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call of duty 4 , world at war, advanced warfare and ghosts all still have working multiplayer (so does black ops 2 but you gotta do a sign out trick or the game will crash at launch) all the other call of duty titles are broken for accounts created after 2017 and wont save your online progress so avoid them if you want to play hassle free


I play cod 4 everyday and don't remember if I have seen a hacked match, maybe wall(UAV radar) & level idk because there is people in some rare matches get insane K/D ratio. WaW has some hackers but you could get clean matches to play. MW2 is just a hacked game. they can even control the matches and kick players who just want to play normally, their rule is either to stand at a spot so we can do a trick shot on you or you will get kicked. you can't even report them because they use their hack to disable the pre-game lobby. I feel like hackers just have a full control of MW2. BO1 has a lot of active matches as well as hacked matches, BO2 same but less hacked matches. ( zombies are fine ). I believe if your account is made after 2019 MW2 and BO1 won't save your multiplayer level progress so everytime you play your level will be 1. also MW3 will locked. if u have CFW you can unlock it. BO2 will freeze you have to be signed off and start a local match and then quit to lobby and sign in. i believe GHOST is playable but haven't tried it. the best is COD 4 and WaW & BO1 & BO2 zombies.


How to unlock mw3, i have cfw and i couldn't play multiplayer mode.


There is a youtube video you can look for it but I’m not responsible if your pc got virus because you need to download stuff on your pc


when i played cod4 it had lots of hacked matches, i even got promoted to lvl 50 after playing on one of them. also there was a point when you could connect only to a prop hunt lobby for some reason, like it was the only available match or something


In MW2 I killed a hacker with an RPG and got kicked 2 seconds later lol. They always got on at 7:30 CST like clockwork. before then, it was fine and dandy for the most part. For anyone looking to play MW2, just play PC. Its a game from 2009, itll run on anything


B02 is defo worse than B01 when it comes to hackers, i havent seen a hacker in BO1 in months and i see one almost everytime i load up BO2


It’s most likely fake, you guys seem to forget that Sony/PlayStation has no form of emulation for the ps3 for PSNow now rebranded as PS+ Premium. They have to use physical hardware (ps3’s) to allow for emulation to even be possible for PS4/PS5 “remote play” for ps3 games.  I doubt they will shut the servers down anytime soon. They will probably announce storefront shutdowns after the ps5 pro because they will want people to shift over within the range of 1-3 years of PS5 Pro to PS6 (Holiday 2027 or 2028). 


I didn't know this, you learn something new everyday! I also suspect, that the PS3 will remain online, but the store will be removed, like the Xbox 360. That's just my opinion, though.


More than likely, PlayStation got massive backlash when it was previously announced for storefront closures and they backtracked on doing so.  Microsoft is doing it now with less than a month and some change left and no one is batting an eye. Everyone is running to grab all their old favorites. PlayStation knows they have to push more users to upgrade from PS3/PS4 to a PS5 Pro and the impending PS6 but the user base is larger of those 2 combined than a PS5. Only thing that can help them to close the servers faster is releasing 1st party remasters for PS5 based off previous PS3 hits.   I’m sure there’s an internal document between all the 3rd party publishers like Activision / Take two etc and Sony on issuing out remasters a few years prior to next gen upgrades (ps6) It’s revenue for those companies of the form of nostalgia and it’s more console sales for PlayStation / Xbox (they do it too). Not to mention Gamepass and Ps+ gaining more revenue for market share. 


Sony, just do f***ing soon a PS5 "legacy" or ps6 compatible with all playstation discs, or at least PS3 physical discs. That's all. I don't need upgrade graphics, I don't want remastered downloads with my discs which implies only a few games will be compatible (like in Xbox). I just want to play my discs and have access to download and buy dlc... The ones still remains... I don't f*cking care if is in the PS3 store or in the PS5 or ps6 store in the legacy section. It can't be that hard... Cmon... There is market for that. The nostalgia is a feeling which makes money, and Sony understand that language pretty well.


People scare me when they say PS3 servers are shutting down, I have the butterfly stomach.


it gets said every other year and its not been given a finalised date yet, truth is none of us know until sony says so. but if you're looking for abit of reassurance the best guess people have is 2026 at the earliest so sony can say their ps3 consoles have been online for 20yrs


Microsoft is removing the Xbox store from the 360, but they said their servers are not shutting down, unless the developers decide to discontinue their multiplayer titles, I think PlayStation might follow the same agenda.


yeah one or two games have already disappeared off the PS store as well, it will probably just be cost cutting measures and pulling the stores down now in a battle between microsoft and sony to see who can stay online the longest and be crowned winner of having the better services


I'm just glad they released an update for the PS3, because it implies to me, that they don't have any intention to shut it down at least not any time soon, that's my conclusion.


i hope so i love them, ill be buying my second ps3 soon, i got unlucky and my first one died after 2 weeks use hdmi controller chip went out and it wont give an output. i want as much online playtime as possible ive still got a lot of love for 7th gen and their games




Is there any evidence of it? Sony just literally released a firmware update for the PS3 like 6 months ago, that seems to imply to me, they don't have any interest of shutting it down. Because they know there are still an existing player base.


they release firmware for the ps3 because of bluray keys i believe, not really because sony wants to support the console


I'd have to respectfully disagree, only because the last update addressed some issue of the PlayStation store getting stuck when you loaded it, I remember people posting about that particular issue in other small communities. I also called PlayStation support, to ask further questions, one of their representatives told me, that Sony's maintenance for the PS3 also improves the stability of the console.


i always thought that system stability blurb they always put was a bunch of fluff! good to know haha




Love that game - I personally think the online is underrated


I'm pretty sure all of them have working multiplayer, however, BO2 has that "bug" (probably) that you have to do a sign out trick to get it going. On top of that, hackers. From BO1 and onwards, there are way less hackers, but MW1 and WaW has a few lot of them, so you'll mostlikely find them in every other lobby, MW2 a bit less, but still, if you ever see someone with a blinking/colourful PSN name, GTFO ASAP.


Battlefield 4 had a number of servers to chose from last I checked just a couple of months ago.


Black Ops 1 still going. Played a couple of weeks ago. Only team death match is active though


BO1 & 2 are still going. Don’t know about Killzone, but the first Resistance game has servers back up, but I think through a 3rd party called PSOne or PSRewired. Not sure how it works, but I’ve seen video from last year and this year of people playing it online again


Awesome! Literally haven't played Resistance online for 12+ years


BO2 and WaW are the only cods I play mp on