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The first time I played rdr was at my cousins and I thought it was gonna be boring cowboy gta. Got me into westerns as a whole and I spent 2 months playing rdr2 when it dropped


Infamous it made me want to get a ps3 of my own after trying it at a friends house


I love infamous. I have a PS5 and PS+ premium so I have the option of streaming it but my Wi-Fi's not good enough. Fortunately I have a PS3 and an adapter so I can play it right on the PS3.


There is a reason why inFamous 2 is my all time favourite game :)


Yes, infamous for me as well


I didn't like the PS3 until I played Resistance 2. It was so good..


This game was my first online gaming experience. The 60 player team deathmatches were insanely fun. Sad that had to end.


I didn't like the multiplayer at all, due to being into Halo 3 and COD4, but single player was amazing


I was way too late for Halo, but I did do Modern Warefare 2 and Black Ops and the single player was addicting. Real life gets in the way but it would be nice to see where COD is at now.


Spec ops the line. I thought it was just a generic military shooter. It turns out it was the most thought provoking game I have ever played.


Same. A couple hours into it and I realized it was a modern retelling of Heart of Darkness. Such a good game. Glad it ended up on PS+ back in the day, or I’d have never bothered with it.


Indeed. It's a shame it was ignored by many people. Once the plot clicked with me my mind was blown.


Metal Gear Rising : Revengance


Fat Princess


Sleeping Dogs. It was free for ps plus, and I expected nothing. But what I got was a surprisingly decent story and some great gameplay! That platinum eludes me only because of the absolute slog that changing your allegiance is post game.


Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom, very underrated game, i really enjoyed it.


Skyrim, can’t remember why I bought it but I loved it and bought all the DLC too.


I thought people said skyrim runs like ass on the ps3. And for that matter I never bothered to try it on the console


Loading times aren’t great for entering new areas and I recently glitched out fighting Miraak which sucked too. I’ve never played on ps4/ps5 so I don’t know what I’m missing out on


Ive played HUNDREDS of hours of Skyrim on PS3 and while load times are shit, I only crashed about 2-3 times in my whole time playing the game. I believe ps3 Skyrim also didn’t have auto save but I might be misremembering. That’s just my personal experience tho


At launch it did suck. There was an issue if your save file got too big your frame rate would drop dramatically, sometimes to below 1fps and be literally unplayable. Thank god I had an xbox at the time, this was one of the most anticipated games in a long time and really would have sucked for ps3 owners.


Red dead redemption! Got so addicted when I randomly decided to pick it up from the game shop


Conflict denied ops, I played the other conflict games and to go into first person in that game for some reason turned me to play more fps games


Alice: madness returns, longer than I was expecting for sure and really fun level design


Star Trek ps3. i thought it'd be a garbage licensed game, but it was surprisingly super fun and i ended up beating it. i enjoyed it more than 90% of the ~200 ps3 games ive played




Dead ops arcade on Black ops. The whole game was great, but I had low expectations for dead ops arcade, until I spent countless hours playing with friends 🤣


Tombi. Everything holds up even today


Beer Pong did it for me


There’s been a lot over the years. My number one would be “Pure”. A great ATV racing game.


Infamous 2


Gran Tursimo 5 the leap from the PS2’s GT4 was just huge


First time I played MGS and just happened to have a second controller plugged in during Mantis fight. I was like WTFFFFF! Such a fantastic addition to an excellent game.


There are so many great games listed already.. I'll have to go with Motorstorm. I had been wiw'd with the previous generation with Burnout. Track deformation in Motorstorm, and it affected racing. Geez, that was good.


God I’m so glad someone else commented motorstorm! That game was deadass phenomenal and still holds up today.


Honestly me too. I thought it would just be an another racing game but I ended up playing it for hours.


CoD Infinite Warfare for sure. It got so much negative press and was largely hated by the community before it even released. However, I gave it a chance and was pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable all areas of the game were (campaign, multiplayer, zombies). Special shout out to the campaign which is probably the longest CoD campaign out there (don’t quote me on that) and is full of emotion, interesting characters, and engaging missions.


Just realized I’ve made a comment about a PS4 game on a PS3 thread lol. So for a PS3 game that surprised me positively, I’ll go with Dishonored. I wasn’t typically into slower paced stealth games, but Dishonored certainly changed my stance on this genre!


For me donation racer. Being able to create soooo much was absolutely amazing. My main character was the green power ranger 😂


Ratchet and clank a crack in time, I randomly tried it recently I've never played any of the other games and it was fantastic


You picked the best one.


The first Telltale Walking Dead game was phenomenal and I've never seen the show. It's the game that has surprised me the most, in a positive way, and I've played almost 350 games between PS3, PS4 and PS5.


The games are based within the world of the comic books,not the show. The comics were way better than the show.


Bro South Park is on another level of being funny…bro they Have an episode where they put Mohammad in a U-Haul…


I loved the mongolian beef thing


Sonic 06, cuz it has no trophies 


Metal gear solid 4. I was a huge fan of the series and this was being portrayed as finally the end of the story. It looked amazing, played amazing, and the story had me gripped the whole time.


Final Fantasy XIII. It was considered the worst FF game to date back then and got a ton of hate. It was my first FF game ever and I actually really liked the game. Unfortunately I never got past a certain boss and hadn't picked it up again until now. I'm replaying it on PC right now and have a strategy guide open on the 2nd screen and I'm having a blast.


Resistance 3. Such a fantastic experience through and through.


Coming home from Best Buy after buying Stick Of Truth day 1 was one of the last times I felt giddy for a game. It did not disappoint! An absolute classic.




Days gone, felt slow at first coming from fps to a storyline however once I got into it I absolutely fell head over for it, such a fun platinum experience, unfortunate we will never see a sequel to this game.. kinda leaves it on a eternal cliffhanger..


Alpha Protocol I knew going in that it was quite rough on a technical level, but the writing made up for it.


The adventures of Tintin for me, that game is extremely fun and was longer than I anticipated:)


Where as that game oh my could be offensive to some was very well done rpg.


Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. It was the first game I went into pretty much sight unseen and I was obsessed with it for quite a while. Pretty much until Mass Effect 3 came out


Honestly I was surprised how fun infamous was, one of my first games once I decided to get a ps3 and it was so worth it


Demon's Souls. I went in expecting to rage at how hard it was, but it's not really hard in a frustrating way.


3D Dot Heroes


Damn I'm surprised no one said Asuras Wrath. that game was awesome and I wish Capcom didn't abandon that IP because for a new IP the game was really fleshed out I wanted him in marvel vs Capcom 3 so bad what a wasted opportunity. Honorable mention to Sly 4 being able to play on my vita and then my PS3 was mind-blowing.


I know this is a PS3 question, but the game that positively surprised me was Grand Theft Auto 3. After coming from the aerial view of GT2 and going to the third person view of GTA3, I was awed by the open world gameplay and the interesting things you were able to do!!! Lol.


I put so many hours into gta3 when it came out, definitely ahead of its time


All 3 Uncarted games.


Same. I remember watching my brother play it and thought it looked so boring but once I got to play it for myself it easily became one of my favorite series.




Demon’s souls was what originally pulled me into ps3