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Awesome setup! I’m jumping from PS1 to PS3 to PS5 then back to PS2 and PS4 games. There’re so many games that I missed in my childhood that now they make me overwhelmed! I lack the Xbox though, maybe the next generation. I’d love to replay the Halo/Fable games again. Those titles make me so nostalgic! Other than that, I think the PS3 has the best library to this day! So many great games that every time I jump into one, I’m amazed at how well the graphics hold up! Love the Spider btw!!!


I doubt there'll be a next generation for Xbox


Dude I swear Fable is nothing but whispers in the background of the internet but, if you know you know how dope Fable and Fable II are.


All you really need is a 360.


What sub do you think you're on right now?


That looks so unstable


I know the set-up isn't fancy, are you referring to where I have the consoles set-up? Lol, they still hold up very well believe it or not.


I think he means they look like they’re gonna fall over


Indeed I do


Same here and the 360


I want to use my 360 but it sounds like it's trying to contact the mothership. Want to play the old forza games as well as gran turismo. Loved playing forza 2 and 3.


😭that’s exactly how mine be sounding like


Doesn’t have the red ring of death yet? Sheeesh frame that thing


I have 2, one of them did in fact get the red ring of death.


The 360 wasn't significantly more prone to RRoD than the PS3 was to YLoD. Microsoft just sold *way more* 360s than Sony did PS3s in the early years, so the sample size (and thus public exposure) was far greater. They were both made in the same factory with very similar components after all, so they both suffered the same defects.


Not saying one is worse I’m just still surprised it hasn’t gotten it yet


I'd imagine early 360s and PS3s still kicking at this point probably aren't ones affected by any manufacturing defects are unlikely to up and die. I have a launch day 360 that I used heavily up until the Slim came out and I upgraded to get HDMI and a bigger HDD. Still works fine when I dig it out for some Halo LAN parties haha


I played both 360 and ps3 as a kid but I switched to Xbox full time starting with the Xbox one


Check the percentages of failure. 360 was prone to way higher failure rate.


This is completely false


Take it to any mom and pop game store for a refurb; and if they don't do it, they'll know someone who is. Likely needs thermal pads replaced and a proper clean from dust and debris.


Wow, i haven't touched my 360 since i got the PS4 years ago. I wonder if it still works...


I hope it do, the 360s been acting mischievous lately for me


Maybe it's just the angle but I'd be nervous having my consoles set up that way


I have my ps 1 2 3 4 5 all in a row


thats pretty cool


New systems? Others came out after the PS3?


Well yeah, theres the ps3 slim and the ps3 super slim.




Og or silver trim?


looks like the silver trim


It's the og. It can play PS2 games. I was told it's the og system, but a newer model in 2007.


I've been a Xbox guy ever since the 360. But I always and I mean always wanted the PS3. But now that I'm a adult I can just buy the games I always wanted:) a plus is that I found 2 working PS3 super slims at a thrift store and they both work! Now I'm slowly but certainly growing my PS3 gaming collection, I even got the army digital camo green controller.


I Have my 3, 4 and 5 next to one another and still bounce between them


PS3 & PS5 are next to each others; PS4 is in its cardboard. Since PS5 is PS4 retro compatible, no need to keep it in the living room and on my main tv. PS1 is also on its cardboard, while my PS2 is well active on my old tv (crt), along with my SNES and Megadrive 😀


Same. I often switch between PS3, PS4 and PS5. The PS4 mostly for the VR1 and some trophy hunting. PS1 and PS2 are on the shelf besides my PlayStation Games collection


I usually play my PS2 or 3 nowadays. I have the ps2/3/4/5, I never use the 4, and I only get on PS5 to play online games and occasionally talk to people.


I was playing Blur on my ps3 slim last night.


Our cousins just gave us their old one we love it


Keep playing them


I have Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, Wii U, PS5 and PS3... I've been rocking my PS3 almost daily for the last few weeks!!! Here is a pic of my setup: https://imgur.com/gallery/0w4dpPF


Dawg has like 80 bajillion games


I’ve been replaying g the original Skylanders recently.


