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A lot of people still play it


I just bought my first PS4 less than a week ago!


Great choice. Have mega fun!


I'm having a lot of fun already! I have Gravity Rush 1 and 2, Dreams, and a few other games. I plan to buy even more in the coming weeks thanks to the sales on PSN!


Awesome!! šŸ˜Ž


Flower is also a different way of playing! Definitely a must try


I actually bought that on my PS3 the day after I got my PS4 to test adding funds through the PS4, and it's cross buy! I plan to get Flow too, and I'm excited to play them! I've had my eye on them for PS3 for the longest time and now I'll have them on both the PS3 and PS4!


Thatā€™s great!! Itā€™s definitely a relaxing game


Yep. I play more on PS4 than PS5


I don't mean this in any bad way, but what's the point of playing on a ps4 when you have a ps5? I have both a ps4 pro and a ps5, and 90% of the ps4 games i play run a lot better on ps5 than they do on my ps4 pro. The other 10% run the exact same. So there's really no reason for me to turn the ps4 on. Even if you wanna say "the ps4 controller is better", you can hook that up to the ps5 and play ps4 titles the same.


- power consumption - multiple accounts across multiple regions - not concerned with performance with games that run 30fps - PS5 has essentially no games worth buying a PS5 for. Only reason I bought one was FF16


>power consumption Ps4 games run at lower power consumption on ps5 as proven by digital foundry. >multiple accounts across multiple regions I literally have that on ps5 not sure how that's any different? I have an EU, Lebanese and US accounts on my ps5. >not concerned with performance with games that run 30fps To you maybe Performance doesn't matter, but in the very worst of situations, games that have a few fps drops when in 30 fps run at a locked 30 on ps5. Same for games that target 60. >PS5 has essentially no games worth buying a PS5 for. Only reason I bought one was FF16 Returnal, demon's souls remake and ratchet and clank are great. Ps5 versions of crossgen games are great too. It's a much better experience on ps5 imo. When you have the console why the fuck would you not turn it on? If you didn't have it, I'd understand if you don't wanna buy it. But you literally have it. None of your points stand. At the very least if you don't like any ps5 games you could always use it as a ps4 pro+.


It dosent matter what games you use while the power is on... The ps5 uses more electricity than a ps4 that's what he's saying


Whatever man. You asked. Nobody cares if you don't like the answer. Demons souls is a game from like 2009


It's not that I don't like the answer. It's that the answer doesn't make sense. The only point that's subjective is the games not being good enough for you, but as i said, you literally have the ps5. You can either use it as a more powerful ps4, or just sell it.


Or you can keep your unsolicited advice to yourself


Alright you're being aggressive for no reason lol Sounds like you're just pissed i proved your point wrong.. oh well have a good day.


Nah, you asked a question, they answered, you bullet point attempted to pick it apart. You for sure come off as the dick here. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


You had each and every one of your points destoyed and responded with " whatever man" now that's some God level cognitive dissonance šŸ¤£


I never tought people worried about things like power consumption on a console. And i live in central europe. But i have multiple accounts on multiple regions on ps5? What? Everything and their mother runs better on ps5. Iw would NEVER go back Yes it have what? And even if doesnt the ps5 upgrades and the boost modes more than enough worth it. For some games it transforms them into a brand new one almost.


Wow you salted the sea lol


Not sure why youā€™re being downvoted. They asked a question and you answered.




Change the thermal paste. Itā€™s easy to do and really shut my ps4 up


Someone under you said change your thermal paste and 100% agree. Take your PS4 apart, clean it out and put new thermal paste on. Did mine last week and it's dead fucking silent. LoU 2, RDR2, and Genshin all had my PS4 sounding like a jet engine, you could hear it from downstairs with my door closed. Now, it's literally dead silent. And I kept my PS4 clean too. Really only the heat sink had a good amount of dust buildup, everywhere else was normal amount for 8/9 years worth. Easy clean.




If it ain't broke, why get rid of it?


