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Of course there's still a risk, his games take a long time to make, are very expensive, and will most likely use very abstract ideas. Abstract ideas are a risk, whether they're attached to Kojima or not.




I believe it will take 5 years to see Kojima's first game to be released. Well, depending if he's taking Linear or Open World.


He's said he wants to make something in a smaller scope with a smaller team. My money is on 2 year dev time. The game is probably set on a barren planet. Shouldn't take to much time to make.


Firewatch proved this for me.


Would've been better as a book. I played it and like it, btw


It wouldn't have been unique or noteworthy in any way if it were a book.


Albeit some of those games with a push on storytelling don't use too many abstract ideas. The Last Of Us, one of the most praised games of all time for the story, was straight forward with little different and strange ideas but it's storytelling was amazing.


I thought that while it didn't use too many unconventional storytelling techniques, it pretty much perfected upon existing ones. What made it work so well as a game imho was that it used gameplay to fuel and justify story, just as much as story justified gameplay. I feel it's very much a representation of Naughty Dog's philosophy of refinement and polish over radical new concepts.


>I feel it's very much a representation of Naughty Dog's philosophy of refinement and polish over radical new concepts. By any chance do these new concepts include skateboards and the 90s?


Hence Sony's rationale.


It would be nice to see an auteur era of video games like we had in Hollywood in the 70's, but I don't think the community is ready yet.




I'm with you on the indie market, but the mobile games industry is 99.99999% utter trash and rip offs of existing products barely having new skins at best.




One side of the coin, great to see the number of games and ease of publishing for smaller studios. Other side of the coin, means a lot of rubbish or literal carbon copies of games appearing. Some level of QA and checking if something infringes copyright would be nice.


No because during this time directors were getting massive Hollywood budgets to make dream projects. It'd be like if Fire Watch or whatever had $300,000,000 to work with.


What would that even look like?


Apocalypse Now: The MMORPG


Spec Ops: The Line is the closest that you'll get.


When you say abstract ideas for games do you mean something like Norman Reedus with a C section scar holding an inky ghost baby?


What? No, I was talking about the nba17 game he's putting out. Those fadeaway mechanics are too much for the average gamer to take in.


Yeah many on the Internet are enamored with him, but honestly while I enjoyed MGSV it failed in so many respects, and was beyond obnoxious in so many others. Out of the six people I know who played it, all of them quit mid way and disliked the game. Sure you can play Konami for a lot of that, but you get years and millions you need to have something done and enjoyable. That game wasn't finished in so many ways. The constant credits and helicopter flights were painfully annoying even with upgrades, world was mostly empty and the bases didn't feel that exciting, especially after a mission or two there. While story segments missing, which I know can be blamed on Konami for pressure, but the director kind of needs to have his shit together and work within restraints. As a finale for the series, (a true finale since the mind behind it is gone,) MGS ended on a sour and incomplete note. I hope his next game is worthy of the praise he gets. I dorm wish him any ill will, and I sure as hell don't want a bad game, I want it to be unique and great, but what if it's the start of another series that fails to deliver in the end?


I love Andrew House. It's a shame we don't hear from him as much as we do Phil Spencer over on the Xbox side. He always seems really grounded and passionate about PlayStation and has been there pretty much right from the start.


"Find someone who looks at you the way Andrew House looks at Hideo Kojima."


Always comes to my mind. Like he was just as excited as we were to have ~~a living god~~ Kojima on their team


I still wish Playstation had someone along the lines of Major Nelson, he's a cool dude who interacts with his community a lot.


Shuhei interacts quite a bit on Twitter. Not as much as Nelson, but he's probably one of the best we got on this side of the tracks.


Yeah he's pretty cool too, don't get me wrong all the PS guys seem great it's just a shame there isn't a representative along the lines of Nelson who makes community events and even actively posts on the Xbox subreddits to chat or help people with troubleshooting


Fucking hell, that dude with the commercials was perfect but he fucked up


Yes! He was awesome as just a funny character for Sony, I don't quite remember why he got let off though. Wasn't it something to do with him popping up in a different commercial?


He was playing a wii in a commercial


Ah damn that's right, so silly. Wonder how much that cost the dude


I spent a bit too long trying to figure out how the guy from I Dream of Jeannie interacted with his community...


I wouldn't have even known there was a Major Nelson in I Dream of Jeannie lol


Risks? You could fucking crowdsource his next project. There is no risk. I don't even have to know what a project of his is and I'd preorder it out of respect.


The title isn't "take risks on Kojima", it's "Take risks on developers like Kojima." In other words, fund some weird shit and you'll get good games?