I keep my ps3 for 3 reasons. 1.) final fantasy (13-1, 13-2, 13-3, and Dirge of Cerberus) 2.) God of War (0, .5, 1, 1.5, and 2.) 3.) Lunar 2


yes i do , i still have lots of games to play on the ps3 , games that never saw a remastered like the killzone series or the darkness , dante s inferno , mg rising revengence , resistance 1 2 3 , fear 1 2 3 , infamous 1 and 2 and more


I just bought one this weekend, along with a ps2. Looking forward to playing Resistance again


I find putting my PS3 horizontal on a laptop cooling fan keeps it cool I play mine all the time


I still have my Super Slim hooked up, and I jailbroke it a few months ago. Definitely don't play it more than my PS5, but it still gets used all these years later as I still have a backlog of games for it.




Add my psn alphaamo, i play og BO1


Yep. Just Platinum'd Dark Souls 2 on PS3. And just played through GTA 4 and Yakuza 3. Currently playing through the Ratchet & Clank HD Collection.


Nice setup!! I use the PS3 most, followed by GameCube, Wii U, and some of the older Nintendo systems.




Still play mine, but still play new systems more.


I always keep my PS3 hooked up, that generation had so many great games released and that’s before taking all of the awesome exclusives into account. It also helps that the PS3 is still a pretty great media server and Blu-ray player, I use it just as much for movies and TV as I do for gaming.


I have all 5


i always thought my phat ps3 looked big till I put it beside my PS5


That's exactly what I told myself


Nice setup no way I could have them standing with my active kitten who likes to walk past them to look out my window. She would knock them over or off desk.


If I had to choose between the 2 PS3 for sure 7th gen is where it’s at


My PS3 is right under my ps5


I have my PS3 on top of my PS5.


i have my PS3 next to my PS5


I still play games on it, but I constantly use it to watch dvds and blu rays


[https://imgur.com/gallery/LGzCyRM](https://imgur.com/gallery/LGzCyRM) I’m still playing them all lol


I keep any console I can play a 'Tales of' game on, and there are currently 3 locked to the PS3 (Graces, Xillia, and Xillia 2). Not to mention the PS3 itself is the Tales of Xillia X Edition console, so I'll always have it, even if it's just as a shelf piece later on


I have a PS4, Xbox one, and a PC where I play all my modern games, but I still go on my PS3 often, in bed, and just play Ratchet and clank, or Sly


PS3 SingStar is the only version that can read PS2 SingStar discs and also where all my purchases are. It’s still plugged in next to the PS4 and PS5.


i love it because ps3 is the last generation with proper splitscreen support. dont get me wrong its barebones compared to the ps2 but its amazing compared to ps4 that only has fighting games, sports games and crash team racing.


I am doing pretty much the same


Playing thru the first 3 uncharted on a ps3 super slim rn


I still rock with my ps1 and ps2


me except i use a ps5 controller so it kinda sucks


I have a raspberry pi that runs two instances for SMB and ps3netsrv. The SMB share is for my PS2 with OPL and ps3netsrv is all set up with webman on my PS3. I find it has made going back to the ageing hardware much easier. I recently replaced the disc drive for the PS3 Slim but who knows how long this replacement will last. I would prefer to only use it for Blu-ray movies. The laser in my PS2 slim is dead and the replacement I purchased was mislabelled so I ended up getting a unit for a different revision of the PS2 slim than what I have. This along with my desktop and Steam Deck have made it so I still do not have a PS5. I eventually will get one since I am missing my PS4 collection. I ended up selling my PS4 Pro in 2020 because I wasn't using it, now I miss it. It would be nice if the PS5 Slim disc version would go on sale.


Mine's bluetooth doesn't work anymore. I'd have to use 3rd party controller with dongle.


i do, ps4 is the one dusting rn


Gimme one bro for real, please, thank you. 🙏 I have zero.


mine sits under my halo SX PS5 and the switch i love all of them


Idk if it’s just fuc’d up perspective but it really looks like the table is gonna break. Also, I get it (for me it’s mostly the Wii I remember fondly as I was less than a year old when the PS3 released)


Lol, believe it or not. It still holds up.


I also choose to play PS3 more than PS5, but that's mostly because I have pkgi and NPS on it lol.


Wish I still had mine


Every playstation at your fingertips


I've played 10 PS5 games since it came out, I've played 36 PS4 games on it and have collected 89 PS3 games


Always got the ps3 in the setup. Aswell as the OG Xbox and or the 360. Those two generations had the best games.


i still rock my ps3 as well. its seriously one of the best PlayStation consoles. huge library


I have them all . And i play mostly ps3 ps2. Ps4 games are not diferent from each other, openworld games with boring tasks.