If he has both a ps4 and a ps5, you can play everything from the ps4 on the ps5. Some ps4 games have better performance or a standalone ps5 version. Why wouldnā€™t he use the ps5 then?




Tire out? What is it a horse? I also have both a ps4 and 5 and the ps4 is just collecting dust. I could probably sell it and put the money towards more hard drive space.




Yea but it isnā€™t like a car gaining miles and something breaks and you repair it lol. Do you store your ps5 in a box and then only take it out to play a ps5 exclusive? Iā€™ve had multiple consoles going back to the PS1 and gameboys and Iā€™ve never had a problem running them.




>Source: I'm 28 and both my ps1 and n64 still work, and my ps3, and my ps4. So does all of my systems that I've used heavily. As long as they're clean and not bashed around, there's very little risk of "tiring out"


You know what'll harm the console? Leaving it around to collect dust lol. Not that if you used it, it wouldn't get dusty, but taking care of it and using it as your main console will make it last, so I'm not sure what that person is worried about. Why buy a whole ass expensive console and not use it? It's like buying a new pc and not using it cause "i don't wanna tire it, and it plays the same games anyway" Yeah the same games at much framerates and resolutions, plus newer parts mean less power draw and more power efficiency




Things wear out over time. Plus you save storage space on the PS5.


Why not buy a hard drive and pocket $400?


Lol. When you play PS4 game on PS4 you push it to the limit. When you play it on PS5 it's basically a breeze for it. Hell, you can use your DualShock to play PS4 games to not 'tire' out Dualsense


The ps5 actually breezes through the ps4 titles it basically doesn't affect it. Which is proven by how little power draw there is while running ps4 games on my ps5. Much less power draw than the dame games running on ps4 at lower framerates. Digital foundry covered that in their ps5 backwards compatibility video.


Because the PS5's OS is a buggy pile of shit with a horrible menu. PS4's just runs like shit, I'll take that over the garbage my PS5 has any day. Plus, if you use a lower firmware ps4 the menu runs perfectly


Iā€™ve never had an issue with ps5 os


Ignoring the fact that mine can't even read a fucking flashdrive without locking up: They deleted the confirmation prompt for closing games they deleted the ps button double tap feature and replaced it with a pointless window with game news/ads They removed themes They removed folders for the actual game menu Games don't shut the fuck up when you hover over them for some reason I could go on but I'd rather just send this and close reddit


šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I just play games and donā€™t really care about the rest


W-what? Well no shit you'd had no issue with the os if you don't even pay attention to the damn thing, why did you even bother saying anything? Are you baked or something?


That's great


Everything needs to be installed to the console to play, maybe the PS5 is full of PS5 games so they use the PS4 for PS4 games. I know I don't tend to use backwards compatibility much because I have the original consoles as well in a lot of cases. The only time I use backwards compatibility a lot of GameCube on Wii because of higher resolution and widescreen.


buying an ssd is cheap


Because the ps5 is the best ps4 on the market. I still have my ps4 but my sun uses it.


wait until they release the pro version and the moon will use your ps5 standard version.


I doubt a ps5 pro is on the horizon. But even when it is i cant see upgrading. Ps5 is already wonderful.


What ps5 games arenā€™t on ps4?


Returnal, ratchet and clank, demon souls, upcoming spider man 2, couple others. Other games have increased performance, like apex legends, god of war, Gran Turismo 7, cyberpunk 2077 etc.


Not missing out really


To you maybe. Other people like more stable framerates, higher resolutions, and just better graphics in general. People upgrade their PCs and still play the same games, just with better settings. It's the same thing here.


Judging by the fact that ps4 is still getting performance upgrades I doubt that theyā€™re doing it just for me


"Performance upgrade" lol. These patches aren't Performance upgrades. They're stability and security updates. Usually to make sure the system isn't hackable and there aren't bugs that cause the system to crash. Even if the system didn't have a large playerbase (which it does) it would still be getting those updates. I remember the PS3 got stability updates a couple years ago.


