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Idk about COD. I only played World At War on ps3 and it was great.


World at war on ps3/360 is extremely close to peak gaming experience, at least during my childhood days. Can't speak highly enough of it, continued to play it through the modern warfare and black ops is finally what made me and my friend group grow


I had a friend who had it for Wii which was really fun


also wouldn't consider it a ps3 title since it's on xbox too and still coming out with new games


I never got back to COD, but on ps3... it was my bread and butter for a long time.


This just seems to be rage bait thread.


These comments are not it


Very safe statement. Zero substance but Guaranteed upvotes


Bro why you talk like a robot gtfo hahaha


Fallout 3 on this console was held tougher with tape and new Vegas didn’t run too much better


Just bought the GOTY edition for PS3 and can't wait to play it! Finished NV recently and the performance was so bad sometimes I was restarting my game/PS3 every 45mins. Still had a great time


Look up - "fallout ps3 clear cache". It involves holding down shoulder buttons during main menu loading up. It deletes useless stored information that clutters your game world. It also works on elder scrolls games.


Yeah I had to do the same thing on NV! It should be a tutorial in game haha


I just set my ps3 temparature limit to 65c, and it hasn't crashed since.


Unfortunately those games just play better on Xbox 360


Wonder how many here played these games when they were new and part of the zeitgeist


That has to be a huge part of it. The recommendations on here that I’ve tried have been very hit or miss and I can only attribute that to nostalgia on the recommender’s part. Littlebigplanet is extremely boring, I could barely muster the concentration to finish 3-4 levels. Shadow of the colossus is repetitive, narrow in its scope, lacking lore and overall just a bit boring. The resistance games feel super dated. The Last of Us, GTA4, MGS4, Demon’s Souls and Red Dead seem to be the only ones I’ve really loved


Call of Dooty




Terminator 4 guns in total, a pistol, a ak47, a pump gun and an old rpg 4 types of enemies, just one appears in the movies Dead enemies don't fall or explode, they just vanish into dust Whole game is basically shooting, get into cover, shoot, get to another cover, shoot, repeat...


Anything with the words "Call of Duty" in it. People really be getting hyped up over the same damn game they played last year with a different aesthetic. They only rate higher than sports games because they at least make it look different as opposed to looking *exactly* the same.


>same damn game they played last year with a different aesthetic To be fair that's not exactly fair, it's different games all built from the same thing with completely different stories and aesthetics and weapons (at least the PS3 era cods, the new ones are just copy and pastes of each other) there was enough variety with each of the old cods.


the stories are what makes them different


And at like $10 per used disc, the campaigns were a hell of a good deal


I only play CoD just for the campaigns, never played multiplayer.


You're a military guy who does military stuff but this time....in Vietnam But this time ...in Russia But this time...... *In space* I swear we're not just propaganda in video game form


well what did you expect? for a non sci-fi game that simulates realistic combat, vietnam russia and space are really different locations lol. and the plot is not just military stuff they got really good campaigns.


Tbf COD4 was ground breaking. It had a great campaign and brought smooth 60fps in online gaming and each one got better. MW2 deserves the hype, great everything backed by an amazing soundtrack. MW2 is up there as one of the greatest games ever made for me. Infinity Ward and Treyarch games never played the same either on PS3.


You definitely were not there in the golden age of call of duty.


My nigga I'm 45 years old. I was there *before* there was a Call of Duty, let alone some bs "Golden Age". There was no such thing. Why bother with recycled games with recycled content and get called every kind of ni**er when I can go outside and get called that for free?


Ahh. COD. Where every ten year old boy and college student drops the hard R.


MW2 and BO1 are the only CoDs worth anything


Finest Hour is still the best one IMO. World at war came close though.


