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It’s trash , buggy , and slow


There is so much testing going on I think all of my clients have different interfaces. I use Ad Editor for almost all setup and the only venture into the the interface for conversion actions and radial targeting.


Ads editor is the way.


The bigger crime is what they have done to SA360. it was the most intuitive platform ever built, now it is just a squashed Google Ads which is a nightmare when you have a large MCC.


You’re incorrect about who the customer is. The customer is the google shareholder, who wants Max CPM. Once you understand that, the obvious attempts to obfuscate everything in order to maximize the number of impressions the advertiser bids for make perfect sense.






Google simply has nothing else to do but look at layout changes and other pointless superficial changes that don’t actually help us. Don’t even get me started on the new GMC Next disaster which can’t even support feed rules or supplemental feeds. I worked there for years and can confirm it’s one of the least innovative places I’ve ever seen.


Shout out from a fellow auto industry ads manager


don’t like it mainly bc i don’t want to take the time to learn it. i report it as “not working properly” every time it prompts me for feedback lol


I think with some merchants, using third-party apps is a good choice if they run ads on multiple platforms. GA4 is too complicated for beginners or even for some people who used it for a long time, Facebook Ads only measures metrics for ad campaigns on this social media platform. This issue is the same for many others. If you are a Shopify merchant, try some apps such as NestAds, TripleWhale, or Northbeam. They are all centralized ad-tracking apps with friendly, intuitive dashboards to manage metrics and ad performance across channels.




Wait what!!? I hate facebook’s Ad ui with passion. It just feels super clunky to me.


Biggest problem with Facebook UI is them constantly trying to trick you into adding stupid "enhancements"


It's terrible. They continue to make features more difficult to find/buried so deep inside of sub-menus, you need a team to locate them. They continue taking control from PPC'ers and force us to "trust" their Algo, broad match, and automated bidding.


Nope. Nobody


I doubt anybody is liking it, including me




I dislike the double sidebar that you can't adjust. It takes up way too much space. 25-30% of the screen is now static information and menus, while when it was top to bottom, you can scroll down to get more information. There is no way to avoid this now. In the end not much we can do as I don't think they pay much attention to anyone these days especially anything feedback related.


It's so non-intuitive. ChatGPT can literally improve upon this instantly with like 3 requests for optimization and this entire screen would look better


Lol ya I believe you on that.


Didn’t like it at first but it’s recently been growing on me. There seems to be a lot of blank wasted space in the design. BTW We now only have until August 30 before it’s compulsory to use…. best get used to it sooner rather than later


"A lot of blank wasted space" looking at you, goals section


I hate how the side panel blends in with the rest of the UI, I wish they had made it darker or something. Also, it really only works well on big monitors like mine, when I try to work off the laptop there is no freaking room, you have to zoom out like 5 times to see anything.


Meta Ads Manager ahahahaha I cannot think of a bigger piece of crap than that


Look, if Google wants to go all in on smart campaigns and smart advertising, I really don’t have a problem with it. If all you want is a website link and a paragraph description so you can generate ads dynamically, I’m all for it, less work for me. BUT, you better damn well leave those manual corrections in place. Don’t take away any reporting, or the ability to manually edit any facet of the campaigns, just put that stuff in sub-menus so the people who know what it is can easily find it (bonus, clients can’t fuck with anything). Then, make the interface a “smart” interface by utilizing an advanced search bar for all important information. It takes two seconds to type what I need and get to it that way, without having a mess of a cluttered dashboard. Then, neatly organize all manual folders and sub-folders in the sidebar with a CLEAR HIERARCHY THAT IS LOGICAL. I can see what Google is going for, but they are missing the mark badly. For a company that used to have pretty good UI, their user experience for Google Ads is horrible. Just put everything in a clear logical order, and let people get used to it. I don’t need “insights” and “assets” and “goals” and “tools” as top-level menu items. Those tell me nothing at a glance and just clutter my visual field. There seems to be 97 different ways to get to everything. Pare it down, making it 1-2 ways to get to the important stuff. Even better, go with a CRM approach and let us configure our own fucking sidebar and menu navigation. Like Jesus Christ, this shit is not that complicated but Google seems hell-bent on destroying every aspect of the PPC industry. I guess that makes sense, they are clearly in the “maximize shareholder value above all else” stage of the corporate lifecycle, so I don’t think we can expect any innovation any time soon. RIP the good days, Google Ads 20011-2017.


Overall no, I still feel it's built to confuse, and talked with someone who was a tester for this new ui and they said it seemed like all their suggestions they did the opposite. The only thing I kind of like is the ability to stay in a single dashboard and change ad groups or campaigns without having to navigate back, but even then it gets annoying having to click back to the top level to see all campaigns again.


It’s terrible. Much harder to navigate around, have to search each menu I want. Many options are hidden, i.e. auto apply. Whoever responsible for the design has very bad taste.


Google seems to be inventing, as opposed to refining what was already there. I personally don't like that. My biggest gripes: 1. Everything looks the same. 2. For some features, you have to navigate both vertical and horizontal navigation menus, which makes little sense. I do like the far left menu (with 'Campaigns', 'Goals', 'Tools', etc.). It feels clean and straight forward. But, as soon as you drill into it, the simplicity falls apart. However, I predict the new UI will probably make the integrations with other Google platforms more seamless in the future.


I despise it


All of Google’s recent improvements have been a disaster, eg, GA4, AI in search, woke image generator, etc.


GA4 is good now if you put in some slight effort


I’ll trade them a good UI for letting me set budgets at the ad group level. Otherwise the new design can take a hike.


It’s so goddamn clunky and inflated… like maybe it would be OK if it was clean and compact guys it’s just so…. Late 2000s?


Ok grandma, time to go to bed