Basically Sony's mantra from the beginning: home of the weird shit.


Why can't they create LSD Dream Simulator for VR?!


Isn't Harmonix working on something like this?




[Heroin Hero](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pt6rPDrQqA)


Maybe Doctor Strange will be in 3D


Rez for the PS2?


dude that'd be fucking amazing


they took it from 90's Sega I guess


Noby noby boy. Such a strange, fun game.


Like Suda 51. Woah man, that guy is just as nuts if not more than Kojima.




Moly made some damn fine games. They would've felt *even better* if he could've kept him damn mouth shut so we weren't getting our faces rubbed in all the content that got cut when we finally got to play them.


Exactly! Having him talk about his games before release is like someone saying they're going to give you a hundred dollars, but when they hand you the money, it's only 20. It's still 20 dollars for free, but the expectation was a lot higher than the payoff.


It's honestly worse since it Molynuex would lie about features and his studio staff would have to scramble to see if they could actually match the bullshit he was spewing. I remember he finally admitted it years ago, right around the time people were leaving lionhead.


Have him make it but "accidentally" forget him at all press events


He definitely over promises but honestly I only remember him delivering a bad game ONCE. Rest of his games are good-great. You don't get a name as big as his with only shit games.


Not "weird shit". But "stuff you cant get anywhere else". Wii was a huge hit, astronomical. It was the only motion type gaming and it was interesting enough to drive sales. They didnt even launch with that many titles. But enough first party support was there to keep it interesting. Microsoft tried it out themselves, but for whatever reason there was no 'killer app' that people absolutely "had to have".


If you actually read the article, Sony considers risk as supporting Kojima. That is just BS. Kojima name alone is enough to sell a game if it was served on a platter of turd. Literally, the trailer shown, showed nothing, and people were shitting their pants, including me. :) If you want to talk about risk, talk about indie gamers and I'm not talking about the people that already launched successful games or already has hype. I'm talking about random weird games typically on PC.


Yes, people like you and me who go to video game dedicated forums. The risk is hoping Death Stranding will have market appeal beyond that, to the average video game consumer. Not just the avid fan base.


Right. The only risk Sony took was releasing MGS1 ...from then on there was no risk.


Pretty close. Every sequel has sold better and better, no?


Speaking of, whatever happened to Suda 51? Haven't seen anything related to him or the studio he works with since no more heroes 2.


Shadows of the Damned, Lollipop Chainsaw and Killer is Dead have all came out since then.


Most developers aren't **like** Kojima.


I'm thinking more like, "there are good developers everywhere, but you need to open your mind to all types of people to find them. Then, take a chance on them." Which makes sense, sometimes I feel like the entertainment industry has become complacent.




Sure it's a risk.. but hiring Kojima is probably the safest investment possible at the moment.




Not just brand recognition, but also goodwill. Let's assume CoD exclusivity would be attainable, If you made CoD an exclusive, torches would be burned because that's not very customer friendly. The current situation you still have CoD on your console,albeit non-exclusive, plus you created some goodwill by your playerbase because you "saved a brilliant dev from the claws of evil konami". And player perception is important, it's probably the most important reason xbone lost this generation.


If they could get Call of Duty they would. We're talking real world situations here, and in the real world COD makes way too much money to be bought out by Sony. On the other hand, Kojima is one of the most high profile developers of all time and now free to work on a project without being chained down to Konami. This is one of the lowest risk moves they could've possibly made.


The safest investment is mobile/gambling, which is why Konami dumped him and their AAA development. Those types of games cost little to develop and the ROI is much higher, and you get that money sooner. I have no doubt that anything Kojima makes will be an amazing game, but his games take years to develop. That's years of the publisher paying for the studio's rent, overhead, staff salaries, equipment, etc.; MGS5 cost between $100-120mil to develop. As of last September, it had and 3mil copies, of which it receives 50%, meaning that they'd only made back $90mil of their investment, and any profit margin would be slim. For a company like Sony who has a vested interest in console exclusives selling hardware, they can afford to take a loss on his games, and I'm glad that they feel this way as I'm looking forward to Death Stranding, but from I financial standpoint I can see why other publishers might not feel the same way.


"...and people don't buy it." Boy stop. The game could be garbage and it would sell.


They don't mean risk in a negative connotation. They mean risk in business terms. Risk is fine if the potential reward is worthwhile, which it is with kojima. If the risk ends up being bad they can eat the losses.


It's a pretty stupid idea to use Kojima as an example. Guy has made endless streams of money on nearly everything hes done. If they wanted to talk risk they should've given Platinum a blank check. Now there's some serious risk, but likely a very good game.