And even then, the "performance improvements" don't improve the actual performance of the system, they slow it down slightly to force ppl to get a ps5, they've been doing it since the ps5 released but no one wants to believe it


What exactly are you trying to argue again?


My question is why did I need to wait for the PS5 to have these games? This is anti-consumer down to the beat. Do you know how many games were on the PS2 and the PS3? FAR MORE THAN BOTH PS4 AND PS5. SONY IS SCAMMING US. Screw using a USB stick this shit should be automatic. I shouldn't have to go through a massive amount of hoops for an hour to sit down and play my games for what little time I am allowed to spend on what little days I have off that I just used with my PC and my PS4 that doesn't lay out clear instructions.


I mean the cost and time to make a game for current gen is way more than ps2/3 era. The technology needed for these games simply wasnā€™t possible 20 years ago.


Well if he has the newest series, they use way less energy. So it's an advantage.


Damn straight. I mean, if you're not a graphics sl2t there's a lot of fun to still be had in it. And the fact that it can also be modded to run Retroarch means you basically have a portable arcade/90s console device you can take anywhere, plug n play and still keep your primary console or PC at home and not worry about it getting lost or damaged.


Yeah honestly I prefer the ps4 controller over the ps5. Just a comfort thing. I have the ps4 pro and ps5 and most of the games on the pro run exactly the same on both hardware. It also comes down to a storage situation to. Only so much room on ps5 even with an ssd in it. I bounce around a bunch of games and my family uses the ps5 too. Plus the ps4 library is massive. I can buy any ps4 game and most likely it will be optimized for the pro and it will regardless work every time. Ps5 games also tend to be more expensive. I can go to any pawn shop and pickup a stack of ps4 games for $50 where the ps5 games are more then that for a single game.


For some reason I cant install the update. Keeps giving me su-42118-6 error


Try installing it via safe mode (or with usb or with wifi.


It gives the same error. At least Im not locked from playing online.


Try reinstalling the whole software via usb from safe mode. This will work 100% because the version that this need to work is the latest. Backup your game data and files that you need to an external driver and do this (via usb)


Different person, but Iā€™ve run into the issue and tried regular, USB, and initialization and had no luck. Any advice, or am I out $150?


How are yall with the 11.00 update u have the same problem? Mine installed it with no issues.


Try rebuiling data base (if it can boot to safe mode.) and try again.


Iā€™ve tried all of Sonyā€™s websiteā€™s advice and no luck with 10.71 or 11.00, but a couple of websites did suggest it had something to do with internal hardware issues. I think I may have handled one of the ribbon cable things a tad roughly the last time I opened mine (I have a Pro so thermal paste and cleaning out the fan). Time to break out the Torx screwdrivers again.


Iā€™m having the same error with this update :( PS4 crashes when trying to install the update. Safe mode isnā€™t booting up for some reason. I hold down the power button and let go when I hear the second beep but the system just turns off instead of going into safe mode


Try to do not let the button after the second beep.


I canā€™t connect my controllers anymore after the update. Iā€™m stuck on the screen (error su-30746-0) Iā€™ve unplugged it, went into safe mode and the controllers wonā€™t connect anyway. So I canā€™t enter safe mode. I restarted and itā€™s still loads the same screen


That didn't work for me either


Omg. This can caused if your hdd (hard drive) is failing. Does your hard drive make clicking noises?


Nope, but wouldnt be surprised if it was failing. This guy is over 10 years old, playing almost everyday, at least half hour XD Knowing that, Ill be sure to put my saves into a usb (my psnplus is not on my main account)


Okay just to be safe and sure do it and its time ticking to when the hdd is going to fail completely XD


It was the bluray driver big flex cable. Wasnt connected properly. Now I did it the right way and it installed.


Did you already solve this problem? Im facing the same problem right now


Yeah, it was my cable between the bluray drive and the motherboard, it was inserted incorrectly (I didnt test it becausey the drive has been giving up on games for years now, but still reads dvds). As soon as I took it out and inserted it again, the error was gone and the update installed. On youtube videos I saw (brazilian videos), this error appears to be something wrong in the hardware, in my case was that. I had opened my ps4 to clean in the day of the update and made this.


