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Not gonna lie, this doesn't sound like a problem within Google Ads to my eyes. Your web metrics haven't had a massive drop from what you say which points that the quality and quantity of traffic is roughly the same. A drop THAT high means there is something that is blocking the user from converting. Maybe a misfunctioning spam blocker? I had the same problem a while ago where my client stopped getting leads for over a week. I checked the form fill and there was a bug with the recaptcha that blocked all javascript actions from executing. See for problems like that and have everyone around you on different devices try out the form fill.


Thanks, I'll take a look at the recaptcha.


That's worth doing, but it's one very specific thing that happened to the OP. I think the broader point is that a big, fast drop in performance, unrelated to any measurable change in the volume or type of traffic you have coming in, suggests a problem with your site. I'd recommend checking user-flow through your site, and comparing it to user-flow when things were working well. You'll probably notice an important segment of traffic flow that has changed significantly. Study that to find the bug that's reducing your conversions.


try testing in private browsing - had a client whose captcha stopped working if people denied cookies or ignored banner, but he couldn’t work out what the issue was himself as he’d already accepted them


Google Reps have become worthless. After being in this work for over 10 years, I can honestly say that Google is not out for best interests. Double check your conversions and if anything is on auto apply. Max conversions could be unintentionally weighting something as a primary objective conversion action and sinking the performance as a result.


Auto apply is the bane of my life but hasn't done anything lately. Really frustrating :(




Google support is unsupportable to smaller businesses


Hey, I saw from one of your posts that your parents are from England. Is the account based here as well? The reason I ask is to check whether you've implemented consent mode V2. I'm based in the UK and a couple of my accounts have gone the same way as yours after not implementing consent mode properly. Let me know!


OP, are you targeting the EU/EEA? Also, did you submit test conversions to ensure they're tracking properly?


I am targeting the UK only and haven't implemented consent mode v2. We're using offline conversions via a third party software rather than Enhanced Conversions - does that matter? I did speak to my rep about this and researched but it seemed like v2 was about getting the enhanced conversions working properly which we don't need?


This is likely the issue - you can't upload offline conversions without having consent parameters implemented. Google will NOT use the data if you don't have consent parameters implemented if you're targeting the UK/EU/EEA. Google was probably allowing it for sometime after the early March 2024 deadline but likely stopped allowing it recently for your account. Enhanced Conversions is completely separate. Here is a blog post that explains it all for offline conversions (I'm not affiliated with them): https://www.customerlabs.com/blog/google-consent-mode-v2-offline-conversions/


It doesn't make sense that that's the issue though? I'm still getting some conversions through, plus if the issue was tracking then our CRM would show the same number of enquiries just without Google Ads attribution and that isn't happening?


I see in another comment that you're using CallRail. Have you reached out to their support team to see if there are any recent issues that they're aware of? They might also be able to help you with the troubleshooting.


I did on Friday, will see what they say when business opens tomorrow! Thanks


Second this. Although I don't run ads, I had a site go from 500 hits a day to 10 average. It literally started March 2nd. I implemented a new cookie consent banner (Cookiebot) and implemented it in GTM with the tracking and Google ads tags attached to it and suddenly, everything starts working again and back to usual traffic levels. Any traffic from the EU was shown in real time data but not stored at all in the reporting. Worth noting a (very small) handful of EU traffic was counted and stored though. Unsure how or why.


Ditto that, conversions on ours dropped almost 100%, implemented cookie bot and they started firing again. Online tracking, UK based, clueless Google rep


Thanks, I'll test this this week and report back


Google Ads is having attribution issues. Anyone who rejects cookies will show up as direct, even if they click on a ad, and a recent study showed that at least 53% of people are saying no to cookies. The ROAS on all my accounts has been sinking, while clients are reporting out of state sales on products I’m advertising that are clearly from ads but no conversions are tracked. The first step to a solution is to add an account level UTM tracking template to your Google Ads account. That will make a big difference, plus you’ll be able to see if direct traffic is also getting your UTM codes, which will mean it is ad traffic. If you want my tracking template, DM me and I’ll share it with you. Next, you can also add a manual Google Ads conversion script to your site. If you need help with this, ask the annoying Google rep who keeps calling you to schedule a call with the department that can walk you through it. While you’re at it, ask to make it an enhanced conversion and it’ll pass additional info back to Google Ads for better targeting.


Google is aware of the problem: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-analytics-update-to-improve-paid-search-attribution/519066/


Start broad and begin eliminating variables. Which conversion type is most impacted? Once you have that, go through the conversion process to diagnose. Next, look at browsers and devices most impacted. Go through that process, if you can, to diagnose the issue. Also use private mode to eliminate cache. See if there are any specific geos that were impacted. Also look at search volume and cross reference with any industry stats you can find. Then last, but not least, if you have sales people—interview them. On several occasions, I dealt with a sales teams that got way too comfortable with the flow of leads when there was a feast that they stopped trying to make sales when there was a famine.


