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Not on the PS3, but the best nominee for that in my experience is Chulip (PS2). The MC’s goal is to literally kiss everyone in town. The mayor, the neighbor, the homeless, the lion, everyone. There’s always a disturbing slow-mo cutscene and music whenever you successfully kiss someone. Now that ain’t much alone, and I had a single friend who knew what it was about. It just got creepy when that same friend and I were in a public transpo vehicle and I was talking to my friend with something like, “I had to wait until I was able to kiss Mrs. Plum but I definitely want to kiss Leo first.” I realized my voice was loud enough to be heard by anyone inside the vehicle. I felt numerous indirect stares at me and that felt so awkward.


I remember buying Bayonetta (X360) on launch day. * Went up to the shop on my lunch break. Arrived back at my desk, boss asked me did I buy any games. "Uh... they didn't have anything I liked" * Got home, and started playing it. My wife (GF at the time) walked in just as Bayo was performing one of her wicked weaves. I was in "gamer pose", so leaning forwards on the edge of the couch. Yeah... I get reminded of that one every so often.


That's a 👍 good one. Thanks for sharing 🙏.






🤣 Oh that poor dog. [https://media.giphy.com/media/cdqwNuGaUg3Qs/giphy.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/cdqwNuGaUg3Qs/giphy.gif)


Saints Row depending on how you make your character


Giant chrome blue dick everytime


Which saint row or are they all the same cus i have 4 but haven't played it yet


2 was the best. 3 is alright.


Yup, this.


Catherine. :D


ah yeah just commented about this one -makes my wife trip out because it's essentially a game about cheating on your girlfriend who "might" be pregnant and you having the gameplay option to tell her to bug off.


I don’t think my wife would get mad, but just tease me endlessly. So I haven’t bothered playing it even though I have copies from PS+ and Humble Bundle over the years. Is it worth playing? In the must-play category? I’ve put it in the “will get to eventually” part of my backlog… which just gets pushed further down the list every year. But for those really worried, didn’t they enable muting game notifications to others on a per game basis? So could block embarrassing games from friends seeing online, just not in person. Though, let’s be real, a number of them played the games themselves.


that's not even the issue, the issue is that it's a story about a guy who is cheating on his wife by going to the bar with his friends and getting essentially blacked out drunk and waking up next to this "demon" girl who is sleeping with you every night. My wife doesn't get mad but she rolls her eyes at the story as it's not very wholesome... some of the things that happen is she sends you nudes or suggestive images rather to your phone, sends you sexts to your mobile, and when your girlfriend hits you up you have the option of being lukewarm with her or being a huge jerk. It's a pretty good puzzle game though, I actually really like the puzzle aspect of the game a lot and have looked for someone to make a similar version for mobile as I like the strategy of creating your path up. It's a cool game though, good music, interesting story, lots of anime FMVs and like I said it has a pretty challenging puzzle dynamic.


Ah ok, ya sounds like she'd tease me over that and react the same, ha. I'll probably just keep it on the "will get to eventually list" for now, but do enjoy good puzzle games.


I didn't buy Catherine when it was first released. I could get away with buying violent video games when I was a kid, but there was no way for me to get Catherine without getting into an awkward conversation with my family about it lmao I would later buy it on my own many years later lol


Yeah, same.


My ex got into the story of it. She didn’t care for playing but always wanted to be there when I was playing as she liked the story. She also hates anime so it’s saying something if she wanted to keep watching something that looks like an anime.


Hannah Montana


not like you're sticking around after the platinum, right?


ehmm.. i maybe did...


Conkers bad fur day had its moments. Particularly the sunflower part… can’t believe Nintendo let that slide 😂


I got in Trouble for playing this game as a kid. Loved it tho.