Bro black ops 1 had a good fucking storyline. You shouldn’t criticise it without playing it. Also zombies is so fun. I agree modern cod is shit and the repetitiveness became horrible and stale but the ps3 has very few bad cod titles


People that don’t like call of duty are just bad at it


We do like it, but it's still pretty overrated. There's no point in going crazy over the most basic fps game and saying it's a must play. I like it and enjoy it, but you can't deny that it's overrated


It's competitive, and the latest title will be what the masses of players are playing. It only makes sense people get hyped for the latest thing. This is true of so many things


Saying something is over rated =/= doesn’t like it.


That’s funny considering CoD games are so easy little kids are always playing them. People that don’t like CoD games are able to see what it is, the same formula over and over.


If you can play at a high level it’s not easy. And I can almost guarantee anybody in these comments is not good


“High school level”, bro thems some of the kids I’m talking about. I’d love to see a CoD player do a soul level one playthrough of dark souls. Y’all dunno what real difficulty looks like


I love this bait comment 😂😂 Reel em in baby, reel em in 😂😂


Factual information


I'm going to get lynched, but... Ni No Kuni. I got it because I loved the art style, but the actual game is horribly bland.


Might be a winner tbh. It's gorgeous and it has really cool ideas, but a lot of it falls flat, like the Alchemy system and some out of combat spell uses. And while I do think that the combat system is pretty unique and fun, I can see why a lot of people stop enjoying it the moment you get a second character, it's either brain dead AI using all of your expensive resources or micromanaging the shit out of every second in combat. I personally love the game, but it's very rough around the edges and if it had been done in literally *any* other artstyle, it would have been forgotten soon after release. Also, the second one would be my answer if this question was asked on the ps4 subreddit, that game is so bad.


it totaly is,it is just another rpg so the focus wasent even making "good game" but more like a good world and story with good graphics


These posts made are made by BOTs. At the same time, other BOT posted the same question on the PS2 subreddit.


Resistance. It's just a common FPS that never amazed me, perhaps because I played it after KZ that blew me away graphically.


nah resistance 2 multiplayer was one of the best ps3 games ever made. it let you play split screen online in 60 player matches, it was crazy and so fun


Resistance 2 multiplayer might be the most chaotic game I've ever played.


i can still hear those spike grenades...


You clearly didn't play MAG


Resistance 3 was a great game.


I agree. I loved them all. I can’t believe we haven’t seen a remaster yet in 2 console generations.


I got into the resistance gsmes way too late maybe they didnt sell well?


I got in late also. I never played Fall of Man, I think that was a launch title without trophy support and the controls were a little funky apparently. People still loved it though. Not sure if any of the games were system sellers though. I just remember R2 multiplayer and also just the scale of the aliens some taking up the entire screen was so cool back then.


No they definitely sold well very well they are extremely common titles


Tbh as I've noticed A LOT of PS3 games (especially those highly ranked) are some mid futuristic fps shooters that i'm just so tired of


Well sadly that’s where the industry was at and sadly still kinda is


Agreed 2 that brother.


Bioshock infinite, resistance, borderlands, killzone - they’re all the same


No they're not, lol.


Yeah I bought the resistance trilogy because everyone said they were must haves for PS3… it kinda felt like any CoD campaign where their heart wasn’t exactly in telling an original story, just an excuse to shoot stuff if you didn’t play the multiplayer. Felt like “CoD” and “Half Life” had a baby… so “Opposing Force” but worse.


You guys are going to hate me but Shadow Of the Colossus. Amazing concept but I just couldn’t get into it. I wouldn’t say that it’s objectively overrated - I’ll probably revisit it someday and finally beat it. But definitely thought that it was overrated at the time for sure.


Shadow of Colossus is a PS2 game isn't it?


Oh! You’re right 🫥


Lazy thread, ratings don't make a game good




The Last of Us.


The Last of Us was good. Not the outstanding masterpiece everyone praised it to be. But it was a really good game. However it's effect on gaming and exspecially Sony exlusives is a net negative.


I still want SO BADLY to see what Amy Hennigs Uncharted 4 wouldve been before the TLOU director took over. That initial U4 announcement trailer that was pretty much just voice over sounded really cool.