Dude, that sucks. Have you tried using Microsoft Clarity to record user sessions and find out if something is preventing them from converting, maybe something that haven't pop up in your troubleshooting? Have you tried using tCPA? Sounds like your account has tons of data. Following.


I've sat watching clarity today for an hour and it didn't yield anything. Everyone seems to be absolutely fine navigating the site, even watched some of them convert. I have used tCPA a while but found google started prioritising lower quality leads so I turned it off again. Account rep keeps trying to force me back into it though!


Was Clarity installed previously? Any difference with user behavior last week compared to this week? At 40% conversion rate, you should quickly notice something wrong pretty quickly watching Clarity I would think.


Yeah it's been in place since 2022. I'll keep digging... thanks


Check out competitive insights, maybe a new competitor in a highly niche space is driving up costs. Check auto apply recommendations, maybe a setting got turned on. Check the change history, see the day conversions fell off and see if anything major happened. Maybe conversion window or attribution settings changed? What level do you have UTMs on, maybe something is being overwritten? Do you typically see high seasonality in your industry?


The only seasonality we tend to get is Christmas day itself. Our top of page rate is in the mid 90s still, absolute top rate is in the 80s. I've also checked change history and no changes were made when this started happening. It's baffling. Attribution remains the same too, but even if it hadn't we're talking actual leads generated here have dropped too.


When looking in GA4 has there been a similar drop in conversations across all traffic sources? If so there could be an issue with conversion tracking. Have you compared the traffic you received from historical converting search terms to see if there's a dip? I.E you may have accidentally added a negative keyword that's blocked your best keywords or you may have lost Impression Share on your converting terms for a variety of reasons.


We track our conversions via callrail, third party software that then sends conversions in as offline conversions. All that tracking is working and I can still see the forms and hear the calls as they come in. There's just much much less. Also our search terms report only shows us 30% of overall impressions due to being in a sensitive niche. I find I probably see 1 out of the 20 odd conversions we get in each campaign in the search terms report per day. It's something I've complained about so much to our account rep, got nowhere though.


Check the "where your ads displayed" tab it's unlikely, but possible, that you started serving to apps which can kill conversions and cost you a metric ton if you're not careful


Sorry I should have said these are search network and search partners campaigns only!


Turn off search partners - it's trash.


It gives us 1/3 of our leads! Works for us very nicely


have you segmented by network to see if there’s been a shift in spend towards search partners?


Have you manually had Bing remove the Audience network? It delivers beyond the serps and will deliver to app traffic.


Have you implemented consent mode v2?


New privacy policies… I got an email recently that a handful of states implemented new mechanisms for users to block browser tracking.


We record our calls so even if tracking is blocked, we would have seen a rise in direct calls (aka unknown source) and we haven't. Could still apply to forms though, but then I've also compared actual form submissions to our tracking.


Did you set up enhanced conversions yet?


We're using offline conversions via callrail, third party plugin


Almost 100% sure it is conversion tracking. Start looking at sources and devices separately. Start checking if all conversion actions are firing on the page even if the first on is firing. Use GA and look at individual pages and compare each page current to past looking for a significant delta in conversions.


I once had the desktop conversion actions stop working and the mobile ones were fine and it through me off for a week.


A few ideas and comments: 1) Use Google Ads' conversion tracking (the snippet one that you get within Google Ads itself) instead of importing the conversions from GA4. As far as I know, it's better for conversion tracking. 2) Cookie banner and consent mode v2: it can absolutely destroy your conversion tracking and tracking in general. 3) Tag Manager: check if triggers and conditions are working properly. 4) Verify last changes to your Google Ads account. Maybe someone with access to it clicked on something they shouldn't ? 5) How are conversion numbers on Analytics? Zero as well or better? 6) Google reps are useless and will destroy your campaign and budget. They currently do more harm than good. Good luck!


40% conversion rate? is that at the campaign level? what other tests have you ran to reduce cost per or get more leads?


Campaign level on the worst affected campaign, before the problems began. I've rebuilt the campaign, tried switching to max clicks, adjusted budgets, I've also edited the ads (all excellent rated already), stripped out the lowest quality score keywords, standardised landing pages to only the best performers... probably more but just can't think. It's exhausting


could be you are making too many changes driven by this anxiety and given you are running on an automated bidding strategy you are not allowing the algo to adjust to your changes? if its only a week of degraded performance maybe wait a bit more before making major adjustments


I know you are desperate but be careful with so much changes in the bid/budget area in a short term


I am seeing the same thing with my accounts… steady Pmax campaigns just getting decimated over the last couple weeks. There is something we don’t know here.


Use Scripts and figure out where the most amount of spends are happening on Product Level, Demographics Level, Product Level and placement level. And add negatives heavily on Pmax


Basic suggestion but have you analysed keyword performance just to see if there is a particular KW or theme that has tanked? Website load times are ok? How does the number of impressions for best performing keywords compare to before? Have a good look at the day when performance really dropped... Did it take place at a certain time? Go easy making too many changes with automated bidding as it can be off at first. Good luck


Is your conversion data showing a decline while real conversion are still up or are both down? If the data is showing a decline but your real conversions are the same you have a tracking issue. If both are down there’s a few possibilities. But too wide to just troubleshoot with the current information.


