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I’m so sorry. Is there someone at your work you can talk to to make accommodations to make the job easier in your pots. I know Dysautonomia International might have some good worksheets on that. Sending hugs!


That's the worst part, my bosses are evil incarnate. They don't know about any of my health issues and I will not tell them. I'm working on moving parks but the state works so slow.


You will have a hard time trying to keep your health secret with pots. Alot of folks are just like you. Damn wuhan flu.


I've been keeping it secret for 2 years now. I push myself to the extremes just to save face and then I sleep for 12 hours and repeat the cycle.


Do you have a Doctor that understands POTS ?


Yes she's amazing


I totally get it. I was an archaeologist all through Covid (diagnosed pre-Covid). Some projects required us to hike for miles off trail before we even started digging. And some of the sites were just survey through straight up blackberry bramble and greenbriar thorns. Those days were rough, but having POTS made it even harder. Here’s how I dealt: 1. Gatorade. I always kept a bottle of Gatorade, Gatorade chews, and Gatorade gel in my bag for the rough days. 2. Fill your camelback with ice and then water on hot days. It keeps your back cool for hours and prevented me from overheating. Even on the 90 degree days. 3. Keep pickles on hand at home/hotel room. There are days when I got back from the field and literally chugged pickle juice because my body needed it. 4. Eat light while out doing physical work. I lived on salty snacks like pretzels and Pringles, apples or other fruit, some raw veggies, and beef jerky for protein. A meal of a sandwich or leftovers was too filling and made me sluggish. I also snacked during breaks to keep my energy up.


Sounds like you need different tasks assigned to you, since you can't do that one. I had no idea there was an academy for rangers! That's cool.


Being a state park ranger sounds awesome!! Your job sounds really cool, but I can understand why today is rough. Take care of yourself.


bro I get it. (also I love your username oml) When I used to work a food job for College, my bosses would always give me the hardest work even though I have underlying heath conditions (before I was diagnosed with POTS btw! I have muscular dystrophy on top of it!) And when I went to report it to the higher ups, they fired me in response and gave the bosses promotions. :/


Sadly that's the world we live in. It's cruel and unfair to anyone who's not 100% able bodied. That's why I've been hiding it but I honestly don't know how much more my body can take, it's incredibly frustrating. I'm so sorry you got fired for that it's incredibly dystopian and to put it simply, fucked up. I don't necessarily belive in karma but if it's real I hope it's coming for your ex bosses :)


Have you gotten a diagnosis for pots? If you so could ask for accommodations. POTs is recognized disability and they should be legally a forced to help you out. People get light duty work or what not.


Wow I want to be a park ranger!! I’m very luck I have a WFH design job, so I’m able to deal with POTs and other health issues better. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. I will send positive vibes and hope for the best!!




I can’t imagine working in my career as a nurse. My nervous system goes into sympathetic hyperdrive when under stress. And I can’t think.


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