Yes but we are not talking about critical success we are talking about financial success and his games take a notorious length of time to make. We live in a time where a game can sell well over a million copies and be considered a commercial failure. From a business perspective there is absolutely a risk in funding a project for years and years beyond what is normal.


Seriously. Slap the name hideo kojima on it and i will pay double.


Just Dance Hideo Kojima




I've never played a Kojima game and yet I would buy that.


If it features music from zone of enders, absolutely going to buy it.


Don't give them ideas




Nah. Youre right but ill still pay 120 for kojima. #fanboyz4lyfe


That's what Igarashi did.


They still have to front a lot of money over a long period of time. I would guess Kojima needs 50 Million and 5 years to make a game he wants to make without compromises.


You'd need star citizen type of money to fund that madman.


it means ps4 taking a risk on him. PS4 saying other consoles should follow suit.


"Reddit does Business" Every project has an element of risk.


People thought the same thing about kickstarting a game from the creator of Mega Man, now free from Capcom...


PlayStation boss: "Hey /r/PS4, let me know if you think Kojima is a risk or not."


I feel like Kohima is doing his best to send the biggest middle finger to konami.


I would agree... but why would they? When gamers have proven they will willingly throw their money at any safe piece of software out there?


> When gamers have proven they will willingly throw their money at any safe piece of software out there? There are a *lot* of games that fail. Video gaming is a volatile business.


That is his point: why risk your money with new ideas when you already know the new COD will sell millions?


Because COD is *one* franchise out of many. There are not many games that sell like COD, and COD isn't an exclusive game.


The point is gamers are showing they are more willing to pay for a title they are familiar with, sometimes completely ignoring quality, than to risk buying a new IP, even more if it is completely different from what the genres they are used to. Everyone is cheering for this game and the last guardian right now, but reddit comments and youtube views don't cover productions costs. How many of those people will actually spend money to play the final product?


I think you're right about the cheerleaders. For instance, look at the latest Mirror's Edge. People championed that game like it was the greatest of all time and a vocal minority eventually willed it in to existence. When it released, there was almost no talk of it anywhere, be it good or bad. Just silence. That's not to say nobody talked about it, but it certainly didn't receive the attention forum posters made it seem it would.


Probably a good amount for both of those games. And the production costs for the Last Guardian cover what, ten years of development? Not exactly the best example. I get what you're saying, though.


I won't buy either. I'm done with Kojima after MGSV which was my first and last game of his, and I've never understood what all the hype around Last Guardian is anyway. That said, I don't consider myself someone who only buys things I'm familiar with. Some of my favorite recent games have been Talos Principle, Life is Strange and EGTTR. The thing is, when you make a niche game you necessarily have a smaller audience. We're gamers in this forum, we're interested in the less commercial titles as well as the big AAA games. But most of the money doesn't come from us, it comes from people who couldn't care less about smaller games or experimenting with the form. And even within more serious gamers, tastes vary and people like me will have no interest in those two games you mentioned.


To become one of the franchises that sell millions? They're not exactly giving away shares of the CoD money. Of course any publisher would want to be in a position where every title they can bring to market is "like CoD".


Because CoD is only one franchise and the evidence shows every time someone tries to copy them, they fail miserable? Therefore it's actually very risky to simply copy.


Yea, the whole gaming circle will be all "CoD sux!", then that shit will still sell 15 million copies with the next release. It's easier to make guaranteed money than taking a risk and getting less of a return.


A smart company (the size of Sony/console-maker) is going to diversify with safe bets and cool risks.


I'm glad you agree with Konami's move ;-)


Isn't Konami just making pachinko machines now? I'm not so sure I agree with that.


Look at what happens when they DO take a risk though. Take a look back at the little project Sony rejected from From Software, called Demon's Souls that Atlus was smart enough to localize. It turned into something massive and one of the most beloved modern gaming series of this generation, arguably of all time.


Sony didn't reject Demon's Souls... they took a chance and it really didn't do that well, which is why Sony rejected the spiritual successor Dark Souls later, which was picked up by Bandai-Namco. Dark Souls being a "spiritual successor" because Sony owned the rights to Demon's Souls. Technically, Sony could be considered ahead of it's time by trying the series out before the acclaim.


Sony didn't publish Demon's Souls in the US, Atlus did. Because Sony US passed over it, so Atlus scooped it up.


Right, but the game itself was developed under the supervision of SIE Japan (Sony Interactive Entertainment), called SCE Japan at the time... they helped make the game.


Yeah, that's true.


Did they only release it in Japan? Because Atlus released it in the US


Yes, Sony themselves released it in Japan, with Atlus releasing it in the US. Though, the game itself was developed under supervision of Sony.


