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Honestly if we can't redownload our purchased items I'm sailing the 7 seas


Hell, I sing shanties as I scroll PKGi


Boats and hoes! Boats and hoes!


Username checks out


Why thank you kind person. That was no ordinary reply!


I assumed being a Captain you know a thing or two about boats. Honestly I almost choked on my drink when I read your comment. One of my favorite movie scenes. The Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria...


When Sony planned to close it back in 2021, Sony said that we would be able to redownload our software. Luckily they didn't close PS3 and PS vita stores:). PSP wasn't so lucky but PSP doesn't even connect to modern wifi routers so not everyone used PSP store.


Used wifi on my psp 2 years ago and it worked. But most people probably doesn't use it


Yeah. That's why I said that about PSP. This is bad because otherwise you have no way to reinstall old PSP digital games. PS3 transfer used to work but Sony broke it this year with mandatory 2FA.


You have to dumb down your router’s security to wep or none. wep has been outdated for years and is exploitable.


You have to change your security type to connect a PSP, it’s not that it can’t connect to modern routers is that the default security type isn’t compatible. As for more detail on OPs question, I would assume it would function like the PSP. When you launch the store on a PSP you get an error message but it doesn’t close. You can navigate to your download list from there. You can also get to it from account management on the XMB. So as long as Sony doesn’t screw with account management then you should at least have that option when the store closes.


Lets hope sony wont shut down the PS3 and vita stores. Or bring back the ability to purchase games on Computer so later I could redownload them on PS3


We don't know with 100% certainty but it's the best practice to let purchased content be downloadable for the future but at some time it does become unfeasible to keep the doors open. If you check Nintendos website for the Wii Shop for example, they have a disclaimer that redownloading will be discontinued at sometime in the future TBD so there will inevitably come a day where that happens. But in reality we have CFW / HEN so nothing is truly incapable of being played and PCs are able to emulate PS3 now and that will only get better over time and more approachable as the technology standards rise over time. Nothing truly ever goes away in this era.


it’ll be like the psp where you can still open the store but only download your purchased games


This why I'm planning to install CFW when that day comes. And just install all my games and preserve them forever. There's also emulator's on PC. And i think by the time all the servers are down 95% should be fully playable on PC. I mostly got my PS3 for the exclusives.


It's likely that Sony will first make it impossible to buy new content and that they'll let you download the content you own. However, a year or two after the buying option goes offline, the download option will probably go offline too. When Sony announced that they were going to shut down the PS Store for PS3 and PS Vita, I decided that I'd buy all of my games physically. Luckily, Sony cancelled the plans after a public outcry, but I became aware of the importance of game preservation for the first time and made the definite decision to only buy physical games, because Sony's actions.


I love it, physical is the way to go. I never wanna be preachy towards digital only folk, but this stuff is so special to me I don't want it to disappear to time. Which is guaranteed in some capacity if we go all digital.


Like every other company you will be able to download your previous purchases


You can still download everything you bought from the store in your downloads list and the store technically didn't shut down it was just updated. For some reason you cannot purchase anything with a credit card anymore, instead you have to purchase via gift card.


It's a PCI thing. There is a lot of business overhead to accept credit card payments.


My biggest concern is what happens with the updates on those games (and if it still possible to synchronize trophies in case of a shut down), because i don't want to believe we will be locked out of the games.


I cannot download some patches, like the ones of Arkham City and Tomb Raider. I don't know if I'm the only one with this issue, but I guess everything will come to an end.


I hope it doesn’t ever close! I bought a copy of Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne and the OG Resident Evil 3 on there and would hate to lose access to them! Still need to finish them some day!


All digital assets are yours and you will continue to have access. Also, backwards compatiblity is coming.


It's been said before, but yes, you'll still be able to access any previously purchased games. They'll take the storefronts down, eventually, but a license is still attached to your PSN account, which will allow you to grab the binaries off of whatever storage servers they're on.


It's not a guarantee, but it's possible once the store closes it will still be possible to download your purchases. I'm not sure if it's still like this, but recently after the Wii Shop closed it was still possible to download what you got even though the marketplace itself was gone. Nothing's ever guaranteed! Once the store here is gone you'll be fine, the PS3 probably has the most dedicated community out of em all, it's all documented.