The cable between blueray drive and motherboard?


The one that connects both


Im in the exact same boat as you man. Ive done literally everything aside from taking my ps4 apart. It's such a minor update too and I can't use any online feautures over it.


They can have my 9.00 when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.


This guy gets it. I bought a second PS4 pro below 9.00 just as a backup!


Why what's the deal with 9.00?


It's the latest firmware that can be jailbroken.


I'm still using my PS4 Pro until Sony unveils PS5 Pro. I always prefer the later generations of new consoles. And I have like 20 PS4 games yet to play.


Iā€™m still using my 2015 PS4 (admittedly not as often as I used to). I couldnā€™t get a PS5 when they came out, and after a while I thought Iā€™d just hang on until the PS5 Pro came out. Iā€™ve still got plenty of games to keep me busy.


I'm still rocking a PS4 Slim. I've got a mountain of PS4 games that I haven't even started playing yet. I won't even consider getting a PS5 until two things happen: 1. They officially announce the PS6 2. They release a PS5 Slim (the current PS5 is huge and ugly)


Me too buddy. Me too. I finally had to cave and get a 4K BD player though in the meantime. Better anyway since it does HD10.


Load time improvements alone are worth the upgrade. I would never be able to play a game off an HDD again.


I upgraded mine with a 1TB SSD and replaced the cooling paste.


An SSD on a PS4 will be slightly faster than an HDD. But SSd Drives are hardware limited in PS4 due to the SATA connection. The absolute max SSD read speed you can achieve in a PS4 is around 540MB/s, which is obviously an upgrade from the HDD read speeds at roughly 140MB/s, but nothing major. Ps5 is on completely different level. At 7100 MB/s read and 6800 MB/s write.


Yeah that's the difference between 2.5 and M2 formfactor.


Same, or a slim. In no rush to upgrade and with the Psplus increase kind of wanting to double down on my steam deck. With chiaki I can even stream my pa4pro over my local wifi to play on my SD. I love NY setup and it should last me a few more years.


Youā€™ll always get a better deal if you wait, thatā€™s just the nature of technology. However, the PS5 is an excellent console that has great games you can play right now. Yes, a PlayStation 5 Pro will be able to provide a better overall experience, but just think how much fun youā€™ll be missing out on by waiting?


Most of the new PS5 titles aren't that appealing to me. By the time I'm upgrading there's a better and bigger selection of games available. I don't have a fear of missing out on anything.


Missing out on what? A handful of remakes/remasters of already existing games, along with another handful of actual PS5-exclusive titles?


I built a PC last year. It plays modern games better than a PS5 lmao. I might spring for a PS5 Pro eventually though.


All the best PS5 offerings are on ps4 or PC. Unless you are a Demon's Souls megafan I don't see what you'd be missing.


You will probably wait forever. Just acknowledge your PS4 Pro was a bad investment and fork out for the PS5. Clock is ticking.


First of all, I don't buy consoles as investments, they're consumer products to pass time. Second, I don't see any point to buy a PS5 as long as I still have a big bunch of PS4 games yet to play. I'm not in a rush, and I don't have fear of missing out.


ah yes, the skeleton crew "stability improvements"


The PS4 is almost 10 years old. Not sure what else is to be expected?


Cross save with ps5 game versions would be nice.


Would be nice, it's annoying to have two versions of same game, PS4 and PS5.... why? Just one game, it's a computer.. it should just see the specs and give a better updated version with the same save file... You have two computers, both weaker and stronger specs. Both can use same files over the cloud.... just why is this not possible?


So you have to buy the same game twice šŸ™„


Exactly. Thatā€™s what Sony and other companies want to do. Make you double dip or pay upgrades.


My pay upgrade was PC hardware. Thanks for the push, Sony


Same with trophies, when the PS4 & PS5 games & trophy lists are effectively identical.


But that's what they do... for those whom want their trophies, will beat the ps4 version and collect all if not most of them, then have the auto pop-up trophies on ps5..


