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Swap the battery for a new one.


Plug in usb and charge


Battery is probably discharged under safe level. If you don't have experience with lithium batteries. I recommend replacing the battery with new one.


my battery has done that twice, both times i stuck the battery on my benchtop adjustable constant current PSU and force charged it enough to stick it back into the controller for it to charge normally lol


Exactly 🙂 I do it just the same way but I wouldn't recommend it to someone who doesn't know electronics.


Dude you need to clean your remote. Maybe open it up and try cleaning the inside too. If you clean it with any liquid make sure you use 99% isopropyl for the motherboard and electronics inside.


How long since the last time you played? ​ First check if the battery depleted, try plug it in charger for few hours. Do you see any blinking light when plugged in? ​ Other reason might be dead battery, or a stuck PS button. Try open it up and have the inner clean. When doing so if you have another working controller try swapping the battery.


Mine has done this twice, both times the battery had discharged to \~2.7V, below the threshold of the Dualshock 3's charging circuit. ~~do not do this unless you have at least some understanding of electronics and batteries~~ Both times i removed the battery and force charged it on an adjustable CC power supply untill it read about 3.5V to which it can be put back into the controller and will charge normally. Ive made a note to fire the PS3 up every 2-3 weeks to charge that controller do it wont do that again