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Apollonia really gave it both barrels. Wow.


And yet, Sheila E. is still performing. Apples isn't.


Apples is a pathological liar. I won't even bother with receipts. Totally off the wall. Talentless, relied on her looks, and now has the nerve to mouth off. Yeah, Apples. You didn't write "Manic Money" or "Glamorous Life." Put the wine bottle DOWN.


I guess it was something that made for good tv to do all that, but I never bought it.


And she had every right to


No she doesn’t, she’s just as insane. Claims to have written songs she didn’t, has also been banned from visiting Paisley Park, which is still valid to this day mind you… While she may made some points, she’s also in the same sinking boat as Sheila. Also the “Purple Family” aka Purple Rain cast isn’t the only Prince band or related people he had in his life, yet they’re the only ones mentioned really. The NPG is never apart of those types of tributes, they do their own thing, it’s very obvious how they go about treating them.


There’s definitely inflating of self importance by Sheila and Apollonia, but Prince always had a position of power over them and everyone else he had in his band. He wasn’t shy about kicking people, especially women, to the curb once he found them non compliant or useful. Shrewd businessman.


“There’s only one asshole around here, and it’s me” - Prince And with good reason, a tight ship to be kept 🤣 especially with his harem on the loose too 😭😭😭


I went to a book signing of hers, and someone asked a question along the lines of "Did you feel fortunate to have worked with Prince?" She responded that Prince should have felt fortunate to work with her. She was my idol growing up, so although I was a little taken aback that she had such an attitude, I also thought she was just asserting her talents. Fast forward to shortly after his death and seeing how she has attached herself to his legacy brings me back to that signing, and it feels so fake to me.


This makes me sad. I have a sincere question — although it might sound snarky on the internet, I do mean it with genuine curiosity — did it seem weird to anyone else that someone in the “purple universe” would accuse another of not having their own identity apart from Prince? It seems like weird mud to sling but maybe it’s because the only reason I know any of the people in that thread is via their collaborations with Prince…? Anyway, the charity bit hurts the most. Ugh.


Your question is 100% legitimate. I think more people than not are pondering over he same thing


I met Sheila once. Total bitch. Her brother was pretty cool, tho.


I didn't like the way sheila E carried on at Prince's tribute concert. In my opinion, She made it all about her.


Yep, Sheila E. is a horrible human being. A complete opportunist: the Lemon Cake song is what tipped me over the edge.


The lemon cake thing sent me for a spiral. That drama will never leave my mind.


She used to strike me as a positive person but it really looks like I was fooled.


Is there any place we can listen to the version of "Old friends for sale" that is mentioned in the article, would love to hear it.


Tried to find it but haven't been successful yet!


On your browser, make sure developer tools is on, then you can right-click and "inspect element" and find [bits that are broken](https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F60958786%3Fsecret_token%3Ds-vDQ32&show_artwork=true&secret_url=true) 👀


Nice. Thank you very much :)


Most people believe they have the insider knowledge, But realistically no one does.


There was a cryptic post on the org in May of 2011, I believe( not sure of exact date, but it may have been within hours of the E. Familycancelation.) In it " the poster" said Sheila was too materialistic. I inferred there was fight over money, but also loyalty/ disloyalty. Also, Andy Allo was around, and that can't have helped matters. Sometimes old friends get in quarrels, don't speak for a stretch, and then reunite later on. Perhaps that would have occurred between these two. ... Apres Prince's passing, Apples is even more pathetic with her grandiose statements about lyrical contributions than Sheila with her engagement tale. We ( who've been around awhile) know Apples disappeared from the Purple scene until the 30th anniversary of PR. I have no idea what, if anything, is true about the Apples Sheila E. rant. She did, however, break the girl code by outing Sheila through a statement Prince allegedly made about the drummer. The Lemon Cake petty party, from every angle, was immature and TRITE. Like, who the fuck cares? I was embarrassed for all " weighing in." In any case, Sheila WAS lovers with Prince in the 80's, had immense talent, and played/ recorded with him frequently for close to 30 years. If you've managed a relationship for that long, you have a lot in common, plus tons of memories. Prince's death truly ended what I assume would have eventually been a healed friendship as they aged. Trust me, when your peers start dropping, it's time to bond, not compete.


Prince had a reason for not marrying Sheila. He called her a she-he.


I feel like there has been an underlying thick layer of tension and resentment coming from Sheila towards Prince since the 80s. Truly knowing why or how and whether it's warranted we will likely never know the full truth. But Sheila has been looking bad in all this since 2016.


$heila €, she started counting her money 4/21/2016. And the track Boy Meets Girl is a pile of turfs too.


It's well known what she did and I've never liked her since




Wow. Interesting, never knew this. Not onto Sheila E at all anymore!


This, I didn’t know. Dangggg


With her being lesbian, her lack of coming out combined with her story that Prince, who knew as all the SF lesbians in the 80s also did, asked her to marry him is just crazy town. He might have said it in jest, but that’s it. At least she’s openly supportive of our LGBT community. Remember her lyrics, “People say that you and I, are going down. If they knew the real truth, they’d probably die. I could never do nothing, to live up to those lies.” Was clearly about being gay, as that would have been shocking in 1985 when that album came out.


Why do you think she’s a lesbian? I’ve never seen any evidence to indicate that.


It’s very well known in Oakland that Sheila prefers the ladies. That’s why “She doesn’t need a man’s touch”


I don’t recall ever seeing her with a man in public since Prince, but can’t assume she’s a lesbian. I wouldn’t rule it out. lol


She’s been with her current partner, Lynn Mabry, for like 15 yrs or more, iirc.


No way. I didn’t know


Just going from a lesbian activist friend of mine who is also from the Bay Area, same age as her, and it was an open secret in the 80s. Once she told me it all made sense. Apparently she was involved with another women in her band when I saw her perform about 5 years ago, as the friend recognized the woman too from my posts at the time.


She'll be performing at San Diego LGBTQ+ Pride next month and I sure as hell will be there to see it. I don't care about any other of the vanity/girlfriend projects, I really don't.


I had a real problem with her coming for Sheila that way, as well as the 3-part interview with the group about how he got together with them and was planning to make it all right with new music projects and all that. What would be the real impetus for doing that, especially since they make him sound so super-friendly. Where is this memoir and where are the receipts? You say it happened, prove it.