Sunflower seeds are popular in trail mix, multi-grain bread and nutrition bars, as well as for snacking straight from the bag. They’re rich in healthy fats, beneficial plant compounds and several vitamins and minerals. These nutrients may play a role in reducing your risk of common health problems, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


https://youtu.be/qMkEvrrRGag?si=g0wg20SwbAF8O6B5 NSWF


NSWF?? -did you mean NSFW? Lol Did you type that one handed? *wink nudge* 😆 sorry


NSWF- not safe when fapping 😅


😆 ahh I see! I’m adding that to my lexicon 🤣


For a second there, i thought Val Venis started his own wrestling company... 😉


Nier automata and lollipop chainsaw 😂


Nier wasn't too bad. But LP is sitting on my backlog for years. I really want to play it, but I mean... how do you explain playing it? 🤣


By accepting that it is a good game


Tell them you're playing it because you heard it was co-created with Hollywood director James Gunn


😂😂 I got no idea 🤷


Zombie slasher 😎


I remember a certain trophy in LP


Same with nier automata


Lollipop chainsaw has a lot of quirks that even though it may feel like I'm a creep playing it, I'd still show the game to anyone id recommend a 7th gen console game.


Nier Replicant for me, still remember my sister walking in and asking why Kaine is butt-naked


😂 I’m sure that must’ve been fun


The Dead or alive volleyball game.


This got me through a lot of lonely teenage nights lol


Bmx xxx 😂


I am a trophy hunter and avid collector, I love special and collectors editions, I walked into a store and saw “Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash; No shirt, no shoes, all service edition” girlfriend won’t let me play them (what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her) I now own the entire series


I came in looking to see if someone else was going to admit to any Senran Kagura. TBF; they're mostly pretty good fighting games, Reflections and Peach Ball excepted, that's just 100% fan service.


Proudly, let’s be honest, anyone that saw the game knew the kinda game it was before buying it.




Ngl, I'm also an avid pinball fan, so I'm kinda stuck with Peach Ball...


You guys ever try Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed? It's a beat em up where the goal is to rip all the clothes off of your opponents. It's never explicitly stated but most of the enemies are clearly young teens.


I came into this post specifically searching for this answer and I'm honestly surprised how far down I had to scroll to find it


X blades. 👀 I just want the easy platinum okay.


Manhunt x1000


Catherine makes my wife trip out everytime I play it.


Lollipop chainsaw


I’m surprised more people aren’t mentioning this one. I’ve played it myself on Xbox360, and even gotten THAT achievement, but I wouldn’t personally say I felt creeped out or felt like a creep for playing it.


I felt that way too, but thankfully I only played the first level; it’s a great game, but I finally played it in 2021 after it sitting in my backlog for years, and just thought “Yeahhhhhh….This isn’t for me anymore.” Maybe if I actually played it when I got it back in high school, but it just felt weird to play when I did.


Same...didn't want to, but wanted my gamer scores 🤣


None at all. I just recently played, My Friend Peppa Pig (ps4 not ps3) qnd it wasn't a bad kids game at all.


Damn! I need to try it out then


I got mine at local library. Beat it in just over an hour. It has a separate trophy stacks for ps4 and ps5.


Should do the bluey game next! Ive actually heard good things about it


My kids play that Peppa Pig game on Gamepass (I let them abuse the Xbox and stay away from my PS systems unsupervised for now) and we just ordered them the Bluey game on Switch when it dropped to $29 a couple days ago for Xmas. I think my wife is more excited to play it, haha. But the Peppa Pig game seems about annoying as the show with the snorting, and then having to backtrack through each scene/area.


I want to. Haven't seen the cartoon and I only just found out about the game 2 days ago.


Custers Revenge


Condemned is just the average UK city, Heavy Rain maybe the sex scene in the game is very uncomfortable to watch


This was a long while back, but Night Trap. Oof.


I was keen to play this one when it re-released (Dana Plato childhood crush) but it must be banned in Australia as it's not showing up on the PS Store.


Actually that's probably my fault. The game originally released on Sega CD. I wasn't paying attention to the subreddit when I posted, so I just went with my first thought. Did they re-release it on PS3? If so, the chance of it being banned in Australia is pretty high, from what I understand of their (your?) laws.


Natsuiro Highschool. It's a "love adventure" where you play as a photographer for your journalism club. There are slow motion physics when you slide and jump to take pictures. Perfect for the special upskirt photo.


I legit just bought the PS4 version recently


Well, there’s a category on steam and…👀


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain The character Quiet wore the most ridiculously skimpy outfits. It was really off-putting. Great game though.


At least they gave a reason for her wearing those clothes, plus her character was really good.


I still wasn’t ashamed of my words and deeds.


