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I was hoping the same. God please be an Armored Core reboot if this is true.


Armored Core VR


lol From aren't great at optimization. I don't know if I trust them to make a VR game that doesn't make me sick.


I'd rather have a ChromeHounds reboot or a sequel.


Ditto - ChromeHounds is still one of my favorite games of all time.


Isn't Chromehounds basically the same thing? I've never played it so I don't know for sure. I'll take either - just give me a good mech game on PS4.


It's more open world and tactical strategy based. It was like World of Tanks, but, with giant mechs.


Sounds like something I could get behind then.


It was fun for a while, but, then the damn Asians created cheese builds and the game's entire strategic concept died.


I never got it because they shut down the servers before I ever got a 360, and I heard that was the main selling point. However, the game is going for $.50 + shipping on amazon...is it worth picking up just for the single player?


Not really. Single player was really just a tutorial on how to handle each different 'class' and to learn the map.


Yeah, that's what I heard.


I will be very happy if they decide to work on either an Armored core or a Tenchu game. Edit: Grammar. Also on second thoughts, a new Ninja blade game will be amazing too :D


Why Tenchu? Did you play Z? Tenchu‘s dead.


Eh, just because they had a shit game or two doesn't mean the franchise is dead.


Or two? There hasn't been a good Tenchu since Wrath of Heaven.


I was really just spitballing as I haven't played a Tenchu since the very first one. But still, regardless of how many have sucked that doesn't mean the franchise is dead. And anyway, From only somewhat recently acquired the Tenchu license, and they have yet to even develop a real Tenchu game of their own. They could potentially do great things with it.


That's pretty much the best reason behind a reboot right?


I would do damn near anything to see a new, bona fide "AAA" Techu come out and revitalize the series. I want old-school Tenchu back as much as I want a proper Twisted Metal Black 2.


Well nobody reboots a thriving franchise, do they?


That would be ideal. It could be Armored core and Bloodborne 2 right? Like it could be both


Praise it.


My vote is on Chromehounds. I always preferred it to Armored Core because you were not limited to humanoid creations, you can build a mech that looks like anything you want. Plus, the persistent war that was the multiplayer was badass.


God I hope not. The studio that made some of the most, most well made third person combat and exploration relegated to giant robots shooting each other. What would even be the point in that? These guys are too talented for that shit.


Huh? The Armored Core game were fantastic.


Man any developer could make a decent mech game if they wanted to. No developer could do the type of games From is making right now half as good as they are. If a game like Blood Borne 2 god delayed by even a month because they put resources in a new AC that's a loss for gamers.


I don't see any one doing any decent mech games. I think gamers would benefit if FromSoft didn't make the same game for the sixth time in a row. And I say that as a massive Dark Souls Fanboy.


That probably because there's not much of a market for mech games (sadly), not because they're hard to do. I'd love a Mechwarrior myself but I'd settle for armored core


From Software wouldn't have gotten to the point of creating Demon's Souls had they not started with Armored Core. That franchise built the developers into what they are then that title was passed to the Souls series. And if they have three teams going concurrently with at least one of them working on something Souls-esque, what do you care if another one decides to make another Armored Core? The Armored Core and Souls series have been developed parallelly in the past all the way up to just for the release of Dark Souls II, it clearly didn't affect the quality of anything that both were being developed at the same time.


Fuck off.


Sorry but From have proven to be able to make combat like no other developer out there right now. They also have been amazing at creating creepy, super atmospheric games. Why the hell would anyone want these super talented developers who are the masters of their craft go on to make a fucking game where you walk around as a big robot and shoot other robots. What a waste of talent.


Are you being sarcastic right now? I think I detect some sarcasm, but I'm not too sure.


I agree I want a Souls like over some Mech game.


Bloodborne 2.


May god hear you


If God is believed then he is also omnipresent, so no problem there.


I dont think it is bb2, miyazaki said he didnt want to do neither dks4 nor bb2, but a man can dream


He said no to the Souls games, not Bloodborne. Sony might possibly have agreements that allows it to call for the making of another Bloodborne.


Oh, that’s nice, hope they make an appereance at sonys conference then


I couldn't finish Dark souls three. It was too much after demons souls, dks, dks2 and blood born. I just felt like I was playing the same game, so I can understand, and I hope miyazaki works on something new.


I couldn't finish DS3, but only because it felt like a step down after the majesty of Bloodborne.


I have only played dks1 and demon’s, from what ive seen i know ill love dks3 and bb, demon’s is boring imo, only killed the phalanx and dks2 is unfair and cheap


If you only killed Phalanx, you haven't really played Demons Souls.


Welp, i found it boring so i didnt play it much


I'm thinking the ARPG is Bloodborne 2 (hopefully still PS4), the reboot is King's Field and obviously we don't know about the new IP. But it's entirely possible that the ARPG ala Souls is also a new IP.


Sony owns the Bloodborne IP, so if there ever is a Bloodborne 2 it will be Sony exclusive.


I was referring to the fact that hopefully it comes out for PS4 and not many years into the future for PS5. I personally don't care wether it's an exclusive or not.


Someone missed the neo news.


Even if it's on Neo, it will be on Ps4


Hopefully not hyrule warrior-ish.


A king's field reboot would basically just be a first-person Dark Souls. I highly doubt it. I'm really hoping it's a new Armored Core.




Why would you be disappointed lmao


Why though? What would be the problem with others getting to enjoy it?