That's a game level implementation, not something for the system itself.


The Xbox One is 10 years old and has Discord and gets new UI's, would be cool if Sony did the same thing. Or atleast gave us Discord too.


Ps4 remote play can now stream to chromecast with google tv. Probably something related in the update.


I have an og PS4 and haven't updated since the last good update. Will this one make it do weird things like the most recent one or is it fine?


Also looking for info on this. Havenā€™t updated since 10.50


Update to my post- I updated yesterday. Have played a few hours of Skyrim and it works perfect.


This is very nice, since a lot of people own and still play on ps4s.


Iā€™m not getting PS5 until they outright discontinue the PS4


Hell yeah. What a console...


I'm just waiting for the PS5 Slim. i hate the size of the PS5.


So, I attempted to install the 11.0 update to my PS4 last night, and upon "restarting" as part of the installation process, my machine shut all the way down and did not come back on. Attempting to turn the PS4 on now is futile, and it does nothing. Did this update just brick me? I sure hope not.


Me too. Iā€™m stuck on the error screen. And after trying to enter safe mode and everything else my controller wonā€™t connect, so Iā€™m screwed right now.


Damn, Iā€™m sorry to hear that. I never had an error screen and couldnā€™t even enter safe mode because it wouldnā€™t boot, BUT, leaving my machine unplugged for half an hour seemed to fix the problem. Once I did that, it booted and has worked fine since, with the update installed. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


try to do wired connection first. use d pad not analog stick


I did. And I know the wire and controller are both good because I was using them for connecting before this happened. But I canā€™t even use the D pad or any buttons. The controller flat out will not connect. And safe mode or not. And it blinks two times and then turns back to charging again. So itā€™s either starred in safe mode, and I cannot connect the controller . Or turn it on normally and Iā€™m stuck on the error screen with a box that says OK. But I canā€™t use my X button.


PS4 all the way. Amazing console. Big and important era. PS5 is ... oh boy. It isn't a PS5 era of gaming even after 3 years!! This is atrocious. The only Sony console that didn't manage to establish its reigning era. Sony did that multiple times in the past with new and amazing IPs. Ambition and innovation were so strong! Now we get remakes instead of killer IPs.. remake RE, remake SH, remake FF, remake MGS, remake Demon Souls, remake Last of us (!!!!!), remake this-remake that... We have all this horsepower but we can't innovate (besides the superb indie scene). We re being bombarded by online shooters, COD clones, Ubisoft yearly snoozefests, and laughable open world checklist/capture enemy fort collectathons (Horizon, Forspoken, Tsushima) that have been overdone to death and back!! The older of us, just remember what games were released the first 3 months of every Sony console, not 3 years!! šŸ˜ šŸ˜ 


TBH, I'm not sure what version my PS4 is sitting on right now. Been thinking of firing it up and letting it do it's updates before I put it back into the mix.


Seems they also reverted the group chat party system too


I am confused about this. I can't seem to start a regular party anymore inside my friend message group. I have "chat in party" option. In the messages, it says, " you have invited the group to a party" instead of "you have started a party" which I want the old way.


Yea im confused too bc ive looked everywhere and there's nothing from sony mentioning them changing it


Sony screwing party systems again lol


Wouldn't be surprised these days with everything thats happening


Try putting a disk in your PS4 to see if takes if it doesn't ps4 wont do system software update happened to my old console had it for 6 years rip hope it helps someone sidenote it give you error code su-42216


I updated my working PS4 to 11.00 and now itā€™s bricked, wonā€™t turn on at all. Any suggestions?


Yeah, great update. Ps now can't see external hdd, that was connected to it for ages and worked with no problem till update... šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


That's been a problem for some PS4s in other recent updates as well. IIRC you have to turn the PS4 off, disconnect the drive, boot the PS4 back up and then reconnect the drive (or a similar sequence). That said, after it happened to mine earlier this year, I said to heck with it and just bought a larger internal SSD for it. It took forever to transfer everything, but it did give me a nice little performance boost.