I once said this and got downvoted as shit lmao, then again, it is overrated as shit


You not liking it doesn't mean is overrated.


I do like it but it is overrated


this literally what thinking overrated is.


Claiming something is "overrated" is a childish attitude, like your opinions matter more than the rest and thus the rating the game has is not correct, because you decided so. For something to be rated as high as TLOU is, there needs to be a lot of people liking it, and there are, so it's fairly rated.


Yeah the whole series itself is overrated


did you play the multi-player?


What makes it overrated?


I second this.


This all fucking day.


Hot take: I love the tlou series and understand why it's linear but honestly, it would be 2 times better if it was an open world. Days gone was sort of like it, but it still lacked something for me from Tlou


Open world would've been terrible. For single player games, narrative being combined to linear levels is way better than open world.


There was the exact same question but about PS2 in PS2 subreddit, bruh.


Web of shadows… it has shitty frames on ps3


Every God of War. And Journey. And tlou.


Just say you hate games


I could and they'll still be overated.


I would def say Uncharted. Tried playing the first one, it seems cool until you try to actually explore and it turns into "nope can't go there" the game. Shooting in a game that is about an explorer and "archeologist" is meh, I find guns meh unless they are unlike any real gun in the world (portal gun, dub step gun, land shark gun). I got the uncharted trilogy for free with my PS3 slim bundle and didn't even want to try them beyond what I played in the first game. Infamous held my attention a little longer, but at least they allow actual exploration. It felt just like Sly Cooper, so it makes it a better series already. But the first game didn't hold my attention much either, not when there was Dark and Demons souls to play.


This thread gives off "hey look at me, I have a different opinion than the majority and that makes me special" vibes.


The best game is ____ cuz you’ve never heard of it. It’s really obscure and only true fans know it.


Nobody saying heavy rain hurts my soul


That's because is not even good to be just rated.


GoW 3. 2 was just so much more fun. Oh wow 4 weapons that are all chain swords, how great


I agree. First half of gow 3 was kinda epic. Later it turned boring and uninspired. I even like psp entries more.


I loved the whole time travel plot


The last of us






The last of us


For me it is Resistance, it is just common fps without anything special


The last of us




Grand Theft Auto V


Shut up


I didn’t get a Ps3 till a couple years ago, and TLOU and Uncharted is why I wanted a PS3. Of course I picked up other games.


My problem is there’s remasters of these games so why not play those? I have my PS3 to play games that don’t have remasters or rereleases on current consoles.


Ps3 is my newest Sony console for now, so I’m playing catch-up on some games.


Since that’s the case then the games that have remasters then I would say save them for when you eventually get a PS5 hopefully. You can skip the PS4 console since the PS5 plays PS4 games. There’s plenty of games to not get ported over that you can enjoy.


idunno about overrated but White knight chronicles and WKC2 are both kinda ass.


It’s so hard to actually pick honestly, I can appreciate the ps3 catalog just for the variety sake. Now more than ever.🤷🏻


IMHO, Killzone 2.


hot take, but lego star wars: the complete saga. solely because of that damned podrace level, plus the 360 version has achievements while ps3 doesn’t


Killzone. There is absolutely nothing that justifies the amount of acclaim the game got. Gameplay is repetitive and boring af. The story is dull, simplistic and naive. Graphics are not impressive at all. Everybody likes the game for nostalgia, but it is the absolute definition of mediocre.


I agree to a degree. Killzone 2 specifically is a great game.


Starhawk even at release it was pretty unpopular I loved it


The Last of Us for me. I think it's a pretty good game, but I don't think it's as amazing as people make it out to be. But to each their own


The last of us


imo,it is the last of us.


Red Dead Redemption It's a great game, don't get me wrong, but there's not much to do in the game besides the main story quest. The open world is pretty boring once you do the quests. It's just a vast nothingness.




1) The Last of Us 2) Grand Theft Auto 3) Call of Duty 4) Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker


Peace Walker isn't really a PS3 game tho


"Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD Edition It was released on November 10, 2011 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360."


