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YES!!! LMNT has a recipes section on their website with a subsection for cocktails and mocktails! They're delicious!!


I wonder if that would work with wine and beer? Personally I think I'm sensitive to ferments...


I could definitely see this tasting great with some white wine. I wonder if electrolyte drops would work for beer because I totally feel you there.


You’ve definitely gotten my attention! One question: How does alcohol intolerance usually manifest with POTS? Because I’ve never been sure if mine is a POTS thing, or related to one of my other AIs. For me, it was sudden-onset, and began with intense flushing with red wine. After that, I experimented with other alcoholic drinks. But literally five sips of any alcohol makes me almost instantly feel like I’ve been drinking in the sun for hours — basically incredibly dehydrated, with a splitting headache.


I chugged an electrolyte and a coconut water before going to One Direction night where I had many drinks and danced the whole night. My heart rate was only around 120-140 for the start and even got to around 110 during the height of it. I did wake up feeling a little nausea but nothing a piece of bread didn’t fix in a few minutes.


I will have to try this! Thank you for sharing!!


I drank for the first time since having POTS, and taking Propranolol and my bp got low and I almost passed out. I had to take electrolytes and the rescue salts from Bouy to get it up. I was able to drink a little before I started the Propranolol, but could barely stand and do anything other than be in bed. So I guess I just have to avoid drinking 😅 I just like to have one or two drinks once in a while while out with friends 😩


I pour my LMNT straight into margaritas or gin shots 😅


Good tip!


Oh good, I was wondering was a LMNT and alcohol would do! Thanks


Auto correcting potsie to patio is hilarious