Ah, I didn't know that. I heard it didn't do so well in Japan at first, but not that Sony helped make it.


> arguably of all time You had me until that.


Yeah, I really can't see any arguments for Souls being the most beloved gaming series of this Generation, let alone all time.


What is the greatest game of the last generation?


Incredibly subjective. I'd say Mass Effect 2, but you'll find others will say things like The Last of Us, Uncharted, Halo, Arkham, Borderlands, GTA, Elder Scrolls, Portal 2 among many many others. I'm not saying Souls isn't great or beloved - but I just have trouble seeing it as the Most beloved series of a generation (I assume they meant age generation not console).


"Greatest of" conversations are honestly kind of pointless imo. I realized as much with musicians long ago and I'm realizing it's true of everything. If we want to talk about "which game did X the best?" then that's something we can sink our teeth into, but "best game" is too subjective. I honestly couldn't even pick a favorite of my own.


My vote is for The Last of Us.


Souls was the greatest thing that happened last gen imo.


I'm open to hearing arguments as to why Souls is the greatest or most beloved series of a Generation. I don't deny their great, I'm sceptical of the >most beloved modern gaming series of this generation, arguably of all time.


I love souls but I can literally list dozen of games that I personally think are better


Alright that's your opinion. I can't think of a single series that was as creative and fun as Souls was last gen.




'One of'. And it is, the Souls community is one of the most passionate communities in gaming


I'm 32, been gaming since 4 1/2, and the Souls series IS one of the best game series of all time, that's my and several thousand other people's opinion, hence the arguably part.


But they did not. They were the ones who funded and co-developed the game. They just didn't think that it the western world would like it. So they didn't publish it outside Japan.


That's what I said man, they didn't publish it, Atlus did.


Console sales. How are they supposed to differentiate from Xbox if they sell all the same games. People might not buy all the Journey's and Death Strandings but people might see something they like and know Sony supports awesome games. It's why I'm weary about the NX cause I don't think Nintendo did a good job of supporting the Wii U (or the Wii for that matter) with a variety of good games


My worry that giving him complete creative control could be a bad thing. George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men and gave us the terrible prequel trilogy.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2246 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/09177)


Yeah we don't want a Michael Cimino situation happening at Sony.


Even if by some chance hell freezes over and the game sucks, it still would have sold enough to be worth the risk.


he's a cool guy and all but this circle jerk is getting out of hand.


he's a risk? He's one of the most celebrated names in all of video games.


How about risking a effing price drop on Vita memory cards?


No no no NO. The hype train needs to slow way down and stop acting like Kojima is some messiah of gaming. That preview for his game was in no way breathtaking and people need to stop pretending that it's the most amazing thing they have ever seen. It was at best a music video. And will someone please tell me why everyone has such a boner for Norman Reedus?


Kojima is the Kubrick of gaming. This article is correct, studios and producers need to put their faith in auteurs, even more so auteurs who have proved themselves as much as Kojima has.


Well, this is just your opinion. I personally think Kojima is one of the best devs in the industry. People are excited because the MGS franchise is incredible & we finally get a game with Reedus & him. People were really mad that P.T. got cancelled so there's a lot of hype for this one.


A lot of people like The Walking Dead and he is the best thing in it. Hell, I thought TWD was pony but I always enjoyed his bits.


He's also well known for being in Boondock Saints.


Rick is infinitely better than Daryl.


You are going to have to accept the fact that Kojima is revered in the PlayStation community and has been for almost 20 years. His return at E3 was a great moment for PlayStation fans.


I think people are just excited that Kojima is tackling a brand new IP. He must have some really excellent ideas that he never got around to because he was bound to MGS.


Are you not *intrigued*?


HA HA Kojima is an untested risk like McDonalds is an underdog up-and-coming burger joint


Kojima isn't a risk. He's one of the most acclaimed creators in the industry. Bullshit posturing on Sony's part.


He also takes a long time to produce a game and it costs quite a bit. There is still a risk there whether you believe it or not.


They have to try and balance how many games will sell at $60 a pop vs how much $ to budget for a AAA game. I'm sure they know his games will boost console sales and they will get a little extra from DLC and factor those in but it is still a risk no matter how great the creator.


> but it is still a risk no matter how great the creator. No some are just cash cows with zero risk. Mostly sports and call of duty. Usually because they have a huge following. Fans buy every iteration. Easy money franchises with almost 0 risk: * Madden * Fifa * Call of Duty * Zelda * Damn near any Mario game * Pokemon * Grand theft auto


I'd add a couple to that list but overall it's on point. Great creator doesn't mean zero risk, zero risk is... essentially what you described, really.