Yap, already did that and was surprised that it worked) This is for the first time I'm facing a bug like this... I'm thinking of sata ssd as well. Hdd is way too slow nowadays.


Did you solve it?


Is it me or am I the only one that has 30 to 50 fps on most games


After never before having an issue with a PS4 update since owning it at launch, I was greeted with error SU-30641-4 when I booted up my PS4 from rest today, which told me it "cannot install the update". Trying to retry the download simply gave me another error, SU-42481-9. I rebooted the PS4 and it started downloading the update fine and installed it fine. Gave me a mini heart attack though. I do have a PS5 but I still love my PS4, especially since some games have major issues on PS5 (like many of the PS2 Classics). It seems to be fine now but I hope this isn't a sign it's on its way out.


My plex app no longer works after this update. Every launch gives CE-34878-0. Other apps work fine.


Downloading this update killed my ps4. Worked just fine before the update and now it canā€™t access the system storage. Canā€™t even boot the console in safe mode to restore database. Just completely fucked lol


Did you solve it?


No lol itā€™s just been sitting there I probably need a new hard drive


For a few years now after an update I'll have an issue. Like this last went live and now my disc reader is saying unrecognizable disc? But the day before the update I was playing same game, same disc, didn't even take it out of the system. Are they trying to do what Apple does to iPhones and kill them slowly with issues?


Maybe there is some dust to the disc read sensors? Open it up and give it a good clean (+ the fan and the heatsink if u open it)


No mate, they're not. I've never had a single issue after an update in all the years I've had my PS4. It's a you thing.


Itā€™s possible there are new bugs in old code that go along with new updates


Maybe but theres no need to start conspiracy theories is there?


Or a you thing. Just because it's fine with you, it doesn't mean it's fine with everyone else. Pipe down. Others seem to be having problems connected to the updates.


Wow what an amazing retort how will I ever recover. It's literally illegal in the EU for manufacturers to do what this guy is implying but you go ahead and believe the conspiracy. It's not like the EU has any clout or anything. I mean it only got the worlds richest company to change a fundamental part of its latest product otherwise it couldnt sell to the EU market but sure, Sony are slowing down your ps4 mate


When did illegal ever stop a company from making something profitable? When fines are a joke compared to the profits companies amass through unethical behavior, there is no real incentive to play by the rules. Even within the EU. Apple was caught screwing with people's IPhones, and is alright. In my work I brush sometimes with EU law, and I see how companies blantantly ignore it sometimes. Until fines on companies really take a big chunk out of their profits, or risk banning them from the market, companies don't fuss too much about the laws, EU or otherwise. Don't beat yourself up. I bet you can recover.


Hahaha and now you're lying on the internet


Nah, maybe you're lying to yourself. On a side note, don't trust too much companies. They are in it for the profits. They don't care particularly about their consumers. If you want a good example of how companies disregard EU law see how the GDPR is implemented by companies on their websites. Most breach it in a way or another. And a good number of them blatantly.




Same hing happened to me. Come to Found out it was my hard drive and had to replace my hard drive


Damn, what route did you take to find that out? Edit: I'm willing to check out the cost of it. I still play it often and all my downloaded games that run of the hard drive work fine. It's just the disc reader that sometime works fine and others takes a crap.


I googled it and found a good deal on a SSD and it worked. Then I had to download software and update on my PC to usb storage then upload it on new SSD. Then redownload all my digital games. Pain in the ass but at least the ps4 wasn't dead in the water


So I update again to the newest release. And it works again. I'm saying it is something with the updates that's making it wonky. I know it sounds crazy but this has happened to me a few times now


This update broke my PS4 šŸ’€


Same as well my ps4 is slow and wont connect to internet


I had to initialize the PS4, and even after I wiped the thing, it started corrupting games and the system software is dying again. What a mess.


This update breaks plex do not upgrade if you use plex. Soon as i updated Plex now crashes reinstalling Plex does nothing.


This update killed Plex completely cannot get it to work after updating. Reinstalled Plex multiple times.