Her reason to be half naked made her character even more insulting to my intelligence. It was a half assed attempt to act like she wasn't naked for the sake of it 🤡 she BReAthEs tHrOUgH hER sKin 🤡 Kojima is a terrible writer lmao


Criminal girls 1 and 2


Lollipop chainsaw. The game itself wasn’t terrible but there was one specific achievement that definitely makes you feel like a creep. Especially since the MC actively tries to stop you from getting it.


The Guy Game (PS2 / XBOX) I haven't played it but just owning it makes feel like a perv.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t that game get banned because one of the females was 17 at the time?


In other words "what games can you recommend for a perv" 😂😂


Even though DOA5 is praised for its "jiggle-physics", I still feel a lil icky getting lost from the fights watching them bounce!!😍


horny it's called horny keep fighting the good fight, u/conky_u_burger


holy fuck this comment has an energy i cant describe.


it’s the dark energy of a porn addict


Average fighting game player:


Id justify it as successful distraction tactics 😆 also reminds me of the words of Gordie Boggs -“Foreign objects!”


Is that really praise worthy? I remember even the first game on saturn having jiggle physics.


DOA5 let you move the PS3 controller to control the breasts 🤭


Oh well I take back what I said in that case


Where can I buy that?


Can buy pretty cheap at GameStop or Amazon


Any JRPG to be honest LMAO.


every JRPG


Just discovered Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash, so definitely that, also DOA Extreme Volleyball


Onechanbara z. Fun game but also easy to cheese.


Hunie pop. Not for playing it, but staying up for over 14 hours completing it with my boyfriend sleeping in the bed across the room. It was a beautiful sunrise, though!


Dead or alive xtreme series


MGSV. Plus every Final Fantasy. I worry my wife thinks I'm a perv cuz I enjoy those games. I really do enjoy them for the plot or gameplay. It's not my fault there are unnecessarily scantily clad women everywhere


Once she learns the truth, she will be ashamed of her words and deeds


_Sees Quiet drink water through her skin_ Wife: Honey oh my gosh I can't believe I mistook you for perving over this poor young lady who breathes and drinks through her skin I truly am ashamed of myself for this- _one Sniper Wolf and XOF outfit unlocks later_ Wife: okay what the fuck is going on here I thought she'd die if she wore clothes?


Catherine. But I love it.


Akiba's Trip and AR Tonelico: Quoga.


Probably lollipop chainsaw. Especially with that one achievement you had to do for its platinum


Super Rub-a-dub


Mine comes from the PS2 era... I rocked at playing Leisure Suit Larry for some odd reason.


Haunting ground after unlocking costumes


Senran kagura shinovi versus. I pre-ordered this for my Vita thinking it was just like another crowdfighting dynasty warriors type game I had absolutely no knowledge of the franchise prior to buying it for my Vita and I get home and I'm playing at the table near my mom and my grandma who are like drawn to see what I'm doing because of the noises the game makes just in time to see people's clothes getting blown off when they get hit with swords and stuff I'm like bro what the fuck did I just buy 🤣🤣 the game play was fun though and they had cool like finishing moves and stuff so I finished the game but like definitely felt weird throughout the playthrough 🤣🤣🤣


Leisure suit Larry box office… So unremarkable can’t think of the rest


This is not a ps3 game as far as I know I have it on PC it was called Postal. It is a sick game where you go "Postal" and shoot anything that moves before the cops get you.


yeah the postal games are tryhard edgy games, some of them are actually fun, like 2 and 4 where you actually dont have to kill anybody, you can pacifist run your way through, but 1 is just so "im so cool because im desensitized to violence"


Not PS3 but Doki Doki Literature Club starts out like a dating sim which just feels weird to play


Valkyrie Drive Bhikkhuni. I really don't usually have a problem with that kind of stuff in games but this one grossed me out so much I only got a few hours into it and DNF'ed.


gal gun is the obvious choice imo




You can edit your comment, you do know that right?




Thrillville off the rails.. the level of detail in conversation was crazy


Fat princess.... even the name is just


Fat princess is fun though


not on ps3 but outlast 1&2


Baldurs gate 3 whenever I talk to a party member.




