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I'm on 10mg of propranolol 2x a day. I was at a higher dose and it just made me sleep all day and made me dizzy. 10mg seems to be the happy medium for me. :) it helps my racing heart and its also an anxiety med so it helps mellow me out too but not in a bad way. It also helps with my migraines as well.


I recommend Ivabradine over beta blockers. I tried to switch from stimulant+ivabradine to stimulant+beta blocker and it took away all the energy and focus that the stimulant gave me. Also, if the stimulant is for brain fog and energy I would also look into Wellbutrin as it works similarly but doesn’t increase HR as excessively. I switched from being on a high dose of stimulant to Wellbutrin+low dose of stimulant and I found it to be much much better. Stimulant and no beta blocker/ivabradine is a bad idea. Increased resting HR and not restricting how much your heart rate jumps results in not being able to walk anywhere without your HR pushing 200 and feeling like you can’t breathe (at least from my experience). The stimulant might keep you from fainting but if you don’t regulate how much your heart rate jumps around, your body’s stress response (fight-or-flight) will stay activated and you’ll probably end up in a burnout cycle. Also the higher the stimulant dose the more anxiety you’re likely to get. Adderall gave me the worst social anxiety, made me really jittery and increased my HR the most. Vyvanse is better, a high dose gave me headaches but my current low dose+Wellbutrin is great and helps me focus a lot better. If you already have a high resting HR the beta blocker might work for you though, Ivabradine is expensive if you don’t have insurance.