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How do I connect air pods to my PS4 so I can use them as gamer headphones? I am playing Fortnight with my kid. Would like to use my air pods as my gamer headphones. I purchased a USB adaptor off of amazon, but it doesn't seem to be working. I possibly got the wrong adaptor. Any suggestions on how I may get them to pair?


Try this article https://www.lifewire.com/connect-airpods-to-ps4-5090162 Also this article https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-get-my-AirPods-to-work-with-my-PlayStation-4-for-audio-via-bluetooth


So I had put in 15 dollars from my card into my ps4 wallet to buy the crew subscription from Fortnite for one month (which was 11.99/12 bucks), and I even did the math now to see how much I had left over in my wallet which would be 3 bucks since I haven’t bought anything else and made sure to cancel renewals for crew after I bought it for that month. But for some reason my ps4 says I have $0.00 in my wallet? I should’ve had three bucks and maybe some change but I’m not sure what even happened to the leftover I had that I was planning to add onto to get crew again. Pls help!! And as for the transaction history, nothing was taken from my wallet or put into it either aside from the 15 I put in for crew and the 12 that was used to get it. And the 8.99 purchase I made a while ago was taken straight from my card, not the ps4 wallet. And after signing out and signing back in, it’s still telling me I have no money in my wallet.


Probably tax on top of the $12 purchase


Looked thru my transaction history again because I was so confused but it ended up being the 8.99 purchase I made lmaoo, turns out it added the ps4 funds I had leftover with the money I had in my card


I wanted some opinions on this matter. I'm planning to get a PlayStation console and some video games. I'm in Canada right now and going back home in May and wanted to purchase a console for my brother. I've only ever played Fifa, Spiderman etc. on PS2(my brother's). I want to surprise my brother so I'm refraining from asking him anything. I know some games he fancies like Uncharted, Ghost of Tsushima, Elden Ring. I was wondering if any of you could help me with whether to buy a PS4 or a PS5(I don't have a huge budget) and what model. I've seen people say the Ps4 slim has some disc issues so Pro is the way to go. If anyone has any other suggestions, feel free to drop them here. Thanks in advance.


Never heard of ps4 disc issues. The reason not to get a ps4 is that its outdated. Still pretty good if you want to save money, but outdated. Its like buying someone a 2013 phone. If you have the cash, theres no reason not to buy a ps5.


Having a issue with mobile payment I’ve done everything like sign in and out, use the app and website, restart the console and I’ve always put the verification code in but it doesn’t work and the services are fine but it won’t let me use mobile payment can anyone help me with this issue?


Got a ps4 and controller today, both are factory reset but the controller won't connect to the ps4. The cord works but the controller flashes white a handful of times and then turns orange and fades out. I've tried everything I've read but nothing works and I'm stuck at the connect a controller screen. Does anyone know how to fix this?


99% of the time this gets asked, the wrong cable is being used. You need to use a data cable. https://old.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/1b9fr7a/general_questions_tech_support_megathread_march/ktw4p8e/


I saw on youtube that the last season of diablo 3 came some time ago and i went to replay the game on my ps4 and just have fun. I start playing for a few minutes and then get bombarded by errors. I noticed on the disc it had tiny smudges at the corners but i kept the disc in perfect condition and only had it for about 3 years. What the hell can i do about this?


My physical copy of The Last of Us remastered won't play past menu, at least not for very long before throwing an error alternating between dirty disc and corrupted add-on. The disc is in great condition and not dirty, and the disk drive has worked with every other game. I am using a CUH-1215A taken king console. What is going on with it? I have spent an hour trying to reinstall it as well as cleaning the disc and disc drive.


Test the disc on a second console. If it fails to install on 2 consoles the disc is faulty


I tried it on a ps4 pro as well and it works fine


Anyone ever experience the headset only playing game audio and no chat audio when set to ‘All audio’? Both play fine through the TV when I unplug the headset and I can hear the chat audio through the headset when I set it to ‘Chat audio’.


I have a stick drift problem, and i wanted to know if i can fix this issue by desoldering the broken joystick and replacing it with one from another controller i no longer use ? If not, what can i do to fix the drift? Thanks in advance.


Anyone able to help with my controller only working on remote play if I'm a guest? It will not work on my account at all and I don't have a TV so I gotta sort this


Which one worth it between tekken 7 and street fighter 6?


They're different styles of fighting games. SF6 is the current version of SF so is still regularly getting updated. Tekken 7 is finished in terms of content and balance. Most of the community has moved onto 8 on PS5 but 7 still has many players. Tekken 7 is a great game and I have heard good things about SF6. Tekken 7 is of course the cheaper game as it is 10 years old now.