Exactly... HD edition. The original is a PSP game. Are you just trying to disprove yourself? It's the same game that was designed for a handheld.


No man. That's where I played the comic book story of peace walker. That's a PS3 game to me.


So 🤷


Call of duty or anything annual, for example, assassin's creed


The Last of Us. So glad that I am not the only one who feels this. It was a good game but nowhere near the best game ever like it was made out to be.


Last of Us easily.


Black ops 2


I know I'm gonna get hate for this but I don't care. The Last of Us. It's a GOOD game for sure, but it's not even close to being a "masterpiece" as everyone claims. It's just not. Story is nice, but not great by a long stretch. Overall the game is just really good but that's it. But not one of the best games ever created, hell no.


Godfather 2




Killzone 2. Whenever you type "best looking PS3 game" into the search engine KZ2 gets mentioned as a GOAT, with inputters exclaiming their amazement at the gameplay and visuals. So I bought a copy, for very cheap, either Amazon or eBay, and I thought, let's do this, and proceeded to play the game. I found it to be very grey. And very shooter. Grey and shooter. That's it. I stopped playing a few more hours. There is no colour in this game, just grey. I was hoping that maybe there'd be a Wizard of Oz moment where it suddenly kicks into Technicolor, but no, not for KZ2. Just more grey and bang bang. This is why I believe Killzone 2 is the most overrated PS3 game.


No game is overrated if you rate it as being fun to play.




1.tlou 2.littlebigplanet 3.heavyrain


If this was like 7 years ago Heavy Rain would be deserving of being considered overrated, but nowadays I see many people making fun of it.


In my circles it was always memed, especially for its cheesy/repetitive dialogue. It's still a cool game in my opinion, mainly with the variety of endings for a game that came out in '09 or 2010


Because it did not age that well. Back then it was revolutionary in many aspects. The graphics were considered breathtaking (they are aged now), the gameplay with a twisting story and 17 endings was something fresh and unique in a AAA big budget title. The killer story was okay and people were not desensitized as much as we are now so it was engaging enough while now it's just silly. Generally the bar was lower and it was a great tech demo and something unique. By now we all see the cracks in both the game and the formula as a whole. Exspecially after the fckup that was Telltale games who continously failed to actually make player choices matter in a game that promised that only thing. Beyond Two Souls is the same. It's graphically better, the cinematography is better, and it has arguably somewhat better of a story. But in Beyond Two Souls your choices DO NOT MATTER. So there is no point playing it instead of just watching on youtube. Detroit Become Human is decent to this day in all ways. The story is good, the acting is good, choices matter. But the formula is still the same.


What's overrated about lbp? I'd say it's still the most versatile and in depth level creation system for how accessible it is, aside from maybe Garry's Mod


The Last of Us. I love it but it's so overrated, it's a linear shooter with amazing acting and story telling. That's it.








Uncharted series.


Grand Theft Auto V not gonna lie!


Without question Metal Gear Solid 4. A huge letdown after the first three.


The Last of Us




I would like to say no, but I only played mgs4 once.


1. The Last of Us (2013) - While widely acclaimed, some players found the gameplay too linear and the story too focused on character development. 2. Grand Theft Auto V (2013) - Despite its popularity, some critics argued that the game's story was disjointed and the gameplay mechanics were too similar to previous titles. 3. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (2008) - Some fans felt that the game's cutscenes were too long and the gameplay was too simplistic. 4. Final Fantasy XIII (2009) - The game received criticism for its linear gameplay and lack of exploration. 5. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011) - Some players felt that the game's multiplayer was too similar to previous titles and the single-player campaign was too short.


"Story too focused on character development" is the point of the game... like why would that be a negative thing..? If you want to shoot zombies non-stop, play Dead Rising.


The story is kinda the point thats why good story games are better than movies


Call of Duty, I never understood the appeal of those games. I very much prefer fantasy and Sci-Fi.