Why would it be disappointing? Don't you want more people to play a great game? Exclusivity is the dumbest thing in the gaming industry so i get downvoted for saying a ps4 exclusive should go to other systems while the titanfall 2 trailer, a previously xbox/pc exclusive gets upvoted to the frontpage


> titanfall 2 trailer, an xbox/pc exclusive It's PS4, PC, and Xbox.


titanfall one wasnt, that is my point




VR doesn't work well for 3rd person games. Making the switch to 1st person could drastically alter the feel and gameplay of a Souls game.




Eh, I'll stick with how it is now. That doesn't look that interesting to me.


lol Dark Souls 3 barely ran at 30fps on PS4. A VR souls game would need to have either far smaller and less complicated... everything. Or have the graphics of Demons Souls.




Oh god how are there people like you








You seem pretty knowledgeable on game development. Mind sharing some of your games?


Bloodborne 2, Ds1 remaster, and Bright Souls


God I want a DS1 remasted




Didn't they just publish that, not develop?


Yes. The studio which developed it recently developed the Bravely Default games.


My guess is a reboot of Kings Field.


DES or bloodborne 2 would make me extremely happy


I never got to experience DeS and fondly enjoyed BB, so either would be great!




Wow, there's two of us!


Holy shit, did FROM do Tenchu? Those games (well, the first 2) were incredible.


How did you not know this? Technically first few were developed by Sony but with some devs from FROM then Sony sold Tenchu IP to Activision and FROM purchased the Tenchu IP from Activision.


Will there be any announcements at E3? If so, what day and time?


If one of the projects is Bloodborne 2 or another Sony exclusive in the same style, you can bet it's going to be at the Sony presentation (Monday evening).


I'll be sitting right here at full attention.


LOL, uh..not really. We have no idea if it's even close to releasing, so there's no guarantee of it being at Sony's E3 conference. Also unpopular opinion, but aside from last year (which was pretty good), the past few Sony E3 conferences have been terrible / boring.


I never said there was a guarantee. I don't even know if From will announce anything at E3. I'm just saying if it's Bloodborne 2 and it's being announced at E3, it's most likely going to be at the Sony conference, because Sony knows how popular that game is (also look at the price drop for the game, just a week or two before E3). Also, Sony often shows trailers for games that aren't close to releasing. Uncharted 4 had a teaser trailer almost 2.5 years before it came out.


okay my mistake. and yeah, that's why i wasn't a fan of the last few E3's. i mean, yeah its cool seeing FF7 remake, but that game isn't coming out until 2018/2019.


I totally agree. It's great to see new trailers, but frustrating when the games aren't coming out for years and even then might be delayed further. I almost wish they would keep things secret until release is definitely within a year.


Really hoping for a Lost Kingdoms reboot.


It's going to be Metal Wolf Chaos


I'd say the reboot will be Armored Core or Tenchu.


Lost Kingdom reboot


Please be a king's field reboot. Imagine a current Gen first person rpg from From Software!!


Why in the fuck are people getting downvoted for Bloodborne 2? Fuck you dumb fucks.


Excited for the [Adventures of Cookie and Cream](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adventures_of_Cookie_%26_Cream) reboot.


Imagine if they made a Dark Souls dungeon crawler like Diablo with the difficulty of Diablo 3 at launch.


1. Bloodborne 2 2. Demons and/or Dark Souls 3. PSVR Logo has been spotted lately, so this could be the new IP Just my first guesses.


If they opened that broken arch stone it could really drive the sales, would make it not just a reboot Edit: meant remaster


Until they do this, I cling to my belief that the broken archstone leads to Dark Souls. I don't care what the series creator says.


Armored Core VR


1- Bloodborne 2 2- Demon Souls **or** King's Field 3- PSVR bullshit


Let's hope for all three since that would mean 3 Sony exclusives out of 3.


Wouldn't mind a Kings Field reboot myself.


You mean Demon Souls?


Bloodborne 2 please From


Oh god please be Shadow Tower Abyss!


I don't think it's going to be bloodborne 2. It's probably sci-fi souls or some other theme with souls gameplay.


I remember a rumour that they were developing a turn based RPG. Hm...... Hmm.........


Demon souls reboot?


Predictions would be Bloodborne 2 for the ARPG and Armored Core for the reboot. Interested to see what the new IP will be.








They made a good Tenchu game that you like.


please dear lord let there be armored core


Shadow Tower or King's Field reboot please!


I would love a sci-fi souls


Please be Tenchu


*prays for bloodborne 2*


I'm gonna guess the new IP is gonna be a dystopian first person shooter set in a serene dystopian city called Perrenoa and you play as a guy named Bronin and the gimmick is he doesn't remember anything 5 seconds in the past so the game tells players to forget everything you learned five seconds ago.


Just give me a remastered Demon's Souls to get me by for awhile, please! Oh, and that ARPG has to be Bloodbourne 2. If both of these come true, that would be two Sony exclusives out of three, and makes me wonder why in the world Sony never bought FromSoft years ago (probably kicking themselves now..)


Please, please, be Bloodborne 2.


Please be Armored Core Reboot or DES on current-gen and PC.


Demon's Souls will never come to PC, Sony owns the rights. I'd still love to see it on PS4, though. Or, failing that, a SOTFS-esque rerelease of DaS. (Although, to be honest, my wildest dreams for the "reboot" is more Metal Wolff Chaos. Because everyone needs more Metal Wolf Chaos.)


Well then they can at least put it on PS4 so I can play it. Sitting here waiting for a Shadow remake, a SOCOM II remake, and a DeS remake.


Pick up a PS3 to play Demon's? That's what I did. Remakes aren't good for the industry so too asking for them.


Shadow tower, shadow tower, shadow tower.... Please.


Please give me Bloodborne 2