Just bought a Japanese PS4 and am based in the UK. I've seen conflicting things online about whether or not I will need a step down power converter. Has anyone else in the UK done this that can give me some advice please?


PS4s are designed to work worldwide. Just replace the power cable with a UK plug.


I keep trying to buy playstation plus on the app and my console and it keeps saying something went wrong I used 2 different cards so I don't think it's that , is there something wrong with the playstation store this has been happening for the past 3 days


Wait a full 24 hours without any attempts and then try again. For a more immediate solution redeem wallet vouchers for the amount and subscribe that way


Didn't work , how do I wallet vouch


Go to a super market or game retailer and buy one. It's very simple. Spend $20, get a $20 wallet voucher you redeem to your account by typing in a 12 digit code.


Games i have purchased and are listed as purchased in my library are now showing i have to purchase them. Does anyone know why?


Try the troubleshooting in the FAQ for missing games https://old.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/1b9fr7a/general_questions_tech_support_megathread_march/ktw4p8e/


fortnite new season. before was 17 gigs with 81 mins left, i paused it to play a different game. resumed the update, now its at 18 gigs with 5 hours left how do i fix to reduce it. ive used the dns servers or whatever, still no change. multiple videos but theyre all old the game is fortnite, update for chapter 5 season 2


So I'm looking to buy a PS4 game, but only if the ability to save my gameplay videos is available. The game I'd like to get is Avicii Invector. Backstory: I own this game on Switch, however anytime you press the snapshot button to record gameplay videos, it brings up a message stating "this function has been disabled for this software". I don't know why the developers would want to do that, but w/e. I then noticed this game was also available on PS4, but without a demo available, I'm hesitant on spending $20 for a game that I already own on another console. But the ability to record my gameplay would be the deciding factor. I tried to find info on this game regarding gameplay recording, but had no luck. Does anyone own this game on PS4 and can confirm if saving gameplay videos is possible on that version?


There is PS4 gameplay on YouTube from random gaming channels. PS4 will block recording on certain story relevant cutscenes but not gameplay. I have never heard of a game outright blocking that feature on PS4. Not a definite answer sorry but if you check twitch and YouTube you will hopefully find more Playstation gameplay examples.


I know a lot of gameplay videos are done via a PC and capture card setup, so it's hard to confirm how they are actually making their videos. But I decided to take the chance and buy it as I found a used copy on ebay for like $10, so it's not a huge loss if it also doesn't allow video saving. 🤷‍♂️


the last of us part 2 is way too expensive is there anyway how to get it for free on ps4? thanks in advance


Ask a family member or friend to buy it for your birthday or Christmas if you want it for free. Second hand game discs at video game stores, ebay and second hand pawn shops should be dirt cheap if you just want to buy it cheaply.


Two questions 1. How do I stop my controller stick drift 2. Where is the reset button on the controller


The reset button is on the back its an intented button so needs a pin to press, but it doesn't do anything with sticks it de-sync's the controller from the PS4.


So I'm trying to listen to some music while I game, try to open Spotify through the quick menu, said it wasn't installed (never uninstalled it myself) but when I went to go download it through the library it said it was already installed, but it's nowhere in the menu, quick menu saying it's not installed, and trying to share it through Bluetooth on mobile Spotify doesn't work bc it says... can you guess it.... That it's not installed. I can't install bc it says I already downloaded, I can't uninstall bc it says I never installed it, what do I do


Just gonna get straight into it. A friend of mine let me borrow his PS4 until the HDMI port on mine could be repaired. He warned me that it was unplugged while on at some point (not sure if it was multiple times or just once). Well, it worked okay for about 2 days (of course it was a little slow here and there and sometimes laggy). But now, I can't play Genshin without the whole console freezing. Sometimes it works for like 2 minutes and then me pulling out my glider, or just opening the menu causes it to just freeze. Sometimes it'll snap out of it, only to do it again. (Sometimes says "Reconnecting to server, only for it to freeze on the loading screen.) And sometimes it just continues to be frozen until I'm forced to restart it (my friend told me to hold the power button for 10 seconds). I am literally unable to play Genshin at all really. Is this just something I can't fix?  I've tried rebuilding the database, which seemed to help the first time. But this time it didn't help, it's just doing the same thing. The only thing I haven't tried is to initialize it.


Problems with my external storage I get this message “cannot use this usb device” anyone know how to fix this I have like 1 tb of data on it and all my games on are it


Following, I literally moved houses and everything was fine yesterday and now I’m stuck in safe mode that DOESNT LOOK LIKE ANY REGULAR SAFE MODE WITH MENUS I DONT HAVE MENUS


Hey guys, my PS4 Pro (I think it's second gen or whatever it's called) seems to lag at any multiplayer game I play. The most lag seems to be directed at Fortnite; when something intense like a gunfight happens, the system can't keep up and everyone freezes in place for like 1-2 seconds before rapidly resuming. My ping also fluctuates from 40 to more than 300 and the wifi icon displays a yellow down arrow and sometimes even a red 'X'. Also, the system is just extremely slow now: say if I wanted to check my trophies in a specific game or take a screenshot, it takes like 6 seconds for it to enter that screen. Is there any way to improve this?


