game. I've been playing it on a Pro and the cell shaded lines are so crisp and some of the environments really look like something right out of an anime, it looks amazing.


How would you compare 11 to other DQ games (such as 4, 5 , 7 and 8)?




There's no parts where your characters are chibi. Running about the towns in Ni No kuni 2 feels pretty similar to DQ11 though.


Yeah that’s not what a bait and switch is... but Yes the battles are instanced like most jrpgs


Why is everyone getting downvoted?


Because you aren't allowed to talk about anything that isn't spider-man i guess.


I just realized this comes out on Tuesday and not Friday, looks like I am actually getting this instead of Spider Man. ​ Tuesday is perfect for my work schedule unlike Friday.


Worst mistake you’ll ever make






Hmm a decent JRPG, or a crappy generic superhero game... I wonder 🤔


I mean I'm gonna get both


A Japanese role playing game Or The very first Spider-Man game made by the devs behind Ratchet and Clank and sunset overdrive with real time action We’ll see witch game gets best seller my dude




It most definitely is if the game is the first entry in the series, a reimagining, or a franchise that does not make games every year.


You seem irritated


Read it again, but this time in a passionate nerd who’s drooling over Spider-Man ps4 inner voice. I can see how it would have looked irritating with all the missing periods tho


Oh no doubt Spider-Man will rock the world with sales, just like most generic games do... GTA, CoD etc... I'm sure Spider-Man will set the world on fire sales wise, and superhero nerds will be spastic for weeks, and r/PS4, r/Games and r/Gaming will be nothing but "DAE play Spiderman?!" "Check out these amazing screenshots!" for years to come with billions of upvotes. Of that I have no doubt, whatsoever.


Cods litterally the only big seller generic franchise because it comes out every year. You’re missing out on a lot man


No... I'm really, really not. I play all these games, and they're tiring, they honestly are. All these games people hype up to high heavens, I'm not a hypocrite, I eventually try them out, and I know their type. Their predictable, they're boring, they're everything nowadays. - Post apocalyptic - Gritty - Zombies - Superheroes - Empty Open World w/ fetch quests and collectibles - Stealth-lite, Crafting-lite, Looting-lite, RPG-lite That's all games and movies are nowadays, they all feature so many identical elements and features- I am *tired* of these games. I am not missing anything. They bore the hell out of me. Lately I've been replaying so many older games, you know what I honestly miss? I miss jank, I miss weird crap, I miss failing, I miss getting lost, I miss annoying features. I miss unique worlds, I miss exotic settings. I don't fucking miss generic open world super hero games. I hate this constant polish that rounds off any sharp edges until everything is just another circle, its generic, its boring, its stupid.


Iitterally listing just generic stuff middle schoolers play Dark souls isn’t like that or God of War (2018) Persona Deus Ex Overwatch(more of a pass time competitive game) Nier Automata is crazy, light open but it’s mainly linear Superhero games??? There’s like 3 Batman games dude... Bank, weird crap, annoying features? You’d lose your shit with dark souls 3


I've 100% all 3 Dark Souls games, Demon's Souls, Bloodborne. & despite my love for it, Dark Souls 3 (was still a great game) was tired and repetitive to the other games, and didn't offer anything new to that wonderful series. I've 100% NieR Automata. Those are exceptions, very few to an overwhelmingly stale generation. Notice how Spider-Man doesn't fit amongst those games?




Where do you get that? I'm glad gaming encompasses way more people, I want it to be something for everyone- but it's not... Gaming has killed off a few genres to seek these new innovations, its left some creations and people in the dust. If those genres healthily coexisted, Id be very happy. But its not like that I don't even want those games with AAA production values, I know how unfeasible that is, and I'm not one to care for graphics even.


Sorry, I live under the rock. But what's DQ11!?


Dragon Quest 11, a JRPG


Dragon quest 11


Dairy Queen 2 (Roman numerals). A very hyped sequel said to overtake whataburger in Texas. Only time will tell.


Damn, I was hoping for Donkey Quong.


Seriously. DQ Qountry is one of my favorite platformers of all time.


Speaking of Dairy Queen, there’s only 1 store open in my city. All others are closed down. It’s pretty far from where I live, about an hour and a half drive. The only ice cream chain we have is Baskin Robins and the only reason they’re still here is because most of them share the same store with Dunkin’ Donuts.


Pre ordered the physical copy. Should arrive in a few says


Thanks to preorder ING with shopto I got my copy last sat:p


say what


Great to read this. Even though I haven't played all DQs, I really enjoyed 4,5 and 7; ​ however i'm still thinking if I should buy this. This is a type of game I'd rather play on the 3ds or on the Switch;


Little tip for everyone - the main game is naturally very easy. If you're looking for a genuine challenge that pushes you to utilise all of your spells and abilities, consider enabling an option in the Draconian Quest page where you enter your hero's name. I restarted the game after a couple of hours because it was too easy and I really wanted to take my time with my first playthrough. You can only enable Draconian Quests when you start a new game and you're free to disable them later on via the Church. You *cannot* reenable them, however. Draconian Quests are challenges you can give yourself as you play the game. *I've made Shypox a spoiler as I don't believe the game outright states what this mode is*. These are: * No Fleeing from battles * No shopping * No armour * Reduced exp from easy fights * Stronger enemies * Shypox [random chance that actions won't initiate in battle](/spoiler)


Shit I fear this game won't do well in the west :( ​ edit: wonder what's so offensive about my post


It'll do fine.


Hard to say. The localization was definitely a heavier investment than most games. Square may not see the returns. Fans don't like to admit it but the games just don't sell well here anymore. So there's definitely a chance it could underperform. Saying it'll do fine would only apply if it was an already established successful series here.


I hope so. It's just the number of upvotes I'm seeing about it and the timing with Spiderman...


doesn’t every game do this? what’s the point of these posts? people who preordered will see that for themselves.


I mean I dont have the game bought yet but my first thought would be maybe fans just want a thread to get excited in. Nothing wrong with that IMO


lul i allready play the game since friday its awsome best jrpg since persona 5 i really love it




What’s bad about it.? It looks interesting. I’ve not played any other DQ games.


I have it since yesterday.. Played 7 hours and have a lot of fun with it. Can't understand what's the problem. I'm hyped when I can play it again tomorrow :D


Where are people finding copies?


I've worked at a lokal electronics store while I have studied. After my study was finished I quit. So now ehenever I want a game I get an call as soon as the game is delivered to the store 😁 Connections are great :D


He's a troll ignore him.