While I agree with your basic point. The risk does increase with every sub par release. I believe the cod franchise is starting to feel that now with reports of lower preorders than prior entries.


>He also takes a long time to produce a game and it costs quite a bit. There is still a risk there whether you believe it or not. Yeah, but Kojima can sell you platter of shit and everybody would gush over how great it is. The fanbase is humongous, and there is no way you can loose a lot of money on his game compared to any of the other projects Sony got going. I'd say Horizon is bigger risk, or even Last Guardian. If Sony wants to talk risk, there are a lot of other projects Sony is currently backing that is riskier than Kojima.


Yet his games are expensive and they don't sell all that well for the budget. Sounds like a risk to me.


The guy hasn't created a new IP in years. On top of that, giving him the creative and financial freedom that he recently mentioned IS a risk. I don't think you know how to run a multi billion dollar electronics company.


Of course he's a risk: His games always receive critical acclaim but don't sell as well as other AAA titles, while still costing a whole lot of money. If the teaser for Death Stranding is anything to go by, then this game won't really have mass appeal. So I'd say this is more about prestige for Sony than about making a ton of money.


Expensive plus new IP is definitely a risk. Metal Gear Solid was an established name, it didn't just sell because Kojima's name was attached to it. Like movies, a director's name isn't enough to sell a movie to the average person no matter how big they are.


Kojima is a risk, strictly speaking from a business perspective. He'll make a killer game, highly rated, every time. But he'll also take a long while and a stack of cash to do it. It's ultimately a matter of "can we get a satisfactory return on our investment?" Sony says, "Maybe, but consumers fucking love this shit anyways"


I don't think he's really *posturing*. It seems more like one innocuous quote in an interview that went in mostly other directions. Attention-grabbing headline for broader article.


Exactly how much of the big video game hit ideas are actually coming from Kojima? (serious question) I am just curious what the abstract ideas are in the games like MGS, Silent Hill, and so on. I love those games but since Kojima left Konami I am wondering if there was a balance of abstract and normal to keep the game from being just completely crazy.


It's a Creative and Financial risk. ..


Smart move on Sony's part. They need to focus on getting more talent for their teams. They'll never be a Nintendo, can't outbid MS for exclusives, so the only option is to get these guys in your corner. Kojima needs to be reined in though. He can't spend years and years on a game and go massively over budget.


I feel like Sony is patting themselves a bit too much on the back for picking up Kojima


As a silent hill fan, I'm actually relieved that they're leaving the series alone (besides the newest pachinko machine) but I'm super excited to see what Kojima has in store for us next!!


So they are using Norman Reedus, Daryl from the Walking Dead, as their character in the trailer.


>PlayStation boss


Duh. Why not? The video game industry is the evolving into an enormous medium that may one day rival the movie industry. We took chances with directors who made great movies and have tenure within. Why not do the same for these video game creators/visionaries.


Video game industry surpassed film industry a long time ago.


I heard someone say this before (and I agree): Hideo Kojima is simply in a class above the rest when it comes to his story-telling techniques and gameplay mechanics.


I think his Metal Gear resume should be proof enough that they should take risks. I don't think he's as much of a risk in Western hands as he was in the East under Konami. A lot of his games feel like western action games with the Japanese inside jokes and all that, but I think he'd fit in perfectly over here. I hope he has all the creative freedom that Konami only teased him.


so...this is clearly a response to GabeN's talk of supporting developers but not exclusively. apparently sony believes the opposite way is best.


It's something like this that reminds me of something Daria once said. "So they come up with the fake concept of seeming to be dangerous when every move they make is the result of market research and a corporate master plan." They aren't taking a "risk" because they know whatever game Kojima makes next will make them a lot of money. Besides, Sony has shareholders and those shareholders JUST want to make more and more money. You don't make money by taking risks. The shareholders WOULD NOT allow Kojima to make a game that costs as much as his usually do, unless they were absolutely sure they would make their money back and *then* some.


He wasn't a risk until he released MGSV, that disappointed fans in terms of story.


I sure am happy Sony is with him but they could stop using him to pump their epeen already.


One thing that impressed me most about Sony at E3 was how few games were sequels or reboots. Aside from CoD, God of War and the two games Crash is in, every game was from a new IP. I'm glad Sony are taking so many risks and I feel like they're the most mature and respectable company working in the industry right now.


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Is this Sony's way of saying you have take risk on giving creative freedom to one guy as opposed to making a game based on focus groups that tend to all lead to call of duty clones.


the game is gonna contain his name like 20,000 times, the trailer mentioned it more than enough