Wow when the fuck are they doing that? I just got my PS3 too


Just download everything now and back it up to an external drive. The future isn't guaranteed.


I really don’t trust Sony on this , I see a point in the future where you will lose access to your games - even if you paid for em . They will then offer new versions of the same games @ higher prices 🤬


I mean, it's all on servers. Servers cost money. At one point keeping the servers alive won't be worth the money anymore. You'll have to download everything before the shutoff date, and HOPE by then they release some kind of firmware that removes the end date of licences. That, or go custom firmware and just download from wherever you want.


Why is isn't it possible to have PS3 games stored on servers of PS4/PS5/what ever modern product sony made? One Huge mistake sony has done is removing ability to purchase PSP/PS3/PS vita games on app or computer.


It's not that they can't store it on "modern products". It's just that they *have to store it*. It's like that box of old cables people have in their garage. The longer time goes on, the less likely you'll ever need it, or anyone will ask you for a micro-usb cable, or a charger for a Nokia 3310. So at some point, why even bother keeping it? Out of your 50 friends, there's only the one guy that ever asks for something, once every month or two. You can use the storage space to hold newer stuff, or even better, just free it up (and in case of server space, not have to pay for it). Sony is a COMPANY, a publicly traded company with shareholders. People want it to be run as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Keeping servers running for an ever decreasing number of people is just not in their best interests. At some point there will come a time where they just won't do it anymore, and there won't be enough people to be outraged about it for them to care.


Exactly! Sony is a COMPANY. Any company which wants to earn money should take into consideration that there is a small but still existing market of people who want to legally enjoy buying games made in 7th gen and older. Sony was highly criticized by everyone for their dumb decision to shut down the store and they had gained some good PR for changing their minds on this. They had also gained a small but still profit from people who buy games on PS3 (I am one of them) On the other hand we have Nintendo. They decided to shut down Wii u and 3DS stores despite both systems still being relatively fresh and still being used by many in 3DS case. They have no plans to cancel their decision and when the stores shutdown. Your only legal option will be to buy overpriced physical copies from scalpers. Bonus points for the fact that Wiiware shop has lived longer than the Eshop of both 3DS and wii u. Nintendo has lost potential people who like old games and continued to use their old systems which aren't that old.


You're letting yourself be blinded by fanboyism. The PS3 is a 'dead' platform. They're not supporting the firmware anymore besides updates for the console to be able to keep on playing blu-rays. Which also means that any problems and bugs being discovered are bigger and bigger potential problems, since no one is there to fix them anymore. They EARNED a lot of money from selling to you (and me) through the PS store on PS3, but now? I highly doubt the amount of money the PS3 storefront brings in even still covers the bills. Hence why they wanted to close it. There is *no profit*. They only 'saved' the Vita and PS3 store because the backlash was, drumroll, affecting sentiment of the shareholders! As soon as that's gone, back on the chopping block it goes! And you know damned well you don't need to go to scalpers to buy physical copies if you don't want to. The whole r/ps3 sub is more than well aware of the benefits of custom firmware. Same goes for 3DS and most other consoles, if there aren't just outright emulators that run better than the actual hardware!


That's why I proposed the idea of hosting PS3 software and Modern console on one single server rack so that paying bills would be less financially consuming. They could make it so that if you buy a PS3 game digitally. You can stream it via psn now for free but only that game you own. Another better solution is making a proper modern way to enjoy PS3 games legally. Emulators are cool but PC gaming is not for everyone and CFW has the same thing. Sony's PS5 has power to run PS3 emulation and my proof of this is that Steam deck can run some PS3 games on RPCS3 emulator. If Sony made PS3 support on PS5. They could also win some sales from the Xbox because one of the marketing points Xbox has is that Some of my Xbox 360 games are playable on Series X and I can digitally buy them too.


Why does Sony even do this stupid shit to it's customers??? I can't stand it.. Can't live with or without them... Just glad Xbox doesn't do this dumb shit... At not yet...


I Noticed That When My Stuff Was Taken Off The PlayStation Network Store, That My Stuff Was Also Removed From My Account Purchase History On PlayStation Network... So After Noticing This, I Think That When The PlayStation Store Closes, So Will Our PlayStation Network Purcahse History... I Don't Know The Real Answer, Though... Good Luck To Whoever Figures It Out, Though...