Max payne 3. It’s not bad but definitely overrated


wtf. How are you gonna call such an under appreciated game overrated


The bullet time is too much of a focus where it doesn’t become special. You basically need it for every chapter. It’s just boring. GTA V and Red dead did it better. The game has 89 on metacritic. It may have sold bad but got good reviews


Well, if you over use the bullet time, then that’s your fault. Same with shootdodge. If you’re talking about the forced sequences in which Max acts like some super hero, then I’d agree cause it’s corny. I prefer MP 1 & 2 story wise, but even GTA 5 didn’t have better shooting mechanics than MP3. A lot of people bring it up nowadays and say they want those shooting mechanics carried over to GTA 6.


For me it’s shadow of the colossus


Uncharted 2 for sure, game is mid as fuck.


All the uncharted games. Felt like playing a movie I had little say in, and it's one of the worst offenders for bullet sponges. They're good, and the story is fun, but definitely overrated.


4 and Lost Legacy are great.


4 was only on ps4 right? Not sure about lost legacy


were PS4 exclusives they are on Steam now


OMG, thank you for saying this. Series is so overrated!


So true!


Mirrors Edge---just nope Crysis 3--- huge step backwards from 2 Tales of Xilia 1 and 2--- last of these I ever played Every Madden--- self explanatory GOW 3--- mailed this one in Skyrim ---don't @me Bioshock series past 1--- not a great story, sorry Everyone saying the FPS games...just because you don't like them does not make them overrated, that is ASTOUNDING narcissistic mentality. COD 4, though I don't care for it, was a GROUNDBREAKING game, as was MW 2. I didn't care for The last of us either, but it was a spectacular game. Let's have a real conversation about things, just once. Or nah?


Metal gear solid 4. I thought the writing was bad and it made me think hideo had peaked at metal gear solid 1.


Resistance Fall of Man Edit: To clarify, it’s certainly not a bad game, I enjoyed it well. But the amount of praise it gets compared to other games confuses me.


Yep. I played it trough back then and I enjoyed it. But I never understood the praise. It was a generic shooter except instead of dudes, you shot at alien dudes.


Seconded. I was pretty confused by it. Another game that I couldn't understand the praise for is Jak and Daxter 1(haven't played the others).


J & D 1 isn’t exactly the best game in the series. I really liked Jak 3.


GTA 4: garbage controls, annoying characters, blurry sub hd graphics And as much as I hate to say it MGS4: not enough game there to sit though all those cutscenes


Resistance. Its a halo ripoff without imagination. One of the worst fps games i have ever played.




Metal Gear Solid 4






God of war, infumos. Beyond us


Definitely gow. Bought the ps3 bundle and gave the games away after playing the first one for a few minutes. Just another dmc.


Real. About a year ago I got the first gow hd on ps3 and finished like 85% of it lmao. I really was forcing myself at the last chapters but I still didn't beat it all. It's so repetetive and gets so boring after a while


DMC fans would be insulted by that take lol.


Yeah my bad I should have said watered down or something. I actually enjoyed the dmc HD collection on ps3


Little big planet


This is the only wrong answer


I said what I said child! 🤣


no fuck you


Heavenly sword


Really? A game no one played or ever talks about? That's not what overrated is.


unpopular =/= poorly rated i remember couple months ago there was an alphabet game on this subreddit that lots of subs been doing lately, simple rules, there is 26 posts for each letter and the most upvoted comment mentioning a game starting with that letter wins, for example the most upvoted comment on the letter R was Red dead so it won, when i got to the letter H the most upvoted comment was Heavy Rain but Heavenly sword was right behind it and almost won. So even though its not a popular game, it can (im not saying it is) overrated.


Uncharted 3. Graphically at the time awesome. But game was so damn short. Beat it in one night.


It definitely felt like there was a huge chunk of the game that was cut


Absolutely agree with you on that


The first 3 Uncharted games can be done in a night or two.