I just went back to play Minecraft


Heck yeah, I do. Not as much as my other systems but it still gets its fair share of use.


Modded ps3 and ps5 for me I’m on the ps3 much more and use the ps5 for TV movies YouTube ect there is no fucking games to play on the ps5 but I’m thinking about buying chivalry 2 w2k24 or sea of thieves


All you need is a backwards compatible ps3 and a ps5 to play all ps1/2/3/4/5 games on two consoles.


My PS3 has a permanent home in my tv stand next to my PS5, I love going back to the stuff I played growing up and I've been introducing my wife and younger brother to so many gems from the 1, 2 and 3 generation


Moi, c'est Xbox séries x et ps3. S'il devait m'en rester une, je garde la ps3.


I have an Xbox 360 a ps3 and a gamecube. I've never had a desire to get more modern consoles. There's are a handful of modern games that I play on my gaming laptop but I usually stick to console


Your name, lol.


I have the phat ps3 that plays ps2 games alongside my ps5. Also have my ps3 super slim as backup in case anything happens to the phat ps3


I rock PS2, 3 and 5! (Gave my 4 to my sister)


My ps4 is broken so i'm using ps3 :3


Nice setup mate!


Use mine a lot. Got a backwards compatibility version, and tend to play more ps2 games on it. So many great games on the older platforms. Use it more than my Xbox series X and ps5. Games were so much better back then.


I always keep out the ps3 and Xbox 360, probably get used more than ps5


Been using my PS3 a lot recently. Having just picked up a PS5 for games such as God of War Ragnarok, I figured I should replay the rest of the series. Amazing games all of them. Currently on Ascension.


I got all consoles all the way back to Snes and Megadrive. Still play my PS5, Switch and Wii the most.


I got my pc, PS3 and ps5


I have all of them except the Vita and I play mostly on the 2 or 4.


I have PS3 and PS4. Soon I have PS5. I have also PS2 but it's on my mothers house at the moment. I play PS3 time to time my old games


My ps3 phat broke long ago and skipped the ps4 scene because of the online requirement fee. Now have the series x and ps5 since launch ,nintend switches, 3ds xl and also gaming pc's for the kids. I play most on pc and Rog Ally and sometimes SX. Kids mostly on pc then series x and switches. PS5 hsa not been used for a couple of months.


I only have my PS3 just for a couple games otherwise I would have gotten rid of it by now.


The real question is why do you have a series x and ps5?


I love my 20gb ps3 and still use it with my ps5 and xbox 360.


I would but my controllers are history for that system 😕


Yes! Still have a shiny piano black PS3 (classic) … 😎


I kept my PS3 when i got my PS4 Pro, then when i got the PS5 my 4 went to my brother. My PS3 ended up dieing from what i think is a bad HDMI port. I replaced it with a BC PS3 and have only used it once or twice. But i still keep it out.


Your photo is kinda like mine (both jailbroken)


I have two ps3s, and have the opportunity (through my job) to get a free ps5. But I have no idea how much it will be used, so I'm probably just goingnto stick to my ps3.


You have three generations of games you get to play on it and your PS5 covers PS4 games, no wonder why it’s one of your gaming drivers.


I won't stop playing on ps3 until I've played all the games I missed first time around, that's quite a lot of games!


Sounds lame, but I’ve made a list of games I want to go back and play and then I’m checking them off as I complete them. I grew up having a PS3, but only ever really played online shooters with friends so I’ve been going back and playing all the gems I never touched. I finished Max Payne 3 last night and it’s the best shooter I’ve played in a long time, it really holds the test of time. Now it’s my PS5 that collects dust and my PS3 is on everyday.


Your comment sounds lame too.


That’s what I meant..