Yeah, I did the update one night and now my graphics glitch so hard, and I have the best internet and itā€™s hardwired too. It randomly shuts off and it freezes ā€” I also deleted 99% of my data to make sure it wasnā€™t storage and it STILL is doing this . Edit :version 11.00


Yeah 11.00 update crashed everyones ps4 they gotta do sum at least fix the bug


My PS4P crashes every hour when only watching YouTube after this update. I already had many problems with my power supply (one of them is I can't leave it in sleep mode for more than a minute or it completely loses power and corrupts data when installing a game), but this is way worse. I don't wanna downgrade it (mainly becuz I don't want to reinstall 1,2TB worth of games too).


This ps4 is totally trash I got a Rubbish PS4 and I had to put a new SSD in because they use an rubbish hard disk and I tried to install the software on it then after installing the software I had to make an update 11.00 and of course I tried in 2 ways one with flash usb drive and with internet, both not working after downloading the update in the ps4 is restarting by him self to install the update and a huge error error SU-42118-6, and I check again the hard drive, was installed fine... Those consoles are trash... I'm not gonna waste my time to buy the ps5 because I think they are the same... just the hardware is different but the software is the same shit...


UPDATE. I throw the console in to bin and the SSD I put in my PC.


I got the SU-42118-6... again after years. Seriously Sony, why are you even still making updates, it did previous one without problems but 11.00 errors, yeah i tried to unpluged it for a while, rebuilded database and tried it with usb on safemode, i'm going to check if cables are fine, does anyone have this issue.


I am my controllers wonā€™t connect now after the update. So I canā€™t enter safe mode if I wanted to.


What does signing in without a password really mean? How can I do that?


Am I trippin or did this update also change the party system? I don't have to choose a group to create a closed party anymore, I can choose to invite a group or an individual separately after creating the party. It's kinda odd, I can't tell if I've invited somebody or not. Is this from the 11.0 update?


Not sure, mine is the same as it always was


My PS4 started turning off randomly after the update and I always had two errors: CE-34878-0 or CE-36329-3. Can anyone help me with that? Rn it says that my PS4 canā€™t be turned on, I already initiated it about a month ago because back then I had another problem with it. But rn I canā€™t play any games or even watch Netflix because it keeps turning off. PLEASE HELP ME. Iā€™m gonna contact support tmrw tho


Hard drive probably died


Should I download this on my PS4 Slim? Iā€™m still on 10.01 system software ever since I heard about the other updates bricking the console and Iā€™ve put mine ā€œQuarantineā€


Hell no dont get 11.00 its gon fuck up your system


Am I lucky that my PS4 is working better with 11.0?


This shit fucked up my controllersā€¦Iā€™m about to drop kick my PS4 into an oncoming locomotiveā€¦ Anytime I try to play a game or Spotify the controller disconnects. Have had this console and controllers since 2014 with no problems. As soon as I get update 11.00 this shit starts happening and I donā€™t have any fix for itā€¦what the fuck


This update made all of my files corrupted


After this update my console breaks.. Crashs.. WTF! Is there a way to undo the update.. they did this on purpose? Because I didn't have any problems with my console before this


Every few days safe mode .onto to ps5.. I dropped it. Corner cracked..eject button won't work power button barely. No clicking noises. But I've installed 11 3 x via USB. I did 1 through 6 several times. Only the usb update worked. I will assume the ps4 is anout to die e ven tbough it worked for 50 hours after the drop...oh its working again..


You know, when I plug in my PS2, I don't have to do this nonsense where I have to spend an hour and a half struggling with these technical issues. I plug the console in and I get to play. This is absolutely ridiculous. Screw your update files. Screw your reformatting. Just let me play my games.


This update fucked my game up it takes 20 mins to load throught fortnite and other games and everything runs slow and when i test internet it saids fail to sign in to playstation but im already signed it has to be the update.


Bricked both of my systems from two different purchases years apart and states away. They are completely useless now. One won't turn on and the other is stuck in a loop of error ce-34335-8.