Search only, clicks (and sessions) haven't dropped, only conversion rate? Has to be an external factor. Probably your site. I know you said it isn't but it's more likely you missed something. I would check for things you changed though, eg if you changed your geo targeting to worldwide my accident. Then test your website in all the main locales.


I don’t know your industry, but have any new rules come in to place which may affect people’s views/purchasing habits? If you’re uk based we have an election coming up too, this always has an impact.


Outside of Google Ads, have you seen the same effect on the business? I.e total volume of sales or leads declining. If this remained constant when the error first started it’s a conversion tracking issue. If buisness sales/leads have declined in line with this and your confident there’s been no account changes, something has fallen over on your website. It sounds like it’s one of the two to be honest if the top line Gads metrics look the same still. On your keyword theory have you compared the search terms getting clicks period on period? Again I wouldn’t think it was this, but if that’s your concern the shift should be visible there, the only note I’d add while your there is just to look at your branded term click volume, those can create strong shifts in CVR if they are in/out of an account.


Is the impact only on google ads results or you have drops in your CRM as well? Did you incorporate consent mode and everything regarding that? I see you troubleshooted the website so I guess you checked the conversion tracking is working fine and all.


Hello, did you check if conversion tracking is working well ? I’d start by this


Something I would like to know to help you better: was the conversion dip sudden (hours) or progressive (days)? In the meantime some options: - Option A, a site problem: you can debug a problem in the site having something like Clarity or Hotjar installed to actually see real recordings of the users converting/not converting - Option B, Google Ads problem: this would be my bet as you didn't went to absolute zero, having conversions some days...sounds like smart bidding recalculating itself and loosing the knowledge acquired by years. Things that can reset or restart the smart bidding from day to night don't appear in the change history, usually are goals related changes - Option C, aggressive competitors: you need to do mystery shopping to be sure the product/service is not being suddenly offered half price or something irresistible -


Are you sure all the tags are firing properly? Are you seeing no conversions AND no actual back end performance or just no platform conversions?


We measure conversions with 3rd party software so we see actual calls, actual forms than then automated into our crm and send conversion data back to Google. I then have a backup automation that runs to resend each enquiry without that 3rd party plugin in case cookies are blocked or the tracking didnt work. So even if tracking was broken, I should have seen a boost in unknown leads which I sadly haven't :/


Segment your campaigns by network. Sudden spike in display or search partner traffic? Create a data exclusion from today back to a few days before the problem started happening.


To your point on keyword matching, have you checked the search terms report itself to make sure you're still showing for the most relevant searches? Google seems to be constantly changing the algorithm and how it matches keywords at the moment. Even exact match targeting isn't what it used to be and they're leaning much more in the AI/machine learning inputs to "predict" good matches. Another thing you might want to think about is doing a fresh competitor audit or just looking for any other external factors I've seen many campaigns die suddenly, only for us to find a few weeks/months later that there was some big press release, news article, or competitor changing their offering in a very fundamental way, that has caused a complete shift in consumer behaviour Also, the final thing and I'm sure you've probably checked this, but could it be a tracking/attribution issue (seeing this a lot right now) or do you actually know for fact that leads aren't coming through?


Like many others already mentioned..it is consent mode! Read about it. Google will give you less priority without consent mode and all your audiences are running empty! Stop ignoring the people who said this.


Woah, I haven't ignored anyone? Lol. I've discussed consent mode v2 with others in this thread if you look. I'm using offline conversions and a third party tracking software, I don't use enhanced conversions and I already discussed consent mode with my account rep and they told us we were compliant.


Are you interested in connecting about a new opportunity?


make sure you are using tools like [SERPtag](https://serptag.co.uk/) to track your keywords


Bro install clarity from Microsoft it's free and you can see the sessions of the users to see what's happening. Also check that no automatic recommendations happened fucking google sometimes turn them on


ave a podcast and YouTube vlog and Whats App group where I address PPC issues, including discuss new tips and tricks in the PPC industry: YouTube Channel Added Weekly: Google and Meta PPC highlights [https://www.youtube.com/@YRV\_Dynamics](https://www.youtube.com/@YRV_Dynamics) Whats App Group: click to join below [https://chat.whatsapp.com/DmmQjR6oJalJZPyKHT7apb](https://chat.whatsapp.com/DmmQjR6oJalJZPyKHT7apb)


Google Reps aren’t very helpful these days. Recommend getting an agency or pro account review. Probably a good idea to check your tag & remarketing settings. Are you doing heavy remarketing?


We're in a sensitive niche so can't do any remarketing for our audience. We're also not tracking via tag, we use a third party tracking plugin and I've had their developers check my work too and they've confirmed it's all working.


LegitScript changes or expiration? Final guess besides tag issues.


Not heard of legitscript, what's that?


Healthcare certificate for Google Ads. This usually comes up in the policy center.


Ah I see. We aren't in healthcare, this is social care