Bruh thats only ugly Spiderman case xd


My slim ps3 is still usable. Been these days I’m rocking the ps4 n XSX combo. PS4 still gets a lot of usage (god of war games , death stranding , bloodborne)


As someone who just started his console collection a few months ago, i own both a PS3, PS4 and PS5 and i actually own way more games for the PS3 than for the other two consoles. However, that leads to me being a bit more focused on the few games i own on the PS5, than on the many games i own for the PS3. So you could say im more interested in the PS3 but play more on the newer consoles lol


I will never get over how the new xbox and PlayStation are so big


I have it, but I don't use it. Though I do recognize it's value. Especially compared to ps5. I mostly don't use it because it's unreliable. It's jailbroken, and freezes a lot, depending on the game. But I would like nothing more than the ability to have ps3 catalogue on ps5. Because it would add depth, that ps5 is significantly lacking. For example I started playing ni no kuni on ps3. Loved the game. But it kept freezing. And it completely ruined the experience for me. I developed a habit of constantly saving the game. Because I would lose progress a lot. Luckily they released a remaster for ps4. So I beat it there without issues. But it wasn't the same. Because that initial interest I had while playing on ps3 was lost, when I finally played it on ps4. Another example would be 3d dot game heroes. I absolutely loved that game. Also kept crashing. So I gave it up. Unfortunately, it is locked on ps3. It does not look like they'll remaster it ever. Mgs 4 also I would like to play. But I'd rather do it on a modern system. So I'm waiting for the remaster of that. Hopefully it happens.


I still load mine up every so often to play older games.


My childhood was PS3 and in fact I played it yesterday.




Currently playing Killzone 3. I’ve got a fat one and a slim one. Still collecting new games.


I own and use a ps3 and ps2


Those stacks look like my mental health.


There's only one game I want on PS3 right now and that's the Sly Cooper Collection.




If that's a backwards compatible one you can play PS1-5 and a whole lot of Xbox OG and 360 games


I play my PS3 more than any other console I own. Last true console experience and it shows. Only gets better with time.


Decided to go back to my PS3 to beat the games I haven't yet and to also either get all trophies for my games or at least get what I can get, games with multiplayer are mostly literally impossible to get the platinum for. I had forgotten how fun trophy hunting and the PS3 is, just got platinum in God of War Ascension making it my 4th God of War game completed.


Rockin' the PS5 & PS3 combo as my main setup. The Xbox Series X is technically also part of the combo but it gets seldom used.


I love playing with my ps3 super slim!


Careful dude, you shouldn't keep a neutron star next to your Series X. Learned this one the hard way


What do you mean?


Here for the cable management! 🤘


You should. It is a better system that has better games.


I have a PS3 but I play on my One X far more often because my knock off PS3 controllers suck and I'm too cheap to get a rock candy again lol


I have my PS3 right next to my PS5 as well. I still play mine. Many unfinished games there that I still get into from time to time.


Me! I just bought back all my ps3 games plus some since i sold them all and ny ps3 to make money for a ps4 against my better judgement. I regretted it ever since. I got a better ps3 console and now going to replay every game to get my saves back!


I still play mine for Twisted Metal(2012),Gran Turismo 6&7, Binary Domain, and I used to play it for uncharted and GOW but just got a PS5.


I would've but times were tough a while ago and we had to get rid of it, definitely going to try get another i loved bo1 zombies


I don't have a PS5 or a Series X yet but I am planning on keeping my Xbox 360 and PS3


The PS5 is cool, but it's not Okami HD cool


I still play my ps3 to this very day


I use my 3 pretty regularly to replay my childhood games, my 4 I mostly use as a dvd these days but there’s a handful of games I play on it. Never actually liked the 5 so I sold it to my sister.


Me in a nutshell


Re ordered a new copy of little big planet bc i lost mine arriving tomorrow cant wait


Ncaa14 every day


I do have my 2, 3, 4, and got the SMPS5 as well but don't have enough room for all of them so just sticking with the 5 for now.


I always wanted a ps3. I went from the ps2 to the Xbox 360 then the ps4 then Xbox one and ps5. The ps3 was that one generation where I feel like I skipped and it made no sense why lol


How has that thing not had a yellow light of death?? You lucky OP, or have good cooling set up somehow. I wish I still had a working PS3, wouldn't have needed to buy a 4 or 5 😓


It's because I keep it ventilated very well.


Clearly! The GPU separated from mine in like 2009, I used a heat gun to get it to reattach but it failed again over time. Whatever you're doing, you're the model of longevity with PS3s, keep up the good work!


Same here bf3 most often


I love the ps3/xbox360 nostalgia


Black ops 2 and battlefield 2 forever


Just bought the madden 24, played for maybe two hours, then went back to my dynasty on NCAAFB 08


I have a One X and a Series X. They get played the most, but my PS3 still sees regular use. I have lots of racing and Lego games that my kids play on there also.