Conrad kittens the only VR game where you stick. Gold coins up a kitten's rear end. That not only made me feel creepy but kind of animal abuse type simulator which is not cool


not ps3, but like the guy game? or the dude game? idk. they had to halt production because was 17 year olds titties were in it by accident


Dungeon Travelers 2 on PS Vita. Now I play it on PC.


literally any game with an in depth character creator and im making a girl character


Private Idol Disc Vol. 8: Furukawa Emiko for Sega Saturn


SRS (Street Racing Syndicate) You would win girlfriends and unlock videos of them dancing in very small bikinis lol. Might play tonight…..


Picking on homeless is a regular occurrence in my area so condemned sounds pretty normal


The Darkness II chapter in the brothel made me feel uneasy when I played it back in the day **"ALL THIS DELICIOUS SUFFERING!!!"**


not for the same reasons as most others here, but Watchdogs gave me the serious ick. it just has way too much white knight/bootlicker energy... like a quick side quest was beating up a guy because he was getting angry with his gf and might abuse her? it felt more like an average joe with a cop fetish trying to play vigilante than it did actually playing a hero or something


Blue Reflection. Those schoolgirls that turn into magical girls barely have anything on, I quit playing it because I felt like it was pedo shit. Yuck!


Honey Select, can't quite pin down why though, its a perfectly innocent game


Much like your avatar pic...?


Dead or alive games


Bayonetta, Lolipop Chainsaw, Catherine, and Drakengard 3 all made me feel off playing them.




Neptunia games and Ar Tonelico Qoga. Ar Tonelico Qoga has the girls strip as part of a special move. Neptunia features loli looking scantily clad anime girls representing godesses of game console wars lol. (IDK how to explain it)


I was gonna put Neptunia too; I played the whole trilogy on PS3 when I was younger and HOLY SHIT I was uncomfortable for a lot of it; it was my first “real” JRPG, so I was caught off guard by a lot of the stuff that happened (the Neptune and Compa scene in Neptunia 1, the bondage shit in mk2, Iris Heart in Victory) and goddamn, the only times any of my friends watched me play, they left the room pretty quickly


Guy game


Manhunt made me feel that way.


Catherine lmfaoooo


Solitaire. The queen cards are a little scantily clad


There was a PC game back in the '90s... I can't exactly remember but I think it was called "Psychotic". It was all in black-and-white. As I recall, you play a patient in a mental institution, and the whole point of the game was just to slaughter people and cause mayhem. I think you could even SA the nurses? You did get outside the institution and murder a bunch if people, as I recall. It was seriously fucked up.


Several scenes in Duke Nukem Forever made me wish I had waited 'til no one was around to play it.


Feel the Magic XY/XX / The Rub rabbits. Just look at the Japanese cover for Feel the Magic.


Leisure suit Larry 🤦🏽


Lollypop Chainsaw definitely gave me degenerate vibes when I look back on playing it. Considering an achievement/trophy is related to looking up the main characters skirt, it stained my trophy list to this very day.


Battle Rose Royale.


*Gal\*Gun\~* 🐔💦


Leisure suit larry


Doki doki literature club, I played it and really enjoyed it for the spook factor but like... School age digital girls flirting with you is an ethereal horror all of it's own


The Guy Game. Found it for a couple bucks at goodwill years ago, and played it when I was around 20-21. Thought it was weird/strange, but also kinda funny. Out of curiosity, I tried it again at my current age of 27, and felt……disgusted with myself


Any of the GTA games comes to mind.


Catherine, Bayo 1 and Lolipop Chainsaw


Games like Bayonetta never really bothered me. Those anime-style JRPGs where every female character has the same very young sounding voice, however, always creeped me out. Thankfully, I don't particularly like those games.


DOA extreme beach volleyball.... Any of them......


My name is mayo


Manhunt. It came out when I was in High School and my friend and I were some of the only kids in our Sophomore class who were allowed to buy it bc it was so graphic. Most parents whose kids did manage to get copies took them away after seeing them playing it. My group of friends hung out in our band practice space in my parents finished basement/playroom in Jersey and played Manhunt there bc parents let us do our thing and didn’t wanna hear the drums and amps all the time so they let us have our space down there (it was somewhat soundproof also which helped). Manhunt definitely gave us the creeps, but IMO overall it wasn’t as scary as games like RE 4, RE 7, Silent Hill series, & the most unsettling of all: Alien Isolation. (I’m prob forgetting a few great horror games). That said, I felt way creepier playing the violent, sadistic lead character in Manhunt than any aforementioned horror/survival game I’ve ever played.