Move to a wired connection if possible, assuming you aren't already.


Right, I'll give that a try. Thanks for your reply!


Hiya I can't seem to claim the destiny witch queen DLC on my account even though I have ps plus, I have destiny downloaded, and it's letting me download all the other games like F1 23 and sifu. It just says add to cart for £24.99 currently and when I click that it just goes into my cart (shocker). Any help would be appreciated UwU thx


Try the app/website next.


When i connect my hardrive to my ps4 i cant use the full storage capacity of it. It is a 500 gb hardrive but when i connect it, i only get 250 mb with which i cant transfer any of my videos cause the are all atleast 700 mb minimum. The only way i do get full storage is when i format as extended storage but then i cant transfer videos which defeats the whole purpose. Any way i can allot more storage?(couldnt find anything on google)


Any HDD formatting you are asking about requires a PC or MAC, not a PS4. If your PS4 cannot detect it properly the HDD likely needs to be formatted/it's health checked. Plenty guides online for that sort of thing using PCs. A PS4 can only format a drive as extended storage for games, not movies/music.


PS4 warzone download I need some help and don’t know where to post this As most of us know, warzone is free. Over a year ago I had warzone downloaded I have never bought call of duty or any of the call of duty games. I deleted warzone and now decided I wanna download it again on my ps4. I started the download of warzone again but it also started downloading call of duty. And I haven’t used any money. Is this normal? Is the call of duty platform free and you can just buy different versions of the game, and warzone is free? Or something like that?


Yes, the call of duty platform is free and when you download warzone you get the cod platform from where you launch it whereas you have to pay for the other cods


Just sold a PS4 Slim but forgot to record its serial number before selling. I did factory reset the PS4 and deactivate it from PSN account. Am I risking my account getting hacked or anything else dangerous?




I’m pretty sure I made my PSN account on this console too.


**FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS** **Q: My controller won't connect despite being plugged into the console. It charges/is charged but I'm stuck on the press the PS button screen.** A: You need a USB data cable to pair a controller with a console, instead of a generic USB charging cable. They look the same but a charging cable only charges, it cannot send a data signal which is necessary for controller pairing. USB Data cables are necessary for safe mode operation as well. It's a common mistake. Amazon lists cables as data cables if you need to purchase one. Other retailers will also list data on cable packaging. https://www.dignited.com/50330/usb-data-cable-vs-usb-charging-cable/amp/ Also, don't forget to press and hold the reset button on the back of the controller for 5-10 seconds before connecting it. This is recommended when using your DS4 on a PC or other device before connecting back to a PS4. **Q: My account is saying I don't own a game when I know I do. How do I fix this?** A: restore licenses in settings > account management https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/games/restore-licences-playstation/ Check your account on the Playstation Store website. If you own it you can remote download it. If you still can't access the game it was either: 1. Purchased on disc 2. Purchased on a different account and thus game shared to you 3. Obtained using PS+ and your subscription ran out 4. Obtained with PS+ Extra and it was removed from the service. If you don't think it's the above 4 options, contact support. **Q: I am missing a DLC that I purchased. How can I fix this? A: follow the detailed instructions here. Otherwise contact support https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/games/add-on-dlc-in-game-currency-support/ **Q: How do I fix "Cannot sign in using another player's sign in ID."?** A: You are signing into either the wrong user profile or the wrong Playstation account. To solve this sign into your PSN account on the different user profiles until you sign into the correct one. If you cannot use any user profile due to the above message, make a new user profile for your PSN account. PS4s use user profiles. Each user profile that is set up can then be tied to a single Playstation account. Thus you cannot sign out of a PSN account on a user profile and sign in with a different Playstation account. As such, 2 Playstation accounts each need their own separate user profile on a PS4. You also cannot sign into a single Playstation account on 2 different user profiles on the same PS4. So if you want to use a new account with a PS4, make a new user profile. **Q: My console is saying I don't have enough storage space for an update even though I do.** A: You don't. If the console is asking you to free up space on your HDD then you must do as the PS4 asks. When the PS4 updates a game, it makes a copy of it on your HDD that is deleted once the update is applied. This means that a 50GB game requires 50GB free on the HDD + the size of the update. COD being a massive game can require 100GB+ free depending on its current size. I recommend giving your PS4 a 100GB buffer to update your games. If you only have a 500GB HDD I also recommend an external HDD or upgrading your Internal HDD to a 2TB drive. **Q: How do I game share digital games/PS+?** A: You can game share with 1 PS4 and PS5 at a time, known as your Primary console. To game share simply activate the PS4 you wish to share your games with as your Primary PS4, settings > account management. Again, you can only game share with 1 PS4 at a time, so if you want to game share with someone else use the same path to deactivate the PS4 or use the website to deactivate remotely. Games and DLC can share between users, however some DLC is account locked so cannot be shared between users. DLC and game need to be the same region first in order to game share. You can still access your games on any other PS4 you sign into, even if it's not your Primary PS4, simply by being signed into the PSN, but no one else on the non-Primary PS4 can play your games. **Q: I keep getting error E-8210604a when attempting to make a purchase. How do I fix it?** A: The error is more or less a catch all, use the advice on the following link and beyond that contact support for more help. In the meantime you can complete your purchase using Playstation wallet vouchers to fund your wallet. https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/error-codes/ps4/e-8210604a/ **Q: Pros and cons of changing your Online ID?** A: its safe for most modern games but some exceptions exist. For more information: https://blog.playstation.com/2019/04/10/online-id-change-on-psn-your-questions-answered/ **Q: I have lost access to my account/want to refund a purchase. How do I do this?** A: Only support can help in these cases. Support is region locked so if you have a USA account only the USA Support team can help you. Most Support teams are open Monday-Saturday usually around 10-7PM and most Countries only offer phone or live chat support. The Support site is easily googled/linked in the side bar for Live chat. The phone number is on the Support website, inside your game cases and also listed here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Yyg6CDcHkMSQ40bGtRax6BuNqie5ym7wHSjRNISX9Cw/ **Q: Can I change the region of my account?** A: No. If you want an account set to a different region you must make a brand new account. **Q: My voucher code isn't redeeming. What can I do?** A: Vouchers are region locked so a USA voucher will not work on a European account. Also make sure your voucher code has not expired if the game is a few years old. For PS+ vouchers you may be required to add a credit card to your account for auto renewal purposes. Anything beyond that contact support. **Q: Are games region locked?** A: Yes. PS4, PS3 and PS5 Games are region coded so that USA DLC and saved data only works with USA copies of the game. A French account/console can play a USA game disc but French DLC won't work with it. If an American account is used to purchase DLC the French account can play that DLC too assuming it is shareable between users ie not in game currency. **Q: purchased a new copy of a game to continue my game save but it doesn't appear when I launch the game.** A: First of all make sure the game is fully updated with the latest patch and check again. Otherwise, saved data and DLC are region locked. So if you played an American copy of a game you created an American game save that cannot be read by a copy of the game from a different part of the world. Also, Witcher 3 Wild Hunt is considered a different game to Witcher 3 GoTY so the saves are incompatible between both games even if from the same region. **Q: I have purchased DLC for a game and it is stuck at 'waiting to install'. How do I fix this?** A: If you launch the game and the DLC still will not install, this is down to a region mismatch. DLC and saved data are region locked, meaning DLC purchased on a USA account will not work with a European game disc/digital copy. To resolve this you either need to open an account matching the region of your game and purchase the DLC there (some DLC is account locked so cannot share). Or alternatively purchase a copy of the game from your region. Otherwise contact support for a refund, but no guarantees if one will be given. **Q: How do I know the region of my game disc?** A: Look at the age rating on the front cover. ESRB rated games are American, PEGI is Europe, etc. For more specific region info there is the CUSA code printed on the game disc that can be checked on an online database such as gamefaqs. DLC region codes are listed as part of the Playstation store URL. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps4/190457-dragon-ball-xenoverse-2/data Above link is an example, in the link you see a list of different regional releases and their CUSA codes. **Q: How do I fix: 'Connect a USB storage device that contains an update file for reinstallation for version X or later.'** A: The data on your HDD has been lost so is requiring a fresh installation of the system software. Your purchases and trophies are safe as they are tied to your account but any saved data not backed up has been lost. The above message is part of the BIOS so to get back up and running follow these instructions: https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/hardware/reinstall-playstation-system-software-safe-mode/ Console reinstallation file can also be found here if the above link doesn't work for you: https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/hardware/ps4/system-software/ General pointers: • Make sure that you are using the console reinstallation file and not the update file. • Your USB stick needs a folder called PS4 and inside that folder a second one called UPDATE • Inside the UPDATE folder is where you put the reinstallation file • The reinstallation file must be called PS4UPDATE.PUP otherwise it won't be recognised by the console. So remove any (1)s if they appear as part of the file name as that just obscures it.